CC SR 20230207 01 - Natural Gas Prices CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: 02/07/2023 AGENDA REPORT AGENDA HEADING: Regular Business AGENDA TITLE: Consideration and possible action to authorize the Mayor to sign a letter to state officials asking they investigate the statewide spike of natural gas prices. RECOMMENDED COUNCIL ACTION: (1) Authorize the Mayor to sign a letter to state officials asking they investigate the statewide spike of natural gas prices and requesting measures to harden and increase the resiliency of public utility infrastructure. FISCAL IMPACT: None Amount Budgeted: N/A Additional Appropriation: N/A Account Number(s): N/A ORIGINATED BY: McKenzie Bright, Administrative Analyst REVIEWED BY: Karina Bañales, Deputy City Manager APPROVED BY: Ara Mihranian, AICP, City Manager ATTACHED SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: A. Draft letter to state officials regarding natural gas prices (page A-1) BACKGROUND AND DISCUSSION: Southern California Gas Company (SoCalGas) recently announced that effective January 1, 2023, natural gas bills would be “shockingly” high. The January market price per therm was $3.45, a more than 300% increase from January 2022. SoCalGas cited a number of factors affecting the price increase, including widespread below -normal temperatures, high natural gas consumption, reduced natural gas flows, and pipeline constraints. SoCalGas has shared information with its consumers abou t programs to help reduce natural gas usage and programs to help those who may have difficulty paying their bills. SoCalGas is regulated through the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC). At the CPUC’s meeting on January 12, 2023, President Alice Reynolds stated the CPUC would be convening an en banc hearing to gather information from market experts to examine 1 RANCHO PALOS VERDES Ill!, the possible drivers of natural gas price spikes and explore potential actions th at can be taken to address impacts on ratepayers. On January 24, 2023, the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors authorized county legislative staff to write a letter asking the state to launch an investigation into natural gas utility bill spikes that county residents experienced this month and to develop a plan to prevent future spikes, as well as identify opportunities within the county to assist overburdened customers. Significant increases in utility bills, particularly for older residents that may be on a fixed income, can be a severe burden. Staff recommends the City Council authorize the Mayor to send a letter (see Attachment A) to Senator Allen and Assemblymember Muratsuchi, asking them to encourage the state to investigate the spike in natural gas prices, in conjunction with the county’s request. CONCLUSION: Authorize the Mayor to send a letter to state officials requesting an investigation in the natural gas price spike. ALTERNATIVES: In addition to the Staff recommendation, the following alternative action is available for the City Council’s consideration: 1. Identify revised language to add to the letter. 2. Do not authorize the Mayor to sign the letter. 3. Take other action, as deemed appropriate. 2 February 7, 2023 Via Email The Honorable Ben Allen California State Senate 1021 O Street, Suite 6610 Sacramento, CA 95814 The Honorable Al Muratsuchi California State Assembly P.O. Box 942849 Sacramento, CA 94249-0066 SUBJECT: Request for Investigation of Natural Gas Price Spike Dear Senator Allen and Assemblymember Muratsuchi: The City of Rancho Palos Verdes joins the County of Los Angeles in requesting an investigation into the statewide spike of natural gas prices. As you know, over a quarter of residents in the City are 65 and older, many of whom are on a fixed income. Significant price shocks like this pose a large financial risk to our residents, particularly our older residents. In addition to an investigation into the price spike, we respectfully request the state explore measures to harden and increase resiliency of public utility infrastructure, to prevent similar price spikes in the future. The City, on behalf of our residents, is deeply concerned about the significant price increase we have experienced in natural gas prices. For these reasons, the City is supportive of an investigation into the causes of this price spike, as well as recommendations to prevent such a spike from occurring again. We respectfully request your assistance in encouraging the state to engage in this investigation. Sincerely, Barbara Ferraro Mayor, City of Rancho Palos Verdes A-1 CITY OF BARBARA FERRARO, MAYOR JOH N C RUll<S HAN I<, MAYOR PR O TE M ERI C A LE GRI A, COUNC IL MEMBER D AV ID BRA DL EY, COU NCILMEMBER PAUL SEO, COUNC ILMEMBER RANCHO PALOS VERDES Senator Allen and Assemblymember Muratsuchi February 7, 2023 Page 2 cc: Alice Reynolds, President, California Public Utilities Commission Matt Baker, Director, CPUC Public Advocates Office Jacki Bacharach, South Bay Cities Council of Governments Jeff Kiernan, League of California Cities Marcel Rodarte, California Contract Cities Association Sharon Gonsalves, Renne Public Policy Group Rancho Palos Verdes City Council and City Manager A-2