CC SR 20210302 05 - PVDS Realignment CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: 03/02/2021 AGENDA REPORT AGENDA HEADING: Regular Business AGENDA TITLE: Consideration and possible action to receive a status report on the Palos Verdes Drive South Realignment Project. RECOMMENDED COUNCIL ACTION: (1) Receive and file a status report on the Palos Verdes Drive South Realignment Project; (2) Direct Staff not to proceed, at this time, with soliciting construction bids for the Palos Verdes Drive South Realignment Project; and, (3) Reconsider the Palos Verdes Drive South Realignment Project as part of the Fiscal Year 2021-2022 Capital Improvement Program. FISCAL IMPACT: None at this time Amount Budgeted: $1,200,000 Additional Appropriation: N/A Account Number(s): 330-400-8301-8802 (CIP – PVDS/Other Improvements) ORIGINATED BY: Nasser Razepoor, PE, Associate Engineer REVIEWED BY: Ramzi Awwad, Director of Public Works APPROVED BY: Ara Mihranian, AICP, City Manager ATTACHED SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: A. Photograph of the east end of Palos Verdes Drive South through the Portuguese Bend Landslide (page A-1) B. Proposed project alignment (page B-1) BACKGROUND AND DISCUSSION: Due to land movement associated with the Portuguese Bend Landslide (Landslide), Palos Verdes Drive South, at the east end of the Landslide, has moved from its original location and now resembles an “S” configuration. The irregular configuration is the result of the roadway crossing over the eastern boundary of the Portuguese Bend 1 Landslide, where land to the west is moving at a much greater rate than land to the east. (Attachment A) As part of the Fiscal Year 2017-2018 Capital Improvement Program (CIP), the Palos Verdes Drive South Realignment Project was proposed to realign the roadway so that it better meets current highway design standards. The new alignment would move the roadway to the north and smooth motorists’ path of travel through this area (Attachment B). The project would also include other work necessary to realign the roadway, such as side slope and drainage modifications. The existing sanitary sewer lines would remain in their current location on the south side of the roadside. The City Council appropriated $100,000 for the design of the project as part of the FY 2017-18 CIP. The City Council then appropriated an additional $50,000 for design of the project as part of the FY 2018-19 CIP. On April 4, 2019, the City Council awarded a professional services agreement to Geo-Logic Associates, Inc. for engineering design services to prepare construction documents for the project. The City Council appropriated $1,050,000 for construction of the project as part of the FY 2019-20 CIP. Upon adoption of the FY 2020-21 CIP, the City Council carried forward the funds previously appropriated to the project, but with the project slated to return to a future City Council meeting. Design work for the project is nearing completion and Staff believes that this is an appropriate time to return to the City Council. Staff recognizes that proceeding with construction and realigning Palos Verdes Drive South prior to slowing landslide movement may result in the roadway moving again. Staff recommends not proceeding with soliciting construction bids at this time; and considering the project as part of the overall FY 2021-22 CIP. This would allow for the project to be evaluated in coordination with the timing of the Portuguese Bend Landslide Remediation Project. This would also provide an opportunity for the Infrastructure Management Advisory Committee to provide input accordingly. Additionally, Staff is evaluating the need for additional signage to notify motorists of the current road alignment. ALTERNATIVES: In addition to the Staff recommendations, the following alternative actions are available for the City Council’s consideration: 1. Direct Staff to proceed with soliciting bids for construction of the Palos Verdes Drive South Realignment Project. 2. Direct Staff to defer construction of the Palos Verdes Drive South Realignment Project to a future year to be determined, after completion of the Portuguese Bend Landslide Remediation Project. 2 Attachment A Palos Verdes Drive South – East End of the Landslide A-1 B-1