AMG and Associates Inc (Change Order 081)City of Rancho Palos Verdes Department of Public Works 30940 Hawthorne Blvd, Rancho Palos Verdes, CA 90275 (310)544-5252 CHANGE ORDER MEMORANDUM TO: RAMZI AWWAD, DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS FROM: ALAN BRAATVEDT, SUNBEAM CONSULTING DATE: FEBRUARY 1, 2024 SUBJECT: LADERA LINDA COMMUNITY PARK CONSTRUCTION CHANGE ORDER NUMBER: 81 Description of Construction Change Order Remove the originally specified electronic lock at the IT room’s main distribution frame cable rack’s sliding mesh door and replace it with a mechanical locking system, to allow the ability to unlock the sliding door and provide egress during a power outage. Justification The contract documents originally specified electronic locks for the IT room’s main distribution frame cable rack’s sliding mesh door. However, upon the IT security subcontractor’s site visit, they recommended the change described above, indicating that electronic locking mechanisms are not intended for sliding doors, as they would not allow immediate access during a power outage or related emergency scenario. As a result of this change, additional work (labor, equipment, materials) was required that was not a part of the contract documents and the contractor’s associated bid. Therefore, a change order needs to be issued to account for the change to the contract documents and the associated additional cost to perform the work. Cost Analysis The lock subcontractor submitted a cost of $323.53 for a mechanical lock kit, $1,019.61 for installation, $25.00 freight and $30.74 sales tax for a total subcontractor cost of $1,398.87. With the $1,398.87 for the lock kit quote, AMG added 7% Overhead, 1.5% Insurance, and 1% Bond markups for a total of $1,532.95. SunBeam has estimated the cost of this proposed work and determined that the proposed costs from AMG are 12% lower than the SunBeam’s estimated cost. SunBeam recommends that the City authorize the costs proposed by AMG. DocuSign Envelope ID: B2D17E15-FC1B-4CEB-B638-723A38B1EBA7 City of Rancho Palos Verdes Department of Public Works 30940 Hawthorne Blvd, Rancho Palos Verdes, CA 90275 (310)544-5252 Schedule Analysis As this work is being authorized long after the authorized completion date for the overall project, a schedule analysis has not been performed by SunBeam for this scope of work. An analysis of the schedule impact of this work will be addressed for this work as part of a meet and confer process for overall completion of the project. This approach is consistent with the changes to the standard change order provisions as approved by the City Attorney. Attachments: Construction Contract Change Order Form Construction Contract Change Order Summary Sheet Contractor’s Change Order Proposal Independent Cost Analysis DocuSign Envelope ID: B2D17E15-FC1B-4CEB-B638-723A38B1EBA7 TBD Remove the originally specified electronic lock at the IT room’s main distribution frame cable rack’s sliding mesh door and replace it with a mechanical locking system, to allow the ability to unlock the sliding door and provide egress during a power outage. DocuSign Envelope ID: B2D17E15-FC1B-4CEB-B638-723A38B1EBA7 DocuSign Envelope ID: B2D17E15-FC1B-4CEB-B638-723A38B1EBA7 3/27/2024 3/27/2024 3/27/2024 8405 44 0 0 11 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 CONSTRUCTION CHANGE ORDER SUMMARY SHEET PROJECT NAME:Ladera Linda Community Park DATE:02/12/24 PROJECT CODE: PURCHASE ORDER NUMBER:20220215 ACCOUNT NUMBER:330-400-8405-8403 ORIGINAL CONTRACT AMOUNT:$13,721,000.00 ORIGINAL CONTINGENCY AMOUNT: PREPARED BY:JAMES O'NEILL CONTRACTOR NAME:AMG & Associates, Inc. CONTRACT NUMBER:FY2022-050 $1,029,075.00 TOTAL CHANGE ORDERS COST:$963,167.01 REVISED CONTINGENCY AMOUNT:$1,208,194.98 NEW CONTRACT AMOUNT:$14,684,167.01 REMAINING CONTINGENCY AMOUNT:$245,027.97 CHANGE ORDER NUMBER COST AMOUNT SCHEDULE EXTENSION DATE CO#1 $54,534.52 Working Days 05/27/22 ORIGINAL COMPLETION DATE:07/27/23 TOTAL SCHEDULE CHANGE ORDERS:Working Days NEW CONTRACT COMPLETION DATE:08/24/23 CO#4 $8,558.42 Working Days 09/01/22 CO#5 -$5,378.25 Working Days 09/01/22 CO#2 $12,628.58 Working Days 08/09/22 CO#3 $53,526.25 Working Days 08/31/22 CO#8 $6,437.02 Working Days 09/27/22 CO#9 $1,818.52 Working Days 11/09/22 CO#6 $824.34 Working Days 09/01/22 CO#7 $10,202.36 Working Days 09/27/22 CO#11 $33,868.27 Working Days 12/01/22 CO#12 $9,052.32 Working Days 12/01/22 CO#10 $42,918.80 Working Days 11/09/22 CO#15 -$3,117.01 Working Days 01/17/23 CO#16 $59,788.90 Working Days 02/02/23 CO#13 $0.00 Working Days 12/30/22 CO#14 -$20,112.42 Working Days 12/30/22 CO#19 $17,562.82 Working Days 02/09/23 CO#20 $3,679.17 Working Days 02/16/23 CO#17 $12,582.87 Working Days 02/03/23 CO#18 $16,546.62 Working Days 02/09/23 CO#23 $4,094.67 Working Days 02/23/23 CO#24 $19,573.51 Working Days 03/07/23 CO#21 $10,075.07 Working Days 02/21/23 CO#22 $3,178.42 Working Days 02/22/23 DocuSign Envelope ID: B2D17E15-FC1B-4CEB-B638-723A38B1EBA7 3/27/2024 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 24 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 CHANGE ORDER NUMBER COST AMOUNT SCHEDULE EXTENSION DATE CO#27 $136,226.21 Working Days 05/03/23 CO#28 $10,819.96 Working Days 05/05/23 CO#25 $8,909.82 Working Days 04/06/23 CO#26 $21,061.12 Working Days 04/25/23 CO#31 $2,104.03 Working Days 05/18/23 CO#32 $2,291.43 Working Days 05/19/23 CO#29 $1,055.31 Working Days 05/09/23 CO#30 $3,682.06 Working Days 05/18/23 CO #35 $3,765.15 Working Days 06/08/23 CO #36 $697.56 Working Days 06/16/23 CO #33 $10,095.54 Working Days 05/31/23 CO #34 $179,119.98 Working Days 06/08/23 CO #39 $24,530.09 Working Days 07/25/23 CO #40 $11,002.33 Working Days 07/26/23 CO # 37 $3,561.51 Working Days 06/16/23 CO #38 $23,527.90 Working Days 07/12/23 CO #43 $1,647.09 Working Days 08/24/23 CO #44 $23,867.61 Working Days 08/29/23 CO #41 $630.12 Working Days 07/26/23 CO #42 $6,466.62 Working Days 08/03/23 CO #47 $0.00 Working Days 10/10/23 CO #48 $0.00 Working Days 10/10/23 CO #45 $35,792.08 Working Days 10/10/23 CO #46 -$6,270.83 Working Days 10/10/23 CO #51 -$44,040.60 Working Days 10/10/23 CO #52 $6,575.10 Working Days 10/12/23 CO #49 -$3,253.37 Working Days 10/10/23 CO #50 $246.57 Working Days 10/10/23 CO #55 -$19,277.91 Working Days 12/14/23 CO #56 -$35,244.14 Working Days 12/21/23 CO #53 -$2,446.03 Working Days 12/05/23 CO #54 $1,807.98 Working Days 12/05/23 CO #59 $8,890.83 Working Days 01/02/24 CO #60 $9,524.04 Working Days 01/10/24 CO #57 $8,575.63 Working Days 12/28/23 CO #58 $982.98 Working Days 12/28/23 CO #63 $690.91 Working Days 02/12/24 CO #64 $2,200.00 Working Days 02/12/24 CO #61 $5,590.13 Working Days 01/11/24 CO #62 $2,674.08 Working Days 02/12/24 CO #67 $36,343.87 Working Days 02/12/24 CO #68 $3,203.68 Working Days 02/12/24 CO #65 $251.55 Working Days 02/12/24 CO #66 $47,423.41 Working Days 02/12/24 CO #71 $9,892.05 Working Days 02/12/24 CO #72 $10,556.39 Working Days 02/12/24 CO #69 $4,599.28 Working Days 02/12/24 CO #70 $5,364.69 Working Days 02/12/24 CO #75 $11,058.04 Working Days 02/12/24 CO #76 $5,111.88 Working Days 02/12/24 CO #73 $1,376.77 Working Days 02/12/24 CO #74 $4,408.47 Working Days 02/12/24 CO #79 $4,979.68 Working Days 02/12/24 CO #77 $7,240.93 Working Days 02/12/24 CO #78 $7,616.16 Working Days 02/12/24 DocuSign Envelope ID: B2D17E15-FC1B-4CEB-B638-723A38B1EBA7 0 0 CHANGE ORDER NUMBER COST AMOUNT SCHEDULE EXTENSION DATE CO #80 $1,284.55 Working Days 02/12/24 CO #81 $1,532.95 Working Days 02/12/24 DocuSign Envelope ID: B2D17E15-FC1B-4CEB-B638-723A38B1EBA7 AMG & Associates Inc. 26535 Summit Circle Santa Clarita, California 91350 Phone: (661) 251-7401 Project: 01-22-157 - Ladera Linda Community Center and Park 32201 Forrestal Dr. Rancho Palos Verdes, California 90275 Prime Contract Potential Change Order #104: CE #195 - RFI 272 - Door 135 Mesh Partition Lock TO: City of Rancho Palos Verdes 30940 Hawthorne Blvd. Rancho Palos Verdes, California 90275 FROM: AMG & Associates, Inc. 26535 Summit Circle Santa Clarita, California 91350 PCO NUMBER/REVISION: 104 / 0  CONTRACT:City Project No. 8405 - Ladera Linda Community Park Project   REQUEST RECEIVED FROM: Christopher Tumasone (AMG & Associates, Inc.) CREATED BY: Christopher Tumasone (AMG & Associates, Inc.) STATUS: Pending - In Review CREATED DATE: 1/16/2024 REFERENCE: PRIME CONTRACT CHANGE ORDER:  None   FIELD CHANGE: No   LOCATION: ACCOUNTING METHOD: Amount Based   SCHEDULE IMPACT: 1 day PAID IN FULL: No   EXECUTED:No SIGNED CHANGE ORDER RECEIVED DATE:   TOTAL AMOUNT: $1,532.95 POTENTIAL CHANGE ORDER TITLE: CE #195 - RFI 272 - Door 135 Mesh Partition Lock CHANGE REASON: Design - RFI 272 POTENTIAL CHANGE ORDER DESCRIPTION: (The Contract Is Changed As Follows) CE #195 - RFI 272 - Door 135 Mesh Partition Lock This change event covers the cost to go from an electronic lock to mechanical lock. Per RFI 272, the security consultant did not intend to provide an electronic lock at the MDF.  ATTACHMENTS: RFI 272.pdf , 24007 Ladera Linda Lock.pdf #Budget Code Description Amount 1 10-000.S General.Commitment slide door lock kit $1,398.87 Subtotal:$1,398.87 Overhead (7.00% Applies to all line item types.):$97.92 Insurance (1.50% Applies to all line item types.):$20.98 Bonding  (1.00% Applies to all line item types.):$15.18 Grand Total:$1,532.95    City of Rancho Palos Verdes  AMG & Associates, Inc.  30940 Hawthorne Blvd. 26535 Summit Circle    Rancho Palos Verdes, California 90275  Santa Clarita, California 91350             ProcoreArchitectSignHere ProcoreArchitectSignedDate  ProcoreOwnerSignHere ProcoreOwnerSignedDate  ProcoreGeneralContractorSignHere ProcoreGeneralContractorSignedDate SIGNATURE DATE  SIGNATURE DATE  SIGNATURE DATE AMG & Associates Inc.Page 1 of 1 Printed On: 1/16/2024  06:25 PM PCO #104 DocuSign Envelope ID: B2D17E15-FC1B-4CEB-B638-723A38B1EBA7 SALES QUOTATION Project #24007 Date:1/16/2024 Ladera Linda Lock Bill To:End User: AMG & Associates 26535 Summit Circle Santa Clarita CA 91350 Palos Verdes CA 92807 Kyle Shirley 661-251-7401 kshirley@amgassociatesinc.com Item #Qty Price Ea Unit Price 1 1 323.53$ EA $ 323.53 2 1 1,019.61$ LOT $ 1,019.61 Lead time: 5 - 10 days ARO *Quoted per our material specs Subtotal 1,343.14$ Finishes:Based on manufacturer's standard selection Freight 25.00$ 4% processing fee added to order paid by credit card 9.50% Sales Tax 30.74$ Permits not included ORDER TOTAL 1,398.87$ Quote valid for 30 days. Phone Phone Email Email Installation (1) Slide Door Lock Kit Product Description Payment due in full at time of order Olpin Group, Inc. 3520 E Enterprise Dr | Anaheim, CA | 92807 Company Company Mark Preston | 661-283-0095 | Mark@OlpinGroup.com Contact Contact Address Address Address Address City City DocuSign Envelope ID: B2D17E15-FC1B-4CEB-B638-723A38B1EBA7 Client Approval (signature): X Date: Quote #:24007 Date:1/16/2024 TERMS & CONDITIONS FOR PRODUCTS, SYSTEMS & INSTALLATIONS 1. GENERAL: These terms & conditions shall apply to sales from OLPIN GROUP, INC. to BUYER and to any quotation by OLPIN GROUP, INC. for sales. 2. PAYMENT TERMS: Upon signing these Terms & Conditions, Buyer shall deposit with OLPIN GROUP, INC. 50% of the quote given by OLPIN GROUP INC. The balance of the quote, plus any additional charges due hereunder, shall be due upon substantial completion of installation of the systems and equipment pursuant to the Proposal (hereinafter “Equipment”). A monthly finance charge of 1½% per month shall accrue to the BUYER from the date of substantial completion on all outstanding balances until paid in full. If the BUYER issues a purchase order for goods and/or services, the BUYER shall state the deposit amount on BUYER’s purchase order. 3. PROGRESS BILLING: OLPIN GROUP, INC. will submit Progress Billings if any projects are delayed by BUYER or BUYER’s subcontractors, beyond target date, or projects running more than 30 days. 4. CHANGE ORDER: Change Orders will be issued for any additional work that was not in the original Scope of Work (as defined in the Proposal). 5. ENGINEERING DATA: The proposal, drawings and/or specifications of any quotation are confidential engineering data and are the exclusive property of OLPIN GROUP, INC. Such are submitted with the understanding that the information will not be disclosed without the prior written permission of OLPIN GROUP, INC., or used in any manner detrimental to OLPIN GROUP, INC. If OLPIN GROUP, INC.’s designs and engineering plans are given to competition without prior written permission, OLPIN GROUP, INC. will invoice for design and planning costs. All specifications and dimensions of proposal, drawings are approximate, and are subject to changes during detailed engineering. 6. PROJECT DIMENSIONS: If BUYER’s building is not complete and/or available for field dimension verification prior to ordering materials and the Equipment for the project, then BUYER understands that OLPIN GROUP, INC. will rely on the architectural plans provided by BUYER or BUYER’s agent as the basis of dimension for the design and ordering of the Equipment. Any discrepancies between the architectural plans and the final field dimensions which cause the Equipment to be modified or changed thereby incurring additional costs, will be at BUYER’s expense and reflected in a Change Order to the proposal. OLPIN GROUP, INC. will take final dimension measurements prior to delivery and installation of any Equipment. 7. STANDARD ANCHORING/INDEMNITY: Proposal pricing includes standard anchoring (anchoring to the wall or floor.) Details of anchoring will be shown on the final set of shop/installation drawings provided to BUYER. BUYER, by its signature hereto, expressly represents that it has been advised by OLPIN GROUP, INC. to engage the services of a Structural Engineer to determine if seismic anchoring is required. The cost of any such inspection and testing of the Equipment, including supplying any materials, as required by a structural engineer for the testing, shall be at Buyer’s expense. If the structural engineer determines additional anchoring, other than that provided in the drawings, is required, then OLPIN GROUP, INC., at BUYER’S request, will add the additional anchoring to the Scope of Work as a Change Order, with the cost of the additional anchoring requirements specified in the Change Order. Alternatively, BUYER may freely choose to not engage the services of a Structural Engineer and in such event BUYER agrees to indemnify and hold harmless OLPIN GROUP, INC. from and against any and all claims of loss, damage or liability which may arise as a result of anchoring. 8. DELIVERY: Shipping or delivery dates are approximate. OLPIN GROUP, INC. shall not be liable for delays in or failure of delivery due to changes requested by BUYER, or causes beyond its control. At the request of OLPIN GROUP, INC., BUYER shall make payment as though shipment has been made as specified and for any expenses incurred by OLPIN GROUP, INC. due to BUYER’S request in delaying shipment. 9. STORAGE: If Equipment is stored for more than 30 days at OLPIN GROUP, INC. due to delays in delivery caused by BUYER, or BUYER’S subcontractors, OLPIN GROUP INC. will charge BUYER at the rate of 1% of BUYER’s invoice per month pro-rated daily. 10. SPECIALS: Special items not considered as standard inventory by OLPIN GROUP, INC. and/or manufactured by OLPIN GROUP, INC. to BUYER’S specifications or job requirements, will become the sole property of the BUYER and will not be accepted for return. 11. INSURANCE: OLPIN GROUP, INC.’s employees who enter BUYER’S premises will have Workman’s Compensation coverage in statutory limits and OLPIN GROUP, INC.’s automobiles will be covered by Public Liability and Property Damage Insurance. 12. CANCELLATION: On all cancelled orders, BUYER shall compensate OLPIN GROUP, INC. for its performance, commitments and damage as follows: BUYER shall pay OLPIN GROUP, INC. a cancellation fee not to exceed the original purchase price. 13. CONSTRUCTION AREA: BUYER shall provide OLPIN GROUP, INC. with a free and clear construction site. All materials and/or construction shall be removed from the area. BUYER will furnish OLPIN GROUP, INC. with adequate electrical power to efficiently operate the power tools required for the installation. 14. UNLOADING, SPOTTING AND STORAGE: BUYER shall provide OLPIN GROUP, INC. with adequate unloading facilities, and sufficient access to those facilities to insure OLPIN GROUP, INC.’S efficient unloading procedure, including access to elevators. Adequate aisles shall be provided by the BUYER to provide efficient handling of the materials and Equipment from the unloading of storage area to the construction site. 15. COMMENCEMENT OF INSTALLATION AT JOB SITE: OLPIN GROUP, INC. will not be obligated to commence work at job site until receipt of written notice from BUYER that BUYER’S building is ready for use, necessary utilities and equipment are supplied to the work site, and the 50% deposit has been received by OLPIN GROUP, INC. (see #2 above). 16. CHANGES IN WORK: Should the BUYER order changes in the work, such orders and adjustments shall be made in writing to OLPIN GROUP, INC. The contract price shall be adjusted according to the changes in the work specified. Additionally, Change Orders will be issued for any additional work that was not in original Scope of Work. 17. FLOORS: BUYER is responsible for the load bearing capacity of the floor upon which the proposed installation shall be constructed. 18. SURVEYS, PERMITS AND REGULATIONS: BUYER shall procure and pay for all permits, inspections, and/or structural calculation required by any governmental authority for any part of the work performed by OLPIN GROUP, INC., except as otherwise stated. 19. FINAL APPROVAL: At the time that OLPIN GROUP, INC. completes the Scope of Work, the BUYER will inspect the work and if the work is in conformity with the terms and provisions of the Proposal, including change orders, the BUYER shall accept the same and deliver to OLPIN GROUP, INC. a signed statement of acceptance/approval. If the BUYER fails to so notify OLPIN GROUP, INC. by written statement, the work shall be conclusively deemed to have been accepted by the BUYER. 20. INSTALLATION: The proposal is based on an eight hour working day and no provisions have been made for overtime or shift premium pay. Additional charges will apply for installations After Hours, Nights and/or Weekends. BUYER shall provide parking for installation crews, or reimburse parking fees. 21 BUYER GENERAL INDEMNITY: BUYER agrees to and shall hold harmless and indemnify OLPIN GROUP, INC., its successors or assigns, against any and all damages, liabilities, obligations, losses, and expenses (including fees and expenses of counsel) of any kind or nature whatsoever as a result of (a) BUYER’S ownership and/or operation of the Equipment installed by OLPIN GROUP, INC. (under the terms of the Proposal and these Terms and Conditions), and (b) BUYER’s breach of any provision of these Terms and Conditions. 22. LEGAL ACTION: In the event that any legal action is initiated regarding the breach of any terms or conditions of this agreement, the prevailing party shall be entitled to receive in addition to any damages suffered, their court costs and attorney’s fees incurred. DocuSign Envelope ID: B2D17E15-FC1B-4CEB-B638-723A38B1EBA7 AMG & Associates Inc. 26535 Summit Circle Santa Clarita, California 91350 Phone: (661) 251-7401 Project: 01-22-157 - Ladera Linda Community Center and Park 32201 Forrestal Dr. Rancho Palos Verdes, California 90275 Door 135 Mesh Partition sliding door access control. TO:Chandra Sutton (AMG & Associates, Inc.) 26535 Summit Circle Santa Clarita, California 91350 FROM:Kyle Shirley (AMG & Associates, Inc.) 26535 Summit Circle Santa Clarita, California 91350 CREATED DATE:12/11/ 2023 STATUS:Open LOCATION:DUE DATE:12/26/2023 COST CODE:REFERENCE: COST IMPACT:SCHEDULE IMPACT: DRAWING NUMBER:SPEC SECTION: RECEIVED FROM:Kyle Shirley (AMG & Associates, Inc.) COPIES TO: Kyle Shirley (AMG & Associates, Inc.), Christopher Tumasone (AMG & Associates, Inc.) SUGGESTION: Question from Kyle Shirley (AMG & Associates, Inc.) at 11:51 AM on 12/11/2023 Inside the MDF room the mesh partition sliding door, receives an electronic latch/ lock. After researching the drawings and contract documents no where in the access control drawings or in the gate schedule on 7.11 is there reference to a how this lock/latch is controlled electronically. The gate schedule for this gate clearly states no card reader. Please advise on how to proceed. Attachments: BY DATE COPIES TO AMG & Associates Inc.Page 1 of 1 Printed On: 12/11/2023 12:11 PM RFI #272 Security Consultant did not intend to provide an electronic lock at the MDF. Mechanical lock is sufficient at this location. Please provide standard mechanical lock used for Beastwire partition gates. -ID/JF 12/12/23 DocuSign Envelope ID: B2D17E15-FC1B-4CEB-B638-723A38B1EBA7 SUBMITTAL TRANSMITTAL (Submit separate form for each product) Contractor: Project: TRANSMITTAL To: Contractor Griffin Structures Date: 12/14//22 Submittal No: 121.2 A From: New Air By: Resubmission  YES Quantity Reference Number Title/Description/ Manufacturer Specification Section Title, Paragraph / Drawing Detail Reference 1 131.2 Wire Mesh Partition 102213  Submitted for Review and Approval  Resubmitted for Review and Approval  Complies with Contract Requirements  Will be available to meet construction schedule  A/E Review Time included in construction schedule Other remarks on above submission:  Substitution Involved - Substitution Request Attached  If Substitution involved, Submission includes full point by point comparative data or Preliminary details  Items included in Submission will be ordered immediately upon receipt of approval TRANSMITTAL To: Architect - Att: Date Received by Contractor: B From: Contractor Date Transmitted by Contractor: Reviewed, Coordinated, and Approved by Contractor Remarks on above submission:  One copy retained by sender TRANSMITTAL To: Contractor Date Received: C From: Architect  Other Signed Dated Returned:  No Exception Taken  Make Corrections Noted  Revise / Resubmit  Rejected  Not subject to review  Submission Incomplete; Resubmit  Received; No Action Required  Full point by point comparative data required to complete approval process  Provide File Copy with corrections identified  Reproducible copies only returned  Remarks on above  One copy retained by sender submission: TRANSMITTAL To: Subcontractor Date Received: D From: Contractor Signed Dated Returned: Copies  Owner  One copy retained by sender Remarks on above: END OF FORM Submittal Transmittal Form DocuSign Envelope ID: B2D17E15-FC1B-4CEB-B638-723A38B1EBA7 AMG & Associates Inc. 26535 Summit Circle Santa Clarita, California 91350 P: (661) 251-7401 F: (661) 251-7405 Project: 01-22-157 Ladera Linda Community Center and Park 32201 Forrestal Dr. Rancho Palos Verdes, California 90275     Submittal #131.2 - 1.3 B-C - Product Data/Shop Drawings 10 2213 - Wire Mesh Partitions   Revision 2 Submittal Manager Chandra Sutton (AMG & Associates, Inc.) Status Pending Date Created Dec 14, 2022 Issue Date Dec 14, 2022 Spec Section 10 2213 - Wire Mesh Partitions Responsible Contractor AMG & Associates, Inc.Received From Christopher Tumasone (AMG & Associates, Inc.) Received Date Dec 14, 2022 Submit By   Final Due Date Jan 4, 2023 Lead Time Cost Code Location Type Product Data and Shop Drawings Approvers Christopher Tumasone (AMG & Associates, Inc.) Ball in Court Chandra Sutton (AMG & Associates, Inc.) Distribution Dustin Hartman (AMG & Associates, Inc.), Randy Hartman (AMG & Associates, Inc.), Anthony Traverso (AMG & Associates, Inc.), Christopher Tumasone (AMG & Associates, Inc.) Description Submittal 131.2 (SE# 121.2) Wire Mesh Partition for review   NOTE: In response to RFI 111, we will be submitting another product data package for review. We were having trouble finding a product that would support the Westinghouse lock. Included will be two lock options and a mesh product that supports either one. This is a separate package from another supplier     ADDITIONAL FIELDS Show "Contractor Reviewed" No     Submittal Workflow Name Sent Date Due Date Returned Date Response Attachments General Information Attachments      Chandra Sutton  Dec 14, 2022  Pending Christopher Tumasone  Jan 4, 2023  Pending     AMG & Associates Inc.Page 1 of 1 Printed On: Dec 14, 2022 12:00 PM PST    DocuSign Envelope ID: B2D17E15-FC1B-4CEB-B638-723A38B1EBA7 LADERA LINDA COMMUNITY CTR Submittal Cover Sheet Submittal Number: # 131.2 Spec: 102213 – Wire Mesh Partition Sub Section – Type: Project Information “The Contractor has reviewed and approved the construction criteria and has also made written notation regarding any information in these shop drawings that does not conform to the Project Contract Documents. The Contractor shall verify actual dimensions. This shop drawing has been coordinated with the Contract Documents, and all other Shop Drawings within this Contractor’s scope of work. The duty of coordination has not been delegated to the Contractor’s subcontractors, material suppliers, the Architect or the Engineers.” AMG Verification Date & Signature: REVIEWED BY: Chandra Sutton DATE:12/14/2022Reviewed, No Exceptions Noted Reviewed, Exceptions Noted Rejected Resubmittal Required Resubmittal Not Required Johnson Favaro Architecture and Urban Design Date: LEED Related Submittal: [Yes] [No] Comments: By: Reviewed only for general conformance with the design concept of the project and general compliance with the information given in the Contract Documents. Any action shown is subject to the requirements of the plans and specications and does not relieve the Contractor of the responsibility of complying with all requirements of the Contract Documents. Contractor’s responsibility includes but is not limited to dimensions, quantities, conrmation and correlation of performance requirements at the job site, all information that pertains solely to the fabrication processes or to techniques of construction, all coordination of the work of all trades, satisfactory performance of the Contractor’s own work, and assuring consistency with the Contract Documents. 12/28/22 Ingrid Dennert PRODUCT DATA IS ACCEPTABLE. PLEASE PROVIDE SHOP DRAWINGS OF THIS PRODUCT AS PER SPEC REQUIREMENTS UNDER SEPARATE SUBMITTAL. -ID/JF 12/28/22 DocuSign Envelope ID: B2D17E15-FC1B-4CEB-B638-723A38B1EBA7 BeastWire Mesh Partitions Manufactured by SpaceGuard Products Page 1 of 2 Material Specifications 10 22 13 Updated: February 1, 2016 Wire Mesh Partitions - Material Specifications 1. Wire Mesh Infill (As Indicated on Quote)  Standard: #10 W&M Gauge (0.130 in.), bright basic wire welded into a 2” x 2” square mesh.  Heavy-Duty: #6 W&M Gauge (0.192 in.), bright basic wire welded into a 2” x 2” square mesh.  Optional: #10 W&M Gauge (0.130 in.), lock crimped bright basic wire woven into 1” square mesh.  Other mesh and material types available, upon request 2. Panels: Standard panel sizes are in one foot increments up to 5 feet by 10 feet in size. Horizontal and vertical frame members constructed from 1-1/4” x 1-1/4” x 1/8” hot rolled angle, with 1-1/4” x 3/8” slotted holes punched every 12 inches on center (O.C.). Vertical frame members are notched and welded to horizontal angle at corner seams. Wire mesh is securely welded to frame. Wire mesh position in angle frame may vary slightly. 3. Panel stiffener bar: 1/4" x 3/4" thick hot rolled flat stock, center located, and tack welded to wire mesh and horizontal frames on panels. Used only on 10-gauge wire mesh materials and panels greater than 5 feet long in any direction. 4. Posts: 14-Gauge 2” x 2” square tube with a series of 7/16” diameter holes drilled on all four sides to accept hardware to connect panels and doors. Standard posts, ranging from 7’-2” to 12’-2” in one-foot increments, are drilled with first hole at 8” above the finished floor and spaced every 12” O.C. leaving a 2” maintenance sweep space below the panels and doors. Tube is welded centered on a 2” x 7” x 1/4" steel flat base plate on standard posts. Base plate is punched to accept two 3/8” diameter anchors. Other base plate sizes are available upon request, or if quoted. 5. Post extension inserts: 12-Gauge 1-3/4” x 1-3/4” square perforated tube, 18” long. Insert drops into lower post and bolts to both lower and upper post sections. 6. Growth plates: 12-Gauge 2” x 1-1/4” X 1-1/4” roll formed channel punched with 3/8” holes every 12” O.C. Growth plates bolt to panels, posts, and ceiling panels to offset 2” growth created by posts. Growth plates can also be specified to fill maintenance sweep space below panels and doors for higher security requirements. 7. Hinge Doors (if quoted): Constructed of the same materials as panels with a 3-sided lock plate welded to accommodate either padlock or cylinder lock. Complete with all necessary mounting hardware to install and operate. Includes a separate hinge assembly consisting of three 3” x 3” butt hinges welded to a 3/16” x 1-1/4” steel flat cut 7-inches short of overall door height and drilled to match post holes. Assembly can be flipped to accommodate either in or out swinging doors. Door panels are sized slightly smaller than actual door opening.  Padlock Arrangement: 1-1/4” lug welded to a 4” x 6” plate and inserted through latch hole in door and bolted to a second 4” x 6” steel plate placed on the inside of door. Includes: i. Two 1-1/2” punched angle clips are provided to bolt to lock side of door angle, to act as stops.  Cylinder Lock: Mortise type with keyed different cylinder operated by key outside and recessed knob inside. Self-latching. Includes: i. One 1-1/2” x 1-1/4” steel “slam” angle, punched to attach to lock side of door. Slam angle is reversible to accommodate either in or out swinging doors. ii. One steel angle receiver with catches for both in and out swinging doors. DocuSign Envelope ID: B2D17E15-FC1B-4CEB-B638-723A38B1EBA7 BeastWire Mesh Partitions Manufactured by SpaceGuard Products Page 2 of 2 Material Specifications 10 22 13 Updated: February 1, 2016 8. Slide Doors (if quoted): Constructed of the same materials as panels with a 3-sided lock plate welded to accommodate either padlock or cylinder lock. Complete with all necessary mounting hardware to install and operate. Prepared to accept standard mortise cylinder lock or padlock hasp. Doors are sized exactly to door opening (less sweep space). Growth plate bolts to non-lock side of door to create security overhang with non- lock side post.  Hardware: Two 4-wheel bearing trolleys rolling in an enclosed track, roller door guide, and heavy-duty 30” lock receiver. Track is captured using a 2-7/8” x 1-3/4” galvanized steel bracket that mounts to a 3/8” formed bracket holder to bolt directly to posts.  Padlock Arrangement: 1-1/2” lug attached to lock receiver.  Cylinder Lock: Mortise type with keyed different cylinder operated by key outside and recessed knob inside. Self-latching. 9. Service Window (if quoted): 24” wide x 21-1/2” high opening with a 23-1/4” wide x 12” deep, 12-gauge shelf centered in opening. Secured to base with four 1-1/4” x 12” long brackets secured by 1/4” x 1/2” hex head bolts and nuts. Window panel constructed of the same materials as standard panels and has spring bolt latches welded at bottom corners for securing in the open position. 10. Flex Panels (if quoted): Two, 8”, 16-gauge sheet steel punched and formed. (for openings from 3” – 14”). Panels connect from face-to-face through punched holes using 1/4" x 1/2" carriage bolt hardware. 11. Wall Connections (if quoted): 1-1/2” steel angle clips, punched to allow for anchoring to wall and attachment to posts using self-tapping screws. 12. Perimeter Angle (if ceilings quoted): 1-1/2” x 1-1/2” x 14-gauge galvanized angle; punched to connect panels to wire mesh partition or existing building walls. Sent in 10’ sections with erector responsible for cutting down to length as required. 13. Intermediate Beam Support (if ceilings quoted): 2” x 4” x 14-gauge rectangular tube for use in spans exceeding 10’ in any two directions. Includes two 1-1/2” angle clips to connect to wire mesh partition walls. 14. Intermediate Beam Support Post (if ceilings quoted): 2” x 2” x 14-gauge square tube with a 4” x 7-1/2” x 1/4” base plate drilled to will accept 3/8” diameter anchors; and a second 4” x 7-1/2” plate at top for support of beams at walls or at seams between two adjacent beams. Support post should not be connected permanently to beams. 15. Hardware: 5/16” carriage bolts and flanged hex nuts for all panel-to-panel, panel/door to post connections. 7/16” black plastic dome plugs are provided for any unused holes in the posts. 3/8” x 3” concrete wedge expansion floor anchors are included; other anchors are the responsibility of the erector. 16. Field Bracing: Materials to stabilize the system are not provided, and are the responsibility of the erector, unless specifically called out in your quotation. Manufacturer suggests that overhead or lateral bracing be considered on heights over 10’ and on runs longer than 20’ in any direction, although floors or other environmental factors may require additional bracing. 17. Finish (per quote): Two stage phosphate wash with a standard powder coat finish of Beast Black or optional SpaceGuard Gray. Manufacturer also offers Pure Orange, Signal Blue, Carmine Red, Leaf Green, Zinc Yellow and Signal White for an upcharge. Custom colors and color matches are also available for an additional charge. Aerosol touch-up is provided with each shipment. Hot dip galvanizing is also available for an additional upcharge. 18. Disclaimer: This specification is subject to change. To ensure you have the latest update, please refer to www.SpaceGuardProducts.com. Or, for more information, please contact the manufacturer at (812) 523-3044 or sales@spaceguardproducts.com. DocuSign Envelope ID: B2D17E15-FC1B-4CEB-B638-723A38B1EBA7 Electromagnetic Locks 8360 8365 In or Out…we make it Easy!® 8 Series for Sliding Doors Features & Benefits • Brushed Anodized Aluminum finish • Low energy consumption • Field-selectable voltage 12/24VDC • MOV surge protection • Hardened steel armature nut • Built-in Remote Lock Status (RLS) (8360 only) • No residual magnetism • Low-profile design 8360 Mortise MiniMag® For Sliding Doors 1-1/16”D x1-1/2”Wx 9”L (26.9mm x 38.1mm x 228.6mm) Mortise MiniMag® Our low-profile 8360 mortise MiniMag® is specifically designed to provide a secure hold (up to 750 lbs. holding force) on sliding doors. Mortise MicroMag® The compact 8365 mortise MicroMag®, with up to 300 lbs. holding force, is designed as an even lower-profile magnet for sliding doors, cabinets and jewelry cases and small enclosures. Highlights • Low-profile & compact designs • Up to 750 lbs. holding force (8360) • Up to 300 lbs. holding force (8365) • Dual voltage • Lifetime Warranty Applications PERIMETER AND INTERIOR SLIDING DOORS SMALL ENCLOSURES •Cash drawers •Vending machines •Filing cabinets •Access cover hatches •Industrial •Commercial •Residential •Health Care •Retail ZL8360/65 R07/11SH 8365 Mortise MicroMag® For Sliding Doors 13/16”D x1-11/32”Wx 7-15/16”L (20.6mm x 34.1mm x 201.6mm) DocuSign Envelope ID: B2D17E15-FC1B-4CEB-B638-723A38B1EBA7 Specifications 8360 8365 In or Out…we make it Easy!® NOTE:Specifications are subject to change without notice. Specifications 8360 8365 NOTE:RCI recommends frame reinforcement and our filtered, regulated DC voltage 10 Series power supplies. Remote Lock Status (RLS) Output A Form C reed switch output offers lock status remote indication capability. (8360 Only) Function Descriptions ©2011 RUTHERFORD CONTROLS INT’L CORP. WWW.RUTHERFORDCONTROLS.COM USA: 2517 SQUADRON COURT, SUITE 104, VIRGINIA BEACH, VA 23453 • CANADA: 210 SHEARSON CRESCENT, CAMBRIDGE, ON N1T 1J6 PHONE • 1.800.265.6630 • 519.621.7651 • FAX: 1.800.482.9795 • 519.621.7939 • E-MAIL: SALES@RUTHERFORDCONTROLS.COM Housing Dimensions 1-1/16” D x 1-1/2” W x 9” L (26.9 x 38.1 x 228.6mm)13/16” D x 1-11/32” W x 7-15/16” L (20.6 x 34.1 x 201.6mm) (including 3/4” mounting tabs)(including 11/16” mounting tabs) Armature 1/2” D x 1-1/2” W x 7-1/4” L 5/16” D x 1-1/4” W x 5-1/8” L Plate Dimensions (12.7 x 38.1 x 184.2mm)(7.9 x 31.8 x 130.2mm) Voltage Field selectable 12/24 VDC Field selectable 12/24 VDC Tolerance ±10% Tolerance ±10% Power/Current Max 0.50A at 12 VDC Max 0.40A at 12 VDC Requirements Max 0.25A at 24 VDC Max 0.20A at 24 VDC Holding Force One-point locking One-point locking (up to 750 pounds)(up to 300 pounds) Output Contacts 0.20A @ 12 VDC and 0.12A @ 24 VDC N/ADry Output Form C Wiring Requirements 2 wires – power input 2 wires – relay output 2 wires – power input 8360/8365 Typical Installation RCI also offers a complete line of Electromagnetic Locks, Electric Strikes, Electric Locks, Power Supplies, Switches, Keypads & Readers, Exit Devices, Systems & Door Hardware. DocuSign Envelope ID: B2D17E15-FC1B-4CEB-B638-723A38B1EBA7 No. Part Name 2200 2500 1 Outside Body 1 1 2 Inside Body 1 1 3 Rubber Trim Plate 2 2 4 Mortised Striker (not shown) 1 1 5 Surface Strike Plate 1 1 6 Spindle 45-55 mm. 1 1 7 Spindle 35-45 mm. 1 1 8 Machine Screw M4 x 55 mm. 2 2 9 Machine Screw M4 x 45 mm. 2 2 10 Wood Screw 2 2 11 Extra Code Tumblers (Red) 1 1 12 Extra Non-Code Tumblers (Blue) 2 2 13 Spacers for Body (1/16” / 5/64”) (Not Shown) 1 1 14 Thin Door Kit (TDK) (Not Shown) 1 1 15 Hex Bolts 2 2 16 Tweezers 1 1 Step 6: Install the DIGITAL 2200/2500 1.Place the Rubber Trim Plate (#3) on the backside of the Outside Body (#1). 2.Place the Outside Body on the door. The hexagonal bolts (#15) should extend into the top and bottom holes. 3.Insert the Spindle (#6/7) through the door into the Spindle Hole in the Outside Body. 4.Place the Rubber Trim Plate (#3) on the backside of Inside Body. 5.Place the Inside Body to the door ensuring that the Spindle is inserted into the Spindle Hole. 6.If the Inside Body is not flush with the Surface Strike location, use Spacers (#13) to make Inside Body flush with Strike location. NOTE: If Spacers to not make Inside Body flush with Strike location, you may need to trim the door jamb or mortise the strike. 7.Insert the M4 Screws (#8/9) into the top and bottom holes of the Inside Body and secure with a screwdriver. 8.Test the lock to ensure the Deadbolt/Hookbolt is retracting correctly when turning the inside/outside knob. 9.Install Strike Plate in proper position and secure with Wood Screws. Step 5: Verify Correct Spindle Length 1. Hold the Inside Body (#2) and Rubber Trim Plate (#3) to the door. 2.Place Spindle (#7) through door into the Inside Body, as far as possible. 3.Spindle should extend from exterior of door 3/8” min. – 5/8” max. 4.If Spindle is too long, cut it to the correct length using Pliers. IMPORTANT: If spindle extends less than 3/8” it may not engage the lock. If spindle extends more than 5/8”, it will cause the lock to bind. Step 4: Adjust Deadbolt Length - 2200 ONLY (if necessary) Depending on door configuration, you may need to change from a long to short bar. (BOTH LONG & SHORT BARS ARE SUPPLIED) Remove the four (4) silver screws and plate from the inside body and change bars. Replace the plate and secure with silver screws. Step 3: Identify Door Handing Right-Hand Doors – From exterior of door, hinges are on right-side. (Fig. 1) Left-Hand Doors – From exterior of door, hinges are on left-side. (Fig. 2) The 2200 and 2500 are factory pre-handed for right-hand doors. To change handing, remove two (2) blue screws and cover plate from Outside Body as shown. Now, move the pin from the right side of the outside body to the hole on the left side. Replace plate and screws. DIGITAL Surface Mount Installation Instructions Step 2: Prep Door for Installation with Template BEFORE DRILLING – PLACE INSIDE BODY (#2) AND STRIKE TO DOOR TO ENSURE POSITION WILL BE APPROPRIATE FOR INSTALLATION. YOU MAY NEED TO TRIM DOOR JAMB OR MORTISE THE STRIKE TO INSTALL. 1.Place template (supplied) on door and fold along door’s edge. 2.Depending on door configuration, you may need to change handing and/or substitute bar (2200) from long to short. See Steps 3 and 4. 3.Drill holes as instructed and mark location for Strike. Inside Body (#2) Step 1: Change User Code (OPTIONAL) If you wish to change your code, see instructions on reverse side. 2200 Deadbolt | 2500 Hookbolt DocuSign Envelope ID: B2D17E15-FC1B-4CEB-B638-723A38B1EBA7 Step 8: Using the DIGITAL 2200/2500 From Outside: The door will LOCK by turning the knob to extend the deadbolt/hookbolt. To UNLOCK, press the “C” button to clear the lock, enter the combination and turn the knob to retract the deadbolt/hookbolt. NOTE: IF DEADBOLT/HOOKBOLT RETRACTS WITHOUT COMBINATION AND REQUIRES COMBINATION TO LOCK (EXTEND), YOU MAY NEED TO CHANGE HANDING. SEE STEP 3. From Inside: The door will LOCK and UNLOCK by turning the knob to extend or retract the deadbolt/hookbolt. Step 7: For Doors Under 1” Thick (if necessary) 1.For doors under 1” thick, you will need to cut the spindle to appropriate size. See Step 5 to verify correct Spindle Length. 2.Remove Hex Bolts and use M5 Screws supplied in Thin Door Kit (TDK) packet to secure lock to door. 6.Replace the cover plate and secure with four (4) Red Screws, using a #2 screwdriver. 7.TEST CODE before installing/re-installing lock. 4.While holding the ‘C’ BUTTON, remove/add CODE (Red) and NON-CODE (Blue) Tumblers to create your desired code. Ex: 3 Red = 3-Digit Code / 6 Red = 6-Digit Code IMPORTANT: Ensure notched side of tumbler fits into slot. (Below – Far Right). 5.After changing your code, release the ‘C’ BUTTON to secure the tumblers in place. 3.PRESS & HOLD ‘C’ BUTTON to release tumblers. IMPORTANT: ‘C’ Button must be pressed and held down when removing and inserting tumblers. Failure to do so will damage the lock and void the warranty. DIGITAL 2000 Series How to Change Code 1.Using a #2 screwdriver, remove the four (4) Red Screws. 2.Carefully remove cover plate. WARNING: Springs are attached to plate. RED = CODE TUMBLERS BLUE = NON-CODE TUMBLERS ‘C’ = CLEAR (DO NOT REMOVE) WARNING: Do NOT force tumblers into position! DocuSign Envelope ID: B2D17E15-FC1B-4CEB-B638-723A38B1EBA7 DocuSign Envelope ID: B2D17E15-FC1B-4CEB-B638-723A38B1EBA7 Sunbeam Consulting 1817 Josie Avenue Long Beach, California Cost Estimate - Sunbeam Consulting CO #104 - Install Mechanical Lock at Partition Door SUBCONTRACTOR 1-Alpin Group Hrs Rate Purchase and Install Mechanical Lock -$ 350.00$ 8 118.00$ 944.00$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 350.00$ 944.00$ Subtotal 1,294.00$ Mobilization 200.00$ Sales Tax 34.13$ Insurance 19.41$ Markup 194.10$ Bond 12.94$ Total Subcontractor Cost 1,754.58$ CONTRACTOR - AMG Hrs Rate -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ Subtotal -$ Subcontractor Cost 1,754.58$ Subtotal 1,754.58$ Mobilization -$ Sales Tax -$ Insurance 26.32$ Markup 263.19$ Bond 17.55$ Total Cost 2,061.63$ Proposed PCO cost 1,832.95$ Difference ($)(228.68)$ Difference (%)-12.48% Equipment cost Equipment cost Material cost Lab cost Material cost Labor cost DocuSign Envelope ID: B2D17E15-FC1B-4CEB-B638-723A38B1EBA7 Certificate Of Completion Envelope Id: B2D17E15FC1B4CEBB638723A38B1EBA7 Status: Completed Subject: Complete with DocuSign: Change Order 81 (AMG) revised 3-26-2024.pdf Source Envelope: Document Pages: 22 Signatures: 3 Envelope Originator: Certificate Pages: 5 Initials: 1 James O'Neill AutoNav: Enabled EnvelopeId Stamping: Enabled Time Zone: (UTC-08:00) Pacific Time (US & Canada) 30940 Hawthorne Blvd. Rancho Palos Verdes, CA 90275 joneill@rpvca.gov IP Address: Record Tracking Status: Original 3/26/2024 5:48:27 PM Holder: James O'Neill joneill@rpvca.gov Location: DocuSign Signer Events Signature Timestamp David Copp dcopp@rpvca.gov Deputy Director of Public Works City of Rancho Palos Verdes Security Level: Email, Account Authentication (None) Signature Adoption: Uploaded Signature Image Using IP Address: Sent: 3/26/2024 5:50:07 PM Viewed: 3/27/2024 8:26:30 AM Signed: 3/27/2024 8:26:35 AM Electronic Record and Signature Disclosure: Not Offered via DocuSign Ramzi Awwad rawwad@rpvca.gov Director of Public Works City of Rancho Palos Verdes Security Level: Email, Account Authentication (None) Signature Adoption: Drawn on Device Using IP Address: Sent: 3/27/2024 8:26:38 AM Viewed: 3/27/2024 11:47:44 AM Signed: 3/27/2024 11:48:37 AM Electronic Record and Signature Disclosure: Accepted: 3/2/2023 10:45:19 AM ID: 3242b72d-4755-489d-8e5f-7c62dc360470 Vina Ramos vramos@rpvca.gov Director of Finance City of Rancho Palos Verdes Security Level: Email, Account Authentication (None) Signature Adoption: Pre-selected Style Using IP Address: Sent: 3/27/2024 11:48:39 AM Viewed: 3/27/2024 2:40:26 PM Signed: 3/27/2024 2:40:31 PM Electronic Record and Signature Disclosure: Not Offered via DocuSign Ara Mihranian aram@rpvca.gov City Manager City of Rancho Palos Verdes Security Level: Email, Account Authentication (None) Signature Adoption: Uploaded Signature Image Using IP Address: Sent: 3/27/2024 2:40:33 PM Viewed: 3/27/2024 3:09:50 PM Signed: 3/27/2024 3:10:06 PM Electronic Record and Signature Disclosure: Not Offered via DocuSign In Person Signer Events Signature Timestamp Editor Delivery Events Status Timestamp Agent Delivery Events Status Timestamp Intermediary Delivery Events Status Timestamp Certified Delivery Events Status Timestamp Carbon Copy Events Status Timestamp City Clerk cityclerk@rpvca.gov Security Level: Email, Account Authentication (None) Sent: 3/27/2024 3:10:08 PM Viewed: 3/27/2024 3:43:02 PM Electronic Record and Signature Disclosure: Accepted: 2/1/2023 3:10:58 PM ID: 505eed45-7ed0-4db8-aae6-ef6eedfef03d Lorna Cloke lornac@rpvca.gov Security Level: Email, Account Authentication (None) Sent: 3/27/2024 3:10:09 PM Electronic Record and Signature Disclosure: Not Offered via DocuSign Alan Braatvedt alan@sunbeamtech.net Security Level: Email, Account Authentication (None) Sent: 3/27/2024 3:10:09 PM Electronic Record and Signature Disclosure: Accepted: 2/27/2024 8:10:15 PM ID: 0b746f99-ced5-4219-9c03-ed8862c26e90 Witness Events Signature Timestamp Notary Events Signature Timestamp Envelope Summary Events Status Timestamps Envelope Sent Hashed/Encrypted 3/26/2024 5:50:08 PM Certified Delivered Security Checked 3/27/2024 3:09:50 PM Signing Complete Security Checked 3/27/2024 3:10:06 PM Completed Security Checked 3/27/2024 3:10:09 PM Payment Events Status Timestamps Electronic Record and Signature Disclosure ELECTRONIC RECORD AND SIGNATURE DISCLOSURE From time to time, City of Rancho Palos Verdes (we, us or Company) may be required by law to provide to you certain written notices or disclosures. 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All notices and disclosures will be sent to you electronically Electronic Record and Signature Disclosure created on: 6/15/2021 5:55:39 PM Parties agreed to: Ramzi Awwad, City Clerk, Alan Braatvedt Unless you tell us otherwise in accordance with the procedures described herein, we will provide electronically to you through the DocuSign system all required notices, disclosures, authorizations, acknowledgements, and other documents that are required to be provided or made available to you during the course of our relationship with you. To reduce the chance of you inadvertently not receiving any notice or disclosure, we prefer to provide all of the required notices and disclosures to you by the same method and to the same address that you have given us. Thus, you can receive all the disclosures and notices electronically or in paper format through the paper mail delivery system. If you do not agree with this process, please let us know as described below. 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