CC SR 20210302 07 - Housing Element PSA CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: 03/02/2021 AGENDA REPORT AGENDA HEADING: Regular Business AGENDATITLE: Consideration and possible action to award a professional services agreement to Environmental Sciences Associates (ESA) to complete the City’s 2021-2029 Housing Element Update of the City’s General Plan. RECOMMENDED COUNCIL ACTION: (1) Award a professional services agreement in an amount not to exceed $238,749.48 to ESA to complete the 2021-2029 Housing Element Update of the City’s General Plan, including the preparation of associated environmental documents, subject to approval as to form by the City Attorney; and (2) Direct Staff not to proceed with forming a Housing Ad-Hoc Committee at this time. FISCAL IMPACT: The action will result in a City expenditure of $238,749.48. Funds are available from vacant positions in the Fiscal Year 2020-21 budget. Amount Budgeted: $240,000 Additional Appropriation: N/A Account Number(s): 101-400-4120-5101 (General Fund – Planning/Professional Services) ORIGINATED BY: Octavio Silva, Senior Planner REVIEWED BY: Ken Rukavina PE, Director of Community Development APPROVED BY: Ara Mihranian, AICP, City Manager ATTACHED SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: A. Professional Services Agreement – ESA (page A-1) B. Housing Element Update Request for Proposals (page B-1) C. ESA Proposal (page C-1) 1 BACKGROUND AND DISCUSSION: Housing Element Update All cities in California are required to adopt a comprehensive General Plan to guide land use planning decisions. A key part of the City’s overall General Plan is the Housing Element, which have been mandatory portions of local general plans in California since 1969. Providing housing for all Californians is considered by the state Legislature to be of vital statewide importance. A housing element provides an analysis of a community’s housing needs for all income levels and strategies to respond to provide for those housing needs. State law establishes that each city accommodates its fair share of affordable housing as an approach to distributing housing needs throughout the state. State housing element law also recognizes that in order for the private sector to address housing needs and demand, local governments must adopt land -use plans and implement regulations that provide opportunities for, and do not unduly constrain, housing development by the private sector. Although the City recently completed the General Plan update in 2018, the current adopted Housing Element covers the period 2013-2021 and must be updated for the next planning cycle (6th Cycle) covering the period 2021-2029. In accordance with the state’s established timeline, the City Council must adopt an updated Housing Element covering the 6th Cycle by October 2021. Prior to adoption, the City’s Housing Element must be reviewed and certified by the California Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD) and determined to be in substantial conformance with the requirements of state housing element law. The Housing Element must be updated to include City policies, strategies, and actions to facilitate the construction of new housing and preservation of existing housing to meet the needs of the population during the 6th Housing Element Cycle period. The Housing Element must also address the City’s Regional Housing Needs Assessment (RHNA) allocation. The draft allocation plan has 638 units allocated to the City of Rancho Palos Verdes. The City must demonstrate “sufficient capacity” to accommodate the new housing needs identified in the RHNA. Sufficient capacity is demonstrated by showing that the City has an adequate amount of land, with appropriate allowable density and development standards (i.e., with appropriate General Plan designation and Zoning), to accommodate the RHNA requirements. Professional Services Agreement In September 2020, the Community Development Department issued a request for proposals (RFP) (Attachment B) to solicit professional services to assist the City in the preparation of the 6th Cycle Housing Element update. Specifically, the Community Development Department sought a consultant with prior experience working with HCD, equipped to develop creative solutions in the furtherance of affordable housing within a built-out coastal community, and with a comprehensive understanding of current California housing laws and requirements. 2 No consultant proposals were received by the end of the RFP response deadline in October 2020. Subsequently, Staff reached out to consultant firms, including JHD Planning, Michael Baker International, and Environmental Sciences Associates (ESA), to solicit direct proposals for the City’s Housing Element update. As a result, JHD Planning stated it did not have the immediate capacity to support the City due to other commitments, likewise Michael Baker International indicated it also had other commitments, but ultimately provided an informal proposal, and ESA submitted a formal proposal (Attachment C) to complete the requested services outlined in the RFP in the amount of $238,249.48. Staff determined that ESA and its team was best equipped to perform the work. As part of the scope of services, ESA will provide the following services: • Project administration; • Housing Element assessment and analysis; • Public engagement; • General Plan consistency review; • California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) analysis; • Community workshops and public hearings; and • Final Housing Element certification ESA proposes to utilize sub-consultants BAE Urban Economics, Inc. for a wide range of services including, but not limited to, affordable and workforce housing, public policy analysis, and strategy development; MBI Media for public engagement, community workshops, and social media. It is anticipated that the scope of services will be completed in March 2022, which will require an extension from HCD to complete the update after the October 2021 deadline. Staff is of the opinion that ESA is qualified to complete the City’s 6th Cycle Housing Element Update. Specifically, ESA has extensive experience working with local jurisdictions on long-range planning efforts, including assisting the City of Rancho Palos Verdes in the completion of technical studies for the General Plan Update in 2018. In addition, the public engagement program included in the scope of services provides for robust community outreach and social media campaign to ensure that input is collected from the City’s residents and business community. Housing Ad-Hoc Committee On February 2, 2021, the City Council directed Staff to bring back a future agenda item to consider establishing a Housing Ad-Hoc Committee. The purpose of the committee would be to facilitate and make recommendations to help the City zone for housing and economic development with mixed-use or more specifically, provide the City Council with recommendations pertaining to development standards for mixed-use zones, land- use balance, guidelines for evaluation of specific types of rezones, and updates to the RHNA available sites inventory. Staff is of the opinion that a separate committee from the Planning Commission or a Planning Commission subcommittee is not warranted at this time, as Staff will be working closely with the Planning Commission, through the 3 public hearing process, on the review of the proposed Housing Element update. In addition, the Planning Commission would be considering any General Plan consistency requirements and certifying any associated environmental review for the proposed update. Lastly, a citizen advisory panel or citizen members joining a Planning Commission ad hoc committee would be Brown Act bodies, requiring notice public meetings, which would slow the Housing Element update process. ALTERNATIVES: In addition to the Staff recommendation, the following alternative actions are available for the City Council’s consideration: 1. Direct Staff to modify the scope of the project and renegotiate the services needed, returning with a modified proposal. 2. Direct Staff to issue a new Request for Proposals. 3. Provide direction to Staff to develop Housing Ad-Hoc Committee. 4 01203.0005/698324.2 mgw 1 CONTRACT SERVICES AGREEMENT By and Between CITY OF RANCHO PALOS VERDES and ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES ASSOCIATES A-1 01203.0005/698324.2 mgw AGREEMENT FOR CONTRACT SERVICES BETWEEN THE CITY OF RANCHO PALOS VERDES AND ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES ASSOCIATES THIS AGREEMENT FOR CONTRACT SERVICES (herein “Agreement”) is made and entered into on February 23, 2021, by and between the CITY OF RANCHO PALOS VERDES, a California municipal corporation (“City”) and ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES ASSOCIATES, a California corporation (“Consultant”). City and Consultant may be referred to, individually or collectively, as “Party” or “Parties.” RECITALS A. City has sought, by issuance of a Request for Proposals or Invitation for Bids, the performance of the services defined and described particularly in Article 1 of this Agreement. B. Consultant, following submission of a proposal or bid for the performance of the services defined and described particularly in Article 1 of this Agreement, was selected by the City to perform those services. C. Pursuant to the City of Rancho Palos Verdes Municipal Code, City has authority to enter into and execute this Agreement. D. The Parties desire to formalize the selection of Consultant for performance of those services defined and described particularly in Article 1 of this Agreement and desire that the terms of that performance be as particularly defined and described herein. OPERATIVE PROVISIONS NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual promises and covenants made by the Parties and contained herein and other consideration, the value and adequacy of which are hereby acknowledged, the parties agree as follows: ARTICLE 1. SERVICES OF CONSULTANT 1.1 Scope of Services. In compliance with all terms and conditions of this Agreement, the Consultant shall provide those services specified in the “Scope of Services” attached hereto as Exhibit “A” and incorporated herein by this reference, which may be referred to herein as the “services” or “work” hereunder. As a material inducement to the City entering into this Agreement, Consultant represents and warrants that it has the qualifications, experience, and facilities necessary to properly perform the services required under this Agreement in a thorough, competent, and professional manner, and is experienced in performing the work and services contemplated herein. Consultant shall at all times faithfully, competently and to the best of its ability, experience and talent, perform all services described herein. Consultant covenants that it shall follow the highest professional standards in performing the work and services required hereunder and that all materials will be both of good quality as well as fit for the purpose intended. For A-2 01203.0005/698324.2 mgw 2 purposes of this Agreement, the phrase “highest professional standards” shall mean those standards of practice recognized by one or more first-class firms performing similar work under similar circumstances. 1.2 Consultant’s Proposal. The Scope of Service shall include the Consultant’s scope of work or bid which shall be incorporated herein by this reference as though fully set forth herein. In the event of any inconsistency between the terms of such proposal and this Agreement, the terms of this Agreement shall govern. 1.3 Compliance with Law. Consultant shall keep itself informed concerning, and shall render all services hereunder in accordance with, all ordinances, resolutions, statutes, rules, and regulations of the City and any Federal, State or local governmental entity having jurisdiction in effect at the time service is rendered. 1.4 California Labor Law. If the Scope of Services includes any “public work” or “maintenance work,” as those terms are defined in California Labor Code section 1720 et seq. and California Code of Regulations, Title 8, Section 16000 et seq., and if the total compensation is $1,000 or more, Consultant shall pay prevailing wages for such work and comply with the requirements in California Labor Code section 1770 et seq. and 1810 et seq., and all other applicable laws, including the following requirements: (a) Public Work. The Parties acknowledge that some or all of the work to be performed under this Agreement is a “public work” as defined in Labor Code Section 1720 and that this Agreement is therefore subject to the requirements of Division 2, Part 7, Chapter 1 (commencing with Section 1720) of the California Labor Code relating to public works contracts and the rules and regulations established by the Department of Industrial Relations (“DIR”) implementing such statutes. The work performed under this Agreement is subject to compliance monitoring and enforcement by the DIR. Consultant shall post job site notices, as prescribed by regulation. (b) Prevailing Wages. Consultant shall pay prevailing wages to the extent required by Labor Code Section 1771. Pursuant to Labor Code Section 1773.2, copies of the prevailing rate of per diem wages are on file at City Hall and will be made available to any interested party on request. By initiating any work under this Agreement, Consultant acknowledges receipt of a copy of the Department of Industrial Relations (DIR) determination of the prevailing rate of per diem wages, and Consultant shall post a copy of the same at each job site where work is performed under this Agreement. (c) Penalty for Failure to Pay Prevailing Wages. Consultant shall comply with and be bound by the provisions of Labor Code Sections 1774 and 1775 concerning the payment of prevailing rates of wages to workers and the penalties for failure to pay prevailing wages. The A-3 01203.0005/698324.2 mgw 3 Consultant shall, as a penalty to the City, forfeit two hundred dollars ($200) for each calendar day, or portion thereof, for each worker paid less than the prevailing rates as determined by the DIR for the work or craft in which the worker is employed for any public work done pursuant to this Agreement by Consultant or by any subcontractor. (d) Payroll Records. Consultant shall comply with and be bound by the provisions of Labor Code Section 1776, which requires Consultant and each subconsultant to: keep accurate payroll records and verify such records in writing under penalty of perjury, as specified in Section 1776; certify and make such payroll records available for inspection as provided by Section 1776; and inform the City of the location of the records. (e) Apprentices. Consultant shall comply with and be bound by the provisions of Labor Code Sections 1777.5, 1777.6, and 1777.7 and California Code of Regulations Title 8, Section 200 et seq. concerning the employment of apprentices on public works projects. Consultant shall be responsible for compliance with these aforementioned Sections for all apprenticeable occupations. Prior to commencing work under this Agreement, Consultant shall provide City with a copy of the information submitted to any applicable apprenticeship program. Within sixty (60) days after concluding work pursuant to this Agreement, Consultant and each of its subconsultants shall submit to the City a verified statement of the journeyman and apprentice hours performed under this Agreement. (f) Eight-Hour Work Day. Consultant acknowledges that eight (8) hours labor constitutes a legal day's work. Consultant shall comply with and be bound by Labor Code Section 1810. (g) Penalties for Excess Hours. Consultant shall comply with and be bound by the provisions of Labor Code Section 1813 concerning penalties for workers who work excess hours. The Consultant shall, as a penalty to the City, forfeit twenty-five dollars ($25) for each worker employed in the performance of this Agreement by the Consultant or by any subcontractor for each calendar day during which such worker is required or permitted to work more than eight (8) hours in any one calendar day and forty (40) hours in any one calendar week in violation of the provisions of Division 2, Part 7, Chapter 1, Article 3 of the Labor Code. Pursuant to Labor Code section 1815, work performed by employees of Consultant in excess of eight (8) hours per day, and forty (40) hours during any one week shall be permitted upon public work upon compensation for all hours worked in excess of 8 hours per day at not less than one and one-half (1½) times the basic rate of pay. (h) Workers’ Compensation. California Labor Code Sections 1860 and 3700 provide that every employer will be required to secure the payment of compensation to its employees if it has employees. In accordance with the provisions of California Labor Code Section 1861, Consultant certifies as follows: “I am aware of the provisions of Section 3700 of the Labor Code which require every employer to be insured against liability for workers' compensation or to undertake self-insurance in accordance with the provisions of that code, and I will comply with such provisions before commencing the performance of the work of this contract.” A-4 01203.0005/698324.2 mgw 4 Consultant’s Authorized Initials ________ (i) Consultant’s Responsibility for Subcontractors. For every subcontractor who will perform work under this Agreement, Consultant shall be responsible for such subcontractor's compliance with Division 2, Part 7, Chapter 1 (commencing with Section 1720) of the California Labor Code, and shall make such compliance a requirement in any contract with any subcontractor for work under this Agreement. Consultant shall be required to take all actions necessary to enforce such contractual provisions and ensure subcontractor's compliance, including without limitation, conducting a review of the certified payroll records of the subcontractor on a periodic basis or upon becoming aware of the failure of the subcontractor to pay his or her workers the specified prevailing rate of wages. Consultant shall diligently take corrective action to halt or rectify any such failure by any subcontractor. 1.5 Licenses, Permits, Fees and Assessments. Consultant shall obtain at its sole cost and expense such licenses, permits and approvals as may be required by law for the performance of the services required by this Agreement. Consultant shall have the sole obligation to pay for any fees, assessments and taxes, plus applicable penalties and interest, which may be imposed by law and arise from or are necessary for the Consultant’s performance of the services required by this Agreement, and shall indemnify, defend and hold harmless City, its officers, employees or agents of City, against any such fees, assessments, taxes, penalties or interest levied, assessed or imposed against City hereunder. 1.6 Familiarity with Work. By executing this Agreement, Consultant warrants that Consultant (i) has thoroughly investigated and considered the scope of services to be performed, (ii) has carefully considered how the services should be performed, and (iii) fully understands the facilities, difficulties and restrictions attending performance of the services under this Agreement. If the services involve work upon any site, Consultant warrants that Consultant has or will investigate the site and is or will be fully acquainted with the conditions there existing, prior to commencement of services hereunder. Should the Consultant discover any latent or unknown conditions, which will materially affect the performance of the services hereunder, Consultant shall immediately inform the City of such fact and shall not proceed except at Consultant’s risk until written instructions are received from the Contract Officer. 1.7 Care of Work. The Consultant shall adopt reasonable methods during the life of the Agreement to furnish continuous protection to the work, and the equipment, materials, papers, documents, plans, studies and/or other components thereof to prevent losses or damages, and shall be responsible for all such damages, to persons or property, until acceptance of the work by City , except such losses or damages as may be caused by City’s own negligence. A-5 01203.0005/698324.2 mgw 5 1.8 Further Responsibilities of Parties. Both parties agree to use reasonable care and diligence to perform their respective obligations under this Agreement. Both parties agree to act in good faith to execute all instruments, prepare all documents and take all actions as may be reasonably necessary to carry out the purposes of this Agreement. Unless hereafter specified, neither party shall be responsible for the service of the other. 1.9 Additional Services. City shall have the right at any time during the performance of the services, without invalidating this Agreement, to order extra work beyond that specified in the Scope of Services or make changes by altering, adding to or deducting from said work. No such extra work may be undertaken unless a written order is first given by the Contract Officer to the Consultant, incorporating therein any adjustment in (i) the Contract Sum for the actual costs of the extra work, and/or (ii) the time to perform this Agreement, which said adjustments are subject to the written approval of the Consultant. Any increase in compensation of up to ten percent (10%) of the Contract Sum or $25,000, whichever is less; or, in the time to perform of up to one hundred eighty (180) days, may be approved by the Contract Officer. Any greater increases, taken either separately or cumulatively, must be approved by the City Council. It is expressly understood by Consultant that the provisions of this Section shall not apply to services specifically set forth in the Scope of Services. Consultant hereby acknowledges that it accepts the risk that the services to be provided pursuant to the Scope of Services may be more costly or time consuming than Consultant anticipates and that Consultant shall not be entitled to additional compensation therefor. City may in its sole and absolute discretion have similar work done by other Consultants. No claims for an increase in the Contract Sum or time for performance shall be valid unless the procedures established in this Section are followed. 1.10 Special Requirements. Additional terms and conditions of this Agreement, if any, which are made a part hereof are set forth in the “Special Requirements” attached hereto as Exhibit “B” and incorporated herein by this reference. In the event of a conflict between the provisions of Exhibit “B” and any other provisions of this Agreement, the provisions of Exhibit “B” shall govern. ARTICLE 2. COMPENSATION AND METHOD OF PAYMENT. 2.1 Contract Sum. Subject to any limitations set forth in this Agreement, City agrees to pay Consultant the amounts specified in the “Schedule of Compensation” attached hereto as Exhibit “C” and incorporated herein by this reference. The total compensation, including reimbursement for actual expenses, shall not exceed $238,749.48 (Two Hundred Thirty Eight Thousand Seven Hundred Forty Nine Dollars and Forty Eight Cents) (the “Contract Sum”), unless additional compensation is approved pursuant to Section 1.9. A-6 01203.0005/698324.2 mgw 6 2.2 Method of Compensation. The method of compensation may include: (i) a lump sum payment upon completion; (ii) payment in accordance with specified tasks or the percentage of completion of the services, less contract retention; (iii) payment for time and materials based upon the Consultant’s rates as specified in the Schedule of Compensation, provided that (a) time estimates are provided for the performance of sub tasks, (b) contract retention is maintained, and (c) the Contract Sum is not exceeded; or (iv) such other methods as may be specified in the Schedule of Compensation. 2.3 Reimbursable Expenses. Compensation may include reimbursement for actual and necessary expenditures for reproduction costs, telephone expenses, and travel expenses approved by the Contract Officer in advance, or actual subcontractor expenses of an approved subcontractor pursuant to Section 4.4, and only if specified in the Schedule of Compensation. The Contract Sum shall include the attendance of Consultant at all project meetings reasonably deemed necessary by the City. Coordination of the performance of the work with City is a critical component of the services. If Consultant is required to attend additional meetings to facilitate such coordination, Consultant shall not be entitled to any additional compensation for attending said meetings. 2.4 Invoices. Each month Consultant shall furnish to City an original invoice for all work performed and expenses incurred during the preceding month in a form approved by City’s Director of Finance. By submitting an invoice for payment under this Agreement, Consultant is certifying compliance with all provisions of the Agreement. The invoice shall contain all information specified in Exhibit “C”, and shall detail charges for all necessary and actual expenses by the following categories: labor (by sub-category), travel, materials, equipment, supplies, and sub- contractor contracts. Sub-contractor charges shall also be detailed by such categories. Consultant shall not invoice City for any duplicate services performed by more than one person. City shall independently review each invoice submitted by the Consultant to determine whether the work performed and expenses incurred are in compliance with the provisions of this Agreement. Except as to any charges for work performed or expenses incurred by Consultant which are disputed by City, or as provided in Section 7.3, City will use its best efforts to cause Consultant to be paid within forty-five (45) days of receipt of Consultant’s correct and undisputed invoice; however, Consultant acknowledges and agrees that due to City warrant run procedures, the City cannot guarantee that payment will occur within this time period . In the event any charges or expenses are disputed by City, the original invoice shall be returned by City to Consultant for correction and resubmission. Review and payment by City for any invoice provided by the Consultant shall not constitute a waiver of any rights or remedies provided herein or any applicable law. 2.5 Waiver. Payment to Consultant for work performed pursuant to this Agreement shall not be deemed to waive any defects in work performed by Consultant. A-7 01203.0005/698324.2 mgw 7 ARTICLE 3. PERFORMANCE SCHEDULE 3.1 Time of Essence. Time is of the essence in the performance of this Agreement. 3.2 Schedule of Performance. Consultant shall commence the services pursuant to this Agreement upon receipt of a written notice to proceed and shall perform all services within the time period(s) established in the “Schedule of Performance” attached hereto as Exhibit “D” and incorporated herein by this reference. When requested by the Consultant, extensions to the time period(s) specified in the Schedule of Performance may be approved in writing by the Contract Officer but not exceeding one hundred eighty (180) days cumulatively. 3.3 Force Majeure. The time period(s) specified in the Schedule of Performance for performance of the services rendered pursuant to this Agreement shall be extended because of any delays due to unforeseeable causes beyond the control and without the fault or negligence of the Consultant, including, but not restricted to, acts of God or of the public enemy, unusually severe weather, fires, earthquakes, floods, epidemics, quarantine restrictions, riots, strikes, freight embargoes, wars, litigation, and/or acts of any governmental agency, including the City, if the Consultant shall within ten (10) days of the commencement of such delay notify the Contract Officer in writing of the causes of the delay. The Contract Officer shall ascertain the facts and the extent of delay, and extend the time for performing the services for the period of the enforced delay when and if in the judgment of the Contract Officer such delay is justified. The Contract Officer’s determination shall be final and conclusive upon the parties to this Agreement. In no event shall Consultant be entitled to recover damages against the City for any delay in the performance of this Agreement, however caused, Consultant’s sole remedy being extension of the Agreement pursuant to this Section. 3.4 Term. Unless earlier terminated in accordance with Article 7 of this Agreement, this Agreement shall continue in full force and effect until completion of the services but not exceeding one (1) year from the date hereof, except as otherwise provided in the Schedule of Performance (Exhibit “D”). ARTICLE 4. COORDINATION OF WORK 4.1 Representatives and Personnel of Consultant. The following principals of Consultant (“Principals”) are hereby designated as being the principals and representatives of Consultant authorized to act in its behalf with respect to the work specified herein and make all decisions in connection therewith: A-8 01203.0005/698324.2 mgw 8 Ryan Todaro Project Manager (Name) (Title) (Name) (Title) It is expressly understood that the experience, knowledge, capability and reputation of the foregoing principals were a substantial inducement for City to enter into this Agreement. Therefore, the foregoing principals shall be responsible during the term of this Agreement for directing all activities of Consultant and devoting sufficient time to personally supervise the services hereunder. All personnel of Consultant, and any authorized agents, shall at all times be under the exclusive direction and control of the Principals. For purposes of this Agreement, the foregoing Principals may not be replaced nor may their responsibilities be substantially reduced by Consultant without the express written approval of City. Additionally, Consultant shall utilize only competent personnel to perform services pursuant to this Agreement. Consultant shall make every reasonable effort to maintain the stability and continuity of Consultant’s staff and subcontractors, if any, assigned to perform the services required under this Agreement. Consultant shall notify City of any changes in Consultant’s staff and subcontractors, if any, assigned to perform the services required under this Agreement, prior to and during any such performance. 4.2 Status of Consultant. Consultant shall have no authority to bind City in any manner, or to incur any obligation, debt or liability of any kind on behalf of or against City, whether by contract or otherwise, unless such authority is expressly conferred under this Agreement or is otherwise expressly conferred in writing by City. Consultant shall not at any time or in any manner represent that Consultant or any of Consultant’s officers, employees, or agents are in any manner officials, officers, employees or agents of City. Neither Consultant, nor any of Consultant’s officers, employees or agents, shall obtain any rights to retirement, health care or any other benefits which may otherwise accrue to City’s employees. Consultant expressly waives any claim Consultant may have to any such rights. 4.3 Contract Officer. The Contract Officer shall be Ken Rukavina, Director of Community Development, or such person as may be designated by the City Manager. It shall be the Consultant’s responsibility to assure that the Contract Officer is kept informed of the progress of the performance of the services and the Consultant shall refer any decisions which must be made by City to the Contract Officer. Unless otherwise specified herein, any approval of City required hereunder shall mean the approval of the Contract Officer. The Contract Officer shall have authority, if specified in writing by the City Manager, to sign all documents on behalf of the City required hereunder to carry out the terms of this Agreement. A-9 01203.0005/698324.2 mgw 9 4.4 Independent Consultant. Neither the City nor any of its employees shall have any control over the manner, mode or means by which Consultant, its agents or employees, perform the services required herein, except as otherwise set forth herein. City shall have no voice in the selection, discharge, supervision or control of Consultant’s employees, servants, representatives or agents, or in fixing their number, compensation or hours of service. Consultant shall perform all services required herein as an independent contractor of City and shall remain at all times as to City a wholly independent contractor with only such obligations as are consistent with that role. Consultant shall not at any time or in any manner represent that it or any of its agents or employees are agents or employees of City. City shall not in any way or for any purpose become or be deemed to be a partner of Consultant in its business or otherwise or a joint venturer or a member o f any joint enterprise with Consultant. 4.5 Prohibition Against Subcontracting or Assignment. The experience, knowledge, capability and reputation of Consultant, its principals and employees were a substantial inducement for the City to enter into this Agreement. Therefore, Consultant shall not contract with any other entity to perform in whole or in part the services required hereunder without the express written approval of the City. In addition, neither this Agreement nor any interest herein may be transferred, assigned, conveyed, hypothecated or encumbered voluntarily or by operation of law, whether for the benefit of creditors or otherwise, without the prior written approval of City. Transfers restricted hereunder shall include the transfer to any person or group of persons acting in concert of more than twenty five percent (25%) of the present ownership and/or control of Consultant, taking all transfers into account on a cumulative basis. In the event of any such unapproved transfer, including any bankruptcy proceeding, this Agreement shall be void. No approved transfer shall release the Consultant or any surety of Consultant of any liability hereunder without the express consent of City. ARTICLE 5. INSURANCE AND INDEMNIFICATION 5.1 Insurance Coverages. Without limiting Consultant’s indemnification of City, and prior to commencement of any services under this Agreement, Consultant shall obtain, provide and maintain at its own expense during the term of this Agreement, policies of insurance of the type and amounts described below and in a form satisfactory to City. (a) General liability insurance. Consultant shall maintain commercial general liability insurance with coverage at least as broad as Insurance Services Office form CG 00 01, in an amount not less than $1,000,000 per occurrence, $2,000,000 general aggregate, for bodily injury, personal injury, and property damage. The policy must include contractual liability that has not been amended. Any endorsement restricting standard ISO “insured contract” language will not be accepted. (b) Automobile liability insurance. Consultant shall maintain automobile insurance at least as broad as Insurance Services Office form CA 00 01 covering bodily injury A-10 01203.0005/698324.2 mgw 10 and property damage for all activities of the Consultant arising out of or in connection with Services to be performed under this Agreement, including coverage for any owned, hired, non- owned or rented vehicles, in an amount not less than $1,000,000 combined single limit for each accident. (c) Professional liability (errors & omissions) insurance. Consultant shall maintain professional liability insurance that covers the Services to be performed in connection with this Agreement, in the minimum amount of $1,000,000 per claim and in the aggregate. Any policy inception date, continuity date, or retroactive date must be before the effective date of this Agreement and Consultant agrees to maintain continuous coverage through a period no less than three (3) years after completion of the services required by this Agreement. (d) Workers’ compensation insurance. Consultant shall maintain Workers’ Compensation Insurance (Statutory Limits) and Employer’s Liability Insurance (with limits of at least $1,000,000). (e) Subcontractors. Consultant shall include all subcontractors as insureds under its policies or shall furnish separate certificates and certified endorsements for each subcontractor. All coverages for subcontractors shall include all of the requirements stated herein. (f) Additional Insurance. Policies of such other insurance, as may be required in the Special Requirements in Exhibit “B”. 5.2 General Insurance Requirements. (a) Proof of insurance. Consultant shall provide certificates of insurance to City as evidence of the insurance coverage required herein, along with a waiver of subrogat ion endorsement for workers’ compensation. Insurance certificates and endorsements must be approved by City’s Risk Manager prior to commencement of performance. Current certification of insurance shall be kept on file with City at all times during the term of this Agreement. City reserves the right to require complete, certified copies of all required insurance policies, at any time. (b) Duration of coverage. Consultant shall procure and maintain for the duration of this Agreement insurance against claims for injuries to persons or damages to property, which may arise from or in connection with the performance of the Services hereunder by Consultant, its agents, representatives, employees or subconsultants. (c) Primary/noncontributing. Coverage provided by Consultant shall be primary and any insurance or self-insurance procured or maintained by City shall not be required to contribute with it. The limits of insurance required herein may be satisfied by a combination of primary and umbrella or excess insurance. Any umbrella or excess insurance shall contain or be endorsed to contain a provision that such coverage shall also apply on a primary and non - contributory basis for the benefit of City before the City’s own insurance or self-insurance shall be called upon to protect it as a named insured. A-11 01203.0005/698324.2 mgw 11 (d) City’s rights of enforcement. In the event any policy of insurance required under this Agreement does not comply with these specifications or is canceled and not replaced, City has the right but not the duty to obtain the insurance it deems necessary and any premium paid by City will be promptly reimbursed by Consultant or City will withhold amounts sufficient to pay premium from Consultant payments. In the alternative, City may cancel this Agreement. (e) Acceptable insurers. All insurance policies shall be issued by an insurance company currently authorized by the Insurance Commissioner to transact business of insurance or that is on the List of Approved Surplus Line Insurers in the State of California, with an assigned policyholders’ Rating of A- (or higher) and Financial Size Category Class VI (or larger) in accordance with the latest edition of Best’s Key Rating Guide, unless otherwise approved by the City’s Risk Manager. (f) Waiver of subrogation. All insurance coverage maintained or procured pursuant to this agreement shall be endorsed to waive subrogation against City, its elected or appointed officers, agents, officials, employees and volunteers or shall specifically allow Consultant or others providing insurance evidence in compliance with these specifications to waive their right of recovery prior to a loss. Consultant hereby waives its own right of recovery against City, and shall require similar written express waivers and insurance clauses from each of its subconsultants. (g) Enforcement of contract provisions (non-estoppel). Consultant acknowledges and agrees that any actual or alleged failure on the part of the City to inform Consultant of non-compliance with any requirement imposes no additional obligations on the City nor does it waive any rights hereunder. (h) Requirements not limiting. Requirements of specific coverage features or limits contained in this section are not intended as a limitation on coverage, limits or other requirements, or a waiver of any coverage normally provided by any insurance. Specific reference to a given coverage feature is for purposes of clarification only as it pertains to a given issue and is not intended by any party or insured to be all inclusive, or to the exclusion of ot her coverage, or a waiver of any type. If the Consultant maintains higher limits than the minimums shown above, the City requires and shall be entitled to coverage for the higher limits maintained by the Consultant. Any available insurance proceeds in excess of the specified minimum limits of insurance and coverage shall be available to the City. (i) Notice of cancellation. Consultant agrees to oblige its insurance agent or broker and insurers to provide to City with a thirty (30) day notice of cancellation (except for nonpayment for which a ten (10) day notice is required) or nonrenewal of coverage for each required coverage. (j) Additional insured status. General liability policies shall provide or be endorsed to provide that City and its officers, officials, employees, and agents, and volunteers shall be additional insureds under such policies. This provision shall also apply to any excess/umbrella liability policies. A-12 01203.0005/698324.2 mgw 12 (k) Prohibition of undisclosed coverage limitations. None of the coverages required herein will be in compliance with these requirements if they include any limiting endorsement of any kind that has not been first submitted to City and approved of in writing. (l) Separation of insureds. A severability of interests provision must apply for all additional insureds ensuring that Consultant’s insurance shall apply separately to each insured against whom claim is made or suit is brought, except with respect to the insurer’s limits of liability. The policy(ies) shall not contain any cross-liability exclusions. (m) Pass through clause. Consultant agrees to ensure that its subconsultants, subcontractors, and any other party involved with the project who is brought onto or involved in the project by Consultant, provide the same minimum insurance coverage and endorsements required of Consultant. Consultant agrees to monitor and review all such coverage and assumes all responsibility for ensuring that such coverage is provided in conformity with the requirements of this section. Consultant agrees that upon request, all agreements with consultants, subcontractors, and others engaged in the project will be submitted to City for review. (n) Agency’s right to revise specifications. The City reserves the right at any time during the term of the contract to change the amounts and types of insurance required by giving the Consultant ninety (90) days advance written notice of such change. If such change results in substantial additional cost to the Consultant, the City and Consultant may renegotiate Consultant’s compensation. (o) Self-insured retentions. Any self-insured retentions must be declared to and approved by City. City reserves the right to require that self-insured retentions be eliminated, lowered, or replaced by a deductible. Self-insurance will not be considered to comply with these specifications unless approved by City. (p) Timely notice of claims. Consultant shall give City prompt and timely notice of claims made or suits instituted that arise out of or result from Consultant’s performance under this Agreement, and that involve or may involve coverage under any of the required liability policies. (q) Additional insurance. Consultant shall also procure and maintain, at its own cost and expense, any additional kinds of insurance, which in its own judgment may be necessary for its proper protection and prosecution of the work. 5.3 Indemnification. To the full extent permitted by law, Consultant agrees to indemnify, defend and hold harmless the City, its officers, employees and agents (“Indemnified Parties”) against, and will hold and save them and each of them harmless from, any and all actions, either judicial, administrative, arbitration or regulatory claims, damages to persons or property, losses, costs, penalties, obligations, errors, omissions or liabilities whether actual or threatened (herein “claims or liabilities”) that may be asserted or claimed by any person, firm or entity arising out of or in connection with the negligent performance of the work, operations or activities provided herein of Consultant, its officers, employees, agents, subcontractors, or invitees, or any individual or A-13 01203.0005/698324.2 mgw 13 entity for which Consultant is legally liable (“indemnitors”), or arising from Consultant’s or indemnitors’ reckless or willful misconduct, or arising from Consultant’s or indemnitors’ negligent performance of or failure to perform any term, provision, covenant or condition of this Agreement, and in connection therewith: (a) Consultant will defend any action or actions filed in connection with any of said claims or liabilities and will pay all costs and expenses, including legal costs and attorneys’ fees incurred in connection therewith; (b) Consultant will promptly pay any judgment rendered against the City, its officers, agents or employees for any such claims or liabilities arising out of or in connection with the negligent performance of or failure to perform such work, operations or activities of Consultant hereunder; and Consultant agrees to save and hold the City, its officers, agents, and employees harmless therefrom; (c) In the event the City, its officers, agents or employees is made a party to any action or proceeding filed or prosecuted against Consultant for such damages or other claims arising out of or in connection with the negligent performance of or failure to perform the work, operation or activities of Consultant hereunder, Consultant agrees to pay to the City, its officers, agents or employees, any and all costs and expenses incurred by the City, its officers, agents or employees in such action or proceeding, including but not limited to, legal costs and attorneys’ fees. Consultant shall incorporate similar indemnity agreements with its subcontractors and if it fails to do so Consultant shall be fully responsible to indemnify City hereunder therefore, and failure of City to monitor compliance with these provisions shall not be a waiver hereof. This indemnification includes claims or liabilities arising from any negligent or wrongful act, error or omission, or reckless or willful misconduct of Consultant in the performance of professional services hereunder. The provisions of this Section do not apply to claims or liabilities occurring as a result of City’s sole negligence or willful acts or omissions, but, to the fullest extent permitted by law, shall apply to claims and liabilities resulting in part from City’s negligence, except that design professionals’ indemnity hereunder shall be limited to claims and liabilities arising out of the negligence, recklessness or willful misconduct of the design professional. The indemnity obligation shall be binding on successors and assigns of Consultant and shall survive termination of this Agreement. ARTICLE 6. RECORDS, REPORTS, AND RELEASE OF INFORMATION 6.1 Records. Consultant shall keep, and require subcontractors to keep, such ledgers, books of accounts, invoices, vouchers, canceled checks, reports, studies or other documents relating to the disbursements charged to City and services performed hereunder (the “books and records”), as shall be necessary to perform the services required by this Agreement and enable the Contract Officer to evaluate the performance of such services. Any and all such documents shall be maintained in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles and shall be complete and detailed. The Contract Officer shall have full and free access to such books and records at all times during normal business hours of City, including the right to inspect, copy, audit and make A-14 01203.0005/698324.2 mgw 14 records and transcripts from such records. Such records shall be maintained for a period of three (3) years following completion of the services hereunder, and the City shall have access to such records in the event any audit is required. In the event of dissolution of Consultant’s business, custody of the books and records may be given to City, and access shall be provided by Consultant’s successor in interest. Notwithstanding the above, the Consultant shall fully cooperate with the City in providing access to the books and records if a public records request is made and disclosure is required by law including but not limited to the California Public Records Act. 6.2 Reports. Consultant shall periodically prepare and submit to the Contract Officer such reports concerning the performance of the services required by this Agreement as the Contract Officer shall require. Consultant hereby acknowledges that the City is greatly concerned about the cost of work and services to be performed pursuant to this Agreement. For this reason, Consultant agrees that if Consultant becomes aware of any facts, circumstances, techniques, or events that may or will materially increase or decrease the cost of the work or services contemplated herein or, if Consultant is providing design services, the cost of the project being designed, Consultant shall promptly notify the Contract Officer of said fact, circumstance, technique or event and the estimated increased or decreased cost related thereto and, if Consultant is providing design services, the estimated increased or decreased cost estimate for the project being designed. 6.3 Ownership of Documents. All drawings, specifications, maps, designs, photographs, studies, surveys, data, notes, computer files, reports, records, documents and other materials (the “documents and materials”) prepared by Consultant, its employees, subcontractors and agents in the performance of this Agreement shall be the property of City and shall be delivered to City upon request of the Contract Officer or upon the termination of this Agreement, and Consultant shall have no claim for further employment or additional compensation as a result of the exercise by City of its full rights of ownership use, reuse, or assignment of the documents and materials hereunder. Any use, reuse or assignment of such completed documents for other projects and/or use of uncompleted documents without specific written authorization by the Consultant will be at the City’s sole risk and without liability to Consultant, and Consultant’s guarantee and warranties shall not extend to such use, reuse or assignment. Consultant may retain copies of such documents for its own use. Consultant shall have the right to use the concepts embodied therein. All subcontractors shall provide for assignment to City of any documents or materials prepared by them, and in the event Consultant fails to secure such assignment, Consultant shall indemnify City for all damages resulting therefrom. Moreover, Consultant with respect to any documents and materials that may qualify as “works made for hire” as defined in 17 U.S.C. § 101, such documents and materials are hereby deemed “works made for hire” for the City. 6.4 Confidentiality and Release of Information. (a) All information gained or work product produced by Consultant in performance of this Agreement shall be considered confidential, unless such information is in the public domain or already known to Consultant. Consultant shall not release or disclose any such A-15 01203.0005/698324.2 mgw 15 information or work product to persons or entities other than City without prior written authorization from the Contract Officer. (b) Consultant, its officers, employees, agents or subcontractors, shall not, without prior written authorization from the Contract Officer or unless requested by the City Attorney, voluntarily provide documents, declarations, letters of support, testimony at depositions, response to interrogatories or other information concerning the work performed under this Agreement. Response to a subpoena or court order shall not be considered “voluntary” provided Consultant gives City notice of such court order or subpoena. (c) If Consultant, or any officer, employee, agent or subcontractor of Consultant, provides any information or work product in violation of this Agreement, then City shall have the right to reimbursement and indemnity from Consultant for any damages, costs and fees, including attorney’s fees, caused by or incurred as a result of Consultant’s conduct. (d) Consultant shall promptly notify City should Consultant, its officers, employees, agents or subcontractors be served with any summons, complaint, subpoena, notice of deposition, request for documents, interrogatories, request for admissions or other discovery request, court order or subpoena from any party regarding this Agreement and the work performed there under. City retains the right, but has no obligation, to represent Consultant or be present at any deposition, hearing or similar proceeding. Consultant agrees to cooperate fully with City and to provide City with the opportunity to review any response to discovery requests provided by Consultant. However, this right to review any such response does not imply or mean the right by City to control, direct, or rewrite said response. ARTICLE 7. ENFORCEMENT OF AGREEMENT AND TERMINATION 7.1 California Law. This Agreement shall be interpreted, construed and governed both as to validity and to performance of the parties in accordance with the laws of the State of California. Legal actions concerning any dispute, claim or matter arising out of or in relation to this Agreement shall be instituted in the Superior Court of the County of Los Angeles, State of California, or any other appropriate court in such county, and Consultant covenants and agrees to submit to the personal jurisdiction of such court in the event of such action. In the event of litigation in a U.S. District Court, venue shall lie exclusively in the Central District of California, in the County of Los Angeles, State of California. 7.2 Disputes; Default. In the event that Consultant is in default under the terms of this Agreement, the City shall not have any obligation or duty to continue compensating Consultant for any work performed after the date of default. Instead, the City may give notice to Consultant of the default and the reasons for the default. The notice shall include the timeframe in which Consultant may cure the default. This timeframe is presumptively thirty (30) days, but may be extended, though not reduced, if circumstances warrant. During the period of time that Consultant is in default, the City shall hold all invoices and shall, when the default is cured, proceed with payment on the A-16 01203.0005/698324.2 mgw 16 invoices. In the alternative, the City may, in its sole discretion, elect to pay some or all of the outstanding invoices during the period of default. If Consultant does not cure the default, the City may take necessary steps to terminate this Agreement under this Article. Any failure on the part of the City to give notice of the Consultant’s default shall not be deemed to result in a waiver of the City’s legal rights or any rights arising out of any provision of this Agreement. 7.3 Retention of Funds. Consultant hereby authorizes City to deduct from any amount payable to Consultant (whether or not arising out of this Agreement) (i) any amounts the payment of which may be in dispute hereunder or which are necessary to compensate City for any loss es, costs, liabilities, or damages suffered by City, and (ii) all amounts for which City may be liable to third parties, by reason of Consultant’s acts or omissions in performing or failing to perform Consultant’s obligation under this Agreement. In the event that any claim is made by a third party, the amount or validity of which is disputed by Consultant, or any indebtedness shall exist which shall appear to be the basis for a claim of lien, City may withhold from any payment due, without liability for interest because of such withholding, an amount sufficient to cover such claim. The failure of City to exercise such right to deduct or to withhold shall not, however, affect the obligations of the Consultant to insure, indemnify, and protect City as elsewhere provided herein. 7.4 Waiver. Waiver by any party to this Agreement of any term, condition, or covenant of this Agreement shall not constitute a waiver of any other term, condition, or covenant. Waiver by any party of any breach of the provisions of this Agreement shall not constitute a waiver of any other provision or a waiver of any subsequent breach or violation of any provision of this Agreement. Acceptance by City of any work or services by Consultant shall not constitute a waiver of any of the provisions of this Agreement. No delay or omission in the exercise of any right or remedy by a non-defaulting party on any default shall impair such right or remedy or be construed as a waiver. Any waiver by either party of any default must be in writing and shall not be a waiver of any other default concerning the same or any other provision of this Agreement. 7.5 Rights and Remedies are Cumulative. Except with respect to rights and remedies expressly declared to be exclusive in this Agreement, the rights and remedies of the parties are cumulative and the exercise by either party of one or more of such rights or remedies shall not preclude the exercise by it, at the same or different times, of any other rights or remedies for the same default or any other default by th e other party. 7.6 Legal Action. In addition to any other rights or remedies, either party may take legal action, in law or in equity, to cure, correct or remedy any default, to recover damages for any default, to compel specific performance of this Agreement, to obtain declaratory or injunctive relief, or to obtain any other remedy consistent with the purposes of this Agreement. Notwithstanding any contrary A-17 01203.0005/698324.2 mgw 17 provision herein, Consultant shall file a statutory claim pursuant to Government Code Sections 905 et seq. and 910 et seq., in order to pursue a legal action under this Agreement. 7.7 Liquidated Damages. Since the determination of actual damages for any delay in performance of this Agreement would be extremely difficult or impractical to determine in the event of a breach of this Agreement, the Consultant and its sureties shall be liable for and shall pay to the City the sum of $0 (Zero Dollars) as liquidated damages for each working day of delay in the performance of any service required hereunder. The City may withhold from any monies payable on account of services performed by the Contractor any accrued liquidated damages. 7.8 Termination Prior to Expiration of Term. This Section shall govern any termination of this Contract except as specifically provided in the following Section for termination for cause. The City reserves the right to terminate this Contract at any time, with or without cause, upon thirty (30) days’ written notice to Consultant, except that where termination is due to the fault of the Consultant, the period of notice may be such shorter time as may be determined by the Contract Officer. In addition, the Consultant reserves the right to terminate this Contract at any time, with or without cause, upon sixty (60) days’ written notice to City, except that where termination is due to the fault of the City, the period of notice may be such shorter time as the Consultant may determine. Upon receipt of any notice of termination, Consultant shall immediately cease all services hereunder except such as may be specifically approved by the Contract Officer. Except where the Consultant has initiated termination, the Consultant shall be entitled to compensation for all services rendered prior to the effective date of the notice of termination and for any services authorized by the Contract Officer thereafter in accordance with the Schedule of Compensation or such as may be approved by the Contract Officer, except as provided in Section 7.3. In the event the Consultant has initiated termination, the Consultant shall be entitled to compensation only for the reasonable value of the work product actually produced hereunder. In the event of termination without cause pursuant to this Section, the terminating party need not provide the non-terminating party with the opportunity to cure pursuant to Section 7.2. 7.9 Termination for Default of Consultant. If termination is due to the failure of the Consultant to fulfill its obligations under this Agreement, City may, after compliance with the provisions of Section 7.2, take over the work and prosecute the same to completion by contract or otherwise, and the Consultant shall be liable to the extent that the total cost for completion of the services required hereunder exceeds the compensation herein stipulated (provided that the City shall use reasonable efforts to mitigate such damages), and City may withhold any payments to the Consultant for the purpose of set-off or partial payment of the amounts owed the City as previously stated. 7.10 Attorneys’ Fees. If either party to this Agreement is required to initiate or defend or made a party to any action or proceeding in any way connected with this Agreement, the prevailing party in such A-18 01203.0005/698324.2 mgw 18 action or proceeding, in addition to any other relief which may be granted, whether legal or equitable, shall be entitled to reasonable attorney’s fees. Attorney’s fees shall include attorney’s fees on any appeal, and in addition a party entitled to attorney’s fees shall be entitled to all other reasonable costs for investigating such action, taking depositions and discovery and all other necessary costs the court allows which are incurred in such litigation. All such fees shall be deemed to have accrued on commencement of such action and shall be enforceable whether or not such action is prosecuted to judgment. ARTICLE 8. CITY OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES: NON-DISCRIMINATION 8.1 Non-liability of City Officers and Employees. No officer or employee of the City shall be personally liable to the Consultant, or any successor in interest, in the event of any default or breach by the City or for any amount which may become due to the Consultant or to its successor, or for breach of any obligation of the terms of this Agreement. 8.2 Conflict of Interest. Consultant covenants that neither it, nor any officer or principal of its firm, has or shall acquire any interest, directly or indirectly, which would conflict in any manner with the interests of City or which would in any way hinder Consultant’s performance of services under this Agreement. Consultant further covenants that in the performance of this Agreement, no person having any such interest shall be employed by it as an officer, employee, agent or subcontractor without the express written consent of the Contract Officer. Consultant agrees to at all times avoid conflicts of interest or the appearance of any conflicts of interest with the interests of City in the performance of this Agreement. No officer or employee of the City shall have any financial interest, direct or indirect, in this Agreement nor shall any such officer or employee participate in any decision relating to the Agreement which affects her/his financial interest or the financial interest of any corporation, partnership or association in which (s)he is, directly or indirectly, interested, in violation of any State statute or regulation. The Consultant warrants that it has not paid or given and will not pay or give any third party any money or other consideration for obtaining this Agreement. 8.3 Covenant Against Discrimination. Consultant covenants that, by and for itself, its heirs, executors, assigns, and all persons claiming under or through them, that there shall be no discrimination against or segregation of, any person or group of persons on account of race, color, creed, religion, sex, gender, sexual orientation, marital status, national origin, ancestry or other protected class in the performance of this Agreement. Consultant shall take affirmative action to insure that applicants are employed and that employees are treated during employment without regard to their race, color, creed, religion, sex, gender, sexual orientation, marital status, national origin, ancestry or other protected class. A-19 01203.0005/698324.2 mgw 19 8.4 Unauthorized Aliens. Consultant hereby promises and agrees to comply with all of the provisions of the Federal Immigration and Nationality Act, 8 U.S.C. § 1101 et seq., as amended, and in connection therewith, shall not employ unauthorized aliens as defined therein. Should Consultant so employ such unauthorized aliens for the performance of work and/or services covered by this Agreement, and should any liability or sanctions be imposed against City for such use of unauthorized aliens, Consultant hereby agrees to and shall reimburse City for the cost of all such liabilities or sanctions imposed, together with any and all costs, including attorneys’ fees, incurred by City. ARTICLE 9. MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS 9.1 Notices. Any notice, demand, request, document, consent, approval, or communication either party desires or is required to give to the other party or any other person shall be in writing and either served personally or sent by prepaid, first-class mail, in the case of the City, to the City Manager and to the attention of the Contract Officer (with her/his name and City title), City of Rancho Palos Verdes, 30940 Hawthorne Blvd., Rancho Palos Verdes, California 90275 and in the case of the Consultant, to the person(s) at the address designated on the execution page of this Agreement. Either party may change its address by notifying the other party of the change of address in writing. Notice shall be deemed communicated at the time personally delivered or in seventy-two (72) hours from the time of mailing if mailed as provided in this Section. 9.2 Interpretation. The terms of this Agreement shall be construed in accordance with the meaning of the language used and shall not be construed for or against either party by reason of the authorship of this Agreement or any other rule of construction which might otherwise apply. 9.3 Counterparts. This Agreement may be executed in counterparts, each of which shall be deemed to be an original, and such counterparts shall constitute one and the same instrument. 9.4 Integration; Amendment. This Agreement including the attachments hereto is the entire, complete and exclusive expression of the understanding of the parties. It is understood that there are no oral agreements between the parties hereto affecting this Agreement and this Agreement supersedes and cancels any and all previous negotiations, arrangements, agreements and understandings, if any, between the parties, and none shall be used to interpret this Agreement. No amendment to or modification of this Agreement shall be valid unless made in writing and approved by the Consultant and by the City Council. The parties agree that this requirement for written modifications cannot be waived and that any attempted waiver shall be void. A-20 01203.0005/698324.2 mgw 20 9.5 Severability. In the event that any one or more of the phrases, sentences, clauses, paragraphs, or sections contained in this Agreement shall be declared invalid or unenforceable by a valid judgment or decree of a court of competent jurisdiction, such invalidity or unenforceability shall not affect any of the remaining phrases, sentences, clauses, paragraphs, or sections of this Agreement which are hereby declared as severable and shall be interpreted to carry out the inten t of the parties hereunder unless the invalid provision is so material that its invalidity deprives either party of the basic benefit of their bargain or renders this Agreement meaningless. 9.6 Warranty & Representation of Non-Collusion. No official, officer, or employee of City has any financial interest, direct or indirect, in this Agreement, nor shall any official, officer, or employee of City participate in any decision relating to this Agreement which may affect his/her financial interest or the financial interest of any corporation, partnership, or association in which (s)he is directly or indirectly interested, or in violation of any corporation, partnership, or association in which (s)he is directly or indirectly interested, or in violation of any State or municipal statute or regulation. The determination of “financial interest” shall be consistent with State law and shall not include interests found to be “remote” or “noninterests” pursuant to Government Code Sections 1091 or 1091.5. Consultant warrants and represents that it has not paid or given, and will not pay or give, to any third party including, but not limited to, any City official, officer, or employee, any money, consideration, or other thing of value as a result or consequence of obtaining or being awarded any agreement. Consultant further warrants and represents that (s)he/it has not engaged in any act(s), omission(s), or other conduct or collusion that would result in the payment of any money, consideration, or other thing of value to any third party including, but not limited to, any City official, officer, or employee, as a result of consequence of obtaining or being awarded any agreement. Consultant is aware of and understands that any such act(s), omission(s) or other conduct resulting in such payment of money, consideration, or other thing of value will render this Agreement void and of no force or effect. Consultant’s Authorized Initials _______ 9.7 Corporate Authority. The persons executing this Agreement on behalf of the parties hereto warrant that (i) such party is duly organized and existing, (ii) they are duly authorized to execute and deliver this Agreement on behalf of said party, (iii) by so executing this Agreement, such party is formally bound to the provisions of this Agreement, and (iv) that entering into this Agreement does not violate any provision of any other Agreement to which said party is bound. This Agreement shall be binding upon the heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns of the parties. [SIGNATURES ON FOLLOWING PAGE] A-21 01203.0005/698324.2 mgw 21 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Agreement on the date and year first-above written. CITY: CITY OF RANCHO PALOS VERDES, a municipal corporation Eric Alegria, Mayor ATTEST: Emily Colborn, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: ALESHIRE & WYNDER, LLP William W. Wynder, City Attorney CONSULTANT: ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES ASSOCIATES, a California corporation By: Name: Albert Cuisinot Title: Chief Financial Officer By: Name: Ruta K. Thomas Title: Senior Vice President Address: 626 Wilshire Blvd. Suite 100 Los Angeles, CA 90017 Two corporate officer signatures required when Consultant is a corporation, with one signature required from each of the following groups: 1) Chairman of the Board, President or any Vice President ; and 2) Secretary, any Assistant Secretary, Chief Financial Officer or any Assistant Treasurer. CON SULTANT’S SIGNATURES SHALL BE DULY NOTARIZED, AND APPROPRIATE ATTESTATIONS SHALL BE INCLUDED AS MAY BE REQUIRED BY THE BYLAWS, ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION, OR OTHER RULES OR REGULATIONS APPLICABLE TO CONSULTANT’S BUSINESS ENTITY. A-22 01203.0005/698324.2 mgw CALIFORNIA ALL-PURPOSE ACKNOWLEDGMENT STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES On __________, 2021 before me, ________________, personally appeared ________________, proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person(s) whose names(s) is/are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she/they executed the same in his/her/their authorized capacity(ies), and that by his/her/their signature(s) on the instrument the person(s), or the entity upon behalf of which the person(s) acted, executed the instrument. I certify under PENALTY OF PERJURY under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing paragraph is true and correct. WITNESS my hand and official seal. Signature: _____________________________________ OPTIONAL Though the data below is not required by law, it may prove valuable to persons relying on the document and could prevent fraudulent reattachment of this form CAPACITY CLAIMED BY SIGNER DESCRIPTION OF ATTACHED DOCUMENT INDIVIDUAL CORPORATE OFFICER _______________________________ TITLE(S) PARTNER(S) LIMITED GENERAL ATTORNEY-IN-FACT TRUSTEE(S) GUARDIAN/CONSERVATOR OTHER_______________________________ ______________________________________ SIGNER IS REPRESENTING: (NAME OF PERSON(S) OR ENTITY(IES)) _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ ___________________________________ TITLE OR TYPE OF DOCUMENT ___________________________________ NUMBER OF PAGES ___________________________________ DATE OF DOCUMENT ___________________________________ SIGNER(S) OTHER THAN NAMED ABOVE A notary public or other officer completing this certificate verifies only the identity of the individual who signed the document to which this certificate is attached, and not the truthfulness, accuracy or validity of that d ocument. A-23 01203.0005/698324.2 mgw CALIFORNIA ALL-PURPOSE ACKNOWLEDGMENT STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES On __________, 2021 before me, ________________, personally appeared ________________, proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person(s) whose names(s) is/are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she/they executed the same in his/her/their authorized capacity(ies), and that by his/her/their signature(s) on the instrument the person(s), or the entity upon behalf of which the person(s) acted, executed the instrument. I certify under PENALTY OF PERJURY under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing paragraph is true and correct. WITNESS my hand and official seal. Signature: _____________________________________ OPTIONAL Though the data below is not required by law, it may prove valuable to persons relying on the document and could prevent fraudulent reattachment of this form. CAPACITY CLAIMED BY SIGNER DESCRIPTION OF ATTACHED DOCUMENT INDIVIDUAL CORPORATE OFFICER _______________________________ TITLE(S) PARTNER(S) LIMITED GENERAL ATTORNEY-IN-FACT TRUSTEE(S) GUARDIAN/CONSERVATOR OTHER_______________________________ ______________________________________ SIGNER IS REPRESENTING: (NAME OF PERSON(S) OR ENTITY(IES)) _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ ___________________________________ TITLE OR TYPE OF DOCUMENT ___________________________________ NUMBER OF PAGES ___________________________________ DATE OF DOCUMENT ___________________________________ SIGNER(S) OTHER THAN NAMED ABOVE A notary public or other officer completing this certificate verifies only the identity of the individual who signed the document to which this certificate is attached, and not the truthfulness, accuracy or validity of that document. A-24 01203.0005/698324.2 mgw A-1 EXHIBIT “A” SCOPE OF SERVICES I. Consultant will complete the following services to ensure the timely update of the City of Rancho Palos Verdes’ Housing Element, including all legally mandated requirements for California Housing Elements: A. Project Administration 1. Project Kick-Off Meeting Following receipt of the notice to proceed, Consultant will coordinate with City staff to schedule a project kick-off meeting to refine and operationalize the scope of services, and to develop a shared vision for the partnership between the Consultant and the City staff. Broadly, the kick-off agenda will include discussing the City’s preferences for communications, coordination, and deliverables. More specifically, the meeting agenda will cover project background and goals, objectives and key action items such as refining the project schedule, identifying project data needs, discussing the City’s preferred approaches to community outreach, and delineating roles and responsibilities of the Consultant and City staff. As a follow-up to the kickoff meeting, the Consultant will prepare a written request for information from the City for project background information, data, staff, and community contacts. Specifically, at this early stage, Consultant will review the annual Housing Element status reports, other documents pertaining to housing production and implementation of the existing Housing Element, the status of the existing housing sites inventory, housing policies, housing access, any recent community needs assessments, and the City’s long-term growth plans. As work on the Housing Element progresses, Consultant will prepare additional requests for information as needed. If permissible by public health standards at the time, Consultant will coordinate a short driving tour of Rancho Palos Verdes with City staff to ensure that the Consultant is well informed regarding the status of the existing sites inventory and anticipated new opportunity sites and growth areas. Consultant and City staff will take this opportunity to discuss any initial needs for policy and program updates that staff have already identified. Alternatively, an online virtual meeting and/or presentation would be arranged. 2. Project Schedule Development Within 10 working days after the kick-off meeting, Consultant will provide the City with a finalized project schedule that identifies the tasks and milestones necessary for reaching the goal of submitting an adopted, certifiable Housing A-25 01203.0005/698324.2 mgw A-2 Element Update to the California Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD). As part of the twice a week meetings, Consultant will review the project timeline and status of tasks with City staff. If any schedule modifications are needed, those modifications will be presented to the City at the bi-weekly meetings and formally requested on or before the 30th of each month. 3. Project Coordination Consultant will meet bi-weekly with City staff to assess progress on the scope of work and completion of project deliverables. Consultant will provide ongoing project management services to ensure close coordination between City staff and Consultant. Consultant will be in ongoing communication with Subconsultants to ensure smooth and seamless coordination between all team members. Furthermore, if allowed by City protocols, Consultant can maintain an internet- based folder to facilitate file sharing between the Consultant and City staff. B. Housing Element Assessment and Analysis 1. Evaluation of the 2013-2021 Housing Element For this subtask, Consultant will determine the effectiveness of the current Housing Element to identify policies and/or programs: that have been successful for the City; that the City has had difficulty implementing; that have not had the desired effects; and/or need to be updated for the next planning period. Specifically: • Consultant will request and review City staff’s evaluation of, and suggested revisions to, the current Housing Element for compliance with State law, HCD requirements, and for any other possible gaps in the analysis. • Consultant will request and review staff’s identification of any obsolete information (i.e., tables, exhibits, illustrations, etc.) in the 2013-2021 Housing Element to ensure that this information is removed. Consultant will also confirm any information that should remain as part of the update. • Consultant will review the City’s progress towards meeting the identified goals, policies, and programs of the previous cycle 2013- 2021 Housing Element, based on information on housing production and program implementation, to be requested from City staff. • Consultant will conduct a review of local resources directed toward and utilized for affordable housing. This analysis will include reviewing utilization of local and regional funds and A-26 01203.0005/698324.2 mgw A-3 resources, as well as partnerships with nonprofit organizations and other governmental entities that were exercised to create housing opportunities for the stated target populations. 2. Housing Assessment and Needs Analysis Consultant will compile and analyze the data needed to prepare an updated Housing Needs Assessment that documents existing and anticipated future housing needs within the City. The demographic, economic, infrastructure, and housing data collected will allow for analysis of both socioeconomic and housing market trends. The analysis will be structured to align with the HCD Building Blocks and other relevant guidance. The data will include City and the County of Los Angeles population, resident, and household demographics, and household and employment growth trends. The main data sources will be available data products published by the U.S. Census Bureau, as well as information published by HUD and the Southern California Association of Governments (SCAG). The needs assessment will also provide a comparison between historical and projected population, household, and employment characteristics and the current RHNA published by SCAG. In addition to the socioeconomic trends analysis, Consultant will document current and historical housing market conditions and trends within the City, as well as Los Angeles County. This subtask will include an evaluation of existing housing stock characteristics, including the distribution of units by type and age, as well as vacancy and pricing trends. Consultant will use the HUD Comprehensive Housing Affordability Strategy (CHAS) dataset to document the number and percent of households that suffer from overpayment and/or overcrowding, by tenure and income level. The analysis will also identify the inventory of existing assisted housing developments that are anticipated to be at risk for conversion to market rate within the next ten years. Per the HUD Building Blocks, Consultant will also evaluate the relative housing needs of a variety of special needs populations, including farmworkers, large families, female-headed households, people experiencing homelessness, people with disabilities including the developmentally disabled, and seniors. City staff will identify any additional local special needs populations that should be analyzed. The analysis will rely on a variety of data sources, as prescribed by HCD, and utilize various Census Bureau data products, among other sources. In recognition of the new requirements under AB 686 for Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing (AFFH), Consultant will add a supplemental data component to the Housing Needs Assessment so that staff can evaluate patterns of segregation and impediments to fair housing choice within the City. The analysis will rely on data published by the U.S. Census Bureau and HUD to identify patterns of racial and ethnic integration. This will include identification of Racially and Ethnically Concentrated Areas of Poverty (RCAPs and ECAPS) and calculation of indexes of isolation and dissimilarity. Consultant will also request information on fair housing complaints from the City, the HUD Office of Fair A-27 01203.0005/698324.2 mgw A-4 Housing and Equal Opportunity, and the California Department of Fair Employment and Housing, and information regarding hate crimes from the Federal Bureau of Investigations and the Rancho Palos Verdes Police Department. Lastly, Consultant will request information from the City regarding the availability of fair housing services, education, and outreach, and will conduct up to four interviews with fair housing advocates and service providers to discuss local impediments to fair housing choices. 3. Adequate Sites Analysis Consultant will provide an updated sites inventory for inclusion in the Housing Element Update. The updated sites inventory will demonstrate how the City can fully accommodate its RHNA within the new Housing Element planning period with land suitable for residential development. In order to address the “no net loss” provisions of Government Code Section 65863, the inventory will include sites sufficient to accommodate more housing than required by the City’s RHNA. Consultant will evaluate the existing housing sites inventory, the adopted General Plan, and relevant specific plans in order to adequately identify existing capacity for residential and mixed-use zoned sites that could potentially meet the City’s RHNA requirement. Further, Consultant will work with the City to complete an analysis of nonvacant residential and mixed-use sites to address a portion of the RHNA, including the development potential within the planning period, by considering the extent that a nonvacant site’s existing use impedes additional residential development, the City’s past experience converting existing uses to higher density, market trends and conditions, and regulatory or other incentives/standards that encourage additional housing development on nonvacant sites. The inventory will include the identification of how many units are feasible on each residential and mixed- use zoned site and what income category they are appropriate for based on state approved methodology. With the current housing sites inventory as a starting point, Consultant will work with the City to determine which sites are viable RHNA sites to meet housing targets based on new state law requirements, including, but not limited to: Conducting additional analysis for residential and mixed-use zoned sites smaller than one half acre, larger than 10 acres; Conducting additional analysis for underutilized residential and mixed-use zoned sites; Identifying residential and mixed-use sites included in the past two housing element cycles that are now required to allow affordable housing by right; Identifying if residential and mixed-use zoned sites are publicly owned; and Indicating whether a residential and mixed-use zoned site has available or planned and accessible infrastructure. Consultant will incorporate existing HCD guidance to coordinate the sites inventory process through the lens of the AFFH requirements and identify any necessary remediation. Such requirements will determine the extent to which the locations of proposed sites are to be made available for housing development that A-28 01203.0005/698324.2 mgw A-5 will help to affirmatively further fair housing in compliance with AB 686. Finally, Consultant would comply with anticipated HCD guidance requiring the submittal of the sites inventory in electronic form, along with its inclusion in the Housing Element Update. Consultant will provide a Housing Sites Inventory list for inclusion in the draft section of the Housing Element Update. If suitable sites to meet the City’s RHNA are not able to be identified through the inventory of appropriately zoned vacant and non ‐vacant sites, then additional analysis will be conducted. This analysis will include evaluation of changes to City zoning to accommodate additional units, including increasing densities, increasing building heights, re ‐designating/rezoning additional sites, or other techniques. To the extent that the City is unable to identify adequate sites, Consultant will work with the City to develop a Housing Element program for post-adoption implementation. This program would commit the City to create additional housing development capacity through a strategy or multiple strategies, such as rezoning, such that the City can accommodate the unmet RHNA within three years of adopting the Housing Element Update. 4. Housing Production Constraints Analysis Per the HCD Building Blocks for Housing Elements, Consultant will identify and analyze potential and actual governmental and nongovernmental constraints to the maintenance, improvement, preservation, and/or development of housing for households at all income levels, including housing for persons with disabilities. The analysis will identify the specific standards and processes that constitute constraints and evaluate their impact on the supply and affordability of housing in the City. The analysis will also determine whether local regulatory standards pose an actual or perceived constraint and will identify existing efforts and other possible approaches to removing them. The categories of governmental opportunities and constraints evaluated will include: • Adopted codes and code enforcement measures; • On- and offsite improvement standards; • Adopted fees and exactions; • Land-use controls; • Infrastructure limitations; • Environmental constraints; • Processing and permitting procedures; and • Other applicable City policies and programs to be identified in consultation with City staff. A-29 01203.0005/698324.2 mgw A-6 The non-governmental constraints analysis will cover topics including land costs, construction costs, and the availability and complexity of financing. To identify opportunities, constraints, and potential approaches to overcoming constraints, Consultant will interview staff from several departments, including Public Works, Community Development, and the City Manager’s Office. 5. Housing Goals, Policies, and Quantified Objectives The development of quantified objectives is the key deliverable that the Housing Element Update will work toward throughout the process. Analyzing past outcomes, defining the community’s current housing circumstances, understanding opportunities and constraints, identifying properties for future housing development, and gathering input from a variety of community stakeholders, will all lead to establishing the City’s housing development goals for the 2021-2029 Housing Element planning cycle. Some of these findings will lead to updates to existing objectives, while others will generate new ideas and goals aiming to meet the City’s RHNA requirements. Throughout the Housing Element Update contract, Consultant will work with the City and community to develop housing goals and objectives. Consultant will maintain a running list of potential goals and objectives, which will evolve into definitive goals and objectives by the end of the process. C. Public Engagement 1. Public Outreach Program Development and Two Community Meetings (a) Public Engagement Program Upon consultation with the City, Consultant will develop a draft of a Public Engagement Program detailing the management of an outreach campaign and related aspects. In preparation, Consultant will review any existing or previous outreach efforts regarding previous Housing Element Updates, City policies that are currently in place and take that information into consideration. Consultant will present a draft to the City for approval, review any suggestions, and submit the final draft for the City’s approval. Throughout, Consultant will work with the City to foster ongoing collaboration in support of the City’s effort to update the new Housing Element of the City’s General Plan. The Public Engagement Program for the Housing Element Update will incorporate: • A public noticing and promotional strategy aimed at generating widespread awareness and understanding of the Housing Element Update as well as its exact purpose within the General Plan among targeted audiences within A-30 01203.0005/698324.2 mgw A-7 the Rancho Palos Verdes Engagement will include vulnerable populations within the city such as seniors, disabled, and affordable housing advocates to ensure all stakeholders are engaged - even disadvantaged communities. This strategy will take into consideration socially conscious communications with target audiences and stakeholders across multiple platforms, such as community workshops (including web-based video conferencing), canvassing, mailings, and social media. • A stakeholder database populated with contacts within the City generated from research and outreach activities, tracking interested individuals and community groups, business owners and employees, community stakeholders and organizations, and any other interested stakeholders. A registry log of potential concerns and any risks, as well as a plan of action to monitor and address these concerns in an effective and efficient manner throughout the development of the new Housing Element. • Effective additional public engagement with specific target audiences and any external stakeholders identified by the City. (b) Web and Social Media Sharing Platform Consultant will work with the project team and City staff to incorporate a web and social media-based information sharing platform for the duration of the public engagement plan. This social media platform can include many different facets such as more standardized traditional mediums such as Facebook, Twitter and Instagram or encompass newer programs such as Snapchat, Nextdoor and Reddit. Dedicated Project Webpage: Consultant recommends that the City establishes a dedicated webpage for the Housing Element that can serve as a central hub to house collateral materials, give project updates and function as the go-to location for any stakeholders interested in keeping track of the Housing Element’s timeline and progress. Consultant can create web content and host it on a private server or create content to provide the City if they would like to host it on their own servers. Social Media Sharing Platforms: Social media is a community effort, and the best conversations are always dialogues, not monologues. Dialogue allows energy to flow back and forth and A-31 01203.0005/698324.2 mgw A-8 find the best bits of information. The City already possesses a strong and productive presence on multiple social media accounts, which is an encouraging and useful edge that other communities do not always have when it comes to public engagement. (c) Meeting and Event Collateral Materials Under the direction from the City, Consultant will develop collateral materials for the public hearings, including graphics, images, illustrations, and drawings, including content for social media and a potential project website. Developed materials will include high-quality written, audio, and visual communications that provide an overview of the purpose, process, and anticipated timeline of the Housing Element Update process in a manner that can be easily digested and understood by members of the public. Consultant’s graphic design studio will also utilize City-approved existing graphic templates that can be applied to all collateral materials of the Housing Element. This will present a coordinated, cohesive look for informational and promotional material. Moreover, City-approved templates also streamline the creation of collateral material when a quick turnaround is required. (d) Community Meetings Consultant will work with the City to facilitate and attend up to two community workshops. Consultant will strive to ensure a safe, comfortable, and engaging environment for attendees, adhering to ongoing public health policies and dependent on COVID-19 regulations. Consultant’s goal will be to maximize participation, stimulate discussion, and promote feedback regarding the Housing Element Update, being careful to identify and address local community concerns in regard to the past, present and future Housing Elements. Connecting with the public has always been a challenging feat and having to navigate through the COVID-19 crisis has complicated matters. Consultant will work with the City to strategically reach out to stakeholders that have been identified as key individuals and organizations regarding the Housing Element in the City. Consultant will assist the City in showing these target audiences that the City is maintaining a dedication to regional investments and building partnerships with community leaders and civic groups during this difficult time. Consultant will collaborate with the City to identify and coordinate workshops (whether in-person or online) with key community stakeholders, including neighborhood A-32 01203.0005/698324.2 mgw A-9 associations and housing leaders to encourage them to participate in the events. Conducting these workshops with community members allows the Consultant to interact with stakeholders and gather their feedback on the Housing Element Update, this is especially important as it is this exact feedback that may have been missed or not received from previous years in the City. 2. Stakeholder Interviews Consultant will work together to conduct up to 16 virtual stakeholder interviews over two days. The purpose of these stakeholder interviews will be to understand community needs associated with fair housing, to gain deeper insight into community housing needs from specific perspectives (such as social service providers or educators), and to understand the developer perspective regarding opportunities and challenges for residential development. Consultant assumes that they would conduct the interviews online, and collaboratively develop the list of interviewees and questions with City staff. D. Planning Commission and City Council Workshops To complement the public engagement process, Consultant will facilitate two public hearings/workshops or one joint workshop for the Planning Commission and City Council. At these workshops, Consultant will present Housing Element Update research to date, such as opportunities and constraints, and potential programs and policies. Consultant will solicit feedback and ideas from Commissioners and Council members. E. Draft 2021-2029 Housing Element Update 1. Administrative Draft Housing Element Update Review of each Housing Element Update section will occur as they are completed, sequentially. Consultant will provide preliminary draft work products for review by City staff as work progresses. 2. Public Draft Housing Element Update Building from the series of public workshops and dialogues with the community and stakeholders up until this point, Consultant will work with City staff to review comments and suggestions. For outreach, Consultant will utilize a list of organizations, institutions, community groups, and community members, to be developed in coordination with the City. Consultant will conduct public outreach and notify the public of the availability of the first draft of the Housing Element Update. Consultant will work closely with City staff to review public comments, A-33 01203.0005/698324.2 mgw A-10 and consider how best to incorporate the comments that are received into the Housing Element Update. 3. Public Noticing Following the statutory noticing requirements for Housing Elements and General Plans, based on a list provided by the City, Consultant will prepare and carry out all public noticing and required consultations and notifications for General Plan Updates per the local and State regulations. Consultant will work with City communications staff to the extent they are available, to incorporate announcements into City print and electronic publications and on City websites. Consultant will work closely with City staff to review public comments, and consider how best to incorporate the comments that are received into the Housing Element Update. F. General Plan Consistency and Environmental Review 1. General Plan Amendment Consultant shall identify sections of the City’s General Plan Land Use Element that may need to be amended to be in compliance with State law and be consistent with the 2021-2029 Housing Element. 2. Environmental Determination Consultant will attend a kickoff meeting with City staff prior to commencing work on the environmental document. Subjects for review and discussion at this meeting will include, but not be limited to: • Identifying project description details; • Identifying any prior environmental documentation that may be relevant to the Housing Element Update; • Identifying project databases, sources of information, and key contacts; • Establishing and confirming the scope of work, level of analysis, budget, schedule, and communication protocols; and • Identifying key issues known to be of concern to agencies, interest groups, and the public. It is assumed that the City will provide any site-specific studies prepared to date, exhibits, project description details, and materials for development of the environmental document at the kick-off meeting. If additional data are required, Consultant will submit a memo detailing data needs to the City with A-34 01203.0005/698324.2 mgw A-11 recommendations on how best to respond. Consultant will become familiar with the project and review available technical data. Upon receipt of necessary project information identified in Consultant’s data needs list, Consultant will prepare a draft Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration (IS/MND) Project Description for City review, which will include: a project location map; a description of the regional and local setting; the housing element history; project objectives; planning context; population and housing characteristics and trends; opportunity sites, if any; General Plan and/or zoning text/map revisions; and other information important to providing an understanding the proposed project. In addition, the Project Description will be based on the Draft Housing Element Update and will include, but not be limited to, background information on State Housing Element requirements, the City Housing Element Update process to date, Project Objectives, and a summary of the Housing Element Update goals, land use and zoning changes, and growth assumptions. The Project Description is a critical part of the Draft IS/MND, as it serves as the foundation for the environmental analysis. Upon receipt of the City’s consolidated comments, Consultant will make necessary changes to the Project Description and submit for the City’s final review and approval. Consultant assumes that two iterations of the Project Description will be required. 3. Draft Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration (Draft IS/MND) An IS/MND will be prepared in compliance with local requirements, CEQA requirements (Public Resources Code 2100 et seq), and the State CEQA Guidelines (California Code of Regulations, Section 1500 et seq). The format of the IS/MND and thresholds of significance will be discussed and confirmed with the City prior to start of the Draft IS/MND. As described in Task 5.2.1 above, Consultant will prepare a draft Project Description for City review at the outset of IS/MND preparation. The scope of the environmental impact analyses in the Draft IS/MND will be determined by the Initial Study and may be modified to include additional topics based on comments received during the NOP comment period. The Draft IS/MND will include all of the components required by CEQA, including a table of contents, introduction, executive summary, project description, introduction to analysis, environmental analysis for each environmental issue area evaluated, alternatives, long term implications, a list of preparers, references, and technical appendices. Additionally, if mitigation measures are identified, a Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program (MMRP) will be prepared. Consultant will prepare an Administrative Draft IS/MND for a 30-day internal City staff review period. After receipt of comments from the City, and based on the level of effort established in the budget, the Draft IS/MND will be revised to respond to City comments. 4. Environmental Noticing, Outreach, and Filing A-35 01203.0005/698324.2 mgw A-12 Consultant will prepare a Notice of Completion (NOC) to adopt the IS/MND, and submit it along with the IS/MND online to the State Clearinghouse via CEQANet (as per Covid-19 protocols) for the required public review period. The NOC will indicate which reviewing agencies should receive a copy of the document. Consultant will also post the Notice of Intent (NOI) with the County Clerk of Los Angeles (via FedEx as per Covid-19 protocols). As deemed necessary by the City, Consultant will arrange for publication of the NOI in one newspaper of general circulation. Finally, Consultant will be responsible for distribution of the IS/MND to no more than 30 agencies, interested organizations, and selected public libraries. If the Housing Element Update is approved and the IS/MND is adopted, Consultant will prepare a Notice of Determination (NOD) consistent with Appendix D of the State CEQA Guidelines in a format typically used by the City. Within 5 days of certification of the IS/MND by the City Council, Consultant will file the NOD with the County Clerk of Los Angeles. It is assumed that the City will provide both the County and CDFW filing fees. Filing of the NOD starts a 30-day statute of limitations for CEQA challenges on the Housing Element Update. 5. Final IS/MND Upon completion of the public review period mandated by CEQA, Consultant will review the comments on the Draft IS/MND and will prepare responses, as necessary. This task is not required for IS/MNDs, but could be useful if many public comments are received on the Draft IS/MND. Public reaction to the Draft IS/MND cannot be predicted with accuracy and could range from a small number of largely positive comments to a substantial number of strongly negative and technically sophisticated comments. For the purposes of this proposal, it is assumed that comments on the IS/MND will be light. The responses to comments will be incorporated into the Final IS/MND document. Consultant will prepare a Final IS/MND that makes changes to the IS/MND based on public comment (via an errata) and includes responses to those comments. It is assumed that Consultant will not respond to any more than 50 individual comments. Consultant will also prepare a MMRP to document the timing and responsibilities of any mitigation measures identified in the IS/MND. The text of the Draft IS/MND will not be revised. At least 10 days prior to certification hearings on the IS/MND, Consultant will distribute electronic copies of Final IS/MND to agencies that commented on the Draft IS/MND and any other entities that requested copies of the Final IS/MND. Consultant will attend Planning Commission and City Council hearings considering approval and certification of the Housing Element Update and IS/MND. Attendance at these meetings are assumed to be online via a virtual platform, unless public health mandates allow otherwise. A-36 01203.0005/698324.2 mgw A-13 G. Public Hearings To ensure robust opportunities for the community and policy makers to provide public input to the Housing Element update process, the Consultant will work with City staff to facilitate the Planning Commission and City Council hearings, including presenting information from the Needs Assessment and Policy documents, responding to questions, and receiving comments. In addition, Consultant and City staff will solicit Planning Commission direction for any desired changes to the Housing Element policies or programs prior to submitting the revised Draft Housing Element Amendments to HCD for its statutory review. Upon completion of the meetings, Consultant will compile all comments and will revise the draft documents in accordance with the direction provided by the Planning Commission for submittal to HCD. After receipt of HCD comments on the Draft Housing Element Update, Consultant will coordinate with City staff to identify necessary revisions to the Draft Housing Element Update and bring the revised Draft Housing Element documents back to the Planning Commission in order to address any residual questions or concerns and to secure their recommendation that the City Council adopt the Housing Element Update. Consultant will then coordinate with City staff to present the revised Housing Element Update documents to the City Council for adoption. The presentation will include a brief overview of key needs assessment findings, a summary of the public input received to date, and a summary of key policy and program changes reflected in the Housing Element Housing Element Update. Consultant and City staff will solicit input from the public and from the City Council. To the extent that the Council directs staff to make modifications to the Housing Element documents as part of the adoption proceedings, Consultant will incorporate the changes into the document in preparation for submitting the adopted Housing Element Update to HCD for its certification review. Consultant will plan to attend up to 4 public hearings held by the Planning Commission or City Council, or both. To reduce redundant efforts, most of the materials produced for the City Council and Planning Department would be produced in conjunction with the public workshops. If requested, Consultant can create a fact sheet for the City Council and Planning Commissioners. H. Final Housing Element Update Following the public review and comment period, Consultant will prepare the Final Draft Housing Element Update in response to comments from State HCD, responsible agencies, City staff, the Planning Commission, City Council, and the public. I. State Certification and City Adoption Upon adoption by City Council, Consultant will prepare a final adopted version of the Housing Element Update with the date of adoption prominently displayed on the front cover and throughout the document to distinguish it from other prior draft versions of the Housing Element as the official final document. Consultant will prepare and submit the adopted Housing Element Update to HCD for final review and certification and for A-37 01203.0005/698324.2 mgw A-14 inclusion in the General Plan. Consultant will work closely with HCD and the City to ensure that the City meets State requirements and will recommend modification to the adopted Housing Element Update, if required, in order to obtain certification. II. As part of the Services, Consultant will prepare and deliver the following tangible work products to the City: A. Summary memo evaluating the existing Housing Element progress and implementation. B. Housing assessment and needs analysis documentation including Housing Sites Inventory list and figures. C. Housing Element Update Report. D. Public engagement program including meetings, web and social media based information, event materials, stakeholder interviews and visioning summary report. E. Administrative draft Housing Element Update. F. Public Draft Housing Element Update. G. General Plan Review memo. H. Administrative Draft Initial Study/ Mitigated Negative Declaration and related documentation. I. Final Initial Study/ Mitigated Negative Declaration and related documentation. J. Final Housing Element Update and certification review by the State Department of Housing and Community Development III. In addition to the requirements of Section 6.2, during performance of the Services, Consultant will keep the City appraised of the status of performance by delivering the following status reports: A. Twice a week updates on all work completed to-date, all work in progress, and all potential concerns or delays for future work. IV. All work product is subject to review and acceptance by the City, and must be revised by the Consultant without additional charge to the City until found satisfactory and accepted by City. V. Consultant will utilize the following personnel to accomplish the Services: A. Luci Hise-Fischer, ESA Project Director A-38 01203.0005/698324.2 mgw A-15 B. Ryan Todaro, ESA Project Manager C. Dan Dameron, ESA Principal/Strategic Advisor D. BAE Ubran Economics, Inc., Urban Economic and Real Estate Subconsultant E. MBI Media, Strategic Communication and Media Subconsultant A-39 01203.0005/698324.2 mgw B-1 EXHIBIT “B” SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS (Superseding Contract Boilerplate) I. Section 1.1, “Scope of Services,” is hereby amended as follows (deletions are marked in strikethrough, additions are marked in bold, italics): “In compliance with all terms and conditions of this Agreement, the Consultant shall provide those services specified in the “Scope of Services” attached hereto as Exhibit “A” and incorporated herein by this reference, which may be referred to herein as the “services” or “work” hereunder. As a material inducement to the City entering into this Agreement, Consultant represents and warrants that it has the qualifications, experience, and facilities necessary to properly perform the services required under this Agreement in a thorough, competent, and professional manner, and is experienced in performing the work and services contemplated herein. Consultant shall at all times faithfully, competently and to the best of its ability, experience and talent, perform all services described herein. Consultant covenants that it shall follow the highest ordinary and reasonable professional standards in performing the work and services required hereunder and that all materials will be both of good quality as well as fit for the purpose intended. For purposes of this Agreement, the phrase “highest professional standards” shall mean those standards of practice recognized by one or more first- class similar firms performing similar work under similar circumstances.” II. Section 7.8, “Termination Prior to Expiration of Term,” is hereby amended as follows (deletions are marked in strikethrough, additions are marked in bold, italics): “This Section shall govern any termination of this Contract except as specifically provided in the following Section for termination for cause. The City reserves the right to terminate this Contract at any time, with or without cause, upon thirty (30) days’ written notice to Consultant, except that where termination is due to the fault of the Consultant, the period of notice may be such shorter time as may be determined by the Contract Officer. In addition, the Consultant reserves the right to terminate this Contract at any time, with or without cause, upon sixty (60) days’ written notice to City, except that where termination is due to the fault of the City, the period of notice may be such shorter time as the Consultant may determine. In addition, where termination is due to the fault of the City, Contractor may elect to suspend services in lieu of termination until the default of the City is cured. Upon receipt of any notice of termination, Consultant shall immediately cease all services hereunder except such as may be specifically approved by the Contract Officer. Except where the Consultant has initiated termination, the Consultant shall be entitled to compensation for all services rendered prior to the effective date of the notice of termination and for any services authorized by the Contract Officer thereafter in accordance with the Schedule of Compensation or such as may be approved by the Contract Officer, A-40 01203.0005/698324.2 mgw B-2 except as provided in Section 7.3. In the event the Consultant has initiated termination, the Consultant shall be entitled to compensation only for the reasonable value of the work product actually produced hereunder. In the event of termination without cause pursuant to this Section, the terminating party need not provide the non-terminating party with the opportunity to cure pursuant to Section 7.2.” A-41 01203.0005/698324.2 mgw C-1 EXHIBIT “C” SCHEDULE OF COMPENSATION I. Consultant shall perform the following tasks at the following rates: TASK CONSULTANT COSTS SUBCONSULTANT BAE COSTS SUBCONSULTANT MBI COSTS A. Project Administration 1. Project Kick-Off Meeting $1,440 $1,610 2. Project Schedule Development $960 $1,140 3. Project Coordination $17,040 B. Housing Element Amendment Assessment and Analysis 1. Evaluation of 2013-2021 Housing Element $6,310 2. Housing Assessment and Needs Analysis $28,460 3. Adequate Sites Analysis $8,360 4. Housing Production Constraints Analysis $8,360 5. Housing Goals, Policies, and Quantified Objectives $6,340 C. Public Engagement $3,480 1. Public Outreach Program Development and Two Community meetings $3,610 $27,083.64 2. Stakeholder Interview $3,610 $17,694.38 D. Planning Commission $3,480 $6,245 $4,916.84 A-42 01203.0005/698324.2 mgw C-2 and City Council Workshops E. Draft 2021-2029 Housing Element Update 1. Administrative Draft Housing Element Update $4,880 2. Public Draft Housing Element Update $3,060 3. Public Noticing $390 F. General Plan Consistency and Environmental Review $6,276.22 1. General Plan Amendment $3,260 2. Environmental Determination $4,780 3. Draft Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration $17,860 4. Environmental Noticing, Outreach, and Filing $3,880 5. Final IS/MND $10,920 G. Public Hearings $6,960 $4,100 $3,163.40 H. Final Housing Element Update $4,780 I. State Certification and City Adoption $2,050 J. Printing, travel, postage, etc. $1,250 $1,500 $9,000 K. Meeting Platform Hosting (Zoom, GoToWeb, Teams, etc.) $500 A-43 01203.0005/698324.2 mgw C-3 Total $75,310 $94,805 $68,634.48 TOTAL $238,749.48 II. A retention of ten percent (10%) shall be held from each payment as a contract retention to be paid as part of the final payment upon satisfactory completion of services. Not Applicable III. Within the budgeted amounts for each Task, and with the approval of the Contract Officer, funds may be shifted from one Task subbudget to another so long as the Contract Sum is not exceeded per Section 2.1, unless Additional Services are approved per Section 1.9. IV. The City will compensate Consultant for the Services performed upon submission of a valid invoice. Each invoice is to include: A. Line items for all personnel describing the work performed, the number of hours worked, and the hourly rate. B. Line items for all materials and equipment properly charged to the Services. C. Line items for all other approved reimbursable expenses claimed, with supporting documentation. D. Line items for all approved subcontractor labor, supplies, equipment, materials, and travel properly charged to the Services. V. The total compensation for the Services shall not exceed the Contract Sum as provided in Section 2.1 of this Agreement. VI. The Consultant’s billing rates for all personnel are attached as Exhibit C-1. A-44 01203.0005/698324.2 mgw C-4 EXHIBIT "C-1" PERSONNEL RATES A-45 01203.0005/698324.2 mgw D-1 EXHIBIT “D” SCHEDULE OF PERFORMANCE I. Consultant shall perform all services timely in accordance with the following schedule. A-46 01203.0005/698324.2 mgw D-2 II. Consultant shall deliver the following tangible work products to the City by the following dates. A. Summary memo evaluating the existing Housing Element progress and implementation – March 30, 2021 B. Housing assessment and needs analysis documentation including Housing Sites Inventory list and figures – March 30, 2021 C. Housing Element Update Report – May 31, 2021 D. Public engagement program including meetings, web and social media based information, event materials, stakeholder interviews and visioning summary report – April 30, 2021 E. Administrative draft Housing Element Update – July 15, 2021 F. Public Draft Housing Element Update – August 15, 2021 G. General Plan Review memo – July 30, 2021 H. Administrative Draft Initial Study/ Mitigated Negative Declaration and related documentation – August 31, 2021 I. Final Initial Study/ Mitigated Negative Declaration and related documentation – October 31, 2021 J. Final Housing Element Update and certification review by the State Department of Housing and Community Development – February 28, 2022 III. The Contract Officer may approve extensions for performance of the services in accordance with Section 3.2. A-47 Request for Proposal and Qualifications Housing Element Update City of Rancho Palos Verdes Date: September 28, 2020 Response Due: October 22, 2020 B-1 Released: September 28, 2020 Due: October 22, 2020 City of Rancho Palos Verdes – Professional Services Consultant Request for Proposal and Qualifications Project Objective: To provide professional services for the mandated update of the City’s Housing Element. Submission Due Date: October 22, 2020 Submit to: Octavio Silva Deputy Director of Community Development City of Rancho Palos Verdes 30940 Hawthorne Boulevard Rancho Palos Verdes, CA 90275 Refer General Octavio Silva Questions to: via e-mail at octavios@rpvca.gov B-2 Released: September 28, 2020 Due: October 22, 2020 I. INTRODUCTION The City of Rancho Palos Verdes (the “City”) invites qualified Respondents to submit proposals to provide consulting services for the update of the Housing Element of the City’s General Plan. The City must update its Housing Element Update as mandated by State law for the 2021-2029 planning cycle, with completed certification by the State Department of Housing and Community Development (“HCD”) by no later than October 15, 2021. The City is seeking a consultant with prior experience working with HCD, equipped to develop creative solutions in furtherance of affordable housing within a built-out coastal community, and with a comprehensive understanding of current California housing laws and requirements. The following defines the proposed project objectives, scope of services, proposal requirements, selection process and other information required to prepare and submit a proposal including the City’s template for professional services agreements under “Exhibit A”. II. CITY PROFILE The City of Rancho Palos Verdes is located in Los Angeles County, generally in the southwest area of the greater Los Angeles Metropolitan Area on the southern edge of the Palos Verdes Peninsula. The City is an approximately 13.5 square-mile built-out hillside coastal community with unique environmental constraints and open-hazard areas that result in limited potential for redevelopment opportunities. More specifically, the City’s developable areas are generally influenced by steep hillside terrain and open space areas (many of which are protected), which pose topographical and geographical constraints for development. In addition, many of the City’s neighborhoods have streets that are narrow, steep and often dead end, which also poses development challenges for both new and infill development. The entire City has also been designated to be located within a High Fire Severity Zone, excluding portions of the City located east of Western Avenue (approximately 98 acres). The City’s 6th cycle Regional Housing Needs Assessment (RHNA) allocation is estimated to be: Income Category Number of Units Very Low 253 Low 139 Moderate 125 Above Moderate 121 Total 638 III. PROJECT OBJECTIVES The Housing Element update project shall be guided by the following objectives: B-3 Released: September 28, 2020 Due: October 22, 2020 1. Comply with all City and state legal and regulatory requirements; 2. Produce a comprehensive document that addresses current and projected housing conditions and needs in the City; 3. Ensure residents and stakeholders are engaged and participate in the update process to facilitate community buy-in; 4. Achieve milestones with sufficient time for City and state oversight and review; and 5. Effectively coordinate with other consultants and City staff IV. SCOPE OF WORK The scope of work for the proposed Housing Element Update shall include the following tasks:  Task 1: Project Schedule The consultant shall develop a timeline/ project schedule with milestones, deadlines, meetings, and work products for the certification of the Housing Element by HCD. The project schedule shall include a detailed explanation of all stages of the project, including, at a minimum: 1. Kick off meeting with City staff to refine the scope of services; 2. Public outreach, workshops and public hearings; 3. Delivery of analysis and findings during assessment and development of the Housing Element Update; 4. Response to HCD review and City staff review times; 5. Delivery of draft and final draft Housing Element; Recommended minimum deliverables: - refined scope of services, budget, and project schedule - agenda and meeting summary for kick-off meeting  Task 2: Assessment and Analysis The Consultant shall prepare an assessment and analysis of the existing housing supply and resources. The Consultant shall also prepare an implementation program to meet the requirements of State housing law. This shall include the following: Evaluation of 2014-2021 Housing Element. The Consultant shall review and evaluate the current Housing Element and associated programs to determine the revisions necessary to comply with current State law mandates and to ensure certification by HCD. Housing Assessment and Needs Analysis. In accordance with Government Code 65583, the consultant shall complete a housing assessment consisting of the identification and analysis of existing and projected housing needs and a statement of goals, policies, quantified objectives, financial resources, and scheduled programs for the preservation, improvement, and development of housing. The housing element shall identify adequate B-4 Released: September 28, 2020 Due: October 22, 2020 sites for housing, including rental housing, factory-built housing, mobile homes, and emergency shelters, and shall make adequate provision for the existing and projected needs of all economic segments of the community. Adequate Sites Analysis & Constraints. In accordance with Government Code Section 65583, the Consultant shall prepare an “adequate sites analysis and inventory” showing the relationship between the City’s Regional Housing Needs Assessment (RHNA) allocation at all income levels and “land suitable for residential development”, as outlined in Government Code Section 65583.2, including the dwelling unit capacity, availability of potential housing sites based on zoning, infrastructure, and General Plan policies, requirements, while considering unique constraints within the community. Housing Goals, Policies, and Quantified Objectives. The Consultant must formulate an eight-year implementation plan with appropriate and implementable housing policies and quantified objectives. This work will need to satisfy the applicable requirements of State law. Recommended minimum deliverables: - electronic copy of all reports in Microsoft Word and PDF formats - GIS layer and shape files for housing opportunity sites  Task 3: Public Engagement The Consultant shall facilitate and attend up to (2) community workshops. The Consultant shall prepare and implement a program for public engagement to encourage comprehensive public participation throughout the process, identifying different outreach phases with goals, objectives, programming, and a proposed budget. Public engagement approaches should seek to provide inclusive engagement (including vulnerable populations, such as seniors, disabled, and affordable housing advocates), clarify community values, collect meaningful data, and ultimately turn community input into community ownership of the process and plan. The program should consider COVID-19 health restrictions and identify creative solutions to promote and encourage public participation during the pandemic. Recommended minimum deliverables: - public engagement program - web and social media based information sharing platform - materials for events and meetings including large-scale graphics - stakeholder interviews - two (2) community meetings - public engagement (visioning) summary report  Task 4 - Planning Commission and City Council Workshops B-5 Released: September 28, 2020 Due: October 22, 2020 In addition to the public engagement process, the Consultant shall facilitate two public hearings/workshops with the Planning Commission and two public hearings/workshops with the City Council. The purpose of the public hearings/workshops is to present constraints, programs, and policies to the Planning Commission and City Council, to allow feedback, and to obtain support. Recommended minimum deliverables: - attendance and material for one (1) Planning Commission workshop - attendance and material for one (1) City Council workshop  Task 5- Draft 2021–2029 Housing Element: The Consultant shall be required to prepare and submit an Administrative Draft Housing Element for staff review and comment. Once staff has reviewed and commented on the draft, the Consultant shall modify the Administrative Draft as directed. Upon approval of the Administrative Draft Housing Element, the Consultant shall then prepare a public draft Housing Element for the City to provide to HCD, the City Council, the Planning Commission and the general public for review and comment. Recommended minimum deliverables: - electronic copy of administrative draft 2021-2029 Housing Element in Microsoft Word format - electronic copy of public draft 2021-2029 Housing Element in Microsoft Word and PDF format  Task 6: General Plan Consistency & Environmental Review 6A. General Plan Amendment. The Consultant shall identify sections of the City’s General Plan Land Use Element that may need to be amended to be in compliance with State law, and consistent with the 2021-2029 Housing Element. Recommended minimum deliverables: - electronic copy of the report in Microsoft Word and PDF formats 6B. CEQA Compliance. The Consultant shall prepare, post, respond, and file the necessary associated environmental documents and technical studies (Categorical Exemption, Initial Study, Negative Declaration or Mitigated Negative Declaration, and responses to public comments), or Environmental Impact Report. Recommended minimum deliverables: - required noticing and filing, including those required for AB 52 (Chapter 532, Statutes of 2014) and SB 18 (Chapter 905, Statutes of 2004) compliance - scoping meeting materials - draft and final project description - administrative Draft, Public Draft and Final EIRs (if necessary) - technical Studies - response to comments B-6 Released: September 28, 2020 Due: October 22, 2020 - findings of fact and statement of overriding considerations (if necessary) - GIS data and maps created for the EIR (if necessary)  Task 7 - Public Hearings Staff anticipates that two public hearings will be required before the Planning Commission and two public hearings will be required before the City Council as noted above to adopt the Final Housing Element. Recommended minimum deliverables: - attendance and material for two (2) Planning Commission hearings - attendance and material for two (2) City Council hearings  Task 8 - Final Housing Element The Consultant shall prepare the final Housing Element, including any changes that occurred during the public hearings. Recommended minimum deliverables: - electronic copy of final Housing Element in Microsoft Word and PDF formats  Task 9 - State Certification The Consultant shall develop a project timeline leading to HCD certification of the Housing Element and must follow through with assisting the City in achieving State certification of the Housing Element after adoption by the City. The Consultant shall work closely with HCD and the City to ensure that City meets State requirements and will recommend modification to the adopted Housing Element, if required to obtain certification. V. PROPOSAL AND QUALIFICATIONS - FORMAT AND CONTENTS Consultants interested in being considered should submit a written proposal, including the firm’s qualifications. The proposal should demonstrate that the proposer has the appropriate background, experience, staff and technical capabilities to adequately provide services to achieve the Scope of Work described in the previous section. To insure the proposer is capable of providing this level of service, the following minimum qualifications must be met:  The proposer must possess and demonstrate extensive experience in providing the described Scope of Work to municipal governments;  The proposer must carry adequate professional liability insurance (see attached standard City contract services agreement); and,  The proposer must possess the ability and tools necessary to provide the described services. The proposal should include, at minimum, the following: B-7 Released: September 28, 2020 Due: October 22, 2020 1. Name, address and phone number of the interested consulting firm and contact person. 2. A statement of any possible conflict of interest the proposer may have in providing the requested services. 3. Detailed narrative statement including a description of the firm’s proposed approach to providing the above-described Scope of Work; describe the overall philosophy and management approach of the proposed team. general summary of the Scope of Work as the proposer perceives or envisions it. 4. Statement of Qualifications outlining the firm’s previous relevant project experience including samples, descriptions, and other pertinent details. 5. Detailed narrative describing exemplary customer service philosophy and practices; 6. An organizational chart showing the names and resumes of the primary consulting manager and key personnel who would provide the services to the City of Rancho Palos Verdes, along with their background, experience and qualifications; 7. Hourly billing rate of key personnel who would be providing the requested services; 8. Cost for providing the requested services; 9. A detailed scope of work and cost estimate by task and by person. Cost estimate must also include an estimate of reimbursable expenses. The estimate should be specific to minimize variable costs to the greatest degree possible. Also include the mark-up for reimbursable expenses. 10. The names, addresses, and telephone numbers for a minimum of three references from other governmental municipalities or entities where similar work has been performed. Any additional information that the consultant wishes to submit may be attached in the form of appendices to the proposal. All proposals shall state that the proposal shall remain valid for a period not less than ninety (90) days from the date of submittal. VI. REQUESTS FOR CLARIFICATION Requests for clarification of the information contained herein shall be submitted in writing prior to 5:30 p.m. on Monday, October 5, 2020. Requests for clarification shall be submitted only to the City employee whose contact information is listed in this proposal. Responses to any clarification questions will be provided to all vendors from whom proposals have been requested. Such requests for clarification should be kept to a minimum due to the short response time for proposals. VII. DELIVERY OF PROPOSAL Proposals may be electronically submitted via email to octavios@rpvca.gov no later than 5:30 pm on Thursday, October 22 2020. Alternatively, one (1) printed copy and one (1) electronic copy on USB flash drive shall be submitted no later than 5:30 pm on Thursday, October 22, 2020, to the Community Development Department, City of Rancho Palos Verdes, 30940 Hawthorne B-8 Released: September 28, 2020 Due: October 22, 2020 Boulevard, Rancho Palos Verdes, CA 90275, Attn: Octavio Silva, Deputy Director of Community Development. VIII. INTERVIEW The City tentatively anticipates interviewing the top contending firms on Thursday, November 5, 2020. A confirmation letter identifying the final interview date and time will be provided approximately one week prior to the scheduled interview. Contending proposers will be required to attend the scheduled interview, which may consists of a virtual interview. The selection process criteria will include, but not be limited to, quality of personnel and past work as demonstrated through references, clarity and completeness of the schedule, the ability to begin work immediately, the ability to demonstrate unconventional thinking and to problem solve, and perceived value in terms of fee and deliverables. IX. INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS The City will require the selected proposer to provide insurance, and proof thereof, as follows: Insurance Coverages. Without limiting Consultant’s indemnification of City, and prior to commencement of any services under this Agreement, Consultant shall obtain, provide and maintain at its own expense during the term of this Agreement, policies of insurance of the type and amounts described below and in a form satisfactory to City. 1. General liability insurance. Consultant shall maintain commercial general liability insurance with coverage at least as broad as Insurance Services Office form CG 00 01, in an amount not less than $1,000,000 per occurrence, $2,000,000 general aggregate, for bodily injury, personal injury, and property damage. The policy must include contractual liability that has not been amended. Any endorsement restricting standard ISO “insured contract” language will not be accepted. 2. Automobile liability insurance. Consultant shall maintain automobile insurance at least as broad as Insurance Services Office form CA 00 01 covering bodily injury and property damage for all activities of the Consultant arising out of or in connection with Services to be performed under this Agreement, including coverage for any owned, hired, non- owned or rented vehicles, in an amount not less than $1,000,000 combined single limit for each accident. 3. Professional liability (errors & omissions) insurance. Consultant shall maintain professional liability insurance that covers the Services to be performed in connection with this Agreement, in the minimum amount of $1,000,000 per claim and in the aggregate. Any policy inception date, continuity date, or retroactive date must be before the effective date of this Agreement and Consultant agrees to maintain continuous coverage through a period no less than three (3) years after completion of the services required by this Agreement. B-9 Released: September 28, 2020 Due: October 22, 2020 4. Workers’ compensation insurance. Consultant shall maintain Workers’ Compensation Insurance (Statutory Limits) and Employer’s Liability Insurance (with limits of at least $1,000,000). All required insurance shall name the City, its elected and appointed officers, employees and agents as additional insured, and shall be procured and maintained at the consultant’s sole expense. All required insurance must be in a form and content satisfactory to the City. X. SELECTION PROCESS Following the receipt of proposals from interested consultants, staff will review the proposals for the purpose of selecting one consultant for recommendation to the City Council. Staff has included, as “Exhibit A”, a draft copy of the proposed Service Agreement to facilitate a quicker process, as a consultant recommendation is scheduled to be presented to the City Council for approval on Tuesday, November 17, 2020. Please include in the proposal any objections to specific terms in the proposed draft contract. Selection criteria will include, but not be limited to, the following: 1. Demonstrated background and experience 2. Completion of Submittal Requirements 3. References 4. Depth of resources to perform work 5. Customer Service 6. Cost 7. Creativity XI. SELECTION SCHEDULE The Request for Proposal and Qualifications draft schedule is as follows:  September 28, 2020 RFP issued  October 5, 2020 Requests for Clarifications  October 22, 2020 Response to RFP due to City by 5:30 PM  November 5, 2020 Interview  November 6, 2020 Firm selected by staff  November 17, 2020 Recommendation to City Council The draft schedule described above is subject to change at the sole discretion of the City of Rancho Palos Verdes. B-10 Released: September 28, 2020 Due: October 22, 2020 XII. DISCRETION Nothing contained in this Request for Proposal shall create any contractual relationship between any proposer and the City. The City reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to accept or reject any or all proposals without prior notice and to waive any minor irregularities or defects in a proposal. The City shall not be liable for any expenses incurred by any individual or organization in connection with the preparation of a proposal. The City reserves the right to request and obtain, from one or more of the proposers, supplementary information as may be necessary for City staff to analyze the proposal pursuant to the selection criteria. The City may require prospective consultants to participate in additional rounds of more refined submittal before the ultimate selection of a consultant team is made. These rounds could encompass revisions of the submittal criteria in response to the nature and scope of the initial proposal. The Consultant, by submitting a response to this Request for Proposal (RFP), waives all right to protest or seek any legal remedies whatsoever regarding any aspect of this RFP. The City may choose to interview one or more of the firms/companies responding to this RFP. B-11 01203.0001/267879.2 1 “EXHIBIT A” CITY OF RANCHO PALOS VERDES CONTRACT SERVICES AGREEMENT FOR ________________ THIS PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT (herein “Agreement”) is made and entered into this ____ day of _______, 2020, by and between the CITY OF RANCHO PALOS VERDES, a California municipal corporation (“City”) and ______________ (herein “Consultant”). NOW, THEREFORE, the parties hereto agree as follows: 1. SERVICES OF CONSULTANT 1.1 Scope of Services. In compliance with all of the terms and conditions of this Agreement, the Consultant shall perform the work or services set forth in the “Scope of Services” attached hereto as Exhibit “A” and incorporated herein by reference. Consultant warrants that it has the experience and ability to perform all work and services required hereunder and that it shall diligently perform such work and services in a professional and satisfactory manner. 1.2 Compliance With Law. All work and services rendered hereunder shall be provided in accordance with all ordinances, resolutions, statutes, rules, and regulations of the City and any Federal, State or local governmental agency of competent jurisdiction. 1.3 California Labor Law. If the Scope of Services includes any “public work” or “maintenance work,” as those terms are defined in California Labor Code section 1720 et seq. and California Code of Regulations, Title 8, Section 16000 et seq., and if the total compensation is $1,000 or more, Consultant shall pay prevailing wages for such work and comply with the requirements in California Labor Code section 1770 et seq. and 1810 et seq., and all other applicable laws. 1.4 Licenses, Permits, Fees and Assessments. Consultant shall obtain at its sole cost and expense such licenses, permits, and approvals as may be required by law for the performance of the services required by the Agreement. 1.5 Special Requirements. Additional terms and conditions of this Agreement, if any, which are made a part hereof are set forth in the “Special Requirements” attached hereto as Exhibit “B” and incorporated herein by this reference. In the event of a conflict between the provisions of Exhibit “B” and any other provisions of this Agreement, the provisions of Exhibit “B” shall govern. 2. COMPENSATION 2.1 Contract Sum. For the services rendered pursuant to this Agreement, Consultant shall be compensated in accordance with the “Schedule of Compensation” attached B-12 2 01203.0001/267879.2 hereto as Exhibit “C” and incorporated herein by this reference, but not exceeding the maximum contract amount of ______________________________ Dollars ($________) (“Contract Sum”). 2.2 Invoices. Each month Consultant shall furnish to City an original invoice for all work performed and expenses incurred during the preceding month in a form approved by City’s Director of Finance. By submitting an invoice for payment under this Agreement, Consultant is certifying compliance with all provisions of the Agreement. The invoice shall detail charges for all necessary and actual expenses by the following categories: labor (by sub- category), travel, materials, equipment, supplies, and sub-contractor contracts. Sub-contractor charges shall also be detailed by such categories. Consultant shall not invoice City for any duplicate services performed by more than one person. City shall independently review each invoice submitted by the Consultant to determine whether the work performed and expenses incurred are in compliance with the provisions of this Agreement. Except as to any charges for work performed or expenses incurred by Consultant which are disputed by City, City will use its best efforts to cause Consultant to be paid within forty five (45) days of receipt of Consultant’s correct and undisputed invoice; however, Consultant acknowledges and agrees that due to City warrant run procedures, the City cannot guarantee that payment will occur within this time period. In the event any charges or expenses are disputed by City, the original invoice shall be returned by City to Consultant for correction and resubmission. Review and payment by the City of any invoice provided by the Consultant shall not constitute a waiver of any rights or remedies provided herein or any applicable law. 2.3 Additional Services. City shall have the right at any time during the performance of the services, without invalidating this Agreement, to order extra work beyond that specified in the Scope of Services or make changes by altering, adding to or deducting from said work. No such extra work may be undertaken unless a written order is first given by the Contract Officer to the Consultant, incorporating therein any adjustment in (i) the Contract Sum for the actual cost of the extra work, and/or (ii) the time to perform this Agreement, which said adjustments are subject to the written approval of the Consultant. Any increase in compensation of up to ten percent (10%) of the Contract Sum but not exceeding a total contract amount of Five Thousand Dollars ($5,000) or in the time to perform of up to ninety (90) days may be approved by the Contract Officer. Any greater increases, taken either separately or cumulatively, must be approved by the City Council. No claim for an increase in the Contract Sum or time for performance shall be valid unless the procedures established in this Section are followed. 3. PERFORMANCE SCHEDULE 3.1 Time of Essence. Time is of the essence in the performance of this Agreement. 3.2 Schedule of Performance. Consultant shall commence the services pursuant to this Agreement upon receipt of a written notice to proceed and shall perform all services within the time period(s) established in the “Schedule of Performance” attached hereto as Exhibit “D” and incorporated herein by this reference. When requested by the Consultant, extensions to the time period(s) specified in the Schedule of Performance may be approved in writing by the Contract Officer but not exceeding thirty (30) days cumulatively. B-13 3 01203.0001/267879.2 3.3 Force Majeure. The time period(s) specified in the Schedule of Performance for performance of the services rendered pursuant to this Agreement shall be extended because of any delays due to unforeseeable causes beyond the control and without the fault or negligence of the Consultant, including, but not restricted to, acts of God or of the public enemy, unusually severe weather, fires, earthquakes, floods, epidemics, quarantine restrictions, riots, strikes, freight embargoes, wars, litigation, and/or acts of any governmental agency, including the City, if the Consultant shall within ten (10) days of the commencement of such delay notify the Contract Officer in writing of the causes of the delay. The Contract Officer shall ascertain the facts and the extent of delay, and extend the time for performing the services for the period of the enforced delay when and if in the judgment of the Contract Officer such delay is justified. The Contract Officer’s determination shall be final and conclusive upon the parties to this Agreement. In no event shall Consultant be entitled to recover damages against the City for any delay in the performance of this Agreement, however caused, Consultant’s sole remedy being extension of the Agreement pursuant to this Section. 3.4 Term. Unless earlier terminated in accordance with Article 7 of this Agreement, this Agreement shall continue in full force and effect until completion of the services but not exceeding one (1) year from the date hereof, except as otherwise provided in the Schedule of Performance (Exhibit “D”). 4. COORDINATION OF WORK 4.1 Representative of Consultant. ____________________________ is hereby designated as being the representative of Consultant authorized to act on its behalf with respect to the work and services specified herein and make all decisions in connection therewith. All personnel of Consultant and any authorized agents shall be under the exclusive direction of the representative of Consultant. Consultant shall utilize only competent personnel to perform services pursuant to this Agreement. Consultant shall make every reasonable effort to maintain the stability and continuity of Consultant’s staff and subcontractors, and shall keep City informed of any changes. 4.2 Contract Officer. ______________________________ [or such person as may be designated by the City Manager] is hereby designated as being the representative the City authorized to act in its behalf with respect to the work and services specified herein and to make all decisions in connection therewith (“Contract Officer”). 4.3 Prohibition Against Subcontracting or Assignment. Consultant shall not contract with any entity to perform in whole or in part the work or services required hereunder without the express written approval of the City. Neither this Agreement nor any interest herein may be assigned or transferred, voluntarily or by operation of law, without the prior written approval of City. Any such prohibited assignment or transfer shall be void. 4.4 Independent Consultant. Neither the City nor any of its employees shall have any control over the manner, mode or means by which Consultant, its agents or employees, perform the services required herein, except as otherwise set forth. Consultant shall perform all services required herein as an independent contractor of City with only such obligations as are consistent with that role. Consultant shall not at any time or in any manner represent that it or any of its agents or employees are agents or employees of City, or that it is a member of a joint enterprise with City. B-14 4 01203.0001/267879.2 5. INSURANCE AND INDEMNIFICATION 5.1 Insurance Coverages. Without limiting Consultant’s indemnification of City, and prior to commencement of any services under this Agreement, Consultant shall obtain, provide and maintain at its own expense during the term of this Agreement, policies of insurance of the type and amounts described below and in a form satisfactory to City. (a) General liability insurance. Consultant shall maintain commercial general liability insurance with coverage at least as broad as Insurance Services Office form CG 00 01, in an amount not less than $1,000,000 per occurrence, $2,000,000 general aggregate, for bodily injury, personal injury, and property damage. The policy must include contractual liability that has not been amended. Any endorsement restricting standard ISO “insured contract” language will not be accepted. (b) Automobile liability insurance. Consultant shall maintain automobile insurance at least as broad as Insurance Services Office form CA 00 01 covering bodily injury and property damage for all activities of the Consultant arising out of or in connection with Services to be performed under this Agreement, including coverage for any owned, hired, non- owned or rented vehicles, in an amount not less than $1,000,000 combined single limit for each accident. (c) Professional liability (errors & omissions) insurance. Consultant shall maintain professional liability insurance that covers the Services to be performed in connection with this Agreement, in the minimum amount of $1,000,000 per claim and in the aggregate. Any policy inception date, continuity date, or retroactive date must be before the effective date of this Agreement and Consultant agrees to maintain continuous coverage through a period no less than three (3) years after completion of the services required by this Agreement. (d) Workers’ compensation insurance. Consultant shall maintain Workers’ Compensation Insurance (Statutory Limits) and Employer’s Liability Insurance (with limits of at least $1,000,000). (e) Subcontractors. Consultant shall include all subcontractors as insureds under its policies or shall furnish separate certificates and certified endorsements for each subcontractor. All coverages for subcontractors shall include all of the requirements stated herein. (f) Additional Insurance. Policies of such other insurance, as may be required in the Special Requirements in Exhibit “B”. 5.2 General Insurance Requirements. (a) Proof of insurance. Consultant shall provide certificates of insurance to City as evidence of the insurance coverage required herein, along with a waiver of subrogation endorsement for workers’ compensation. Insurance certificates and endorsements must be approved by City’s Risk Manager prior to commencement of performance. Current certification of insurance shall be kept on file with City at all times during the term of this Agreement. City reserves the right to require complete, certified copies of all required insurance policies, at any time. B-15 5 01203.0001/267879.2 (b) Duration of coverage. Consultant shall procure and maintain for the duration of this Agreement insurance against claims for injuries to persons or damages to property, which may arise from or in connection with the performance of the Services hereunder by Consultant, its agents, representatives, employees or subconsultants. (c) Primary/noncontributing. Coverage provided by Consultant shall be primary and any insurance or self-insurance procured or maintained by City shall not be required to contribute with it. The limits of insurance required herein may be satisfied by a combination of primary and umbrella or excess insurance. Any umbrella or excess insurance shall contain or be endorsed to contain a provision that such coverage shall also apply on a primary and non- contributory basis for the benefit of City before the City’s own insurance or self-insurance shall be called upon to protect it as a named insured. (d) City’s rights of enforcement. In the event any policy of insurance required under this Agreement does not comply with these specifications or is canceled and not replaced, City has the right but not the duty to obtain the insurance it deems necessary and any premium paid by City will be promptly reimbursed by Consultant or City will withhold amounts sufficient to pay premium from Consultant payments. In the alternative, City may cancel this Agreement. (e) Acceptable insurers. All insurance policies shall be issued by an insurance company currently authorized by the Insurance Commissioner to transact business of insurance or that is on the List of Approved Surplus Line Insurers in the State of California, with an assigned policyholders’ Rating of A- (or higher) and Financial Size Category Class VI (or larger) in accordance with the latest edition of Best’s Key Rating Guide, unless otherwise approved b y the City’s Risk Manager. (f) Waiver of subrogation. All insurance coverage maintained or procured pursuant to this agreement shall be endorsed to waive subrogation against City, its elected or appointed officers, agents, officials, employees and volunteers or shall specifically allow Consultant or others providing insurance evidence in compliance with these specifications to waive their right of recovery prior to a loss. Consultant hereby waives its own right of recovery against City, and shall require similar written express waivers and insurance clauses from each of its subconsultants. (g) Enforcement of contract provisions (non-estoppel). Consultant acknowledges and agrees that any actual or alleged failure on the part of the City to inform Consultant of non-compliance with any requirement imposes no additional obligations on the City nor does it waive any rights hereunder. (h) Requirements not limiting. Requirements of specific coverage features or limits contained in this section are not intended as a limitation on coverage, limits or other requirements, or a waiver of any coverage normally provided by any insurance. Specific reference to a given coverage feature is for purposes of clarification only as it pertains to a given issue and is not intended by any party or insured to be all inclusive, or to the exclusion of other coverage, or a waiver of any type. If the Consultant maintains higher limits than the minimums shown above, the City requires and shall be entitled to coverage for the higher limits maintained by the Consultant. Any available insurance proceeds in excess of the specified minimum limits of insurance and coverage shall be available to the City. B-16 6 01203.0001/267879.2 (i) Notice of cancellation. Consultant agrees to oblige its insurance agent or broker and insurers to provide to City with a thirty (30) day notice of cancellation (except for nonpayment for which a ten (10) day notice is required) or nonrenewal of coverage for each required coverage. (j) Additional insured status. General liability policies shall provide or be endorsed to provide that City and its officers, officials, employees, and agents, and volunteers shall be additional insureds under such policies. This provision shall also apply to any excess/umbrella liability policies. (k) Prohibition of undisclosed coverage limitations. None of the coverages required herein will be in compliance with these requirements if they include any limiting endorsement of any kind that has not been first submitted to City and approved of in writing. (l) Separation of insureds. A severability of interests provision must apply for all additional insureds ensuring that Consultant’s insurance shall apply separately to each insured against whom claim is made or suit is brought, except with respect to the insurer’s limits of liability. The policy(ies) shall not contain any cross-liability exclusions. (m) Pass through clause. Consultant agrees to ensure that its subconsultants, subcontractors, and any other party involved with the project who is brought onto or involved in the project by Consultant, provide the same minimum insurance coverage and endorsements required of Consultant. Consultant agrees to monitor and review all such coverage and assumes all responsibility for ensuring that such coverage is provided in conformity with the requirements of this section. Consultant agrees that upon request, all agreements with consultants, subcontractors, and others engaged in the project will be submitted to City for review. (n) Agency’s right to revise specifications. The City reserves the right at any time during the term of the contract to change the amounts and types of insurance required by giving the Consultant ninety (90) days advance written notice of such change. If such change results in substantial additional cost to the Consultant, the City and Consultant may renegotiate Consultant’s compensation. (o) Self-insured retentions. Any self-insured retentions must be declared to and approved by City. City reserves the right to require that self-insured retentions be eliminated, lowered, or replaced by a deductible. Self-insurance will not be considered to comply with these specifications unless approved by City. (p) Timely notice of claims. Consultant shall give City prompt and timely notice of claims made or suits instituted that arise out of or result from Consultant’s performance under this Agreement, and that involve or may involve coverage under any of the required liability policies. (q) Additional insurance. Consultant shall also procure and maintain, at its own cost and expense, any additional kinds of insurance, which in its own judgment may be necessary for its proper protection and prosecution of the work. 5.3 Indemnification. To the full extent permitted by law, Consultant agrees to indemnify, defend and hold harmless the City, its officers, employees and agents (“Indemnified B-17 7 01203.0001/267879.2 Parties”) against, and will hold and save them and each of them harmless from, any and all actions, either judicial, administrative, arbitration or regulatory claims, damages to persons or property, losses, costs, penalties, obligations, errors, omissions or liabilities whether actual or threatened (herein “claims or liabilities”) that may be asserted or claimed by any person, firm or entity arising out of or in connection with the negligent performance of the work, operations or activities provided herein of Consultant, its officers, employees, agents, subcontractors, invitees, or any individual or entity for which Consultant is legally liable (“indemnitors”), or arising from Consultant’s or indemnitors’ reckless or willful misconduct, or arising from Consultant’s or indemnitors’ negligent performance of or failure to perform any term, provision, covenant or condition of this Agreement, except claims or liabilities occurring as a result of City’s sole negligence or willful acts or omissions. The indemnity obligation shall be binding on successors and assigns of Consultant and shall survive termination of this Agreement. 5.4 RECORDS, REPORTS, AND RELEASE OF INFORMATION 5.5 Records. Consultant shall keep, and require subcontractors to keep, such ledgers, books of accounts, invoices, vouchers, canceled checks, reports, studies or other documents relating to the disbursements charged to City and services performed hereunder (the “books and records”), as shall be necessary to perform the services required by this Agreement and enable the Contract Officer to evaluate the performance of such services and shall keep such records for a period of three years following completion of the services hereunder. The Contract Officer shall have full and free access to such books and records at all times during normal business hours of City, including the right to inspect, copy, audit and make records and transcripts from such records. 5.6 Reports. Consultant shall periodically prepare and submit to the Contract Officer such reports concerning the performance of the services required by this Agreement or as the Contract Officer shall require. 5.7 Confidentiality and Release of Information. (a) All information gained or work product produced by Consultant in performance of this Agreement shall be considered confidential, unless such information is in the public domain or already known to Consultant. Consultant shall not release or disclose any such information or work product to persons or entities other than the City without prior written authorization from the Contract Officer. (b) Consultant shall not, without prior written authorization from the Contract Officer or unless requested by the City Attorney, voluntarily provide documents, declarations, letters of support, testimony at depositions, response to interrogatories or other information concerning the work performed under this Agreement. Response to a subpoena or court order shall not be considered “voluntary” provided Consultant gives the City notice of such court order or subpoena. (c) If Consultant provides any information or work product in violation of this Agreement, then the City shall have the right to reimbursement and indemnity from Consultant for any damages, costs and fees, including attorney’s fees, caused by or incurred as a result of Consultant’s conduct. B-18 8 01203.0001/267879.2 (d) Consultant shall promptly notify the City should Consultant be served with any summons, complaint, subpoena, notice of deposition, request for documents, interrogatories, request for admissions or other discovery request, court order or subpoena from any party regarding this Agreement and the work performed thereunder. The City retains the right, but has no obligation, to represent Consultant or be present at any deposition, hearing or similar proceeding. Consultant agrees to cooperate fully with the City and to provide the City with the opportunity to review any response to discovery requests provided by Consultant. 5.8 Ownership of Documents. All studies, surveys, data, notes, computer files, reports, records, drawings, specifications, maps, designs, photographs, documents and other materials (the “documents and materials”) prepared by Consultant in the performance of this Agreement shall be the property of the City and shall be delivered to the City upon request of the Contract Officer or upon the termination of this Agreement, and Consultant shall have no claim for further employment or additional compensation as a result of the exercise by the City of its full rights of ownership use, reuse, or assignment of the documents and materials hereunder. Moreover, Consultant with respect to any documents and materials that may qualify as “works made for hire” as defined in 17 U.S.C. § 101, such documents and materials are hereby deemed “works made for hire” for the City. 6. ENFORCEMENT OF AGREEMENT AND TERMINATION 6.1 California Law. This Agreement shall be interpreted, construed and governed both as to validity and to performance of the parties in accordance with the laws of the State of California. Legal actions concerning any dispute, claim or matter arising out of or in relation to this Agreement shall be instituted in the Superior Court of the County of Los Angeles, State of California. In the event of litigation in a U.S. District Court, venue shall lie exclusively in the Central District of California, in the County of Los Angeles, State of California. 6.2 Disputes; Default. In the event that Consultant is in default under the terms of this Agreement, the City shall not have any obligation or duty to continue compensating Consultant for any work performed after the date of default. Instead, the City may give notice to Consultant of the default and the reasons for the default. The notice shall include the timeframe in which Consultant may cure the default. This timeframe is presumptively thirty (30) days, but may be extended, if circumstances warrant. During the period of time that Consultant is in default, the City shall hold all invoices and shall, when the default is cured, proceed with payment on the invoices. If Consultant does not cure the default, the City may take necessary steps to terminate this Agreement under this Article. 6.3 Legal Action. In addition to any other rights or remedies, either party may take legal action, in law or in equity, to cure, correct or remedy any default, to recover damages for any default, to compel specific performance of this Agreement, to obtain declaratory or injunctive relief, or to obtain any other remedy consistent with the purposes of this Agreement. Notwithstanding any contrary provision herein, Consultant shall file a statutory claim pursuant to Government Code Sections 905 et. seq. and 910 et. seq., in order to pursue any legal action under this Agreement. Except with respect to rights and remedies expressly declared to be exclusive in this Agreement, the rights and remedies of the parties are cumulative and the exercise by either party of one or more of such rights or remedies shall not preclude the exercise by it, at the same or B-19 9 01203.0001/267879.2 different times, of any other rights or remedies for the same default or any other default by the other party. 6.4 Termination Prior to Expiration of Term. This Section shall govern any termination of this Contract except as specifically provided in the following Section for termination for cause. The City reserves the right to terminate this Contract at any time, with or without cause, upon thirty (30) days’ written notice to Consultant, except that where termination is due to the fault of the Consultant, the period of notice may be such shorter time as may be determined by the Contract Officer. In addition, the Consultant reserves the right to terminate this Contract at any time, with or without cause, upon sixty (60) days’ written notice to City, except that where termination is due to the fault of the City, the period of notice may be such shorter time as the Consultant may determine. Upon receipt of any notice of termination, Consultant shall immediately cease all services hereunder except such as may be specifically approved by the Contract Officer. Except where the Consultant has initiated termination, the Consultant shall be entitled to compensation for all services rendered prior to the effective date of the notice of termination and for any services authorized by the Contract Officer thereafter in accordance with the Schedule of Compensation or such as may be approved by the Contract Officer. In the event the Consultant has initiated termination, the Consultant shall be entitled to compensation only for the reasonable value of the work product actually produced hereunder, but not exceeding the compensation provided therefore in the Schedule of Compensation Exhibit “C”. In the event of termination without cause pursuant to this Section, the terminating party need not provide the non-terminating party with the opportunity to cure pursuant to Section 7.2. 6.5 Termination for Default of Consultant. If termination is due to the failure of the Consultant to fulfill its obligations under this Agreement, City may, after compliance with the provisions of Section 7.2, take over the work and prosecute the same to completion by contract or otherwise, and the Consultant shall be liable to the extent that the total cost for completion of the services required hereunder exceeds the compensation herein stipulated (provided that the City shall use reasonable efforts to mitigate such damages), and City may withhold any payments to the Consultant for the purpose of set-off or partial payment of the amounts owed the City as previously stated. 7. MISCELLANEOUS 7.1 Covenant Against Discrimination. Consultant covenants that, by and for itself, its heirs, executors, assigns and all persons claiming under or through them, that there shall be no discrimination against or segregation of, any person or group of persons on account of race, color, creed, religion, sex, gender, sexual orientation, marital status, national origin, ancestry, or other protected class in the performance of this Agreement. Consultant shall take affirmative action to ensure that applicants are employed and that employees are treated during employment without regard to their race, color, creed, religion, sex, gender, sexual orientation, marital status, national origin, ancestry, or other protected class 7.2 Non-liability of City Officers and Employees. No officer or employee of the City shall be personally liable to the Consultant, or any successor in interest, in the event of any default or breach by the City or for any amount, which may become due to the Consultant or to its successor, or for breach of any obligation of the terms of this Agreement. B-20 10 01203.0001/267879.2 7.3 Notice. Any notice, demand, request, document, consent, approval, or communication either party desires or is required to give to the other party or any other person shall be in writing and either served personally or sent by prepaid, first-class mail, in the case of the City, to the City Manager and to the attention of the Contract Officer (with her/his name and City title), City of Rancho Palos Verdes, 30940 Hawthorne Blvd., California 90275 and in the case of the Consultant, to the person(s) at the address designated on the execution page of this Agreement. Either party may change its address by notifying the other party of the change of address in writing. Notice shall be deemed communicated at the time personally delivered or in seventy-two (72) hours from the time of mailing if mailed as provided in this Section. 7.4 Integration; Amendment. It is understood that there are no oral agreements between the parties hereto affecting this Agreement and this Agreement supersedes and cancels any and all previous negotiations, arrangements, agreements and understandings, if any, between the parties, and none shall be used to interpret this Agreement. This Agreement may be amended at any time by the mutual consent of the parties by an instrument in writing. 7.5 Severability. In the event that part of this Agreement shall be declared invalid or unenforceable by a valid judgment or decree of a court of competent jurisdiction, such invalidity or unenforceability shall not affect any of the remaining portions of this Agreement which are hereby declared as severable and shall be interpreted to carry out the intent of the parties hereunder unless the invalid provision is so material that its invalidity deprives either party of the basic benefit of their bargain or renders this Agreement meaningless. 7.6 Waiver. No delay or omission in the exercise of any right or remedy by non-defaulting party on any default shall impair such right or remedy or be construed as a waiver. A party’s consent to or approval of any act by the other party requiring the party’s consent or approval shall not be deemed to waive or render unnecessary the other party’s consent to or approval of any subsequent act. Any waiver by either party of any default must be in writing and shall not be a waiver of any other default concerning the same or any other provision of this Agreement. 7.7 Attorneys’ Fees. If either party to this Agreement is required to initiate or defend or made a party to any action or proceeding in any way connected with this Agreement, the prevailing party in such action or proceeding, in addition to any other relief which any be granted, whether legal or equitable, shall be entitled to reasonable attorney’s fees, whether or not the matter proceeds to judgment. 7.8 Interpretation. The terms of this Agreement shall be construed in accordance with the meaning of the language used and shall not be construed for or against either party by reason of the authorship of this Agreement or any other rule of construction which might otherwise apply. 7.9 Counterparts. This Agreement may be executed in counterparts, each of which shall be deemed to be an original, and such counterparts shall constitute one and the same instrument. B-21 11 01203.0001/267879.2 7.10 Warranty & Representation of Non-Collusion. No official, officer, or employee of City has any financial interest, direct or indirect, in this Agreement, nor shall any official, officer, or employee of City participate in any decision relating to this Agreement which may affect his/her financial interest or the financial interest of any corporation, partnership, or association in which (s)he is directly or indirectly interested, or in violation of any corporation, partnership, or association in which (s)he is directly or indirectly interested, or in violation of any State or municipal statute or regulation. The determination of “financial interest” shall be consistent with State law and shall not include interests found to be “remote” or “noninterests” pursuant to Government Code Sections 1091 or 1091.5. Consultant warrants and represents that it has not paid or given, and will not pay or give, to any third party including, but not limited to, any City official, officer, or employee, any money, consideration, or other thing of value as a result or consequence of obtaining or being awarded any agreement. Consultant further warrants and represents that (s)he/it has not engaged in any act(s), omission(s), or other conduct or collusion that would result in the payment of any money, consideration, or other thing of value to any third party including, but not limited to, any City official, officer, or employee, as a result of consequence of obtaining or being awarded any agreement. Consultant is aware of and understands that any such act(s), omission(s) or other conduct resulting in such payment of money, consideration, or other thing of value will render this Agreement void and of no force or effect. Consultant’s Authorized Initials _______ 7.11 Corporate Authority. The persons executing this Agreement on behalf of the parties hereto warrant that (i) such party is duly organized and existing, (ii) they are duly authorized to execute and deliver this Agreement on behalf of said party, (iii) by so executing this Agreement, such party is formally bound to the provisions of this Agreement, and (iv) the entering into this Agreement does not violate any provision of any other Agreement to which said party is bound. This Agreement shall be binding upon the heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns of the parties. [Signatures On The Following Page] B-22 12 01203.0001/267879.2 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Agreement on the date and year first-above written. CITY: CITY OF RANCHO PALOS VERDES, a municipal corporation Doug Willmore, City Manager ATTEST: Emily Colborn, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: ALESHIRE & WYNDER, LLP William W. Wynder, City Attorney CONSULTANT: By: Name: Title: By: Name: Title: Address: Two corporate officer signatures required when Consultant is a corporation, with one signature required from each of the following groups: 1) Chairman of the Board, President or any Vice President; and 2) Secretary, any Assistant Secretary, Chief Financial Officer or any Assistant Treasurer. CONSULTANT’S SIGNATURES SHALL BE DULY NOTARIZED, AND APPROPRIATE ATTESTATIONS SHALL BE INCLUDED AS MAY BE REQUIRED BY THE BYLAWS, ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION, OR OTHER RULES OR REGULATIONS APPLICABLE TO CONSULTANT’S BUSINESS ENTITY. B-23 01203.0001/267879.2 CALIFORNIA ALL-PURPOSE ACKNOWLEDGMENT STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES On __________, 2018 before me, ________________, personally appeared ________________, proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person(s) whose names(s) is/are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she/they executed the same in his/her/their authorized capacity(ies), and that by his/her/their signature(s) on the instrument the person(s), or the entity upon behalf of which the person(s) acted, executed the instrument. I certify under PENALTY OF PERJURY under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing paragraph is true and correct. WITNESS my hand and official seal. Signature: _____________________________________ OPTIONAL Though the data below is not required by law, it may prove valuable to persons relying on the document and could prevent fraudulent reattachment of this form. CAPACITY CLAIMED BY SIGNER DESCRIPTION OF ATTACHED DOCUMENT INDIVIDUAL CORPORATE OFFICER _______________________________ TITLE(S) PARTNER(S) LIMITED GENERAL ATTORNEY-IN-FACT TRUSTEE(S) GUARDIAN/CONSERVATOR OTHER_______________________________ ______________________________________ SIGNER IS REPRESENTING: (NAME OF PERSON(S) OR ENTITY(IES)) _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ ___________________________________ TITLE OR TYPE OF DOCUMENT ___________________________________ NUMBER OF PAGES ___________________________________ DATE OF DOCUMENT ___________________________________ SIGNER(S) OTHER THAN NAMED ABOVE A notary public or other officer completing this certificate verifies only the identity of the individual who signed the document to which this certificate is attached, and not the truthfulness, accuracy or validity of that docum ent. B-24 01203.0001/267879.2 CALIFORNIA ALL-PURPOSE ACKNOWLEDGMENT STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES On __________, 2018 before me, ________________, personally appeared ________________, proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person(s) whose names(s) is/are subscribed to the within in strument and acknowledged to me that he/she/they executed the same in his/her/their authorized capacity(ies), and that by his/her/their signature(s) on the instrument the person(s), or the entity upon behalf of which the person(s) acted, executed the instrument. I certify under PENALTY OF PERJURY under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing paragraph is true and correct. WITNESS my hand and official seal. Signature: _____________________________________ OPTIONAL Though the data below is not required by law, it may prove valuable to persons relying on the document and could prevent fraudulent reattachment of this form CAPACITY CLAIMED BY SIGNER DESCRIPTION OF ATTACHED DOCUMENT INDIVIDUAL CORPORATE OFFICER _______________________________ TITLE(S) PARTNER(S) LIMITED GENERAL ATTORNEY-IN-FACT TRUSTEE(S) GUARDIAN/CONSERVATOR OTHER_______________________________ ______________________________________ SIGNER IS REPRESENTING: (NAME OF PERSON(S) OR ENTITY(IES)) _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ ___________________________________ TITLE OR TYPE OF DOCUMENT ___________________________________ NUMBER OF PAGES ___________________________________ DATE OF DOCUMENT ___________________________________ SIGNER(S) OTHER THAN NAMED ABOVE A notary public or other officer completing this certificate verifies only the identity of the individual who signed the document to which this certificate is attached, and not the truthfulness, accuracy or validity of that document. B-25 01203.0001/267879.2 A-1 EXHIBIT “A” SCOPE OF SERVICES I. Consultant will perform the following services: A. B. C. II. As part of the Services, Consultant will prepare and deliver the following tangible work products to the City: A. B. C. III. In addition to the requirements of Section 6.2, during performance of the Services, Consultant will keep the City updated of the status of performance by delivering the following status reports: A. B. C. IV. All work product is subject to review and acceptance by the City, and must be revised by the Consultant without additional charge to the City until found satisfactory and accepted by City. V. Consultant will utilize the following personnel to accomplish the Services: A. B. C. B-26 01203.0001/267879.2 B-1 EXHIBIT “B” SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS (Superseding Contract Boilerplate) B-27 C-1 01203.0001/267879.2 EXHIBIT “C” SCHEDULE OF COMPENSATION I. Consultant shall perform the following Services at the following rates: RATE TIME SUB-BUDGET A. Task A ___________ ___________ ___________ B. Task B ___________ ___________ ___________ C. Task C ___________ ___________ ___________ D. Task D ___________ ___________ ___________ E. Task E ___________ ___________ ___________ II. A retention of ten percent (10%) shall be held from each payment as a contract retention to be paid as a part of the final payment upon satisfactory completion of services. III. Within the budgeted amounts for each Task, and with the approval of the Contract Officer, funds may be shifted from one Task subbudget to another so long as the Contract Sum is not exceeded per Section 2.1, unless Additional Services are approved per Section 2.3. IV. The City will compensate Consultant for the Services performed upon submission of a valid invoice. Each invoice is to include: A. Line items for all the work performed, the number of hours worked, and the hourly rate. B. Line items for all materials and equipment properly charged to the Services. C. Line items for all other approved reimbursable expenses claimed, with supporting documentation. D. Line items for all approved subcontractor labor, supplies, equipment, materials, and travel properly charged to the Services. V. The total compensation for the Services shall not exceed the Contract Sum as provided in Section 2.1 of this Agreement. VI. Consultant’s billing rates for all personnel are attached as Exhibit C-1. B-28 D-1 01203.0001/267879.2 EXHIBIT “D” SCHEDULE OF PERFORMANCE I. Consultant shall perform all services timely in accordance with the following schedule: Days to Perform Deadline Date A. Task A ______________ ______________ B. Task B ______________ ______________ C. Task C ______________ ______________ II. Consultant shall deliver the following tangible work products to the City by the following dates. A. B. C. III. The Contract Officer may approve extensions for performance of the services in accordance with Section 3.2. B-29 esassoc.com City of Ranch Palos Verdes Proposal for the Housing Element Update for the City of Rancho Palos Verdes General Plan Update Work That Matters January 15, 2021 C-1 esassoc.com City of Ranch Palos Verdes Proposal for the Housing Element Update for the City of Rancho Palos Verdes General Plan Update Work That Matters January 15, 2021 Prepared for: Octavio Silva, Deputy Director of Community Development City of Rancho Palos Verdes 30940 Hawthorne Boulevard Rancho Palos Verdes, CA 90275 Prepared by: ESA 626 Wilshire Blvd, Ste. 1100 Los Angeles CA 90017 P: 213.599.4300 F: 213.599.4301 P20201354.00 Cover Photo: “Colorful Southern California coastline with rolling hills covered with beautiful homes and stunning views of the ocean, Rancho Palos Verdes, California.” Photo by Andy Konieczny via Shutterstock, royalty-free stock photo, ID: 1332654614. C-2 626 Wilshire Boulevard Suite 1100 Los Angeles, CA 90017 213.599.4300 phone 213.599.4301 fax esassoc.com January 15, 2021 Octavio Silva Deputy Director of Community Development City of Rancho Palos Verdes 30940 Hawthorne Boulevard Rancho Palos Verdes, CA 90275 Subject: Proposal for the Housing Element Update for the City of Rancho Palos Verdes General Plan Update Dear Mr. Silva: Environmental Science Associates (ESA), is pleased to submit the attached proposal in collaboration with BAE Urban Economics, Inc. (BAE) and MBI Media (MBI) to assist with the City of Rancho Palos Verdes’ 2021-2029 Housing Element Update. We understand that the City of Rancho Palos Verdes (City) is seeking a consultant with prior experience working with HCD, equipped to develop creative solutions in furtherance of affordable housing within a built-out coastal community, and with a comprehensive understanding of current California housing laws and requirements. The ESA team is uniquely positioned to provide high quality consultant services to the City of Rancho Palos Verdes. For this proposal, we have assembled a team that will be a thorough, thoughtful, and technically well-versed partner for the City in its development of the Housing Element Update. ESA brings significant hands-on experience evaluating the environmental impacts of Housing Element updates, general plans, and other programmatic planning efforts. Our urban economics and real estate consulting partner BAE’s passion about the “triple bottom line” of sustainable economics, equity, and environment makes them unique among urban economists offering deep expertise in affordable housing, demographics, and real estate economics to many Los Angeles-area government clients. Our community engagement partner, MBI, is an expert at facilitating community dialogue about complex and sensitive planning, environmental and construction issues. ESA appreciates this opportunity to be considered by the City for the Housing Element Update and is ready to provide these services to the City with our experienced, responsive, and committed senior team. ESA does not foresee any conflict of interest in working with the City of Rancho Palos Verdes or providing the requested services. Should you have any questions about our qualifications or scope of work, please do not hesitate to contact me at 213-599-4316 or rtodaro@esassoc.com. Sincerely, Ryan Todaro Program Manager C-3 January 15, 2021 City of Rancho Palos Verdes / Housing Element Update i environmental science associates Table of Contents Proposal for Housing Element Update for the City of Rancho Palos Verdes General Plan Update Page Cover Letter SECTION 1. Scope of Work 1-1 SECTION 2. Project Schedule 2-1 SECTION 3. Project Team 3-1 SECTION 4. Relevant Project Experience 4-1 SECTION 5. Cost Estimate 5-1 Appendix A: Resumes C-4 Section 1 Scope of Work C-5 January 15, 2021 City of Rancho Palos Verdes / Housing Element Update 1-1 environmental science associates Section 1 Scope of Work Breakdown of Project Tasks      Task 1 – Project Administration Subtask 1.1: Project Kick-Off Meeting C-6 Section 1: Scope of Work 1-2 esassoc.com    Subtask 1.2: Project Schedule Development C-7 Section 1: Scope of Work January 15, 2021 City of Rancho Palos Verdes / Housing Element Update 1-3 environmental science associates   Subtask 1.3: Project Coordination    Task 2 – Housing Element Amendment Assessment and Analysis Subtask 2.1: Evaluation of the 2013-2021 Housing Element     C-8 Section 1: Scope of Work 1-4 esassoc.com   Subtask 2.2: Housing Assessment and Needs Analysis C-9 Section 1: Scope of Work January 15, 2021 City of Rancho Palos Verdes / Housing Element Update 1-5 environmental science associates      Subtask 2.3A: Adequate Sites Analysis ‐ ‐ ‐  ‐   ‐  C-10 Section 1: Scope of Work 1-6 esassoc.com ‐ ‐ Subtask 2.3B: Housing Production Constraints Analysis           C-11 Section 1: Scope of Work January 15, 2021 City of Rancho Palos Verdes / Housing Element Update 1-7 environmental science associates   Subtask 2.4: Housing Goals, Policies, and Quantified Objectives  Task 3 - Public Engagement Subtask 3.1 Public Outreach Program Development and Two Community Meetings Public Engagement Program C-12 Section 1: Scope of Work 1-8 esassoc.com             C-13 Section 1: Scope of Work January 15, 2021 City of Rancho Palos Verdes / Housing Element Update 1-9 environmental science associates                     C-14 Section 1: Scope of Work 1-10 esassoc.com Web and Social Media Sharing Platform      C-15 Section 1: Scope of Work January 15, 2021 City of Rancho Palos Verdes / Housing Element Update 1-11 environmental science associates         Meeting and Event Collateral Materials Community Meetings C-16 Section 1: Scope of Work 1-12 esassoc.com           Task 3.2 Stakeholder Interviews C-17 Section 1: Scope of Work January 15, 2021 City of Rancho Palos Verdes / Housing Element Update 1-13 environmental science associates Virtual Meetings (Optional Task) C-18 Section 1: Scope of Work 1-14 esassoc.com          Task 4: Planning Commission and City Council Workshops   C-19 Section 1: Scope of Work January 15, 2021 City of Rancho Palos Verdes / Housing Element Update 1-15 environmental science associates Task 5: Draft 2021-2029 Housing Element Update Subtask 5.1: Administrative Draft Housing Element Update Subtask 5.2: Public Draft Housing Element Update Subtask 5.3: Public Noticing        Task 6 – General Plan Consistency and Environmental Review C-20 Section 1: Scope of Work 1-16 esassoc.com Subtask 6.1: General Plan Amendment  Subtask 6.2: Environmental Determination Project Initiation, Data Collection, and Prepare Project Description      C-21 Section 1: Scope of Work January 15, 2021 City of Rancho Palos Verdes / Housing Element Update 1-17 environmental science associates    Subtask 6.3: Draft Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration (Draft IS/MND)             C-22 Section 1: Scope of Work 1-18 esassoc.com          Subtask 6.4: Environmental Noticing, Outreach, and Filing    C-23 Section 1: Scope of Work January 15, 2021 City of Rancho Palos Verdes / Housing Element Update 1-19 environmental science associates     Subtask 6.5: Final IS/MND    Task 7 – Public Hearings C-24 Section 1: Scope of Work 1-20 esassoc.com    C-25 Section 1: Scope of Work January 15, 2021 City of Rancho Palos Verdes / Housing Element Update 1-21 environmental science associates Task 8 – Final Housing Element Update  Task 9 – State Certification and City Adoption   C-26 Section 2 Project Schedule C-27 Weeks 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 1. Project Administration 1.1 Project Kick-Off Meeting 1 week 1.2 Project Schedule Development 2 weeks 1.3 Project Coordination Ongoing 2. Housing Element Amendment Assessment and Analysis 2.1 Review 2014-2021 Housing Element 6 weeks 2.2 Housing Assessment & Needs Analysis 11 weeks 2.3 Adequate Sites Analysis and Constraints 12 weeks 2.5 Housing Goals, Policies, and Quantified Objectives 2 weeks 3. Public Engagement (Assume MND) 3.1 Public Engagement Program Development (public meeting = PM)Ongoing PM PM 3.2 Stakeholder Interviews 6 weeks 4. Planning Commission and Council Workshops (4 meetings) 4 meetings P C P C (P=Planning, C=Council) 5. Facilitate Review and Approval of Housing Element 5.1 Administrative Draft Housing Element Update Draft submitted and revisions made 4 weeks 5.2 Public Draft Housing Element Update Prepare Public Review Draft 4 weeks Request Informal HCD Review 4 weeks Public Review Period 5 weeks 6. Environmental Analysis (Assume MND) 6.1 General Plan Amendment 4 weeks 6.2 Environmental Determination 4 weeks 6.3 Draft Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration (IS/MND)4 weeks 6.3 Environmental Noticing, Outreach and Filing Ongoing 6.4 Final Draft of Environmental Analysis 4 weeks 7. Public Hearings (4 meetings) 4 meetings P C P C 8. Final Housing Element Update Prepare Revised Housing Element 4 weeks Submit to HCD for Formal Review 9 weeks Revise in Response to HCD Comments 3 weeks Prepare Final Housing Element and Env Documentation 6 weeks 9. State Certification and City Adoption 2 weeks Public Noticing As Needed 30-Day Public Review MarchFebruaryAugustSeptemberOctoberNovemberDecemberJanuaryJulyMarchAprilMayJune C-28 Section 3 Project Team C-29 January 15, 2021 City of Rancho Palos Verdes / Housing Element Update 3-1 environmental science associates Section 3 Project Team The following section provides a brief overview of each firm’s relevant qualifications for specialized expertise relevant to Housing Element updates and related planning, environmental, community outreach, and project management expertise. Project examples, professional references, and staff qualifications are provided in later sections. As noted in the cover letter, ESA will function as the prime contractor for this assignment and will be responsible for project management and the associated environmental analysis and General Plan amendment. BAE will be responsible for preparation of all research and documents relating to the Housing Element update. MBI will be responsible for the community outreach including formulating, marketing, and executing community engagement activities. ESA, BAE, and MBI have a long track record of collaboration on a wide variety of consulting assignments for a diverse array of clients throughout California, including multiple Housing Elements and other housing-related studies. ESA Founded in 1969 by three scientists, ESA quickly became known for its high-quality CEQA documentation and science-based environmental impact analysis. In 1974, ESA made history by producing the first EIR on a work of art—Christo’s Running Fence EIR, now part of an exhibition that is permanently cataloged at the Smithsonian American Art Museum. Since that time, ESA has prepared countless environmental documents for projects both large and small, shaping the manner in which the state has grown and developed over the past 50 years. But ESA is not just a firm that prepares environmental documents. We’ve evolved into a broad-service science and planning firm committed to effective problem-solving, sustainability, and delivering integrated environmental and planning solutions, with an exceedingly strong presence in the Los Angeles area. We assist clients in the earliest phases of project conception, through environmental review and regulatory approval, to project implementation and mitigation monitoring. Our team of 520+ professionals offer a wide range of expertise and hands-on experience evaluating the environmental impacts associated with implementation of planning and policy projects, such as Housing Element updates, General Plan updates, and program EIRs. Our multi-disciplinary staff will offer the City a diverse array of in-house capabilities that include CEQA and NEPA compliance, community planning, public outreach, and technical expertise s (e.g. noise, air quality, health-based risk assessment, cultural/historic resources, tribal cultural resources, climate change adaptation, sustainability, public services, biology, water C-30 Section 3: Project Team 3-2 esassoc.com resources, hydrology, visual resources, traffic/transportation, and GIS and web-based applications). As our references will attest, ESA has demonstrated experience providing cities with the right mix of expertise, insight, and creativity to ensure an integrated approach to the preparation of planning and environmental documents, with the goal of preparing environmental documents that are both easily understood and allow for adaptability over the long-term implementation of a planning document. As a 100 percent employee-owned environmental and community planning consulting firm, we take personal pride in the quality of our products, the responsiveness of our staff, and the success of our clients. Your success equates to our employee’s success. Further, we are large enough to offer the broad range of expertise needed to meet the City’s needs, yet small enough to provide personalized service and the meaningful involvement of our senior level staff. BAE Urban Economics, Inc. BAE is an award-winning, national urban economics and real estate consulting practice. We maintain offices in Los Angeles, Davis, and Berkeley in California, as well as Washington D.C. and New York City. Since 1986, BAE has completed more than 2,450 engagements for public agencies, non-profit organizations, financial institutions, and real estate investors and developers, including numerous Housing Element updates and related studies for a variety of jurisdictions (including repeat clients) over multiple policy cycles. All of our work is led by seasoned professionals, who are responsible for project direction and quality control. BAE’s core service and practice areas include: • Affordable and workforce housing needs • Market and financial feasibility analyses • Public policy analysis and strategy development • Sustainability and transit-oriented development (TOD) • Economic development and revitalization • Public finance and infrastructure financing • Fiscal impacts and economic benefits analyses • Public-private partnership (P3) structuring and negotiation support BAE’s Housing Element Update work is characterized by several important features. Because we are trained and experienced in the full range of both planning and real estate / housing economics, we fully understand the best practice methods for utilizing data, conducting detailed cross-tabulations using PUMS, generating primary data through housing conditions assessments, conducting stakeholder focus groups and public workshops, and the interplay between advocacy groups and public agencies. Advocacy groups such as Greenbelt Alliance have been clients on other projects, and BAE Principals speak regularly at affordable housing conference such as Housing California and national inclusionary housing conferences. We also have strong implementation experience, including over a dozen inclusionary housing ordinances and in-lieu fee programs, including for the cities of Berkeley, Salinas, Sunnyvale, and others. We also have conducted numerous award-winning special affordable and workforce housing strategies for larger cities C-31 Section 3: Project Team January 15, 2021 City of Rancho Palos Verdes / Housing Element Update 3-3 environmental science associates and regions which move beyond localized polices and limits of AMI thresholds to create comprehensive development-programs. Some of our engagements have been sponsored by LISC, Enterprise, or other intermediaries seeking to expand local government focus on TOD, mixed-income housing, employee housing programs, and a wide range of other targeted special needs populations. Finally, we also have extensive experience in the feasibility of specific mixed-income projects combining state and local funds, along with LIHTCs, set-aside funds, NMTCs, and voluntary density and TDR programs. BAE’s passion for the “triple bottom-line” of sustainable economics, community equity, and environment sustainability makes us unique among urban economists. We believe that there are practical solutions to urban issues which will achieve this triple bottom-line, and that consideration of environmental impacts and social benefits, as well as financial returns, results in the highest quality outcomes and the best overall value for our clients. BAE has earned more awards for excellence than any other firm in our field, and our clients have retained us repeatedly over our 33-year history. For more information, please visit our website at www.bae1.com or give us a call in our Davis office at (530) 750-2195. MBI Media Founded in 1989, McCormick-Busse, Inc., dba MBI Media (MBI), is a strategic communications and media firm that designs and implements engagement campaigns along with a broad cache of other specialized services for both public and private sector clients across various industries. Certified as a 100-percent Woman-Owned Business Enterprise (WBE), Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE), and Small Business Enterprise (SBE), MBI is headquartered in Covina, California with additional offices in Downtown Los Angeles, Orange County, and the Bay Area. With over 30 years of expertise, MBI has taken part in some of California’s most high-profile infrastructure and transportation projects, facilitating community dialogue about complex and sensitive issues throughout the planning, environmental and construction phases. Managing these services for highly contentious projects has taught MBI how to successfully implement public relations and community outreach plans that educate audiences and foster increased understanding and participation. Our team of professionals is made up of individuals with diverse various cultural backgrounds, allowing MBI to provide a wide range of services that are strategic, innovative, and effective. These services range from public outreach, community and stakeholder engagement, media relations, campaign development, and branding that are supported by our industry-leading, in-house design studios. In providing these services, we have developed effective methods that can be used across all platforms; social media, translated collateral, grassroots outreach, and community special events that encompass communities large and small, contentious, and exuberant, multicultural, and multilingual. MBI is currently performing or has recently completed consulting services with numerous public agencies, including the City of Long Beach, City/Port of Los Angeles, Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority, and others. We are immersed in the environmental process with these agencies on various projects C-32 Section 3: Project Team 3-4 esassoc.com and understand the California Environmental Quality Act/ National Environmental Policy Act (CEQA/NEPA) and the associated requirements for community outreach. In 2018, MBI provided outreach for the City of Long Beach’s 2040 General Plan Update. Throughout the Project our team helped facilitate and run public workshops, created collateral materials in English and Spanish, organized grassroots outreach initiatives throughout the City and created public surveys for citizens and businesses which were available at public meetings and online. During Metro’s SR-710 North Study, MBI addressed the need to educate communities in the area on the CEQA/NEPA process and encouraged community involvement during the scoping process, emphasizing the importance of following protocol so that their comments and concerns could be recorded. This included a diverse range of stakeholder who were multi-ethnic with a varying degree of social and economic backgrounds. Identification of Key Staff Luci Hise-Fisher, ESA Project Director, provides decades of project management experience across a broad range of environmental planning and California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) projects, including past work at the City of Monrovia (Greenwich Place Residential Project EIR and Sunset/Doheny Hotel Project EIR) and throughout the Los Angeles region. For more than a decade, Luci has managed and prepared a number of environmental documents for the City of Santa Monica, including EIRs, Mitigated Negative Declarations, and Categorical Exemptions, including the Mitigated Negative Declaration for City’s Housing Element Project. In addition to her CEQA and NEPA expertise, Luci possesses a master’s degree in urban planning and has both public and private sector experience crafting General Plan and Zoning Code amendments, updates, and ordinance preparation. As the Project Director, Luci will provide senior-level CEQA oversight, ensure the quality of all deliverables, and provide guidance relative to the integration of the planning and environmental documents. Ryan Todaro, ESA Project Manager, will oversee and deliver the scope, schedule, budget, and quality performance of this contract. Ryan has recent and relevant experience with the City of Rancho Palos Verdes, having managed the preparation of noise, air quality/GHG, and traffic studies, which the City used as the basis for their plans to further update the General Plan text for legal adequacy and to support an associated Negative Declaration. As the Project Manager, Ryan will work with the Project team to determine the type of environmental document that should be prepared; how to maximize current or future streamlining opportunities; determine the overall approach to the technical environmental analysis; and solve issues as they arise during the environmental process. Ryan will also be available to facilitate or present at public workshops, meetings, and hearings related to the environmental review process. He will tailor a project communication protocol that meets the needs of the City’s project manager, including regular team meetings, monthly invoices, and monthly progress reports. Our ongoing team communication and attention to scope control will keep the project on schedule and within budget. Dan Dameron, ESA Principal/Strategic Advisor, brings over three decades of public and private sector experience leading a wide variety of community planning, design, and environmental projects. Dan brings an in-depth understanding of progressive land use, policy, and implementation strategies that effectively enhance the feasibility, livability, and sustainability of projects and communities. His award-winning experience includes managing, preparing, and implementing housing plans, general plans, specific plans, downtown plans, master C-33 Section 3: Project Team January 15, 2021 City of Rancho Palos Verdes / Housing Element Update 3-5 environmental science associates plans, design guidelines, zoning and development standards, entitlement coordination, contract staffing, LAFCO entitlements, public involvement programs, and other planning services and tools. In his role as Principal/Strategic Advisor, Dan will bring his extensive planning and environmental experience to bear in terms of how to best structure the environmental analysis such that it can be used until the 7th Regional Housing Needs Assessment (RHNA) cycle begins (e.g., October 15, 2029) and that it can be completed by October 15, 2021, which is when the 6th Regional Housing Needs Assessment (RHNA) must be finished. Dan will also provide strategic advisement relative to planning issues that may impact the approach to the environmental analysis. Matt Kowta, BAE Managing Principal, will bring his extensive experience with multiple cycles of housing element updates over the last 29 years to this project. Matt’s involvement will ensure that best practices are employed so that the Housing Element Update is a high-quality product and is completed no later than October 15, 2021. Matt will also provide strategic advice relative to data strategies, housing, real estate markets, and planning and policy issues that may impact the analysis, sites inventory, or development of goals, policies, and quantified objectives. Matt will oversee BAE’s review of City staff-generated Housing Element update components. Lisa Varon, BAE Vice President, will serve as BAE’s internal project manager and will provide overall team coordination with City staff and subconsultants, under Mr. Kowta’s direction. She will lead the BAE staff in reaching project milestones and completing project deliverables. Aaron Barker, BAE Senior Associate, will take the lead on data collection and compilation, with support from Denim Ohmit, BAE Senior Analyst, and Nyny Vu, BAE Analyst. BAE manages the workload for these staff so that their available time is fully booked to support BAE projects on an ongoing basis. Matt Maldonado, MBI Project Manager will be managing the project on a daily basis and serving as the City’s primary point of contact for all public outreach requests. He will be responsible for the general project management for each phase of the project as well as managing the CEQA compliance for community outreach throughout. Matt has been managing outreach projects and digital media projects for over 15 years and has led multiple large scale CEQA/NEPA public outreach and scoping processes with agencies such as Metro, CHSRA and the City of Long Beach. He will ensure that the outreach process is conducted according the required guidelines and oversee the other MBI team members' efforts. Xochitl Nieves, MBI Deputy Project Manager: Xochitl will be supporting the project team and the City with day to day requests, research, social media content and any other outreach initiatives. She will also be responsible for working with MBI’s Account Coordinators to support the project and work with the graphic design team on any collateral material requests. Xochitl is bilingual, fluent in Spanish, and will assist the project team with any requests for translations or interpretations during the public hearing process. Laura Hernandez, MBI Deputy Project Manager: Laura is responsible for supporting the project management team with a wide range of background tasks such as research, drafting social media and written content, staffing public hearings and pop up events, creating, and maintaining databases and any other similar tasks. She is accustomed to working with Matt and Xochitl as all three are currently working on public outreach and engagement projects together with various agencies. C-34 Section 3: Project Team 3-6 esassoc.com Below is the organization chart showing the ESA team’s key staff for this project: Appendix A contains resumes for all key team members from ESA, BAE, and MBI. C-35 Section 4 Relevant Project Experience C-36 January 15, 2021 City of Rancho Palos Verdes / Housing Element Update 4-1 environmental science associates Section 4 Relevant Project Experience This section provides the ESA team’s previous relevant project experience. The table on the following pages includes project descriptions, references, and links to work product samples. Relevant Project Experience Client: City of Concord Contact: Laura Simpson, Planning Manager during BAE’s assignment (now with City of Hayward), 510.583.5552, laura.simpson@hayward- ca.gov Work Product Sample Link: https://www.cityofconcord.org/DocumentCenter/View/1170/Housing- Element-Update---Final-11-07-2014-PDF BAE | City of Concord Housing Element Update. BAE’s work included assessing housing needs, identifying sites to accommodate the City's Regional Housing Needs Allocation requirements, evaluating housing resources and constraints, and developing policies and programs to address housing needs. BAE also led a community engagement process that incorporated feedback from affordable and market-rate residential developers, housing advocacy organizations, and other stakeholders as well as the community at large. BAE has prepared Housing Element Updates for numerous cities and counties throughout Northern California, including Concord. Milpitas, Morgan Hill, South San Francisco, Cupertino, Windsor, and Napa County. We have also prepared portions of Housing Element updates for Davis, Truckee, Chico, El Dorado County, Sacramento, and numerous other cities and counties as part of their General Plan Update process. Our high quality work is well known by California Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD); all of our Housing Element Updates have been fully certified by HCD. C-37 Section 4: Relevant Project Experience 4-2 esassoc.com Relevant Project Experience Client: City of Tempe, AZ Contact: Ambika Adhikari, Principal Planner, 480.350.8367, ambika_adhikari@tempe.gov Work Product Sample Link: https://www.tempe.gov/home/showdocument?id=74234 BAE | City of Tempe Affordable Housing Strategy. BAE’s study began with an analysis of local demographic and market conditions, identifying the magnitude of local affordability challenges, as well as key housing issues that could be addressed with implementation of a Citywide strategy. Next, working closely with City staff and a broad spectrum of local stakeholders, BAE helped prioritize and establish the City’s goals and objectives for improving the availability of quality housing for residents of different income levels. Recognizing that there is no “one size fits all” approach to addressing affordability, the AHS examines over twenty possible strategies to expand local housing options and preserve affordability within Tempe, including voluntary development bonus programs, targeted fee waivers and abatements, and affordable housing impact statements. While some strategies require public subsidy, other strategies are focused on market-based solutions that do not require the outlay of public funds. The City’s Affordable Housing Strategy (AHS) was formally adopted by City Council in July 2019, and will guide future decision-making on the production and preservation of affordable housing across the City. Client: City of Culver City Contact: Nancy Johnson, Housing and Community Development Program Manager, 707.299.1352, nancy.johnson@countyofnapa.org Work Product Sample Link: https://culver- city.legistar.com/View.ashx?M=F&ID=8718277&GUID=83B5EA1F-9662- 4224-A55D-49E1160A1494 BAE | City of Culver City Rent Control Study. BAE was commissioned to conduct an interim rent control study in an effort by the City to understand the policy elements and economic impacts of a potential short- term rent freeze. The study included a rental housing market analysis, survey of urgency tenant protection programs in other jurisdictions, and financial models of multifamily operations based on interviews with local property owners. BAE presented its findings to the City Council in August 2019, when the body formally adopted an interim ordinance establishing rent control measures for a 12-month period. Staff re- engaged BAE in September 2019 to further study and analyze whether a permanent rent control program was warranted. For C-38 Section 3: Relevant Project Experience January 15, 2021 City of Rancho Palos Verdes / Housing Element Update 4-3 environmental science associates Relevant Project Experience the permanent rent control study, BAE conducted further analysis of the City’s existing rental housing inventory, the demographic makeup of its renter households, as well as trends in the local multifamily market following the adoption of the interim ordinance. Client: City of Rancho Palos Verdes Contact: Ara Mihranian, City Manager, 310.544.5200, aram@rpvca.gov Work Product Sample Link: https://www.rpvca.gov/DocumentCenter/View/12637/RPV-GP-Noise- and-Vibration-Technical-Report-Nov-2017-CLEAN ESA | Technical Studies for City of Rancho Palos Verdes General Plan Update. ESA prepared noise and air quality/GHG studies and oversaw a subconsultant-prepared traffic report. The City used these studies as the basis for their plans to further update the General Plan text for legal adequacy and to support an associated Negative Declaration. ESA assisted the City in developing applicable, quantifiable, and verifiable voluntary and mandatory GHG reduction strategies. Client: City of Pico Rivera Contact: Benjamin Martinez, Community and Economic Development Director during ESA’s assignment (now with City of Baldwin Park), 626.960.4011 ext. 477, bmartinez@baldwinpark.com Work Product Sample Link: http://www.pico- rivera.org/depts/ced/planning/plan.asp ESA | City of Pico Rivera General Plan Update and EIR. ESA completed a comprehensive update of the Pico Rivera General Plan and Program EIR. This included an update and certification of the City’s Housing Element and an aggressive schedule to adopt the accompanying rezonings within one year of the Housing Element certification. As a built-out city, a key component of the update was to balance the desire to retain the city’s character and maintain its stable neighborhoods while providing real solutions for the enhancement of opportunity areas and challenges faced by the city. Other key issues included addressing compliance with state laws adopted since the previous general plan’s adoption as well as adoption of the 2014– 2021 Housing Element and amendments to the zoning code to create a new mixed-use zone accommodating increased densities and height limits in a traditionally single- family community. The key to meeting the C-39 Section 4: Relevant Project Experience 4-4 esassoc.com Relevant Project Experience City’s aggressive schedule and ensuring a smooth and efficient work program was a strong partnership with City staff, collaborating through constant communication. Client: City of Sacramento Contact: Greg Sandlund, Senior Planner, 916.808.8931, gsandlund@cityofsacramento.org Work Product Sample Link: http://www.cityofsacramento.org/- /media/Corporate/Files/CDD/Planning/Major-Projects/Central-City- Specific-Plan/Final- docs/CCSP_Certified_EIR_April2018_WEB.pdf?la=en ESA | City of Sacramento Central City Specific Plan and EIR. ESA led a multi- disciplinary team to prepare the Sacramento Central City Specific Plan (CCSP), associated EIR, and related technical studies and entitlements. The CCSP establishes a policy and regulatory framework to achieve a City initiative to facility the construction of 10,000 units. Also established is where the housing will be located, the type of residential products the market will support, design guidance for housing and the adjacent public realm, evaluation and treatment of historic resources, integration with Sacramento’s planned streetcar and other mobility options, needed infrastructure improvements, the desired amenities to support additional residents, and how it will all be paid for. Particular emphasis was placed on removing barriers and streamlining the planning and environmental review processes to support residential development and encourage TOD throughout the Central City. The CCSP provides the vision, strategies and actions to inspire Downtown Sacramento to reach its full potential as a modern, inclusive, interconnected, and mature urban center. Client: City of Long Beach Contact: Alison Spindler, Planner and Budget Specialist, 562.570.6946, alison.spindler@longbeach.gov MBI | City of Long Beach Climate Action and Adaptation Plan. Through the Climate Action and Adaptation Plan (CAAP), Long Beach aims to address climate change, meeting obligations while improving the quality of life and economic prospects of residents. The CAAP is meant to educate Long Beach residents about the challenges to come and to galvanize them to take an active role in the City’s preparation for possible ecological crises, such as rising seas and eroding beaches and shorelines that will affect port operation areas, C-40 Section 3: Relevant Project Experience January 15, 2021 City of Rancho Palos Verdes / Housing Element Update 4-5 environmental science associates Relevant Project Experience damaging property and affecting ecosystems. MBI’s work included stakeholder engagement and public outreach; overseeing logistics and execution of public open house meetings in the community; creating collateral materials; producing and distributing an online survey; writing and sending out e- blasts to project stakeholders and open house attendees; leading a phone banking campaign to inform stakeholders and increase attendance at open house meetings; creating a social media calendar and content; as well as strategy development and evaluation. Client: City of Long Beach Contact: Christopher Koontz, Advance Planning Officer, 562.570.6288, christopher.koontz@longbeach.gov MBI | 2024 General Plan — Land Use and Urban Design Elements. The City conducted numerous community engagement events regarding the Land Use and Urban Design Elements of the General Plan. These meetings and workshops provided valuable feedback from residents and business owners. The City then made important changes to the Plan based on this feedback. MBI’s work included collaborating with the City to maximize attendance at community workshops; tallying surveys and comment cards and provided a database for each; creating a presentation providing assessment of survey results and comments provided; grassroots outreach such as flyer drops, phone and email outreach to businesses, and providing online surveys via iPads; collecting written testimonials that included diverse community concerns; sending out e-blasts to provide noticing for the community workshops, a Planning Commission meeting, and information about the General Plan; attending presentation briefings; developing a media calendar; and posting updates on Facebook. C-41 Section 4: Relevant Project Experience 4-6 esassoc.com Relevant Project Experience Client: Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority Contact: Kalieh Honish, Executive Officer, 213.922.7109, honishk@metro.net MBI | Metro Long Range Transportation Plan (LRTP). Our Next LA* is Metro’s multi- year LRTP effort to collect diverse voices and stories throughout Los Angeles County. These ideas will help to shape the future of transportation and access countywide. MBI’s involvement in the project presents the challenges associated with obtaining a large amount of information in a short period of time. The MBI team made it a mission to target as many cities and sub- regions for public outreach as possible, including all nine of Metro’s officially designated sub-regions. MBI’s work included a countywide multi-phased public outreach plan, grassroots outreach and special event coordination, project branding, producing an interactive project website and collateral material, use of innovative online engagement tools as well as videography and photography. C-42 Section 5 Cost Estimate C-43 January 15, 2021 City of Rancho Palos Verdes / Housing Element Update 5-1 environmental science associates Section 5 Cost Estimate Estimated Costs for Project Milestones Hourly Billing Rates C-44 City of Rancho Palos Verdes Housing Element Update Cost Proposal ESA Labor Detail and Expense Summary Labor Category Senior Director III Senior Director II Senior Director I Director III Director II Director I Managing Associate III Managing Associate II Managing Associate I Senior Associate III Senior Associate II Senior Associate I Associate III Associate II Associate I Subtotal Project Technician III Project Technician II Project Technician I Subtotal Total Hours Labor Price Task # Task Name/Description 300$ 280$ 265$ 240$ 225$ 210$ 205$ 190$ 175$ 170$ 160$ 150$ 135$ 125$ 105$ 120$ 100$ 85$ 1.0 Project Administration -$ -$ - -$ 1.1 Project Kick-Off Meeting 6 1,440$ -$ 6.00 1,440$ 1.2 Project Schedule Development 4 960$ -$ 4.00 960$ 1.3 Project Coordination 4 66 17,040$ -$ 70.00 17,040$ -$ -$ - -$ 2.0 Housing Element Amendment Assessment and Analysis (BAE) -$ -$ - -$ -$ -$ - -$ 3.0 Public Engagement 2 12 3,480$ -$ 14.00 3,480$ -$ -$ - -$ 4.0 Planning Commission and City Council Workshops 2 12 3,480$ -$ 14.00 3,480$ -$ -$ - -$ 5.0 Draft 2021-2029 Housing Element Update (BAE)-$ -$ - -$ -$ -$ - -$ 6.0 General Plan Consistency and Environmental Review -$ -$ - -$ 6.1 General Plan Amendment 2 4 12 3,060$ 2 200$ 20.00 3,260$ 6.2 Environmental Determination 4 2 4 4 16 4,580$ 2 200$ 32.00 4,780$ 6.3 Draft Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration (Draft IS/MND)2 8 8 12 24 60 17,060$ 8 800$ 122.00 17,860$ 6.4 Environmental Noticing, Outreach, and Filing 2 4 4 4 8 3,480$ 4 400$ 26.00 3,880$ 6.5 Final IS/MND 2 8 8 8 12 24 10,120$ 8 800$ 70.00 10,920$ -$ -$ - -$ 7.0 Public Hearings 4 24 6,960$ -$ 28.00 6,960$ -$ -$ - -$ 8.0 Final Housing Element Update (BAE)-$ -$ - -$ -$ -$ - -$ 9.0 State Certification and City Adoption (BAE)-$ -$ - -$ -$ -$ - -$ Total Hours 18 - - 150 - - - 22 - - 28 44 - 120 - 382 - 24 - 24 406 Total Labor Costs 5,400$ -$ -$ 36,000$ -$ -$ -$ 4,180$ -$ -$ 4,480$ 6,600$ -$ 15,000$ -$ 71,660$ -$ 2,400$ -$ 2,400$ 74,060$ Percent of Effort - Labor Hours Only 4.4% 0.0% 0.0% 36.9% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 5.4% 0.0% 0.0% 6.9% 10.8% 0.0% 29.6% 0.0%94.1%0.0% 5.9% 0.0%5.9%100.0% Percent of Effort - Total Project Cost 2.3% 0.0% 0.0% 15.1% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 1.8% 0.0% 0.0% 1.9% 2.8% 0.0% 6.3% 0.0%0.0% 1.0% 0.0%31.0% ESA Labor Cost 74,060$ ESA Non-Labor Expenses Reimbursable Expenses (see Attachment A for detail)1,250$ Subtotal ESA Non-Labor Expenses 1,250$ Subconsultant Costs (see Attachment B for detail)163,439.48$ PROJECT TOTAL 238,749.48$ H:C:\Users\rtodaro\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\INetCache\Content.Outlook\8SY5Y2LD\ESA Cost Estimate.revised.2.23.21_update-ESA Labor Cost & Project Total C-45 ESA Non-Labor Expenses Summary -$ 250$ 500$ 250$ 250$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ Subtotal Reimbursable Expenses 1,250$ 0% Fee on Reimbursable Expenses -$ Total Reimbursable Expenses 1,250$ Other Travel Related - - - Postage and Deliveries Mileage Vehicle Rental Lodging Airfare Reimbursable Expenses Project Supplies Printing/Reproduction Document and Map Reproductions (CD + Digital Photo) January 15, 2021 5-3City of Rancho Palos Verdes / Housing Element Update environmental science associates C-46 BAE - Rancho Palos Verdes Housing Element Update Budget SUMMARY BUDGET Managing Principal Vice President Senior Associate Senior Analyst Analyst Total hourly rates $310 $260 $195 $110 $100 Tasks 1. Project Administration 1.1 Project Kick-Off Meeting $1,610 1 2 4 $1,610 1.2 Project Schedule Development $1,140 2 2 $1,140 1.3 Project Coordination $0 $0 Task 1 Subtotal $2,750 3 4 4 0 0 $2,750 2. Housing Element Update 2.1 Evaluation of the 2014-2021 Housing Element $6,310 4 12 10 $6,310 2.2 Housing Assessment & Needs Analysis $28,460 2 24 60 90 $28,460 2.3 Adequate Sites Analysis & Constraints $16,720 4 16 40 32 $16,720 2.5 Quantified Objectives $6,340 2 16 8 $6,340 Task 2 Subtotal $57,830 12 68 118 122 0 $57,830 3. Public Engagement 3.1 Public Outreach Program Development & Two Meetings $3,610 2 4 10 $3,610 3.2 Stakholder Interviews $3,610 2 4 10 $3,610 Task 3 Subtotal $7,220 4 8 20 0 0 $7,220 4. Planning Commission and Council Workshops $6,245 4 8 15 $6,245 Task 3 Subtotal $6,245 4 8 15 0 0 $6,245 5. Facilitate Review and Approval of Housing Element 5.1 Administrative Draft Housing Element Update $4,880 4 8 8 $4,880 5.2 Public Draft Housing Element Update $3,060 4 4 4 $3,060 5.3 Public Noticing $390 2 $390 Task 5 Subtotal $8,330 8 12 14 0 0 $8,330 Task 6: General Plan Consistency & Environmental Review (ESA) Task 7: Public Hearings (MBI/ESA/BAE)$4,100 4 8 4 $4,100 Task 7 Subtotal $4,100 4 8 4 0 0 $4,100 8. Final Housing Element Update $4,780 2 16 0 $4,780 Task 8 Subtotal $4,780 2 16 0 0 0 $4,780 9. State Certification and City Adoption $2,050 2 4 2 $2,050 Task 9 Subtotal $2,050 2 4 2 0 0 $2,050 Subtotal Hours/Budget (pre contingency)$93,305 39 128 177 122 0 $93,305 Reimbursable Expenses Data Purchase, Mileage, Parking, Printing $1,500 Totals, excluding optional and secondary tasks $94,805 $12,090 $33,280 $34,515 $13,420 $0 $93,305 BAE 5-4 esassoc.com C-47 Palos Verdes Housing Element Hourly Rates $126.20 $116.86 $80.31 $65.66 $62.28 $95.00 $80.31 Staff Position QuantitySr. Project ManagerProject ManagerDeputy Project Manger Account Coordinator IIAccount Coordinator IGraphic DesignerCopywriterTotal HoursTotal CostTask 3 - Public Engagement 38 82 90 88 56 143 4 501 $40,349.54 Develop Public Engagement Program 1 8 8 8 24 $2,586.96 Website Development and Maintenance 8 months 4 8 8 16 16 48 100 $8,689.20 Social Media 8 months 4 8 8 32 8 60 $4,943.28 Develop Project Collateral Materials (Including Large Scale Graphics)4 20 24 8 8 50 4 118 $10,864.20 Stakeholder Interviews 16 2 8 8 18 $1,829.76 Community Meetings 2 8 16 20 24 24 92 $7,556.12 Public Engagement Summary Report 1 4 10 10 8 8 4 44 $3,880.02 Optional Costs: Virtual Meeting Room Development 1 4 4 4 33 45 $4,428.48 Task 4 - Planning Commission and City Council Workshops 4 12 16 8 8 4 4 56 $4,916.84 Planning Commission Workshop 1 2 6 8 4 4 2 2 28 $2,458.42 City Council Workshop 1 2 6 8 4 4 2 2 28 $2,458.42 0 $0.00 0 $0.00 Task 6 - General Plan Consistency & Environmental Review 4 12 16 8 8 20 2 70 $6,276.22 Scoping Meeting (plan and staff)1 2 8 8 8 8 4 38 $3,233.28 Develop Materials for Scoping Meeting 2 4 8 16 2 32 $3,042.94 0 $0.00 0 $0.00 Task 7 - Public Hearings 4 8 8 0 0 8 4 32 $3,163.40 Planning Commission Hearing(s)2 2 4 4 4 2 16 $1,581.70 City Council Hearing(s)2 2 4 4 4 2 16 $1,581.70 0 $0.00 0 $0.00 Total Outreach 50 114 130 104 72 175 14 659 $54,706.00 Standard Printing (Flyers/Notices/etc.)$2,500 Large Scale Printing (Boards/Banners/Signs/etc.)$2,500 Translations / Live Interpreter Services $3,500 Facility Rental(s)TBD Mileage (current IRS rate)Budget $500 Meeting Platform Hosting (Zoom,GoToWeb,Teams, etc.)$500 Total Other Direct Costs - Estimate $9,000 $63,706.00 With Optional Costs:$68,634.48 Other Direct Costs - Estimate* TOTAL PROJECT COSTS *All ODC will be invoiced at cost with no mark-up at the time of service provided Optional cost not calculated in total cost lines January 15, 2021 5-5City of Rancho Palos Verdes / Housing Element Update environmental science associates C-48 Appendix A Resumes C-49 Luci Hise-Fisher, AICP Project Director Relevant Experience C-50 Luci Hise-Fisher, AICP Page 2 C-51 Ryan Todaro Program Manager Relevant Experience C-52 Ryan Todaro Page 2 C-53 Daniel Dameron Principal/Strategic Advisor Relevant Experience C-54 Daniel Dameron Page 2 C-55 bae urban economics Matt Kowta, MCP Managing Principal, BAE Education Master of City Planning, UC Berkeley Bachelor of Arts, Geography, UCLA Role for Proposed Scope of Services Principal in Charge Responsible for Project Guidance & Quality Control Professional Experience For over 28 years, Matt has pioneered innovative techniques in economic analysis to meet the challenges of contemporary urban development. Matt oversees BAE operations spanning all of BAE’s offices, supporting clients with expertise in development feasibility and market analysis, affordable and workforce housing, public finance and fiscal impact, and strategic economic development. Matt has managed numerous studies relating to affordable housing, workforce housing, inclusionary housing policies, and housing impact analyses. Matt has directed preparation of full Housing Element Updates and Housing Element Needs Assessments and for a diverse range of California communities, ranging from urban locations such as Vallejo to rural areas such as Yolo and Butte Counties. His Housing Element work also includes Napa County for the past three update cycles, St. Helena, Truckee, Windsor and Davis. Matt recently served as BAE’s principal-in-charge for major affordable and workforce housing studies in the Lake Tahoe region, including the Truckee/North Tahoe Regional Housing Needs Study. Matt is currently leading BAE’s work assisting Palm Beach County, Florida with a workforce housing program update and for an inclusionary housing policy analysis for the City of Napa and a Housing Strategy for the City of Sunnyvale. Matt’s other experience spans the full continuum of the development process, from long-range planning through redevelopment and revitalization. Housing Element Updates (3 cycles) County of Napa, California Housing Needs Analysis, Housing Policy Development Truckee North Tahoe Workforce Housing Town of Truckee, California Housing Needs Analysis, Best Practices, Strategy Development Assured Housing Feasibility Study City of Moab and Grand County, Utah Housing Feasibility Analysis, Workforce and Affordable Housing, Policy Development Workforce Housing Policy Feasibility Palm Beach County, Florida Housing Needs Analysis, Development Feasibility Analysis, Policy Development Affordable Housing Nexus Analysis City of Bloomington, Minnesota Housing Needs Analysis, Development Feasibility, Affordable and Inclusionary Housing Policy Development C-56 bae urban economics Lisa Varon Vice President Education Master of Arts, Urban Planning, UCLA Bachelor of Arts, English, UCLA Professional Experience Lisa Varon has extensive affordable housing experience in acquisitions, feasibility, market understanding, project management and compliance. Since joining BAE in March 2019, Lisa has worked on the Culver City Rent Freeze Study, the HCIDLA Rent Stabilization Ordinance and Bond Unit Fee Studies, and LA Metro’s Western/Crenshaw mixed-income and mixed-use development negotiations. She is currently a consultant for the Warner Center Inclusionary Housing Study, the Slauson Corridor Transit Neighborhood Plan Market Study, and a childcare feasibility study in San Bernardino. Prior to joining BAE, Lisa worked for the City of Santa Monica and several nonprofit developers. At the City of Santa Monica, Lisa underwrote, closed and managed over $100 million-dollars in Citywide Housing Trust Fund Loans (HTF), structured public-private sector partnerships, and restructured financing for deed-expiring affordable housing. Lisa also served on the Santa Monica Redevelopment Successor Agency, and the LA County inaugural MHSA Housing Trust Fund Advisory Committee, approving over $75 million in housing loans. Lisa earned an MA in Urban Planning and a BA in English at the University of California, Los Angeles. Slauson Corridor Transit Neighborhood Plan Market Study Los Angeles City Planning Department Market study and planning policy for three South Los Angeles planning areas. Culver City Temporary and Permanent Rent Control Studies City of Culver City Conducted policy review and residential rental market study analyzing potential impacts of implementing rent control. Warner Center Inclusionary Housing Study Los Angeles City Housing Department Participated in inclusionary housing policies and financial feasibility study for the Warner Center Specific Plan Area. Childcare Expansion Feasibility Study California State University, San Bernardino Program operations assessment and community needs survey. C-57 Aaron Barker Senior Associate, BAE Education Master of City Planning, University of Southern California Bachelor of Arts, International Studies, University of Washington Professional Experience Aaron provides housing and real estate advisory expertise—including pro forma analysis and market studies—for a diverse range of communities across the US. Aaron is currently working with the City of Culver City on a rent control study to help design and implement a permanent rent control ordinance. He is also testing the feasibility of new residential prototypes along Metro’s Purple Line Extension for the City of Los Angeles, as well as along the future Rail to River Corridor for the Slauson Transit Neighborhood Plan. Aaron brings a strong professional background in feasibility testing, land-use planning, and economic development. Aaron played a key role in supporting the City of LA's Affordable Housing Linkage Fee Study, as well as helping evaluate new legislation such as Measure JJJ and the Transit- Oriented Communities (TOC) program. For the City of Ventura’s commercial linkage and residential in-lieu fee analysis, he created a series of pro forma models to test the level of fees that market rate development could absorb. Other projects include evaluating Joint Development proposals for Mixed-Use TOD along the Metro Expo and Gold Lines. Prior to joining BAE, Aaron worked for the Office of LA Mayor Eric Garcetti in the Infrastructure Services department, providing research and analysis to assess the potential for leveraging EIFDs to fund improvements in green infrastructure and affordable housing. Aaron is an active member of the Urban Land Institute, and co-chair of the Roundtable Committee for Urban Marketplace. City of Culver City Permanent Rent Control Ordinance Culver City, CA Rental Market Analysis Capital Improvement Pass- Throughs City of Los Angeles Affordable Housing Linkage Fee Nexus Study Los Angeles, CA Linkage Fees Building Permit Analysis Market Conditions Evaluation Tempe Affordable Housing Strategy and Urban Core Master Plan Tempe, AZ Market Analysis Housing Needs Assessment Transit Neighborhoods Plan (TNP) Market Analysis Los Angeles, CA Mixed-Use Feasibility Analysis Public Benefits Feasibility Metro Boyle Heights Development Advisory Los Angeles, CA Development Feasibility Solicitation and Evaluation Negotiation Support City of Ventura Linkage Fee Study Development Feasibility Market Conditions Evaluation Long Beach Hotel Incentive Program Long Beach, CA Market & Feasibility Analysis Hotel Demand Projections Program & Policy Guidelines Labor Cost Analysis Revenue Projections Anaheim Beach Boulevard Specific Plan Anaheim, CA Market Analysis Motel Demand Analysis C-58 Denim Ohmit Senior Analyst, BAE Education Bachelor of Arts, Urban Studies, University of California, Berkeley Professional Experience As a Senior Analyst at BAE, Denim brings a strong foundation in quantitative and qualitative research, complex database development, and geospatial analysis to consulting assignments across the company. Denim regularly assembles and interprets demographic, economic, and real estate data for use in BAE’s market, fiscal, financial feasibility, nexus, and economic impact analyses. Since joining BAE in 2016, he has contributed to numerous housing-related engagements throughout California, including a housing strategy for the City of Sunnyvale; market analyses of transit-oriented neighborhoods for the City of Los Angeles; joint development advisory engagements for the Santa Clara VTA, Los Angeles Metro, and CSU Dominguez Hills; inclusionary housing and in-lieu fee studies for the cities of Los Angeles, Ventura, Menlo Park, and Napa; policy analysis of a below-market-rate housing program in the City of San Carlos; and several fiscal impact analyses with residential components. Prior to joining BAE, Denim was an inaugural Urban Justice Design Fellow at the Dellums Institute for Social Justice, where he researched and analyzed policies to address the displacement of small businesses and non-profit organizations in Alameda County. He was also a Matsui Local Government Fellow in the San Francisco Mayor's Office of Housing and Community Development and an Urban Equity Student Fellow at UC Berkeley’s Institute for Urban and Regional Development. City of Culver City Permanent Rent Control Ordinance Culver City, CA Demographic and Rental Market Analysis Affordability Gaps Study for Measure JJJ In-Lieu Fees City of Los Angeles Real Estate Market Data Analysis Transit Neighborhood Plans: Orange Line and Purple Line Extension City of Los Angeles Demographic and Real Estate Market Analysis Economic Support for Rancho San Pedro Transformation Plan Housing Authority of the City of Los Angeles Real Estate Market and Demand Analysis Joint Development Advisory Services CSU Dominguez Hills Financial Feasibility Analysis for Residential, Retail, and Office Uses Affordable Housing Fee Study City of Ventura Affordable Housing Need Analysis and Policy Development; Inclusionary Feasibility Analysis C-59 Matt Maldonado || Senior Project Manager Education B.S., Business Administration Concentration on Marketing Management and Communications California State Polytechnic University, Pomona Capabilities Strategic Communications Community Relations Event Planning Digital Media Web Design Graphic Design HTML SEO Database Management Years of Experience 19 Matt has extensive experience in digital marketing and communications, which has provided the foundation for his current work as the Senior Project Manager at MBI. He has led multiple outreach campaigns in a range of industries and now oversees and manages our multi-disciplinary, diverse and dynamic team to deliver integrated solutions for all of our projects. Matt has the ability to manage complex, multi-phased projects. He works with each project manager and supports the project team to make sure every project is a success. Currently, he is handling Senior Project Manager public outreach responsibilities for the California High Speed Rail Authority’s Palmdale to Burbank Project Section and Metro’s Long Range Transportation Plan (LRTP). Relevant Experience City of Long Beach – 2040 General Plan Update, Senior Project Manager  Oversaw successful grassroots outreach campaign that included flyer drops in designated areas, phone and email outreach to businesses, and providing online surveys via iPads  Managed and created an email marketing campaign to provide noticing for the community workshops, a Planning Commission meeting, and information about the General Plan  Supervised the creation of collateral in Spanish and other languages  Managed all meetings, collaterals, and outreach staff for the City of Long Beach General Plan Community Workshop Meetings  Participated in weekly project update conference calls City of Long Beach – Climate Action Adaptation Plan (CAAP), Senior Project Manager  Developed strategies for the project to gain traction and build awareness  Oversaw creation of collateral materials including flyers, comment cards, fact sheets, FAQs, infographics and project boards  Oversaw stakeholder engagement and public outreach planning  Successfully managed extensive phone banking campaign to raise awareness and encourage attendance for CAAP events  Supervised the development of infographics to convey technical information to be easily understood and with graphic representation Metro – Long Range Transportation Plan, Senior Project Manager  Manages all meetings, collaterals, and outreach staff for Special Outreach Events held throughout the numerous cities and sub regions of Los Angeles County  Coordinates Community-Based Organizations (CBO) and Stakeholder Engagement  Develops engagement strategy for public engagement involving transportation consumers, transportation providers, and jurisdictions  Participates in weekly project update conference calls  Collaborated with Metro on project branding (Our Next LA* campaign) C-60  Assisted Metro with development of interactive project website: https://ournext.la  Managed the distribution of public surveys, garnering more than 20,000 responses and over 4,000 unique My Next LA post-its responses  Managed the project team’s execution of 33 different community outreach events throughout Los Angeles County California High-Speed Rail Authority (CHSRA) – Palmdale to Burbank Section, Senior Project Manager  Oversees all collateral development, coordinating with CHRSA on copy and design approval  Directs the development of CHSRA’s project deliverables and ensures they are aligned with and meet the project’s goals  Manages team strategy meetings to coordinate open houses and community presentations  Assists in facilitation and management of all open house community meetings  Provides strategic insight and direction for the project team to accurately scope work and leverage the appropriate delivery for CHSRA needs  Manages staffing for project needs and maximizes the efficiency and optimization of the outreach team Los Angeles County Department of Public Works – East San Gabriel Valley Active Transportation Plan, Senior Project Manager  Develops different outreach efforts to ensure residents, disadvantaged groups, concentrated ethnic populations, and community-based organizations are active participants  Collaborated with client to develop project branding and overall graphic designs  Oversees email marketing and community hotline  Manages project management team and oversees deadlines and requests  Oversees creation of social media content and posts, including ATP Instagram account  Supervises phone banking calls to the benefitted communities  Develops run-of-day itinerary for community events Metro/Metrolink – Metrolink Station Location Studies, Senior Project Manager  Developed and created the Public Outreach Plan (POP) which was used to communicate project information to stakeholders in a comprehensive, consistent, and transparent manner  Managed stakeholder outreach, elected official outreach, public meetings and online surveys  Managed platform outreach in El Monte, Northridge, Montebello/Commerce and Rio Hondo College  Oversaw distribution of surveys in English and Spanish  Facilitated a successful survey campaign, garnering over 1,700 responses, one of the largest survey responses for rail at the time in Southern California C-61 Xochitl Nieves || Deputy Project Manager Education B.S., Sociology San Francisco State University Certificate, Meeting & Event Planning San Diego State University Capabilities Bilingual (Spanish) Social Media Management Event Planning Community Outreach and Enrichment Fundraising and Sponsorships Employee Relations and Management Affiliations Meeting Planners International Awards Employee of the Month, Sheraton Fairplex – March 2019 Certifications International Event Planning Professional, QC Event School Years of Experience 4 Xochitl is passionate about seizing opportunities and learning new perspectives and skill sets to use them for humanitarian goals and missions. She combines determination, consistency, adaptability, critical observation and problem- solving, to tackle projects and ensure client expectations are exceeded. She has worked on multiple large-scale projects since joining MBI including the City of Long Beach’s Climate Action and Adaptation Plan, Metro’s Link Union Station and Metrolink’s SCORE Program. In addition, Xochitl is bilingual and speaks fluent Spanish, enabling our team to connect with a broader range of stakeholders and better facilitate the public outreach process. Relevant Experience City of Long Beach – Climate Action and Adaptation Plan (CAAP), Lead Account Coordinator Participated in grassroots outreach efforts at events Assisted with the preparation and translation of collateral materials for outreach efforts Conducted set-up and facilitation of outreach events Updated stakeholder databases Researched and acquired vendors for outreach events Los Angeles Metropolitan Transportation Authority (Metro) – Long Range Transportation Plan (LRTP), Lead Account Coordinator Assisted in outreach planning and processes Managed and organized data sets Assisted with CBO Outreach Plan Prepared stakeholder databases Los Angeles County Department of Public Works – East San Gabriel Valley Active Transportation Plan, Lead Account Coordinator Develop social media calendar and schedules Drafted and uploaded Instagram posts for project’s page Cultivated a social media following on Instagram organically Riverside Transit Agency (RTA) – Vine Street Riverside Mobility Hub Conceptual Plan, Lead Account Coordinator Developed and implemented the Strategic Outreach Plan Coordinated collateral materials (print and digital) branding and messaging with RTA o Created overview sheet, website, feedback form, social media posts, project boards, workshops flyers and PowerPoint presentations Developed public survey questions to collect community feedback Conducted intercept surveys and direct noticing (door-to-door outreach) Managed the preparation and logistics of community visioning workshops Created and maintained stakeholder database Created and delivered summary report of public workshops conducted C-62 California High-Speed Rail – Construction Package 4 – Communication Support Devices, Lead Account Coordinator  Coordinate outreach activities for upcoming construction work including road closure notification emails and notifications posted on the CHSR website  Coordinate with CRB for Business and Residential Impact Mitigation (BRIM) noticing for road closures  Involved in the ongoing planning of logistics and outreach activities for the Community Public Open House meetings  Support CHSR with facilitation of the Community Public Open House meetings including set-up and tear-down, support sign-in and collateral tables, photograph event, etc.  Assist with meetings held to provide the community information on elements of the project in Wasco, including design, right of way, small business and employment opportunities, etc. Metro – Link Union Station (Link US), Lead Account Coordinator  Assisted with the preparation of collateral materials for outreach efforts  Involved in grassroots outreach efforts to collect feedback  Coordinated online engagement, E-blast/Facebook posts, and website edits  Managed the preparation of community meetings and open house o Walkthroughs of floor plans o Coordination of signage to promote events  Provided Spanish translation for PowerPoint presentations  Assisted in the coordination of distributing the Final Environmental Impact Report to local libraries Metrolink – Central Maintenance Facility, Lead Account Coordinator  Maintained database of interested individual and community stakeholders from public meetings o Manage database of feedback collected at public meetings  Coordinated logistics and payment process with vendors for use of facilities  Facilitated community meeting – sign-in table and speaker cards  Involved in the setup and breakdown of public meetings  Provided Spanish translation of collateral materials  Provided Spanish interpretation at public meetings C-63 Laura Hernandez || Deputy Project Manager Education Bachelor's in Business Management University of Cundinamarca Fusagasugá, Cundinamarca, Colombia Capabilities Bilingual (Fluent in Spanish) Human Resources Payroll Onboarding Administration Management Quality Management Employee Relations Supervising Problem Solving Organizational Skills Years of Experience 5 Laura is a Deputy Project Manager with the profile to plan, organize, analyze and adapt to different situations guaranteeing efficiency and effectiveness in the execution of processes. Her experience living in South America and having the opportunity of working closely with the community in a country where economic and political challenges are on a higher scale, have shaped her unique perception of the world. Her involvement in different industries have given her an understanding of the important role organizations have in making the effort to connect their ideas and practices to the public through community outreach. Her goal is to utilize her organizational and bilingual skills to gain further experience while enhancing MBI’s productivity and public outreach capabilities. Relevant Experience City of Anaheim Department of Public Works – Anaheim Resort Area Mobility Plan, Account Coordinator  Administered Spanish translation for collaterals and surveys  Conducted intercept surveys with key stakeholder groups in the Anaheim Resort Area Riverside Transit Agency (RTA) – Vine Street Mobility Hub Plan, Account Coordinator  Developed public survey questions to collect community feedback  Administered Spanish translation for collaterals and surveys  Conducted intercept surveys with key stakeholder groups  Conducted direct door to door outreach for community workshops  Assisted in the coordination of stakeholder mailings  Assisted with coordinating logistics of community visioning workshop  Created and maintained stakeholder database Metrolink – Public Affairs Support Services, Deputy Project Manager  Assisted with coordinating logistics for community meetings and facilitating direct outreach  Participated in door-to-door outreach  Assisted in the coordination of stakeholder mailings  Participated in the development of community notices  Administered Spanish translation support for community notices  Tracked expenses for monthly project billing Metrolink – Rail Modernization at Union Station, Deputy Project Manager  Developed project communications and outreach plan  Participated in the development of community notices  Administered Spanish translation support for collateral materials and community notices  Assisted in the coordination of stakeholder mailings and door-to-door noticing  Participated in online engagement, e-blast/social media posts, and website edits  Developed collaterals for notification and branding for the release of the Revised NOI (Fact Sheet, FAQs) Metrolink – Southern California Optimized Rail Expansion (SCORE), Account Coordinator  Participated in SCORE planning meetings for SCORE outreach C-64  Created meeting minutes and agendas for planning meetings  Edited and revised collateral material content  Edited and revised communications plan for SCORE project  Assisted in planning and coordination for Pop up events  Tracked expenses and progress report activities for monthly project billing Los Angeles Metropolitan Transportation Authority – Link Union Station (Link US), Account Coordinator  Assisted with preparing collateral materials for outreach efforts  Involved in grassroots outreach efforts to collect feedback  Participated in online engagement, e-blast/Facebook posts, and website edits  Assisted in preparation and update of stakeholder database reflecting the affected properties  Provided Spanish translation to collateral materials  Assist in the coordination of stakeholder mailings  Developed collaterals for notification and branding for the release of the Revised NOI (Fact Sheet, FAQs) Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority – Long Range Transportation Plan, Account Coordinator  Organized and managed data sets  Coordinated logistics for special events, including venue location research  Tracked expenses and progress report activities for monthly project billing  Developed stakeholder database  Facilitated translation services for the project website and presentations California High-Speed Rail Authority (CHSRA) – Palmdale to Burbank Section, Account Coordinator  Participated in online engagement, e-blast/Facebook posts, and website edits  Developed collaterals for notification and branding for the release of the Revised NOI (Fact Sheet, FAQs, postcard)  Participated in P-B outreach standing meetings  Assisted with the development of CHSRA’s project deliverables and ensured they are aligned with and meet the project’s goals  Developed and updated weekly progress report and meeting outreach log  Tracked expenses and progress report activities for monthly project billing Orange County Transportation Authority (OCTA) – I-405 Project, Account Coordinator  Provided Spanish translation of community notices  Assisted in the coordination of stakeholder mailings University of Cundinamarca – Fusagasugá (Cundinamarca, Colombia), Administrative and Events Coordinator  Reviewed technical data sheets and budget availability of the activities  Participated in the recruiting process of the professionals  Managed contracts and on-boarding processes  Provided payroll support  Managed pre-enrolled billing for activities C-65