CC SR 20231003 02 - Avenida Classica Traffic Calming CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: 10/03/2023 AGENDA REPORT AGENDA HEADING: Regular Business AGENDA TITLE: Consideration and possible action to approve traffic calming measures for Avenida Classica and Avenida Esplendida between Crest Road and Los Verdes Drive. RECOMMENDED COUNCIL ACTION: (1) Approve the following traffic calming measures for Avenida Classica and Avenida Esplendida between Crest Road and Los Verdes Drive: a. Installing traffic diverters prohibiting southbound right-turns and northbound left-turns at the intersection of Avenida Classica and Los Verdes Drive and at the intersection of Avenida Esplendida at Los Verdes Drive; b. Installing a traffic signal at the intersection of Hawthorne Boulevard and Los Verdes Drive; and, c. Installing corresponding wayfinding signage; (2) Direct Staff to study a raised crosswalk across Los Verdes Drive at the intersection with Avenida Esplendida and return with a recommendation for future City Council consideration; and (3) Direct Staff to include the approved traffic calming measures in the Fiscal Year 2024-25 Capital Improvement Program (CIP) for prioritization and funding. FISCAL IMPACT: At this time, cost estimates for implementation of the recommended traffic calming measures have not been developed. If directed to proceed with the recommended traffic calming measures, preliminary cost estimates will be prepared for consideration as part of Fiscal Year 2024-25 CIP prioritization and budget process. Amount Budgeted: N/A Additional Appropriation: N/A Account Number(s): N/A ORIGINATED BY: Ramzi Awwad, Public Works Director REVIEWED BY: same as above APPROVED BY: Ara Mihranian, AICP, City Manager ATTACHED SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: A. KOA Traffic Study: Traffic Calming Plan for Avenida Classica July 2023 (page A-1) 1 2 B.Community Notification Letter for October 3, 2023 Avenida Classica Traffic Calming City Council Meeting (page B-1) C.Resident Traffic Calming Petition (page C-1) D.Community Input and Public Comments (page D-1) E.Link to July 24, 2023 Traffic Safety Committee Meeting Staff Report F.Draft Meeting Minutes for July 24, 2023 Traffic Safety Committee Meeting (page F-1) BACKGROUND: The Public Works Department has received multiple requests from area residents over the past two years to investigate traffic conditions on Avenida Classica between Crest Road and Los Verdes Drive. Residents reported concerns about speeding, cut-through traffic, and erratic driving along Avenida Classica and surrounding roadways. In response to these concerns, KOA Corporation (KOA) was retained by the City to analyze existing traffic conditions, determine whether speeding and cut through traffic supported further consideration, and develop traffic calming recommendations, if needed. KOA prepared a traffic study (Attachment A) that included measuring traffic volumes and speeds, researching collision history, analyzing sight distance, and evaluating overall roadway conditions. On November 4, 2022, Public Works Staff along with KOA conducted an in-person meeting with area residents that voiced concerns about traffic conditions, to better understand the traffic issues and consider their input when developing traffic calming strategies. Residents brought up the following main concerns: •Speeding – Residents raised concerns over aggressive and fast-driving motorists at various times of the day on Avenida Classica, likely those driving to and from the nearby Los Verdes Golf Course. •Driver Safety – Residents reported a number of traffic collisions on the street, resulting from erratic driving and/or inattention to the roadway and roadside conditions within the neighborhood context. •Various collisions and “close-calls” were reported between aggressive/speeding drivers and other cars driving on Avenida Classica, parked cars along the street, and drivers backing out and heading into driveways. •Pedestrian Safety – Residents expressed concerns about speeding motorists not safely yielding to and/or navigating around pedestrians crossing the street. •Blind Curves – Concerns were raised about traffic safety due to visibility conflicts between motorists traveling along the horizontal curves, between motorists approaching in the opposite direction, and motorists on the street conflicting with motorists backing out of residential driveways. Based on the neighborhood meeting, KOA prepared a traffic study that was finalized on July 21, 2023 with its recommendations. Until July 2023, potential traffic calming options were being explored by Staff and KOA. 2 3 DISCUSSION: Existing Conditions Roadway Geometry and Development Patterns Avenida Classica is a 40-feet wide local road in a residential area and connects with Crest Road, Avenida Esplendida, Avenida Celestial, and Los Verdes Drive. Avenida Classica has one lane in the northbound direction and one lane in the southbound direction, with parking allowed on both sides. The posted speed limit is 25 miles per hour. The study area includes residential neighborhoods, the Los Verdes Golf Course, an apartment complex located to the south of Avenida Classica on Los Verdes Drive, and the nearby intersection of Hawthorne Boulevard and Los Verdes Drive. Cut -through traffic is believed to be caused by visitors of the Los Verdes Golf Course. Average Daily Traffic Volume Traffic volume data was collected on Avenida Classica on two typical weekdays in June 2021. The two-day average 24-hour traffic volume on Avenida Classica was 1,418 vehicles per day, including 472 vehicles per day (33%) during the AM hours and 946 vehicles per day (67%) during the PM hours. On the average day, 53% of traffic on Avenida Classica was in the southbound direction, while 47% of traffic was in the northbound direction. Intersection turning movement data was collected for the intersections of Avenida Classica at Avenida Esplendida and Avenida Classica at Los Verdes Drive to better understand directional traffic at the intersections. The data was collected on Tuesday, June 22, 2021; from December 19 to December 25, 2022 during the holiday season (to capture holiday golf course traffic); and again on March 2 and March 17, 2023 (to conduct a traffic signal analysis). The data included vehicular, pedestrians and bicycle traffic volumes from 6AM to 9AM, 11AM to 1PM, and 4PM to 7PM for all four legs of the intersections. Prevailing Speeds To determine whether speeding issues exist on Avenida Classica, 24 -hour traffic speed counts were collected on Tuesday, June 22, 2021, Wednesday, June 23, 2021, and during the 2022 holiday period from Monday, December 19 through Sunday, December 25. The speed data was analyzed to determine the 85th percentile speed, or critical speed, generally representing the upper limit of the speed range that most reasonable and prudent motorists will drive. The two-day, bi-directional average 85th percentile speed recorded on Avenida Classica in June 2021 was 32 mph, which is 7 mph in excess of the posted speed limit of 25 mph. A follow-up speed survey was taken in late December 2022 using roadside radar counters, to re-evaluate travel speeds during the typical holiday season when schools were not in session. The findings of the follow -up speed survey were comparable to the June 2021 survey. Over the 5-day survey period from Monday, December 19 to Sunday, December 25, the average daily two-way 85th percentile speed was 32.5 mph, which is 7.5 mph above the posted speed limit. 3 4 Traffic Collision History A review of the state-wide crash database found no collisions in the subject area. A more detailed review of City records showed the following results. • One crash was recorded for Avenida Classica between Crest Road and Los Verdes Drive during the most recent 5-year period for which data is available (2018 through 2022). That crash occurred on March 13, 2020 and was a vehicle colliding with a fixed object; • No crashes were recorded for Avenida Esplendida between Crest Road and Los Verdes Drive during the most recent 5-year period for which data is available (2018 through 2022). • On crash was recorded for Los Verdes Drive between Avenida Classica and Hawthorne Boulevard (excluding intersection crashes) during the most recent 5 - year period for which data is available (2018 through 2022). That crash occurred on December 12, 2018 and was a vehicle colliding with a parked vehicle. It is recognized that there may have been crashes that were not reported, or for which no crash report was produced by the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department. Such crashes are typically minor or do not involve injury. “No Through Traffic” Sign City records indicate that a sign stating “Residential Neighborhood – No Through Traffic Please” was installed by the City some time before September 23, 1999. An additional sign of the same type was ordered to be installed on September 23, 1999 by the then- Director of Public Works Dean Allison. The sign was installed in response to concerns regarding traffic volumes and vehicle speeds by a resident of Avenida Celestial. Traffic Calming Measures Analyzed Based on neighborhood feedback, KOA studied the following potential traffic calming measures: • All-Way Stop Signs Some residents requested all-way stop signs at the intersection of Avenida Classica and Avenida Esplendida, as well as Avenida Classica and Los Verdes Drive. California traffic engineering standards explicitly state that stop signs should not be used for speed control and should only be used based on engineering judgement to establish intersection control. Factors to be considered include vehicular, bicycle, and pedestrian traffic volumes on all approaches; the number and angle of approaches; approach speeds; sight distance available on each approach; reported crash experience, and other conditions. California traffic engineering standards state that the use of all-way stop signs can be useful if certain traffic conditions exist and should be based on an engineering study. More specifically, multi-way stop signs are used when all road users expecting other roads users to stop, most often because the volume of traffic on intersecting roads is 4 5 approximately equal. Sight distance, crash history, and other factors should also be considered. An engineering study was performed to determine if all-way stop signs are justified in the study intersections. Neither intersection met the criteria for installation of all-way stop signs, as detailed in the KOA traffic study. • Speed Humps Some residents requested the installation of speed humps on Avenida Classica. There are some common general conditions to consider the installation of speed humps as follows: o Grading: Due to safety concerns a street grade must be less than 8% to be considered for speed humps. o Traffic Volumes: a street should not exceed traffic volumes of 3,000 vehicles per day. o Street Width: the street width should not be greater than 40 feet. o Curves: speed humps are not recommended for horizontal curves with a centerline radius less than 300 feet nor for vertical curves with a stop distance less than the minimum recommended. Avenida Classica has a grade of 9% and two curves with centerline radii less than 300 feet. Therefore, speed humps do not meet the criteria to be considered as a traffic calming measure. • Marked Crosswalk and Lighted Crosswalk Some residents requested the installation of marked and/or lighted crosswalks at the intersection of Avenida Classica and Avenida Esplendida. Crosswalks are generally used to designate areas where drivers should expect to stop for pedestrians crossing the street, typically because of higher volumes of pedestrian activity than at most intersections. Due to low pedestrian crossing volume, the absence or discontinuity of sidewalks and curb ramps, the presence of other pedestrian crossings in the area, and general suitability for the local neighborhood context; the intersection of Avenida Classica and Avenida Esplendida is not recommended for a marked or lighted crosswalk. • Southbound Right-Turn Diverter at Los Verdes Drive Some residents requested the prohibition of right-turns from Avenida Classica and Avenida Esplendida onto Los Verdes Drive as a means to prevent speeding cut- through traffic to the Los Verdes Golf Course. The prohibition of right -turns is most likely to be successful through the use of diagonal diverters rather than signage alone. Diagonal diverters are islands built diagonally across a street or intersection to prevent certain turning traffic movements, as shown in Figure 1 on the following page. 5 6 Figure 1: Diverter Prohibiting Southbound Right-Turns and Northbound Left-Turns Installing a diverter at the south end of Avenida Classica would force southbound right - turning vehicles to make a left onto Los Verdes Drive, and northbound left -turning vehicles to continue straight on Los Verdes Drive. This measure would eliminate the cut-through route created by vehicles traveling from Crest Road towards the Los Verdes Golf Course, while still providing neighborhood traffic movement, including residents of the PV Victoria Apartments, access to Crest Road or Hawthorne Blvd via Los Verdes Drive. A similar design would also be implemented at Los Verdes Drive and Avenida Esplendida to prevent diverted traffic from attempting to use Avenida Esplendida as a secondary cut-through route. The main goal of this measure would be to redirect golf course-related traffic away from Avenida Classica so that it enters/exits the neighborhood by using the intersection of Hawthorne Boulevard at Los Verdes Drive, as shown in Figure 2 on the following page. 6 7 Figure 2: New Traffic Pattern to and from Los Verdes Golf Course Residents of the PV Victoria Apartments would be able to continue to travel to and from Avenida Classica and Avenida Celestial by making southbound left -turns and northbound right-turns as shown in Figure 3 on the following page. 7 8 Figure 3: PV Victoria Traffic Pattern Diverters at the intersection of Avenida Classica and Los Verdes Drive , as well as Avenida Esplendida and Los Verdes Drive were analyzed for roadway geometry and for traffic operations. The analysis concluded that diverters are recommended and are likely to be effective traffic calming devices. Additionally, routing golf course traffic onto Los Verdes Drive is not expected to impede emergency evacuation because it is a more direct route to Hawthorne Boulevard whereas driving to Crest Road to get to Hawthorne Boulevard may increase congestion on Crest Road, which is the only evacuation route for the local streets serving the neighborhoods further west. 8 9 • Traffic Signal at Hawthorne Boulevard and Los Verdes Drive In the case that diverters are selected as traffic calming measures for Avenida Classica and Avenida Esplendida, higher traffic volumes are anticipated at the existing unsignalized intersection of Hawthorne Boulevard at Los Verdes Drive. For this reason, the intersection was analyzed for a traffic signal. The analysis considered the addition of diverted traffic due to the implementation of the diagonal diverters. Traffic signals can be a valuable device for controlling vehicular and pedestrian traffic. They can provide for the orderly movement of traffic, increase capacity, reduce the frequency and severity of certain types of crashes, and provide minor-street traffic with breaks in major-street traffic. However, traffic signals at locations where they are not justified can lead to excessive delay, disobedience of signal indications, increased cut- through traffic, and increased collisions of certain types (especially rear-end). The traffic signal analysis was conducted based on California traffic engineering standards, which include minimum conditions, or warrants, under which installing traffic control signals might be justified. Those warrants are generally as follows: o A large volume of intersecting traffic, or traffic volume on a major street so heavy that traffic on a minor intersecting street suffers excessive delay or conflict in entering or crossing the major street. o Minor-street traffic suffers undue delay when entering or crossing the major street for a minimum of 1 hour of an average day. o Traffic volume on a major street is so heavy that pedestrians experience excessive delay in crossing the major street. o Inadequate gaps in the vehicular traffic stream as related to the number and size of groups of schoolchildren crossing the major street. o Platooning of vehicles for progressive movement of traffic is improved by a traffic signal. o History of crashes of the type, severity, and frequency susceptible to correction by a traffic signal. o Concentrating and organizing traffic flow on a roadway network. o Proximity to the intersection of a grade crossing. Three of the possible warrants are applicable to the intersection of Hawthorne Boulevard and Los Verdes Drive. Two of those three warrants are met - vehicles on Los Verdes Drive suffering undue delay in entering Hawthorne Boulevard during 4 hours of an average day, and vehicles on Los Verdes Drive suffering undue delay in entering Hawthorne Boulevard for the highest volume hour of an average day. The installation of diagonal diverters is predicted to increase traffic volumes at the intersection of Hawthorne Boulevard and Los Verdes Drive. For this reason, a traffic signal is recommended to be installed in conjunction with the diverters. A traffic signal is expected to benefit both residents and golf course users by dedicating signalized right-of-way to drivers exiting the neighborhood via Los Verdes Drive, thereby reducing the potential for traffic delays and collisions. • Sight Distance at Hawthorne Boulevard and Los Verdes Drive Because of the potential for diverters at Los Verdes Drive to increase traffic volumes at the intersection of Los Verdes Drive and Hawthorne Boulevard, a sight distance 9 10 analysis was conducted to determine if the minimum sight distance recommended by the primary engineering guidance manual for roadway design is met. The result of the analysis was that adequate sight distance exists when drivers waiting at the stop line pull forward slightly beyond the stop bar, which they can do without encroaching into the traveled way on Hawthorne Boulevard or blocking the active path of pedestrians crossing Los Verdes Drive. This practice of stopping at the limit line and then moving forward to a point of visibility has been recognized as practical under California case law. • Wayfinding Signage In the case that Avenida Classica is altered with traffic calming measures to prevent its use as a viable route to and from the Los Verdes Golf Course, installing wayfinding signage in the surrounding area can be an effective solution to help visitors find the appropriate entrance and exit routes. Wayfinding signage is designed to help drivers navigate the physical environment, reach their destination, and locate convenient routes to return to the external street network, by providing clear and concise information about where to go. Signage can be placed along Los Verdes Drive, at its intersection with Hawthorne Boulevard, and the golf course parking lot. Additionally, signs can be placed on Hawthorne Boulevard, Crest Road, and at the entry points to Avenida Classica indicating where access to the golf course is not available. To serve the aesthetic of the neighborhood, wayfinding signage will be designed to be visually appealing, easy to read, with clear and concise information. The si gnage will also be consistent with City standards and requirements and might include directional arrows and maps. In the study area, the three primary locations for wayfinding signage are the following: o Southbound Hawthorne Boulevard at Crest Road o Avenida Classica and Los Verdes Drive o Los Verdes Drive and Hawthorne Boulevard • Traffic Circles/Islands KOA studied the use of traffic circles, or raised islands, placed in the center of the intersections of Avenida Classica and Avenida Esplendida as well as Avenida Classica and Avenida Celestial as traffic calming measures. The purpose of traffic circles is to slow down traffic, provide right-of-way control, and potentially improve pedestrian safety by reducing the number of conflict points between pedestrian s and vehicles. Additionally, traffic circles may reduce cut-through traffic because they create additional impediments for cut-through drivers. Traffic circles were analyzed for roadway geometry and for traffic operations. The analysis concluded that traffic circles are likely to be effective traffic calming devices. However, because turn diverters are likely to be the most effective traffic calming measure, Staff recommends that traffic circles be considered as an alternative to diverters. 10 11 Traffic Safety Committee On July 24, 2023, the Traffic Safety Committee (TSC) held a public meeting to consider traffic calming measures for Avenida Classica and Avenida Esplendida between Crest Road and Los Verdes Drive as recommended by the July 2023 KOA traffic study. After considering the information presented that evening, along with public testimony, the TSC moved, on a unanimous vote of four in favor (Member David Tomblin was absent as a member of the TSC member, but spoke as a member of the public ), to recommend that the City Council consider the alternative of traffic circles at the intersections of Avenida Classica and Avenida Esplendida, as well as Avenida Classica and Avenida Celestial (Attachment F). The passed motion also recommended wayfinding signage, additional enforcement, the use of temporary speed feedback radar signs, and exploring the feasibility of installing a traffic signal at Hawthorne Boulevard and Los Verdes Drive without the use of traffic diverters. During the Traffic Safety Committee meeting on July 24, 2023, when this item was presented; some area residents voiced concerns about unintended consequences of diverted traffic on Los Verdes Drive. One of these concerns is transferring the speeding problem from Avenida Classica to Los Verdes Drive. Staff believes that this is not a likely outcome because Los Verdes Drive does not have the same vertical grade, which can facilitate speeding, as Avenida Classica. Additionally, residents expressed a concern with increased conflicts between vehicles and pedestrians crossing the street from the apartment complex on the south side of Los Verdes Drive to/from parked vehicles on the north side of Los Verdes Drive. To alleviate these concerns, Staff recommends that the City Council direct Staff to study installing a raised crosswalk across Los Verdes Drive on the west side of the intersection with Avenida Esplendida, and return with a recommendation. Raised crosswalks are ramped speed tables, flush with the height of the adjacent sidewalk, demarcated with paint and spanning the entire width of a roadway. Their purpose is to reduce vehicle speeds, improve motorist yielding to pedestrians, and make pedestrians more prominent to motorists. Figure 4, on the following page, shows a schematic of a raised crosswalk. 11 12 Figure 4: Raised Crosswalk across Los Verdes Dr at Avenida Esplendida This evening, the City Council is being asked to consider Staff’s recommendation which differs from the TSC in that rather than traffic circles; the following traffic calming measures are recommended: 1) Southbound right-turn and northbound left-turn diverters at the intersections of Avenida Classica and Avenida Esplendida at Los Verdes Drive. 2) A traffic signal at the intersection of Los Verdes Drive and Hawthorne Boulevard. 3) Wayfinding signage directing golf course traffic to Hawthorne Boulevard and Los Verdes Drive as the routes to and from the golf course. Additionally, Staff recommends that City Council direct Staff to study a raised cr osswalk across Los Verdes Drive at Avenida Esplendida. The Staff recommendation differs from the TSC recommendation because Staff’s professional opinion, based on the KOA study, is that recommended measures are more likely to be effective than traffic circles. 12 13 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: Public Notification To assure that residents in the area were aware of the tonight’s City Council’s discussion on traffic calming measures on Avenida Classica and the surrounding area , Staff sent a meeting notice (Attachment B) to all property owners within 500 feet of Avenida Classica and Avenida Esplendida informing them of the traffic calming measures being considered by the City Council tonight. Staff also sent a notice to PV Victoria Apartments management and asked that the notice be disseminated to all residents. Staff informed the Los Verdes Golf Course management of the meeting as well. Neighborhood Meeting On November 4, 2022, Staff attended a meeting of residents of Avenida Classica and the surrounding area to discuss resident traffic concerns and suggestions for mitigation. TSC Member David Tomblin was present and announced that he was attending as a private resident and not as a representative of the TSC. Additionally, current Mayor Barbara Ferraro was in attendance. Transparency For disclosure and transparency purposes, it is recommended that any Councilmembers who have had discussions with community members, including attending meetings, on this topic disclose that information at the beginning of tonight’s meeting. Additionally, it is also suggested, although not required to participate tonight, that Councilmembers indicate whether they have been to the study area. It should be noted that the City’s traffic engineer did not submit its final recommendations until July 21, 2023 in advance of the July 24, 2023 TSC meeting. Up until then, input was being received from the public and studies were being conducted. Traffic Safety Committee Meeting As previously reported, on July 24, 2023, the TSC held a meeting to review the KOA traffic study and to consider forwarding a recommendation to the City Council for its consideration (link). TSC Member David Tomblin was absent as a TSC member because of the proximity of his home to the proposed traffic calming measures. However, David Tomblin spoke as a private resident. The raised crosswalk was not presented to the TSC because it was not contemplated at the TSC meeting and was later considered in response to resident concerns about transferring the speeding problem to Los Verdes Drive and increasing conflicts between vehicles and pedestrians crossing the street. 13 14 TSC Attendance at the October 3, 2023 City Council Meeting TSC Chair John Tye will be in attendance at this evening’s meeting to represent the TSC on this item. Stakeholder Engagement On November 4, 2022, Staff met with residents of Avenida Classica and the surrounding area to collect feedback on the potential traffic calming solutions. Following that meeting, Staff have regularly received input from residents in writing and by telephone. Attachment C is a petition and map with verified signatures of residents in the area that support or oppose the recommended traffic calming measures. This petition and map only includes verified addresses within the area. Attachment D includes all input received, including that from out-of-area residents that use Avenida Classica to access the golf course. Additionally, Staff reached out directly to the Los Verdes Golf Club management and PV Victoria Apartments management to describe the proposed traffic calming measures on Avenida Classica and inform them of the Traffic Safety Committee meeting on July 24, 2023. Furthermore, Staff discussed the proposed traffic calming measures with the Los Angeles County Fire Department (LACFD). LACFD stated that they have concerns with the proposed traffic calming measures as presented, particularly, the diverters; however, they recognize that the information presented is a conceptual plan lacking certain details, and that once details become available, LACFD will sit down with the City to work through a final design that works for both the City and LACFD. CONCLUSION: The use of Los Verdes Drive for access to the Los Verdes Golf Course instead of Avenida Classica or Avenida Esplendida is recommended because it keeps golf course traffic on Hawthorne Boulevard, an arterial street, for as long as possible before entering th e neighborhood. Additionally, Los Verdes Drive is better suited for golf course traffic because of the presence of sidewalks that reduce conflicts with pedestrians. Based on the traffic study prepared by KOA and site conditions, Staff recommends the following traffic calming measures to reduce speeds along Avenida Classica to match the speed limit more closely: • Installing diagonal diverters at the intersections of Avenida Classica at Los Verdes Drive and Avenida Esplendida at Los Verdes Drive; • Installing a Traffic Signal at Hawthorne Boulevard and Los Verdes Drive ; • Installing wayfinding signage; and, • Studying whether a raised crosswalk should be installed along Los Verdes Drive at Avenida Esplendida for future consideration by the City Council. 14 15 ALTERNATIVES: In addition to Staff recommendations, the following alternative actions are available for the City Council’s consideration: 1. Do not approve the recommended traffic calming measures and instead approve traffic circles at the intersections of Avenida Classica and Avenida Esplendida as well as Avenida Classica and Avenida Celestial. 2. Do not approve the recommended traffic calming measures or the alternative. 3. Identify other traffic calming measures to study for City Council consideration at a later date. 4. Remand the proposed project back to the TSC with specific direction on what to address. 5. Take other action, as deemed appropriate. 15 TRAFFIC CALMING PLAN FOR AVENIDA CLASSICA RANCHO PALOS VERDES, CALIFORNIA JULY 2023 Prepared for: City of Rancho Palos Verdes Public Works Department Prepared by: 888 S. Anita Drive, Suite 800, Orange, CA 92868 T: 714.573.0317 | F: 714.573.9584 www.koacorp.com JC13039 A-1 CITY OF RANCHO PALOS VERDES-TRAFFIC CALMING PLANS | AVENIDA CLASSICA PAGE I TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ............................................................................................................... 1 1.1 Summary of Findings ......................................................................................................................................................... 1 1.2 Avenida Classica – Traffic Calming Needs and Goals ........................................................................................... 2 2.0 EXISTING CONDITIONS AND DATA COLLECTION ............................................................ 4 2.1 Traffic Volumes .................................................................................................................................................................... 4 2.2 Speed Count data ............................................................................................................................................................... 4 2.3 Site Visit / Neighborhood Outreach Meeting #1 ................................................................................................... 5 3.0 ANALYSIS ......................................................................................................................................8 3.1 Traffic Volumes .................................................................................................................................................................... 8 3.2 Speed Surveys ................................................................................................................................................................... 12 3.3 Sight Distance Analysis .................................................................................................................................................. 14 3.4 ALL-way stop control warrant analysis ................................................................................................................... 17 3.3.1 All-Way STOP Warrant Analysis: Ave Esplendida and Avenida Classica ........................................................ 17 3.3.2 All-Way STOP Warrant Analysis: Avenida Classica and Los Verdes Drive ..................................................... 18 3.5 Speed Humps Analysis ................................................................................................................................................... 20 3.6 Marked Crosswalk and Lighted Crosswalk ............................................................................................................. 20 3.7 Southbound Right-Turn Diverter at Los Verdes Drive ...................................................................................... 21 3.8 Traffic Signal at Hawthorne Boulevard and Los Verdes Drive ........................................................................ 21 Warrant 1- Eight Hour Vehicle Volume ................................................................................................................................... 21 Warrant 2- Four Hour Vehicle Volume .................................................................................................................................... 22 Warrant 3- Peak Hour Vehicle Volume ................................................................................................................................... 23 3.9 Traffic Circle / Island ....................................................................................................................................................... 24 3.10 Wayfinding Signage ..................................................................................................................................................... 24 4.0 CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS ....................................................................... 26 4.1 Recommended Traffic Calming Measures ............................................................................................................. 26 4.2 Next Steps ........................................................................................................................................................................... 26 A-2 CITY OF RANCHO PALOS VERDES-TRAFFIC CALMING PLANS | AVENIDA CLASSICA PAGE II LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1.1 – Study Area ...................................................................................................................................................................... 3 Figure 2.1 – ADT Count and Speed Survey Locations............................................................................................................ 5 Figure 2.2 – Existing Conditions ..................................................................................................................................................... 7 Figure 3.1 – 24-Hour Traffic Volume (Daily Average) ............................................................................................................ 9 Figure 3.2 – AM-Only Traffic Volumes (Daily Average) ...................................................................................................... 10 Figure 3.3 – PM-Only Traffic Volumes (Daily Average) ...................................................................................................... 11 Figure 3.4 – Sight Distance Analysis for Turns from Los Verdes Drive Onto Hawthorne Boulevard ............... 16 Figure 3.5 – AM/PM Peak Hour Vehicle Turning Movements at Avenue Esplendida and Avenida Classica ................................................................................................................................ 17 Figure 3.6 – AM/PM Peak Hour Vehicle Turning Movement at Avenida Classica and Los Verdes Drive .................................................................................................................................... 19 A-3 CITY OF RANCHO PALOS VERDES-TRAFFIC CALMING PLANS | AVENIDA CLASSICA PAGE III LIST OF TABLES Table 3.1 - Speed Survey Summary (June 2021) ................................................................................................................... 13 Table 3.2 - Speed Survey Summary (December 2022) ....................................................................................................... 13 Table 3.2 – minimum recommended sight distance based on vehicle maneuver .................................................. 15 Table 3.3 - Adjustment Factors for Sight Distance Based on Approach Grade ........................................................ 15 A-4 Executive Summary CITY OF RANCHO PALOS VERDES-TRAFFIC CALMING PLANS | AVENIDA CLASSICA PAGE 1 1.0 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 1.1 SUMMARY OF FINDINGS In response to concerns raised by residents of Avenida Classica in the City of Rancho Palos Verdes, KOA Corporation (KOA) was retained by the City (RPV) to perform an analysis of the existing traffic conditions on Avenida Classica and nearby impacted areas, to determine whether the concerns support further consideration of implementing traffic calming measures. The sections following describe the various data collection, engineering analyses, local community outreach, and subsequent technical recommendations resulting from this traffic calming study effort. "Traffic Calming" is an aspect of community traffic management that focuses on implementing physical roadway measures to alter driver behaviors determined to be negatively affecting the livability and safety of residents and other non-motorized road users. Traffic calming uses physical design and other measures to improve safety for motorists, pedestrians, and cyclists. Traffic calming involves a uniform process that identifies the need for, and develops and installs as justified, approved traffic control devices and horizontal/vertical measures targeted at reducing specific concerns, such as excessive traffic speeding, cut- through traffic volumes, and/or other unsafe or undesired traffic movements and driver behaviors. Representatives of the City of RPV and KOA organized an in-person meeting with residents of Avenida Classica to collect feedback, confirm the perceived concerns, and incorporate input and observations into the development of traffic calming strategies for the street. Relevant traffic data collected by KOA was organized and analyzed to establish a baseline understanding of residents’ concerns, and to identify traffic factors such as existing average daily traffic (ADT) volume levels, vehicle speeds, and the nature and extent of traffic collisions. Through extensive study it was determined that the neighborhood concerns about speeding, cut-through traffic and erratic driving were valid and reasonable to justify the consideration of significant traffic calming measures, primarily aimed at reducing vehicle speeds and diverting golf course-related traffic away from Avenida Classica. A-5 Executive Summary CITY OF RANCHO PALOS VERDES-TRAFFIC CALMING PLANS | AVENIDA CLASSICA PAGE 2 1.2 AVENIDA CLASSICA – TRAFFIC CALMING NEEDS AND GOALS Avenida Classica is a 1,580-foot long, two-lane local street serving local residents in the westerly part of Rancho Palos Verdes, just west of the intersection of Hawthorne Boulevard and Crest Road near the Los Verdes Golf Course. Avenida Classica is bound by Crest Road to the north and Los Verdes Drive to the south. See Figure 1.1 for a map of the study area. The goals of this study are as follows: · Identify and analyze ongoing traffic concerns within the neighborhood, based on an assessment of measured vehicle volumes, speeds, field observations, and resident input and feedback; · Recommend traffic calming countermeasures to mitigate the traffic concerns to appropriate levels that are consistent with the City’s goals, policies and standards for residential communities in Rancho Palos Verdes; and · Minimize any potential adverse impacts of the recommended traffic calming recommendations on: o Other adjacent streets and neighborhoods o Emergency vehicle response times; o Pedestrians, bicyclists and other non-motorized road users · Prepare a Traffic Calming Plan for Avenida Classica documenting the existing conditions, data collection, engineering analysis, community outreach, and conceptual plans and cost estimates to implement the recommended traffic calming countermeasures. Through community engagement efforts, residents of Avenida Classica voiced their concerns to the City and KOA about their experienced and perceived traffic and safety issues occurring on the street. After conducting a detailed analysis and series of discussions with City staff and the affected residents, the following conceptual improvements were developed:  Implement traffic calming measures to reduce daily travel speeds on Avenida Classica to speeds closer to that of the currently established speed limit. o Install diagonal diverters at the southerly ends of Avenida Classica and Avenue Esplendida, at Los Verdes Drive, to prevent the use of the streets as cut-through routes to and from the Los Verdes Golf Course. o In the case that diverter improvements are not supported or approved, consider the installation of two (2) raised traffic circles on Avenida Classica at Avenue Esplendida and Avenue Celestial.  Install additional wayfinding guide signage at strategic points along the Hawthorne/Los Verdes access route to and from the golf course. This measure will help to direct and inform golf course visitors as to the correct available route to reach the golf course.  Install a traffic signal at the intersection of Hawthorne Boulevard and Los Verdes Drive. The traffic analysis indicates that a signal is warranted during the four-hour and peak-hour periods, and would benefit the potential increase in traffic volumes resulting from the abovementioned traffic calming improvements. Note: the recommendation for traffic signal installation presumes that the abovementioned traffic calming diverters would be concurrently installed, as the resulting traffic diversions to the intersection of Los Verdes Drive and Hawthorne Boulevard support the satisfaction of the traffic signal warrant. A-6 Executive Summary CITY OF RANCHO PALOS VERDES-TRAFFIC CALMING PLANS | AVENIDA CLASSICA PAGE 3 FIGURE 1.1 – STUDY AREA Los Verdes Golf Course A-7 Existing Conditions and Data Collection CITY OF RANCHO PALOS VERDES-TRAFFIC CALMING PLANS | AVENIDA CLASSICA PAGE 4 2.0 EXISTING CONDITIONS AND DATA COLLECTION Avenida Classica is a 40-foot wide, two-lane undivided local street serving local residents, with direct access to Crest Road on the north (uphill end of the street), and Los Verdes Drive to the south (downhill end). The posted speed limit on Avenida Classica is 25 miles per hour, and on-street parking is permitted on both sides except during street sweeping hours between 7:30AM and 4:30PM during the first and third Thursday of the month. The physical roadway alignment of Avenida Classica is characterized by significant horizontal and vertical changes over its quarter-mile span, having two horizontal curves (R=195’ and R=250’, approximately) separated by a 350-foot tangent section, as well as a vertical grade change ranging between 0 and 22 percent, for an average of about 7 percent on the street. Figure 2.2 illustrates the elevation profile of the roadway with respect to the intersecting cross streets (i.e., Avenue Celestial and Avenue Esplendida) within the study area. To understand the existing conditions for the various traffic characteristics that comprise this evaluation, KOA collected data at select locations based on comments received from the community during June 22, 2021, Traffic Safety Committee meeting and other correspondences with the City. The following data was collected as part of this traffic study. 2.1 TRAFFIC VOLUMES Initial traffic volume data was collected on a Tuesday (June 22nd) in 2021. 24-hour Average Daily Traffic (ADT) volume counts were collected using fixed roadway machine/tube counters placed across the street. These devices register two-way vehicle traffic driving through a selected point on the traveled way. Two- way traffic counts were taken on Avenida Classica at approximately mid-segment between Celestial and Esplendida. Intersection turning movement counts were also collected in 2021 at two intersections along Avenida Classica, at (1) Avenue Esplendida and (2) Los Verdes Drive. Additional traffic volume counts were collected in late 2022/early 2023 as part of an expanded analysis to identify potential traffic impacts and contingent strategies related to the implementation of the recommended traffic calming measures on Avenida Classica. 2.2 SPEED COUNT DATA To determine whether potential speeding issues exist on Avenida Classica in accordance with resident concerns, 24-hour traffic speed counts were collected concurrently with the ADT volume counts on Avenida Classica, on Tuesday, June 22nd, 2021; Wednesday, June 23rd, 2021; and during the 2022 holiday period from Monday, December 19th through Sunday, December 25th. Figure 2.1 illustrates the study locations of the ADT count and speed measurements. A-8 Existing Conditions and Data Collection CITY OF RANCHO PALOS VERDES-TRAFFIC CALMING PLANS | AVENIDA CLASSICA PAGE 5 FIGURE 2.1 – ADT COUNT AND SPEED SURVEY LOCATIONS 2.3 SITE VISIT / NEIGHBORHOOD OUTREACH MEETING #1 KOA staff joined the City of RPV in meeting with local residents of Avenida Classica on Friday, November 4, 2022. The following points encompass the purpose of the outreach meeting: · Inform residents of the status of the project study, and open up the discussion to input · Seek to refine the scope of work of the study based on resident input · Discuss potentially available traffic calming options, and gauge residents’ general level of support for certain ideas · Provide a follow-up plan based on the results of the meeting A variety of discussion topics were covered during the meeting. Various ideas, issues and suggestions were raised by the residents, as summarized below. Los Verdes Golf Course A-9 Existing Conditions and Data Collection CITY OF RANCHO PALOS VERDES-TRAFFIC CALMING PLANS | AVENIDA CLASSICA PAGE 6 Issues · Speeding – Residents raised concerns over aggressive and fast-driving motorists at various times of the day on Avenida Classica, likely those driving to and from the nearby Los Verdes Golf Course · Driver Safety – Residents reported a number of traffic collisions on the street, resulting from erratic driving and/or inattention to the roadway and roadside conditions within the neighborhood context. Various collisions and “close-calls” were reported between aggressive/speeding drivers and other cars driving on Avenida Classica, parked cars along the street, and drivers backing out and heading into driveways. · Pedestrian Safety – Residents expressed concerns about speeding motorists not safely yielding to and/or navigating around pedestrians crossing the street · Blind Curves – Concerns were raised about the traffic safety due to visibility conflicts between motorists traveling along the horizontal curves, and motorists both approaching in the opposite direction on the street and backing out of residential driveways. Ideas and Suggestions · Enforcement – Deploy additional enforcement to monitor speed and provide immediate relief. · Speed Humps – Under the right conditions, and when designed properly, speed humps may be effective at attenuating speeding behavior; however, standard practice is to obtain a general consensus on their use, and it is currently not known whether the community would support their implementation. · Stop Signs – As stated in Sections 2B.04 and 2B.05 of the CAMUTCD, and as a common industry practice, stop signs are not a “cure-all” or substitute for other, more appropriate traffic control devices, and should not be used as a means to address speed control issues. Stop signs are intended to regulate right-of-way at conflicts between roadways and turning maneuvers, and so KOA will investigate whether the two existing mid-segment intersections (presently only two-way stop controlled) are warranted to consider the implementation of all-way stop controls. · Traffic Signals – Due to the local neighborhood setting, signalized traffic control devices will not be appropriate for Avenida Classica. KOA nevertheless plans to investigate whether a traffic signal at the nearby intersection of Los Verdes and Hawthorne Boulevard is warranted, due to its location and proximity to the study area as a critical entry point into and out of the Los Verdes neighborhood. · Traffic Circles – The implementation of neighborhood traffic circles in similar local street settings has demonstrated high effectiveness in reducing speeds, compared to other low-cost measures. KOA will evaluate whether the physical roadway and intersection conditions on Avenida Classica can accommodate viable traffic circle features. · Turning Movement Restrictions and/or Street Closure – Residents expressed an interest in restricting turning movements into and out of Avenida Classica at the south end of the street, in order to minimize cut-through traffic through the neighborhood. KOA will evaluate potential options for traffic diversion strategies and investigate the potential impacts of such measures. · Lighted Crosswalks – One resident’s suggestion put forth during the meeting was to install “lighted crosswalk”, which typically involves the implementation of high-visibility marked crosswalks along with illuminating features such as street lights, rectangular rapid-flashing beacons, and/or in-roadway warning lights. A-10 Existing Conditions and Data Collection CITY OF RANCHO PALOS VERDES-TRAFFIC CALMING PLANS | AVENIDA CLASSICA PAGE 7 FIGURE 2.2 – EXISTING CONDITIONS Crest Rd Ave Celestial Ave Esplendida Los Verdes Dr A-11 Analysis CITY OF RANCHO PALOS VERDES-TRAFFIC CALMING PLANS | AVENIDA CLASSICA PAGE 8 3.0 ANALYSIS 3.1 TRAFFIC VOLUMES Average Daily Traffic (ADT) volumes represent the number of vehicles traversing a point on a roadway segment over a 24-hour period. ADT data can help estimate the overall level of traffic regularly experienced on a given roadway segment, as well as identify particular periods throughout the day when traffic volumes demonstrate rising or falling fluctuation patterns. While ADTs do not depict the exact origins and destinations of those cars which it measures, ADT does reveal a sense of the daily “busyness” of a street as traveled by cars, and the directional distribution of traffic throughout the day. ADT counts on Avenida Classica were collected on two typical, consecutive weekdays in June 2021. Figure 3.1 illustrates the 48-hour average daily traffic volume in each direction, and for the two directions combined. Figure 3.2 shows the two-day average roadway volumes during the AM hours (i.e., midnight to noon), while Figure 3.3 shows the two-day average roadway volumes during the PM hours (noon to midnight). The two-day average 24-hour traffic volume on Avenida Classica was 1,418 vehicles per day, including 472 vehicles (33%) during the AM hours per day and 946 vehicles (67%) during the PM hours per day. On the average day, 53% of traffic on Avenida Classica was in the southbound direction, while 47% of traffic was in the northbound direction. A-12 Analysis CITY OF RANCHO PALOS VERDES-TRAFFIC CALMING PLANS | AVENIDA CLASSICA PAGE 9 FIGURE 3.1 – 24-HOUR TRAFFIC VOLUME (DAILY AVERAGE) Los Verdes Golf Course A-13 Analysis CITY OF RANCHO PALOS VERDES-TRAFFIC CALMING PLANS | AVENIDA CLASSICA PAGE 10 FIGURE 3.2 – AM-ONLY TRAFFIC VOLUMES (DAILY AVERAGE) Los Verdes Golf Course A-14 Analysis CITY OF RANCHO PALOS VERDES-TRAFFIC CALMING PLANS | AVENIDA CLASSICA PAGE 11 FIGURE 3.3 – PM-ONLY TRAFFIC VOLUMES (DAILY AVERAGE) Los Verdes Golf Course A-15 Analysis CITY OF RANCHO PALOS VERDES-TRAFFIC CALMING PLANS | AVENIDA CLASSICA PAGE 12 3.2 SPEED SURVEYS Portable speed tube counters were installed across the roadway on Avenida Classica to measure daily traffic speeds. The speed survey data was used to identify the prevailing speeds traveled by motorists on a typical day. Speed survey locations were chosen based on reviewing the existing conditions and selecting a mid- block point where the influence of traffic controls and turning traffic would be minimized and would sufficiently represent free-flow travel speeds on the street. According to the California Vehicle Code (CVC), the prima facie, or “default” speed limit on residential streets is 25 miles per hour, unless otherwise posted. There are currently 25-MPH (Type R2-1) speed limit signs posted on Avenida Classica north of Los Verdes Drive in the northbound direction, and north of Avenue Celestial in the southbound direction. The average (50th percentile) speed recorded on Avenida Classica in June 2021 was greater than the posted speed limit, measured at 27 mph during the AM and 26 mph during the PM hours. The 85th percentile speed, or critical speed, generally represents the upper limit of the speed range that most reasonable and prudent motorists will drive. For a typical residential street, an 85th percentile speed reported above 25 miles per hour may indicate either a) a potential speeding concern, in which measures should be implemented to reduce vehicle speeds; or b) an evident need to accept a higher posted speed limit in order to better serve the needs of motorists. The two-day, bi-directional average 85th percentile speed recorded on Avenida Classica in June 2021 was 32 mph, which is 7 mph in excess of the posted speed limit. Table 3.1 summarizes the two-day traffic speed data for the street, in each direction as well as for the combined directions of travel during the June 2021 survey period. KOA performed a follow-up speed survey in late December 2022 using roadside radar counters, to re- evaluate travel speeds during the typical holiday season when schools were not in session. The findings of the follow-up speed survey were comparable to the June 2021 survey. Over the 5-day survey period from Monday 12/19 to Sunday 12/25, the average daily two-way 85th percentile speed was 32.5 mph, which is 7.5 mph above the posted speed limit. Table 3.2 summarizes the five-day traffic speed data during the December 2022 survey period. A-16 Analysis CITY OF RANCHO PALOS VERDES-TRAFFIC CALMING PLANS | AVENIDA CLASSICA PAGE 13 TABLE 3.1 - SPEED SURVEY SUMMARY (JUNE 2021) Street: Avenida Classica Location: Between Ave Esplendida and Ave Celestial Survey Period Day 1- Tue (6/22/21) Day 2- Wed (6/23/21) 2-Day Average Direction EB WB EB+WB EB WB EB+WB EB WB EB+WB Percentile Speed 15th 19 23 20 21 24 21 20 24 21 18 21 18 19 21 18 19 21 18 50th 24 28 26 25 29 27 25 29 27 25 26 25 25 27 26 25 27 26 85th 29 33 31 30 34 32 30 34 32 30 31 32 30 33 29 30 32 31 30 32 32 30 34 31 30 33 32 95th 32 35 34 33 36 35 33 36 35 34 34 33 34 36 36 34 35 35 Mean Speed (Average) 24 28 25 25 29 27 25 29 26 25 26 25 25 27 26 25 27 26 10- MPH Pace 20-29 25-34 22-31 21-30 25-34 22-31 21-30 25-34 22-31 20-29 22-31 21-30 20-29 23-32 25-34 20-29 23-32 23-32 % in Pace 69% 71% 62% 74% 73% 56% 72% 72% 59% 53% 60% 31% 55% 53% 31% 54% 57% 31% TABLE 3.2 - SPEED SURVEY SUMMARY (DECEMBER 2022) Notes: EB – Eastbound ## AM period speed data (12AM-12PM) ## 24-hour speed data (daily) WB – Westbound ## PM period speed data (12PM-12AM) A-17 Analysis CITY OF RANCHO PALOS VERDES-TRAFFIC CALMING PLANS | AVENIDA CLASSICA PAGE 14 3.3 SIGHT DISTANCE ANALYSIS KOA conducted a sight distance analysis for the intersection of Los Verdes Drive and Hawthorne Boulevard. Due to the potential increase in traffic volumes entering Hawthorne Boulevard from Los Verdes Drive, resulting from the implementation of certain traffic calming measures on Avenida Classica, it was determined that sight distance should be evaluated at this location to identify any potential safety concerns. Motorists departing from the Los Verdes Golf Course originally destined to proceed north on Avenida Classica, may likely divert to the intersection at Los Verdes Drive and Hawthorne, where they will be required to turn left across the free-flowing traffic lanes onto northbound Hawthorne Boulevard. The avoidance of collisions and negotiation of right-of-way between vehicles on conflicting travel paths depends in part on the judgement, capabilities, and response of the individual drivers. However, it is important for a driver approaching the potential intersecting path of another vehicle to have an unobstructed view of the entire intersection ahead (including at driveways), and within a reasonable amount of time, in order to control the operation of their vehicle and avoid striking motorists within the traveled way. This includes providing sufficient view of traffic control devices, and sufficient lengths along the intersecting street to permit drivers to anticipate and avoid potential collisions with one another. The sight distance needed in each situation is directly related to approaching vehicle speed, roadway and lane geometry, and the distance available to traverse during the perception-reaction-braking time period. Specified areas along intersection approach legs and across their included corners should ideally be clear of obstructions that might block a drivers’ view of potentially conflicting vehicles. These “corner sight triangle” areas are determined by calculating triangular geometries that account for observed driver behavior and documented speed choice of drivers on the intersection approach. By providing unobstructed corner sight areas, if a vehicle stopped on the minor street sees that the intersecting roadway is clear and leaves its stopping point to either cross or enter the major street, oncoming vehicles in either direction will have sufficient time to negotiate the entering vehicle and prevent collision. The recommended geometry of the corner sight triangles, based on the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials’ (AASHTO) latest A Policy on Geometric Design of Highways and Streets (shown below as Table 3.2) varies with the type of traffic control at the intersection and prevailing vehicle speeds. Table 3.3 indicates various sight distance adjustment factors based on the vertical grade of the primary street. It is important to note that these values are not required to be met as a uniform standard, and therefore non-satisfaction of AASHTO sight distance recommendations does not necessarily indicate improper roadway design. In reality, drivers will often self-mitigate low sight distance conditions by encroaching slightly beyond the stop line before entering the intersecting roadway to gain a better vision of oncoming traffic. However, it is strongly recommended that as a conservative measure, the subject intersections should account for the AASHTO minimum sight distance to minimize the potential for adverse vehicle conflicts. Based on this analysis, KOA noted that the corner sight distance between drivers waiting from a stopped position on Los Verdes Drive and drivers approaching north and south on Hawthorne Boulevard is less than the recommended minimum AASHTO calculated sight distance. The primary factor causing the limited sight is the high approach speed of traffic on Hawthorne Boulevard, coupled with vertical grade constraints and boundary wall obstructions behind the westerly sidewalk. Figure 3.4A shows the ISD analysis diagram for Hawthorne Boulevard at Los Verdes Drive. A-18 Analysis CITY OF RANCHO PALOS VERDES-TRAFFIC CALMING PLANS | AVENIDA CLASSICA PAGE 15 TABLE 3.2 – MINIMUM RECOMMENDED SIGHT DISTANCE BASED ON VEHICLE MANEUVER TABLE 3.3 - ADJUSTMENT FACTORS FOR SIGHT DISTANCE BASED ON APPROACH GRADE It is important to note that adequate sight distance issues may be improved, or potentially corrected, by drivers who are waiting at the stop line, by pulling forward slightly beyond the stop bar provided that they do so without encroaching into the opposing traveled way. Figure 3.4B (second inset) illustrates the improved sight distance conditions for drivers waiting to exit onto Hawthorne Boulevard by "creeping" forward to a point of visibility. As illustrated in Figure 3.4B, with drivers on the Los Verdes Drive approach creeping past the limit line to view opposing traffic, the available left- and right-turn sight distance improves in each direction; however, the minimum recommended adequate sight distance is still not available. A-19 Analysis CITY OF RANCHO PALOS VERDES-TRAFFIC CALMING PLANS | AVENIDA CLASSICA PAGE 16 FIGURE 3.4A – SIGHT DISTANCE ANALYSIS FOR TURNS FROM LOS VERDES DRIVE ONTO HAWTHORNE BOULEVARD FIGURE 3.4B – ADJUSTED SIGHT DISTANCE ANALYSIS FOR TURNS FROM LOS VERDES DRIVE ONTO HAWTHORNE BOULEVARD Hawthorne Blvd Los Verdes Dr Legend: Existing Sight Distance Required Sight Distance Stopped at limit line Stopped past limit line A-20 Analysis CITY OF RANCHO PALOS VERDES-TRAFFIC CALMING PLANS | AVENIDA CLASSICA PAGE 17 3.4 ALL-WAY STOP CONTROL WARRANT ANALYSIS The City requested a multi-way stop sign warrant study to be conducted for the intersections of Avenue Esplendida at Avenida Classica, and Los Verdes Drive at Avenida Classica. Eight-hour vehicular, pedestrians and bicycle traffic volume count data was collected from 6AM to 9AM, 11AM to 1PM, and 4PM to 7PM for all four legs of the intersections, on Tuesday, Jun 22nd, 2021. 3.3.1 ALL-WAY STOP WARRANT ANALYSIS: AVE ESPLENDIDA AND AVENIDA CLASSICA This intersection is an unsignalized four-leg, two-way stop controlled intersection between Avenue Esplendida (stop-controlled direction) and Avenida Classica. Avenida Classica is the major roadway, with one lane in each direction, and Ave Esplendida is the minor street with one lane in each direction. There were no posted speed limits found on Avenue Esplendida; therefore, it follows that the prima facie limit on Avenue Esplendida is 25 mph. The posted speed limit on Avenida Classica is 25 mph. There are no horizontal or vertical curvatures observed on either roadway. On-street parking is generally allowed on both roadways. Figure 3.5 shows the AM and PM peak hour vehicle turning movement at the intersection. FIGURE 3.5 - AM/PM PEAK HOUR VEHICLE TURNING MOVEMENTS AT AVENUE ESPLENDIDA AND AVENIDA CLASSICA A-21 Analysis CITY OF RANCHO PALOS VERDES-TRAFFIC CALMING PLANS | AVENIDA CLASSICA PAGE 18 The multi-way stop sign warrant analysis was conducted based on Chapter 2B- Regulatory Signs, Barricades and Gates- Section 2B.07 Multiway STOP Application, of the California Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (CAMUTCD), 2014 Edition Revision 6. The CAMUTCD identifies various factors that may be utilized in considering the need for additional stop controls, such as vehicular volumes, traffic collisions, pedestrian activity, traffic speeds and other physical and operational characteristics of the subject location. These criteria are organized into various “warrants” in the CAMUTCD. Using the available traffic data, KOA conducted an analysis to determine if the installation of a multi-way stop is warranted under the present conditions. The warrant study includes a review of daily and hourly vehicle traffic volumes and peak-period pedestrian and bicycle volumes. The following is a summary of the findings for the CAMUTCD stop sign warrant analysis: A: Not Met Temporary Traffic Control. There are currently no plans in place to install a traffic signal at this location in the immediate future; therefore, the installation of a multi-way stop at this intersection would not serve to provide any urgent or desired safety benefits to control traffic during the preparation or consideration of such signalized controls. B: Not Met Crash Problem. From 2017 to 2022, there were no accidents reported in the SWITRS/TIMS database. Therefore, this warrant criterion is not met. C: Not Met Minimum Traffic Volumes. A stop sign installation may be considered where major and minor street traffic volumes meet minimum values and conditions designated in the CAMUTCD. As shown in the traffic counts data, the intersection of Avenue Esplendida and Avenida Classica exhibit a relatively low degree of traffic volumes which do not exceed the minimum thresholds; therefore, this warrant criterion is not met. D: Not Met 80% of Minimum Volumes. Where none of the above criteria are satisfied, but where the Crash Problem and Minimum Traffic Volumes warrants are both satisfied to 80 percent of the minimum values, a stop sign installation may be considered. As shown in traffic data, the eight-hour traffic volumes do not exceed the minimum 80% threshold; therefore, this warrant criterion is not met. Based on the above multi-way stop control warrant evaluation, the subject intersection is presently not warranted for the consideration of an all-way STOP. 3.3.2 ALL-WAY STOP WARRANT ANALYSIS: AVENIDA CLASSICA AND LOS VERDES DRIVE This intersection is an unsignalized T-intersection where Avenida Classica terminates from the north at Los Verdes Drive, which runs east/west. Los Verdes Drive is the major road at this intersection, with one lane in each direction, while Avenida Classica is the minor street with one lane in each direction. The prima facie speed limit on Los Verdes Drive is 25 mph, and the posted speed limit on Avenida Classica is 25 mph. Avenida Classica intersects perpendicularly with a horizontally curved portion of Los Verdes Drive. On-street parking is permitted on both roadways except during days and hours of street sweeping activities. Figure 3.6 shows the AM and PM peak hour vehicle turning movement at the intersection. A-22 Analysis CITY OF RANCHO PALOS VERDES-TRAFFIC CALMING PLANS | AVENIDA CLASSICA PAGE 19 FIGURE 3.6 AM/PM PEAK HOUR VEHICLE TURNING MOVEMENT AT AVENIDA CLASSICA AND LOS VERDES DRIVE The following is a summary of findings for the CA MUTCD stop sign installation warrants: A: Not Met Temporary Traffic Control. There are currently no plans in place to install a traffic signal at this location in the immediate future; therefore, the installation of a multi-way stop at this intersection would not serve to provide any urgent or desired safety benefits to control traffic during the preparation or consideration of such signalized controls. B: Not Met Crash Problem. From 2017 to 2022, there were no accidents reported in the SWITRS/TIMS database. Therefore, this warrant criterion is not met. C: Not Met Minimum Traffic Volumes. A stop sign installation may be considered where major and minor street traffic volumes meet minimum values and conditions designated in the CAMUTCD. As shown in the traffic counts data, the intersection traffic volumes at Los Verdes Drive and Avenida Classica do not exceed the minimum thresholds; therefore, this warrant criterion is not met. D: Not Met A-23 Analysis CITY OF RANCHO PALOS VERDES-TRAFFIC CALMING PLANS | AVENIDA CLASSICA PAGE 20 80% of Minimum Volumes. Where none of the above criteria are satisfied, but where the Crash Problem and Minimum Traffic Volumes warrants are both satisfied to 80 percent of the minimum values, a stop sign installation may be considered. As shown in Appendix, the eight-hour traffic volumes do not exceed the minimum 80% threshold; therefore, this warrant criterion is not met. Based on the above multi-way stop control warrant evaluation, the subject intersection is presently not warranted for the use of an all-way STOP. 3.5 SPEED HUMPS ANALYSIS Speed humps are designed to reduce vehicle speed and improve road safety in residential areas. Speed humps are areas of pavement raised 2-3 inches in height over a length of typically 12-22 feet across the roadway. The main objective of the speed humps is to reduce the speed of traffic and make the road safer for pedestrians, cyclists, and motorist. As per the City of RPV’s ‘Neighborhood Traffic Calming Program1, there are some general conditions and requirements which must be fulfilled to consider the installation of speed humps along Avenida Classica. The City’s guidelines also include the following key geometric constraints and conditions to consider when evaluating the feasibility of installing speed humps: (1) Speed humps are typically not used on street profiles where the grade exceeds 8%; (2) The installation of speed humps should also not be considered on streets greater than 40 feet wide, or with volumes exceeding 3,000 vehicles per day; and (3) Speed humps are also not recommended on horizontal curves of less than 300 feet centerline radius, and vertical curves with less than the minimum safe stopping sight distance1. Note that the abovementioned maximum street grade threshold of 8% is intended to limit the turbulence on vehicles crossing over speed humps while simultaneously negotiating a steep grade. Since the street grade of Avenida Classica is 9%, this maximum criterion is not satisfied. The horizontal curvature minimum is also unmet for either curve since the centerline radii of these curves are less than 300 feet (i.e., R=195’ for the southerly curve, and R=245’ for the northerly curve). Based on this analysis, the criteria to consider installing speed humps on Avenida Classica is not sufficiently satisfied. 3.6 MARKED CROSSWALK AND LIGHTED CROSSWALK Crosswalks in general are designated areas where pedestrians are given the right-of-way and where drivers are expected to stop for pedestrians crossing the street. A marked crosswalk is a type of pedestrian crossing that is delineated by painted lines, signs, and/or other markings on the road, while a lighted crosswalk is a type of pedestrian crossing that is illuminated or has lighting to make it more visible to drivers and pedestrians. Marked crosswalks are usually found at major intersections and are intended to extend the travel path of pedestrians from one roadside to the other. The purpose of marked crosswalks is to provide a safe and visible area for pedestrians to cross the street and to increase driver awareness of pedestrian crossings. Based on the analysis and safety considerations, the installation of crosswalks across Avenida Classica are not required, nor recommended. This takes into account a number of variables, including pedestrian volume, and vehicle speeds, absence or discontinuity of sidewalks and curb ramps, driver expectations, pedestrian activity, the presence of other pedestrian crossings in the area, and general suitability for the local neighborhood context. While there is no single prescribed “warrant” to determine the eligibility of a location to install a marked crosswalk, in KOA’s experience, for the few local agencies that develop their 1 ‘Neighborhood Traffic Calming Program’, City of Rancho Palos Verdes, December 2008 A-24 Analysis CITY OF RANCHO PALOS VERDES-TRAFFIC CALMING PLANS | AVENIDA CLASSICA PAGE 21 own guidelines, a minimum threshold of 20 pedestrian crossings during the peak hour is typically used, to determine whether a marked crosswalk should be considered. Peak-hour pedestrian crossing volumes on Avenida Classica were counted as 9 during the AM hour and 7 during the PM peak hour. Similar to the marked crosswalk case, there exists no official “warrant” criterion for crosswalk illumination. Some local agencies have established soft thresholds such as 50 or 100 pedestrian crossings at night. The CA MUTCD also prescribes a 40 pedestrian/hour criterion for in-roadway warning lights. Given the low pedestrian volumes at the study intersection, Avenida Classica does not meet the minimum requirements and conditions to consider installing a marked crosswalk and/or crosswalk lighting features. 3.7 SOUTHBOUND RIGHT-TURN DIVERTER AT LOS VERDES DRIVE Diagonal diverters are islands built diagonally across a street or intersection which prevent certain turning traffic movements. In order to reduce cut-through traffic on Los Verdes Drive, a diagonal diverter could be installed at the south end of the street, which would to prevent golf course-related traffic from using Avenida Classica to travel in and out of the neighborhood to access the golf course. A diverter would force southbound right-turning vehicles to make a left onto Los Verdes Drive, and northbound left-turning vehicles to continue straight on Los Verdes Drive. A similar design would be useful to implement at Los Verdes Drive and Avenue Esplendida, as well, in order to prevent diverted traffic from attempting to use Esplendida as a secondary cut-through route. The main goal of this measure would be the redirect golf course-related traffic away from Avenida Classica and instead enter/exit the neighborhood by using the intersection of Hawthorne Boulevard at Los Verdes Drive. 3.8 TRAFFIC SIGNAL AT HAWTHORNE BOULEVARD AND LOS VERDES DRIVE Due to the potential for diverted traffic (identified in Section 3.7 above) to increase traffic volumes at the existing unsignalized intersection of Hawthorne Boulevard and Los Verdes Drive, a traffic signal warrant analysis was conducted to determine if there would be a newly-generated need to install traffic signal controls at the affected intersection. The traffic signal warrant analysis was prepared in accordance with Chapter 4C- Traffic Control Signal Needs Studies, of the CAMUTCD. The warrant study included a review of eight-hour, four-hour and peak-hour vehicle traffic volumes, and pedestrian volumes. Hawthorne Boulevard is considered the major roadway, with a curb-to-curb width of 80 feet and posted speed of 45 mph. Los Verdes Drive is considered the minor roadway with a curb-to-curb width of 40 feet and prima facie speed limit of 25 mph. The signal warrant reflects existing traffic conditions based on volume data collected on a typical Friday in 2023. The analysis also considers the addition of diverted traffic due to the implementation of diagonal diverter traffic calming measures mentioned above in Section 3.7. The latest data was collected on March 17, 2023, from 7:00-9:00 AM, 11:00-1:00 MD, and 2:00-6:00 PM. There are total of nine possible signal warrants, three of which are applicable to the study intersection: WARRANT 1- EIGHT HOUR VEHICLE VOLUME This warrant is intended for scenarios where the volume of intersecting traffic is the principal reason for considering a signal installation. It also applies to operating conditions where traffic volume on a major street is so heavy that traffic on the minor intersecting street encounters an excessive delay or hazardous conditions while entering or crossing the major street. The major street approach volumes along Hawthorne Boulevard and the minor street approach volumes along Los Verdes Drive were evaluated based on the 24- hour traffic counts. As shown in Figure below, CAMUTCD Warrant #1 (Eight Hour Vehicular Volume) was met. The eight-hour traffic volumes on the higher approach of the minor street do not meet the requirement of 150 (at 100%) or 120 (at 80%) vehicles per hour for minimum vehicle volume conditions. The interruption of continuous traffic conditions is not met based on the minimum of 75 (at 100%) or 60 (at 80%) vehicles on the higher approach of the minor street. A-25 Analysis CITY OF RANCHO PALOS VERDES-TRAFFIC CALMING PLANS | AVENIDA CLASSICA PAGE 22 The combined volume of both approaches on Hawthorne Boulevard and the higher volume on Los Verdes Drive does not meet the required volumes in Warrant 1. Therefore, the study intersection does not satisfy Warrant 1. WARRANT 2- FOUR HOUR VEHICLE VOLUME This warrant is intended to determine if minor street traffic suffers undue delay in entering or crossing the major street in the four highest hours of the day. Warrant 2 requires that all the plotted points fall above the curve in Figure 4C-1 of the CAMUTCD. As shown in the Figure below, all four traffic volume plot points for the four hours meet the minimum conditions. Therefore, the intersection meets the four-hour volume warrant to consider the installation of a traffic signal. A-26 Analysis CITY OF RANCHO PALOS VERDES-TRAFFIC CALMING PLANS | AVENIDA CLASSICA PAGE 23 WARRANT 3- PEAK HOUR VEHICLE VOLUME This warrant determines if, for one hour of the day, minor street traffic suffers undue delay in entering or crossing the major street. Based on the traffic volumes collected, the peak-hour volumes along Hawthorne Boulevard were 2,035 vehicles in the morning and 1,944 in the evening; the highest volumes on the minor street approach were 119 in the AM peak hour and 145 in the PM peak hour. Based on the volume criteria for this warrant, as illustrated in the figure below (indicated by the plotted red triangle points for the AM and PM peak hour volumes on the major and minor streets) the minimum requirement is satisfied to consider the installation of a traffic signal. A-27 Analysis CITY OF RANCHO PALOS VERDES-TRAFFIC CALMING PLANS | AVENIDA CLASSICA PAGE 24 3.9 TRAFFIC CIRCLE / ISLAND Traffic circles require drivers to slow down to a speed that allows them to comfortably maneuver around them. Traffic circles can improve safety by forcing speeding traffic to conform to lower speeds designated for the roadway, without requiring vehicles to fully stop, and can also improve pedestrian safety by reducing the number of conflict points between pedestrians and vehicles. Traffic circles created by constructing a raised island placed at the center of the intersection. They may be landscaped with ground cover and/or street trees. The primary purpose of traffic circles is to slow traffic while providing right-of-way control at intersections. Traffic circles are most effective when constructed in a series on a local service street; however, they can be difficult for large vehicles to negotiate and must be carefully designed to ensure that pedestrian and emergency vehicle mobility is not compromised. Based on the traffic analysis of the study area, there are two locations identified where a traffic circle may feasibly be implemented: (1) Avenida Classica at Ave Celestial, with a circle diameter of 26 feet; and (2) Avenida Classica at Avenue Esplendida with a circle diameter of 25 feet. The two traffic circle locations would be spaced 300 feet away from each other, and would serve to physically attenuate traffic speeds, particularly along the central “straight-head” segment on Avenida Classica between Esplendida and Celestial. 3.10 WAYFINDING SIGNAGE In the case that Avenida Classica is altered with traffic calming measures to prevent its use as a viable route to and from the Los Verdes Golf Course, installing wayfinding signage in the surrounding area can be an A-28 Analysis CITY OF RANCHO PALOS VERDES-TRAFFIC CALMING PLANS | AVENIDA CLASSICA PAGE 25 effective solution to help visitors to find the appropriate entrance and exit routes. Wayfinding signage is designed to help drivers navigate the physical environment, reach their destination, and locate convenient routes to return to the external street network, by providing clear and concise information about where to go and what to expect. In order to most efficiently direct drivers away from Avenida Classica and to the golf course entrance, the wayfinding signage should be strategically placed in areas where people are likely to look for information. This might include on Los Verdes Drive along the main roadway leading to the golf course, the golf course parking lot, and other key locations along Los Verdes Drive and Hawthorne Boulevard. Additional wayfinding signs may be placed at the entry points to Avenida Classica indicating where access to the golf course is not available. It is important to note that in the interest of serving the local aesthetic context of the neighborhood, all wayfinding signage should be designed to be visually appealing and easy to read, with clear and concise messages that convey the necessary information. This might include directional arrows, maps, or other graphics that help visitors understand where to go. The signage should also be consistent with City and County standards and requirements, in terms of design and messaging to help create a cohesive and unified visual identity for both the golf course and City. In the study area, there are three primary locations that put new wayfinding signage to guide visitors about the main entrance of the golf course. (1) Southbound Hawthorne Boulevard at Crest Road: Install one Los Verdes Golf Course location sign which guides visitors to proceed straight (i.e., south on Hawthorne Boulevard, rather than right to Avenida Classica) to reach their destination. CAMUTCD signs G200-80(CA), G200-81A(CA) and M6-3 are viable sign combination options for this purpose. (2) Avenida Classica and Los Verdes Drive: In conjunction with the installation of right-turn diverters at Los Verdes/Esplendida and Los Verdes/Classica, turn restriction signage should be installed to restrict access to and from the golf course along Avenida Classica and Avenue Esplendida. (3) Los Verdes Drive and Hawthorne Boulevard: Similar to sign combination (1) above, a similar sign combination would be installed at key points along the inbound route from Hawthorne Boulevard to Los Verdes Drive, including at the northwest corner of the intersection at Hawthorne/Los Verdes. This intersection would serve as the primary neighborhood entrance and exit for the Los Verdes Golf Course. As per the sample graphic below, or as depicted on CAMUTCD Figure 2D-18, this intersection would be an ideal candidate location for a new golf course entrance wayfinding sign. FIGURE 3.7 – RECOMMENDED WAYFINDING AND TRAFFIC SIGNAGE A-29 Conclusion and Recommendations CITY OF RANCHO PALOS VERDES-TRAFFIC CALMING PLANS | AVENIDA CLASSICA PAGE 26 4.0 CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS 4.1 RECOMMENDED TRAFFIC CALMING MEASURES Based on the various traffic analyses described in Section 3, it is recommended that traffic calming measures be explored and undertaken to address the identified issues. The three primary concerns for targeting are as follows: (1) The existing daily 85th percentile speed is around 32-33 miles per hour, which is greater than 5 miles per hour above the existing speed limit (25 miles per hour) of the roadway. Implementation of physical traffic calming measures would benefit road users and adjacent residents by serving to reduce daily travel speeds on Avenida Classica to lower speeds that more closer match the currently established speed limit of the street. (2) Diagonal diverter traffic calming devices, installed at the intersections of Los Verdes/Classica and Los Verdes/Esplendida, are recommended for consideration. These features would physically restrict golf course-related traffic movements from accessing Avenida Classica and Avenue Esplendida as cut- through routes. (3) In the case that diagonal diverters are not advocated for, or otherwise not permitted, by the local residents or City officials, traffic circles would provide another viable option to improve traffic safety on Avenida Classica. Implementation of traffic circles would not preclude drivers from using Avenida Classica as a route to access the golf course; however, the circles would expectedly reduce speeding and erratic driving maneuvers on the street at all times of the day. (4) In order to better inform and direct golf course-related traffic away from sensitive local streets in the neighborhood, particularly Avenida Classica and Avenue Esplendida, it is recommended that additional wayfinding signage be installed in the vicinity of the study area. As shown in the previous section, the wayfinding sign system would include golf course signs on Hawthorne Boulevard and Los Verdes Drive informing motorists to utilize this alternate ingress and egress route. (5) Based on the traffic signal warrant analysis, the intersection of Hawthorne Boulevard and Los Verdes Drive is warrant for consideration of traffic signalization. The traffic signal installation is contingent on the concurrent assumption that the proposed traffic calming diverters will be installed, since they would result in traffic diversions to the intersection of Los Verdes Drive and Hawthorne that support the satisfaction of the traffic signal warrant. A-30 A-31 B-1 B-2 May 19,2023 THIS IS A SURVEY /PETITION FOR THE CITY OF RANCHO PALOS VERDES. We are asking the City of Rancho Palos Verdes to consider adding a Traffic Light at Los Verdes and Hawthorne Blvd., which should be beneficial to residents, going to and from the Los Verdes Golf Course and the P. V. Victoria Apartment Complex, as well as the surrounding neighborhood. We are also asking for them to make it a NO right hand turn at the end of Avenida Classica and Avenida Esplendida on to Los Verdes, with a NO left hand turn from Los Verdes on to Avenida Classica and Avenida Esplendida as well. The reason for this is to help alleviate the speeding cars and the sheer volume of traffic that comes through the surrounding residential neighborhood. Please let us know if you approve of the proposed changes in the traffic patterns at the intersections of Avenida Classica/Los Verdes, Avenida Esplendida/Los Verdes and Hawthorne Blvd./Los Verdes. Please sign and give your contact information (phone# and/or email address) and indicate if you are a resident of either Avenida Classica, Avenida Esplendida or P.V. VictoriaApartment Complex. If you do not approve, please give reason's why and any alternate suggestions. Thank You for Your Time and Support C-1 R•~: Avenida Classica Speeding Follow-Up From: Ramzi Awwad (rawwad@rpvca.gov) To: • jmafosse@yahoo.com Cc: tomblin@sbcglobal.net; david.tomblin@rpvca.gov Date: Tuesday, April 25, 2023 at 04:44 PM PDT Hi Dan, I am writing to update you on the Avenida Classica traffic study. The draft traffic study has now been completed. The draft' study concluded that a diverter preventing southbound right turns ~nd northbound left turns at the intersection of Los Verdes Drive with Avenida Classica and with Avenida Esplendida along with a signal at the intersection of Los Verdes Drive and Hawthorne Blvd can be implemented from a traffic engineering perspective. I spoke with Traffic Safety Committee Member David Tomblin (copied) and asked that he gather community feedback which I will then use to bring this item before the Traffic Safety Committee for their recommendation to the City Council. I will await that feedback and then schedule this item accordingly. Please let me know if you have any questions or would like to discuss further. Thank you. /incerely, ~::;tmzi A~wad C-2 2 ct, z::_ fj. ~ ,P i r -· -A.~£lJ10A, c,et£5Ttl\.L I ~ l --~I ~-L---------1\ \IE 1,.f I b A. BPL..E.illl~ -. ..,_ •. -C ' -• • • ' : • -• _. •• -····· -· ---l -1\.\1-E.t-JtDA 5EJ.£{:J1l .,,~, .-·J \\JO i.fFi TiJ~ . ~ V. l c,,-rD:£.lf\ ~f l\"'2.T l4f}JT CDl·{PL£)( ~· C-3 C-4 15' (11\di (O..~\'!£OU~~ l'-lwoue~ -~1 'l ~~0-'t 1_14 -• -: . ,e"~\-.,_~ a ~u\, c(.,_ cl c. ll'c: c.a.. • ~-~"'"" \.._ 4. Q i t..(JIL.. l • ~"'- i l,_ 1 U.!~°'--\M.C(ra_J -Vfl-ro_ vd__ _ '-fB_ 'f:-~o -'f_7~'-t _ ____ .. . r.es( ~ 1 _1q1 ~..r .l!-v.~'d~. (-['i_~. ~ C&L _ . __ _ __ \"7 1 ~(~~~ ~~SCAv~~ ~~~~~ ~?.-l\. ':l._?>t) ~-'} Q..4 . JQ_ ~ ~ \:-~ ct ~~ol,... c..l~ c.~ _ tJ:Sl..ct V>\D.IIV _~~-Q ~ ~\_• C;zyJ,-• I~. MffRl[JN 7}1D1Ylf5DN APPFDV£ 11v-'5os -.gs-~ /?i,-¾Jp1:;NT CJP. AV9JJ))t £5.fL'fNDJJY1 MMU)\Jl:riQ.'fJ-c&·c5mmL, C.DYVI f\P.Pf?JVf ~N ___ :J, ~~_ON-P ~s. y~~ Pf<.,£Nlrr ~); 'r' ~1'£7= -~6i#T. __ . _ t4; lbiifJ(_i<:.A1o _ cy;~,v ✓-_$v _ ?f~~ .Qf~o/-'-__ _ _ _. _ .. a..s. /if~Ni?>~ 5S~c:J,1./J>i})I} • 2.() , i M //;q l!cr.92/cr A p ;o (t?V e -310 ~/t; q -O'! ..P_t . __ • -·_-_ . : ---• • ___ K_~~: At1e'4/·olt1 _l~.fofJk3 ~d c/lq __ _ .... _ _ _ ·-•-. Z l , . . -~·: i /%,,r .~. _ . -Mf ~ ~~ ( 1 ~ 3 ) 7:8 J ---~ !: Z.l _ _ _ __ _ __ _ . _ f{ es; l"'-·t A-ve, Qr,{,'> I-/(.{ ( 22, i'oV\f\l'\J ·CcV\ei!\ -~ Apffl4J~ C~DJ8ciz~ob31, 2~. · !f'j~i {tliL 'J~Je?~~1-i:j70·---~ ,ro~--·----·-------J .s ~~ _ A \_Ge.,c.. __ _ <:1 ··-~ ·"--'l~~-·. _ e __ ... _____ . RR,,S~ ~e_yrr ... Av ~.--c~ li:S .11 1 (; \ ·--·-·-· ----• • --·· •••• 2lf t~:~f:~ _Ce,k-S-t~ •• -_ -•• ~ru-'L-. -fa,LfJLl~-~t.J.Q 25, et w0v1:3 Cho I Choi • CAr-pvr,\J,:>d JvJ0rem yc,k o·,@k~ .. P--es l den r . /,Je V\..1 _cl..a-Ce Jesti -~J . . . ... -·-... . .. _ __ . _ 2fol Lt.e_._(_a,e c ~~'luL-, -.f\{'t?_~O~t_j) .. (31 9~-7~3, -~.z~uJ . 21, Noo-t'.~;:/;~~ih~ (et;;~d (3 io){f-8 -j6L{-7 "\<e.-5de f\·t.. ~\)Q l\,c\u .. _ C"e(e s-+-;-c-Jl _ --· --· _ _ _ 2 i , _(~\f\c\ ~-~ t_j _C _6o t . ~o_or Je~L . __ ].JQJ __ t~2: . 3w l/g I A / C" -r. ~ t':!\:. ,.., ..,.. _ _ ·, I I , _ , _ n t\ , / /1. ..• \ /'_ I _; . C-5 -. . . I G O '2-. • a~ R. "' 2 '. <;.. ~ J : . . ~ • n eer<>v~ (°1 ;505~~ ~ 2 DL6 t..~-s.,d!Q\..\ u\; j~...:e V\.l'c.lc:.. CeE:.'-'~NoL :,.,.;) S:, I • • g;,_~ e,~01.,,-Ck ~ ·: : . °/J {fl:•~ 3 0 (a L/ A V 1EJVi o/J L°'EJ.,£.JT_r~-(__ ., -. . .. . -. . _., .. ;t, __ ····-'·· ~gt:'~ __ tf?.fl ~-_(_A-P~'9 -~~) .. ··.; r-·• (_b/0). qf~ -.S:-i2,_C7/ .'.B flk_S~-"i' ~ AV~Nl'D,A CLAS~CA . -. . . . ~ .. --· -... -. . . . --. . .. -. . . . . . . ... ~z; & /ttX./fl}f ;{;r:;;~0 c_/;!~lst:-()1-so ......... . C-6 C-7 • ' ..... i C-8 7t/ -· ... I 75 ., 1(-;i _ 17. 79 . f. APfR oV 1;,___ ~~dwJ-( ifen-,,p-c-2,vn~r -1----. Jlv 'i1-!,/P& r!d.:z<1.:fl Pi!_ ~' . --·----------------· ------------. ------. -- ] -. _ -A ?if~v ✓_lf ___ f~l4evit 4_·~.,---_ .... _ A-v-,(~lve..-. C-9 D-1 D-2 D-3 D-4 D-5 D-6 D-7 D-8 D-9 D-10 D-11 D-12 D-13 D-14 D-15 November 13, 2022 Mr. Bradley, Ms. Ferraro, Mr. Awwad, Mr. Tomblin, Mr. Perestam, and Mr. Mihranian Rancho Palos Verdes City Hall 30940 Hawthorne Blvd Rancho Palos Verdes, CA 90275 Dear Mr. Bradley, Ms. Ferraro, Mr. Awwad, Mr. Tomblin, Mr. Perestam, and Mr. Mihranian, We live at 30097 Avenida Classica, where we have resided for nearly two decades. Due to family illness we were not able to attend the meetings at Ms. Fosse's home on October 28th and November 4t\ 2022. We are immensely concerned regarding the amount, high speed and noise of traffic on Avenida Classica from SAM to late at night, as patrons go to and from Los Verdes Golf Course. It should be noted that the amount and duration of traffic during spring/summer is higher than during the fall/winter. If a traffic study is conducted this seasonality should be accounted for. We have been apprised of potential solutions to this grave issue that were discussed at the recent meetings. Of the solutions under consideration, we heartily support a traffic signal at Los Verdes and Hawthorne Blvd that would hopefully redirect the golf course traffic. We also support the installation of speed bumps on Avenida Classica and Avenida Esplendida. If implementation of these potential solutions does not adequately address the problem, then vehicle barriers at the intersections of Avenida Classica and Avenida Esplendida with Los Verdes should be installed. We are not in favor of a stop sign on Avenida Classica at its intersection with Avenida Esplendida as that would create even more noise in our master bedroom and living room, that are located very close to this intersection. We appreciate your consideration and attention to this urgent matter. Sincerely, ~ d~l)l Sandra and Donald Hammersmark 30097 Avenida Classica Rancho Palos Verdes, CA 90275 310 377-9535 hammersmark@cox.net cc: Mary Alice Fosse Dan Myers D-16 1 Ramzi Awwad From:Brent Ayscough <ubercool@verizon.net> Sent:Friday, May 5, 2023 9:45 AM To:Ramzi Awwad Subject:Traffic on Avenida Classica EXTERNAL EMAIL: Do not click links or open any attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe!!!.     Dear Mr. Awwad: We live at 30135 Avenida Classica, RPV. We are in receipt of what appears to be a totally unacceptable idea as to traffic control on my street of Avenida Classica. As we understand it, you have proposed a solution that will continue to bring cars speeding down Avenida Classica until they reach the end of the street. Our house is the second from the end. Seeing a new sign that prohibits turns, then drivers will be faced with backing up into our driveway to turn around or just breaking the law and going on ahead. We don't want drivers using our driveway like this. We want speed bumps up higher on Avenida Classica, or a stop sign. As to fire department endorsement, we have never seen a fire engine on our street since we moved here in 1976. So, we don't care if the fire department approves it or not. Brent & Indira Ayscough & Usha Marar 310-265-9403 D-17 D-18 From:minik son To:Ramzi Awwad Cc:jmafosse@yahoo.com Date:Friday, May 12, 2023 6:42:06 PM EXTERNAL EMAIL: Do not click links or open any attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe!!!. Dear Ramzi, My wife and I met you last meeting and like to express our concern on subject. We have been resident on Avenida Classica for 40 years and both dedicated golfers. Traffic problems have created many problems and have been issue for long time,including several meetings with city but did not workout.Always! always,make us very nervous when we drove out to Avenida Classica from my garage.You know why! We support your suggestion for "two diverter" including traffic light on Hawthorne. Thank You Minik Son Younglim Son D-19 From:Lynn Ige To:Ramzi Awwad Subject:In favor of light at Los Verdes Drive and Hawthorne Blvd. and the diverters! Date:Monday, May 22, 2023 9:05:10 AM EXTERNAL EMAIL: Do not click links or open any attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe!!!. Ramzi Awwad PPV Public Works Director rawwad@rpvca.gov 310-544-5275 Dear Mr. Awwad, I wanted to let you know that... We are very much in favor of the plan to install a light at Los Verdes Drive and Hawthorne Blvd. in addition to the diverters!...on Avenida Classica and Avenida Esplendida. I think they will make traffic into and out of the golf course and apartments so much safer! We live on the corner of Avenida Classica and Crest, so we see all sorts of traffic problems. Thank you so much! We didn’t make it to the meeting, and presuming this will move forward, we’d like to recommend temporary signs to alert people to the change. I think that would be really helpful. I also think you can let Google Maps know of the change so that they can redirect traffic as well. Thank you again! Rod & Lynn Ige 30001 Avenida Classica RPV 310-541-3689 D-20 1 Ramzi Awwad From:ben hamidi <benhamidi@yahoo.com> Sent:Monday, May 29, 2023 1:34 PM To:Ramzi Awwad; davidtomblin@rpvca.gov; barbaraferraro@rpvca.gov; jmafosse@yahoo.com Subject:Avenida classica traffic is study results EXTERNAL EMAIL: Do not click links or open any attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe!!!.     To whom it may concern at Rancho Palos Verdes City:    I would like to provide you my concurrence with the Avenida classica traffic study results and proposed corrective  actions and its implementation.  Please take this as my official vote and recommendation for the project.  if you have  any question feel free to contact me at 310‐346‐3206 or my email at benhamidi@yahoo.com.    Resident address: 30055 Avenida splendida rancho Palos Verdes California 90275    Ben Hamidi    Sent via the Samsung Galaxy Z Fold3 5G, an AT&T 5G smartphone  Get Outlook for Android  D-21 1 Ramzi Awwad From:Tommy Draffen <tommy@draffen.com> Sent:Tuesday, June 27, 2023 3:32 PM To:Traffic Cc:Sandy Draffen Subject:Proposed changes to Avenida Classica and Esplendida EXTERNAL EMAIL: Do not click links or open any attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe!!!.     Hello,    We are writing in regards to the recently proposed or discussed changes to traffic patterns on Avenida Classica, Avenida  Esplendida and Los Verdes Drive.    It’s been rumored that drivers travel on Avenida Classica at 60mph and there is a real safety issue for residents crossing  the street.  I have not witnessed that issue personally and today witnessed a resident leisurely crossing Avenida Classica  near Crest Rd..  Apparently there have been studies performed.  I am not aware of nor have seen any of the  studies.  However we have lived here since 1998 and are actually not aware of a single traffic accident on Avenida  Classica other than a cyling accident that I ( Tommy Draffen ) had in 2017 which was not related at all to speed.  We also  have a five year old grandson who frequently rides a bike with us in the neighborhood, so safety is a great concern for  us.  But the proposed changes seem to deal with a non‐existent problem with extreme measures that create more  congestion and add safety concerns on Los Verdes Drive.      If there is a real or perceived safety issue there are many other simpler yet effective  ways to try to reduce the  risk.  Several years ago there were complaints of speeding and short turns from Crest onto Avenida Classica.  Officer  Knox, and I am sure others, were stationed west of that intersection and wrote tickets to violators until the issue was  reduced.  If speeding is a real issue, why don’t we first employ the same deterrent and have officers write speeding  tickets.  As for my 25+ years experience, I don’t recall any autos at or near 60mph at the intersection of Avenida  Esplendida and Avenida Classica.  We use that intersection on average 2‐3 times a day for 25+ years.  And having crossed  that on our bicycle dozens of times with our grandson do not recall a threat of speeding cars.      Flashing speeding warning signs could also be used, as utilized in various locations around the hill.  I assume they are  effective, otherwise they would not be so widely used.  Speed bumps could also be employed but we are told that the  fire department will not allow it. A stop sign at Avenida Classica and Avenida Esplendida would also eliminate the  possibility of speeding.  We don't feel that it's necessary but all of these ideas could be employed before taking the  drastic measures proposed.    Finally, the proposed diversion of ALL traffic to and from the Los Verdes golf course and the Victoria apartments ( almost  400 units ) onto Los Verdes drive creates additional congestion and safety issues on an already very tight and congested  street.   We use that street and turn left every day from Esplendida onto Los Verdes. That would be a real inconvenience  for us to have that taken away and we also know just how much traffic is on that street already.  Many residents from  the apartment cross Los Verdes Drive multiple times daily to get to and from with their cars parked along Los Verdes  drive. The more traffic we push on Los verdes drive the more dangerous it will become there. On trash pickup days the  congestion would be much worse than it already  is today.    In summary we are opposed to any changes to the traffic patterns on Avenida Classica , Avenida Esplendida, and Los  Verdes Drive.  The changes are to combat a problem that is nonexistent and will also create much worse congestion and  more dangerous conditions for pedestrians and for residents along Los Verdes Drive.    D-22 2 Sincerely    Tommy and Sandy Draffen  30215 Avenida Selecta  Rancho Palos Verdes CA 90275  310‐541‐1319            D-23 1 Ramzi Awwad From:Sharzad Sh <shirzan76@gmail.com> Sent:Wednesday, July 19, 2023 9:37 PM To:Traffic Subject:Proposed Street Closure in Los Verdes EXTERNAL EMAIL: Do not click links or open any attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe!!!.     Greetings,     The proposed street closure, advocated by some residents of Avenida Classica, has raised concerns about its potential negative impact on the entire neighborhood. It is feared that the closure could lead to increased traffic congestion, endangering residents as they cross the street to access their parked cars.    In the event of a disaster, the limited options for evacuation could pose significant risks to the safety of the community. Emergency vehicles might face difficulties in reaching those in need quickly.    While a few residents support the idea of restricting cars from driving on their street, it's crucial to consider the broader implications on the neighborhood. The proposal could have adverse effects on overall accessibility and safety, affecting not only those in favor of the closure but also other residents who rely on smooth traffic flow for their daily activities.    Considering the potential risks and negative impact on the neighborhood, I kindly urge you not to agree with the proposed closures.    Kindly,   Shar Shoraka     D-24 Draft TSC Minutes July 24th, 2023 Page 1 of 5 DRAFT MINUTES RANCHO PALOS VERDES TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMITTEE HYBRID MEETING JULY 24, 2023 CALL TO ORDER: Regular meeting of the Rancho Palos Verdes Traffic Safety Committee was called to order by Chair Tye at 6:12 p.m. using the Zoom platform notice having been given with affidavit thereto on file. Traffic Safety Committee roll call was answered as follows: PRESENT: Crossman, Guerin, Slaten, Chair Tye. ABSENT: Tomblin Also present were Lincoln Lo, Deputy Director of Public Works, Ramzi Awwad, Public Works Director, Brian Cervantes, Consultant from Transtech, Rawad Hani, Traffic Consultant from General Technologies Solutions. Online were Nicole Robbins, Consultant from Transtech, and Elena Q. Gerli, Assistant City Attorney, Greg Garces, Traffic Consultant from KOA. The motion was approved on the following roll call vote: AYES: Crossman, Guerin, Slaten and Chair Tye NOES: None PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: The Pledge of Allegiance was led by James Guerin. COMMITTEE CHAIR’S ANNOUNCEMENTS: No announcements at this time. APPROVAL OF THE AGENDA: Member Crossman made motion to approve, seconded by Member Slaten, to approve the agenda as presented. AYES: Crossman, Guerin, Slaten, Chair Tye NOES: None ABSENT: Tomblin PUBLIC COMMENTS FOR NON-AGENDA ITEMS: F-1 Draft TSC Minutes July 24th, 2023 Page 2 of 5 The following member of the public addressed the Traffic Safety Committee: Bob Nelson. Nelson, Member of Planning Commission, requested the City to install red curb at exit of Avana apartments complex on Beachview. Chairman Tye asked Public Works to investigate if the request can be done immediately. Public Works informed Chairman Tye that a traffic consultant is working on this request. MOTION TO ALLOW MEMBER TOMBLIN TO PARTICIPATE AS A RESIDENT David Tomblin, Committee Member, has requested to be absent from his seat and instead participate as a resident speaking on the item of Avenida Classica. PUBLIC WORKS DEPUTY DIRECTOR’S REPORT: Deputy Director Lo provided an update on the traffic study for Hawthorne at Eddinghill. Lo reported that the City’s consultant, GTS, has concluded monitoring at the intersection, and is currently analyzing the collected data. This request had been intended to be presented during today’s meeting. However, engineering staff required more time to finalize traffic report. Furthermore, Deputy Lo reported that Public Works met with residents to discuss traffic studies for: Hawthorne at Eddinghill, Seacove Drive at Palos Verdes, and Abbottswood. During the meeting, input was received from residents, and it was considered for the further development of the traffic studies. SHERIFF’S DEPARTMENT ANNOUNCEMENTS: Chair Tye informed that the Sheriff had been required to participate on a gun related incident and will not be attending TSC meeting. REGULAR BUSINESS 1. Approval of the Minutes Member Slaten moved, seconded by Member Crossman, to approve the minutes of May 22, 2022. AYES: Crossman, Guerin, Slaten, and Chair Tye NOES: None ABSENT: Tomblin 2. Tansavadti vs City of Rancho Palos Verdes Assistant City Attorney, Elena Gerli presented an overview of the case. F-2 Draft TSC Minutes July 24th, 2023 Page 3 of 5 3. Traffic Study for Avenida Classica Ramzi Awwad provided a presentation on a traffic study prepared by the City’s traffic consultant, KOA. The Staff report included an investigation of existing conditions, speed surveys, and collision history. The Staff report included an analysis of speed humps, all-way stop signs, marked crosswalks, sight distances, traffic islands, wayfinding signage, turn diverters, and a traffic signal on Hawthorne Blvd and Los Verdes Dr. Awwad concluded highlighting the staff recommendation of installing diverters and the traffic light on Hawthorne Blvd and Los Verdes Dr along with wayfinding signage. Discussion ensued between Awwad and committee members. Traffic engineering consultant Greg Garces, with KOA participated in the discussion. Chair Tye invited residents to provide their input on the request. Discussion ensued between residents, committee members, and engineering staff. David Tomblin spoke as a resident and stated that he was not speaking as a Traffic Safety Committee member. A total of 25 residents spoke in favor of staff recommendations provided on the traffic study, while 7 residents spoke against. Additionally, the Traffic Safety Committee received correspondence with the opinions of absent residents. Chair Tye proposed to move incrementally and start with temporary traffic measures, in order to test and analyze the possible outcomes of the proposed recommendations. Chair Tye, seconded by Member Crossman, motioned to recommend that the City Council approve the installation of two temporary traffic circles, wayfinding signage, additional enforcement, the use of temporary speed feedback radar signs and explore the feasibility of installing a traffic signal at Hawthorne Blvd and Los Verdes Drive without the use traffic diverters. AYES: Crossman, Guerin, Slaten, and Chair Tye NOES: None ABSENT: Tomblin Chair Tye thanked residents for participating and encouraged them to continue to provide input and attend future meetings with the Traffic Safety Committee. F-3 Draft TSC Minutes July 24th, 2023 Page 4 of 5 4. Traffic Study on Hawthorne Boulevard and Shorewood Drive A resident in the area of Hawthorne Boulevard and Shorewood Drive presented traffic measures desired by residents in the neighborhood. GTS traffic consultant, Rawad Hani presented a Staff report on recommended traffic calming measures. Discussion ensued between committee members and Staff. Residents were invited to speak on the Staff report. Discussion continued between committee members and Staff. Member Slaten, seconded by Member Crossman, motioned to recommend that the City Council approve all recommendations on the Traffic Study, except for number 3) Installing a HAWK signal, 9) Closing Little Hawthorne, 12) turning Little Hawthorne into a one-way street and 13) turning the intersection at Little Hawthorne and Shorewood into a right-in and right-out only. Additionally, Member Slaten recommended installing 15 ft of red curb for fire hydrants, as well as at the corners on the intersection of Woodbrook and Little Hawthorne. AYES: Crossman, Guerin, Slaten, and Chair Tye NOES: None ABSENT: Tomblin FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS: None COMMITTEE ORAL REPORTS: Chair Tye thanked the City for the 4th of July Celebration. Additionally, Tye Invited audience to attend the City’s 50th Anniversary dinner celebration on September 9th. ADJOURNMENT Chair Tye, seconded by Member Guerin, to adjourn to September 25th, 2023, at 6:00 p.m. AYES: Crossman, Guerin, Slaten, and Chair Tye NOES: None ABSENT: Tomblin F-4 Draft TSC Minutes July 24th, 2023 Page 5 of 5 F-5