CC SR 20220906 N - Opposition to AB 1886 (Street Sweeping) CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: 09/06/2022 AGENDA REPORT AGENDA HEADING: Consent Calendar AGENDA TITLE: Consideration and possible action to oppose Assembly Bill (AB) 1886 requiring prevailing wages be paid for contractual street sweeping services. RECOMMENDED COUNCIL ACTION: (1) Authorize the Mayor to sign a letter opposing AB 1886, which would expand and clarify the definition of “public works” for the purpose of the payment of prevailing wages to also include street sweeping maintenance done under contract. FISCAL IMPACT: None Amount Budgeted: N/A Additional Appropriation: N/A Account Number(s): N/A ORIGINATED BY: McKenzie Bright, Administrative Analyst REVIEWED BY: Karina Bañales, Deputy City Manager APPROVED BY: Ara Mihranian, AICP, City Manager ATTACHED SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: A. Draft letter of opposition to AB 1886 (page A-1) B. Text of AB 1886 (as amended August 24, 2022) BACKGROUND AND DISCUSSION: The California Contract Cities Association requested the City submit an opposition letter for AB 1886. AB 1886 would expand the definition of “public works” for the purpose of the payment of prevailing wages to also include street sweeping maintenance performed for the preservation, protection, and keeping of any publicly owned or publicly operated street, road, or highway done under contract and paid for in whole or in part out of public funds. This bill would create an unfunded mandate with potentially significant impacts on contract cities’ budgets. 1 CITYOF RANCHO PALOS VERDES Existing law requires that prevailing wages be paid to all workers employed on a “public works” project, which is defined as including, among other things, construction, alteration, demolition, installation, or repair work done under contract and paid for in whole or in part out of public funds, including contracts for maintenance work. Maintenance work is defined as routine, recurring, and usual work for the preservation, protection, and keeping of any public owned or publicly operated facility. The Director of the Department of Industrial Relations (DIR) is authorized to issue determinations on whether a specific project or type of work is considered a public work for determining prevailing wage requirements. Various DIR determinations have found that street sweeping is considered a public works maintenance project, and thus requires payment of prevailing wage, most recently in an October 2021 case with the City of Elk Grove. This bill seeks to codify this determination which will continue to impact the City’s budget. The City’s street sweeping contract is administered by EDCO Disposal. Citywide, mechanical sweeping of residential and arterial/collector streets, park parking lots, and scenic turnouts is completed 24 times per year. Western Avenue, a state highway , is swept 52 times per year. Special sweeps for inclement weather and other needs are also included. Street sweeping costs are divided between three funding sources: Safe Clean Water Act (Measure W); AB 2766, the Vehicle Subvention fund administered by the Southern Air Quality Management District; and the Environmental Excise Tax Fund. Staff is inquiring with EDCO on the current status of payment of prevailing wages for street sweeping, which will be provided as late correspondence. As of the writing of this staff report, AB 1886 passed the Senate and moved to the Assembly for concurrence on August 31 before going before the Governor. CONCLUSION: At CCCA’s request, and in line with the City’s opposition to unfunded mandates, Staff recommends the City Council oppose AB 1886 and authorize the Mayor to sign a veto request letter (Attachment A). ALTERNATIVES: In addition to the Staff recommendation, the following alternative actions are available for the City Council’s consideration: 1. Identify revised language to add to the letter. 2. Do not authorize the Mayor to sign the letter. 3. Take other action, as deemed appropriate. 2 September 6, 2022 The Honorable Gavin Newsom Via Email 1021 O Street, Suite 9000 Sacramento, CA 95814 SUBJECT: Veto Request for AB 1886 (Cooper) Dear Governor Newsom: On behalf of the City of Rancho Palos Verdes, we request your veto on Assembly Bill 1886 (Cooper). AB 1886 would expand the definition of “public works” for the purpose of the payment of prevailing wages, to also include street sweeping maintenance performed for the preservation, protection, and keeping of any publicly owned or publicly operated street, road, or highway done under contract and paid for in whole or in part out of public funds. If signed, this bill would have a devastating effect on the budgets of cities that contract for street sweeping services. Contractors would be required to pay the prevailing wage to their employees, drastically increasing their labor costs, which in turn would be passed on to the cities and to our taxpayers. With the current high inflationary economic environment and a looming recession, now is not the time for cities to pass this added cost to our hardworking residents. In addition, cities are already under tremendous pressure at the extensive expense to comply with numerous federal and state regulations related to keeping our roads and streets clean. This bill further compounds that pressure by likely forcing cities to consider reducing street sweeping schedules to try to keep costs down, at the expense of well-maintained roads and streets that our residents deserve to enjoy, as well as its eventual impact on the environment. For these reasons, the City of Rancho Palos Verdes is opposed to AB 1886. Sincerely, David L. Bradley Mayor, City of Rancho Palos Verdes cc: Ben Allen, Senator, 26th State Senate District Al Muratsuchi, Assemblymember, 66th State Assembly District A-1 rlAVln L. BRAnLEY, MA YOR 8ARrlARA FFRRARO, MAYOR PRO TFM FRIC 1\I FGRIA. COUNCIi MFMrlFR JOHN Ci~Ull<SHANI<, COUNCILME:Ml::lE:I\ l<E:N DYDA, COUNCIL ME:Ml::lrn Governor Newsom September 6, 2022 Page 2 Jeff Kiernan, League of California Cities Marcel Rodarte, California Contract Cities Association Sharon Gonsalves, Renne Public Policy Group Rancho Palos Verdes City Council and City Manager A-2