CC SR 20240702 H - Ratify Payment Ferrari Backflow CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: 07/02/2024 AGENDA REPORT AGENDA HEADING: Consent Calendar AGENDA TITLE: Consideration and possible action to ratify payment to Ferrari Backflow, Inc. for a backflow prevention device at the Ladera Linda Community Park. RECOMMENDED COUNCIL ACTION: (1) Ratify payment for relocating a backflow prevention device on the main service water line for the Ladera Linda Community Park to Ferrari Backflow, Inc. in the amount of $27,995. FISCAL IMPACT: The recommended City Council Action will result in ratification of an expenditure in the amount of $27,995, which includes $5,000 from the unspent overall budget allocated for the Ladera Linda Community Park project. No additional appropriation is needed. VR Amount Budgeted: $28,000 Additional Appropriation: N/A Account Number(s): 333-400-8405-8403 $5,000 (ARPA-Ladera Linda-Park Improvements) 330-400-8405-8403 $22,995 (CIP Fund-Ladera Linda-Park Improvements) VR ORIGINATED BY: David Copp, Deputy Director of Public Works REVIEWED BY: Ramzi Awwad, Director of Public Works APPROVED BY: Ara Mihranian, AICP, City Manager ATTACHED SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: A. Revised Invoice from Ferrari Backflow, Inc. (see Page A-1) B. Original Invoice from Ferrari Backflow, Inc. (see Page B-1) BACKGROUND AND DISCUSSION: The design for the Ladera Linda Community Park Project (Project) called for re-using the existing main water service connection line and associated backflow prevention device (backflow preventer) as it was in good condition and of sufficient capacity for re-use. The purpose of the backflow preventer is to prevent water from reversing direction from a 1 customer’s water service line into the utility company’s water main water line, effectively protecting the integrity of the main water line’s operating pressure and water quality. During construction inspection being performed by California Water Service (Cal Water), which provides potable water service to the Ladera Linda Community Park (Park), Cal Water notified the City that the existing backflow preventer could not be reused and had to be relocated closer to the street to provide direct access for their routine inspection and testing. In response to Cal Water’s directed requirements, the City engaged the services of Ferrari Backflow, Inc. (Ferrari) and issued a purchase order in the amount of $22,995 (Attachment B) to: (1) remove the existing backflow preventer, (2) install copper pipe in the section where the existing backflow preventer is removed, and (3) install a new backflow preventer and associated foundation pad, enclosure, and connecting copper pipe between the park’s existing water service meter and the new backflow preventer. During the excavation work to install the new backflow preventer and associated connecting pipe and foundation, the existing sections of pipe to be connected to the backflow preventer were discovered to be made of PVC and cement. The sections of PVC pipe could not be re-used to properly connect with the new backflow preventer’s copper piping and was not anticipated as part of Ferrari’s original scope of work. As a result, extra work to remove and replace the existing PVC pipe with additional (new) copper pipe was required so that suitable connections could be made to the existing sections of reusable cement pipe. Transition fittings were also required to complete the copper-to-cement pipe connections and were not part of Ferrari’s original scope of work. Additionally, the existing irrigation line and associated backflow prevention device were discovered to be in poor condition and required replacement, including the installation of a new foundation pad and enclosure. To serve their intended functions, both backflow preventers were installed in-line with the main water service line and as a result required a temporary shut-down of water service to the park to complete the work safely. As such, time was of the essence to complete all scopes of work and minimize water service interruptions to the park. Alternative solutions to addressing the above-described unforeseen conditions, including suspension of the work and reverting the water service infrastructure to pre-job conditions would have imparted significant additional costs associated with repeating portions of the work in the future, providing a temporary source of water to the park, and potential fees for non- compliance with Cal Water’s requirements for providing water service to customers. In summary, Ferrari had to perform additional work above and beyond the scope of their original invoice to complete installation of the main water service backflow preventer and restore water service to the park in a timely manner. The additional cost required to perform the additional unforeseen work was $5,000, for a total installation cost of $27,995 , as reflected in the revised invoice (Attachment A). Staff reviewed the invoice for Ferrari’s extra work and found it to be fair, reasonable and reflective of the hours required to perform the work. The revised purchase order amount exceeds the $25,000 maximum contract authority of 2 the City Manager, as originally authorized. Therefore, City Council’s ratification of the total payment to Ferrari is required. CONCLUSION: The scope of work originally contracted with Ferrari to install a new backflow preventer and associated work was increased due to unforeseen conditions, resulting in a total cost of $27,995, which exceeds the City Manager’s contracting authority. Staff did not stop work and seek City Council authorization before proceeding because this would have resulted in significant additional costs and disruptions. Therefore, Staff recommends that the City Council ratify a payment to Ferrari for the services required to relocate the backflow preventer in accordance with Cal Water requirements. ALTERNATIVES: In addition to the Staff recommendation, the following alternative actions are available for the City Council’s consideration: 1. Do not approve the payment to Ferrari Backflow, Inc. for services to relocate a backflow prevention device on the water line to the new Park, which may result in Ferrari Backflow, Inc. pursuing legal action because the services were provided in good faith to meet the requirements of Cal Water and restore water service to the Park expeditiously. 2. Take other action, as deemed appropriate by the City Council. 3 FERRARI BAFERRARI BACKFLCKFLOWOW Ferrari Backflow Inc. 22122 Mariposa Ave Torrance, CA 90502 (310) 922-8254 www.ferraribackflowinc.com ferraribackflow@gmail.com INVINVOICEOICE INV0581 DDAATETE 05/02/2024 DUE DDUE DAATETE 06/01/2024 BALBALANCE DUEANCE DUE USD $27,955.00 BILL TBILL TOO City of Rancho PCity of Rancho Palos Valos Vererdesdes 30940 Hawthorne Blvd Rancho Palos Verdes , CA 90275-5391 (310) 544-5221 (310) 935-8605 jhernandez@rpvca.gov DESCRIPTIONDESCRIPTION RARATETE QQTYTY AMOUNTAMOUNT (PO# 202(PO# 20240294-)(Lader40294-)(Ladera Linda Pa Linda Park) Install Neark) Install New 2" Backflow 2" Backfloww AAssembly- (2" Wilkins 37ssembly- (2" Wilkins 375XL)5XL) - Remove existing 2" backflow assembly in wrong location and install straight pipe between the 90/elbow connections. - Install New 2" Wilkins 375XL-RP backflow assembly at location approved by Cal-Water. - Pour new concrete pad with 2" Backflow Enclosure to match existing enclosure on-site at Ladera Linda Park. $8,095.00 1 $8,095.00 (Lader(Ladera Linda Pa Linda Park) Tark) Trrench/Rench/Relocatelocate/Slurre/Slurry Backfill- 2" Coppery Backfill- 2" Copper SerServvice Line frice Line from Existing Metom Existing Meter Boer Box tx to Fo Fence Lineence Line - Trench to relocate existing 2" copper service line - Tie-into existing 2" copper service line at meter connection and install new 2" copper from back of meter to new concrete pad for backflow assembly. - Install new 2" copper service line from back of meter to new backflow assembly. $12,900.00 1 $12,900.00 A-1 - 2-Sack Slurry Seal excavated area & trench for compaction. - Paint all exposed piping @ backflow assembly. (Excluding: backflow assembly valves, body, and name plate) (A(Additional Matdditional Materials) Install Aerials) Install Additional 3" Fittings & Copperdditional 3" Fittings & Copper Pipe fPipe for Cement Pipe tor Cement Pipe to Copper To Copper Trransitionansition - Additional materials required to complete 2" Backflow Installation & Tie-In. $1,900.00 1 $1,900.00 (Lader(Ladera Linda Pa Linda Park) Install Neark) Install New 1" RP Backflow 1" RP Backflow Aw Assembly fssembly foror IrrigationIrrigation - Excavate to expose 1" irrigation line - Cut out section of pipe & existing PVB backflow assembly. - Install new 1" RP Backflow Assembly (Wilkins 375XL) with copper pipe connected to inlet/outlet. - All exposed piping to be rigid copper pipe -Test backflow assembly after installation is complete. $2,795.00 1 $2,795.00 (Lader(Ladera Linda P a Linda Park) Install Neark) Install New 1" Backflow 1" Backflow Enclosurw Enclosure We W// ConcrConcretete Anchoring P e Anchoring Padad - Install 1" backflow enclosure for irrigation RP backflow assembly W Locks $2,265.00 1 $2,265.00 PPaayment Infyment Infoo Scan this code to pay online SUBTSUBTOOTTALAL $27,955.00 TTAX (AX (9.59.5%)%)$0.00 TTOOTTALAL $27,955.00 BALBALANCE DUEANCE DUE USDUSD $27$27,955,955..0000 A-2 PPAAYPYPALAL ferraribackflow@gmail.com BY CHECKBY CHECK Ferrari Backflow Inc. C36 LIC# 1077343 LA County Certified Backflow Tester #1056 Orange County Health Backflow Tester #3366 *Not Responsible for plumbing before/after the backflow assembly, unless otherwise specified* Thank you for your business! A-3 A-4 A-5 A-6 A-7 FERRARI BAFERRARI BACKFLCKFLOWOW 22122 Mariposa Ave Torrance, CA 90502 (310) 922-8254 www.ferraribackflowinc.com ferraribackflow@gmail.com ESTIMAESTIMATETE EST0250 DDAATETE 01/22/2024 TTOOTTALAL USD $22,995.00 TTOO City of Rancho PCity of Rancho Palos Valos Vererdesdes 30940 Hawthorne Blvd Rancho Palos Verdes , CA 90275-5391 (310) 544-5221 (310) 935-8605 jhernandez@rpvca.gov DESCRIPTIONDESCRIPTION RARATETE QQTYTY AMOUNTAMOUNT RRemoemovve & Install Nee & Install New 2" Backflow 2" Backflow Aw Assembly- (2" Wilkinsssembly- (2" Wilkins 37375XL)5XL) - Remove existing 2" backflow assembly in wrong location and install straight pipe between the 90/elbow connections. - Install New 2" Wilkins 375XL-RP backflow assembly at location approved by Cal-Water. - Pour new concrete pad with 2" Backflow Enclosure to match existing enclosure on-site at Ladera Linda Park. $10,095.00 1 $10,095.00 (Lader(Ladera Linda Pa Linda Park) Tark) Trrench/Rench/Relocatelocate/Slurre/Slurry Backfill- 2" Coppery Backfill- 2" Copper SerServvice Line frice Line from Existing Metom Existing Meter Boer Box tx to Fo Fence Lineence Line - Trench to relocate existing 2" copper service line - Tie-into existing 2" copper service line at meter connection and install new 2" copper from back of meter to new concrete pad for backflow assembly. - Install new 2" copper service line from back of meter to new backflow assembly. - 2-Sack Slurry Seal excavated area & trench for compaction. $12,900.00 1 $12,900.00 B-1 - Paint all exposed piping @ backflow assembly. (Excluding: backflow assembly valves, body, and name plate) SUBTSUBTOOTTALAL $22,995.00 TTAX (AX (9.59.5%)%)$0.00 TTOOTTALAL USD $22,995.00 C-36 LIC# 1077343 3-Day Cancellation Notice: * Customer has the right to a 3-day cancellation/grace period to cancel the project once signed or approved, unless the customer chooses to waive the cancellation notice or if it is deemed an Emergency Repair * *Not Responsible for plumbing before/after the backflow assembly, unless otherwise specified* *All repairs are made with OEM parts/kits, however, there may be other imperfections within the body of the backflow body that prevents the backflow from receiving a PASS on the field testing. In this type of event, a replacement backflow assembly will be suggested* B-2 B-3 B-4