CC SR 20220517 07 -Recruitment Incentive Program CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: 05/17/2022 AGENDA REPORT AGENDA HEADING: Regular Business AGENDA TITLE: Consideration and possible action to amend the Administrative Instruction Manual to establish a Recruitment Incentive Program. RECOMMENDED COUNCIL ACTION: (1) Approve Administrative Instruction Manual No. 2-21 thereby establishing a Recruitment Incentive Program for difficult-to-recruit positions. FISCAL IMPACT: Staff have included a request for $60,000 in the FY 2022 -23 preliminary budget for this program. Amount Budgeted: N/A Additional Appropriation: N/A Account Number(s): N/A ORIGINATED BY: Karina Bañales, Deputy City Manager REVIEWED BY: Same as above APPROVED BY: Ara Mihranian, AICP, City Manager ATTACHED SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: A. Administrative Instruction Manual No. 2-21 - Recruitment Incentive Program (page A-1) BACKGROUND: The City of Rancho Palos Verdes, like many other governmental agencies, is experiencing a diminished pool of well-qualified candidates for positions in all departments, specifically the Public Works Department. The inability to recruit qualified employees has caused significant concern throughout the organization as it has impacted certain services being delivered and overall employee morale. At the March 23, 2022, City Council Budget Workshop, Staff requested, and the City Council approved $60,000 in the proposed FY 2022-23 budget for a proposed signing-on recruitment program that will assist Human Resources (HR) with filling critical positions. As a result, the City Council directed Staff to return with a program that would memorialize the criteria and process that would allow the City Manager to approve one -time signing bonuses for difficult-to-recruit positions. The City Council is now being asked to consider 1 CfTYOF RANCHO PALOS VERDES a Recruitment Incentive Program that, if accep table, would amend the Administrative Instruction Manual by adding a new section. DISCUSSION: The current labor market for public sector jobs is becoming more competitive, especially when neighboring agencies are pulling from the same (limited) pool of candidates. For example, the City continues to have difficulty filling one critical vacancy, the Deputy Director of Public Works, due to the specialized skill set required. Since 2020, two recruitments have been unsuccessful in finding a person for this position with each recruitment being open for five months or more. The position remains unfilled to date. This was due to a limited pool of qualified applicants. As a result, Staff has entered into an agreement with a professional recruiter, Ralph Andersen & Associates, to facilitate the recruitment of this Deputy Director of Public Works position. The City’s HR office strives to attract, hire, and retain the best-qualified and skilled employees who contribute to the sustainability of the City and overall organization. To assist with recruiting for those difficult positions, HR wishes to gain a competitive advantage by establishing a Recruitment Incentive Program that will authorize the City Manager to utilize specified recruitment tools to attract and retain qualified job candidates for key hard-to-fill positions. The City has never implemented such an incentive program and there is no procedure in place for establishing one. Tonight, the City Council is being asked to establish a Recruitment Incentive Program, which will enable Staff to implement the program by amending Section 2, Employee Relations, of the Administrative Instruction Manual. The proposed Recruitment Incentive Program (Attachment A) could be implemented by the City Manager or his/her designee only for a position/classification that “must have demonstratable recruitment difficulty. Recruitment difficulty may be based on any one of the following: limited applicant pool, recruitment difficulty, and/or a continued high vacancy rate.” Additionally, the Recruitment Incentive Program could be implemented only when funding is made available by the City Council during the annual budget cycle. The Recruitment Incentive Program allows the City Manager to approve incentive tools, such as one-time signing bonuses in amounts determined by the City Manager based on the approved budget for the fiscal year. A full-time employee recruited under the program would be eligible up to 25% of the bonus on their first paycheck, another 25% after successfully passing the probationary period , and the final 50% after completing 24 months of employment. Staff believes the proposed program would allow the City an opportunity to incentivize and secure highly qualified employees for positions that the City has determined to be difficult to fill with starting salary and benefits alone. 2 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: To Staff's knowledge, no other South Bay cities offer an incentive program for non-public safety positions. Based on this, Staff has reason to believe that the City will place itself in a higher competitive position above neighboring agencies if this program is implemented for difficult-to-fill recruitments. CONCLUSION: Staff recommends the City Council approve the proposed Recruitment Incentive Program, which is intended to incentivize and secure highly qualified employees for difficult-to-recruit positions, by amending Section 2, Employee Relations, of the Administrative Instruction Manual. ALTERNATIVES: In addition to the Staff recommendations, the following alternatives are available for the City Council’s consideration: 1. Do not approve the Recruitment Incentive Program. 2. Direct Staff to revise the program to limit positions designated by the City Council. 3. Direct Staff to return to the City Council with an alternative Recruitment Incentive Program. 4. Take other action, as deemed appropriate. 3 CITY OF RANCHO PALOS VERDES ADMINISTRATIVE INSTRUCTION MANUAL NUMBER 2-21 SUBJECT: RECRUITMENT INCENTIVE PROGRAM I. BACKGROUND/ PURPOSE The City shall make available to appointing authorities a Recruitment Incentive Program to incentivize and secure highly qualified employees for positions that the City has determined to be difficult to fill with starting salary and benefits alone in accordance with the guidelines established herein. This recruitment incentive program is specific to difficult-to-fill positions when funding is available. II. DEFINITIONS a. APPOINTING AUTHORITIES: City Manager and/or designated Subject Matter Expert (SME) assigned to the recruitment , inclusive of Human Resources b. HARD-TO-RECRUIT POSITIONS: Classification must have demonstratable recruitment difficulty, which includes limited applicant pool, recruitment difficulty, or a continued high vacancy rate. Job requirements such as technical expertise, certifications, licensing and/or advanced educational requirements may limit the pool of qualified applicants. If two or more consecutive recruitments have been done, resulting in a limited applicant pool, the recruitment would be defined as difficult to re cruit. A continued high vacancy rate is demonstrated through actively recruited positions that continue to remain vacant. III. PROGRAM APPLICABILITY Appointing authorities may request authorization to apply the Recruitment Incentive to assist in filling difficult-to-recruit positions in their department. To apply, said position/classification must have demonstratable recruitment difficulty. Recruitment difficulty may be based on any one of the following: limited applicant pool, recruitment difficulty, and/or a continued high vacancy rate. The Human Resources Manager shall have the authority to determine the applicability to each requested position/classification and shall submit a request to the City Manager for consideration. The City Manager or his/her designee A-1 shall approve, deny, or amend the request based on the information provided. Prior to advertising a position utilizing the Recruitm ent Incentive Program, the City Manager shall notify the City Council in writing by explaining the reason for utilizing the program and how it will be implemented and funded. IV. PROGRAM A full-time employee hired into a position/classification certified for participation in the program shall be eligible to receive a recruitment incentive in an amount set by the City Manager and/or designee based on available funding, as described below: a. The full-time incumbent will be eligible for 25% of the incentive on their first paycheck. b. After successfully passing the probationary period, the full-time incumbent will be eligible for a second 25% payment. c. After completing 24 months of employment, the full-time incumbent will be eligible for the final 50% incentive payment. Each incentive payment shall be considered taxable income and subject to withholdings. The incentive payment shall not be considered in determining the regular rate of pay for purposes of computing overtime compensation, nor shall it be considered earnable compensation for purposes of retirement. V. JOB POSTING Prior to the posting of vacant positions, the recruitment incentive program description must be included in the job posting advising applicants they must meet the eligibility requirements. VI. LIMITATIONS AND EXCLUSIONS No incentive will be paid for any candidate whose recruitment does not meet program applicability and has not had applicability certified. No incentive will be paid to any candidate whose name was placed on the eligible list for full-time positions in the classification prior to the determination of program applicability. Similarly, no incentive will be paid to any candidate whose name was placed on the eligible list for full-time positions or forwarded to the department for part-time positions, if applicability was not previously certified by the City Manager and/or designee. In the event the employee is unable or unwilling to work, is taken off work, or is on an approved leave of absence, any payments owed shall be delayed the same amount of time as the employee remains off work. A-2 In the event the employee resigns, is terminated from employment, or fails to successfully complete the probationary period with a “meets” o r greater overall rating, the employee will not be eligible to receive any outstanding payments owed. The Recruitment Incentive Program will remain in effect while funds are available. A-3