CC SR 20210406 02 - Classification and Compensation Study
Consideration and possible action to initiate the process to conduct a comprehensive
classification and compensation study and a organizational review for all full-time and
part-time personnel.
(1) Authorize Staff to issue a request for proposals (RFP) to seek consultants to
conduct a comprehensive classification and compensation study for all full-time
and part-time personnel and an organizational review.
FISCAL IMPACT: Funding to complete the comprehensive classification and
compensation study and organizational review is available through current cost savings
achieved through employee vacancies and will therefore not require additional
appropriation at this time.
Amount Budgeted: None
Additional Appropriation: None
Account Number(s): Various
ORIGINATED BY: Vonetta Augustine, Human Resources Analyst VA
REVIEWED BY: Julie DeZiel, Human Resources Manager
Karina Bañales, Deputy City Manager
APPROVED BY: Ara Mihranian, City Manager
A. Draft Request for Proposal for a Classification and Compensation Study
B. March 3, 2015, Final Classification & Compensation Study Staff Report
C. Resolution No. 2020-63
D. Resolution No. 2002-56
On March 3, 2015, the City Council authorized Koff and Associates to conduct a
classification and compensation study (Attachment B). Discussions of conducting a
classification and compensation study began in early 2014, as it had been over 20
years since the City reviewed its workforce roles, responsibilities, and compensation.
The study was presented in two parts. The first part of the study discussed full-time and
part-time positions and classifications. Positions are defined as work performed by one
person, such as Deputy City Clerk, Human Resources Manager, or Information
Technology Manager. Classifications include work performed by one or more positions
and are assigned in a class throughout the organization, which means the work they
perform is similar in scope of work, level of work, duties, and responsibilities irrespective
of the department in the organization. A good example of classification includes
Administrative Analyst, Senior Administrative Analyst, or Administrative Assistant.
These positions could be found in various departments within the organization.
The second part of the study addressed compensation. The compensation study
identified appropriate compensation for the level and scope of work performed by staff,
internal equity, and ensuring that the City’s workforce maintains a competitive edge by
recruiting and retaining qualified employees. In 2015, Koff and Associates studied
organizations that were similar in organizational structure and size. These agencies,
which were determined by the then-City Council, included Agoura Hills, Calabasas,
Cypress, Dana Point, Hermosa Beach, Lawndale, Malibu, Redondo Beach, Rolling Hills
Estates, and San Juan Capistrano.
Just before the study was finalized, the City Council was presented a draft report. The
City Council discovered that Koff and Associates’ methodology for comparing the City’s
retirement benefit included the City’s Tier 2 retirement benefit level of 2% at 60. Council
believed it might have under-reported the City’s benefits. As a result, the City Council
requested that Koff and Associates provide an additional analysis utilizing the City’s Tier
1 retirement benefit level of 2.5% at 55. This portion was added to the second part of
the study.
The 2015 Koff & Associates classification and compensation analysis concluded that
the City's compensation levels were aligned with the City’s compensation structure, with
only a few classifications requiring adjustments.
Six years later, community and organizational needs have shifted. The demand for
public service has increased, requiring the organization to do more with less and
causing shifts to the organization’s current structure. The organizational structure has
expanded vertically and horizontally. Most notably, the organization has lost vital
institutional knowledge due to retirements or employees leaving for other organizations.
The organization has also encountered difficulty in attracting individuals with specific
expertise and skillsets. Moreover, with the implementation of Senate Bill No. 3, the rise
in the state’s minimum wage from $10 per hour to $15 per hour occurring incrementally
over a six-year period beginning January 1, 2017 has created internal compression and
equity issues. Lastly, the Human Resources Division has notified management staff that
not all the recommended changes from the 2015 study have been implemented.
It is a recommended practice, as an industry standard, to periodically review and update
personnel classifications and adjust compensation levels, as necessary. As a general
rule, most organizations conduct comprehensive classification and compensation
studies every five to seven years, ensuring their ability to hire and retain qualifie d
employees and maintain equitable internal relationships.
To ensure the City complies with state and federal laws, Staff recommends the City
Council initiate the process to conduct a comprehensive classification and
compensation study and include a review of the City’s current organizational structure
for efficiency and effectiveness, as discussed in further detail below.
Request for Proposal
Staff seeks to hire a consultant to conduct the City’s comprehensive classification and
compensation study. To hire a consultant, staff intends to issue an RFP seeking
qualifications in the following areas and as described in greater detail in the attached
draft RFP (Attachment A):
• The consultant has advanced knowledge of the laws and practices relating to
employee classification and compensation within a municipal government setting.
• The consultant has a demonstrated track record of success in handling all
aspects of employee classification and compensation and at least five (5) years
of providing these services to public entities in the State of California.
• The consultant can provide five references, preferably from governmental
agencies, for relevant work performed in the past five years. When possible,
include references from cities of a similar size and characteristics to the City of
Rancho Palos Verdes.
• The consultant can demonstrate an understanding of the assignment and
knowledge of the skills necessary to serve in the role of the Classification and
Compensation Consultant and review the Organizational Structure.
As part of the RFP process, consultants will be asked to provide a list of their suggested
comparable cities that would be considered by the City Council for this study.
Based on the results of the RFP, Staff will come back to the City Council with a
professional service agreement with the desired consulting firm for its consideration. At
that time, which is anticipated to occur in June 2021, the City Council will establish the
breadth and scope of the study.
Classification and Compensation Study
If the City Council enters into a professional service agreement with a consultant, the
preparation of the classification and compensation study will include updating the
classification plan to ensure all duties and responsibilities are aligned with industry
standards for all classifications identified in Resolution No. 2020-63 (adopted by the City
Council on November 17, 2020), the Salary and Hourly schedule for Competitive,
Confidential, Management, and Part-Time positions (Attachment C).
The consultant would conduct a comprehensive classification and compensation study
addressing the following based on the City Council agreed upon comparable cities:
• Level and scope of work performed;
• Compensation that is fair and competitive, allowing the City to recruit and retain
high-quality employees;
• Review of class descriptions to reflect current programs, responsibilities, and
technology to ensure that internal relationships of salaries are based upon
objective, non-quantitative evaluation factors, resulting in equity across all City
departments; and,
• Review of the current classification structure to determine efficacy.
The periodic review also enables an organization to account for changes in job
responsibilities and qualifications due to technology, modifications in work processes,
and other factors that can affect the “core content” of positions. Changes in job
requirements, such as new programs or assumption of duties for a vacated position,
may result in a new pay grade assignment.
A classification and compensation study also provides an objective framework for
determining how employees will be paid. To properly maintain internal equity among
positions, this ongoing process is needed to review job responsibilities and
qualifications and the subsequent assignment to pay grades to ensure jobs are
equitably compensated.
Lastly, the classification and compensation study will align with Resolution No. 2002-56
establishing salary ranges for all competitive and management employee positions at
the 75th percentile of reported data for the cities surveyed (Attachment D).
This resolution also identifies the City adjusting its salary ranges based on the March
Consumer Price Index (CPI) to maintain its desired market position.
Keeping this in mind, the City needs to ensure that the consultant considers this
component when reviewing salary ranges.
Organizational Review
In addition to the comprehensive classification and compensation study, the consultant
will also be asked to review the organizational structure based on efficiency and
effectiveness. This will be achieved by reviewing the City’s current vertical and
horizontal organizational structure to ensure appropriate reporting hierarchy
relationships exist, span of control, and staffing levels. In addition, it provides
information on operational requirements, infrastructure, services, and ratios of staffing to
population served and other productivity measures.
If initiated this evening, staff intends to publish the RFP by Friday, April 9. Proposals will
be due no later than Monday, May 10. Staff will review proposals and conduct
interviews between May 10 and May 21, with the intent to present a professional
services agreement for the City Council’s consideration at the June 1 meeting. It is
anticipated that the study will take five to six months to complete. Based on this
timeline, the information provided in the study may be considered as part of the FY
2022-23 budget discussions.
RPV Employee Association (RPVEA)
The RPVEA has been informed that Staff is recommending the City Council consider
initiating the process to conduct a classification and compensation study and
organizational review. Upon completion of the study, Staff will meet and confer with the
City’s Employee Association to review and revise any classification and/or
compensation changes.
The classification and compensation study keeps the organization current with present -
day trends; ensures competitiveness; makes the City competitive for recruitment and
retention purposes; and provides organizational direction prior to seeking Council
adoption. Staff therefore recommends the City Council authorize Staff to issue an RFP
for a comprehensive classification and compensation study, including an organizational
structure review.
In addition to the Staff recommendation, the following alternative actions are available
for the City Council’s consideration:
1. Direct Staff to explore other options.
2. Take other action, as deemed appropriate.
3. Direct Staff not to proceed with a comprehensive classification and
compensation study or organizational review, or any combination thereof.
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City of Rancho Palos Verdes
RFP- Classification and Compensation Study and Organizational Review
April 9, 2021
City of Rancho Palos Verdes
Request for Proposals
Classification and Compensation Study and
Organizational Review
Human Resources Department
Attention: Julie DeZiel, Human Resources Manager
30940 Hawthorne Blvd, Rancho Palos Verdes, CA 90275
Phone: (310) 544-5331| Email:
RFP Release Date: April 9, 2021
Request for Clarification Deadline: April 30, 2021
RFP Submittal Deadline: May 10, 2021
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City of Rancho Palos Verdes
RFP- Classification and Compensation Study and Organizational Review
April 9, 2021
Classification and Compensation Study and Organizational Review
The City of Rancho Palos Verdes is requesting proposals from qualified
consulting firms to conduct a classification and compensation study
and organizational review.
All correspondence and questions regarding this RFP should be submitted via
email to:
Julie DeZiel, Human Resources Manager
To be considered for this project, submit an electronic copy of the proposal to the
above email address by 4:30PM on Monday, May 10, 2021
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City of Rancho Palos Verdes
RFP- Classification and Compensation Study and Organizational Review
April 9, 2021
I. Introduction Page 4
II. Project Objective Page 4
III. Project Description and Background Page 5
IV. Scope of Services Page 6
V. Preliminary Project Schedule Page 8
VI. Necessary Qualifications and Submittal
Requirements Page 9
VII. Submission of Proposal Page 11
VIII. Evaluation and Selection Process Page 11
IX. Attachments (forthcoming)
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City of Rancho Palos Verdes
RFP- Classification and Compensation Study and Organizational Review
April 9, 2021
The City of Rancho Palos Verdes (City) is a scenic, upscale, residential coastal
community, with a population of approximately 42,000, located on the Palos Verdes
Peninsula of southwestern Los Angeles County.
The City is a contract city, meaning that some services are provided by contract with
agencies (both public and private) and some services are delivered by the City’s own
The City of Rancho Palos Verdes is a General Law City and has operated under the
Council-Manager form of government since its incorporation in 1973. Policy-making and
legislative authority are vested in the governing City Council, which consists of five
Council Members, including the Mayor and Mayor Pro-Tem. The City is fiscally sound
and functions on an annual budget cycle.
The City of Rancho Palos Verdes has 68 authorized full-time positions for FY 2020-21,
and its departments include an Administration Department, Finance Department,
Community Development Department, Public Works Department and a Park and
Recreation Department. Presently there is one bargaining unit that incorporates all
employees minus the management and part-time staff.
The purpose of this document is to provide proposers with the information needed to
submit a proposal for review by the City and, if selected, enter into a Professional
Service Agreement with the City.
To hire a consultant to conduct a comprehensive classification and compensation study
to ensure its ability to hire and retain qualified employees, maintain equitable internal
relationships among employees, complies with state and federal laws, and review the
City’s current organizational structure for efficiency and effectiveness.
The City had a comprehensive classification and compensation conducted and
approved by City Council in 2015 and the City's classification plan requires periodic
updates. The consultant will review current class specifications and ensure they are in
line with current changes and requirements in the law. Identify class specifications that
need to be updated to reflect current job duties and requirements of the position and
include physical requirements and essential job functions to comply the American with
Disabilities Act (ADA).
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City of Rancho Palos Verdes
RFP- Classification and Compensation Study and Organizational Review
April 9, 2021
Over the past few years, the City has realigned several positions, resulting in a slight
reorganization of several departments. The consultant will review the current City’s
organizational structure and provide recommendations to ensure it is efficient and
The City is accepting proposals to review the organizations classification and
compensation plans, as described below:
Classification Study - shall consist of the following:
1. Update the classification plan for approximately 50 classifications representing
approximately 68 full-time and 63 part-time employees as of June 2020.
2. Develop a classification structure that reflects the City's overall classification
and compensation strategy and includes the clear definition of terms and the
development of career ladders for full-time and part-time employees.
3. Review the background materials including existing classifications,
organizational charts, budgets, salary resolutions and schedules, per sonnel
rules and related information.
4. Conduct orientation and briefing session(s) with employees.
5. Conduct orientation and briefing session(s) with all department heads,
managers, and supervisors.
6. Develop a comprehensive questionnaire to be completed by all employees.
7. Conduct interviews with all employees in single position classification s, a
representative sample of employees in multiple position classifications, and
appropriate management personnel to validate the information.
8. Allocate all employees included within the scope of the study to an appropriate
job title, job classification and exempt and non-exempt designation pursuant to
the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA).
9. Develop new classification specifications to reflect current duties, requirements
of the position, including physical requirements and essential job functions.
10. Develop classification specifications to include the following items:
a. A definition of the job classification.
b. A complete description of the essential job functions;
c. Requirements of education, experience, knowledge, skills and abilities;
d. Supervision exercised and received with definition of lead or supervisory
e. Working environment and/or conditions;
f. Licenses, certifications, driving requirements and physical requirements
in compliance with the American with Disabilities Act (ADA); and
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City of Rancho Palos Verdes
RFP- Classification and Compensation Study and Organizational Review
April 9, 2021
11. Coordinate the varying presentation styles of the project team to ensure a
unified philosophy and standardization across all the classifications.
12. Present the final classification and listing showing the recommended allocation
of each position.
13. Include an introductory section that describes class concepts and provides
information about distinctions of various levels within a class series and other
pertinent information.
14. Provide appropriate implementation and maintenance manuals.
15. Conduct training sessions for designated staff.
Compensation Study - shall consist of the following:
1. Identify a suggested list of comparable cities to consider in the compensation
2. Identify survey labor market and classifications that represent most closely
to the City of Rancho Palos Verdes. This will include an explanation of the
specific methodology (i.e, articulable factors) used to identify the survey
3. Conduct a comprehensive total compensation survey based on comparable
survey agencies, using not only job titles, but duties and responsibilities
based upon the classification specifications from the City of Rancho Palos
4. Complete an internal base salary relationship analysis, including the
development of appropriate internal relationship guidelines.
5. Develop external competitive and internal equitable salary recommendations
for each classification included within the study.
6. Assign a salary range to each classification which reflects the results of the
market survey and the analysis of the internal relationships.
7. Present draft results of the survey to management and bargaining unit in a
group meeting.
8. Assist in the development of a strategy for implementing the compensation
recommendations and plan.
9. Present the final Classification and Compensation Report to the City Council.
Organizational Review - shall consist of the following:
1. Review the City’s current organizational structure, reporting relationships,
span of control, and staffing levels;
2. Review operational requirements, infrastructure, services, and ratios of
staffing to population served and other productivity measures; and,
3. Determine and recommend best management practices and standards.
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City of Rancho Palos Verdes
RFP- Classification and Compensation Study and Organizational Review
April 9, 2021
Consultant shall complete other tasks deemed necessary for the accomplishment of a
complete and comprehensive outcome as described in the project objective. Consultant
shall expand on the above-noted tasks, where appropriate, and provide suggestions
which might lead to efficiencies and enhance the results or usefulness of the work.
As part of the Services, Consultant will prepare and deliver the following tangible work
products to the City.
1. Submit an electronic copy of proposal in sufficient detail to allow for a thorough
evaluation and comparative analysis.
2. Present an introduction of the proposal and your understanding of the
assignment and significant steps, methods, and procedures to be employed by
the proposer to ensure quality deliverables that can be delivered within the
required time frames and your identified budget.
3. Briefly summarize the scope of work as the proposer pe rceives or envisions it
for each area proposed.
4. Present concepts for conducting the work plan and interrelationship of all
products. Define the scope of each task including the depth and scope of
analysis or research proposed.
City staff may request that check-sets or working versions of documents be submitted
for ongoing routine review. City staff will review all deliverables, including preparatory or
record materials for service deliverables, and provide comments. Consultant is required
to revise draft deliverables to address City staffs’ comments.
A. RFP Schedule
The following is the anticipated schedule for the RFP process:
Request for Proposal available April 9, 2021
Request for Clarification due April 30, 2021
Proposals due May 10, 2021
Firm Interviews (if necessary) May 2021
Anticipated Notice of Award May 2021
B. Anticipated Project Schedule
Review Scope of Work with HR Staff June 2021
Finalize orientation, briefing and meetings with Staff August 2021
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City of Rancho Palos Verdes
RFP- Classification and Compensation Study and Organizational Review
April 9, 2021
Present Draft report to HR Staff November 2021
Present Final report to City Council December 2021
Please note that this schedule is preliminary. It is included to provide the Consultant
with a sense of the expected timeline for the Scope of Service and emphasize the
urgent nature of the work and the City’s expectation that the Scope of Services will be
completed as quickly as possible. The ideal Consultant candidate will have available
resources and personnel, either in-house or under subcontract, to ensure the
completion of the Scope of Services at the earliest possible time.
1. Only one proposal per firm will be considered.
2. The submittal should be as brief as possible while adequately describing the
qualifications of the firm. The final submittal shall be sent as a PDF via email to
Julie DeZiel, Human Resources Manager at
3. The proposing firm shall submit the following information with the package,
including the same information for subcontractors, in the following format:
a) Cover Letter: Provide the name, address, and phone number of the firm; the
present staff (size, classification, credentials); the primary contact’s name,
phone number, and email address; any qualifying statements or comments
regarding the proposal; and identification of any sub-consultants and their
responsibilities. Identify the firm’s type of organization (individual, partnership,
corporation), including names and contact information for all officers, and
proof that the organization is currently in good standing. The signed letter
should also include a paragraph stating that the firm is unaware of any conflict
of interest in performing the proposed work. (No more than two pages)
b) Approach to Scope of Services: Briefly summarize the scope of work as the
proposer perceives or envisions it for each area proposed. Although an
important aspect of consideration, the financial cost estimate will not be the
sole justification for consideration. Negotiations may or may not be
conducted with the proposer; therefore, the proposal submitted should
contain the proposer's most favorable terms and conditions, since selection
and award may be made without discussion with any firm. All prices should
reflect "not to exceed" amounts per item. (No more than two pages)
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City of Rancho Palos Verdes
RFP- Classification and Compensation Study and Organizational Review
April 9, 2021
c) Organization and Staffing: Identify the person who will be the Project
Manager and primary contact person responsible for the overall delivery of
the project. Provide an organizational chart of the project team that clearly
delineates communication and reporting relationships among the project staff
and among the sub-consultants involved in the project. Identify key personnel
to perform work in the various tasks and include major areas of subcontracted
work. Indicate the expected contributions of each staff member in time as a
percentage of the total effort. Specifically show the availability of staff to
provide the necessary resource levels to meet the City’s needs. Indicate that
the Project Manager and key staff will remain assigned to this project through
completion of the Scope of Services. (No more than two pages)
d) Staff Qualifications and Experience: Describe qualifications of the assigned
staff and sub-contractors including relevant technical experience. Staff
assigned to complete the Scope of Services must have p revious experience
in providing the necessary services as described under the Scope of
Services. A registered Professional Engineer must be the Project Manager.
Description of Consultant’s experience should include:
• Prior Experience: Demonstrate that the firm has significant experience
providing services similar to those described under the Scope of Services.
(No more than two page)
• Staff Qualifications: Provide resumes for the Project Manager and any
other key staff members to be assigned to contribute to the Scope of
Services, with an emphasis on similar services which they provided to
other agencies. (No more than ten pages)
• Reference Projects: Include at least three projects with similar scope of
services performed by the project team within the past three years and
indicate the specific responsibilities of each team member on the
reference project. Provide contact information for each client. (No more
than ten pages)
e) Project Schedule: Provide a detailed critical-path-method schedule for
completion of the tasks and sub-tasks required to accomplish the scope of
work. Note all deliverables and interim milestones on the schedule. (No more
than one 11” x 17” page)
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City of Rancho Palos Verdes
RFP- Classification and Compensation Study and Organizational Review
April 9, 2021
f) Quality Control Plan: Describe the quality control procedures and associated
staff responsibilities which will ensure that the deliverables will meet the City’s
needs. (No more than one page)
g) Acceptance of Conditions: State the offering firm’s acceptance of all
conditions listed in the Request for Proposal (RFP) document and Sample
Professional Services Agreement (Attachment D). Any exceptions or
suggested changes to the RFP or Professional Services Agreement (PSA),
including the suggested change, the reasons therefore and the impact it may
have on cost or other considerations on the firm’s behalf must be stated in the
proposal. Unless specifically noted by the firm, the City will rely on the
proposal being in compliance with all aspects of the RFP and in agreement
with all provisions of the PSA. (No more than one page)
VII. Submission of Proposal
A. Requests for Clarification
Requests for clarification of the information contained herein shall be submitted
in writing prior to 4:30 pm on April 30, 2021. Responses to any clarification
question will be provided to each firm from which proposals have been
requested. It is highly recommended that the prospective consultant firms visit
the City to view the project location prior to submitting a request for clarification.
B. Confirmation Email
Upon submission of proposal to the City, the proposing firm shall request an email
confirmation that the proposal was received and retain the email as a record. If an
email confirmation is not received, the proposing firm shall correspond with the
City until a confirmation is received.
1. Proposals Will be Evaluated Based on the Following Criteria:
a) Approach to Scope of Services (25%)
• Understanding of the Scope of Services as demonstrated by the
thoroughness of the proposal, introduction of cost-saving or value-adding
strategies or innovations (including those applying to overall project
schedule), and an overall approach most likely to result in the desired
outcome for the City.
b) Proposal Schedule (20%)
• Ability to complete the work in the shortest schedule possible (excluding
time for review and community meetings).
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City of Rancho Palos Verdes
RFP- Classification and Compensation Study and Organizational Review
April 9, 2021
c) Staff Qualifications and Experience (30%)
• Relevance of experience of the proposing firm (to provide support
resources to the project team)
• Relevance of experience and strength of qualifications of the Project
• Relevance of experience and strength of qualifications of the key
personnel performing the work
• Relevance of referenced projects and client review of performance d uring
those projects
d) Organization and Staffing (15%)
• Availability of key staff to perform the services throughout the duration of
the project
• Assignment of appropriate staff in the right numbers to perform the Scope
of Services
• Appropriate communication and reporting relationships to meet the City’s
e) Quality Control (10%)
• Adequate immediate supervision and review of staff performing the work
as well as appropriate independent peer review of the work by qualified
technical staff not otherwise involved in the project.
2. Selection Process
An evaluation panel will review all prop osals submitted and select the top
proposals. These top firms may then be invited to make a (virtual) presentation to
the evaluation panel, at no costs to the City. The panel will select the proposal, if
any, which best fulfills the City’s requirements. The City will then further refine the
scope and schedule with that firm and request a [Insert: fixed cost or time-and-
materials] fee proposal. The City will negotiate the fee with that firm. The City
reserves the right to negotiate special requirements and proposed service levels
using the selected proposal as a basis. If the City is unable to negotiate an
agreeable fee for services with top firm, the City will negotiate with the next firm
chosen among the top firms.
3. Award Notification
The City will notify all proposers in writing of the outcome of the selection process
and intent to award. This RFP does not commit the City to award an agreement,
nor pay any costs incurred in the preparation and submission of the proposal in
anticipation of an agreement. The City reserves the right to reject any or all
proposals, or any part thereof, to waive any formalities or informalities, and to
award the agreement to the proposer deemed to be in the best interest of the City
and the Department.
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City of Rancho Palos Verdes
RFP- Classification and Compensation Study and Organizational Review
April 9, 2021
4. Award of Agreement
The selected firm shall be required to enter into a written agreement with the City,
in a form approved by the City Attorney, to perform the Scope of Services. This
RFP and the proposal, or any part thereof, may be incorporated into and made a
part of the final agreement; however, the City reserves the right to further negotiate
the terms and conditions of the agreement with the selected consultant. The
agreement will, in any event, include a maximum "fixed cost" to the City.
JANUARY 1, 2021
WHEREAS, the City Council adopted Resolution 2020-31 on June 2, 2020, that set
the Salary and Hourly Compensation Schedule for Competitive, Confidential, Management,
and Part-Time classifications; and
WHEREAS,the City Council now desires to amend the City's Salary Schedule to reflect
new salary ranges for part-time classifications based on a minimum wage increase effective
January 1, 2021; and
WHEREAS, Section 36506 of the California Government Code requires that the City
Council fix compensation of all appointive officers and employees by resolution or ordinance;
WHEREAS, Rule V of the Personnel Rules of the City provides that in order to
amend the City's Salary Schedule that changes must be made via Resolution; and,
Section 1: The salary and hourly ranges for City job classifications as set forth in
Exhibit "A" which are attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference, are
adopted and are effective as of January 1, 2021.
Section 2: Resolution No. 2020-31 is hereby amended, restated, and superseded and
replaced by this resolution.
PASSED,APPROVED and ADOPTED this 17th day of November 2020.
John ikshank, Mayor
i_dig_O i-tyEmilyorn, City Clerk
State of California
County of Los Angeles ss
City of Rancho Palos Verdes
I, Emily Colborn, City Clerk of the City of Rancho Palos Verdes, hereby certify that the
above Resolution No. 2020-63 was duly and regularly passed and adopted by the said City
Council at a regular meeting thereof held on November 17, 2020.
roily Co orn, City Clerk
Resolution No.2020-63 Exhibit A
Salary and Hourly Schedule for the
Competitive,Confidential,Management and Part-time Positions
Effective January 1,2021)
Annual Salary
Hourly Salary
Account Clerk 51,827 -- 67,289 4,319 -- 5,607 24 92 -- 32 35
Accountant 75,789 -- 98,435 6,316 -- 8,203 36 44 -- 47 32
Accounting Manager 98,330 -- 127,708 8,194 -- 10,642 47 27 -- 61 40
Accounting Technician 58,665 -- 76,213 4,889 -- 6,351 28 20 -- 36 64
Administrative Analyst I 67,074 -- 87,105 5,590 -- 7,259 32 25 -- 41 88
Administrative Analyst II 67,077 -- 100,766 5,590 -- 8,397 32 25 -- 48 45
Administrative Analyst II(Records Management) 67,077 -- 100,766 5,590 -- 8,397 32 25 -- 48 45
Administrative Staff Assistant 57,922 -- 75,214 4,827 -- 6,268 27 85 -- 36 16
Assistant Engineer 84,186 -- 109,327 7,016 -- 9,111 40 47' -- ,52 56
Assistant Planner 70,571 -- 91,659 5,881 -- 7,638 33 93 -- 44 07
Associate Engineer 93,550 -- 121,476 7,796 -- 10,123 44 98 -- 58 40
Associate Planner 80,192 - 104,154 6,683 -- 8,680 38 55 -- 50 07
Building Inspector I 68,058 -- 88,361 5,672 -- 7,363 32 72 -- 42 48
Building Inspector II 76,211 -- 98,980 6,351 -- 8,248 36 64 -- 47 59
Cable TV Station Manager 80,192 -- 104,154 6,683 -- 8,680 38 55 -- 50 07
Code Enforcement Officer 67,607 -- 87,801 5,634 -- 7,317 32 50 -- 42 21
Deputy City Clerk 68,423 -- 88,893 5,702 -- 7,408 32 90 -- 42 74
Engineenng Technician 64,173 -- 83,338 5,348 -- 6,945 30 85 -- 40 07
Geographic Information Systems Coordinator 84,170 -- 109,333 7,014 -- 9, 111 40 47 -- 52 56
Lead Worker 59,438 -- 77,202 4,953 -- 6,434 28 58 -- 37 12
Maintenance Supenntendent 98,014 -- 127,291 8,168 -- 10,608 47 12 -- 61 20
Maintenance Supervisor 75,241 -- 95,331 6,270 -- 7,944 36 17 -- 45 83
Maintenance Worker Ill I 51,654 -- 67,150 4,305 -- 5,596 24 83, -- 32 28
Open Space&Trails Manager 89,813 -- 116,650 7,484 - 9,721 43 18 -- 56 08
Park Ranger 44,369 -- 57,631 3,697 -- 4,803 21 33 -- 27 71
Permit Clerk 50,844 -- 66,032 4,237 -- 5,503 24 44 - 31 75
Permit Technician 58,029 -- 75,335 4,836 -- 6,278 27 90 -- 36 22
Planning Technician 60,400 -- 78,411 5,033 -- 6,534 29 04 -- 37 70
Pnnopal Planner 100,599 -- 130,642 8,383 -- 10,887 48 36 -- 62 81
Project Manager 93,550 -- 121,476 7,796 -- 10,123 44 98 -- 58 40
Recreation Program Supervisor I 57,922 -- 75,214 4,827 -- 6,268 27 85 -- 36 16
Recreation Program Supervisor II 73,406 -- 95,331 6,117 -- 7,944 35 29 -- 45 83
Recreation Services Manager 86,010 -- 111,664 7,168 -- 9,305 41 35 -- 53 68
Senior Account Technician 65,705 -- 85,358 5,475 -- 7,113 31 59 -- 41 04
Senior Accountant 82,711 -- 108,285 6,893 -- 9,024 39 76 -- 52 06
Senior Administrative Analyst 86,893 -- 112,873 7,241 -- 9,406 41 78 -- 54 27
Senior Code Enforcement Officer 75,714 -- 98,330 6,310 -- '8,194 36 40 -- 47 27
Senior Engineer 104,775 -- 136,059 8,731 -- 11,338 50 37 -- 65 41
Senior Information Technician 89,874 -- 116,694 7,490 -- 9,725 43 21 -- 56 10
Senior Park Ranger 50,436 -- 65,503 4,203 -- 5,459 24 25 -- 31 49
Senior Planner 92,264 -- 119,833 7,689 -- 9,986 44 36 -- 57 61
Staff Assistant I 44,369 -- 57,641 3,697 -- 4,803 21 33 -- 27 71
Staff Assistant II 50,436 -- 65,503 4,203 -- 5,459 24 25 -- 31 49
Traffic Engineering Technician 64,173 -- 83,338 5,348 -- 6,945 30 85 -- 40 07
Accounting Supervisor 95,870 -- 124,531 7,989 -- 10,378 46 09 -- 59 87
Executive Assistant 68,347 -- 88,784 5,696 -- 7,399 32 86 -- 42 68
Human Resources Analyst 67,070 -- 100,770 5,589 - 8,398 32 25 -- 48 45
Assistant to the City Manager 97,325 -- 126,382 8,110 -- 10,532
Building Official 97,008' -- 164,257 8,084 -- 13,688
City Clerk 97,008 -- 164,257 8,084 -- 13,688
City Manager* 210,000 -- 210,000 17,500 -- 17,500
Deputy City Manager 118,024 -- 200,523 9,835 -- 16,710
Deputy Director of Community Development 103,609 -- 175,430 8,634 -- 14,619
Deputy Director of Finance 103,609 -- 175,430 8,634 -- 14,619
Deputy Director of Public Works 103,609 -- 175,430 8,634 -- 14,619
Deputy Director of Recreation&Parks 103,609 - 175,430 8,634 -- 14,619
Director of Community Development 118,024 -- 200,523 9,835 -- 16,710
Director of Finance 118,024 -- 200,523 9,835 -- 16,710
Director of Parks&Recreation 118,024 - 200,523 9,835 -- 16,710
Director of Public Works 118,024 -- 200,523 9,835 -- 16,710
Human Resources Manager 103,609 -- 175,430 8,634 -- 14,619
Information Technology Manager 97,008 -- 164,257 8,084 -- 13,688
Resolution No 2020-63
Exhibit A
Page 1 of 3 C-2
Resolution No.2020-63 Exhibit A
Salary and Hourly Schedule for the
Competitive,Confidential,Management and Part-time Positions
Effective January 1,2021)
Principal Civil Engineer 97,008 -- 164,257 8,084 -- 13,688
Resolution No 2020-63
Exhibit A
Page 2 of 3 C-3
Resolution No.2020-63 Exhibit A
Salary and Hourly Schedule for the
Competitive,Confidential,Management and Part-time Positions,
Effective January 1,2021)
Hourly Rates
Administrative/Public Works/Cable Intern 14 00 -- 32 08
Code Enforcement Officer 32 49 -- 43 24
Park Ranger 18 41 -- 23 92
Permit Clerk 23 36 -- 30 34
Recreation Leader 14 00 -- 14 94
Recreation Leader II 14 90 -- 18 33
Recreation Specialist 18 41 -- 23 92
Staff Assistant I 21 84 -- 28 38
Staff Assistant II 24 85 -- 32 27
Television Producer 17 75 -- 35 51
Television Producer(On-Camera) 20 07 -- 40 76
City Manager 700
Deputy City Manager 150
Director of Community Development 150
Director of Finance 150
Director of Public Works 150
Director of Recreation&Parks 150
City Manager salary set by contract agreement adopted by the City Council
contract amended February 19,2020)
Resolution No 2020-63
Exhibit A
Page 3 of 3 C-4
WHEREAS, as part of the 1995-96 fiscal year budget, the City Council directed
staff to conduct certain compensation studies measuring compensation data from both
the public and private sectors; and,
WHEREAS, the compensation studies indicated that most of the City's job
classifications were below the market median; and,
WHEREAS, on March 1, 1996, the City Council adopted Resolution No. 96-21
amending certain salary ranges for all full-time employees and establishing the merit
pool compensation system; and,
WHEREAS, the success of any plan in the public or private sector is dependent
upon occasionally adjusting the salary ranges to be competitive with the marketplace;
WHEREAS, on July 15, 1997, following the adopting of the FY 1997-98 City
budget, the City Council adopted Resolution No. 97-69 which adjusted the salary and
hourly ranges by two (2) percent; and,
WHEREAS, on June 3, 1998, following the adopting of the FY 1998-99 City
budget, the City Council adopted Resolution No. 98-48 which adjusted the salary and
hourly ranges by one and a half(1.5) percent; and,
WHEREAS, in late 1998, staff conducted a salary survey modeled after the 1995
study using the same survey pool of public agencies and, when possible, the same
comparable positions. Based on the results of the updated survey, staff determined that
the salary ranges for 16 positions required adjustment in order to be within 5% of the
market median so that all City's salary ranges continue to be competitive with the
marketplace; and,
WHEREAS, with the adoption of the FY 99-00 City budget, the City Council
directed that the salary ranges for 16 job classifications be modified based on the 1998
salary survey. Further, the City Council directed that all City's salary and hourly salary
ranges be adjusted two (2) percent based on the Consumer Price Index, so that all
City's salary ranges continue to be competitive with the marketplace; and
WHEREAS, on June 1, 1999, following the adoption of the FY 1999-00 City
budget, the City Council adopted Resolution No. 99-42, which modified the salary
ranges for 16 job classifications based on the 1998 salary survey, adjusted the salary
and hourly ranges by two (2) percent based on the Consumer Price Index and provided
a monthly care allowance for certain job classifications; and,
WHEREAS, on June 6, 2000, following the adoption of the FY 2000-01 City
Budget, the City Council adopted Resolution No. 2000-34 which adjusted the salary and
hourly ranges by three and four tenths (3.4) percent based on the Consumer Price
Index; and,
WHEREAS, with the adoption of the FY 01-02 City budget, the City Council
directed that all City's salary and hourly salary ranges be adjusted three and six tenths
3.6) percent based on the Consumer Price Index for the preceding twelve month
period, so that all City's salary ranges continue to be competitive with the marketplace;
WHEREAS, on July 2, 2002, the City Council adopted Resolution No. 2002-
which established the salary and hourly ranges for selected classifications at the 75th
percentile and by the Consumer Price Index of 2.8% for FY 02-03; and
WHEREAS, the adoption of the new salary ranges will not automatically result in
the adjustment of any employee salaries.
Section 1: The salary and hourly ranges for City job classifications are adopted
as outlined in the attached Exhibit "A."
Section 2: Resolution No. 2001-44 is hereby rescinded.
Section 3: A monthly car allowance for certain job classifications is adopted as
outlined in the attached Exhibit "B."
PASSED, APPROVED and ADOPTED this 2nd day of July 2002.
Y / f
I, JO PURCELL, City Clerk of the City of Rancho Palos Verdes, hereby certify
that the above Resolution No. 2002-56 was duly and regularly passed and adopted by
the said City Council at a regular meeting thereof held on Jul A , 2002.
Resolution No. 2002-56
Page 2 of 2 D-2
Monthly Salary Annual Salary
Account Clerk 2,697 -- 3,502 32,362 -- 42,029
Account Technician 3,034 -- 3,940 36,409 -- 47,284
Accountant 3,919 -- 5,090 47,028 -- 61,076
Accounting Manager 5,085 -- 6,604 61,020 -- 79,246
Administrative Analyst 3,577 -- 4,646 42,924 -- 55,752
Administrative Analyst II 4,137 -- 5,373 49,650 -- 64,480
Administrative Staff Assistant(Secretary) 3,013 -- 3,913 36,152 -- 46,951
Assistant City Manager 6,203 -- 8,055 74,432 -- 96,665
Assistant Planner 3,692 -- 4,795 44,302 -- 57,535
Assistant to the City Manager 5,190 -- 6,740 62,278 -- 80,881
Associate Engineer 4,865 -- 6,318 58,379 -- 75,817
Associate Planner 4,195 -- 5,448 50,343 -- 65,381
City Clerk 5,286 -- 6,865 63,432 -- 82,380
Code Enforcement Officer 3,577 -- 4,646 42,925 -- 55,746
Deputy City Clerk 3,605 -- 4,682 43,257 -- 56,178
Deputy Director of PBCE 5,212 -- 6,769 62,549 -- 81,233
Deputy Director of Public Works 5,212 -- 6,769 62,549 -- 81,233
Director of Administrative Services 5,619 -- 7,298 67,431 -- 87,573
Director of Finance 6,203 -- 8,055 74,432 -- 96,665
Director of Planning, Bldg, &Code Enforcement 6,684 -- 8,680 80,207 -- 104,165
Director of Public Works 6,684 -- 8,680 80,207 -- 104, 165
Director of Recreation and Parks 5,619 -- 7,298 67,431 -- 87,573
Engineering Technician 3,433 -- 4,458 41,196 -- 53,501
Executive Staff Assistant(Executive Secretary) 3,605 -- 4,682 43,257 -- 56,178
Maintenance Superintendent 4,892 -- 6,353 58,702 -- 76,236
Maintenance Worker 2,256 -- 2,930 27,074 -- 35,162
Maintenance Worker I I 2,564 -- 3,330 30,766 -- 39,956
Permit Clerk 2,640 -- 3,428 31,678 -- 41,141
Principal Planner 5,263 -- 6,834 63,151 -- 82,014
Recreation Program Supervisor II 3,770 -- 4,896 45,242 -- 58,756
Recreation Services Manager 4,426 -- 5,749 53,117 -- 68,983
Senior Code Enforcement Officer 4,006 -- 5,203 48,073 -- 62,432
Senior Engineer 5,449 -- 7,077 65,389 -- 84,921
Senior Planner 4,699 -- 6,102 56,384 -- 73,226
Senior Administrative Analyst 4,634 -- 6,018 55,606 -- 72,215
Staff Assistant I (Clerk Typist I) 2,323 -- 3,017 27,877 -- 36,204
Staff Assistant I I (Clerk Typist II) 2,640 -- 3,428 31,678 -- 41,141
Administrative/Cable/TV/Public Works Intern 12.01 -- 15.59
Crossing Guard 8.71 -- 11.31
Permit Clerk 15.23 -- 19.78
Recreation Leader 7.69 -- 9.99
Recreation Leader II 8.74 -- 11.35
Recreation Specialist 12.01 -- 15.59
Staff Assistant I 13.40 -- 17.40
Staff Assistant II 15.23 -- 19.78
FY 2002-2003 Resolution 2002-56
Assistant City Manager 150.00
Director of Administrative Services 150.00
Director of Finance 150.00
Director of Planning, Bldg, &Code Enforcement 150.00
Director of Public Works 150.00
Director of Recreation and Parks 150.00
FY 2002-2003 Resolution 2002-56