CC SR 20240116 D - FY 2023-24 Investment Policy CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: 01/16/2024 AGENDA REPORT AGENDA HEADING: Consent Calendar AGENDA TITLE: Consideration and possible action to approve the revised Investment Policy for Fiscal Year (FY) 2023-24. RECOMMENDED COUNCIL ACTION: 1) Approve the FY 2023-24 Investment Policy applicable to the City of Rancho Palos Verdes, Rancho Palos Verdes Successor Agency to the Redevelopment Agency, and Rancho Palos Verdes Improvement Authority as revised to extend the maximum maturity for government sponsored agency bonds from three years out to five years when deemed favorable for the City’s investment portfolio . FISCAL IMPACT: N/A. Amount Budgeted: N/A Additional Appropriation: N/A Account Number(s): N/A ORIGINATED BY: Jason Loya, Senior Administrative Analyst REVIEWED BY: Vina Ramos, Director of Finance VR APPROVED BY: Ara Mihranian, AICP, City Manager ATTACHED SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: A. Draft Redlined FY 2023-24 Investment Policy (page A-1) BACKGROUND The City’s FY 2023-24 Investment Policy was initially reviewed by the Finance Advisory Committee (FAC) on June 1, 2023, and approved by the City Council on June 20, 2023. This item was brought to the City Council in June to ensure timely adoption of the policy; however, it was noted that additional recommendations were under review and that the item would return at a later date. During the FAC’s initial review, it was unanimously approved (prior to making a formal recommendation ) to amend Item Number 4 of the Investment Policy pending that the Committee receive a presentation from the City’s Investment Broker, Stifel, regarding a proposed change to the maturity duration of government sponsored agency bonds. Item Number 4 of the policy currently states that the maximum maturity for government sponsored agency bonds is out to three years. 1 At that time, Staff requested for the FAC to consider the option of extending agency bonds out to five-years to enhance the City’s investment portfolio diversification and match the allowable duration with Certificates of Deposit (CDs) and Treasury Bonds. On December 14, 2023, the FAC received a presentation from Josh Gorham, Managing Director of Stifel, regarding this investment strategy and to revisit the proposed recommendation. The subsequent discussion resulted in the FAC’s recommendation to revise the City’s FY 2023-24 Investment Policy as proposed to extend the maturity duration out to five years. The purpose of this item is to provide the revised policy to the City Council for review and consideration. DISCUSSION: As reported on June 20, 2023, Staff reviewed current investment statutes in the 2023 LAIG published by the California Debt and Investment Advisory Commission (CDAIC). The guidelines provide updated information on the Government Code Section 53600 et seq. and can be used as a baseline for local municipalities’ investment policies. Additionally, Staff’s consultation with the City’s investment broker resulted in a recommended policy improvement by the FAC consistent with the City’s investment criteria of safety, liquidity, and yield: • Amend item Number 4 to extend the maximum maturity for government sponsored agency bonds from three years out to five years (Attachment A). This change would ultimately improve financial flexibility and align the maximum duration of agency bonds with CDs and Treasuries. Following additional discussion, the proposed recommendation was unanimously supported by the FAC and is included as a revision to the FY 2023-24 Investment Policy. CONCLUSION Extending the allowable maturity duration of agency bonds from three (3) years out to five (5) years enables the City to capitalize on opportunities if such market conditions exist. Given the market’s continuously changing conditions, amending Item Number 4 as proposed diversifies the City’s investment portfolio and maximizes opportunities for additional earnings and improves the City’s financial flexibility. ALTERNATIVES: In addition to Staff recommendations, the following alternative actions are available for the City Council’s consideration: 1. Take other action, as deemed appropriate. 2 ATTACHMENT A CITY OF RANCHO PALOS VERDES, RANCHO PALOS VERDES SUCCESSOR AGENCY TO THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY AND RANCHO PALOS VERDES IMPROVEMENT AUTHORITY FY 2023-24 INVESTMENT POLICY OBJECTIVES The City of Rancho Palos Verdes, Rancho Palos Verdes Successor Agency to the Redevelopment Agency, and Rancho Palos Verdes Improvement Authority (hereafter referred to as “City”) strive to maintain the level of investment of all idle funds as near 100% as possible through the optimum operation of its cash management system. The City has determined that its investment criteria, listed in order of priority, are safety, liquidity, and yield. DELEGATION OF AUTHORITY The City has designated the Director of Finance as the City Treasurer, the Successor Agency to the former Redevelopment Agency and Improvement Authority (hereafter referred to as City Treasurer). The City has delegated the authority to the City Treasurer to invest subject to the limitation set forth in the Investment Policy. The City Treasurer shall be trustee and fiduciary on behalf of the City. If the City Treasurer is unavailable, the City has delegated authority to the City Manager, also designated as the Executive Director of the Successor Agency to the former Redevelopment Agency and Chief Administrative Officer of the Improvement Authority, to conduct transactions in connection with the investment of the City’s funds. INVESTMENT INSTRUMENTS The City can invest in the following investment instruments as approved by the California Government Code: 1. Demand deposits and money market savings accounts totaling a book balance up to five million dollars ($5,000,000) with Bank of the West or any other financial institution approved by the City Council; provided, however, that not more than 15% of the City's funds are on deposit at said bank. Demand deposits and money market savings accounts may exceed five million dollars ($5,000,000) or 15% of the City’s funds for no more than thirty (30) days if the accounts are to hold monies being transitioned between investment instruments listed in the Investment Policy. 2. The Local Agency Investment Fund (LAIF) administered by the Treasurer of the State of California. 3. Certificates of Deposit (CDs) and U.S. Treasury Obligations (Treasury) placed through Stifel, formerly Vining-Sparks, and/or Bank of the West, as well as Certificate of Deposit Account Registration System (“CDARs”) through Malaga Bank. The maximum maturity for all investment instruments is five years. All entities are insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation as authorized by Government Code Section 53601.8 through 53635.8 (enacted by AB 2011 in September 2006) or by the National Credit A-1 Union Administration (NCUA) for up to $250,000. 4. The City may invest in the following government sponsored agency bonds out to three five years: Freddie Mac (FHLMC), Fannie Mae (FNMA), Federal Farm Credit Bank (FFCB), Federal Home Loan Bank (FHLB), and Farmer Mac (FAMCA). 5. Total CDs, CDARs, Treasury, and agency bonds, are at the maximum of 50% of the total portfolio, or whichever is more restrictive as specified by the Local Agency Investment Guidelines. 6. Money Market Savings Accounts and demand deposits with institutions other than those specified in paragraph 1 above, provided that no deposit made pursuant to this paragraph in any one institution shall exceed the amount insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation. 7. Shares of "money market funds", which are sold without any sales commission or sales charge of any kind (true no load funds), which limit investment to securities issued by (or guaranteed as to both principal and interest by) the United States, which are issued in the City's name and are rated in the highest ranking or numerical rating by at least one of the nationally recognized statistical rating organizations (not to exceed 15% of the total portfolio). The listed investments are the only authorized investments for the City. POLICY CRITERIA FOR SELECTING INVESTMENTS (IN ORDER OF PRIORITY) SAFETY: Safety, and the minimizing of risk associated with investing, refers to attempts to reduce the potential for loss of principal, interest, or a combination of the two. The first level of risk control is reduction of default risk by investing in instruments that appear to be the most credit worthy. The second level of risk control is reduction of market risk by investing in instruments that have relatively short maturities, thereby eliminating risk of loss from a forced sale. The City only invests in those instruments that are considered very safe. LIQUIDITY: Liquidity refers to the ability to easily sell at any time with minimal risk of losing some portion of principal or interest. Liquidity is an important quality for an investment to have, for at any time the City may have unexpected or unusual circumstances that result in larger disbursements than expected, and some investments may need to be sold to meet the contingency. Most investments of the City are highly liquid, with the exception of insured Time Certificates of Deposit issued by banks and savings and loan associations whose maturities are selected in anticipation of disbursement needs, thereby obviating the need for forced liquidation or lost interest penalties. YIELD: Yield is the potential dollar earnings an investment can provide, and also is sometimes A-2 described as the rate of return. The City attempts to obtain the highest yield possible when selecting an investment, provided that the criteria stated herein for safety and liquidity are met. POLICY CONSTRAINTS AND GUIDELINES The City of Rancho Palos Verdes operates its investment program according to the prudent investor standard with many additional, self-imposed constraints. The Treasurer shall act with the care, skill, prudence and diligence to safeguard principal and maintain liquidity. The Treasurer shall: (1) not speculate; (2) not buy corporate debt securities; (3) not deal in futures or options; (4) not purchase on margin or through reverse repurchase agreements; (5) not buy long term securities; and (6) not acquire any investment expressly prohibited by State statute. REPORTS PROVIDED BY THE TREASURER The Treasurer shall annually render a Statement of Investment Policy to the City Council for their approval, and this policy shall be in compliance with all applicable State statutes. The Treasurer shall render a monthly report of cash balances to the City Manager and City Council showing the type of investment, date of purchase, custodian (if applicable), institution, date of maturity, amount of deposit or purchase price, current market value for all securities, and rate of interest. The report shall also include a description of any of the City's funds, investments, or programs that are under the management of contracted parties. The monthly Report of Cash Balances shall state its relationship to the Investment Policy by indicating each and every instance that there is a divergence from, or violation of, policy or stating that the monthly report is in compliance with the Investment Policy. INVESTMENT AUDITS AND INVESTMENT POLICY EVALUATION As a part of the City's annual independent audit, there shall be a review of the City's Investment Policy regarding compliance with the Policy guidelines. These review procedures will be performed in conjunction with the internal control testing applied to City policies. Any discrepancies will be reported directly to the City Council in the auditor’s management letter issued upon the completion of their examination. INVESTMENT GUIDELINES Cash Availability Guidelines: 1. A cash flow analysis shall be developed as necessary which will serve as a basis for determining the cash available for investment and maturity dates needed to cover future disbursements. 2. Revenue receipts are consolidated into one bank account and invested on a pooled concept basis. Interest earnings are allocated according to fund cash and investment balances. A-3 3. Active bank balances are kept as low as possible without jeopardizing good banking relationships by maintaining investment of available cash as near to 100% as possible. 4. Sufficient funds are maintained in very liquid investments to meet most unexpected contingencies. Investing Guidelines: 1. Only investments authorized by the Investment Policy are utilized. 2. A copy of the Investment Policy should be given to each financial institution with which the City does business, and the City will request an acknowledgement not less than annually that such financial institution has received and reviewed the Policy. 3. Before an unfamiliar security is purchased, the issuer and the instrument are researched and investigated and all contractual agreements and administrative procedures are completed before any transactions are consummated. 4. The City does not permit the purchase of securities on margin or via reverse repurchase agreements (using the security to be purchased as collateral). 5. Every investment transaction is documented and the procedure for monitoring is clearly defined. 6. Investment strategies are reviewed by the City Treasurer for possible need to change at least annually. They are reviewed more frequently as changes in economic conditions dictate. Guidelines for certain Types of Investments: California State Local Agency Investment Fund A resolution is on file with the State Treasurer that permits maintaining an account in LAIF. Custody Custody of investments in securities backed by the full faith and credit of the United States Government shall be placed, pursuant to a written custody agreement, with Bank of the West or any other financial institution approved by the City Council. INTERNAL CONTROL OBJECTIVES FOR INVESTMENTS Internal control for investments is the procedure established by management of the City to assist in ensuring as far as practicable: 1. An orderly and efficient conduct of investing, including adherence to investment policies. A-4 2. The safeguarding of assets. 3. The accuracy and completeness of the accounting records for investments. 4. The timely preparation of reliable financial information. 5. The prevention of errors. 6. The detection of fraud. Elements of Internal Control of Investments: Adherence to the use of sufficient elements of a system of internal control is the method by which the City can satisfy the objective of internal control. A list of sample elements follows: 1. Responsibility Specific responsibility for the performance of duties should be assigned and lines of authority and reporting clearly identified and understood. 2. Segregation Segregation of functions reduces the risk that a person is in a position to conceal errors. If two different people process the components of a transaction, collusion is necessary to conceal errors or fraud. In particular, the functions that should be considered when evaluating segregation of functions are authorization, execution, recording, and performing reconciliations. 3. Authorization Only the appropriate responsible individual shall authorize all transactions. The responsibilities and limits of authorization should be clearly delineated. Delegation of authority to authorize transactions should be handled very carefully. 4. Transfers of Investment Funds The transferring of investment funds will be carried out exclusively by use of the Federal Reserve Bank's electronic wire transfer system. Each Banker or Dealer with which the City does business shall receive in writing from the City Treasurer a listing that limits transfers of funds to pre-authorized bank accounts only. The listing will also contain the names of City staff authorized to request such transfers and will be updated in writing for all changes of authorized staff and bank accounts as necessary. Transfers from one account of the City to another shall require the request of only one authorized staff member. Transfers from the City's account to third parties shall require the request of two authorized members. 5. Recording A-5 The recording system should provide that the recording procedures, both manual and computerized, be carried out independently of the individual doing the investment execution to help assure that recorded transactions are complete, valid, authorized, and properly recorded. Signed:__________________________ Treasurer A-6