CC SR 20221004 05 - Mixed Use Overlay Zoning District Community Survey
Consideration and possible action to issue a Mixed-Use Overlay Zoning District
Community Survey.
1. Review the proposed Mixed-Use Overlay Zoning District Community Survey
intended to solicit public input on desired access to uses and amenities related to
housing and mixed-use design protypes; and,
2. If acceptable, authorize Staff to issue the proposed Mixed-Use Overlay Zoning
District Community Survey.
FISCAL IMPACT: The estimated cost for the Mixed-Use Overlay Zoning District
Community Survey will be nominal since an online survey portal will be utilized and limited
hard copies will be made available at community meetings. Associated costs will be
covered by the various reimbursable grant funds awarded to the City in 2020 and 2021.
Amount Budgeted: N/A
Additional Appropriation: N/A
Account Number(s): N/A
ORIGINATED BY: Jaehee Yoon, Senior Planner
REVIEWED BY: Ken Rukavina, P.E., Director of Community Development
APPROVED BY: Ara Mihranian, AICP, City Manager
A. Draft Community Survey (page A-1)
B. City Council Policy No. 2 (page B-1)
On August 11, 2022, the City Council adopted the 6th Cycle Housing Element update,
which is currently under review by the California Department of Housing and Community
Development (HCD) for conformance with state housing law. A main component of the
Housing Element update involves proposing policies, strategies, and actions to
accommodate the City’s Regional Housing Needs Assessment (RHNA) allocation of
accommodating 647 new housing units in various income levels throughout the City
during the 6th cycle planning period of 2021-2029. A component of the housing programs
included in the Housing Element update, which are designed to provide the regulatory
framework to accommodate these housing units, is a Mixed-Use Overlay Zoning District.
The district would provide an additional zoning tool to allow residential uses within the
City’s commercial corridors such as along Western Avenue, Hawthorne Boulevard, and
Sliver Spur Road.
In 2020 and 2021, the City was awarded a combined total of $310,000 in grant funding
(i.e., Senate Bill No. 2 (SB 2) and Local Early Action Planning (LEAP)) to develop the
Mixed-Use Overlay Zoning District to facilitate and streamline the development process
for housing production in certain commercial zoning districts. In September 2021, the City
Council awarded a contract to planning consulting firm Dudek to assist the City in
preparing relevant development standards for the Mixed-Use Overlay Zoning District as
well as to assess potential environmental impacts. As part of this effort, Staff and the
consulting team will be soliciting public feedback on the proposed project via a community
survey, social media, listserv messaging, a dedicated City webpage, the MyRPV app,
workshops and/or open houses. The first public engagement activity will be an in-person
open house at The Terraces Shopping Center (28900 S. Western Avenue), tentatively
scheduled on October 15, 2022, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Following the in-person open
house, a virtual open house will also be available on the City’s website to provide another
avenue for the public to provide project feedback . Both activities will include an
opportunity for the public to participate in an anonymous community survey for Staff to
collect public comments, concerns, and questions about the proposed Mixed-Use Overlay
Zoning District regulations.
Staff and the consultant team have prepared a draft community survey (Attachment A)
consisting of 10 questions on topics including, but not limited to, types of mixed-use
developments and site amenities, as well as housing density increases. Per City Council
Policy No. 2 (Attachment B), the City Council is required to authorize the issuance of the
draft community survey. Staff believes the issuance of the community survey is an
important tool to collect public feedback on a citywide level. If authorized, the survey will
be available to the public in a digital format, and hard copies will be available for pickup
at the in-person open house, City Hall Reception Desk and City Clerk’s Office, and the
Community Development Department Office. The online survey will be conducted by
using the consultant’s existing SurveyMonkey subscription and promoted on the City
website, listserve messaging and social media.
The community survey will be available for three weeks, starting on the same date as the
open house on October 15, 2021, and ending on November 5, 2022. Staff and the
consulting team will analyze the information and data gathered from the community
survey to create a set of draft code language (overlay zoning district with development
standards) and policies that reflect the values, preferences, and expectations solicited
from the public.
In addition to the Staff recommendation, the following alternative actions are available for
the City Council’s consideration:
1. Identify modifications or draft additional survey questions.
2. Direct Staff not to issue the community survey.
3. Take other action, as deemed appropriate.
Rancho Palos Verdes
Establishment of Mixed-Use Overlay Zoning District
Draft Survey Questions
The City of Rancho Palos Verdes is proposing to establish a Mixed-Use Overlay Zoning
District (MUOZD) for select parcels primarily in the City’s commercial zones, such as
along Western Avenue, Hawthorne Boulevard, and Sliver Spur Road. The MUOZD is a
housing program identified in the 6th Cycle (2021-2029) Housing Element update recently
adopted by the City Council. The Housing Element update is a document that outlines
ways the City can meet its state-mandated housing target of accommodating 647 new
units across various income levels through 2029. It should be noted that the City is not
required by law to build these units, but rather to plan for them and remove housing
barriers that would inhibit a developer from doing so.
Mixed-Use Development
The MUOZD would allow a property owner to develop a mix of uses (residential with
another use, e.g., commercial and/or institutional uses). In some cases, the project will
consist of residential only on the parcel. In either instance, the MUOZD would allow uses
beyond that which is limited to those associated with the underlying zoning designation.
Typically, most mixed-use projects we see today include housing with commercial uses.
The City’s intent of establishing a MUOZD is to foster similar mixed-use developments
that would facilitate housing production and economic development.
Overlay Zones
As an overlay zone, the MUOZD does not change the existing zoning designation of a
parcel. Nor does it require the development of mixed-use. Instead, it provides an
additional layer of development standards that can be applied to the parcel if the property
owner elects to pursue a mixed-use development. That is, the property can continue
operating as it is today and propose redevelopment or improvements within the current
regulations of the underlying zoning district; or opt to utilize the MUOZD to develop a
mixed-use project.
Survey Questions
To help the City craft the MUOZD regulations, please provide your feedback to the
questions below for consideration in the process.
1. How would you define yourself in relation to Rancho Palos Verdes? Check all that
o I live here
o I work here
o I own a business/property here
o I study here
o I shop here
o I visit here
1-1. If you live in Rancho Palos Verdes, do you own or rent your home? Select
o Own
o Rent
o Not applicable
1-2. If you live in Rancho Palos Verdes, how long have you lived here? Select
o 1-5 years
o 6-15 years
o 16-30 years
o More than 30 years
o Not applicable
2. Select your top three priorities related to housing from the list below.
o Proximity/access to transit
o Proximity/access to open space/parks
o Proximity/access to retail and groceries
o Proximity to restaurants
o Walkability
o Bicycle lanes and related amenities
o Amenities for youth
o Amenities for young adults/families
o Amenities for senior citizens
3. What uses and amenities would you like to have easy access to as it relates to
housing? Select all that apply.
o Retail stores
o Food uses (e.g., restaurants, cafes, grocery stores)
o Offices (e.g., business, medical, etc.)
o Entertainment uses (e.g., movie theaters, bars, nightclubs, etc.)
o Open space/parks
o Recreation uses (e.g., playgrounds, play facilities, gyms, etc.)
o Civic uses (e.g., libraries, museums, art galleries, etc.)
o Day care facilities
o Senior centers
o Bicycle amenities (e.g., lanes, bike racks, bike storage, bike rental, etc.)
o Live-work space
o Hospitality industry (e.g., hotels, resorts, etc.)
o Other (type your answer)
4. For inclusion in the MUOZD, select your top three preferences from the various
types of residential and mixed-use development examples listed below:
a. Medium-Density Mixed-Use, with ground floor commercial
b. Low-Density Mixed-Use, with ground floor commercial
c. Multi-Plex Housing (4-, 6-, or 8-Units)
d. Live/Work
e. Garden/Courtyard Housing
f. Townhouses/Rowhouses
4-1. Of the ones selected above, please specify why those examples are of interest
to you. Type your answer.
Examples) The open courtyard provides a sense of community; the underground
parking will enhance the streetscape and alleviate parking shortage; the balconies
will allow private open space; store fronts on the first floor will increase walkability.
5. Are there any mixed-use developments that have made an impression on you that
we could study for the proposed Mixed-Use Overlay Zoning District in Rancho
Palos Verdes? Type your answer.
6. Is there anything else you would like us to keep in mind as we develop the Mixed-
Use Overlay Zoning District for Rancho Palos Verdes? Type your answer.
7. Please provide your email address if you would like to receive project updates in
the future. Type your answer.
Thank you for your feedback.
For more information, please visit
SUBJECT: Questionnaires sent to the public by City Council, Committee/
Commission(s) and Staff
It shall be the policy of the City Council that all questionnaires and/or surveys to
be sent by the City to the general public or special groups, whether generated by
Staff, City Council or Committee/Commission(s), be authorized by the full City
Council at a public meeting.
The City Manager shall be authorized, however, to approve any questionnaires
and/or surveys for information to be sent to other public agencies.
The City Council recognized the need to establish a policy to control
questionnaires and surveys for information that are sent or delivered to the
general public and special interest groups.