CC SR 20201104 05 - Citizen Satisfaction Survey CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: 11/04/2020 AGENDA REPORT AGENDA HEADING: Regular Business AGENDA TITLE: Consideration and possible action to approve the distribution of a citizen satisfaction survey. RECOMMENDED COUNCIL ACTION: (1) Review and provide Staff with direction on the questions to be asked in the draft citizen satisfaction survey; and (2) Direct Staff to distribute the print version of the survey either as an insert in the winter 2020 newsletter, or as a standalone mailing. FISCAL IMPACT: Costs associated with the printing and distribution, including postage, of a resident survey may be up to $25,000 depending on the distribution method and frequency. Amount Budgeted: $25,000 Additional Appropriation: N/A Account Number(s): 101-400-1420-5103 ($11,764) (General Fund – Community Outreach/Printing & Binding) 101-400-1420-4311 ($9,425) (General Fund – Community Outreach/Postage) 101-400-1420-4901 ($2,700) (General Fund – Community Outreach/Misc./Other Expenses) ORIGINATED BY: Megan Barnes, Senior Administrative Analyst Jesse Villalpando, Senior Administrative Analyst REVIEWED BY: Karina Bañales, Deputy City Manager APPROVED BY: Ara Mihranian, AICP, City Manager ATTACHED SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: A. Draft survey questions (page A-1) B. City Council Policy No. 2 (page B-1) 1 BACKGROUND: Earlier this year, as part of the goal-setting process, the City Council established a goal of conducting a citizen satisfaction survey to solicit feedback on City services and customer service, to identify areas of improvement, and to assess the top priorities and concerns of the community. Specifically, City Council Goal No. 66 states “Conduct a citizen satisfaction survey.” The survey is intended to collect data from the community to assist the City in identifying ways to improve services provided by City Hall and effectively meet the needs of residents; and to guide the City Council’s decision and policymaking, including when setting City Council Goals. Per City Council Policy No. 2, any City survey provided to the public shall first be approved by the City Council (Attachment B). This evening, the City Council is being asked to review the draft survey questions, including the content and number of questions to ask, and how to distribute the survey to reach a larger population of the City and garner a larger response. DISCUSSION: Survey Questions Staff has prepared a list of 88 draft survey questions across 11 categories for the City Council’s consideration. These questions were developed through a combination of Staff research and interaction with the public, consultation with City departments, and in the case of two categories, direction from City committees (Emergency Preparedness Committee and Civic Center Advisory Committee). Staff has divided questions into the following categories: • General • Customer Service • City Government • COVID-19 • City Communications • Trails and Open Space • ADA/Accessibility • Renewable Energy/Community Choice Aggregation • Civic Center Planning (based on direction from the October 22 Civic Center Advisory Committee meeting) • Emergency Preparedness (based on direction from the October 15 Emergency Preparedness Committee meeting) • Public Safety It should be noted that questions in the ADA/Accessibility category were drafted by a consultant as part of an ongoing update of the City’s Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Transition Plan and Self-Evaluation, which includes a public survey. Rather than 2 release a separate survey, on September 15, the City Council directed Staff to include these questions in the broader citizen satisfaction survey to increase its reach. The Renewable Energy/Community Choice Aggregation category was included based on discussion from the September 1 City Council meeting. A menu of questions has been drafted for the City Council’s review and consideration. Staff requests City Council input and direction on the survey questions. The final number of questions and categories, the wording of the questions, and the format of responses (multiple-choice, Likert scale, ranked, or free form) are at the discretion of the City Council. The City Council may also direct Staff to add questions and categories, if desired. Survey Format and Distribution In an effort to reach a large population of the City, Staff recommends using a hybrid online/print format to ensure the survey reaches both residents who prefer taking surveys on the internet, and those who prefer filling out written surveys or who do not use the internet. Online Survey Staff has researched online survey platforms and recommends using SurveyMonkey due to its ease-of-use and popularity, including among government agencies. SurveyMonkey has been used by Staff internally for employee surveys and has been used throughout the COVID-19 pandemic by the Alert SouthBay Joint Information Center to help participating cities, including Rancho Palos Verdes, better plan their response to the public health emergency. The cost of SurveyMonkey’s Team Premier Plan, which can collect up to 15,000 responses per month, is $75 per user (with a three- user minimum), per month, billed annually. With three users in the City Manager’s Office, the total cost of the subscription would be $2,700 for one year. This is the only SurveyMonkey business plan with the ability to offer the survey in multiple languages. Staff can also explore using ArcGIS Survey123, a program the City already has access to via its geographic information (GIS) system with no added cost to the City for a one- time survey. Survey123 is used by the City for internal and public service request forms. Staff is confirming whether responses are unlimited and will provide that information as late correspondence. Survey123 is capable of offering multilingual surveys. Additionally, with Survey123, the City could geolocate survey responses using the GIS system according to either physical addresses or general neighborhood drop pins provided voluntarily by respondents. Using Survey123, however, may require significant training time for Staff. Therefore, Staff seeks authorization from the City Council to fund the SurveyMonkey subscription, if it is needed. 3 Print Survey The print survey would come with a prepaid return envelope addressed to City Hall and a quick response (QR) code that residents could scan with their smartphones or tablets to alternately take the survey online. It would also include a note stating that households with more than one member wishing to respond by mail could contact the City to request additional print surveys, and that print versions in languages other than English are available on request. The print survey and return envelope could be distributed either via a standalone mailing, or alternately, could be inserted in the winter City newsletter, which will be mailed to all residences in RPV in mid-December 2020. The latter option would leave only the cost of printing, an insert fee, added postage weight, and return postage. The inserted survey could be missed, however, by residents who do not unfold the newsletter. Distribution Timeline and Promotion of Survey Staff recommends giving residents approximately six weeks to respond to the survey beginning on or around the week of December 21 . It will be promoted using the City website, listservs, social media channels, banners at highly-visible intersections, RPVtv, a press release, and direct outreach to homeowners associations, Neighborhood Watch groups, and community and senior organizations. For reference, the most recent resident survey released by the City was for the Civic Center Master Plan process in December 2016. Of 13,595 surveys mailed to all RPV residences, 2,295 completed surveys were returned over an approximately six-week period — garnering a response rate of 17%. The survey did not have an online option, and responses were limited to one per household. The online survey would expire at the deadline and print responses would be required to be postmarked by the deadline. Staff would manually enter returned print responses into SurveyMonkey or Survey123 to ensure they are captured in the final breakdown of findings and analytics. Once all survey responses are collected, Staff would return to the City Council to present the survey findings, ideally prior to the next City Council Goals Workshop. Cost Breakdown A breakdown of cost estimates for distributing the survey via a SurveyMonkey subscription with either a standalone mailing or as a newsletter insert is included below. To provide a range depending on survey length, Staff obtained quotes from the City’s printing vendor for the cost of five or 10 double-sided pages and a return envelope. Please note that estimates for postage are conservative and based on a range of 50-65 cents per household. Actual costs may be lower due to bulk rates. Return postage is not 4 included in the breakdown, as the City would only be billed by the Post Office for surveys that are mailed back. Five-Page Survey Mailing Method (14,500 Households) Printing Postage SurveyMonkey Subscription Total Standalone $10,775 $7,250 $2,700 $20,725 Newsletter Insert $5,459 $7,250 $2,700 $15,409 Ten-Page Survey Mailing Method (14,500 Households) Printing Postage SurveyMonkey Subscription Total Standalone $11,764 $9,425 $2,700 $23,889 Newsletter Insert $6,448 $9,425 $2,700 $18,573 If the City Council desires, the City can offer raffle prizes as an incentive to increase participation in the survey. Winners would be chosen at random and would be required to provide proof of RPV residency (government-issued ID or utility bill). The cost of raffle prizes would add to the fiscal impact of the survey, depending on the type of prize. CONCLUSION: Staff recommends the City Council consider the information in this report and: 1) Select and approve questions for a citizen satisfaction survey; and 2) Direct Staff to either include the survey in the winter 2020 newsletter, or conduct a standalone mailing. ALTERNATIVES: In addition to the Staff recommendation, the following alternative actions are available for the City Council’s consideration: 1) Direct Staff to draft additional questions and categories and return to the City Council no later than the December 1, 2020 meeting. 2) Direct Staff to conduct a phased, multi-part survey, instead of a one-time comprehensive survey. 3) Take other action, as deemed appropriate. 5 RPV Citizen Satisfaction Survey The City of Rancho Palos Verdes wants to hear your feedback, community concerns and priorities. Please return your completed survey via mail in the attached prepaid envelope addressed to City Hall or take the survey online at [survey link]. You can also access the link by scanning the QR code to the right with the camera or QR code scanner on your smartphone or tablet. Surveys must be postmarked or completed online by January 31, 2021. (You are not required to answer every question, but more feedback helps the City.) If you would like to request additional print surveys for members of your household, or a survey in another language, please contact Senior Administrative Analyst Jesse Villalpando at jvillalpando@rpvca.gov. Optional Please select your age group: □ 18-30 □ 31-40 □ 41-50 □ 51-60 □ 61-70 □ 71-80 □ 81 and over Please provide your address or neighborhood: _______________________________ General Questions 1. How would you rate the overall quality of life in Rancho Palos Verdes? Very Poor Poor No Opinion Fair Good Excellent       2. In the last few years, do you think the quality of life in Rancho Palos Verdes have gotten better, gotten worse, or stayed about the same? Worse Stayed About the Same No Opinion Better     A-1 3. Please rate the overall condition of City public rights-of-way (streets, sidewalks, medians, traffic signs and signals, etc.): Very Poor Poor No Opinion Fair Good Excellent       4. What do you think are the most serious issues facing the residents of Rancho Palos Verdes that you would like to see the City do something about? Select all that apply. □ COVID-19 pandemic □ Quality of life □ Conservation/open space preservation □ Housing/zoning/development laws □ Lack of affordable housing □ Environment/sustainability □ Portuguese Bend Landslide □ Traffic safety □ Crime □ Wildfire prevention/ emergency preparedness □ Pension liability □ Impacts to neighborhoods of visitors to parks and trails □ Street beautification □ Economic development □ Dissemination of information (communications) □ Other: ___________________ Customer Service at City Hall 1. In the past year, have you interacted with City staff? Yes No   2. Please select the methods through which you have been in contact with the City in the last year: □ Phone □ Email □ Social media □ Website □ In person 3. Please rate the following aspects of the service provided by City staff you have dealt with: A-2 Courteousness Timeliness Knowledge Helpfulness □ Excellent □ Fair □ Poor □ Very Poor □ Excellent □ Fair □ Poor □ Very Poor □ Excellent □ Fair □ Poor □ Very Poor □ Excellent □ Fair □ Poor □ Very Poor 4. Overall, how satisfied were you interacting with City staff? Very Dissatisfied Somewhat Dissatisfied No Opinion Somewhat Satisfied Very Satisfied N/A       City Government 1. Do you feel that you are informed about the policies and decision-making of the City Council? Strongly Disagree Somewhat Disagree No Opinion Somewhat Agree Strongly Agree      2. Do you generally agree with the policies and decision-making of the City Council? Strongly Disagree Somewhat Disagree No Opinion Somewhat Agree Strongly Agree      3. What kinds of issues would you like to see the City Council give more attention to? □ Housing/zoning/development laws □ Housing affordability □ Economic development □ Senior issues □ Youth issues □ Environment/sustainability □ Trails and open space □ Education □ Public health/mental health □ Pension reform □ Police reform □ Social justice/inequity issues □ Traffic safety □ Portuguese Bend Landslide A-3 □ Beautification □ Economic development □ Communications □ Other: ________________________________________________________________ 4. How transparent do you feel your city government is? Very Transparent Transparent Somewhat Transparent No Opinion Not Transparent      COVID-19 1. What are your top COVID-19 concerns? Check all that apply. □ Frustration with other community members not following health guidance □ Social isolation/lack of places to go □ General uncertainty of the future □ General anxiety about the impact of the coronavirus on my life □ Distance learning/homeschooling/childcare □ Lack of income/work □ Purchasing supplies (e.g. disinfectant wipes) □ Traveling to care for a family member/friend □ Dealing with the physical effects of COVID-19 □ Traveling to the supermarket □ Childcare □ Paying for rent or mortgage □ Traveling to work □ Paying for food □ Other: ____________________________________________________ 2. What kinds of programs would you like to see the City offer to residents in response to the COVID-19 pandemic? (check all that apply) □ Virtual fitness classes □ Virtual social and educational activities (book and film clubs, lectures, etc.) □ Individual-conditioning outdoor exercise □ Outdoor after-school activities for kids □ Help with groceries and errands □ Meal assistance □ Rent/mortgage assistance □ Resources/financial help for small businesses □ Other: ___________________________________________________ A-4 City Communications 1. What are your primary sources of information to find out what’s happening in the City? □ Social media □ Local news media □ City website □ City listservs □ RPVtv programming □ City Manager’s Weekly Administrative Report □ City Council, commission or committee meetings □ Word of mouth in the community □ Other: ________________________________________ 2. In order of preference, with 1 being the most preferred, please rank your preferred methods of communication when receiving information from the City. ___ Email ___ Text message ___ Phone call ___ Social media ___ City website ___ RPVtv programming ___ Print publications 3. How many times have you visited the City website in the past THREE months? 0 1-2 3-5 5-10 10+      4. Were you able to find the information you were looking for on the City website? Yes No N/A    5. How easy or difficult was the City website to use? Very Difficult Somewhat Difficult Neither Easy nor Difficult Somewhat Easy Very Easy N/A A-5       6. Do you feel that the City keeps you informed on what’s happening in RPV and your city government? Strongly Disagree Somewhat Disagree No Opinion Somewhat Agree Strongly Agree      7. What kinds of information would you like to receive from the City? (check all that apply) □ City events (Whale of a Day, Fourth of July, Los Serenos nature walks, etc.) □ Peninsula-wide community events □ Public Works events (shredding/e-waste/excess brush collection) □ Recreational programs □ Public safety alerts/traffic alerts □ Emergency preparedness tips and resources □ Sustainability tips and resources □ COVID-19 resources □ Senior resources □ Youth resources □ Resources for persons with disabilities □ Volunteer opportunities □ Activities of the City Council, City commissions or committees □ New laws and policies □ Other: ________________________ 8. Are you registered for the Alert SouthBay emergency notification system? Yes No   9. Rate your familiarity with remote meeting applications, such as Zoom or Microsoft Teams. Not Familiar Somewhat Familiar Familiar Very Familiar     10. Do you prefer receiving information about community projects electronically, by mail, or in person at workshops? A-6 Electronically By Mail In Person At Workshops No Preference      11. Please rate your comfort level with attending traditional in -person community workshops at this time (assume standard safety measures, such as 6-feet social distancing and face coverings). Not Comfortable Somewhat Comfortable No Opinion Comfortable Very Comfortable      12. How familiar are you with the City’s email/text “Notify Me” system? You can go to rpvca.gov/notify learn more and sign up to receive notifications about City projects, such as the Civic Center. Not Familiar Somewhat Familiar Familiar Very Familiar     Trails and Open Space 1. Do you use City trails? Yes No   2. Do you think the City needs more trails? Yes No   3. Do you feel that City trails are adequately maintained? Strongly Disagree Somewhat Disagree No Opinion Somewhat Agree Strongly Agree     □ 4. How do you find information on which City trails to use? □ Social media □ Lists of top hiking spots on the internet □ Word of mouth □ City website □ I grew up here A-7 □ Other: ________________________________________ 5. Are you concerned about the impact of social media on RPV’s parks and trails? Strongly Disagree Somewhat Disagree No Opinion Somewhat Agree Strongly Agree      6. Do you feel the City is doing enough to address the impacts of increased visitors to RPV’s parks and trails on neighboring homeowners? Strongly Disagree Somewhat Disagree No Opinion Somewhat Agree Strongly Agree      ADA/Accessibility 1. What role most adequately describes your association with the City and the representation you are providing? □ Member of the public with a disability □ Member of the public without a disability □ Relative or caregiver of a person with a disability □ City volunteer □ Other: ______________________________________________________________ 2. Do you participate in programs, services, activities or events offered to individuals with disabilities by the City? □ No □ Yes – Please list: ______________________________________________________________ □ Not applicable 3. Do you know who to contact if you need assistance, have a concern or complaint, or need an accommodation to access a facility, service, or event? □ No – I do not know who to contact □ Yes – Please list who you would contact: ________________________________________ 4. Have you ever requested an accommodation for a disability from the City? □ No A-8 □ Yes – Please describe the request: ________________________________________ 5. Was your accommodation provided? □ No □ Yes □ Yes, but I was unsatisfied with how the accommodation was provided – Please elaborate: _______________________________________________________ 6. Was your accommodation provided? □ No □ Yes □ Yes, but I was unsatisfied with how the accommodation was provided – Please elaborate: _______________________________________________________ 7. Is the attitude of City staff toward persons with disabilities generally helpful, supportive, positive, and proactive in solving accessibility issues? □ No – Please explain: _______________________________________________________ □ Yes □ Somewhat □ Do not know 8. Are you aware of any specific concerns, complaints, or problems regarding access for persons with disabilities to any of the programs, services, or activities provided by the City? □ No □ Yes - Please describe: ______________________________________________________ 9. Do you know who the designated ADA Coordinator is for the City? □ No □ No, I have not had a need or reason to seek out this person. □ Yes - Please provide the name: _______________________________________________ 10. What do you feel should be the City’s highest priority to improve accessibility for persons with disabilities? (i.e. – improvements to accessing public facilities, A-9 providing specific hearing and visual aids for events and public meetings, providing more accommodations for persons with disabilities, etc.) ____________________________________________________________ Renewable Energy/Community Choice Aggregation 1. Are you interested in having more of the electricity that powers your home come from renewable sources, such as wind and solar? Not Interested Somewhat Interested No Opinion Very Interested I have a home solar system      2. Would you be willing to pay higher rates to get more or all of your electricity from renewable sources? Not Willing Somewhat Willing No Opinion Very Willing I have a home solar system     □ 3. Are you familiar with community choice aggregation? Not Familiar Somewhat Familiar Familiar Very Familiar      4. Are you familiar with Southern California Edison’s Green Rates program? Not Familiar Somewhat Familiar Familiar Very Familiar     5. What is your preference for electricity service in RPV? □ Maintain current SCE service □ Switch to SCE Green Rates □ Switch to community choice aggregation □ No preference □ I am not familiar with SCE Green Rates and/or community choice aggregation. Civic Center Planning 1. Do you know where the RPV Civic Center is located? A-10 Yes No   2. How frequently do you visit the Civic Center? Daily Weekly Monthly Annually Never      3. How familiar are you with the current Civic Center Master Plan project? Not Familiar Somewhat Familiar Familiar Very Familiar     4. Do you favor or oppose the redevelopment of the Civic Center site? Strongly Oppose Somewhat Oppose Neutral Somewhat Favor Strongly Favor No Opinion       5. Rate the following options on the likelihood that they would cause you to visit the Civic Center. A. Dog Park Very Unlikely Somewhat Likely Unlikely Very Unlikely     B. Public Performances at a Small Amphitheater Very Unlikely Somewhat Likely Unlikely Very Unlikely     C. Hiking Very Unlikely Somewhat Likely Unlikely Very Unlikely     D. Playground Very Unlikely Somewhat Likely Unlikely Very Unlikely A-11     E. Restaurant Very Unlikely Somewhat Likely Unlikely Very Unlikely     F. Civic Engagement Very Unlikely Somewhat Likely Unlikely Very Unlikely     G. Special Event Very Unlikely Somewhat Likely Unlikely Very Unlikely     H. Art, Educational or Historical Exhibit Space Very Unlikely Somewhat Likely Unlikely Very Unlikely     Other option: _____________________________________________ 6. If an eating establishment was considered at the Civic Center, what type of establishment would you prefer to have? Casual Takeout Small Sit- Down Café Large Sit-Down Restaurant None     7. Please add any additional comments or ideas you have for the Civic Center in the space below. ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ Emergency Preparedness A-12 1. Does your household have FIRE insurance coverage? Yes No N/A    2. If you answered “No” to the previous question, what is the main reason your household does not have FIRE insurance coverage? ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ 3. In the past THREE years, have you had difficulty in obtaining home FIRE insurance? Yes No N/A    4. In the past THREE years, has your home FIRE insurance rate increased more than 7% in a one-year period? Yes No N/A    5. Does your household have EARTHQUAKE insurance coverage? Yes No N/A    6. If you answered “No” to the previous question, what is the main reason your household does not have EARTHQUAKE insurance coverage? ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ 7. Please rate your overall satisfaction with the following aspects of service provided by the City’s Emergency Preparedness Committee (EPC) in better preparing you and your family for a major disaster or emergency. A. Emergency preparedness information received from the City via email, mailings and social media. Strongly Dissatisfied Somewhat Dissatisfied No Opinion Somewhat Satisfied Strongly Satisfied Not Aware       B. Emergency preparedness community outreach at City-sponsored events. A-13 Strongly Dissatisfied Somewhat Dissatisfied No Opinion Somewhat Satisfied Strongly Satisfied Not Aware       C. Resources provided on the City’s rpvca.gov/emergency webpage. Strongly Dissatisfied Somewhat Dissatisfied No Opinion Somewhat Satisfied Strongly Satisfied Not Aware       D. Emergency Preparedness Committee public service announcements on RPVtv Cox Cable channel 33/FiOS channel 38 and on social media. Strongly Dissatisfied Somewhat Dissatisfied No Opinion Somewhat Satisfied Strongly Satisfied Not Aware       E. Overall Emergency Preparedness Committee’s disaster resiliency efforts. Strongly Dissatisfied Somewhat Dissatisfied No Opinion Somewhat Satisfied Strongly Satisfied Not Aware       8. What types of resources would you like for the Emergency Preparedness Committee and the City to provide? ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ 9. Overall, how satisfied are you with the City’s responsiveness to resident needs during disaster or emergency situations? Strongly Dissatisfied Somewhat Dissatisfied No Opinion Somewhat Satisfied Strongly Satisfied Not Aware       10. How can the City of RPV best assist you in planning for a disaster? ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ 11. Are you aware of/satisfied with information provided by the Emergency Preparedness Committee and the City on preparing yourself and your family to shelter in place for 10 to 14 days following a major disaster with potential utility outages? A-14 Strongly Dissatisfied Somewhat Dissatisfied No Opinion Somewhat Satisfied Strongly Satisfied Not Aware       12. Please select the following personal and family preparedness activities that you have done, plan to do in the near future, have not done, or are unable to do . 13. Are you aware of/satisfied with the information provided by the Emergency Preparedness Committee and the City to help you or your neighborhood with efforts to reduce the risks or impacts from a wildfire? Strongly Dissatisfied Somewhat Dissatisfied No Opinion Somewhat Satisfied Strongly Satisfied Not Aware       14. Please select the following actions you have taken in terms of wildfire risk reduction: In your household, have you or your family members in your household: Have Done Planning to Do Not Done Not Able to Do Prepared a disaster supply kit (extra food, water, batteries, cash in small denominations) sufficient for 10 to 14 days?     Saved copies of important documents using a “cloud” online storage system?     Identified out-of-state emergency contacts for communications following a disaster?     Identified neighbors in your community who may need additional assistance following a disaster?     Attended meetings or received information on emergency preparedness?     Developed a household/family emergency plan?     Been trained in first aid or CPR?     In your household, have you or your family members in your household: Have Done Planning to Do Not Done Not Able to Do Removed combustible materials from roof, gutters, decks, base of walls, decks?     Replaced wood mulch within five feet of structures with stone or gravel?     A-15 15. Are you aware of/satisfied with the information provided by the Emergency Preparedness Committee and City staff to help you/your neighborhood with the following efforts in preparing for a wildfire evacuation? Strongly Dissatisfied Somewhat Dissatisfied No Opinion Somewhat Satisfied Strongly Satisfied Not Aware       16. Please select the following in terms of preparedness for evacuation activities that you have done, plan to do in the near future, have not done, or are unable to do. 17. Overall how aware/satisfied are you with information provided by the Emergency Preparedness Committee and the City to prepare you and your family for the disasters in the table below (Question No. 18)? Strongly Dissatisfied Somewhat Dissatisfied No Opinion Somewhat Satisfied Strongly Satisfied Not Aware       18. Please indicate your level of concern for the following natural disasters affecting your community. Covered vent openings with 1/16 to 1/8 inch noncombustible metal mesh screens?     Removed flammable vegetation or mowed to stubble height of 3 inches for 30 feet around any structure?     Created a firebreak for 100 feet around any structure by clearing, cutting, thinning, removing flammable and dead vegetation?     In your household, have you or your family members in your household: Have Done Planning to Do Not Done Not Able to Do Prepared and practiced evacuation plans for your family and neighbors?     Identified neighbors who may need additional help during an emergency and/or help during an evacuation?     Reviewed the L.A. County Fire Department’s Ready! Set! Go! wildfire evacuation recommendations?     A-16 Public Safety 1. Were you aware of the City’s recent Ring security device program? Yes No   2. Have you purchased a Ring security device through the City’s subsidy program? Yes No   3. Do you own a home video security device? Yes No   4. If you own a home video security device (whether Ring or another brand), do you feel a sense of increased security? Strongly Disagree Somewhat Disagree No Opinion Somewhat Agree Strongly Agree      5. Do you know about the City’s Neighborhood Security Camera Program? Yes No   6. If you answered “No” to the previous question, are you interested in learning about the City’s Neighborhood Security Camera Program? Very Concerned Somewhat Concerned Neutral Not Concerned Earthquakes     Wildfires     Landslide/ debris flow     Household fire     Utility outage     Hazardous Materials Event     Tsunami     Severe Storm     A-17 Yes No   7. How likely are you to pay a portion of a cost with your neighborhood/HOA to purchase one or more neighborhood security cameras? □ Very likely □ Somewhat likely □ Very Unlikely □ Unsure 8. How satisfied are you with the services provided by the Lomita Sheriff’s Station? Strongly Dissatisfied Somewhat Dissatisfied No Opinion Somewhat Satisfied Strongly Dissatisfied Not Aware       9. With 1 being the most important, please rank the following public safety concerns in order of importance to you: ___ Residential burglaries ___ Vehicle burglaries/thefts ___ Wildfire hazard ___ Traffic safety ___ Pedestrian/bicycle safety ___ Other: ____________________________ 10. How often do you lock your doors and windows in your home? □ Every time □ Occasionally □ Unsure □ Not often □ Never 11. How often do you lock your car doors and windows? □ Every time □ Occasionally □ Unsure □ Not often A-18 □ Never 12. How safe do you feel in your neighborhood during the day? Very Unsafe Somewhat Unsafe Neither Safe nor Unsafe Somewhat Safe Very Safe      13. How safe do you feel in your neighborhood during the evening/when it is dark? Very Unsafe Somewhat Unsafe Neither Safe nor Unsafe Somewhat Safe Very Safe      14. How safe do you feel your home is when you are out of town? Very Unsafe Somewhat Unsafe Neither Safe nor Unsafe Somewhat Safe Very Safe      15. On a scale of 1-10, with 10 begin the highest, how would you rate the following public safety services in RPV? ___ Law enforcement services ___ Fire services ___ Ambulance/emergency medical services ___ RPV Emergency Preparedness 16. Do you participate in a Neighborhood Watch program? Yes No N/A    Thank you for taking time to complete this survey! Please return it via mail in the attached prepaid envelope addressed to City Hall, or mail to: City of Rancho Palos Verdes 30940 Hawthorne Blvd. Rancho Palos Verdes, CA 90275 A-19 Attn: Citizen Satisfaction Survey Surveys must be postmarked by January 31, 2021. A-20 M:\Citizen Satisfaction Survey\COUNCIL POLICY 02_Questionnaires Sent to the Public (19920204).docx CITY COUNCIL POLICY NUMBER: 2 DATE ADOPTED/AMENDED: 02/04/92 SUBJECT: Questionnaires sent to the public by City Council, Committee/ Commission(s) and Staff POLICY: It shall be the policy of the City Council that all questionnaires and/or surveys to be sent by the city to the general public or special groups, whether generated by Staff, City Council or Committee/Commission(s), be authorized by the full City Council at a public meeting. The City Manager shall be authorized, however, to approve any questionnaires and/or surveys for information to be sent to other public agencies. BACKGROUND: The City Council recognized the need to establish a policy to control questionnaires and surveys for information that are sent or delivered to the general public and special interest groups. B-1