CC MINS 20220920 REG (SPC Closed Session) MINUTES RANCHO PALOS VERDES CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL/REGULAR MEETING SEPTEMBER 20, 2022 CALL TO ORDER: A Special Closed Session Meeting of the Rancho Palos Verdes City Council was called to order by Mayor Bradley at 5:33 P.M. at Fred Hesse Community Park, McTaggart Hall, 29301 Hawthorne Boulevard. This meeting took place remotely in accordance with Government Code section 54953(e) et seq. (AB 361) and Resolution 2021-59, adopted by the City Council on November 16, 2021. Members of the public could observe and participate using the zoom participation feature, and with options called out in the public participation form provided under separate cover with the agenda. Notice having been given with affidavit thereto on file. City Council roll call was answered as follows: PRESENT: Alegria, Cruikshank, and Mayor Bradley ABSENT: Dyda* (excused, in Fireside Room); and Mayor Pro Tem Ferraro* (excused, in Fireside Room) Also present were Ara Mihranian, City Manager; Karina Banales, Deputy City Manager; Ken Rukavina, Community Development Director, Lukasz Buchwald, Information Technology Manager; Megan Barnes, Senior Administrative Analyst; William Wynder, City Attorney; and Teresa Takaoka, City Clerk. PUBLIC COMMENTS FOR CLOSED SESSION: None. CLOSED SESSION ITEM(S) ANNOUNCED: City Attorney Wynder announced the item to be discussed in Closed Session. 1. THREAT TO PUBLIC SERVICES OR FACILITIES A closed session will be held, pursuant to Government Code § 54957, to receive a briefing from the Federal Bureau of Investigations on potential threats to public services or facilities. 2. CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL —ANTICIPATED LITIGATION A closed session will be held, pursuant to Government Code § 54956.9(d)(2) or (d)(3) and (e)(1) because there is a significant exposure to litigation in one case where the facts and circumstances giving rise to an exposure to litigation are not known to plaintiff(s) in one case. At 5:34 P.M., the Council recessed to Closed Session. *At 5:34 P.M. Councilmember Dyda and Mayor Pro Tern Ferraro joined Closed Session in the Fireside Room. 111 RECONVENE TO REGULAR MEETING: At 7:43 P.M. the Closed Session was reconvened to the Regular meeting. REGULAR MEETING — OPEN SESSION CALL TO ORDER: A Regular meeting of the Rancho Palos Verdes City Council was called to order by Mayor Bradley at 7:43 P.M. at Fred Hesse Community Park, McTaggart Hall, 29301 Hawthorne Boulevard, notice having been given with affidavit thereto on file. ROLL CALL: City Council roll call was answered as follows: PRESENT: Alegria, Cruikshank, Dyda, Ferraro, and Mayor Bradley ABSENT: None Also present were Ara Mihranian, City Manager; Karina Bahales, Deputy City Manager; William Wynder, City Attorney; Trang Nguyen, Director of Finance; Ken Rukavina, Director of Community Development; Ramzi Awwad, Director of Public Works; Octavio Silva, Deputy Director of Community Development; Jaehee Yoon, Senior Planner; Krista Yost, Assistant Planner; Katie Lozano, Senior Administrative Analyst; Matt Waters, Senior Administrative Analyst; and Teresa Takaoka, City Clerk. Also present was Sergeant Tina McCoy from the Lomita Sheriff Station. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Aaron Chee and Ethan Chao of Boy Scouts Troop 378. CLOSED SESSION REPORT: City Attorney Wynder reported that the City Council met in Closed Session and discussed the two items on the agenda. City Council received a privileged and confidential briefing by the Federal Bureau of Investigations on potential threats to public services and facilities. There was a privileged and confidential briefing. Questions were asked and answered. No reportable action was solicited, nor was any taken. The second item City Council met in Closed Session involved facts and circumstances which can give rise to significant exposure to litigation in one case. There was a City Council Special/Regular Minutes September 20, 2022 Page 2 of 9 . privileged and confidential briefing. Questions were asked and answered. The City Council unanimously directed Staff to proceed forward with a litigation avoidance strategy. MAYOR'S ANNOUNCEMENTS: Mayor Bradley recognized Boy Scouts Aaron Chee, Ethan Chao, and Davis Stern of Troop 378 for their individual work in and around the Palos Verdes Nature Preserve for their Eagle Scout Projects. RECYCLE AND EMERGENCY PERSONAL PREPAREDNESS KIT DRAWING: Mayor Bradley announced the Recycle Winners for the September 6, 2022 City Council meeting: William Ring and Suzanne Gulcher. He indicated that all winners receive a check for $250 and urged everyone to participate in the City's Recycling Program. He noted that in addition to winning the Recycler Drawing, the two individuals also won a Personal Emergency Preparedness Kit from the City valued at $40.00. APPROVAL OF THE AGENDA: Councilmember Cruikshank moved, seconded by Councilmember Dyda, to approve the agenda as presented. The motion passed on the following roll call vote: AYES: Alegria, Cruikshank, Dyda, Ferraro, and Mayor Bradley NOES: None PUBLIC COMMENTS FOR NON-AGENDA ITEMS: City Clerk Takaoka reported that there were four requests to speak. The following members of the public addressed the City Council: Noel Park; Judy Frankel; Ayren and Amaya Dreyer. Staff was unable to contact Julie Moe Reynolds for public comments. CITY MANAGER REPORT: City Manager Mihranian provided updates on the following: Ken Dyda Civic Center sign unveiling; Metropolitan Water District upper feeder shutdown is complete; September is National Preparedness Month; Palos Verdes Drive South roadwork in landslide area through September 23; EDCO Fall brush clearing event held on each Saturday from October 1-29; the celebration of Hispanic Heritage Month and wished all who celebrate Rosh Hashanah a Happy New Year; and Happy Birthday to Councilmember Cruikshank. CONSENT CALENDAR: City Council Special/Regular Minutes September 20, 2022 Page 3 of 9 City Clerk Takaoka reported that there was one request to speak on Item E but Staff was unable to contact the member of the public for public comment. Councilmember Cruikshank moved, seconded by Councilmember Alegria, to approve the Consent Calendar. The motion passed on the following roll call vote: AYES: Alegria, Cruikshank, Dyda, Ferraro, and Mayor Bradley NOES: None A. Motion to Waive Full Reading Adopted a motion to waive reading in full of all ordinances presented at this meeting with consent of the waiver of reading deemed to be given by all Council Members after the reading of the title. B. Approval of Minutes (Takaoka) Approved the Minutes of September 6, 2022, Regular Meeting. C. Registers of Demands (Mata) Adopted Resolution No. 2022-54, A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO PALOS VERDES, ALLOWING CERTAIN CLAIMS AND DEMANDS AND SPECIFYING FUNDS FROM WHICH THE SAME ARE TO BE PAID. D. Consideration and possible action to continue implementing Assembly Bill No. 361 (AB 361) authorizing teleconferencing of meetings of legislative bodies for the month of October 2022. (Zweizig) 1) Adopted Resolution No. 2022-55, A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO PALOS VERDES, CALIFORNIA, RE-RATIFYING THE PROCLAMATION OF A STATE OF EMERGENCY BY GOVERNOR NEWSOM ON MARCH 4, 2020 AND RE-AUTHORIZING REMOTE TELECONFERENCE MEETINGS OF THE LEGISLATIVE BODIES OF THE CITY OF RANCHO PALOS VERDES FOR THE PERIOD BEGINNING OCTOBER 1, 2022 THROUGH OCTOBER 31, 2022, PURSUANT TO THE RALPH M. BROWN ACT AND ASSEMBLY BILL NO. 361; and, 2) Authorized Staff to continue conducting, as warranted, City Council and Planning Commission public meetings using a combination in-person/virtual (hybrid) platform and continue conducting virtual-only meetings or a combination in-person/virtual (hybrid) platform, if warranted, for the City's five Committees (Civic Center Advisory, Emergency Preparedness, Finance Advisory, Infrastructure Management Advisory, Traffic Safety) subject to the Brown Act in accordance with the requirements of AB 361; and return with extension resolutions for the City Council's consideration every 30 days as the same may be warranted. City Council Special/Regular Minutes September 20, 2022 Page 4 of 9 E. Consideration and possible action to accept Gifts for Parks donations. (Hirsch) Accepted Gifts for Parks donations and directed Staff to prepare donor letters of appreciation for the Mayor's signature. F. Consideration and possible action to adopt Ordinance No. 662 amending Chapter 13.10 (Storm Water and Urban Runoff Pollution Control) of Title 13 (Public Services) of the Rancho Palos Verdes Municipal Code. (Rukavina) Adopted Ordinance No. 662, AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF RANCHO PALOS VERDES, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING CHAPTER 13.10 (STORM WATER AND URBAN RUNOFF POLLUTION CONTROL) OF TITLE 13 (PUBLIC SERVICES) OF THE RANCHO PALOS VERDES MUNICIPAL CODE TO BE CONSISTENT WITH THE TERMS AND PROVISIONS OF THE NEW MUNICIPAL SEPARATE STORM SEWER SYSTEM (MS4) PERMIT, ORDER NO. R4-2012-0175. G. Consideration and possible action to enter into a participation agreement to join the Regional Imagery Acquisition Consortium (LARIAC7). (Buchwald) Authorized the City Manager to sign a participation agreement with Los Angeles County to acquire aerial imagery as part of the 2023 LARIAC7 project at a cost not to exceed $39,447 in a form acceptable to the City Attorney. H. Consideration and possible action to transfer additional Transient Occupancy Tax revenue from the General Fund to the Capital Infrastructure Program (CIP) Fund for Fiscal Year 2021-22. (Ramos) Approved an additional appropriation of$1,391,715 from Transfers-Out (General Fund) to Transfers-In (CIP Fund) based on year-end revenue from Transient Occupancy Tax (TOT) from Terranea Resort. I. Consideration and possible action to amend the scope of the Fiscal Year 2020- 21 Community Development Block Grant(CDBG) project and budget. (Awwad) 1) Approved an additional appropriation of$352,929 of available unallocated CDBG funds to the Redondela Drive Area CDBG Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Improvements Project which consists of curb ramp improvements in the Eastview neighborhood, as well as curb ramp improvements in the area north of Hawthorne Boulevard and west of tranvia Altamira; 2) Amended the approved Redondela Drive Area CDBG ADA Improvements Project to add new curb ramp improvement locations; and, 3) Authorized the Director of Public Works to execute an amended agreement for the Redondela Drive Area CDBG ADA Improvements Project with the Los Angeles County Development Authority (LACDA). CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM(S) PULLED FOR PUBLIC COMMENT: City Council Special/Regular Minutes September 20, 2022 Page 5 of 9 None. PUBLIC HEARINGS: 111 1. Consideration and possible action to amend Chapter 16.40 (Urban Lot Splits), Chapter 17.09 (Second Units and Two-Unit Developments in Single-Family Zones) and Chapter 17.96 (Definitions) of the Rancho Palos Verdes Municipal Code regarding urban lot splits, and second unit and two-unit developments in single-family residential zones (Case No. PLCA2022-0001). (Yoon) City Clerk Takaoka reported that there were no requests to speak. Director of Community Development Rukavina introduced Senior Planner Jaehee Yoon, who presented a staff report and PowerPoint presentation. Mayor Bradley declared the public hearing open. Discussion ensued among Council Members and City Manager Mihranian. Mayor Bradley declared the public hearing closed. Discussion ensued among Council Members, City Manager Mihranian, Staff, and City Attorney Wynder. Councilmember Cruikshank moved, seconded by Councilmember Alegria, to: Introduce Ordinance No. 663, AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF RANCHO PALOS VERDES AMENDING CHAPTER 16.40 (URBAN LOT SPLITS), CHAPTER 17.09 (SECOND UNITS AND TWO-UNIT DEVELOPMENTS IN SINGLE-FAMILY ZONES) AND CHAPTER 17.96 (DEFINITIONS) OF THE RANCHO PALOS VERDES MUNICIPAL CODE, THEREBY ESTABLISHING REGULATIONS AND DEFINITIONS FOR URBAN LOT SPLITS AND FOR SECOND UNITS AND TWO- UNIT DEVELOPMENTS IN SINGLE-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL ZONES, as amended removing and renumbering Section 17.09.060 accordingly. The motion passed on the following roll call vote: AYES: Alegria, Cruikshank, Dyda, Ferraro, and Mayor Bradley NOES: None 2. Consideration and possible action to amend Section 17.10.020 (Accessory dwelling unit and junior accessory dwelling unit development standards) and Chapter 17.96 (Definitions) of Title 17 (Zoning) of the Rancho Palos Verdes Municipal Code to clarify applicability of objective architectural standards (Case No. PLCA2022-0004). (Giang) City Clerk Takaoka reported that there were no requests to speak. Director of Community Development Rukavina presented a brief staff report. City Council Special/Regular Minutes September 20, 2022 Page 6 of 9 Mayor Bradley declared the public hearing open. Mayor Bradley declared the public hearing closed. Mayor Pro Tern Ferraro moved, seconded by Councilmember Cruikshank, to: Continue the Public Hearing to the October 4, 2022, City Council meeting. The motion passed on the following roll call vote: AYES: Alegria, Cruikshank, Dyda, Ferraro, and Mayor Bradley NOES: None REGULAR BUSINESS: 3. Consideration and possible action to receive a status report on the historic designation of Hatano Farm. (Bañales) City Clerk Takaoka noted that late correspondence was distributed, and there was one request to speak. Deputy City Manager Banales presented a staff report and PowerPoint presentation. Council Members asked questions of Staff. The following member of the public addressed the City Council: Lenee Bilski. Discussion ensued among Council Members. Councilmember Alegria moved, seconded by Mayor Pro Tern Ferraro, to approve staff recommendation as follows: 1) Received and filed a status report on the historic designation of Hatano Farm; and, 2),Authorized the Mayor to sign a letter of support and consent as the property owner for the nomination of Hatano Farm as a California Point of Historical Interest and for listing in the California Register of Historical Resources. The motion passed on the following roll call vote: AYES: Alegria, Cruikshank, Dyda, Ferraro, and Mayor Bradley NOES: None 4. Consideration and possible action to introduce an ordinance amending Title 15 (Buildings and Construction) of the Rancho Palos Verdes Municipal Code to add Chapter 15.44 (Electrical Vehicle Charging Stations) setting procedures for electric vehicle charging systems. (Yost) City Clerk Takaoka noted that no late correspondence was received, and there were no requests to speak. City Council Special/Regular Minutes September 20, 2022 Page 7 of 9 Director of Community Development Rukavina introduced Associate Planner Krista Yost and Deputy Director of Community Development Silva who presented a staff report and PowerPoint presentation. Council Members asked questions of Staff. Councilmember Alegria moved, seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Ferraro, to approve staff recommendation as follows: Introduced Ordinance No. 664, AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF RANCHO PALOS VERDES, CALIFORNIA, ADDING CHAPTER 15.44 (ELECTRIC VEHICLE CHARGING STATIONS) TO TITLE 15 (BUILDINGS AND CONSTRUCTION) SETTING PROCEDURES FOR THE STREAMLINE REVIEW AND PERMITTING OF ELECTRIC VEHICLE CHARGING SYSTEMS (CASE NO. P LCA2022-0007). The motion passed on the following roll call vote: AYES: Alegria, Cruikshank, Dyda, Ferraro, and Mayor Bradley NOES: None 5. Consideration and possible action to receive and file the FY 2022-23 spending plan for the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA). (Ramos) City Clerk Takaoka reported that there were no requests to speak. Director of Finance Nguyen provided a staff report and PowerPoint presentation Council Members asked questions of Staff. Discussion ensued among Council Members. Mayor Bradley moved, seconded by Councilmember Alegria, to approve staff recommendation as follows: 1) Received and filed the FY 2022-23 spending plan for ARPA; and, 2) Directed Staff to allocate the remaining $200,000 of the ARPA Fund's interest earnings towards the Ladera Linda Community Park project. The motion passed on the following roll call vote: AYES: Alegria, Cruikshank, Dyda, Ferraro, and Mayor Bradley NOES: None 6. Consideration and possible action to receive a quarterly status report on Fiscal Year (FY) 2022-23 City Council Goals. (Banales) City Clerk Takaoka noted that late correspondence was distributed, and there were no requests to speak. Deputy City Manager Banales presented a staff report and PowerPoint presentation. City Council Special/Regular Minutes September 20, 2022 Page 8 of 9 Discussion ensued among Council Members and Staff. Councilmember Alegria moved, seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Ferraro, to approve staff recommendation as follows: 1) Received and filed a quarterly status report on the FY 2022-23 City Council Goals. The motion passed on the following roll call vote: AYES: Alegria, Cruikshank, Dyda, Ferraro, and Mayor Bradley NOES: None FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS: Mayor Pro Tern Ferraro requested to have a report on citywide beautification projects including Lower Hesse and medians. The following member of the public addressed the City Council: Noel Park. Mayor Bradley requested to have a report to reconsider the City's membership in the League of CA Cities. CITY COUNCIL ORAL REPORTS: Each Council Member present reported on his/her attendance at various organization and association meetings. ADJOURNMENT: At, 10:24 P.M., Mayor Bradley adjourned to 6:00 P.M. on October 4, 2022, for a Closed Session meeting followed by a 7:00 P.M. Regular meeting. Mayor Bradley adjourned the meeting in honor and memory of Barbara Gleghorn. Mayor Attest: City Clerk City Council Special/Regular Minutes September 20, 2022 Page 9 of 9