20210330 Late CorrespondenceTO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: CITY OF RANCHO PALOS VERDES HONORABLE MAYOR & CITY COUNCIL MEMBERS CITY CLERK MARCH 30, 2021 ADDITIONS/REVISIONS AND AMENDMENTS TO AGENDA Attached are revisions/additions and/or amendments to the agenda material presented for tonight's meeting. Item No. Description of Material 2 Email from Taylor Dulaney ** PLEASE NOTE: Materials attached after the color page(s) were submitted through Monday, March 29, 2021**. Re~mitted Emily Colborn L:\LATE CORRESPONDENCE\2021\2021 Coversheets\20210330 additions revisions to agenda .docx From: Teresa Takaoka Sent: To: Tuesday, March 30, 2021 2:49PM CityCierk Subject: FW: Budget question for tonight Late corr From: tdulaney@gmail.com <tdulaney52@gmail.com > Sent: Tuesday, March 30, 2021 9:49AM To: Trang Nguyen <Tnguyen@rpvca.gov > Subject: Budget question for tonight CAUTION: This email ori inated from outside of the Cit of Rancho Palos Verdes. Sent from Mail for Windows 10 Hello, Just to give you some time to think about it, I have a question about salary benefits on pg . 12 of your budget item. How much of the $401,400 benefit increase is health insurance related (health insurance premiums, the health savings account) vs. Workers' Comp. or other increases. The Dec. 1, 2020 council item on the health savings account shows a cost of $27,600 for those in the PPO plan, so it would seem that Workers' Comp. or other costs are the bulk of the $401,400 increase. Thank you. Taylor Dulaney 1 TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: CITY OF RANCHO PALOS VERDES HONORABLE MAYOR & CITY COUNCIL MEMBERS CITY CLERK MARCH 29, 2021 ADDITIONS/REVISIONS AND AMENDMENTS TO AGENDA Attached are revisions/additions and/or amendments to the agenda material received through Monday afternoon for the Tuesday, March 30, 2021 City Council meeting: Item No. Description of Material 2 Emails from Sunshine Re~mitted, Emily Colborn L:\LATE CORRESPONDENCE\2021\2021 Coversheets\20210330 additions revisions to agenda thru Monday.docx From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: SUNSHINE <sunshinerpv@aol.com> Friday, March 26, 2021 2:03 PM CC; CityCierk Ramzi Awwad; imac; Ken Rukavina; Cory Linder; FAC; EPC March 30, 2021, CC Item 2. General Fund. A holistic solution CAUTION : This email originated from outside of the City of Rancho Palos Verdes. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe . Dear Mr. Mayor, Council, Staff and interested parties, A holistic solution to the NCCP/HCP, PV Preserve "theme park" and deferred infrastructure problems is in a Budget adjustment. Simply take all of the General Fund monies which Public Works has found a way to save and give it back to them to be available to be spent on implementing the General Plan's Circulation Element in the next Fiscal Year. " ... approximately $575 ,500 ... " will go a long way toward a coordinated effort to "preserve and enhance" what has been allowed to deteriorate . Instead of directing Staff to produce more plans and studies, how about turning your Citizen Advisors loose to keep our plans updated as "living documents" and to produce the Scope of Work for RFP's based on a familiarity of all of the "plans", "reference documents" and "reference records". Following is my latest attempt at getting the City's business to be citizen driven. You have already funded a new hire of an in-house Traffic Engineer. Wouldn't it be nice if we found a person who can facilitate the design and maintenance of non-motorized circulation, as well. A lot of this work is already in the CIP, it is just split up into individual projects (pieces of the puzzle) which do not include how the pieces overlap and could best be accomplished if multiple objectives were designed into one Scope of Work. That is micro-management. What is needed is for Council to Macro-manage the effort and that starts with the Budget. We need to increase the quality of what is to be physically accomplished. Give Public Works the lead in supporting as opposed to directing the I MAC and whichever Citizen Volunteers you choose to invite/accept. Give Public Works the lead in supporting as opposed to waiting for requests from COD, Rec.& Parks, Finance and IT. The TNP is a valid Plan as is the Multi- 1 Jurisdictional Ha zard Mitigation Plan. Staff just hasn't taken the time to read them. Fund Staff the time and let Volunteers feed them the updates and suggestions on their discretionary decisions. The opportunity is on the Agenda. Use it or lose it. Thank you for your time and concern. SUNSHINE RPV 31 0-377-8761 Subject: CIP and What about getting the current Trails Network Plan and Conceptual Trails Plan implemented? Date: 3/25/2021 5:31 :53 PM Pacific Standard Time From : sunshinerpv@aol.com To: tina.vargas@rpvca .gov, peter.shaw@rpvca.gov Cc : imac@rpvca .gov, kevin .yourman@rpvca .gov Sent from the Internet (Details) Hello Peter and Tina, Your Trails Subcommittee Report to the IMAC was based on information provided by Katie Lozano. According to video taped Council Meetings, Council Meeting Minutes, Specific Agenda Reports and Public Records Requests, what she provided to you is fraught with errors and omissions . I can say the same thing about the project titles and descriptions in the draft CIP. I start with being a Trails Junkie and that leads to a lot of other infrastructure neglect. Does nobody realize that trails parallel and cross water courses and roadways? I am turning to you two, to help me find the way to get a high quality of non-motorized circulation back in the future of the Palos Verdes Peninsula. 2 I am not making any progress at getting Staff to stop pointing fingers at each other and do their own homework. There is no State mandated requirement that the Circulation Element in our General Plan be kept up to date and implemented. I keep reaching out to Staff and copying I MAC. I am not getting any straight answers nor any requests for additional background. I am concerned that this Budget Cycle will not include the day-to-day trail maintenance and enhancements which have been neglected for so long. (20 years.) The bigger infrastructure issues are getting worse, too. I don't know if you watch the Planning Commission Meetings. Geology, drainage, fire-fighting access, roadside trail user safety and other infrastructure concerns are being left to the Building Department to work out after a development applicant has received their "entitlements" based on Staff's negotiations with the applicant. There is no public review of these Building Permits and no indication that the Building Division of COD consults the details in City Council approved Plans such as the Trails Network Plan. Please consider holding an IMAC Trails Subcommittee meeting at SUNSHINE's Cantina. It is an outdoor venue where we can meet "masked", around a table and compare stories. I have complete, hard copies of the Trails Network Plan, the Conceptual Trails Plan (CTP, 1990 and 1993), the Staff Report about the Task Force's Policy and formatting recommendations for the CTP update and the draft updated CTP Section Two which the Task Force's Open Space Subcommittee completed as an example of how the update would look, should the Council approve all of the recommendations. Depending on Ara's interpretations of Council's Motion, I think that Council did approve the recommendations. Katie has not yet confirmed that the Update Consultant has all of this. Maybe invite Katie and the Consultant? If curiosity killed the cat then I am dying from not knowing what interpretations Ara told the Consultant at their Kick-off Meeting, going on four years ago. The Work Product of that meeting as signed by the City's Contract Officer (Ara) is not available as a Public Record. As far as I can tell, funding for the Public Works Staff Time to implement the current TNP and CTP is not in the latest draft CIP, draft FY 2021-22 Budget nor the Five-Year Model. Ramzi Awwad has written that there is no "responsive record" that directs him to do that. Invite Ramzi to the meeting? Another thought. Invite Kevin Yourman. He was the Chair of the Open Space Planning and R&P Task Force. He is now on the City's Finance Advisory Committee (FAC). That would put two Staff Members, a Consultant and four Citizen Volunteers in a "holistic" discussion that is out from under the Brown Act. (And, COVID-19 compliant.) The City Council's "Budget Workshop" on a bunch of topics is scheduled for March 30. I expected a huge Agenda Report which will preclude any in-depth discussion which might produce any changes 3 to Staff's current MO. Instead, this is all they had to say . Where is the funding to repair and maintain our unpaved roadsides , fire roads and recreational trail connections? Repairs and Maintenance • Accounts for $2.5 million or 9% of the proposed budget, including transfers out. • Majority of this category includes licensing and support for technology services, tree trimming, landscapes and median maintenance, fuel modification, traffic control, custodial, graffiti abatement, building and park maintenance, and utilities . • Proposed budget is a decrease of approximately $575,500 or 19% from the prior year's revised budget. Most of the decreased amounts are as follows: o Repairs and maintenance allocated in Public Works are expected to have a net decrease over FY 2020-21 revised budget of roughly $200,000. The reduction is attributed to Staff reviewing operational spending and identifying potential cost savings from various contracts. o Additional $100,000 reduction for pavement and marking maintenance services. Staff identified that this maintenance is eligible to be funded by a special revenue fund, MeasureR. o Additional $165,000 from the Storm Water Quality maintenance was identified as eligible for Measure W funding. In the Council's draft Goals and Action Items, the target date for a Public Workshop on the draft TNP Update appears to be 6/2/2021. It no longer mentions drafting the individual trail "narratives" which is how Public Works is supposed to know what they need to maintain. June 2 is too late to produce any modifications to the draft Fiscal-Year 2021-22 Budget. Ramzi's Bio indicates that the knows all about this sort of thing . Come Monday evening, I sure hope that you can find a way to let the Trails Subcommittee proceed with providing everyone with an "actionable" Trails Network Plan including the insertion of the "Conceptual Trails Section". Ramzi appears to be lacking a "responsive record", whatever that is. Please come see the documents which Staff has been hiding . Thank you for your efforts in relation to this infrastructure concern .... Sunshine 310-377-8761 4