20230404 Late CorrespondenceUnion Proposal 5-4 -22 Compensation lV. Regular Compensation, Performance Evaluations r ctrYCffi OF E OFFICE AGENDA COUNCIL MEETING OF: OF THE I The City shall provide an across-the-board salary COLA increase for represented employees based upon the percentage increase in the Consumer Price lndex CPI-U) in the Los Angeles-Long Beach- Anaheim geographic area for the twelve (12) month period ending (month TBD). The COLA increase shall have a three percent (3%) minimum and shall not be have a cap. Employees' salaries shall increase correspondingly within their individual salary ranges to reflect the COLA. The salary ranges shall increase by the COLA amount. Effective the first day of the pay period following the Union's ratification of this agreement, the base rates of pay shall be as follows: Recreation Leader 1 SZS.OO Recreation Leader 2 SZ0.OO Recreation Specialist S29.00 Part time Ranger Sgf.OO TelevisionProducer 531.00 PT Staff Assistant SSt.OO B. lnitialEmployment The rate of compensation for initial employment shall not be "lndividually Bargained". The above rates are based on the required competencies to be hired into the classification. D. Promotiona I Advancement When an employee is promoted from one classification to a higher classification with a higher salary range, advancement shall be to the base rate of the higher classification or ten percent (10%) whichever is greater. E. Off-Call Pay When an employee is consulted off-site outside of their working ours, the employee shall be paid at least one (1) hour of pay. The employee shall be paid in half hour increments thereafter. G. Top ofthe Range There shall be no cap to employees'pay range. H. Standby Pay Standby duty must be authorized by the City Manager, or designee, to provide operational coverage during normal non-working hours when there is a likelihood that a situation may develop that could jeopardize the City, the public or City employees if corrective action were not taken prior to the start of regular working hours. a A. : . ,' :.-, i.+' :. ITEM: Union Proposal 5-4-22 Compensation 1. Eligibility: Only bargaining unit members in classifications that are non-exempt from federal Fair Labor Standards Act ("F|SA") overtime pay rules shall be eligible for standby shifts. 2. Participation: Standby duty shall, whenever possible, be assigned on a voluntary basis. When voluntary participation is insufficient to meet the needs of the Department, then such duty will be assigned on a rotational basis whenever possible within the affected work units. 3. Availability: While assigned to a standby shift, employees must respond within fifteen (15) minutes to all calls 24 hours a day during a specified number of days. lf it is determined during the call that the employee's physical presence is required, employee must respond on scene within one hour of the call. Employees accepting standby assignments, who are not able to meet the above criteria due to distance, must make prior arrangements with management before accepting standby assignments. 4. Standby Shift Status: Employees are not required to wear City or work uniforms and may engage in their own personal activities while they are on standby shifts. However, during their standby shift, employees must refrain from the use of intoxicants, be fit for duty, and reachable by phone. Employees not obligated to remain on standby have no obligation to meet these requirements. 5. Compensation: a) Employees assigned to standby shifts shall be paid at the rate of SZ.SO per hour of standby. b) When a City paid holiday falls during the scheduled workweek in which an employee is on a standby shift, said enrployee shall receive an additionaltwo (2) hours of regular pay for being on the standby shift for that holiday. Standby holiday pay shall not be considered hours worked for over-time calculations. c) During the Winter Break, December 24,25 and January 1 shall be eligible for holiday standby pay, but the rest of the days of the Winter Break shall be exempt from holiday pay. 5. Reporting: Employees that are assigned to Standby shifts must document their specified Standby oeriod and actual time worked on the Standby/Call-Out Form. Employees must submit the form to their supervisor for review and approval when they submit their timesheet. :. Call-Back Pay All FLSA non-exempt bargaining unit members contacted by the City outside their normal working hours and asked to perform work on behalf of the City outside of normal working hours shall be eligible for Call-Back Pay. Call-Back duty occurs when off-duty personnel are required to return to duty because of unanticipated work requirements, either because they are ordered to return/report to work or are already on a standby assignment. Except as otherwise indicated in the provisions below, an employee must report for work in order to be eligible for compensation. 1. Response Time: Employees that receive a call-back to return to work after concluding a regular work day or report for duty on a day for which they were not regularly scheduled for work must report to work within one hour of the call if their physical presence is required. I Union Proposa I 5-4 -22 Com pensation 2. Compensation: the rate of time and one-half i. Multiple calls received within any two-hour period already being paid shall not result in any additional compensation. ii. Call-Backs that result in the two-hour minimum period overlapping into the regular work schedule will revert to regular pay at the beginning of the regular work day. However, after eight (8) hours of continuous work, the rate of pay shall be reverted back to time and one-half (1%). 3. Travel Time: When reporting to a regular City reporting location, employees shall be paid for up to thirty (30) minutes of travel time at straight time or actual time traveled at straight time, whichever is less; if an employee is required to report on a non-regularly scheduled work day, the employee shall be paid for up to thirty (30) minutes of travel time at time and one half (l%l or actual time traveled at time and one half ll%1, whichever is less. When reporting to a work location that is not a regular City reporting location, employees shall be paid for portal to portal travel time at straight time on a regularly scheduled work day and at time and one half lL%l on a non-regularly scheduled work day. 4. Reporting: Employees that receive a call-back must document the date of the call-back, travel time, and actual time worked on said call-back on the Standby/CallOut Form. Employees must submit the form to their supervisor for review and approval when they submit their timesheet. V. Overtime Compensation A. Non-exempt employees may be required to work at a time other than during, or in excess of, forty (40) hours in the work week. 1. Overtime shall be defined as any combination of actual hours worked and paid leave, which exceeds forty (40) hours in any work week. 2. Work iri excess of forty (40) hours may only be performed with management approval. 3. An employee, with his/her supervisor's approval may flex his/her time (i.e., work on different hours of the day or move hours from one day to the next for flexibility). Flexing time is generally not permitted on the alternating regular day off (Fridays) for employees who work the 9/80 work schedule. Flexing is permitted for the convenience of the employee and/or CITY operations and shall not result in additional overtime costs. CITY will permit flexing on Fridays with approval of the employee's supervisor and the Deputy City Manager provided that no overtime is incurred. Additionally, employees may trade or give away shifts in whole or in part, without prior approval, so long as it does not incur a greater cost for the employer. B. Overtime Compensation 1. Employees shall receive overtime compensation or compensatory time off in accordance with the federal Fair Labor Standards Act. Accordingly, nonexempt employees shall be paid one and one-half (1 %) times their regular rate of pay or receive compensatory time off at one and one hatf (1 %) hours for all hours worked in excess of forty (a0) in the work week. I a I U nion Proposa I 5-4-22 Com pensation 2. Employees working outside City Hall's open hours shall be paid at a rate of time and one-half (1 %) C. Termination Pay- Upon termination or dismissal from employment, employees shall be paid for all accumulated accrual times. CU Ovgt2 6*sr a*J tuB-Lc ConH€JTs Brctr Tov tt, t{l}3 1 Subject:FW: Goals and prioritization From: Michele Carbone <michelepcarbone@gmail.com>  Sent: Tuesday, April 4, 2023 10:50 PM  To: CC <CC@rpvca.gov>  Subject: Goals and prioritization   EXTERNAL EMAIL: Do not click links or open any attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe!!!.   May I comment on the discussion in regards to the goals and traffic   Looking at the individual traffic requests comprehensively is looking at an overall traffic plan  They are not mutually exclusive and if approached  correctly both can be done.  We should never look at traffic requests  as one offs. In fact ,our current problem is we are approaching traffic issues as one offis and they are connected  and  they should be analyzed in a comprehensive manner and thus a comprehensive plan.   2 TO: HONORABLE MAYOR & CITY COUNCIL MEMBERS FROM: CITY CLERK DATE: APRIL 4, 2023 SUBJECT: ADDITIONS/REVISIONS AND AMENDMENTS TO AGENDA _____________________________________________________________________ Attached are revisions/additions and/or amendments to the agenda material presented for tonight’s meeting. Item No. Description of Material 1 Emails from: Argie Olivo; Anthony Sims and Shane Herr; Deborah Kummer; Susan Deo ** PLEASE NOTE: Materials attached after the color page(s) were submitted through Monday, April 3, 2023**. Respectfully submitted, _______________ Teresa Takaoka L:\LATE CORRESPONDENCE\2023\2023 Coversheets\20230404 additions revisions to agenda.docx To: Cc: Subject: Karina Banales; Argie Olivo CityClerk; CC RE: Power outages From: Karina Banales <kbanales@rpvca.gov> Sent: Tuesday, April 4, 2023 9:28 AM To: Argie Olivo <golivo@cox.net> Cc: CityClerk <CityClerk@rpvca.gov>; CC <CC@rpvca.gov> Subject: RE: Power outages Good Morning Argie, Thank you for taking the time to share your experience with SCE. I will include this email as late correspondence for agenda item #1, " Consideration and possible action to receive a report from Southern California Edison (SCE) regarding frequent power outages in the Grandview Estates neighborhood." This evening, Staff is requesting that SCE provide a response regarding the ongoing power outages in the Grandview Estates neighborhood and to return on June 6, 2023, to present the City Council with a short-term and long-term action plan and timeline for correcting the power outage issues. If you're available to join us, please click on the link below to participate or view the meeting. htt ps: // rpvca .gov /772/ City-Meeting-Video-and-Agendas Again, thank you! Karina Karina Banales Deputy City Manager kbanales@rpvca.gov Phone -(310) 544-5203 Address: 30940 Hawthorne Blvd. Rancho Palos Verdes, CA 90275 Website: www.rpvca.gov This e-mail message contains information belonging to the City of Rancho Palos Verdes, which may be privileged, confidential, and/or protected from disclosure. The information is intended only for use of the individual or entity named. Unauthorized dissemination, distribution, or copying is strictly prohibited. If you received this email in error, or are not an intended recipient, please notify the sender immediately. Thank you for your assistance and cooperation. City Hall is open to the public during regular business hours. Appointments are strongly encouraged, and virtual appointments are available. Many services are available online, including plan check review services. To schedule an appointment, visit the Staff Directory on the City website to ~nd the appropriate department. Some employees may/. working remotely. Please be patient with us as there may be delays or minor inconveniences in responding to your inquiry. -----Original Message----- From: Argie Olivo <golivo@cox.net> Sent: Monday, April 3, 2023 7:11 PM To: CC <CC@rpvca.gov> Subject: Power outages EXTERNAL EMAIL: Do not click links or open any attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe!!!. Can you ask SCE: Why we have so many power outages, especially on the hottest and coldest days of the year? When it's too windy or too hot, we lose power. California is insisting on going electric and we don't have reliable power? It does not make any sense! It's insane! What is their plan to fix the problem? Thank you! Frustrated resident 2 From: Sent: To: Cc: Karina Banales Tuesday, April 4, 2023 8:57 AM Shane Herr Anthony Sims; Anthony Sims; CC; CityClerk Subject: RE: 4/4 City Council Meeting -SCE Power Outages Good Morning Shane, Thank you for taking the time to share your experience with SCE. I will include this email as late correspondence for agenda item #1, 11 Consideration and possible action to receive a report from Southern California Edison (SCE) regarding frequent power outages in the Grandview Estates neighborhood. 11 Again, thank you! Karina Karina Banales Deputy City Manager kbanales@rpvca.gov Phone -(310) 544-5203 Address: 30940 Hawthorne Blvd. Rancho Palos Verdes, CA 90275 Website: www.rpvca.gov ~ GETITON ~"'-Google Play 1 !ii~-; c :"'nail rnessaqe contains inforrnaUon be!onqin~J to the City of Rancho Pd!os Verdes, which n1ay be privik~9ed, confidenU,aL and/or protected frorn rJ1sr l<>;ure. Tile inforrnation is intended only for use of the individual or entity named. Unautllorizecl clissernination, cl:strit>ution, or copy1nsi is strictly prohib:tecl. H you rer:eivcd this email in error, or an2 not an intended recip,enl:, plea,;e notify the sender immediately. Thank you for your assistance and cooperation. City f-/a/1 is open to the public during regular business hours. Appointments are strongly encouraged, and virtual appointments are available. Many services are available online, including plan check review services. To schedule an appointment, visit the Staff Directory on the City website to find the appropriate department. Some employees may be working remotely. Please be patient with us as there may be delays or minor inconveniences in responding to your inquiry. From: Shane Herr <he.shane@gmail.com> Sent: Monday, April 3, 2023 9:16 PM To: Karina Banales <kbanales@rpvca.gov> Cc: Anthony Sims <a-sims@hotmail.com>; Anthony Sims <anthony.sims@spacex.com> Subject: Re: 4/4 City Council Meeting -SCE Power Outages I am writing to express my dissapointment regarding the frequent power outages in my area due to wind and storm hazards. The power outages have been a significant issue, causing inconvenience and posing a risk to the safety of the residents who had to deal with several days of exploding tra;sformers. Many residents were left without power for I prolonged periods and have incurred additional costs in backup equipment. In addition, repairing transformers during extreme weather conditions poses an extremely high risk to the safety of workers involved in the repair process. It is unfair to expect workers to be reactive in such situations when ample opportunities exist to upgrade our network during better weather conditions. There are utility poles that are not standing straight and plenty of unsightly lines that obviously need repair. This is unacceptable for Rancho Palos Verdes! I urge the City Council to take immediate action and address the issue with SoCalEdison. It is essential to prioritize the safety and well-being of residents, as well as Edison's employees' safety. Thank you for your time. Anthony Sims & Shane Herr Residents 2 From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Good Morning Deborah, Karina Banales Tuesday, April 4, 2023 9:50 AM dkummer01@aol.com CC; CityClerk RE: SCE on Indian Peak Road Thank you for taking the time to share your experience with SCE. I will include this email as late correspondence for agenda item #1, " Consideration and possible action to receive a report from Southern California Edison (SCE) regarding frequent power outages in the Grandview Estates neighborhood." This evening, Staff is requesting that SCE provide a response regarding the ongoing power outages in the Grandview Estates neighborhood and to return on June 6, 2023, to present the City Council with a short-term and long-term action plan and timeline for correcting the power outage issues. If you're available to join us, please click on the link below to participate or view the meeting. https: // rpvca .gov /772/ City-M eeti ng-Vid eo-a nd-Age ndas Again, thank you! Karina Karina Banales Deputy City Manager kbanales@rpvca.gov Phone -(310) 544-5203 Address: 30940 Hawthorne Blvd. Rancho Palos Verdes, CA 90275 Website: www.rpvca.gov DOWNLOAD -'tit~ ~ GETITON P!l',.. Google Play : his c ,,1ail messa9e contains information bolonqing to the City of Rancho l'alos Verdes, which may he privile9ecl, confidential, and/or prntect:ed from cii;;c!o:;ure. The inforrm1tion is intended oniy for use of tho individual or entity narnecL Unauthorizocl dissemination, distribution, or copyinq is strictly prohillitccl. If you r(,coived t:h,s email in error, or are not an intended recipient, please notify the sender immediately. Thank you for· your assistance and cooperation. City /-/all is open to the public during regular business hours. Appointments are strongly encouraged, and virtual appointments are available. Many services are available online, including plan check review services. To schedule an appointment, visit the Staff Directory on the City website to find the appropriate department. Some employees may be working remotely. Please be patient with us as there may be delays or minor inconveniences in responding to your inquiry. From: dkummer01@aol.com <dkummer01@aol.com> Sent: Tuesday, April 4, 2023 9:30 AM To: Karina Banales <kbanales@rpvca.gov> Subject: SCE on Indian Peak Road 1 I Good morning! I live at 27039 Indian Peak Road for. 3 1/2 years. We have had more power outages. Than my previous home on Meadowdale Lane. Deborah Kummer Sent from the all new AOL app for iOS 2 From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Good Afternoon Susan, Karina Banales Tuesday, April 4, 2023 11 :41 AM Susan Dea CC; CityClerk RE: Power Outage Issues in Grandview Neighborhood Thank you for taking the time to share your experience with SCE. I will include this email as late correspondence for agenda item #1, " Consideration and possible action to receive a report from Southern California Edison (SCE) regarding frequent power outages in the Grandview Estates neighborhood." This evening, Staff is requesting that SCE provide a response regarding the ongoing power outages in the Grandview Estates neighborhood and to return on June 6, 2023, to present the City Council with a short-term and long-term action plan and timeline for correcting the power outage issues. If you're available to join us, please click on the link below to participate or view the meeting. https://rpvca .gov /772/City-Meeti ng-Video-a nd-Agendas Again, thank you! Karina Karina Banales Deputy City Manager kbanales@rpvca.gov Phone -(310) 544-5203 Address: 30940 Hawthorne Blvd. Rancho Palos Verdes, CA 90275 Website: www.rpvca.gov □ Cooo•" wuh ••• cu, f«m. ,ou, phon• o, ,obfo,! DOWNLOAD nt.:r ' Avoll<>bl<;t ln th• App Sf,;,,,. and Go<>UI" Play ~ GETITON ,-, Google Play I""·,, rnail incss,.19c contains i11forrnatio11 beloncJin9 to the City of Rancho Palos Verdes, which rn,Jy be pdvilcs1cd, co11fidcntial, a11c1/or protected from di<<i•.hlHi.', The information is intended only for use of the incliviclual or entity named, Unauthorized cl1sswni11alion, dislTibution, or copyincJ is strictly prohibited. lf y()u •c•ceivecl this ern;iil in errnr, or arc not ,;:·1 intended recipient:, please notify the scncJer· irnrrrccliatcly. Thank you for your assistance and cooperation. City Hall is open to the public during regular business hours. Appointments are strongly encouraged, and virtual appointments are available, Many services are available on line, including plan check review services. To schedule an appointment, visit the Staff DirectQCL, on the City website to find the appropriate department, Some employees may be working remotely. Please be patient with us as there may be delays or minor inconveniences in responding to your inquiry. From: Susan Deo <nasdeo76@gmail.com> Sent: Tuesday, April 4, 2023 11:30 AM To: Karina Banales <kbanales@rpvca.gov> Subject: Power Outage Issues in Grandview Neighborhood 1 I Dear City Council We have lived on Manitowac Drive for 24 years and suffered through many, many power outages, some related to rain or wind and some with no obvious cause at all. It is particularly unsettling when no one from the power company bothers to address it for many hours. And also unsettling as we get older. One incident that might be different from others happened about a year and a half ago. We were on our way out the door to catch an overseas flight to visit family when the power in HALF of our house went out. We could find nothing wrong with our house electricity system or our circuit breakers. We called the power company to see if there might be an issue but no response for some time until our friends said they would handle it for us so we could catch our flight. We left for the airport. Finally the power company called, after we had left, and said it was their issue and later on fixed the problem. There were no weather issues that day and no one else had a problem. If it hadn't been for our friends and neighbors stepping in we would have missed our flight and possibly had to cancel our trip. I hope this ongoing problem with old infrastructure can be fixed. Thank you. Susan Dea 2 TO: HONORABLE MAYOR & CITY COUNCIL MEMBERS FROM: CITY CLERK DATE: APRIL 3, 2023 SUBJECT: ADDITIONS/REVISIONS AND AMENDMENTS TO AGENDA _____________________________________________________________________ Attached are revisions/additions and/or amendments to the agen da material received through Monday afternoon for the Tuesday, April 4, 2023, City Council meeting: Item No. Description of Material 1 Emails from: Valerie Cole; Tom Long; Kyle Rahrig; Michelle Friedman; Hyun Jung Yoon Respectfully submitted, __________________ Teresa Takaoka L:\LATE CORRESPONDENCE\2023\2023 Coversheets\20230404 additions revisions to agenda thru Monday.docx From: Sent: To: Subject: Late corr -----Original Message----- Teresa Takaoka Wednesday, March 29, 2023 9:59 AM CityClerk FW: SCE outages Grandview From: valerie cole <valeriecole111@gmail.com> Sent: Wednesday, March 29, 2023 9:58 AM To: CC <CC@rpvca.gov> Cc: Adriana Guzman <adiguz1983@gmail.com>; Anita Garner <jgarn33@cox.net> Subject: SCE outages Grandview EXTERNAL EMAIL: Do not click links or open any attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe!!!. I'm not sure that I will be able to attend meeting live or Zoom on April 4th due to work travel (I'm writing now from LB airport) but I wanted to share my experience at 6:30 March 15: With NO previous notice, all power lost while starting to cook for 8 guests arriving at 7:00 p.m. My saving grace was that I was prepping a stir fry and was able to use my Gas stove and did not have to waste all the groceries purchased for this dinner. Guests arrived, used flash lights on phones to find and light candles and shine light on the stove. A huge inconvenience and costly. Thank you, Valerie Cole Sent from my iPhone 1 I Subject: FW: SCE Electrical Outages From: Tom Long <tom longrpv@msn.com> Sent: Wednesday, March 29, 2023 12:52 PM To: CC <CC@rpvca.gov> Subject: SCE Electrical Outages Dear council members, I'd like to describe my neighborhood's experience with SCE's outages on March 18, and March 26. For March 18, we were told in advance that the outage would be from 10 AM to 5 PM on that day. As the day approached we were told instead, the outage would be from 10 PM Saturday to 5 AM Sunday. Then, shortly after 10 AM Saturday without further warning, the power went out. I was able to speak to someone at SCE. I was told the power would be out until 5 AM the following morning. That seems like a long outage to have without back up generators, but the power was back on by 4 PM on Saturday. For the outage on March 26 we didn't get much advance notice. After the first notice we were told the outage was cancelled. Then with a few days' notice it was back on. It went forward as noticed and ended a little early. It was very difficult to get information from SCE. And for the March 18 the information was ultimately inaccurate in a way that could have harmed people with medical equipment. I hope SCE will do better in the future. Thank you. Tom Long Personal email: tom longrpv@msn.com Mobile:- Sent from my iPhone 1 /. From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Good Morning Kyle, Karina Banales Monday, April 3, 2023 9:23 AM Kyle Rahrig CC; CityClerk RE: April 4 City Council hearing with SCE Thank you for your email and for sharing your experience with SCE. I will include this email as late correspondence for agenda item #1, " Consideration and possible action to receive a report from Southern California Edison (SCE) regarding frequent power outages in the Grandview Estates neighborhood." Thank you! Karina '00 ,, ·i,:T:·2>, <) "' (/l l Karina Banales Deputy City Manager kba na les@rpvca.gov Phone -(310) 544-5203 Address: 30940 Hawthorne Blvd. Rancho Palos Verdes, CA 90275 Website: www.rpvca.gov ~ GETITON ,,,.. Google Play Tlv; e· ,nail mcssaqc contains information belonqinq to the City of Rancho i>alos Verdes, which may be pr·ivile~Jed, confident1al, and/or protected from ciiscloswc. The inforrncition is intenclcc! only for use of the individual or entity narncd .. Unauthorized dissernination, distribution, or copyinq is strictly prohibited, If you , c:·ccivcci this email in error, or· arc not an intcnciecl recipient, pl(;ase notify the sender irnmccliatcly. Thank you for your assistance ancl cooperation. City Hall is open to the public during regular business hours. Appointments are strongly encouraged, and virtual appointments are available. Many services are available online, including plan check review services. To schedule an appointment, visit the Staff Directory on the City website to find the appropriate department. Some employees may be working remotely. Please be patient with us as there may be delays or minor inconveniences in responding to your inquiry. From: Kyle Rahrig <kmrahrig@hotmail.com> Sent: Sunday, April 2, 2023 9:00 AM To: Karina Banales <kbanales@rpvca.gov> Subject: April 4 City Council hearing with SCE Ms. Karina Banales, please include my comment below in the April 4th hearing with SCE regarding the power outages in the Grandview Estates neighborhood. On 21 February 2023, my home, and 249 others (according to SCE's website), lost power from Tuesday around 10:00 PM to Wednesday around 9:15 PM; just shy of 24 hours. As you are surely aware, there were high winds during that time and it was relatively cold (44°F low according to my personal, solar-powered weather station). Regardless of the root cause, I am exceedingly disappointed and irritated that this problem is not a rare occurrence. It seems that whenever;· the wind hits double digits, my house loses power for hours. It's almost reliable that I do lose it. This latest event in 1 • February was by far the most egregious, and while I understand that forces of nature have this effect from time to time when trees are knocked down, this problem is systemic, without explanation, and without improvement in the 4 years I've lived here. If the source of the outage is some sort of emergency cut-off for fire prevention, then it's being too generously applied, as my home and adjacent poles/wires are no more dangerous than my neighbors' across the street who never loses power. Two days afterwards, the power cycled 3 to 5 times although the winds weren't nearly as severe as earlier in the week. It's flatly absurd that the power goes out at my home for hours on a reliable basis according to the weather, and nothing has evidently been implemented to resolve the issue. Last, I'm an able bodied middle-aged individual and although I have a cold-sensitive animal that required me to bundle and hold for warmth for hours, I feel terrible for anyone that has a small child or elderly family member living on the same circuit as me. This problem has advanced well beyond the inconvenience of not having hot water, a functioning furnace for heat in the winter, a microwave or oven, and lights at night and having a refrigerator full of spoiled expensive groceries. The root cause of these all-too-frequent outages needs to be identified by SCE's engineers and technicians, explained to the affected tax and bill-payers with a correction plan, and then rectified with whatever future-proofing assurances are needed. In the improbable case that there exists no technical solution to the problem for some or all of the affected homes, this too must be explained, and some recompense for prior and future failures should be assessed. Thank you, Kyle Rahrig, Homeowner in Grandview Estates on Fond Du Lac Road. 2 From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Good Afternoon Michelle, Karina Banales Monday, April 3, 2023 2:09 PM Michelle Friedman CC; CityClerk RE: SCE Power Outages Thank you for taking the time to share your experience with SCE. I will include this email as late correspondence for agenda item #1, " Consideration and possible action to receive a report from Southern California Edison (SCE) regarding frequent power outages in the Grandview Estates neighborhood." Again, thank you! Karina Karina Banales Deputy City Manager kbanales@rpvca.gov Phone -(310) 544-5203 Address: 30940 Hawthorne Blvd. Rancho Palos Verdes, CA 90275 Website: www.rpvca.gov ~ GETITON ~* Google Play ,>nnil 1rK,s,,aqi: contains information belonqinq lo the, City of Rancho i'alos Verdes, whic:1 may be rwivileqed, conficJential, and/or prol.ect,xl from di,,dosurc, The inforrnation is intenclecl only for 1isc of the inclividual or entity named, Unauthorized disserninc1tio11, distl'ibution, 01· copying is strictly prohibited, If you :·cu.:lvccJ this ernai! in error, or arc not an !ntenc!ed recipient please notify the sender irnrnccl!atcly. ThJnk you for your assistance and coopet'iJtion. City Hall is open to the public during regular business hours, Appointments are strongly encouraged, and virtual appointments are available, Many services are available on line, including plan check review services. To schedule an appointment, visit the Staff Directory on the City website to find the appropriate department. Some employees may be working remotely. Please be patient with us as there may be delays or minor inconveniences in responding to your inquiry. From: Michelle Friedman <michellefriedman500@gmail.com> Sent: Monday, April 3, 2023 1:46 PM To: Karina Banales <kbanales@rpvca.gov> Subject: SCE Power Outages I am literally the last person on this grid on Fond du Lac Rd. The number of power outages has become a joke around here, only it isn't. We do not have good cell service here so if we lose power we also lose our ability to call for emergency vehicles and police. I now have a fried motherboard and will have to replace my computer due to the last round of outages. My refrigerator keeps over freezing and the list goes on. 1 I Their notices are useless as to when the power will come back on and therefore you cannot even plan appropriately for your needs. In my backyard, I have an anchor for the entire line of poles that runs down the silver spur road hill. It is leaning at an alarming rate and they have been notified of this by my neighbor in whose yard the pole is set. Of course nothing has been done. There is demonstrable land movement happening behind our houses due to the highschool being built on landfill. It is partially anchored by the handball courts but apparently not enough. These poles should have been buried from the start. This section of the community needs relief from this burden that other sections of our city seem to have escaped for the most part. Sincerely, Michelle Friedman 2 From: Sent: To: Cc: Karina Banales Monday, April 3, 2023 2:24 PM Hyun Jung Yoon CityClerk; CC Subject: RE: SCE Power Outage Report -Comment from a resident at 26705 Shorewood Road, RPV 90275 Good Afternoon HJ, Thank you for taking the time to share your experience with SCE. I will include this email as late correspondence for agenda item #1, "Consideration and possible action to receive a report from Southern California Edison (SCE) regarding frequent power outages in the Grandview Estates neighborhood." Again, thank you! Karina Karina Banales Deputy City Manager kbanales@rpvca.gov Phone -(310) 544-5203 Address: 30940 Hawthorne Blvd. Rancho Palos Verdes, CA 90275 Website: www.rpvca.gov DOWNLOAD -~:!'' Avnllol;,la ,n th• Apr) 51ou, ond Goo91o Pl<>y b,... GUITON IJ!f' Google Play <:· mail 1nc2ss21ge contains information belonqing to tho City of Rancho Palos Vcrdc.s, wr1icr1 may bo privilc9od, confidcntal, and/or prntcctccl from dis::!osun,. rhe infonnation is intcnclocl only for· use of the inclividual or entity named. Unauthorized dissornination, distribution, 01· copying is strictly prohibited. ff you ,,,ccivccl this crmd in error, or ae not an intcndecl recipient, please notify the sender irnmccliat:ely. Thank you for your assistance and cooper·ation. City rial/ is open to the public during regular business hours. Appointments are strongly encouraged, and virtual appointments are available. Many services are available on line, including plan check review services. To schedule an appointment, visit the Staff Directarv on the City website to find the appropriate department. Some employees may be working remotely. Please be patient with us as there may be delays or minor inconveniences in responding to your inquiry. From: Hyun Jung Yoon <hjyoon2008@gmail.com> Sent: Monday, April 3, 2023 2:18 PM To: CC <CC@rpvca.gov> Subject: SCE Power Outage Report -Comment from a resident at 26705 Shorewood Road, RPV 90275 Address : 26705 Shorewood Rd, Rancho Palos Verdes, CA 90275 Resident and Home owner: Hyun Jung Yoon 1 I. To whom it may concern; Referring to the SCE Power Outage Report, I would like to share with you my comments regarding our experience during such abnormal times affecting our family compared to the rest of our neighborhood. 1. Frequent power outages: we experienced frequent power outages during the critical period of my kid's college application. FYI, most of college regular admission applications were due at the end and we were so affected by the power outage that we had to stay at the hotel to ensure we had power and access to the internet to handle it properly. 2. Inaccurate estimate time of recovery: Upon power outage, we received emails from SCE to inform the estimate time of recovery. Unfortunately, several notices were not accurate while waiting for the recovery to handle my son's applications. Our anxiety was growing each time we became aware of the delay of recovery. 3. Lack of confidence creating more issues: Due to our experience, we have no trust on SCE's estimate of recovery time. We had another power outage in Feb that we had to immediately move to the hotel (2nd time this year) because my son was schedule to have the interview for his college application. it was frustrating that we continue experiencing such issue while my other neighbors are not. 4. Summer preparation : I recently purchased a portable generator covering basic needs of our residency (water heater and food storage) to make sure we avoid the same issue during summer time. It is a serious issue that as a resident at PV, we have to prepare power outage during winter and summer because of lack of infra structure in certain area. Last but the least, I would like to know what is the policy/ position of the city regarding this obvious parity issue among residences at PV that certain residents continue suffering from such poor power service while all of our residences are paying the same property tax? this is something I really want to the city officers to look into. Again, thank you for this opportunity to share my voice on our experience on power outage. Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at any time. Sincerely, HJ Yoon 562-714-6372 hjyoon2008@gmail.com 2