20200901 Late CorrespondenceFrom:
Hello Mr. Melling,
Katie Lozano
Tuesday, September 1, 2020 5:11 PM
Daniel Melling
CC; CityCierk
RE: FW: Reverse the "no parking" restrictions on Crenshaw Blvd. near Portuguese Bend
Thank you for your response. Here are some answers and information to some of your questions/comments. On
August 181h the City Council specifically placed a 60-day time limit on the temporary parking prohibition on Crenshaw
Blvd. south of Crest Rd. to ensure the parking elimination would not become permanent. While it is possible that at the
end of the 60 days the City Council is not satisfied with the detailed proposals staff presents, or they may choose to
provide alternative direction to staff. However, the City Council made it clear that a time limit would be placed on the
parking moratorium to emphasize its temporary nature and to prioritize a solution to restore manageable and
responsible parking to the area. During this temporary parking restriction, visitors (residents or nonresidents) are
encouraged to visit some of the other 10 Reserves. Alta Vicente Reserve and Ocean Trails Reserve are excellent choices
with adequate parking near trailheads and public amenities, such as restrooms and picnic tables. Both Reserves also
provide direct access to the California Coastal Trail and the City's coast and beaches.
As part of the August 18th staff report, staff did recommend thorough public outreach if the City Council chose to
permanently red curb all of Crenshaw Blvd. south of Crest Rd., which was the local HOAs' preferred action. However,
the action City Council took was a temporary parking prohibition. The City Council also expressed its lack of interest in
permanently prohibiting parking in this area. I suggest you re-watch the video of the meeting to hear the words spoken
by certain Councilmembers in this regard.
When staff sends notifications to the public of upcoming agenda items, our typical practice is to summarize the item,
and provide a direct link to the agenda/staff report for the public to read, as our staff reports can be quite lengthy and
detailed. This is why not all of the specifics of the staff report were included in listserv messages sent out.
The City has received grant funding from a variety of federal, state, county, and local sources. Below is language which
is part of the one of the LA County deed restrictions associated with the grant pertaining to equitable access:
"Any beach, park or other public facility acquired, developed, rehabilitated or restored with funds derived under
this resolution shall be open and accessible to the public without discrimination as to race, color, sex, sexual
orientation, age, religious belief, national origin, marital status, physical or medical handicap, medical condition,
or place of residence ... The recipient shall not discriminate against, or grant preferential treatment to, any person
or organization seeking to use such facility based upon the place of residence of such person or member of such
I hope this is helpful.
Thank you,
Katie Lozano
Senior Administrative Analyst
Recreation and Parks Department
City of Rancho Palos Verdes
katiel@rpvca .gov
City Hall is open to the public during regular business hours. To help prevent the spread of COVID -19, visitors
are required to wear face coverings and adhere to physical distancing guidelines . Some employees are working
on rotation and may be working remotely. If you need to visit City Hall, please schedule an appointment in
advance by calling the appropriate department and follow all posted directions during your visit. Walk-ups are
limited to one person at a time . Please note that our response to your inquiry could be delayed. For a list of
department phone numbers, visit the Staff Directory on the City website .
From: Daniel Melling <dmelling@gmail.com>
Sent: Tuesday, September 1, 2020 3:31PM
To: Katie Lozano <Katiel@rpvca.gov>
Cc: CC <CC@rpvca.gov>; CityCierk <CityCierk@rpvca.gov>
Subject: Re : FW: Reverse the "no parking" restrictions on Crenshaw Blvd. near Portuguese Bend Reserve
Dear Katie Lozano ,
Thank you for your detailed response. If it didn't come tlu·ough enough in the blog post , I wanted to recognize
both the immediate steps you have taken to relieve traffic impacts , through your online engagement and other
measures , as we ll as the comprehensive, detailed, and sensible set of long-term solutions that you have
proposed. I li stened to th e detailed presentation and comments by yo u and Cory Linder at the Aug . 18 meeting
and read the city's extensive report on various parking options. I a lso recognize the significant challenge you
face in balancing the interests of multiple stakeholders with fierce views on the right path forward.
A few responses to specific points in your email:
On the NCCP /HUP: I'm grateful for this additional context and history. I read the NCCP in preparation for this
post (and the PUMP) and in a prior draft , I had included a line about wi ldlife conservation as the primary use
for this land with a link to these documents . You are right to notice the absence ofthis point from my post. As
you mention , eco lo gical impact from passive use would justify restricting access to the preserve , but increased
visitation amid the COVID-19 pandemic has not led to observed damage.
On the temporary nature of the parking restrictions: On Aug. 18 , I did not hear a specific call to remove the "no
parking" signs and red curb painting at the end of the 60 day period. Is the city committed to removing the
parking restrictions in November? What I heard on Aug . 18 was that counci lm embers would lik ely vote to
extend the restrictions for another two-month period, since another long-term solution would not have been
implemented by then. The agenda item for today's meeting states , "If viab le parking so luti ons are sti ll
incomplete, staff will bring this temporary no parking item back to the City Council at its November 4 , 2020
meeting to consider its options including a time extension for the temporary no parking area."
On the traffic situation: Your information on the history of neighborhood complaints and the city's response is
helpful. I included some of these issues in my blog post, but not in as much detail as you provide. It's an
important point that the city's lon g-term vis ion for reserve access was not for Burma Rd. to be the primary
On equitab le access: As mentioned in my post , parking restrictions in wealthy areas are a common means for
communities in California to restrict access to open spaces , not just on the coast, and have attracted
considerable attention from media, activists, and state officials. Having visited the new public parking area on
Crenshaw Blvd. yesterday, I am convinced that the parking on Crenshaw Blvd. north of Crest Rd. is unsafe and
at a distance from the trailhead that would deter nonresident hikers, especially families, the elderly, and those
with mobility issues, from parking and accessing the reserve. As the city has reported, 95% of visitors on
weekends and holidays are nonresidents, often from nearby cities with far greater proportions of Black and
Latino residents who have historically been excluded from homeownership on the Palos Verdes peninsula by
racial covenants, and today make up on 11% of RPV's population. Parking restrictions that reduce access will
have a disproportionate effect on visitors from low-income communities of color who use the Portuguese Bend
Reserve to gain fresh air, nature, and open space that does not exist in their neighborhoods. As you mention, the
majority of funding for the purchase of the reserve focused on wildlife conservation and not public access -
were there funding sources such as county, state, or private grants that do require considerations of equitable
On coastal jurisdiction: Thank you for this clarification on the Coastal Zone.
On public notice: Thank you for the further information about your additional public notices. As a nonresident,
I am not on either of the listservs nor do I closely follow the public agenda of RPV meetings, so it's useful to
hear about these communications. In pati, I wrote this post because many trail users, including myself and at
least one PVPLC board member, were taken by surprise by the proposed parking restrictions.
The city's report on parking options notes if the city chose to paint curbs red along Crenshaw Blvd., "extensive
public outreach before implementation" would be needed. Is it fair to say that has occurred?
Most of the notices you reference are for agenda items to discuss general neighborhood mitigation measures,
not a specific proposal to restrict parking along Crenshaw Blvd. I looked back on the agenda item for the Aug.
18 city council meeting that you reference. Here is the text:
Consideration and possible action to implement measures mitigating impacts to residential
neighborhoods adjacent to Del Cerro Park and Portuguese Bend Reserve. (Trautner/Lozano)
(60 mins)
Recommendation: (1) Review and provide input on the short-term solutions implemented by
Staff;(2) Direct Staff to pursue the following long-term solutions:a. Establish a parking reservation
program on Crenshaw Boulevard south of Crest Road; and b. Establish a trailhead with parking at
the toe of the Portuguese Bend Reserve (formerly known as Gateway Park); and, (3) Review and
provide direction on alternative long-term solutions.
This Aug. 18 agenda item includes no specific reference to painting curbs red and "no parking" signs,
rather "measures mitigating impacts to residential neighborhoods," including the long-proposed permit system
and Gateway Park concept that you had recommended as a parking solution and have public support. Red curbs
might fold under "alternative long-term solutions," but I think we can both agree that doesn't count as public
notice for discussion of the parking restrictions the council adopted.
When was the city's first public notice specifically about the city's motion about painting red curbs and
installing "no parking" signs on Crenshaw Blvd., besides the public decision on Aug. 18? I saw the Tweet and
Facebook post from Aug. 27, but if the city provided any public notice before then (maybe the Aug. 26 listerv
email?), please let me know.
From my visit to the trailhead and Crenshaw Blvd. yesterday, I also noted that the two large banners on the
fence and at the trailhead gate did not indicate this parking restriction would be "temporary" (it's possible the
electronic boards at Crenshaw Blvd. did say "temporary" or specify the time period, but I regret I did not record
the full text across 3 flashing messages).
Thank you again for reading my blog post and for responding in such detail. I want to be clear that I come from
a place of respect for the work that you, Cory Linder, and so many others have undertaken both to preserve
access to the reserve, identify long-term parking solutions, and guarantee public safety, all in coordination with
a wide group of constituents who care passionately about the reserve and their communities.
On Tue, Sep 1, 2020 at 12:16 PM Katie Lozano <KatieL@rpvca.gov> wrote:
Hello Mr. Melling,
Thank you for your email. City Staff has read your email, as well as your post on Legal-Planet, and
there are some inaccuracies that warrant clarifying. The City would like to take the opportunity to
provide more information on the actions the City Council took on August 18, 2020 and to provide
some context. The 41 0-acre Portuguese Bend Reserve is one of twelve Nature Reserve properties
that form the 1 ,400-acre Palos Verdes Nature Preserve (Preserve) in the City of Rancho Palos
Verdes. The City acquired the majority of the Preserve to enroll in the City's Natural Communities
Conservation Plan/Habitat Conservation Plan (NCCP/HCP) which is part of a permit the City
receives from the United States Fish and Wildlife Service and the California Department of Fish and
Wildlife (the Wildlife Agencies) to provide for the regional protection of plants and animals and their
habitats, while at the same time allowing compatible and appropriate economic activity. Per our
NCCP/HCP, the primary purpose of the Preserve is preservation of our four listed animal species
(some of which are federally endangered), and their habitats. Public access is not a requirement of
our Preserve per the NCCP/HCP. However, due to unanimous public support, the City took action to
make public access in the form of passive recreation a covered activity under our NCCP/HCP. This
means that public access to the Preserve is permissible as long as it does not have a detrimental
impact on the protected species and habitat within the Preserve. The City has worked hard and
passionately with the Wildlife Agencies, the City's Habitat Manager (the Palos Verdes Peninsula
Land Conservancy) and the community to balance natural resource protection with public access to
keep this amazing open space area open to the public, and we have successfully done so for the
past twenty years. Moreover, the City manages all 1,400 acres of open space, not the County,
PVPLC, or other state and federal agencies. The PVPLC manages the habitat for the City. Some
efforts the City, has taken to invite and educate the public on the Preserve include public day hikes,
public night hikes, a Jr. Ranger Program, and school tours. Of course, these offerings are largely on
hold right now due to Los Angeles County Health orders related to Covid-19.
The action the City Council took on August 18, 2020 was very specific to temporarily prohibiting
parking for 60-days on a stretch of road (Crenshaw Blvd. south of Crest Rd.) that has been
problematic over the past ten years, while staff brings a solution forth to restore parking in a safer,
responsible, and manageable way to this area with minimal impacts to surrounding properties. This
stretch of road has been problematic, because it serves as the parking and access area to the City's
most popular Reserve (the Portuguese Bend Reserve) as well as the Filiorum Reserve and Del
Cerro Park. This stretch of road sees more than 240,000 visitors annually, and as a parking and
staging area, was never designed to handle this level of use nor was this envisioned at the time the
Preserve was being created. Traffic impacts on this stretch of road are exacerbated because it dead
ends in a residential neighborhood with no designated U-turn mechanism. Use has increased
substantially over the past 10 years, largely due to social media, and more recently, increases in trail
use experienced throughout LA County since LA County Health Department trail closures were
relaxed in May. In light of the Council's motion, public parking remains available for the Portuguese
Bend and Filiorum Reserves on Crenshaw Blvd. north of Crest Rd., and at the other 10 Reserve
properties throughout the City, many of which connect to the Portuguese Bend Reserve. In fact, the
City is recommending the public try Alta Vicente Reserve (located at 30940 Hawthorne Blvd.) as an
alternative hiking location because of its ample parking near trailheads, public restrooms, interesting
habitat restoration areas, and proximity to adjacent reserves and the City's California Coastal
Trail. This Reserve also provides a connection to three other Reserves for the ambitious hiker.
Additional actions taken by the City Council on August 18th included a social media campaign to
educate the public on appropriate Preserve use and to encourage visitation where parking and
amenities (such as restrooms) exist, and looking at parking for the 1 ,400-acre Preserve in a holistic
way. The City understands that any actions taken to reduce or alter parking at one Preserve
trailhead, may have impacts on the remaining 52 trailheads. And so staff and the City's traffic
engineer are studying parking and traffic conditions along Crenshaw Blvd. north of Crest and other
You are correct that some of the acquisition funding used to purchase the Preserve property requires
public access, reasonable parking, and would prevent the City from discriminating against users
based on their location of residency. The majority of acquisition funding emphasizes protection of
habitat and species and does not require public access. However, the City has never in the past,
nor is it now proposing to discriminate against users based upon place of residency. This is a
temporary restriction on parking until a solution is implemented. For clarification, the City's Coastal
Zone, under the California Coastal Commission's jurisdiction, does not include the Portuguese Bend
Reserve and extends from Palos Verdes Drive South/West to the ocean. The City provides public
coastal access through the California Coastal Trail, and three Reserve properties with parking lots
with trails that access the beach.
The City is committed to transparency especially when it comes to Preserve operations and regularly
publishes information on Preserve operations and policies. The public was notified of the August
18th agenda item at the July 15, 2020 Preserve Public Forum. This is a quarterly public meeting
held by the City to increase transparency and solicit public feedback on Preserve
operations. Information on the August 18th and September 1st agenda items was also sent out
through a combination of the City's Preserve listserv group and Breaking News listserv group on the
following dates: 8/11/20, 8/17/20, and 8/26/20 to notify the public and solicit feedback, as well as
social media. Electronic boards are being used to inform the public of the temporary parking
Please feel free to reach out to me directly if I can provide additional information . The City works
hard to keep our open space areas open to the public while protecting its natural
resources. However, the specific actions City Council took on August 181h, is temporary for 60 days,
and the City Council is tentatively scheduled to consider more information at its October 20
meeting. Moreover, at the meeting, the City Council specifically placed a timeline on the parking
prohibition to emphasize the importance of finding a solution quickly that will restore parking in a
safer and more functional way to this area.
Please find a link to all 12 Reserves that form the 1 ,400-acre Palos Verdes Nature Preserve below.
Thank you,
Katie Lozano
Senior Administrative Analyst
Recreation and Parks Department
City of Rancho Palos Verdes
31 0-544-52 67
City Hall is open to the public during regular business hours . To help prevent the spread of COVID-
19, visitors are required to wear face coverings and adhere to physical distancing guidelines. Some
employees are working on rotation and may be working remotely. If you need to visit City Hall, please
schedule an appointment in advance by calling the appropriate department and follow all posted
directions during your visit. Walk-ups are limited to one person at a time . Please note that our response
to your inquiry could be delayed . For a list of department phone numbers, visit the Staff Directory on
the City website .
From: Daniel Melling <dmelling@gmail.com>
Sent: Monday, August 31, 2020 7:15PM
To: CC <CC@rpvca.gov>
Subject: Reverse the "no parking" restrictions on Crenshaw Blvd. near Portuguese Bend Reserve
Dear city councilmembers,
I am writing to express my profound concern with your decision on Aug. 18 to enact new parking restrictions
along Crenshaw Blvd. that create a public safety hazard and block public access to the Portuguese Bend
Reserve for an indefinite period of time.
Your council should immediately move to reverse this decision, restore safe parking along Crenshaw Blvd. in
close proximity to the Bantam Road trailhead, and urgently seek a solution that improves access to this
significant open space for residents and nonresidents, especially those who have historically been excluded
from property ownership and public access to open spaces on the Palos Verdes peninsula.
I grew up in Rancho Palos Verdes and graduated from Peninsula High. My parents still own a home near
Cornerstone Elementary and I visit frequently, often taking advantage of the beautiful hiking along the coast.
As a teenager, I loved walking across the peninsula's trails and volunteered with the PVPLC in clearing non-
native species. In no small part due to my experiences in RPV's open spaces, I have pursued a career
working for environmental protection and I currently lead communications for UCLA School of Law's
environmental policy center.
I listened to the entire Aug. 18 discussion of the trailhead and was impressed with the expertise and
knowledge that city staff shared as you debated a solution. But I was dismayed by your unanimous decision
to restrict parking along Crenshaw Blvd. If anything, the city should temporarily increase parking along the
public street, a move that in tandem with the new gate at Bantam Rd., would relieve homeowners' principal
concerns over early morning hikers and double parking along the public street.
There are many troubling aspects to your decision to restrict parking along Crenshaw Blvd. that I wanted to
• The parking restrictions create a major safety hazard for residents and nonresidents alike, increasing
the risk of vehicle collisions and serious pedestrian injuries along a stretch of Crenshaw Blvd. where
cars and trucks routinely drive at more than 45 miles per hour. I visited the street today and On one
side of the street, a waist-high collision barrier installed to prevent vehicles from crashing at speed into
nearby backyards stands between the curb and parking. Two city A-frames at the top of the
intersection are the only signage to indicate that parking is in fact legal along the street.
• The new parking restrictions reinforce the Palos Verdes peninsula 's reputat ion for hostility to
outsiders in open spaces, especia lly Latino and Black visitors, who have historically been exc lud ed .Qy
racial covenants from purchasing properties on the peninsula and today make up only 7 percent of it s
res id ents. The restrictions add to a long history in Ca liforni a of homeowners excluding the public from
the coast through parking restrictions , lega l or ill ega l. Whil e sanct ion ed by lawmakers, Rancho Pa lo s
Verdes 's "no parking " measures have the same effect as the illegal red-painting of curbs by a vandal
in La Jolla earli er this summer: deterring non -residents from enjoy ing a protected public space that is
onl y access ibl e by car .
• The new restrictions force visitors to park a further half mile away on a major arteria l road and present a
s ignifi cant barrier for entry for all visitors-but especia lly families, those with mobility constraints, and
the elderly .
• Homeowners' complaints are not new. The city has a lready sign ifi cant ly reduced public access to open
space before at the request of local residents. In 2015, the c ity cut 42 parking spots a long the same
stretch of Crenshaw Blvd., by painting curbs red. The c ity a lso added s ign age on neighborhood streets
restricting visitor parking . Local homeowners have contributed to traffic and parking problems by
consistent ly opposing sensible city proposals to address traffic and parking, calling parking meters
"b li ght" and suggesting the Gateway Park lot would in crease cr im e .
• The city's new "no parking " order will be in effect for 65 days as city staff produce a more complete
parking plan for the reserve , but staff have already extensively studied and made detailed
recommendations for parking options.
• Councilmembers at the Aug . 18 meeting acknowledged the city is unlikely by early November to have
decided , let alone impl ement any alternat iv e parking p lan. As a resu lt , the city cou ld vote to ind efinitely
extend the "temporary" parking restrictions for any number of two-month periods.
• The counci l came to a decision without hearing perspectives from Rancho Pa lo s Verdes residents who
require parking to access the trailhead . Non -residents were a lso denied a voice in the decision, even
though many have made financial or volunteer contributions to PVPLC and may liv e in
communities devoid of open space . While the c ity owns much of the land in the reserve , it was
purchased with funding from the state, county, and private individu a ls.
• The new parking restr ict ions may violate the deed of sa le for the Portuguese Bend Reserve. At the
Aug. 18 meeting , a city staffer noted that as part of the city's 2005 purchase agreement for the parcel,
the c ity was "requ ir ed to provide adequate, reasonable parking for the reserve " and cannot give
preferential treatment to anyone based on their residence for entry into the reserve.
• The "no parking " measure is not a recommended solution among several analyzed by city staff, who
concluded painting curbs red would require "extensive public outreach before implementation." The
Aug. 18 vote would have gone into effect without notice but for the special ordinance requirement for
street changes. The public was provided just seven days' notice via updates to the
city 's Facebook and Twitter accounts.
• It's not clear the new parking restrictions improve public safety , a requirement for the special ordinance.
The plan shunts street parking down Crenshaw Blvd. to a segment of road with much faster and
higher volumes of vehicle traffic , where parallel parking would be more likely to result in collisions and
pedestrians are at far greater risk of serious injury.
• The parking restrictions may attract the scrutiny of the California Coastal Commission, which has
previously weighed in on parking at Aba lone Cove .
In the interest of public safety along Crenshaw Blvd. and public access to the Portuguese Bend Reserve , I
strongly encourage you to reverse the city's "temporary" parking restrictions motion from Aug. 18 and move
quickly to implement a more comprehensive solution , choosing from the sensible proposals your staff have
Daniel Melling
Hello Ms. Melling,
Katie Lozano
Tuesday, September 1, 2020 4:20PM
CC; CityCierk
RE: Del Cerro parking restrictions
Thank you for your email. It is actually the City of Rancho Palos Verdes that owns and manages the 1,400-acre Nature
Preserve (with the exception of a small section of one of the twelve properties), and it is the City of Rancho Palos Verdes
policy decisions that resulted in making the Preserve available for public access. The Palos Verdes Peninsula Land
Conservancy (PVPLC) is our dedicated and talented partner that manages the habitat within our Preserve. Here is some
The 410-acre Portuguese Bend Reserve is one of twelve Nature Reserve properties that form the 1,400-acre Palos
Verdes Nature Preserve (Preserve) in the City of Rancho Palos Verdes. The City acquired the majority of the Preserve to
enroll in the City's Natural Communities Conservation Plan/Habitat Conservation Plan (NCCP/HCP) which is part of a
permit the City receives from the United States Fish and Wildlife Service and the California Department of Fish and
Wildlife to provide for the regional protection of plants and animals and their habitats, while at the same time allowing
compatible and appropriate economic activity. Per our NCCP/HCP, the primary purpose of the Preserve is preservation
of our four listed animal species (some of which are federally endangered), and their habitats. Public access is not a
requirement of our Preserve per the NCCP/HCP. However, due to unanimous public support, the City took action to
make public access in the form of passive recreation a covered activity under our NCCP/HCP. This means that public
access to the Preserve is permissible as long as it does not have a detrimental impact on the protected species and
habitat within the Preserve. The City has worked hard and passionately with the Wildlife Agencies, the City's Habitat
Manager (PVPLC) and the community to balance natural resource protection with public access to keep this amazing
open space area open to the public, and we have successfully done so for the past twenty years. Moreover, the City
manages all 1,400 acres of open space, not the County, PVPLC, or other state and federal agencies. Some efforts the
City, has taken to invite and educate the public on the Preserve include public day hikes, public night hikes, a Jr. Ranger
Program, and school tours. Of course, these offerings are largely on hold right now due to Los Angeles County Health
orders related to Covid-19.
The action the City Council took on August 18, 2020 was very specific to temporarily prohibiting parking for 60-days on a
stretch of road (Crenshaw Blvd. south of Crest Rd.) that has been problematic over the past ten years, while staff brings
a solution forth to restore parking in a safer, responsible, and manageable way to this area with minimal impacts to
surrounding properties. This stretch of road has been problematic, because it serves as the parking and access area to
the City's most popular Reserve (the Portuguese Bend Reserve) as well as the Filiorum Reserve and Del Cerro Park. This
stretch of road sees more than 240,000 visitors annually, and as a parking and staging area, was never designed to
handle this level of use nor was this envisioned at the time the Preserve was being created. Traffic impacts on this
stretch of road are exacerbated because it dead ends in a residential neighborhood with no designated U-turn
mechanism. Use has increased substantially over the past 10 years, largely due to social media, and more recently,
increases in trail use experienced throughout LA County since LA County Health Department trail closures were relaxed
in May. In light of the Council's motion, public parking remains available for the Portuguese Bend and Filiorum Reserves
on Crenshaw Blvd. north of Crest Rd., and at the other 10 Reserve properties throughout the City, many of which
connect to the Portuguese Bend Reserve. In fact, the City is recommending the public try Alta Vicente Reserve (located
at 30940 Hawthorne Blvd.) as an alternative hiking location because of its ample parking near trailheads, public
restrooms, interesting habitat restoration areas, and proximity to adjacent reserves and the City's California Coastal
Trail. This Reserve also provides a connection to three other Reserves for the ambitious hiker.
Additional actions taken by the City Council on August 18th included a social media campaign to educate the public on
appropriate Preserve use and to encourage visitation where parking and amenities (such as restrooms) exist, and looking
at parking for the 1,400-acre Preserve in a holistic way.
The City is committed to transparency especially when it comes to Preserve operations and regularly publishes
information on Preserve operations and policies. The topic of parking for the Portuguese Bend Reserve and upcoming
City Council agenda item was discussed at the July 15, 2020 Preserve Public Forum. This is a quarterly public meeting
held by the City to increase transparency and solicit public feedback on Preserve operations. Information on the August
18th and September 1st agenda items was also sent out through a combination of the City's Preserve listserv group and
Breaking News listserv group on the following dates: 8/11/20,8/17/20, and 8/26/20 to notify the public and solicit
feedback, as well as social media. Please find links below to attend a Preserve Public Forum or sign up for the City's
listserv notifications.
http://www. rpvca .gov /705/Qua rterly-Pu bl ic-Fo rum-Meetings
http:/ /www.rpvca.gov/list.aspx
Please feel free to reach out to me directly if I can provide additional information. The City works hard to keep our open
space areas open to the public while protecting its natural resources. However, the specific actions City Council took on
August 18th, is temporary for 60 days, and the City Council is tentatively scheduled to consider more information at its
October 20 meeting. Moreover, at the meeting, the City Council specifically placed a time line on the parking prohibition
to emphasize the importance of finding a solution quickly that will restore parking in a safer and more functional way to
this area.
Please find a link to all 12 Reserves that form the 1,400-acre Palos Verdes Nature Preserve below.
http://www. rpvca .gov I 1148/Nature-Reserve-1 nformation-Tra ii-Ma ps
Thank you,
Katie Lozano
Senior Administrative Analyst
Recreation and Parks Department
City of Rancho Palos Verdes
City Hall is open to the public during regular business hours. To help prevent the spread of COVID-19, visitors are
required to wear face coverings and adhere to physical distancing guidelines. Some employees are working on rotation
and may be working remotely. If you need to visit City Hall, please schedule an appointment in advance by calling the
appropriate department and follow all posted directions during your visit. Walk-ups are limited to one person at a time.
Please note that our response to your inquiry could be delayed. For a list of department phone numbers, visit the Staff
Directory on the City website.
-----Original Message-----
From: Marian UK Mobile <pvmellings@yahoo.com>
Sent: Tuesday, September 1, 2020 3:28PM
To: CC <CC@rpvca.gov>
Subject: RE: Del Cerro parking restrictions
Hello Council Members
I understand that you are holding a meeting today to discuss the parking restrictions near Del Cerro park, which will
severely limit access to the public Nature Preserve that was fought for so valiantly by the Palos Verdes Land Conservancy
for ALL to enjoy.
That a few homeowners in the area could have managed to persuade the Council to block access to a public recreation
area is inconceivable, and is an example of NIMBYism at its very worst. By painting the curbs red, and denying safe
parking in the area means that even RPV residents like myself will be unable to visit, let alone the non-local visitors who
are absolutely entitled to access this beautiful space.
During this pandemic, it seems especially cruel to make it difficult, or even impossible to access open spaces, and your
decision would seem to fly in the face of what this unique piece of land was acquired for. I am appalled at the selfishness
of these homeowners, and would urge you to consider a fairer solution.
Thank you,
Mary Melling
Hello Mr. Giese,
Katie Lozano
Tuesday, September 1, 2020 4:22PM
doug@giese .com
CC; CityCierk
FW: Thank you for closing Crenshaw Blvd. south of Crest Rd
Thank you for email and input . This will be included as late correspondence with tonight's City Council agenda item on
the topic of Preserve access on Crenshaw Blvd .
Thank you,
Katie Lozano
Senior Administrative Analyst
Recreation and Parks Department
City of Rancho Palos Verdes
310 -544-5267
katie I@ rpvca .gov
City Hall is open to the public during regular business hours. To help prevent the spread of COVID -19, visitors
are required to wear face coverings and adhere to physical distancing guidelines. Some employees are working
on rotation and may be working remotely. If you need to visit City Halt please schedule an appointment in
advance by calling the appropriate department and follow all posted directions during your visit. Walk-ups are
limited to one person at a time. Please note that our response to your inquiry could be delayed. For a list of
department phone numbers, visit the Staff Directory on the City website.
From: Doug Giese <doug@giese .com >
Sent: Tuesday, September 1, 2020 4:02 PM
To: CC <CC@rpvca.gov >
Subject: Thank you for closing Crenshaw Blvd. south of Crest Rd
I went hiking with my dog today and happened to stop at Del Cerro park. I was pleased to see that Crenshaw
Blvd. so uth of Crest Rd is now closed to public parking (I don't have details yet). A Ranger was parked at the
end of the parking lot in Del Cerro and he informed me I should watch the recording of last week's counci l
meeting on RPV TV . I wi ll do that. Thanks again. The situation at Del Cerro and the Reserves was out of
contro l , as I emai led perhaps a month ago.
Respectfull y,
Doug Giese
27938 Beechgate Dr.
RPV , CA 90275
Se nt:
To :
Late cmT
From: Ken Rukavina
Teresa Takaoka
Tuesday , September 1, 2020 8:22 PM
Fw : Correspondence from Californians for Homeownership
2020-9-1 -Californians Letter to City Council.pdf
Se nt: Tuesday, September 1, 2020 7:28 :00 PM
To: Teresa Takaoka ; Nathan Zweizig
Sub ject: FW: Correspondence from Californians for Homeownership
Ken Rukavina, PE
Director of Community Development
~City of Rancho Palos Verdes
City Hall is open to the public during regular business hours. To help prevent the spread of COVID-19, visitors
are required to wear face coverings and adhere to physical distancing guidelines . Some employees are working
on rotation and may be working remotely. If you need to visit City Hall, please schedule an appointment in
advance by calling the appropriate department and follow all posted directions during your visit. Walk-ups are
limited to one person at a time. Please note that our response to your inquiry could be delayed. For a list of
department phone numbers, visit the Staff Directory on the City website.
From: Matthew Gelfand <admin@caforhomes.org> On Behalf Of matt@caforhomes .org
Sent: Tuesday, September 1, 2020 6 :56 PM
To: John Cruikshank <John.Cruikshank@rpvca.gov>; Eric Alegria <Eric.Aiegria@rpvca .gov>; David Bradley
<david.bradley@rpvca.gov>; Ken Dyda <Ken .Dyda@rpvca .gov>; Barbara Ferraro <barbara.ferraro@rpvca.gov>; CC
<CC@rpvca .gov>
Cc: Ken Rukavina <krukavina@rpvca .gov>; Amy Seeraty <AmyS@rpvca.gov>; wwynder@awattorneys.com;
egerli@awattorneys.com; 'Nickless, Greg@HCD' <Greg .Nickless@hcd .ca.gov >
Subject: Correspondence from Californians for Homeownership
To the City Council :
Please see the attached correspondence regarding Public Hearing Item 1 being considered at your upcoming meeting.
TO STAFF : In light of the length of the letter, we are not asking that the letter be read into the record. Instead, we ask
that you read this statement : "Californians for Homeownership is a 501(c)(3) non -profit organization devoted to using
legal tools to address California's housing crisis . You have been provided with a letter we submitted as part of our work
monitoring local compliance with California's laws regarding accessory dwelling units . Our letter follows up on our
recent correspondence to the Planning Commission regarding the City's draft ADU ordinance. Our detailed concerns
about the City's draft ordinance are explained our letter. In this statement, we wish instead to highlight the City 's
continuing refusal to answer one simple question about staff's proposed ordinance: How does requiring enclosed
parking rather than unenclosed parking reduce fire risk? There is no legitimate explanation for this policy, which reflects
the City's aesthetic preferences, not concerns about fire safety . Enclosed parking is, if anything, more dangerous,
because it can impede evacuation during a power failure as compared with unenclosed parking. The Planning
Commission recognized the lack of a logical basis for requiring enclosed parking, and it removed the enclosed parking
requirement from the draft ordinance. Puzzlingly, staff are now proposing to add it back in . Once again, staff have not
identified any logical connection between fire safety and an enclosed parking requirement. We commend the City for its
commitment to ensuring the safety and welfare of its residents, including in connection with the development of
ADUs. But the proposed enclosed parking requirement makes the city more dangerous, not safer . We implore you to
direct staff to consult with the state Department of Housing and Community Development on this and the other issues
we have identified before you adopt this ordinance."
Matthew Gelfand
Matthew Gelfand
Counsel , Californians for Homeownership
525 S. Virgil A venue
Los Angeles, CA 90020
Tel: (213) 739-8206
Californians for Homeownership is a 50l(c)(3) non-profit organization that works to address California 's housing crisis through
impact litigation and other legal tools .
City Council
City ofRancho Palos Verdes
30940 Hawthorne Boulevard
Rancho Palos Verdes, CA 90275
September 1, 2020
TEL: (213) 739-8206
Email: john.cruikshank@ rpvca.gov ; eric.alegria@ rpvca.gov; david.bradley@ rpvca .gov;
ken.dyda@ rpvca.gov; barbara.ferraro@ rpvca.gov ; cc@ rpvca .gov
RE: September 1, 2020 City Council Meeting, Public Hearing Item 1
To the City Council:
Californians for Homeownership is a 50 I (c)(3) non-profit organization devoted to using
legal tools to address California 's hou s ing crisis. Tam writing as pa1t of our work monitoring local
compliance with California's laws regarding accessory dwelling units (ADUs).
This letter follows up on our extensive prior correspondence to the Planning Commission ,
which provided detailed feedback on the City 's draft ADU ordinance . Tf the City adopts a
compliant ADU ordinance, it will be able to maintain certain local controls on ADU development.
You will consider the ordinance at your September I, 2020 meeting. Unfortunately, although the
Planning Commission addressed some of our concerns, others remain unaddressed. And,
puzzlingly, staff are recommending that you affirmatively undo some of the changes made by the
Planning Commission in response to our concerns .
We urge you to continue this item and to direct staff to return with a compliant ordinance.
As part ofthat process , staff should consult with the state Department ofHousing and Community
Development (HCD), the agency that now has regulatory authority over the state ADU laws . See
Gov. Code §§ 65852.2(h), (i). We have copied HCD staff on this letter to allow them to follow
our discussion with the City. City staff have consistently refused to engage in a discussion with
HCD, presumably because they know that it will result in changes to their preferred ordinance.
The City gains nothing by delaying the inevitable .
The rest ofthis letter explains our remaining concerns about the draft ordinance.
Enclosed Parking
As originally drafted , the ordinance contained several unlawful regulations that we
consider to be aesthetic in nature, but which the City suggested might have a basis in ensuring fire
safety. We commend the City for its commitment to ensuring the safety and welfare of its
525 5 . Virgil Avenue
Los Angeles, CA 90020
September I. 2020
Page 2
residents, including in connection with the development of ADUs. As you hopefully know, all of
the City's ordinary building and safety policies (with a narrow exception related to fire sprinklers)
already apply to ADUs. But the City's draft ordinance contained special zoning policies related
to ADUs. We told the Planning Commission that we believed that the proposed policies
pretextually sought to enforce the City's aesthetic preferences in the name of fire safety.
Specifically, the draft proposed requiring enclosed parking for ADUs. As City staff have
acknowledged, this is prohibited by state ADU law. Gov. Code§ 65852.2(a)(I)(D)(x).
There is no safety basis for requiring enclosed rather than unenclosed parking. Indeed, in
the event of a power outage during an evacuation event the use of enclosed parking will make
evacuation harder, not easier. And enclosed parking increases the portion of a lot that covered in
potentially combustible building.
Over the course of several Planning Commission meetings, we repeatedly asked the
Commission to identify the logical connection between the fire safety and enclosed parking. The
Commission could not do so. We have also separately sent staffemails asking them to explain the
fire safety basis for this policy. They could not do so. At the end of the day, acknowledging the
lack of a logical connection between fire safety and enclosed parking, the Commission removed
the enclosed parking requirement from the draft ordinance.
Now staff are asking you to add it back in. Once again, staff have not identified a single
logical connection bet\veen fire safety and an enclosed parking requirement. Because there is
none. Enclosed parking makes the City more dangerous. The enclosed parking requirement is an
unlawful aesthetic requirement and it must be eliminated. If the City does not eliminate the
enclosed parking requirement before adopting its ordinance, we will likely sue the City to
invalidate the ordinance.
Other Regulations Presented as Fire Sa{etv Rules
The City is proposing two other rules that it has said are justified by fire safety concerns,
without adequately explaining why.
First, the City plans to require replacement parking for garages conve11ed to ADUs. This
is prohibited by state law. Gov. Code§ 65852.2(a)(I)(D)(xi). The City's concerns seem to relate
to the safety impacts of on-street parking on narrow streets, but the City is ignoring a simple
solution: ban or regulate on-street parking where it is dangerous. If on-street parking in an area
blocks adequate ingress and egress, those spots are just as dangerous when occupied by residents
of primary residences as they are when occupied by residents of AD Us. The City is not allowed
to prohibit badly-needed housing as an alternative to adopting safe policies regarding on-street
Second. the City has adopted a ban on ADUs based on the availability of ingress and egress
routes meeting certain criteria. To be sure, this sort of partial ban may be appropriate to address
concerns about evacuation and fire equipment access. But the City's rules have been developed
without actually consulting with the fire safety professionals that serve the City. The input of those
525 S. Virgil Avenue
September I , 2020
Page 3
professionals is critical in order to identify the necessary standards for ensuring adequate ingress
and egress for evacuation and fire equipment access.
And we are extremely concerned by the City's plan to use full discretionary review to
adjudicate exceptions to these rules. Staff have openly acknowledged that this choice was made
to give the City control over "potential issues raised by the proposed ADU, including but not
limited to density, parking. setbacks, and landscaping, as well as aesthetics." The City's exception
process should involve a professional assessment directed to fire safety issues, not aesthetics.
More generally, the City has no explanation for its treatment of ADUs in particular as a
fire safety concern. ADUs are among the lowest-intensity conceivable uses of land. The City
must consider its other land use policies, including policies concerning commercial and retail uses
and other residential uses, in considering its ADU policies. If the City adopts provisions limiting
AD Us because they create an inappropriately intensive use ofland, it should expect litigation under
the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) if it later approves retail, commerciaL or other
residential uses in those same areas.
Other Unlawfit! Provisions
In addition to the issues raised above, we have the following concerns about the draft
• The staff report before you suggests that the City intends to apply iLs ordinaty "street
side setback'' to ADUs. This is unlawful. Street side setbacks are side setbacks. For an ADU that
is not a conversion or rebuild, the maximum side setbacks are four feet. Gov. Code
§ 65852.2(a)(l )(D)(vii). This rule applies to all side setbacks, not just those that the City deems
• The draft ordinance prohibits standard ADUs (including attached ADUs and
conversions of livable space) in connection with multifamily buildings, \Vhich appears to reflect a
misunderstanding regarding the structure of state ADU law. While it is true that many owners of
multifamily dwellings will choose to develop the special multifamily ADU types provided by
subdivision (e) of Government Code Section 65852.2, an applicant may instead choose to develop
a single ADU under subdivision (a). As of Janumy I, 2020, subdivision (a) has been modified to
replace references to "single-family dwelling" with "primary dwelling."
• The draft ordinance contains an "architectural standard" that requires an ADU to be
''clearly subordinate to the primary residence in both [] height and width." This is a size and height
standard, not an architectural standard. State ADU law sharply limits local standards regulating
size and height, and the City cannot override those standards by mischaracterizing the rule as an
"architectural standard."
• The draft ordinance improperly requires 5-foot side and rear setbacks for ADUs. See
Gov. Code§ 65852.2(a)(l )(D)( vii). There is no fire safety explanation for this policy, because the
City's building and safety regulations already require appropriate use of fire resistive materials
and limit fenestration as needed to address fire safety close to property lines.
525 S. Virgil Avenue
Se pt e mbe r I , 2 0 2 0
Page 4
• Th e draft ordinan ce 's setb ac k exempti o n for conve rs io ns is in c ompl e te. T he o rdin a nce
must prov id e a setba c k exe mption f o r c on vers ion s as we ll as re build s and pmti a l c on ve rs ion s.
Gov . C od e § 6 5852 .2(a)( I )(D)(v ii).
• T he dra ft o rdin a nce do es no t prov id e th e re quire d s pe cial treatm e nt for th e categ ori es
of A DUs li s te d in Gove rnm e nt C ode Se cti o n 6 5 8 52 .2 ( e)(l ). Th e se AD U s mu s t b e mini s te riall y
pe rmitte d "notwith standin g " th e provi s ion s a llo w in g c iti es to pass loc a l A DU ordinan ces, m e anin g
th a t th ese A DUs mu s t be approv ed w ithout appl y in g an y loc a l d eve lo pm e nt s tand a rd s , s u c h as
fr o nt-yard setbac ks , lo cation a l res tri c tion s , a nd s ize limits n o t s pe c ifi ca ll y id e ntifi e d in Section
6 5852.2(e). Accordin g to g uidan ce fr o m H C D , th ese A D Us "d o [] no t necess it at e a z onin g
c leara nce a nd mu st not b e limite d to ce rt a in z on es or a re a s o r subj ect to he ig ht, lot s ize, lot
coverage , unit s ize, a rc hit e ctura l rev iew, la nd scape o r pa rkin g re quire m e nt s ," a nd H C D has iss ue d
non -c ompliance le tt e rs to c iti es that have imprope rl y appli e d local d e v e lopm e nt s tandard s to th ese
A D Us. A lthou g h th e draft o rdin a n ce prov ide s s om e con s id e ra tion f o r co nvers ion s of ex is tin g
s pace, thi s tre atm e nt is in co mpl e t e. Fo r more info rm ation o n th e C ity 's o bli g ation s und e r
s ubdi v is ion (e), we direc t th e C it y 's atte ntion t o th e h e lpful s in g le-famil y ADU fi ow-chart
pre pa re d by st aff at th e C ity of Pa lo s Ve rd es Est ates , w hi c h id e ntifi es th e s ubdivi s io n (e)(l) A DU s
a s "buildin g pe rmit onl y " ADU s:
Converted Detached
space structure
Independent 2: 4'
exterior setbacks?
S 800 SF?
Fire & safety
setbacks? s 16'?
Meets criteria in
(lot coverage,
standards, etc .)?
Building Permit &
Conditional Use
requires Planning
Commission approval
To ass ist th e C ity in craft in g a ppropri at e la ng uage, we are prov idin g (be lo w) exampl e la ng ua ge
ba sed on ordinan ces a dopte d by oth e r c iti es .
* * *
W e urge yo u to continue thi s it e m to a llow s taff t o con s ult w it h s taff a t H C D. If th e C it y
525 S. V i rgil Avenue
September I, 2020
Page 5
is confident in its drafting decisions, it s hou ld have no reservations about discussing them with
Matthew Gelfand
cc: City ofRancho Pa lo s Verdes
525 S. Virgil Avenue
Los Angeles, CA 90020
Ken Rukavina, Comm. Dev. Director (by email to krukavina@rpvca.gov)
Amy Seeraty, Senior Planner (by emai l to amys @ rpvca.gov)
Will iam W. Wynder, Esq., City Attorney (by emai l to wwynder@ awattorneys.com)
E lena Q. Gerli , Esq., Attorney to the Comm . (by emai l to egerli @ awattorneys.com)
California Department of Housing and Community Development
Greg Nickless , Housing Po li cy Analyst (by emai l to greg.nickless @ hcd.ca.gov)
September I , 2020
Page 6
Example Language For Government Code Section 65852.2(e)(l) AD Us
Units Subject to Limited Standards.
Notwithstanding [the other sections of the local ADU ordinance], accessory dwelling unit and
junior accessory dwelling unit permits shall be issued based solely on the standards set forth in
this section and all applicable Building Code standards, as follows:
(a) Internal AD Us. One accessory dwelling unit or junior accessory dwelling unit per lot
with a proposed or existing single-family dwelling if all ofthe following apply:
(1) The ADU or JADU unit is within the proposed space of a single-family dwelling
or existing space of a single-family dwelling or accessory structure and may include an
expansion of not more than 150 square feet beyond the same physical dimensions as the
existing accessory structure. An expansion beyond the physical dimensions ofthe
existing accessory structure shall be limited to accommodating ingress and egress.
(2) The space has exterior access from the proposed or existing single-family
(3) The side and rear setbacks are sufficient for fire and safety.
(4) The JADU complies with the requirements of Section 65852.22.
(b) Detached ADUs. One detached, new construction, ADU that does not exceed four-foot
side and rear yard setbacks for a lot with a proposed or existing single-family dwelling. The
ADU may be combined with a JADU described in subsection (a)( I) ofthis section. A local
agency may impose the following conditions on the accessory dwelling unit:
(I) A total floor area limitation of not more than 800 square feet.
(2) A height limitation of 16 feet.
(c) Multifamily Dwelling ADUs
( 1) Multiple AD Us within the portions of existing multifamily dwelling structures
that are not used as livable space, including, but not limited to, storage rooms, boiler
rooms. passageways, attics, basements, or garages, if each unit complies with state
building standards for dwellings.
(2) A local agency shall allow at least one ADU within an existing multifamily
dwelling and shall allow up to 25 percent of the existing multifamily dwelling units.
(d) Not more than two ADUs that are located on a lot that has an existing multifamily
dwelling but are detached from that multifamily dwelling and are subject to a height limit of 16
feet and four-foot rear yard and side setbacks.
(e) Rentals of ADU and JADU permitted pursuant to this section shall be for a term longer
than 30 days.
(f) Installation of fire sprinklers are not required in an ADU or JADU if sprinklers are not
required for the primary residence.
(g) ADUs and JADUs permitted under this section shall not be required to install a new or
separate utility connection directly between the ADU and the utility nor shall a related
connection fee or capacity be charged unless the ADU or JADU is proposed to be constructed
with a new single-family home.
525 S. Virgil Avenue
Attached are revisions/additions and/or amendments to the agenda material presented
for tonight's meeting.
Item No.
Description of Material
Email exchange between Principal Engineer Dragoo and Jean
Email from: Madeline Ryan
Email exchange Senior Administrative Analyst Lozano and Daniel
Melling; Dr. Tom Wayne Bertolotti; Niecia Staggs; Sarah Yawn; Kathy
Christie; Brian Whitten; Rita Weissman;
Emails from: Noah Aldonas; Gerard Melling; Laurie Smith; Judy
Beckett; Mary Melling
Updated attachment
** PLEASE NOTE: Materials attached after the color page(s) were submitted
through Monday, August 31, 2020**.
Respectfully submitted,
L:ILATE CORRESPONDENCE\2020 Cover Sheets\20200901 additions revisions to agenda.docx
Late corr
Teresa Takaoka
Tuesday, September 1, 2020 12:14 PM
FW: 9-01-20 Consent Calendar Item D
From: Ron Dragoo <RonD@rpvca.gov>
Sent: Tuesday, September 1, 2020 12:14 PM
To: jeanlongacre@aol.com
Cc: CC <CC@rpvca.gov>
Subject: RE: 9-01-20 Consent Calendar Item D
Ms. Longacre,
Ardurra is a consulting firm that the City uses from time to time to help us perform engineering designs of projects in our
efforts to keep the City safe while addressing specific concerns in the City, Mr. Merrel is a design engineer who has
worked on designing some of these projects for the City . This project is underway and has been partially designed, so
changing design engineers at this point would be very costly which is why we are recommending continuing work with
Ardurra . I will give you a call at the number listed below this afternoon, and feel free to contact me by phone (310) 544 -
5250 or email rond@rpvca.gov at any time . I can help answer questions you may have regarding the PVDE Safety
Project . Sometimes all that is needed is someone that can translate engineer speak into language that is not so
technical. I wanted you to know that RPV city staff are here to help you in whatever way we can.
Warm regards,
Ron Dragoo, PE
Principal Engineer
City Hall is open to the public during regular business hours . To help prevent the spread of COVID -19, visitors
are required to wear face coverings and adhere to physical distancing guidelines. Some employees are working
on rotation and may be working remotely . If you need to visit City Hall, please schedule an appointment in
advance by calling the appropriate department and follow all posted directions during
From: jeanlongacre@aol.com <jeanlongacre@aol.com >
Sent: Monday, August 31, 2020 2:54 PM
To: CC <CC@rpvca.gov >
Subject: 9-01-20 Consent Calendar Item D
Dear City Council,
I am opposed to renewing the contract with Ardurra for on -ca ll engineering Services. Personally, I have found it difficult to
communicate with their project manager, Bob Merrel ,
The staff report states that the PVDE Safety Project has been temporarily suspended pending approval of the contract
with Ardurra because of Mr. Merrel's knowledge of the project. Surely there are other e ngineering companies who could
handle the project , maybe even one with their head office in California.
o .
Jean Longacre
6 Martingale Dr.
Rancho Palos Verdes, CA 90275
31 0-544-01 05
CC: City Clerk
City Manager
Madeline Ryan <pvpasofino@yahoo.com>
Monday, August 31, 2020 8:04 PM
CC Meeting September 1, 2020 -Consent Calendar Item D
Dear Mayor and Councilmembers -
Under the Consent Calendar, Item D, City Staff is asking the Council to extend an 'on-
service agreement' with Ardurra Group, Inc.
I'm wondering why Staff didn't seek other bids months ago, knowing that Ardurra's
agreement was coming to an end.
As a resident of PVDE and involved from the beginning, when talks of the PVDE widening
project first surfaced, approximately 1 1//2-2 years ago, I remain skeptical that the
Ardurra group is the right firm for this project.
Over the course of the last 2 years, there was never a clear vision from the Ardurra
Group as to what this PVDE widening project would look like, (even though there were
several public meetings/workshop and much input from the impacted homeowners), and
why did they (Ardurra) avoid reclaiming public right of way encroachments in their
design when that was the most feasible and sensible solution to widening the PVDE
section in this project providing safe passage for pedestrians/equestrians between
Bronco and Headland.
If the CC decides to extend the 'on-service agreement' with Ardurra Group, please, if at
all possible, do not allow Ardurra Group to be involved in the PVDE widening project that
will have profound impacts in this Equestrian Zoned area, the neighborhood and the
semi-rural character so unique to the peninsula.
Thank you.
Madeline Ryan
PVDE resident
Dear Katie Lozano,
Daniel Melling <drnelling@grnail.corn>
Tuesday, September 1, 2020 3:31 PM
Katie Lozano
CC; CityCierk
Re: FW: Reverse the "no parking" restrictions on Crenshaw Blvd. near Portuguese Bend
Thank you for your detailed response. If it didn't come through enough in the blog post, I wanted to recognize
both the immediate steps you have taken to relieve traffic impacts, through your online engagement and other
measures, as well as the comprehensive, detailed, and sensible set of long-term solutions that you have
proposed. I listened to the detailed presentation and comments by you and Cory Linder at the Aug. 18 meeting
and read the city's extensive report on various parking options. I also recognize the significant challenge you
face in balancing the interests of multiple stakeholders with fierce views on the right path forward.
A few responses to specific points in your email:
On the NCCP/HUP: I'm grateful for this additional context and history. I read the NCCP in preparation for this
post (and the PUMP) and in a prior draft, I had included a line about wildlife conservation as the primary use
for this land with a link to these documents. You are right to notice the absence of this point from my post. As
you mention, ecological impact from passive use would justify restricting access to the preserve, but increased
visitation amid the COVID-1 9 pandemic has not led to observed damage.
On the temporary nature of the parking restrictions: On Aug. 18, I did not hear a specific call to remove the "no
parking" signs and red curb painting at the end of the 60 day period. Is the city committed to removing the
parking restrictions in November? What I heard on Aug. 18 was that councilmembers would likely vote to
extend the restrictions for another two-month period, since another long-term solution would not have been
implemented by then. The agenda item for today's meeting states, "If viable parking solutions are still
incomplete, staff will bring this temporary no parking item back to the City Council at its November 4, 2020
meeting to consider its options including a time extension for the temporary no parking area."
On the traffic situation: Your information on the history of neighborhood complaints and the city's response is
helpful. I included some of these issues in my blog post, but not in as much detail as you provide. It's an
important point that the city's long-term vision for reserve access was not for Burma Rd. to be the primary
On equitable access: As mentioned in my post, parking restrictions in wealthy areas are a common means for
communities in California to restrict access to open spaces, not just on the coast, and have attracted
considerable attention from media, activists, and state officials. Having visited the new public parking area on
Crenshaw Blvd. yesterday, I am convinced that the parking on Crenshaw Blvd. north of Crest Rd. is unsafe and
at a distance from the trailhead that would deter nonresident hikers, especially families, the elderly, and those
with mobility issues, from parking and accessing the reserve. As the city has reported, 95% of visitors on
weekends and holidays are nonresidents, often from nearby cities with far greater proportions of Black and
Latino residents who have historically been excluded from homeownership on the Palos Verdes peninsula by
racial covenants, and today make up on 1 1% of RPV's population. Parking restrictions that reduce access will
have a disproportionate effect on visitors from low-income communities of color who use the Portuguese Bend
Reserve to gain fresh air, nature, and open space that does not exist in their neighborhoods. As you mention, the
majority of funding for the purchase of the reserve focused on wildlife conservation and not public access-
were there funding sources such as county, state, or private grants that do require considerations of equitable
On coastal jurisdiction: Thank you for this clarification on the Coastal Zone.
On public notice: Thank you for the further information about your additional public notices. As a nonresident,
I am not on either of the listservs nor do I closely follow the public agenda of RPV meetings, so it's useful to
hear about these communications. In pati, I wrote this post because many trail users, including myself and at
least one PVPLC board member, were taken by surprise by the proposed parking restrictions.
The city's report on parking options notes if the city chose to paint curbs red along Crenshaw Blvd., "extensive
public outreach before implementation" would be needed. Is it fair to say that has occurred?
Most of the notices you reference are for agenda items to discuss general neighborhood mitigation measures,
not a specific proposal to restrict parking along Crenshaw Blvd. I looked back on the agenda item for the Aug.
18 city council meeting that you reference. Here is the text:
Consideration and possible action to implement measures mitigating impacts to residential
neighborhoods adjacent to Del Cerro Park and Portuguese Bend Reserve. (Trautner/Lozano)
(60 mins)
Recommendation: ( 1) Review and provide input on the short-term solutions implemented by
Staff;(2) Direct Staff to pursue the following long-term solutions:a. Establish a parking reservation
program on Crenshaw Boulevard south of Crest Road; and b. Establish a trailhead with parking at
the toe of the Portuguese Bend Reserve (formerly known as Gateway Park); and, (3) Review and
provide direction on alternative long-term solutions.
This Aug. 18 agenda item includes no specific reference to painting curbs red and "no parking" signs,
rather "measures mitigating impacts to residential neighborhoods," including the long-proposed permit system
and Gateway Park concept that you had recommended as a parking solution and have public support. Red curbs
might fold under "alternative long-term solutions," but I think we can both agree that doesn't count as public
notice for discussion of the parking restrictions the council adopted.
When was the city's first public notice specifically about the city's motion about painting red curbs and
installing "no parking" signs on Crenshaw Blvd., besides the public decision on Aug. 18? I saw the Tweet and
Facebook post from Aug. 27, but if the city provided any public notice before then (maybe the Aug. 26 listerv
email?), please let me know.
From my visit to the trailhead and Crenshaw Blvd. yesterday, I also noted that the two large banners on the
fence and at the trailhead gate did not indicate this parking restriction would be "temporary" (it's possible the
electronic boards at Crenshaw Blvd. did say "temporary" or specify the time period, but I regret I did not record
the full text across 3 flashing messages).
Thank you again for reading my blog post and for responding in such detail. I want to be clear that I come from
a place of respect for the work that you, Cory Linder, and so many others have undertaken both to preserve
access to the reserve, identify long-term parking solutions, and guarantee public safety, all in coordination with
a wide group of constituents who care passionately about the reserve and their communities.
On Tue, Sep 1, 2020 at 12:16 PM Katie Lozano <KatieL@rpvca.gov> wrote:
Hello Mr. Melling,
Thank you for your email. City Staff has read your email, as well as your post on Legal-Planet, and
there are some inaccuracies that warrant clarifying. The City would like to take the opportunity to
provide more information on the actions the City Council took on August 18, 2020 and to provide
some context. The 41 0-acre Portuguese Bend Reserve is one of twelve Nature Reserve properties
that form the 1 ,400-acre Palos Verdes Nature Preserve (Preserve) in the City of Rancho Palos
Verdes. The City acquired the majority of the Preserve to enroll in the City's Natural Communities
Conservation Plan/Habitat Conservation Plan (NCCP/HCP) which is part of a permit the City
receives from the United States Fish and Wildlife Service and the California Department of Fish and
Wildlife (the Wildlife Agencies) to provide for the regional protection of plants and animals and their
habitats, while at the same time allowing compatible and appropriate economic activity. Per our
NCCP/HCP, the primary purpose of the Preserve is preservation of our four listed animal species
(some of which are federally endangered), and their habitats. Public access is not a requirement of
our Preserve per the NCCP/HCP. However, due to unanimous public support, the City took action to
make public access in the form of passive recreation a covered activity under our NCCP/HCP. This
means that public access to the Preserve is permissible as long as it does not have a detrimental
impact on the protected species and habitat within the Preserve. The City has worked hard and
passionately with the Wildlife Agencies, the City's Habitat Manager (the Palos Verdes Peninsula
Land Conservancy) and the community to balance natural resource protection with public access to
keep this amazing open space area open to the public, and we have successfully done so for the
past twenty years. Moreover, the City manages all 1 ,400 acres of open space, not the County,
PVPLC, or other state and federal agencies. The PVPLC manages the habitat for the City. Some
efforts the City, has taken to invite and educate the public on the Preserve include public day hikes,
public night hikes, a Jr. Ranger Program, and school tours. Of course, these offerings are largely on
hold right now due to Los Angeles County Health orders related to Covid-19.
The action the City Council took on August 18, 2020 was very specific to temporarily prohibiting
parking for 60-days on a stretch of road (Crenshaw Blvd. south of Crest Rd.) that has been
problematic over the past ten years, while staff brings a solution forth to restore parking in a safer,
responsible, and manageable way to this area with minimal impacts to surrounding properties. This
stretch of road has been problematic, because it serves as the parking and access area to the City's
most popular Reserve (the Portuguese Bend Reserve) as well as the Filiorum Reserve and Del
Cerro Park. This stretch of road sees more than 240,000 visitors annually, and as a parking and
staging area, was never designed to handle this level of use nor was this envisioned at the time the
Preserve was being created. Traffic impacts on this stretch of road are exacerbated because it dead
ends in a residential neighborhood with no designated U-turn mechanism. Use has increased
substantially over the past 10 years, largely due to social media, and more recently, increases in trail
use experienced throughout LA County since LA County Health Department trail closures were
relaxed in May. In light of the Council's motion, public parking remains available for the Portuguese
Bend and Filiorum Reserves on Crenshaw Blvd. north of Crest Rd., and at the other 10 Reserve
properties throughout the City, many of which connect to the Portuguese Bend Reserve. In fact, the
City is recommending the public try Alta Vicente Reserve (located at 30940 Hawthorne Blvd.) as an
alternative hiking location because of its ample parking near trailheads, public restrooms, interesting
habitat restoration areas, and proximity to adjacent reserves and the City's California Coastal
Trail. This Reserve also provides a connection to three other Reserves for the ambitious hiker.
Additional actions taken by the City Council on August 18th included a social media campaign to
educate the public on appropriate Preserve use and to encourage visitation where parking and
amenities (such as restrooms) exist, and looking at parking for the 1 ,400-acre Preserve in a holistic
way. The City understands that any actions taken to reduce or alter parking at one Preserve
trailhead, may have impacts on the remaining 52 trailheads. And so staff and the City's traffic
engineer are studying parking and traffic conditions along Crenshaw Blvd. north of Crest and other
You are correct that some of the acquisition funding used to purchase the Preserve property requires
public access, reasonable parking, and would prevent the City from discriminating against users
based on their location of residency. The majority of acquisition funding emphasizes protection of
habitat and species and does not require public access. However, the City has never in the past,
nor is it now proposing to discriminate against users based upon place of residency. This is a
temporary restriction on parking until a solution is implemented. For clarification, the City's Coastal
Zone, under the California Coastal Commission's jurisdiction, does not include the Portuguese Bend
Reserve and extends from Palos Verdes Drive South/West to the ocean. The City provides public
coastal access through the California Coastal Trail, and three Reserve properties with parking lots
with trails that access the beach.
The City is committed to transparency especially when it comes to Preserve operations and regularly
publishes information on Preserve operations and policies. The public was notified of the August
18th agenda item at the July 15, 2020 Preserve Public Forum. This is a quarterly public meeting
held by the City to increase transparency and solicit public feedback on Preserve
operations. Information on the August 18th and September 1st agenda items was also sent out
through a combination of the City's Preserve listserv group and Breaking News listserv group on the
following dates: 8/11/20, 8/17/20, and 8/26/20 to notify the public and solicit feedback, as well as
social media. Electronic boards are being used to inform the public of the temporary parking
Please feel free to reach out to me directly if I can provide additional information. The City works
hard to keep our open space areas open to the public while protecting its natural
resources. However, the specific actions City Council took on August 18th, is temporary for 60 days,
and the City Council is tentatively scheduled to consider more information at its October 20
meeting. Moreover, at the meeting, the City Council specifically placed a timeline on the parking
prohibition to emphasize the importance of finding a solution quickly that will restore parking in a
safer and more functional way to this area.
Please find a link to a ll 12 Reserves that form the 1 ,400-acre Pa lo s Verdes Nature Preserve below.
Thank you,
Kat ie Lozano
Sen ior Administrative Analyst
Recreation and Parks Department
City of Rancho Pa los Verdes
31 0-544-5267
City Hall is open to the public during regular business hours. To help prevent the spread of COVID -
19, visitors are required to wear face coverings and adhere to physical distancing guidelines . Some
employees are working on rotation and may be working remotely . If you need to visit City Hall, please
schedule an appointment in advance by calling the appropriate department and follow all posted
directions during your visit. Walk-ups are limited to one person at a time. Please note that our response
to your inquiry could be delayed. For a list of department phone numbers, visit the Staff Directory on
the City website.
From: Daniel Melling <dme lling@gmail.com >
Sent: Monday, August 31, 20 20 7 :15 PM
To: CC <CC@rpvca.gov >
Subject: Reverse the "no parking" rest ric t ion s on Cre nshaw Blvd. ne ar Portuguese Bend Reserve
Dear city counc ilm embers ,
I am writing to express my profound concern with your decision on Aug . 18 to enact new parking restrictions
alon g Crenshaw B lvd . that create a public safety hazard and block public access to the Portuguese Bend
Reserve for an ind efinit e period of time.
Your counci l shou ld immediately move to reverse t hi s dec ision , restore safe parking along Crensha w Blvd . in
c lo se proximity to the Bantam Road trailhead , and urgently seek a so luti on that imp ro ves access to this
s ignific ant open space for residents and nonresidents, especia lly those who have historically been exc lu ded
from propert y own ersh ip and public access to open spaces on the Pa los Verdes pen in su la .
I grew up in Rancho Pa los Verdes and graduated from Pen in su la High. My parents st ill own a home near
Cornerstone Elementary and I visit frequently , often taking advantage of the beaut iful hikin g alon g the coast.
As a teenager, I lov ed w alking across the peninsula's tra il s and volunteered with the PVPLC in c lear in g non -
native spec ies. In no sma ll part due to my experiences in RP V's open spaces , I have pursued a career
workin g for en vi ronmenta l protect ion and I current ly lead commun icat io ns for UCLA Schoo l of Law 's
env ironmenta l policy center.
I li stened to the entire Aug. 18 discussion of the trailhead and was impressed with the expert ise and
knowledge that c ity staff shared as you debated a so lution . But I was dismayed by your unanimous decision
to restrict parking a lon g Crenshaw Blvd . If anything, the city shou ld temporarily in crease parking along t he
pub li c street, a move that in tandem with the new gate at Bantam Rd ., would relieve homeowners' pr in c ip al
concerns over early morning hikers a nd double parking a lon g the pub li c street.
There are many troubling aspects to your decision to restrict parking alon g Crensha w B lvd. that I wanted to
• The parking restr ict ions create a major safet y hazard for residents and nonresidents a lik e, increas in g
the ri sk of ve hi c le collisions and serious pedestrian injuri es a lon g a stretch of Cre ns haw Blvd . where
cars and trucks routinely drive at more than 45 miles per hour. I visited the street today and On one
side of the st reet, a waist-high collision barrier in sta ll ed to prevent vehicles from crashing at speed into
nearby backyards stands between the curb and parking. Two c ity A -frames at the top of the
int ersectio n are the on ly s ignage to indic ate that parking is in fact lega l a long the street.
• The new parking restr ict ion s reinforce the Pa lo s Verdes peninsula's reputatio n for hostility to
outsiders in open spaces, especia lly Lat in o and Black visitors, wh o have historically been exc luded .Qy
racial covenants from purchasing properties on the peninsula and toda y make up on ly 7 percent of it s
residents. The restrictions add to a long history in Ca li fornia of homeowners excluding the public from
the coast through parking restrictions , lega l or ill ega l. Whil e sanctioned by lawm akers, Rancho Pa lo s
Verdes 's "no park in g " measures have the same effect as the illegal red -painting of curbs by a vandal
in La Jolla earlier this summer: deterring non-residents from enjoying a protected public space that is
on ly accessib le by car .
• The new restrictions force visitors to park a further half mile away on a major arter ia l road and present a
s ignifi cant barrier for entry for a ll visitors-but especia lly families, those with mobility constraints, and
the e ld erly.
• Homeowners' comp la int s are not new. The c ity has already s ign ifi cantly reduced public access to open
space before at the request of local residents. In 2015, the city cut 42 park ing spots a lon g the same
stretch of Crensha w Blv d ., by painting curbs red. The c ity a lso added s ignage on neighborhood streets
restricting visitor parking. Local homeowners have contr ibut ed to traffic and parking problems by
cons istent ly oppos in g sens ibl e c ity proposals to address traffic and parking, ca llin g parking meters
"b li ght" and suggest in g the Gateway Park lot would increase cr im e.
• The c ity 's new "no parking" order will be in effect for 65 days as c ity staff produce a more comp lete
park ing plan for the reserve, but staff have a lready extensively stud ied and made detailed
recommendations for parking opt ions .
• Counci lm embers at the Aug. 18 meeting acknow ledged the c ity is unlikely by early November to have
decided, let alon e impl ement any alternat iv e parking plan. As a result, the c ity cou ld vote to ind efin it e ly
extend the "temporary" parking restrictions for any number of two -month periods .
• The counci l came to a decision without hearing perspectives from Rancho Pa los Verdes residents who
requ ire parking to access the trailhead. Non-residents were also denied a voice in the decision, even
though many have made financial or volunteer contribut ions to PVPLC and may live in
commun iti es devo id of open space . While the c ity owns much of the land in the reserve, it was
purchased with funding from the state, county, and private in d ividu a ls .
• The new parking restrictions may viol ate the deed of sale for the Portuguese Bend Reserve. At the
Aug. 18 meeting, a c ity staffer noted that as part of the c ity 's 2005 purchase agreement for the parcel,
the c ity was "required to provide adequate, reasonable parking for the reserve" and cannot g iv e
preferential treatment to anyone based on their residence for entry int o the reserve .
• The "no parking" measure is not a recommended so lution among severa l ana lyzed by c ity staff, who
conc lud ed painting cu rb s red wou ld require "extensive public outreach before implementation." The
Aug. 18 vot e would have gone int o effect without notice but for the spec ial ordinance requirement for
street changes. The public was provided ju st seven days' notice via updates to the
c ity 's Facebook and Twitter accounts.
• It's not clear the new parking restrictions improve public safety, a requirement for the special ordinance.
The plan shunts street parking down Crenshaw Blvd. to a segment of road with much faster and
higher volumes of vehicle traffic, where parallel parking would be more likely to result in collisions and
pedestrians are at far greater risk of serious injury.
• The parking restrictions may attract the scrutiny of the California Coastal Commission, which has
previously weighed in on parking at Abalone Cove.
In the interest of public safety along Crenshaw Blvd. and public access to the Portuguese Bend Reserve, I
strongly encourage you to reverse the city's "temporary" parking restrictions motion from Aug. 18 and move
quickly to implement a more comprehensive solution, choosing from the sensible proposals your staff have
Daniel Melling
He llo Mr. Bertolotti,
Katie Lozano
Tuesday, September 1, 2020 12 :36 PM
Tommaso W. Bertolotti; Trails
CityC ierk
RE: No parking south of Crest -I thought we were in this together
Thank you for your emai l. The action the City Council took on August 18, 2020 was very specific to
temporarily prohibiting parking for 60-days on a stretch of road (Crenshaw Blvd. south of Crest Rd .)
that has been problematic over the past ten years, while staff brings a solut ion forth to restore parking
in a safer, responsible, and manageable way to this area with minimal imp acts to surround ing
properties. Th is stretch of road has been problematic, because it serves as the parking and access
area to the City's most popular Reserve (the Portuguese Bend Reserve) as w el l as the Filio rum
Reserve and Del Cerro Park. This stretch of road sees more than 240,000 visitors annually, and as a
parking and staging area, was never designed to handle this level of use nor was th is envisioned at
the time the Preserve was being created . Traffic impacts on this stretch of road are exacerbated
because it dead ends in a residential neighborhood with no designated U-turn mechanism. Use has
increased substant ia lly over the past 10 years, largely due to soc ia l media, and more recently,
increases in trail use experienced throughout LA County s in ce LA County Health Department trail
c losures were relaxed in May. In light of the Counci l's mot ion, public parking remains availab le for
the Portuguese Bend and Filiorum Reserves on Crenshaw Blvd. north of Crest Rd., and at the other
10 Reserve properties throughout the City, many of which connect to the Portuguese Bend
Reserve . In fact, the City is recommending the public try Alta Vicente Reserve (located at 30940
Hawthorne B lvd.) as an a lt ernative hiking loc at ion because of its amp le parking near trailheads, public
restrooms, interesting habitat restoration areas, and proximity to ad j acent reserves and the City's
Cal ifornia Coasta l Trail. This Reserve a lso provides a connection to three other Reserves for the
amb itiou s hiker.
Additional actions taken by the City Counci l on August 18 1h included a socia l media campaign to
educate the public on appropriate Preserve use and to encourage visitation where parking and
amenities (such as restrooms) exist , and lookin g at parking for the 1 ,400-acre Preserve in a holistic
The C ity is comm itt ed to transparency espec ia lly when it comes to Preserve operations and regularly
publishes information on Preserve operations and policies. The topic of parking for the Portuguese
Bend Reserve and upcoming City Counc il agenda item was discussed at the July 15, 2020 Preserve
Pub li c Forum. This is a quarterly public meeting held by the City to increase transparency and solic it
public feedback on Preserve operations. Information on the August 18th and September 1st agenda
items was a lso sent out through a comb in at ion of the City's Preserve li stserv group and Breaking
News listserv group on the following dates : 8/11/20, 8/1 7/20, and 8/26/20 to notify the public and
so li cit feedback, as well as social media. Please find links below to attend a Preserve Public Forum or
sign up for the City's li stserv notifications.
Please feel free to reach out to me directly if I can provide additional information. The City works
hard to keep our open space areas open to the public while protecting its natura l
resources . However, the specific actions City Council took on August 18 1h, is temporary for 60 days,
and the City Council is tentatively scheduled to consider more information at its October 20
meeting. Moreover, at the meet ing, the City Council specifically placed a timeline on the parking
prohibition to emphasize the importance of finding a solution quickly that will restore parking in a safer
and more functional way to this area.
Please find a link to all 12 Reserves that form the 1 ,400-acre Palos Verdes Nature Preserve below.
Thank you,
Kat ie Lozano
Senior Administrative Ana lyst
Recreation and Parks Department
City of Rancho Palos Verdes
31 0-544-5267
City Hall is open to the public during regular business hours. To help prevent the spread of COVID-19,
visitors are required to wear face coverings and adhere to physical distancing guidelines. Some
employees are working on rotation and may be working remotely. If you need to visit City Hall, please
schedule an appointment in advance by calling the appropriate department and follow all posted
directions during your visit. Walk-ups are limited to one person at a time. Please note that our response
to your inquiry could be delayed. For a list of department phone numbers, visit the Staff Directory on
the City website.
From: Tommaso W. Bertolotti <tw.bertolotti@gmail.com>
Sent: Tuesda y, September 1, 202 0 12:20 PM
To: Trai ls <trai ls@rp vca.go v>
Subject: No park i ng south of Crest-I thought we were in this together
To whom this may concern,
I am a Redondo Beach resident , and since I have moved here two years ago hiking in the P011uguese Bend
reserve has been one of my favorite pastimes.
Today , as I went for a mind clearing hike , together with other people we were dismayed in seeing those signs
stating that parking on Crenshaw south of Crest was now forbidden.
My suspicions were confirmed: the "we 're in this together" that many people repeat religiously to themselves
and to each other is nothing but a minty mouthwash. What they mean is indeed "we are in this at the same
time", but for sure not together. How, otherwise , explain that the ugly head of egoism shows itself so
shamelessly on the hills of beautiful Palos Verdes?
We live in Redondo Beach. I totally understand the frustration of Rancho Palos Verdians who feel green when
they see people from the South Bay invade their beauteous roads. Believe me , we feel the same . We hate the
fact that people from Palos Verdes come invade our beaches and the Burnout parking lot. We would love to put
a big turnpike on PCH and Crenshaw or make sure you all head north to Hawthorne and don 't come driving
down our California 1. And yet, we refrain from doing so. We welcome you.
2020 is hard for everyone. Everyone makes mistakes. Your blitz to prevent your fellow citizens from
comfortably accessing some much needed greenery was clearly a mistake . Not the worst of 2020 and an easily
amendable one. I urge you to reconsider it and walk it back, if not for common sense , at least for common
decency , human fellowship , and Christian charity.
Kind regards
Dr. Tom Wayne Bertolotti , Photographer
http:/ /portraitphilosophy.com
Facebook -Instagram
Hello Ms. Staggs,
Katie Lozano
Tuesday, September 1, 2020 12:46 PM
nieciastaggs@ hotmail.com
CC; CityCierk
FW: New parking restrictions
Thank you for your email. The action the City Council took on August 18, 2020 was very specific to
temporarily prohibiting parking for 60-days on a stretch of road (Crenshaw Blvd. south of Crest Rd .)
that has been problematic over the past ten years, while staff brings a solution forth to restore parking
in a safer, responsible, and manageable way to this area with minimal impacts to surrounding
properties. This stretch of road has been problematic, because it serves as the parking and access
area to the City's most popular Reserve (the Portuguese Bend Reserve) as well as the Filiorum
Reserve and Del Cerro Park . This stretch of road sees more than 240,000 visitors annually, and as a
parking and staging area, was never designed to handle this level of use nor was this envisioned at
the time the Preserve was being created. Traffic impacts on this stretch of road are exacerbated
because it dead ends in a residential neighborhood with no designated U-turn mechanism. Use has
increased substantially over the past 10 years, largely due to social media, and more recently,
increases in trail use experienced throughout LA County since LA County Health Department trail
closures were relaxed in May. In light of the Council's motion, public parking remains available for
the Portuguese Bend and Filiorum Reserves on Crenshaw Blvd. north of Crest Rd ., and at the other
10 Reserve properties throughout the City, many of which connect to the Portuguese Bend
Reserve. In fact, the City is recommending the public try Alta Vicente Reserve (located at 30940
Hawthorne Blvd.) as an alternative hiking location because of its ample parking near trailheads, public
restrooms, interesting habitat restoration areas, and proximity to adjacent reserves and the City's
California Coastal Trail. This Reserve also provides a connection to three other Reserves for the
ambitious hiker.
Additional actions taken by the City Council on August 18 1h included a social media campaign to
educate the public on appropriate Preserve use and to encourage visitation where parking and
amenities (such as restrooms) exist , and looking at parking for the 1 ,400-acre Preserve in a holistic
way .
The City is committed to transparency especially when it comes to Preserve operations and regularly
publishes information on Preserve operations and policies. The topic of parking for the Portuguese
Bend Reserve and upcoming City Council agenda item was discussed at the July 15, 2020 Preserve
Public Forum. This is a quarterly public meeting held by the City to increase transparency and solicit
public feedback on Preserve operations. Information on the August 18th and September 1st agenda
items was also sent out through a combination of the City's Preserve listserv group and Breaking
News listserv group on the following dates : 8/11/20, 8/17/20, and 8/26/20 to notify the public and
solicit feedback, as well as social media . Please find links below to attend a Preserve Public Forum or
sign up for the City's listserv notifications.
Please feel free to reach out to me directly if I can provide additional information . The City works
hard to keep our open space areas open to the public while protecting its natural
resources. However, the specific actions City Council took on August 181h, is temporary for 60 days,
and the City Council is tentatively scheduled to consider more information at its October 20
meeting. Moreover, at the meeting, the City Council specifically placed a timeline on the parking
prohibition to emphasize the importance of finding a solution quickly that wi ll restore parking in a safer
and more functional way to this area .
Please find a link to all 12 Reserves that form the 1 ,400-acre Palos Verdes Nature Preserve below.
Thank you,
Katie Lozano
Senior Administrative Analyst
Recreation and Parks Department
City of Rancho Palos Verdes
31 0-544 -5267
City Hall is open to the public during regular business hours. To help prevent the spread of COVID -19,
visitors are required to wear face coverings and adhere to physical distancing guidelines. Some
employees are working on rotation and may be working remotely. If you need to visit City Hall , please
schedule an appointment in advance by calling the appropriate department and follow all posted
directions during your visit. Walk -ups are limited to one person at a time. Please note that our response
to your inquiry could be delayed. For a list of department phone numbers , visit the Staff Directory on
the City website .
From: Niecia . <nieciastaggs@hotmail.com >
Sent: Monday, August 31, 2020 10:40 PM
To: CC <CC@rpvca .gov>
Subject: New parking restrictions
Dear Council Members,
I have worked on the Palos Verdes peninsula for the last 14 years. During that time I
started visiting De l Cerro park. I have found it to be a wonderful retreat from civilization,
without having to drive a few hours out of town. I am grateful for this large open public
It makes no sense that you would prohibit parking on the street leading to the park.
People will still go to the park. I will stil l go to the park. But now you will create a traffic
nightmare as families drive up to the park and have to id l e in the street while they drop
off children and elderly hikers. That is what I will do now. I take my elderly father to
hike there. I can walk from wherever I park, but he can't. I will have to stop in the
street to let him out, then go park and walk back. I know you think this will deter
visitors, but it won't. Your parking restrictions will only create a dangerous situation at
the top of the street. My guess is that the homeowners along that area will not
appreciate the car exhaust from all the cars idling during drop offs and pick ups.
A better solution would be to create a dedicated parking lot for visitors to the public
land. The nearby neighbors would not have to deal with parked cars if the public had a
place to park off street. I know the neighbors would like to keep the public out of the
public land, but that isn't going to happen. Even without parking, people will still make
use of this designated public resource. Please reconsider your no parking zones, for the
good of everyone.
Thank you,
Niecia Staggs.
Niecia Staggs
Certified Swim Coach
Helping Triathletes Swim Better Since 1998
Hello Ms . Yawn ,
Katie Lozano
Tuesday, September 1, 2020 2 :27 PM
Sarah Yawn
RE: Portuguese Bend Reserve Parking Restrictions
Thank you for your email. The action the City Council took on August 18, 2020 was very specific to
temporarily prohibiting parking for 60-days on a stretch of road (Crenshaw Blvd . south of Crest Rd.)
that has been problematic over the past ten years, while staff brings a solution forth to restore parking
in a safer, responsible, and manageable way to this area with minimal impacts to surrounding
properties. This stretch of road has been problematic , because it serves as the parking and access
area to the City's most popular Reserve (the Portuguese Bend Reserve) as well as the Filiorum
Reserve and Del Cerro Park. This stretch of road sees more than 240,000 visitors annually, and as a
parking and staging area, was never designed to handle this level of use nor was this envisioned at
the time the Preserve was being created. Traffic impacts on this stretch of road are exacerbated
because it dead ends in a residential neighborhood with no designated U-turn mechanism. Use has
increased substantially over the past 10 years , largely due to social media, and more recently,
increases in trail use experienced throughout LA County since LA County Health Department trail
closures were relaxed in May . In light of the Council's motion, public parking remains available for
the Portuguese Bend and Filiorum Reserves on Crenshaw Blvd . north of Crest Rd ., and at the other
10 Reserve properties throughout the City, many of which connect to the Portuguese Bend
Reserve . In fact, the City is recommending the public try Alta Vicente Reserve (located at 30940
Hawthorne Blvd.) as an alternative hiking location because of its ample parking near trailheads, public
restrooms, interesting habitat restoration areas, and proximity to adjacent reserves and the City's
California Coastal Trail. This Reserve also provides a connection to three other Reserves for the
ambitious hiker.
Please find a link to all 12 Reserves that form the 1 ,400 -acre Palos Verdes Nature Preserve below.
Additional actions taken by the City Council on August 181h included a social media campaign to
educate the public on appropriate Preserve use and to encourage visitation where parking and
amenities (such as restrooms) exist, and looking at parking for the 1 ,400-acre Preserve in a holistic
The City is committed to transparency especially when it comes to Preserve operations and regularly
publishes information on Preserve operations and policies . The topic of parking for the Portuguese
Bend Reserve and upcoming City Council agenda item was discussed at the July 15, 2020 Preserve
Public Forum . This is a quarterly public meeting held by the City to increase transparency and solicit
public feedback on Preserve operations. Information on the August 18th and September 1st agenda
items was also sent out through a combination of the City's Preserve listserv group and Breaking
News listserv group on the following dates : 8/11/20, 8/17/20 , and 8/26/20 to notify the public and
solicit feedback, as well as social media . Please find links below to attend a Preserve Public Forum or
sign up for the City's listserv notifications .
http://www.rpvca.gov/705/Quarterly-Public-Forum -Meetings
http://www.rpvca .gov/list.aspx
Please feel free to reach out to me directly if I can provide additional information. The City works
hard to keep our open space areas open to the public while protecting its natural
resources . However, the specific actions City Council took on August 18th , is temporary for 60 days,
and the City Council is tentatively scheduled to consider more information at its October 20
meeting. Moreover, at the meeting, the City Council specifica lly placed a timeline on the parking
prohibition to emphasize the import ance of finding a solution quickly that will restore parking in a safer
and more functional way to this area .
Thank you,
Kat ie Lozano
Senior Administrativ e Ana ly st
Recreatio n and Parks Department
Cit y of Ranch o Pa los Verdes
31 0 -544-5267
City Hall is open to the public during regular business hours . To help prevent the spread of COVID -19, visitors
are required to wear face coverings and adhere to physical distancing guidelines. Some employees are working
on rotation and may be working remotely. If you need to visit City Hall, please schedule an appointment in
advance by calling the appropriate department and follow all posted directions during your visit. Walk -ups are
limited to one person at a time . Please note that our response to your inquiry could be delayed. For a list of
department phone numbers, visit the Staff Directory on the City website .
From: Sarah Yawn <sarah yawn@gmail.com >
Sent: Tuesday, September 1, 2020 1:57 PM
To: Trails <trails@rpvca .gov>
Subject: Portuguese Bend Reserve Parking Restrictions
Hello ,
I am writing to express my concern with the new parking restrictions at Portuguese Bend Reserve. With many
of us being limited to what we can do during this pandemic, hikes and time outside has been such a vital
resource for this community. Especiall y with many residents in neighboring areas not having access to air
conditioning in the summer months , this park and trail provid es a space for families to enjoy the ocean breeze
and daytime activity for children and pets who possibly don't have a ya rd to play in. By enacting parking
restrictions , you are limiting access to a nature res erve that only reali stically allows the wealthy lo cal residents
to access this va luabl e resource . This only further separates our community and takes away the opportunity for
less affluent community members to experience the fresh air and nature that this reserve provides. I would
strongly urge you to recon sider thi s dec ision.
Thank you,
Sarah Yawn
E: sarahyawn@gmail.com
Hello Ms. Christie,
Katie Lozano
Tuesday , September 1, 2020 2:31 PM
CC; CityCierk
FW : Del Cerro parking
Thank you for your email. The action the City Council took on August 18, 2020 was very specific to
temporarily prohibiting parking for 60-days on a stretch of road (Crenshaw Blvd . south of Crest Rd.)
that has been problematic over the past ten years, while staff brings a solution forth to restore parking
in a safer, responsible, and manageable way to this area with minimal impacts to surrounding
properties. This stretch of road has been problematic, because it serves as the parking and access
area to the City's most popular Reserve (the Portuguese Bend Reserve) as well as the Filiorum
Reserve and Del Cerro Park. This stretch of road sees more than 240,000 visitors annually, and as a
parking and staging area, was never designed to handle this level of use nor was this envisioned at
the time the Preserve was being created. Traffic impacts on this stretch of road are exacerbated
because it dead ends in a residential neighborhood with no designated U-turn mechanism . Use has
increased substantially over the past 10 years, largely due to social media, and more recently,
increases in trail use experienced throughout LA County since LA County Health Department trail
closures were relaxed in May. In light of the Council's motion, public parking remains available for
the Portuguese Bend and Filiorum Reserves on Crenshaw Blvd. north of Crest Rd., and at the other
10 Reserve properties throughout the City, many of which connect to the Portuguese Bend
Reserve . In fact, the City is recommending the public try Alta Vicente Reserve (located at 30940
Hawthorne Blvd.) as an alternative hiking location because of its ample parking near trailheads, public
restrooms, interesting habitat restoration areas, and proximity to adjacent reserves and the City's
California Coastal Trail. This Reserve also provides a connection to three other Reserves for the
ambitious hiker.
Please find a link to all 12 Reserves that form the 1 ,400 -acre Palos Verdes Nature Preserve below.
Additional actions taken by the City Council on August 181h included a social media campaign to
educate the public on appropriate Preserve use and to encourage visitation where parking and
amenities (such as restrooms) exist, and looking at parking for the 1 ,400-acre Preserve in a holistic
You are correct that some of the acquisition funding used to purchase the Preserve property requires
public access, reasonable parking, and would prevent the City from discriminating against users
based on their location of residency . The majority of acquisition funding emphasizes protection of
habitat and species and does not require public access. However, the City has never in the past, nor
is it now proposing to discriminate against users based upon place of residency. This is a temporary
restriction on parking until a solution is implemented.
The City is committed to transparency especially when it comes to Preserve operations and regularly
publishes information on Preserve operations and policies. The topic of parking for the Portuguese
Bend Reserve and upcoming C ity Council agenda item wa s discussed at the July 15, 2020 Preserve
Public Forum. This is a quarterly public meeting held by the City to increase transparency and solicit
pub lic feedback on Preserve operations. Information on the August 18th and September 1st agenda
items was also sent out through a combination of the City's Preserve li stserv group and Breaking
News listserv group on the following dates: 8/11/20, 8/17/20, and 8/26 /20 to notify the public and
solicit feedback, as well as soc ia l media. Please find links below to attend a Preserve Public Forum or
sign up for the C ity's listserv notifications .
http://www.rpvca .gov/list.aspx
Please feel free to reach out to me directly if I can provide additional information. The City works
hard to keep our open space areas open to the public while protecting its natural
resources . However, the specific act ion s City Council took on August 18 1h, is temporary for 60 days,
and the City Counci l is tentatively schedu led to consider more information at its October 20
meeting. Moreover, at the meeting , the City Counc il spec ifica lly placed a timeline on the parking
prohibition to emphasize the importance of finding a solution quickly that will restore parking in a safer
and more functiona l w ay to this area .
Thank you,
Katie Lozano
Sen ior Admin istrat iv e Ana ly st
Recreation and Parks Department
City of Ranc ho Pa los Verdes
City Hall is open to the public during regular business hours. To help prevent the spread of COVID-19, visitors
are required to wear face coverings and adhere to physical distancing guidelines. Some employees are working
on rotation and may be working remotely. If you need to visit City Halt please schedule an appointment in
advance by calling the appropriate department and follow all posted directions during your visit. Walk -ups are
limited to one person at a time. Please note that our response to your inquiry could be delayed. For a list of
department phone numbers, visit the Staff Directory on the City website .
From: Kathy Christie < >
Sent: Tuesday, September 1, 2020 11 :39 AM
To: CC <CC@rpvca.gov >
Subject: Del Cerro parking
Hello , RPV City Council!
Thank yo u for all you do!
I 'm writing with regard to the parking near Del Cerro park. I hope that you will reconsider your decision to
paint the curbs near the park red to prevent parking. This park should be accessible to the public , and forcing
people to park far away will prevent some people from using the park and will force people to park in places
that aren 't as safe , such as on Crenshaw north of Crest.
My husband and his late first wife both served on the board of the Palos Verdes Land Conservancy and are
featured on a plaque in the park. It 's a shame that despite a ll their hard work, this open space is less accessible
to us than it once was.
From what I've read , the city 's 2005 purchase agreement for the parcel says that the city is "required to provide
adequate, reasonable parking for the reserve " and cannot give preferential treatment to anyone based on their
residence for entry into the reserve. Creating onerous parking restrictions just to appease nearby hom eowners
does not satisfy that agreement.
Thank you for your consideration on this issue.
Kathy Christie
6851 Fa ircove Dr., Rancho Pa los Verdes , CA 90275
www.kathychristie .com
818.383 .9283
Hello Mr. Whitten,
Katie Lozano
Tuesday, September 1, 2020 2:51 PM
CC; CityCierk
FW: FYI. ..
Thank you for email. Unfortunately the post linked below contains many inaccuracies that warrant
correction. The City provided the following information to the author earlier today. The City would
like to take the opportunity to provide more information on the actions the City Council took on August
18, 2020 and to provide some context. The 41 0-acre Portuguese Bend Reserve is one of twelve
Nature Reserve properties that form the 1 ,400-acre Palos Verdes Nature Preserve (Preserve) in the
City of Rancho Palos Verdes. The City acquired the majority of the Preserve to enroll in the City's
Natural Communities Conservation Plan/Habitat Conservation Plan (NCCP/HCP) which is part of a
permit the City receives from the United States Fish and Wildlife Service and the California
Department of Fish and Wildlife (the Wildlife Agencies) to provide for the regional protection of plants
and animals and their habitats, while at the same time allowing compatible and appropriate economic
activity. Per our NCCP/HCP, the primary purpose of the Preserve is preservation of our four listed
animal species (some of which are federally endangered), and their habitats. Public access is not a
requirement of our Preserve per the NCCP/HCP. However, due to unanimous public support, the
City took action to make public access in the form of passive recreation a covered activity under our
NCCP/HCP. This means that public access to the Preserve is permissible as long as it does not
have a detrimental impact on the protected species and habitat within the Preserve. The City has
worked hard and passionately with the Wildlife Agencies, the City's Habitat Manager (the Palos
Verdes Peninsula Land Conservancy) and the community to balance natural resource protection with
public access to keep this amazing open space area open to the public, and we have successfully
done so for the past twenty years. Moreover, the City manages all 1,400 acres of open space, not the
County, PVPLC, or other state and federal agencies. The PVPLC manages the habitat for the City.
Some efforts the City, has taken to invite and educate the public on the Preserve include public day
hikes, public night hikes, a Jr. Ranger Program, and school tours. Of course, these offerings are
largely on hold right now due to Los Angeles County Health orders related to Covid-19.
The action the City Council took on August 18, 2020 was very specific to temporarily prohibiting
parking for 60-days on a stretch of road (Crenshaw Blvd. south of Crest Rd.) that has been
problematic over the past ten years, while staff brings a solution forth to restore parking in a safer,
responsible, and manageable way to this area with minimal impacts to surrounding properties. This
stretch of road has been problematic, because it serves as the parking and access area to the City's
most popular Reserve (the Portuguese Bend Reserve) as well as the Filiorum Reserve and Del Cerro
Park. This stretch of road sees more than 240,000 visitors annually, and as a parking and staging
area, was never designed to handle this level of use nor was this envisioned at the time the Preserve
was being created. Traffic impacts on this stretch of road are exacerbated because it dead ends in a
residential neighborhood with no designated U-turn mechanism. Use has increased substantially
over the past 10 years, largely due to social media, and more recently, increases in trail use
experienced throughout LA County since LA County Health Department trail closures were relaxed in
May. In light of the Council's motion, public parking remains available for the Portuguese Bend and
Filiorum Reserves on Crenshaw Blvd. north of Crest Rd., and at the other 10 Reserve properties
throughout the City, many of which connect to the Portuguese Bend Reserve. In fact, the City is
recommending the public try Alta Vicente Reserve (located at 30940 Hawthorne Blvd.) as an
alternative hiking location because of its ample parking near trailheads, public restrooms, interesting
habitat restoration areas, and proximity to adjacent reserves and the City's California Coastal
Trail. This Reserve also provides a connection to three other Reserves for the ambitious hiker.
Additional actions taken by the City Council on August 18th included a social media campaign to
educate the public on appropriate Preserve use and to encourage visitation where parking and
amenities (such as restrooms) exist, and looking at parking for the 1 ,400-acre Preserve in a holistic
way. The City understands that any actions taken to reduce or alter parking at one Preserve
trailhead, may have impacts on the remaining 52 trailheads . And so staff and the City's traffic
engineer are studying parking and traffic conditions along Crenshaw Blvd. north of Crest and other
It is correct that some of the acquisition funding used to purchase the Preserve property requires
public access, reasonable parking, and would prevent the City from discriminating against users
based on their location of residency. The majority of acquisition funding emphasizes protection of
habitat and species and does not require public access. However, the City has never in the past, nor
is it now proposing to discriminate against users based upon place of residency. This is a temporary
restriction on parking until a solution is implemented. For clarification, the City's Coastal Zone, under
the California Coastal Commission's jurisdiction, does not include the Portuguese Bend Reserve and
extends from Palos Verdes Drive South/West to the ocean. The City provides public coastal access
through the California Coastal Trail, and three Reserve properties with parking lots with trails that
access the beach .
The City is committed to transparency especially when it comes to Preserve operations and regularly
publishes information on Preserve operations and policies. The topic of parking for the Portuguese
Bend Reserve and upcoming City Council agenda item was discussed at the July 15, 2020 Preserve
Public Forum. This is a quarterly public meeting held by the City to increase transparency and solicit
public feedback on Preserve operations. Information on the August 18th and September 1st agenda
items was also sent out through a combination of the City's Preserve listserv group and Breaking
News listserv group on the following dates: 8/11/20, 8/17/20, and 8/26/20 to notify the public and
solicit feedback, as well as social media. Please find links below to attend a Preserve Public Forum or
sign up for the City's listserv notifications.
Please feel free to reach out to me directly if I can provide additional information. The City works
hard to keep our open space areas open to the public while protecting its natural
resources. However, the specific actions City Council took on August 18th, is temporary for 60 days,
and the City Council is tentatively scheduled to consider more information at its October 20
meeting. Moreover, at the meeting, the City Council specifically placed a timeline on the parking
prohibition to emphasize the importance of finding a solution quickly that will restore parking in a safer
and more functional way to this area.
Please find a link to all 12 Reserves that form the 1 ,400-acre Palos Verdes Nature Preserve below.
Thank you,
Katie Lozano
Senior Adm i nistrative Analyst
Recreation and Parks Department
Cit y of Rancho Pa los Verdes
310-544 -5267
City Hall is open to the public during regular business hours . To help prevent the spread of COVID -19, visitors
are required to wear face coverings and adhere to physical distancing guidelines. Some employees are working
on rotation and may be working remotely. If you need to visit City Hall, please schedule an appointment in
advance by calling the appropriate department and follow all posted directions during your visit. Walk-ups are
limited to one person at a time. Please note that our response to your inquiry could be delayed. For a list of
department phone numbers, visit the Staff Directory on the City website.
From: BRIAN WHITIEN <brianwhitten1965@msn.com >
Sent: Tuesday, September 1, 2020 1:20PM
To: CC <CC@rpvca.gov >
Subject: FYI ...
https://legal-planet.org/20 20/08/3 1/red-p aint-will -curb -public-acc ess -in -palos -verdes-n ature-pre serve -one-
of-los-angel es-countys -most-significant-open -spaces/
Red Paint Will Curb Public Ac cess to Palos Verdes
Nature Preserve, One of Los Angeles County's Mo st
Significant Open Space s -Legal Planet
The City of Rancho Palos Verdes took steps this month to limit public access
to a popular portion of the Palos Verdes Nature Preserve, an open space
rivaled in size and beauty in Los Angeles County only by Griffith Park, the
Santa Monica Mountains, and Angeles National Forest.
leqal-planet.or g
Hello Ms . Weissman,
Katie Lozano
Tuesday, September 1, 2020 2 :56 PM
weissman .rita@gmail.com
CC; CityCierk
RE: Crenshaw Parking Restrictions at Portuguese Bend Preserve
The action the City Council took on August 18, 2020 was very specific to temporarily prohibiting
parking for 60-days on a stretch of road (Crenshaw Blvd. south of Crest Rd.) that has been
problematic over the past ten years, while staff brings a solution forth to restore parking in a safer,
responsible, and manageable way to this area with minimal impacts to surrounding properties . This
stretch of road has been problematic, because it serves as the parking and access area to the City's
most popular Reserve (the Portuguese Bend Reserve) as well as the Filiorum Reserve and Del Cerro
Park. This stretch of road sees more than 240,000 visitors annually, and as a parking and staging
area, was never designed to handle this level of use nor was this envisioned at the time the Preserve
was being created. Traffic impacts on this stretch of road are exacerbated because it dead ends in a
residential neighborhood with no designated U-turn mechanism. Use has increased substantially
over the past 10 years, largely due to social media, and more recently, increases in trail use
experienced throughout LA County since LA County Health Department trail closures were relaxed in
May. In light of the Council's motion, public parking remains available for the Portuguese Bend and
Filiorum Reserves on Crenshaw Blvd. north of Crest Rd., and at the other 10 Reserve properties
throughout the City, many of which connect to the Portuguese Bend Reserve. In fact, the City is
recommending the public try Alta Vicente Reserve (located at 30940 Hawthorne Blvd.) as an
alternative hiking location because of its ample parking near trailheads, public restrooms, interesting
habitat restoration areas, and proximity to adjacent reserves and the City's California Coastal
Trail. This Reserve also provides a connection to three other Reserves for the ambitious hiker .
Additional actions taken by the City Council on August 181h included a social media campaign to
educate the public on appropriate Preserve use and to encourage visitation where parking and
amenities (such as restrooms) exist, and looking at parking for the 1 ,400-acre Preserve in a holistic
The City is committed to transparency especially when it comes to Preserve operations and regularly
publishes information on Preserve operations and policies . The topic of parking for the Portuguese
Bend Reserve and upcoming City Council agenda item was discussed at the July 15, 2020 Preserve
Public Forum. This is a quarterly public meeting held by the City to increase transparency and solicit
public feedback on Preserve operations. Information on the August 18th and September 1st agenda
items was also sent out through a combination of the City's Preserve listserv group and Breaking
News listserv group on the following dates: 8/11/20, 8/17/20, and 8/26/20 to notify the public and
solicit feedback, as well as social media. Please find links below to attend a Preserve Public Forum or
sign up for the City's listserv notifications .
http://www.rpvca.gov/705/Quarterly-Public-Forum -Meetings
Please feel free to reach out to me directly if I can provide additional information. The City works
hard to keep our open space areas open to the public while protecting its natural
resources. However, the specific actions City Council took on August 181h, is temporary for 60 days,
and the City Council is tentatively scheduled to consider more information at its October 20
meeting . Moreover, at the meeting, the City Council specifically placed a timeline on the parking
prohibition to emphasize the importance of finding a solution quickly that will restore parking in a safer
and more functional way to this area .
Please find a link to all 12 Reserves that form the 1 ,400-acre Palos Verdes Nature Preserve below .
Thank you,
Katie Lozano
Senior Administrative Analyst
Recreation and Parks Department
City of Rancho Palos Verdes
City Hall is open to the public during regular business hours. To help prevent the spread of COVID -19, visitors
are required to wear face coverings and adhere to physical distancing guidelines. Some employees are working
on rotation and may be working remotely. If you need to visit City Hall, please schedule an appointment in
advance by calling the appropriate department and follow all posted directions during your visit. Walk-ups are
limited to one person at a time. Please note that our response to your inquiry could be delayed . For a list of
department phone numbers, visit the Staff Directory on the City website .
From: Rita Weissman <weissman.rita@gmail.com >
Sent: Tuesday, September 1, 2020 1:27 PM
To: CC <CC@rpvca.gov >
Subject: Crenshaw Parking Restrictions at Portuguese Bend Preserve
I am greatly dismayed that this exclusionary and discriminatory parking restriction is being proposed
on Crenshaw, south of Crest, for the Portuguese Bend Reserve. Further, this has been instigated
within the past two weeks with input only from local residents.
I feel this action is unjust and hostile to outsiders, seniors, and families. I implore you to seek a
more equitable solution, one made with input from more diverse voices, more time to develop and
explore options, and with consideration of allowing others to enjoy nature and the beauty of this
Rita Weissman
A weekly, 72 yearold hiker at the reserve for the past 4 years
Late corr
Teresa Takaoka
Tuesday, September 1, 2020 7:56 AM
FW: No to red curb
From: Noah Aldonas <noah.aldonas@gmail.com>
Sent: Monday, August 31, 2020 9:14PM
To: CC <CC@rpvca.gov>
Subject: No to red curb
I'm writing as a concerned Angeleno. I'm a big fan of Portuguese Bend and love going to hike there. I'm very
concerned about the proposals to add more red curb paint to the area. This area has an important role facilitating
healthy outdoor spaces and exercise and this will make that more difficult.
Don't add more red curb to the area.
Noah Aldonas
UCLA Anderson School of Management '21
Northwestern University '13
Cheri Bailiff
Monday, August 31, 2020 5:41 PM
Fw: Del Cerro parking -Late Correspondence
From: gerard melling <gpmelling@yahoo.com>
Sent: Monday, August 31, 2020 5:03 PM
To: PublicWorks
Cc: Daniel Melling
Subject: Re: Del Cerro parking
https:/ /I ega 1-pla net.org/2020/08/31/red-pa i nt-wi 11-cu rb-pu blic-access-i n-pa los-verdes-nature-preserve-one-of-los-
a ngeles-cou ntys-most-sign ifica nt -open-spaces/
I would like to add to my prior email by attaching this UCLA link by my son -a long term Del Cerro user too-which sets
out the case succinctly. Can you please draw this to the attention of the council Gerard Melling Sent from my iPhone
>On Aug 27, 2020, at 8:25 PM, gerard melling <gpmelling@yahoo.com> wrote:
>As a 20 year resident of RPV, frequent user of the trails near Del Cerro Park, and payer of a big property tax bill, with
my friends, I am appalled to learn about the upcoming parking prohibition. The parking on Crenshaw, south of Crest
Road, is currently the only non-permit parking available proximate to the park and trails. Rather than continuing to
reduce access to public space, we should explore ways to INCREASE parking, such as replacing inefficient parallel parking
with "head in" spots on the wide shoulder and adding spaces in the park by reducing some of the thirsty lawn area.
Also, in my experience, the spaces reserved for residents in the park are majority unused on weekdays and not full even
on busy weekends.
> It is our responsibility to allow access to the public space within our community and there is ample space for parking
and shared use. When choosing to live in an area near public lands, some traffic and congestion must be expected. It's
not a private fiefdom. Particularly in these times, we should be looking for solutions that welcome rather than
discourage visitors to our outdoor spaces.
>Could we please have some action to redress this situation?
>Gerard Melling
> 26600 Menominee place
> Rpv
>Sent from my iPhone
-----Origi na I Message-----
Cheri Bailiff
Tuesday, September 1, 2020 8:18AM
FW: Parking at Del Cerro -Late Correspondence
From: Laurie Smith <macmillansmith@aol.com>
Sent: Monday, August 31, 2020 9:19 PM
To: PublicWorks <PublicWorks@rpvca.gov>
Subject: Parking at Del Cerro
>On Aug 28, 2020, at 8:36AM, Laurie Smith <vnlsmith@icloud.com> wrote:
> Dear Rancho Palos Verdes City Council,
>I am writing in response to the temporary parking prohibition near Del Cerro Park.
>As a 40-year resident of PVE and frequent user of the trails near Del Cerro Park, I am appalled to learn about the
upcoming parking prohibition. The parking on Crenshaw, south of Crest Road, is currently the only non-permit parking
available proximate to the park and trails. Rather than continuing to reduce access to public space, we should explore
ways to INCREASE parking, such as replacing inefficient parallel parking with "head in" spots on the wide shoulder and
adding spaces in the park by reducing some of the thirsty lawn area. Also, in my experience, the spaces reserved for
residents in the park are majority unused on weekdays and not full even on busy weekends.
> It is our responsibility to allow access to the public space within our community and there is ample space for parking
and shared use. When choosing to live in an area near public lands, some traffic and congestion are a given. Caveat
Emptor. I live on PVDN so should I try to curb parking on "my" street because it's inconvenient for me at times?
Particularly in these times, we should be looking for solutions that welcome rather than discourage visitors to our
outdoor spaces.
> Sincerely,
>Laurie Smith
-----Original Message-----
Cheri Bailiff
Tuesday, September 1, 2020 8:19AM
FW: Parking at Del Cerro and tomorrow nights city council_ Late Correspondence
From: Laurie Smith <macmillansmith@aol.com>
Sent: Monday, August 31, 2020 9:31PM
To: PublicWorks <PublicWorks@rpvca.gov>
Subject: Parking at Del Cerro and tomorrow nights city council
I have been a resident in the area for 40 years and was involved with the PV Land Conservancy, including they time in
It was paid for w/state & county propositions to authorize the sale of bonds for open space preservation with public
access. State & county funds, not RPV funds. With the spirit that it was for all, otherwise why wd the state & county
The reason that the state & county paid for the land is be it was to become a benefit to the state and county, not to a
small handful of locals. Taxpayers way outside of RPV agreed to pay for it w/understanding that it was not just for RPV.
It is NOT OK for a few elite residents who are a littler inconvenienced to deny access to the people this space was meant
Laurie Smith
Cheri Bailiff
Tuesday, September 1, 2020 8:36 AM
FW: Important artic le -Late Correspondence
From: Laurie Smith <macmi llan sm ith@ao l.com >
Sent: Monday, August 31, 2020 9:48 PM
To: Laurie Smith <Macmillansmith@aol.com>
Cc: PublicWorks <Pub licWorks@rpvca .gov>
Subject: Important article
https://legal-planet.org/2020/08 /31 /red-paint-will-curb-public-access-in-palos-verdes -nature-preserve-one-of-
los-angeles-countys-most -significant -open-spaces
From: Teresa Takaoka
Tuesday, September 1, 2020 2:55PM
Subject: FW: Public Input for 9/1 Meeting
-----Original Message-----
From: Judy Beckett <judyskis@me.com>
Sent: Tuesday, September 1, 2020 2:52PM
To: CC <CC@rpvca.gov>
Subject: Public Input for 9/1 Meeting
Dear Committee Members
I am unhappy.
Hello. My name is Judy Beckett and I am responding as a non-resident who has enjoyed hiking the Del Cero-PVPLC for
many years. My husband is 79 and I am 75. We need a place to park so we can continue to enjoy this wonderful
preserve. We beg you to please reconsider taking away our ability to park at the end of Crenshaw. The red painted
curb is intolerable.
It is our beliefthat your meeting on August 18 was done without consideration of us and many others. I believe that
with a re-examination of what you are proposing, you will see that it is in the interest of a few .... instead of what is best
for many.
Respectively submitted,
Judy Beckett
Hermosa Beach
Late carr
-----Original Message-----
Teresa Takaoka
Tuesday, September 1, 2020 3:29 PM
FW: Del Cerro parking restrictions
From: Marian UK Mobile <pvmellings@yahoo.com>
Sent: Tuesday, September 1, 2020 3:28PM
To: CC <CC@rpvca.gov>
Subject: RE: Del Cerro parking restrictions
Hello Council Members
I understand that you are holding a meeting today to discuss the parking restrictions near Del Cerro park, which will
severely limit access to the public Nature Preserve that was fought for so valiantly by the Palos Verdes Land Conservancy
for ALL to enjoy.
That a few homeowners in the area could have managed to persuade the Council to block access to a public recreation
area is inconceivable, and is an example of NIMBYism at its very worst. By painting the curbs red, and denying safe
parking in the area means that even RPV residents like myself will be unable to visit, let alone the non-local visitors who
are absolutely entitled to access this beautiful space.
During this pandemic, it seems especially cruel to make it difficult, or even impossible to access open spaces, and your
decision would seem to fly in the face of what this unique piece of land was acquired for. I am appalled at the selfishness
of these homeowners, and would urge you to consider a fairer solution.
Thank you,
Mary Melling
Teresa Takaoka
Tuesday, September 1, 2020 2:14 PM
FW: Crenshaw Parking Restrictions at Portuguese Bend Preserve
From: Rita Weissman <weissman.rita@gmail.com>
Sent: Tuesday, September 1, 2020 1:27PM
To: CC <CC@rpvca.gov>
Subject: Crenshaw Parking Restrictions at Portuguese Bend Preserve
I am greatly dismayed that this exclusionary and discriminatory parking restriction is being proposed
on Crenshaw, south of Crest, for the Portuguese Bend Reserve. Further, this has been instigated
within the past two weeks with input only from local residents.
I feel this action is unjust and hostile to outsiders, seniors, and families. I implore you to seek a
more equitable solution, one made with input from more diverse voices, more time to develop and
explore options, and with consideration of allowing others to enjoy nature and the beauty of this
Rita Weissman
A weekly, 72 yearold hiker at the reserve for the past 4 years
Late carr
Teresa Takaoka
Tuesday, September 1, 2020 12:58 PM
FW: New NDA for Item 2
4017-E (Part 1 of 1).pdf; Form 14-769 CCA-NDA Redlined Version Advice 4017-E.pdf;
Form 14-769.pdf
From: Megan Barnes <mbarnes@rpvca.gov>
Sent: Tuesday, September 1, 2020 12:54 PM
To: CC <CC@rpvca.gov>
Subject: New NDA for Item 2
Good Afternoon Mayor and Councilmembers,
Regarding tonight's Clean Power Alliance item, Staff has learned that a few days ago, the CPUC approved a new SCE non-
disclosure agreement form for CCAs requesting customer usage data. SCE had requested changes to the NDA form in
June 2019. The new form changes the timespan of shared data from 12 months to 36 months, and clarifies that
customer summary bills are considered confidential, and that aggregate data that meets the CPUC's 15/15 Rule is not.
The NDA is non-negotiable.
Here is the new NDA form, a red lined version, and an explanation of the revisions sought by SCE. The City Attorney's
Office has reviewed the new NDA and still has the same concerns it did with the previous form.
Thank you,
Megan Barnes
Senior Administrative Analyst
City Manager's Office
City of Rancho Palos Verdes
30940 Hawthorne Blvd.
Rancho Palos Verdes, CA 90275
!In £[)!SON INTERNATIO N Al.,. Compo n)
ADVICE 4017 -E
(U 338-E)
Gary A. Stern, Ph.D.
Managing Director, State Regulatory Operations
June 14 , 2019
SUBJECT: Modification of Form 14-769, Community Choice Aggregation
Non-Disclosure Agreement
Southern California Edison Company (SCE) hereby submits the following changes to its
tariffs. The revised tariff sheets are listed on Attachment A hereto .
The purpose of this advice letter is to modify Form 14-769, Community Choice
Aggregator Non -Disclosure Agreement, (CCA-NDA}, to protect all customer information
shared with a Community Choice Aggregator (CCA) under this agreement.
In 2002, Assembly Bill 117 authorized the creation of Community Choice Aggregation.
Public Utilities (PU) Code Sections 331.1 , 366 .2 , and 381.1 enable cities and/or
counties to implement a Community Choice Aggregation Service (CCA Service)
program , which allows communities to offer electricity procurement service to electric
customers within their political boundaries. In 2006 , SCE established Rule 23 ,
Community Choice Aggregation.lCurrently , six CCAs have been formed in SCE's
service territory, and SCE has received several implementation plans from potential
CCAs that are planning to launch CCAs in the near future . Based on the feedback from
the existing and potential future CCAs, SCE has identified a need to modify its current
Form 14-769 to clarify that all confidential data shared with the CCAs, including all
historical data and information in the summary bills , is pursuant to the CCA-NDA.
Therefore , SCE is submitting this advice letter to modify its Form 14-769 to ensure all
data shared with its CCAs are protected appropriately by its CCA-NDA.
1 SCE's Advice 1965 and Advice 1965-E-A.
P 0 Box 800 8631 Rush Street Rosemead, California 91770 (626)302-9645 Fax(626)302-6396
(U 338-E)
-2-June 14, 2019
Currently, SCE's CCA-NDA extends the data sharing protections to CCAs investigating,
pursuing, or implementing CCA Service. Although SCE interprets "implementing" as
ongoing implementation, SCE has clarified that the CCA-NDA also applies to
information shared with the CCAs pursuant to the NDA during the administration of the
CCA Service as well. In addition, SCE's CCA NDA may be read to limit SCE's sharing
of data to twelve (12) prior months. However, both current and potential CCAs have
indicated that they require at least two additional years of data to assist them with
forming and implementing the CCAs, including for use in various studies and analyses.
Given these requests, SCE has agreed to provide up to a maximum of 36-months of
historical data, in 12-month increments, to the CCAs if requested for this purpose.
Therefore, SCE is proposing to remove the reference of the 12-month limitation from its
CCA-NDA to ensure all historical data, and any other confidential data, shared with the
current and potential CCAs are protected by SCE's CCA-NDA.
Both current and potential CCAs have requested copies of their customers' "summary
bills." These "summary bills" aggregate all of a customer's accounts, including accounts
at locations that may be served by different Load Serving Entities (LSE). For example,
a large retail chain may only receive one summary bill containing the billing information
for 11 stores in 8 different CCA territories, 2 stores on Direct Access (DA) Service, and
15 stores served on SCE's Bundled Service. Thus, when a CCA receives its own
customer's summary bill, it may also receive data related to that customer's accounts
that are not in its service territory. However, SCE's current CCA Service Agreement
does not explicitly extend data protections to cover the detailed customer billing
information for customer accounts outside the CCA's territory or receiving LSE services
from other providers.
Given this situation, SCE has determined that it is prudent to update the current CCA
Non-Disclosure Agreement to make it clear that all information included in these
"summary bills" are fully protected as Confidential Information. Making this change to
the CCA NDA will permit SCE to fulfill the CCAs' request for its customers' bills,
accommodate the customer's wish to continue to receive a single summary bill, and
protect the customers' confidential data.
In this advice letter, SCE is proposing to update its Form 14-769 to clarify the scope of
data protected pursuant to the CCA-NDA and to make additional non-substantive
clarification edits to remove any potential ambiguity in Form 14-769.
Form 14-769, Community Choice Aggregator Non-Disclosure Agreement
1. Modify the definition of "Confidential Information" to clarify that confidential
information includes any confidential or proprietary information provided to a
CCA or potential CCA for the CCA to investigate, pursue, implement, and/or
administer CCA Services.
(U 338-E) -3-June 14, 2019
2. Change the reference of "customer service account number" to "unique customer
identifier," and also update "name on service account" to "customer name" to
better describe these data elements.
3. Remove the reference of 12 months of historical data from the definition of
"Confidential Information" to reflect that all confidential information provided, no
matter what the time period, shall be confidential information.
4. Clarify that the CCA-NDA applies to CCA administration after the CCA becomes
operational, as well as investigation, pursuit, and implementation, of CCA
5. Include in the definition of "Confidential Information" current and historical
summary bills for services provided by SCE, other electric service providers, or
other CCAs.
6. Make explicit that materials derived from Confidential Information that sufficiently
aggregate such Confidential Information in compliance with the 15/15 Rule, set
forth in Schedule CCA-INFO, are not "Confidential Information." SCE has always
interpreted the NDA in this manner, but at least one CCA has expressed concern
that the current NDA is not clear.
7. Replace the reference of Assembly Bill No. 1890 with PU Code Section 365.1 in
#5 on page 4.
8. Add back the reference to "Attachment B" of CPUC Decision No. 12-08-045 that
was inadvertently removed in the revision submitted in Advice 3243-E.
9. Add a check box for CCA option in the signature block.
No cost information is required for this advice letter.
This advice letter will not increase any rate or charge, cause the withdrawal of service,
or conflict with any other schedule or rule.
Pursuant to General Order (GO) 96-B, Energy Industry Rule 5.2, this advice letter is
submitted with a Tier 2 designation.
This advice letter will become effective on July 14, 2019, the 30th calendar day after the
date submitted.
ADVICE 4017 -E
(U 338 -E)
-4 -June 14, 2019
Anyone wishing to protest this advice letter may do so by letter via U.S. Mail, facsimile ,
or electronically , any of which must be received no later than 20 days after the date of
this advice letter. Protests should be submitted to:
CPUC , Energy Division
Attention: Tariff Unit
505 Van Ness Avenue
San Francisco, California 94102
E-mail: EDTariffUnit@cpuc.ca .gov
Copies should also be mailed to the attention of the Director, Energy Division ,
Room 4004 (same address above).
In addition , protests and all other correspondence regarding this advice letter should
also be sent by letter and transmitted via facsimile or electronically to the attention of:
Gary A. Stern, Ph.D .
Managing Director, State Regulatory Operations
Southern California Edison Company
8631 Rush Street
Rosemead , California 91770
Telephone : (626) 302-9645
Facsimile: (626) 302-6396
E-mail : AdviceTariffManager@sce.com
Laura Genao
Managing Director, State Regulatory Affairs
c/o Karyn Gansecki
Southern California Edison Company
601 Van Ness Avenue, Suite 2030
San Francisco , California 94102
Facsimile: (415) 929-5544
E-mail : Karvn .Gansecki@sce.com
There are no restrictions on who may file a protest, but the protest shall set forth
specifically the grounds upon which it is based and must be received by the deadline
shown above.
In accordance with General Rule 4 of GO 96-B, SCE is serving copies of this advice
letter to the interested parties shown on the attached GO 96-B, R.12-06 -013 ,
R.03 -10-003, R.17-06 -026, R.16-02-007 , and R.17-09 -020 service lists . Additionally ,
SCE is also serving copies of this advice letter to the entities that have submitted a
correctly executed Form 14-770, Community Choice Aggregator Service Declaration, to
SCE. Address change requests to the GO 96 -B service list should be directed by
electronic mail to AdviceTariffManager@sce.com or at (626) 302 -4039. For changes to
(U 338-E) -5 -June 14 , 2019
all other serv ice lists, please contact the Commission 's Process Office at (415)
703-2021 or by e lectron ic mail at Process Office@cpuc.ca .gov .
Further, in accordance with Public Utilities Code Section 491, notice to the public is
hereby given by submission and keeping the advice letter at SCE 's corporate
headquarters. To view other SCE adv ic e letters submitted with the Comm ission, log on
to SCE's web site at https://www.sce.com/wps/portal/home/regulatorv/advice-letters .
For questions, please contact Amy Liu at (626) 302-4019 or by e le ctron ic mail at
Amy .Liu@sce.com
GAS :a l:jm
Southern California Edison Company
/s/ Gary A. Stern, Ph.D.
Gary A. Stern , Ph.D.
California Public Utilities Commission
MUST BE COMPLETED BY UTILITY (Attach additional pages as needed)
Co mpany name /C PUC Utility No.: Southern Ca lifornia E dison Companv (U 338-E)
Utility type:
Contact Person: Darrah Morgan
Phone#: (626) 302-2086
E-mail: Advice TariffManager@sce.com
E-mail Disposition Notice to: AdviceTariffManae:er@sce.com
ELC = Electric
PLC = Pipeline
GAS= Gas
HEAT= Heat
Advice Letter (AL) #: 401 7-E
WATER = Water
(Date Submitted I Received Stamp by CPUCI
Tier Designation : 2
Subject of AL: Modification of Form 14-7 69 , Community Choice Aggregation Non-Disclosure Agreement
Keyword s (choose from CPUC listing): Compliance, Form
AL Type : D Monthly 0 Quart erly D Annual [{] One-Tim eD Other:
If AL submitted in compliance with a Comm issio n order, indicate relevant Decision/Resolution #:
Does AL replace a withdrawn or rejected AL? If so, identify the prior AL:
Su mmarize differences between the ALand the prior withdrawn or rejected AL:
Co nfidential treatment requested ? O Yes [{] No
If yes, specification of confidentia l information :
Confidentia l information wi ll be made available to appropriate parties who execute a
nondisclosure agreement . Name and co nta c t information to request nondisclosure agreement/
access to confidentia l information:
Reso lution required? D Yes [{] No
Requested effective date: 7/14 /19
Estimated sys tem annual revenue effect (%):
Estimated sys t em average rate effec t (%):
No. of tariff sheets: -3-
When rates are affected by AL, include attachment in A L showing average rate effects on customer classes
(residential, small commercial, large C/1, agri c ultural , lighting).
Tariff schedules affected: F 14 769 d T 1 1 f c · "OflTl -an a) e o on tents
Se rvice affected and changes proposed 1
Pending advice letters that revise the same tariff sheets: Non e
1Discuss in AL if more space is needed.
Protests and all other correspondence regarding this AL are due no later than 20 days after the date
of this submittal, unless otherwise authorized by the Commission, and shall be sent to:
CPUC. Energy Division
A tt e ntion : Tariff Unit
505 Van Ness A venue
San Francisco, CA 94102
Email: EDToriffUnit @cpuc.ca.gov
Name: Garv A. Stern, Ph .D.
Title: Managing Director, State Regulatory Operations
Utilit y Na m e : South ern Cali fornia E dison Compan y
Address: 8631 Rush Street
C it y: Rosemead
Sta t e: Ca liforni a Zip: 91770
Telephone (xxx) xxx-xxxx: (626) 302-9645
Facsimile (xxx ) xxx-xxxx: (626 ) 302-6396
Email: advicetariffm.anager(ci}sce.com
Name: La ura Genao c /o Karr n G ansecki
Titl e: IV!anaging Director, State Regulatory Affairs
Utilit y Name: Southern Ca lifornia Edison Compam•
Add ress: 601 Van Ness Avenue, Suite 2030
C ity: San Francisco
St a t e: Ca lifornia Zip: 94102
Telephone (xxx) xxx-xxxx: (4 15) 929 -55 15
Facsim il e (xxx) xxx-xxxx: ( 415 ) 929-5544
Email : karyn.ganseckifa}sce.com
ENERGY Adv ice Le tter Keywo rds
Affiliate Direc t Access Preliminary S tatem ent
Agr ee ments Disco nnect Service Procurement
Agriculture ECAC I E n ergy Cos t _,\djus tmen t Qualifying Fa ci li ty
AYo ided Cos t EOR I E nhanced Oil Recm'ery Reb ates
Ba lancing .r\ccount Energy Charge Refund s
Ba se line E n ergy Effic iency Reliability
Bilingua l Es tabli sh Se rvice Re -IYIAT I Bi o-lYL'\T
Billin gs Expand Se r v ice Area Re ve nue A ll oca ti on
Bioenergy Forms Rule 2 1
Brokerage Fees Francluse Fee I Use r Tax Rul es
CARE G.O. 13 1-D Section 851
CP uC Reimbursement Fee GRC I General Rate Case Self Gen era tion
Capa city Hazardous \Xlaste Service Area Map
Cogeneration Increase Rates Se r v ice Outage
Compliance Interruptible Ser vice Solar
Conditions of Se n 'ice I nterutility Transportation Standbv Se rv ice
Connec tion LIEE I L ow-Inco m e Energy Efficiency S to ra ge
Con se rvation L IJL\. I Low-I ncome Rate payer Assis tance Street Lights
Consolidate Tariffs Late Paym ent Ch arge Surcharges
Contracts Lin e Extensions Tariffs
Core Memorandum Account Taxes
Cr e dit Metered E n ergy E fficienc y Text Changes
Curtaila bl e SerYic e Metering Tran s form er
Customer C harge Mobile Home P arks Transition Cos t
Cus tomer Owned Generatio n Nam e Change Tran smi ss io n Lines
D ecreas e Rates Non-Core Tran sportatio n Electrification
Demand Charge Non -firm Ser vice Contra cts Tran sportatio n Rates
Demand Side Fund Nuclear undergrounding
Demand Side J\IIan agement Oil Pipelin es Volta ge Discount
Demand Side Re sp o n se PBR I P erforman ce Ba se d Ratemakin g \Xiind Power
D e posits Portfolio \Xlithdraw al o f Se rvice
D e p re ciation Power Lin es
Public Utilities Commission 4017 -E
Cal. P U.C.
Sheet No. Title of Sheet
Revised 67481-E Form 14-769
Revised 67482-E Table of Contents
Revised 67483-E Table of Contents
Attachment A
Cancelling Cal.
P.U.C. Sheet No.
Revised 61464-E
Revised 67 466-E
Revised 67 4 70-E
~:;{!:;~!~'~ ">OUliHil"-( llli~OIII'>,'f,\
Southern California Edison Revised Cal. PUC Sheet No. 67481-E
Rosemead, California (U 338-E) Cancelling Revised Cal. PUC Sheet No. 61464-E
Sheet 1
(To be inserted by utility)
Advice 4017-E ~~~-----------
Form 14-769
Issued by
Kevin Payne
Chief Executive Officer
(To be inserted by Cal. PUC)
Date Filed Jun 14, 2019
An ED! SOli' INT/cRN!tT/O!vAL Company
This Non-Disclosure Agreement ("Agreement") is entered into by and between Southern
California Edison Company (SCE) ("Utility") and , a
D City, D County, or D Joint Powers Authority who is
(Check only one option)
D a Community Choice Aggregator ("CCA"); or
0 an eligible entity under California Public Utilities Code ("PU Code") Section 331.1 who
is actively investigating delivery of electric service to customers located within the
geographic territory of the CCA
This Agreement is effective as of _____________ . ("Effective Date");
This Agreement is executed pursuant to California Public Utilities Commission ("CPUC")
Order Instituted Rulemaking ("OIR") 03-10-003, PU Code Section 366.2 et seq., and
applicable Utility tariffs (as modified hereafter from time to time). As used herein the Utility
and CCA may each be referred to individually as a "Party" and collectively as "Parties."
The CPUC has determined that a CCA or an eligible entity actively investigating (C)
becoming a CCA (collectively, "CCAs") may obtain specified confidential customer (C)
information from Utility pursuant to Tariff Schedules Community Choice Aggregation -
Information Fees ("CCA-INFO") and Community Choice Aggregation -Service Fees ("CCA-
SF") (as modified hereafter from time to time) as a CCA, as defined by PU Code Section
331.1, solely in order to investigate, pursue, implement and/or administer Community Choice (C)
Aggregation Services pursuant to PU Code Section 366.2, et seq. or solely to administer
energy efficiency programs in the CCA's geographic territory upon CPUC authorization
pursuant to PU Code Section 381.1 ("CCA Service"). The provisions of this Agreement and
Schedules CCA-INFO and CCA-SF govern the disclosure of Utility's confidential customer
information to CCA ("Disclosure Provisions").
Form 14-769
Page 1
The Parties hereby mutually agree that:
1. Subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement, current proprietary and
confidential information of Utility regarding customers of Utility ("Utility
Customers") may be disclosed to CCA from time to time in connection herewith as
provided by the Disclosure Provisions and solely for the purpose of CCA Service.
Such disclosure is subject to the following legal continuing representations and
warranties by CCA:
Form 14-769
Page 2
(a) CCA represents and warrants that, pursuant to PU Code Section 331.1,
(1) it is either (i) a city, county, or other entity as defined in PU Code
Section 331.1 whose governing board has elected to combine the loads of
its residents, businesses, and municipal facilities in a community wide
electricity buyers, or (ii) a city, county, or other entity as defined in PU
Code Section 331.1 that intends to actively investigate or pursue delivery
of electric service to customers located within the geographic territory of
the CCA; and (2) that to investigate, pursue or implement CCA Service, it
requires certain Confidential Information, as defined in Section 2, below;
(b) CCA represents and warrants that it has all necessary authority to
enter into this Agreement, and that it is a binding enforceable Agreement
according to its terms;
(c) CCA represents and warrants that the authorized representative(s)
executing this Agreement is authorized to execute this Agreement on
behalf of the CCA;
(d) CCA confirms its understanding that the information of Utility Customers is
of a highly sensitive confidential and proprietary nature, and that such
information will be used as contemplated under the Disclosure Provisions
solely for the purposes of investigating, pursuing, implementing, and/or
administering CCA Service, and that any other use of the information may
permit Utility to suspend providing further information hereunder; and
Form 14-769
Page 3
(e) CCA represents and warrants that it will implement and maintain
reasonable security procedures and practices appropriate to the nature of
the information, to protect the Confidential Information from unauthorized
access, destruction, use, modification, or disclosure, and prohibits the use
of the data for a secondary commercial purpose not related to CCA
Service or energy efficiency purposes without the customer's prior consent
to that use.
2. Any confidential and/or proprietary information disclosed to CCA in (T)
connection with the CCA's investigating, pursuing, implementing, and/or (C)
administering CCA Service, without limitation, the following information about 1
Utility Customers: (i) unique customer identifier, customer name, service I
address with zip code, mailing address with zip code, email address, (C)
telephone number, meter number, monthly kWh usage, monthly maximum
demand where available, electrical or gas consumption data as defined in PU
Code Section 8380, copies of customer bills, other data detailing electricity or (N)
needs and patterns of usage, Baseline Zone, CARE participation, End Use
Code (Heat Source) Service Voltage, Medical Baseline, Meter Cycle, Bill
Cycle, Level Pay Plan and/or other plans, Horse Power Load and Number of
Units and monthly rate schedule for all accounts within the CCA's geographic
territory; and (ii) summary bills for service provided by SCE, other electric (N)
service providers, or other CCAs (collectively, "Confidential Information"). I
Upon request of the CCA, SCE will provide customer-specific Confidential I
Information as requested by the CCA in accordance with SCE's Schedule I
CCA-SF and Schedule CCA-INFO. Confidential Information shall also include (N)
specifically any copies, drafts, revisions, analyses, summaries, extracts,
memoranda, reports and other materials prepared by CCA or its
representatives that are derived from or based on Confidential Information
disclosed by Utility, regardless of the form of media in which it is prepared,
recorded or retained. Notwithstanding the foregoing, Confidential Information (N)
shall not include materials derived from or based on Confidential Information if I
any such Confidential Information has been aggregated sufficiently to comply 1
with the 15/15 Rule, set forth in Special Condition 1 of SCE's Schedule CCA-I
INFO and CPUC Decision 97-10-031. (N)
3. Except for electric usage information and bills provided to CCA pursuant to (N)
this Agreement, Confidential Information does not include information that
CCA proves (a) was properly in the possession of CCA at the time of
disclosure; (b) is or becomes publicly known through no fault of CCA, its
employees or representatives; or (c) was independently developed by CCA,
its employees or representatives without access to any Confidential
4. From the Effective Date, no portion of the Confidential Information may be
disclosed, disseminated or appropriated by CCA, or used for any purpose
other than for CCA Service as permitted under this Agreement and the
Disclosure Provisions.
Form 14-769
Page 4
5. CCA shall, at all times and in perpetuity, keep the Confidential Information in
the strictest confidence and shall take all reasonable measures to prevent
unauthorized or improper disclosure or use of Confidential Information. CCA
shall implement and maintain reasonable security procedures and practices
appropriate to the nature of the information, to protect the Confidential
Information from unauthorized access, destruction, use, modification, or
disclosure and prohibits the use of the data for a secondary commercial
purpose not related to CCA Service. Specifically, CCA shall restrict access to
Confidential Information, and to materials prepared in connection therewith, to
those employees or representatives of CCA who have a "need to know" such
Confidential Information in the course of their duties with respect to the CCA
Service and who agree to be bound by the nondisclosure and confidentiality
obligations of this Agreement, provided, however, that, an Energy Service
Provider, agent, or any other entity, including entities that provide both direct
access (PU Code Section 365.1) and CCA Service shall limit their utilization (T)
of the information provided to the purposes for which it has been provided and
shall not utilize such information, directly or indirectly, in providing other
services, including but not limited to Direct Access services, in order to
effectuate the obligations of this Agreement. Prior to disclosing any
Confidential Information to its employees or representatives, CCA shall
require such employees or representatives to whom Confidential Information
is to be disclosed to review this Agreement and to agree in writing to be bound
by the terms of this Agreement by signing the "Non-Disclosure Agreement for
CCA Employees or Representatives" form attached as Exhibit A hereto. CCA
shall provide Utility with copies of the signed Exhibit A forms at Utility request.
CCA shall also provide Utility with a list of the names, titles, and addresses for
all persons or entities to which Confidential Information is disclosed in
connection herewith ("Disclosure List"). This Disclosure List shall be updated
by CCA on a regular basis, and will be provided to Utility once each quarter at
a minimum.
6. CCA shall be liable for the actions of, or any disclosure or use by, its
employees or representatives contrary to this Agreement; however, such
liability shall not limit or prevent any actions by Utility directly against such
employees or representatives for improper disclosure and/or use. In no event
shall CCA or its employees or representatives take any actions related to
Confidential Information that are inconsistent with holding Confidential
Information in strict confidence. CCA shall immediately notify Utility in writing
if it becomes aware of the possibility of any misuse or misappropriation of the
Confidential Information by CCA or any of its employees or representatives.
However, nothing in this Agreement shall obligate Utility to monitor or enforce
CCA's compliance with the terms of this Agreement.
Form 14-769
Page 5
7. CCA shall comply with the consumer protections and requirements concerning
subsequent disclosure and use of Confidential Information pursuant to
Attachment B of CPUC Decision No. 12-08-045, further explained in SCE's (T)
Tariff Rule 25. (T)
8. CCA acknowledges that disclosure or misappropriation of any Confidential
Information could cause irreparable harm to Utility and/or Utility Customers,
the amount of which may be difficult to assess. Accordingly, CCA hereby
confirms that Utility shall be entitled to apply to a court of competent
jurisdiction or the CPUC for an injunction, specific performance or such other
relief (without posting bond) as may be appropriate in the event of improper
disclosure or misuse of its Confidential Information by CCA or its employees
or representatives. Such right shall, however, be construed to be in addition
to any other remedies available to Utility, in law or equity.
9. In addition to all other remedies, CCA shall indemnify and hold harmless
Utility, its affiliates, subsidiaries, parent company, officers, employees, or
agents from and against and claims, actions, suits, liabilities, damages,
losses, expenses and costs (including reasonable attorneys' fees, costs and
disbursements) attributable to actions or non-actions of CCA and/or its
employees and/or its representatives in connection with the use or disclosure
of Confidential Information.
10. If, at any time, CCA ceases its investigation, pursuit, implementation, and/or (T)
administration of community choice aggregation pursuant to PU Code Section (T)
366.2 et seq., CCA shall promptly return or destroy (with written notice to
Utility itemizing the materials destroyed) all Confidential Information then in its
possession at the request of Utility. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the
nondisclosure obligations of this Agreement shall survive any termination of
this Agreement.
11. This Agreement shall be binding on and inure to the benefit of the successors
and permitted assigns of the Parties hereto. This Agreement shall not be
assigned, however, without the prior written consent of the non-assigning
Party, which consent may be withheld due to the confidential nature of the
information, data and materials covered.
12. This Agreement sets forth the entire understanding of the Parties with respect
to the subject matter hereof, and supersedes all prior discussions,
negotiations, understandings, communications, correspondence and
representations, whether oral or written. This Agreement shall not be
amended, modified or waived except by an instrument in writing, signed by
both Parties, and, specifically, shall not be modified or waived by course of
performance, course of dealing or usage of trade. Any waiver of a right under
this Agreement shall be in writing, but no such writing shall be deemed a
subsequent waiver of that right, or any other right or remedy.
13. This Agreement shall be interpreted and enforced in accordance with the laws
of the State of California, without reference to its principles on conflicts of
14. This Agreement shall, at all times, be subject to such changes or modifications
by the CPUC as it may from time to time direct in the exercise of its
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the authorized representatives of the Parties have executed this
Agreement as of the Effective Date.
PRINT NAME:-------------
DATE: ____________________ __
----------------[CCA name]
PRINT NAME: ____________ _
DATE: ________________________ __
Form 14-769
Page 6
I,--------------' declare under penalty of perjury that
(1) I am employed as ________ (title) at ________ _
____________ (employer and address); and
(2) I have personally reviewed the attached COMMUNITY CHOICE AGGREGATOR NON-
DISCLOSURE AGREEMENT as executed by 0 City,
D County, D Joint Powers Authority, or D CCA (check only one) relating to disclosure and (N)
use of Confidential Information (as defined therein) and I agree to be bound by its provisions.
PRINT NAME: _____________ _
DATE: ______________ __
Form 14-769
Page 7
~1;~'"1 rors'o"N
\l' I /J/.'()~ !o'.l//,'\ 1110\ \1 tul\'i'·""
Southern California Edison Revised Cal. PUC Sheet No. 67482-E
Rosemead, California (U 338-E) Cancelling Revised Cal. PUC Sheet No. 67466-E
Cal. P.U.C.
Sheet No.
TITLE PAGE ........................................................................................................................... 11431-E
TABLE OF CONTENTS -RATE SCHEDULES .... 67 482-67339-67340-67341-67342-67343-67344-E (T)
......................................................................................................... 67 467-67346-67 468-E
TABLE OF CONTENTS-LIST OF CONTRACTS AND DEVIATIONS ................................... 66863-E
TABLE OF CONTENTS-RULES ................................................................................. 67469-64043-E
TABLE OF CONTENTS-SAMPLE FORMS ................... 62213-64447-61576-65710-63318-61631-E
......................................................................................................... 67483-61971-63296-E (T)
A. Territory Served ......................................................................................................... 22909-E
B. Description of Service ................................................................................................ 22909-E
C. Procedure to Obtain Service ..................................................................................... 22909-E
D. Establishment of Credit and Deposits ....................................................................... 22909-E
E. General .......................................................................... 45178-45179-45180-53818-45182-E
F. Symbols ..................................................................................................................... 45182-E
G. Gross Revenue Sharing Mechanism ....... 26584-26585-26586-26587 -27195-27196-54092-E
.................................................................................................. 51717-53819-27200-27201-E
H. Baseline Service ........................................................... 52027-52028-52029-52030-52031-E
I. Charge Ready Program Balancing Account ................................................... 6551 0-65511-E
J. Not In Use ............................................................................................................................. -E
K. Nuclear Decommissioning Adjustment Mechanism ........................................ 36582-57779-E
L. Purchase Agreement Administrative Costs Balancing Account ........... 55207-51922-55208-E
M. Income Tax Component of Contributions ....................................................... 58419-58420-E
N. Memorandum Accounts .... 21344-65676-61164-58221-49492-61165-61166-61167 -53821-E
........ 50418-42841-61168-64869-64870-44950-44951-44952-44953-42849-42850-42851-E
........ 65677-65678-55623-61171-42856-61172-61173-52033-50419-55048-6117 4-42863-E
........ 42864-56204-56205-51235-45920-51236-61175-50209-42872-42873-50421-46539-E
........ 42876-42877-42878-42879-42880-42881-42882-54534-53371-56253-44959-42887 -E
........ 53321-53322-61176-52551-52552-49928-56235-56236-56237 -55144-55145-44029-E
........ 53016-57156-57157-51163-51164-51165-51166-51167 -51168-51169-51170-51171-E
................................ 51244-55806-56393-56394-56395-56396-56397 -56398-56399-58978E
0. California Alternate Rates for Energy (CARE) Adjustment Clause ................. 34705-41902-E
.................................................................................................. 36472-38847-56788-67026-E
P. Tree Mortality Non-Bypassable Charge Balancing Account. ........... 65929-65930-65931-E
(To be inserted by utility) Issued by (To be inserted by Cal. PUC)
Advice 4017 -E ----------------Decision
Kevin Payne
Chief Executive Officer
Date Filed Jun 14,2019
r;:::t~~{\\il SOUTm11"-(,,\UrOil"l·\
1.;i...J EDISON
Southern California Edison Revised Cal. PUC Sheet No. 67483-E
Rosemead, California (U 338-E) Cancelling Revised Cal. PUC Sheet No. 67470-E
SAMPLE FORMS (Continued)
Statements (Continued)
Direct Access/Community Choice Aggregation
Sheet 19
Cal. P.U.C.
Sheet No.
Direct Access Customer Relocation/Replacement Declaration .............................. 62766-E
Commumty Cho1ce Aggregator (CCA) Serv1ce Agreement ................................... 47507-E
Community Choice Aggregator Non-Disclosure Agreement. ................................. 67 481-E
Commun1ty Cho1ce Aggregation Serv1ce Declaration ............................................ 49644-E
Six-Month Advance Notice to Transfer a Non-Residential Account to Direct
Access Service ...................................................................................................... 67 465-E
Six-Month Advance Notice to Return to Bundled Portfolio Service
(from Direct Access Service) .................................................................................. 55606-E
Notice of Intent to Transfer to Direct Access Service (During the Open Enrollment Window
April16, 2010 to June 30, 2010) ............................................................................. 47049-E
Authorization To: Receive Customer Information or Act on a Customer's Behalf .. 48656-E
Customer Assignment Notification ..................... ,. ................................................... 51663-E
D1rect Access Customer Replacement Declarat1on ................................................ 51664-E
Six-Month Advance Notice to Transfer to Community Choice Aggregation Service
Outs1de of Automatic Enrollment. ............................................................................ 55607 -E
Six-Month Advance Notice to Return to BPS (from CCA Service) ........................ 55608-E
Self-Certification Affidavit of Generation Municipal Surcharge Exemption for
State of California and Its Political Subdivisions ............................................ 61814-E
Interconnection Agreements
Momentary Parallel Generation Agreement ........................................................... 27758-E
Virtual Net Metering for Multifamily Affordable Solar Housing and Solar on Multifamily
Affordable Housmg Program Interconnection Agreement. ............................. 63569-E
Back-Up Service Agreement Between Customer and Southern California Edison
Company (SCE),. ..................... , ........................................................................... 53904-E
Generat!ng Facll!tY Interconnection Agreement ................................................... 59895-E
Generatmg Fac1l1ty Interconnection Appl1cat1on ................................................. 64041-E
Generating Facility Interconnection Agreement (3rd Party Non-Exporting) ............ 59897-E
Generating Facility Interconnection Agreement (3rd Party lnadvertent-~xporting) 59898-E
Customer Generation Agreement ........................................................................... 50719-E
~i~~~r;t~ig ts~~~i~~~\~fg~na~~t~~~t~%reFea~~~; ~n~dE~~~gn;-~xft~~~·~i. anci. 'iilterco5n9n8:c~i~n
Agree men~ .............................................................................................................. 50721-E
Fuel Cell Electrical Generating Facility Net Energy Metering and Interconnection
Agreement ............................................................................................................... 61236-E
Generating Facility Interconnection Agreement for Combined Technologies ......... 61237-E
Local Government Renewable Energy Self-Generation Bill Credit Transfer (RES-BCT)
Interconnection Agreement ................................................................................... 59493-E
Virtual Net Energy Metering for Multi-Tenant and Multi-Meter Properties Interconnection .
Agreement ............................................................................................................ 58807 -E
V1rtual Net Energy Metering for Multi-Tenant and Multi-Meter Properties Allocation
Request Form ......................................................................................................... 58808-E
lnterc.onnec~ion Agreement for An Existing Small-Generation Facility Interconnection to
the D1stnbut1on System Under Ruler 21 ................................................................ 49042-E
(To be inserted by utility) Issued by (To be inserted by Cal. PUC)
Advice 4017 -E ~~~------------
Kevin Payne
Chief Executive Officer
Date Filed Jun 14, 2019
An EDISON l!\'TloRSATION.M Company
This Non-Disclosure Agreement ("Agreement") is entered into by and between Southern
California Edison Company (SCE) ("Utility") and , a
D City, D County, or D Joint Powers Authority who is
(Check only one option)
D a Community Choice Aggregator ("CCA"); or
0 an eligible entity under California Public Utilities Code ("PU Code") Section 331.1 who
is actively investigating delivery of electric service to customers located within the
geographic territory of the CCA
This Agreement is effective as of _____________ . ("Effective Date");
This Agreement is executed pursuant to California Public Utilities Commission ("CPUC")
Order Instituted Rulemaking ("OIR") 03-10-003, PU Code Section 366.2 et seq., and
applicable Utility tariffs (as modified hereafter from time to time). As used herein the Utility
and CCA may each be referred to individually as a "Party" and collectively as "Parties."
The CPUC has determined that_§_ CCA or an eligible entity actively investigating {Q
becoming a CCA (collectively, "CCAs") may obtain specified confidential customer {Q
information from Utility pursuant to Tariff Schedules Community Choice Aggregation -
Information Fees ("CCA-INFO") and Community Choice Aggregation -Service Fees ("CCA-
SF") (as modified hereafter from time to time) as a CCA, as defined by PU Code Section
331.1, solely in order to investigate, pursueJ.-Gf implement and/or administer Community {Q
Choice Aggregation Services pursuant to PU Code Section 366.2, et seq. or solely to
administer energy efficiency programs in the CCA's geographic territory upon CPUC
authorization pursuant to PU Code Section 381.1 ("CCA Service"). The provisions of this
Agreement and Schedules CCA-INFO and CCA-SF govern the disclosure of Utility's
confidential customer information to CCA ("Disclosure Provisions").
Form 14-769
Page 1
The Parties hereby mutually agree that:
1. Subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement, current proprietary and
confidential information of Utility regarding customers of Utility ("Utility
Customers") may be disclosed to CCA from time to time in connection herewith as
provided by the Disclosure Provisions and solely for the purpose of CCA Service.
Such disclosure is subject to the following legal continuing representations and
warranties by CCA:
Form 14-769
Page 2
(a) CCA represents and warrants that, pursuant to PU Code Section 331.1,
(1) it is either (i) a city, county, or other entity as defined in PU Code
Section 331.1 whose governing board has elected to combine the loads of
its residents, businesses, and municipal facilities in a community wide
electricity buyers, or (ii) a city, county, or other entity as defined in PU
Code Section 331.1 that intends to actively investigate or pursue delivery
of electric service to customers located within the geographic territory of
the CCA; and (2) that to investigate, pursue or implement CCA Service, it
requires certain Confidential Information, as defined in Section 2, below;
(b) CCA represents and warrants that it has all necessary authority to
enter into this Agreement, and that it is a binding enforceable Agreement
according to its terms;
(c) CCA represents and warrants that the authorized representative(s)
executing this Agreement is authorized to execute this Agreement on
behalf of the CCA;--afl-G
(d) CCA confirms its understanding that the information of Utility Customers is
of a highly sensitive confidential and proprietary nature, and that such
information will be used as contemplated under the Disclosure Provisions
solely for the purposes of investigating, pursging~--Bf_-implementing, and/or
administering CCA Service, and that any other use of the information may
permit Utility to suspend providing further information hereunder; and7
Form 14 -769
Page 3
(e) CCA represents and warrants that it will implement and maintain
reasonable security procedures and practices appropriate to the nature of
the information , to protect the Confid ential Information from unauthorized
access , destruction , use , modification , or disclosure , and prohibits the use
of the data for a secondary commercial purpose not related to CCA
Serv ic e or energy effic iency purposes without the customer's prior consent
to that use .
2. +Ae_6_Qy confident ial and /or proprietary information disclosed to CCA in ill
connection herewith may upon request include , with the CCA 's investigating , .(Q
pursuing , implementing, and/or administering CCA Service, without limit ation , _j
the following billing information about Utility Customers:_ Customer specific _j
info rmation from the current billing periods as well as prior 12 months .(Q
consisting of: service account numbe r(i) unique c ustomer identifier, customer
name on service account , service address with zip code , mailing address with
zip code , ema il address, telephone number, meter number, monthly kWh .(ill
usage, monthly maximum demand where ava il ab le , electrical or gas
consumption data as defined in PU Code Section 8380 , copies of customer
bills. other data detailing electricity or needs and patterns of usage , Baseline
Zone, CARE participation , End Use Code (Heat Source) Service Voltage ,
Medical Baseline , Meter Cyc le , Bill Cycle , Level Pay Plan and /or other plans, .(ill
Horse Power Load and Number of Units and monthly rate schedu le for all _j
accounts within the CCA's geographic territory ; and (ii) summary bills for _j
service provided by SCE . other electric service providers. or other CCAs _j
(collectively , "Confidential Information "). Upon request of the CCA, SCE will .(ill
provide customer-specific Confidential Information as requested by the CCA in
accordance with SCE 's Schedule CCA-SF and Schedule CCA -INFO .
Confidential Information shall also include specifica lly any copies, drafts ,
revisions, analyses, summaries , extracts, memoranda , reports and other
materials prepared by CCA or its representatives that are derived from or .(ill
based on Confidentia l Information disclosed by Utility , regard le ss of the form _j
of media in which it is prepared, recorded or retained . Notwithstanding the _j
foregoing, Confident ial Information shall not include materials derived from or _j
based on Confidential Information if any such Confidential Information has .(ill
been aggregated sufficient ly to comply with the 15/15 Ru le, set forth in Special
Condition 1 of SCE 's Schedule CCA -INFO and CPUC Decision 97 -10 -031 . .(ill
3. Except for electric usage information and bills provided to CCA pursuant to
this Agreement, Confidential Information does not include information that
CCA proves (a) was properly in the possession of CCA at the time of
disclosure ; (b) is or becomes publicly known through no fault of CCA , its
employees or representatives; or (c) was ind ependent ly developed by CCA,
its emp loy ees or representatives without access to any Confidentia l
Information .
4. From the Effect iv e Date , no portion of the Confident ial Inform ation may be
disclosed, disseminated or appropriated by CCA , or used for any purpose
other than for CCA Service as permitted under this Agreement and the
Disclosure Provisions .
Form 14-769
Page 4
5. CCA shall, at all times and in perpetuity, keep the Confidential Information in
the strictest confidence and shall take all reasonable measures to prevent
unauthorized or improper disclosure or use of Confidential Information. CCA
shall implement and maintain reasonable security procedures and practices
appropriate to the nature of the information, to protect the Confidential
Information from unauthorized access, destruction, use, modification, or
disclosure and prohibits the use of the data for a secondary commercial
purpose not related to CCA Service. -Specifically, CCA shall restrict access to
Confidential Information, and to materials prepared in connection therewith, to
those employees or representatives of CCA who have a "need to know" such
Confidential Information in the course of their duties with respect to the CCA
Service and who agree to be bound by the nondisclosure and confidentiality
obligations of this Agreement, provided, however, that, an Energy Service
Provider, agent, or any other entity, including entities that provide both direct
access (PU Code Section 365.1 as codified in Assembly Bill No. 1890, Stats. ill
1996, ch. 854) and CCA Service shall limit their utilization of the information
provided to the purposes for which it has been provided and shall not utilize
such information, directly or indirectly, in providing other services, including
but not limited to Direct Access services, in order to effectuate the obligations
of this Agreement. Prior to disclosing any Confidential Information to its
employees or representatives, CCA shall require such employees or
representatives to whom Confidential Information is to be disclosed to review
this Agreement and to agree in writing to be bound by the terms of this
Agreement by signing the "Non-Disclosure Agreement for CCA Employees or
Representatives" form attached as Exhibit A hereto. CCA shall provide Utility
with copies of the signed Exhibit A forms at Utility request. CCA shall also
provide Utility with a list of the names, titles, and addresses for all persons or
entities to which Confidential Information is disclosed in connection herewith
("Disclosure List"). This Disclosure List shall be updated by CCA on a regular
basis, and will be provided to Utility once each quarter at a minimum.
6. CCA shall be liable for the actions of, or any disclosure or use by, its
employees or representatives contrary to this Agreement; however, such
liability shall not limit or prevent any actions by Utility directly against such
employees or representatives for improper disclosure and/or use. In no event
shall CCA or its employees or representatives take any actions related to
Confidential Information that are inconsistent with holding Confidential
Information in strict confidence. CCA shall immediately notify Utility in writing
if it becomes aware of the possibility of any misuse or misappropriation of the
Confidential Information by CCA or any of its employees or representatives.
However, nothing in this Agreement shall obligate Utility to monitor or enforce
CCA's compliance with the terms of this Agreement.
Form 14-769
Page 5
7. CCA shal l comp ly with the consumer protections and requirements concerning
subsequent disclosure and use of Confidential Inform at ion pursuant to
Attachment B of CPUC Decision No. 12 -08 -045 , further explained in SCE 's ill
Tariff Rule 25 G45 . ill
8. CCA acknow ledges that disclosure or misappropriation of any Confidential
Information could cause irreparable harm to Utility and /or Utility Customers,
the amount of which may be difficult to assess. Accordingly, CCA hereby
confirm s that Utility sha ll be entitled to apply to a court of competent
jurisdiction or the CPUC for an injunction, specific performance or such other
relief (without posting bond) as may be appropriate in the event of imp roper
disclosure or misuse of its Confident ial Inform at ion by CCA or it s employees
or representatives. Such right sha ll , however, be construed to be in add ition
to any other remedies availab le to Utility , in law or equity.
9 . In addition to al l other remedies, CCA shall indemnify and hold harmless
Utility , its affiliates, subsidiaries , parent company, officers , emp loy ees , or
agents from and against and claims, actions , suits , liabilities, damages,
losses, expenses and costs (including reasonable attorneys ' fees, costs and
disbursements) attr ibutabl e to actions or non -actions of CCA and /o r its
emp loy ees and/or its representatives in connection with the use or disclosure
of Confidential Information.
10 . If, at any time , CCA ceases it s investigation , pursui t Gf-implementation , and/or ill
administration of community choice aggregat ion pursuant to PU Code Section ill
366.2 et seq., CCA sha ll promptly return or destroy (with written notice to
Utility itemi zing the materials destroyed) all Confidential Inform ation then in its
possession at the request of Utility. Notwithstanding the foregoing , the
nondisclosure obligations of this Agreement sha ll surv ive any termination of
this Agreement.
11. This Agreement sha ll be binding on and inure to the benefit of the successors
and permitted ass ign s of the Parties hereto. This Agreement shal l not be
assigned , however, without the prior written consent of the non -assigning
Party , which consent may be withheld due to the confidentia l nature of the
information, data and materials covered.
12. This Agreement sets forth the entire understanding of the Parties with respect
to the subject matter hereof, and supersedes all prior discussions,
negotiations , understandings , communications , correspondence and
representations , whether oral or written . This Agreement sha ll not be
amended, modified or waived except by an instrument in writing , sign ed by
both Parties , and, spec ifica lly , shall not be modified or waived by course of
performance, course of dealing or usage of trade. Any waiver of a right under
this Agreement shall be in writing, but no such writing shal l be deemed a
subsequent waiver of that right, or any other right or remedy.
en/201 ~F-
13. This Agreement shall be interpreted and enforced in accordance with the laws
of the State of California, without reference to its principles on conflicts of
14. This Agreement shall, at all times, be subject to such changes or modifications
by the CPUC as it may from time to time direct in the exercise of its
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the authorized representatives of the Parties have executed this
Agreement as of the Effective Date.
PRINT NAME: _________________________ __
TITLE: __________________________ ___
DATE: _________________________ ___
PRINT NAME: ____________ _
DATE: _________________________ __
Form 14-769
Page 6
I, ______________ , declare under penalty of perjury that
(1) I am employed as ________ (title) at ________ _
____________ (employer and address); and
(2) I have personally reviewed the attached COMMUNITY CHOICE AGGREGATOR NON-
DISCLOSURE AGREEMENT as executed by 0 -City,
D County,O-Joint Powers AuthoritOr_ CCA (check only one) relating to disclosure {ill
and use of Confidential Information (as defined therein) and I agree to be bound by its
SIGNATURE: ________________________ __
PRINT NAME: _____________ _
TITLE: __________________ ___
DATE: _____________________ ___
Form 14-769
Page 7
l;~(f';<Z~'\I ~ou111mr-. t ,,ttFOttNIA
i.....J EDISON
\"//)/.'{)\II\ I IN\ 11/0,'-II l'c"''l'•"''
Southern California Edison Revised Cal. PUC Sheet No. 67481-E
Rosemead, California (U 338-E) Cancelling Revised Cal. PUC Sheet No. 61464-E
Sheet 1
(To be inserted by utility)
Advice 4017-E ~~-=-----------Decision
Form 14-769
Issued by
Kevin Payne
Chief Executive Officer
(To be inserted by Cal. PUC)
Date Submitted Jun 14, 2019
Effective Aug 27, 2020
An EDISOl\' J.~ITUiNAT!ONAL Compan)'
This Non-Disclosure Agreement ("Agreement") is entered into by and between Southern
California Edison Company (SCE) ("Utility") and , a
D City, D County, or D Joint Powers Authority who is
(Check only one option)
D a Community Choice Aggregator ("CCA"); or
0 an eligible entity under California Public Utilities Code ("PU Code") Section 331.1 who
is actively investigating delivery of electric service to customers located within the
geographic territory of the CCA
This Agreement is effective as of _____________ . ("Effective Date");
This Agreement is executed pursuant to California Public Utilities Commission ("CPUC")
Order Instituted Rulemaking ("OIR") 03-10-003, PU Code Section 366.2 et seq., and
applicable Utility tariffs (as modified hereafter from time to time). As used herein the Utility
and CCA may each be referred to individually as a "Party" and collectively as "Parties."
The CPUC has determined that a CCA or an eligible entity actively investigating (C)
becoming a CCA (collectively, "CCAs") may obtain specified confidential customer (C)
information from Utility pursuant to Tariff Schedules Community Choice Aggregation -
Information Fees ("CCA-INFO") and Community Choice Aggregation -Service Fees ("CCA-
SF") (as modified hereafter from time to time) as a CCA, as defined by PU Code Section
331.1, solely in order to investigate, pursue, implement and/or administer Community Choice (C)
Aggregation Services pursuant to PU Code Section 366.2, et seq. or solely to administer
energy efficiency programs in the CCA's geographic territory upon CPUC authorization
pursuant to PU Code Section 381.1 ("CCA Service"). The provisions of this Agreement and
Schedules CCA-INFO and CCA-SF govern the disclosure of Utility's confidential customer
information to CCA ("Disclosure Provisions").
Form 14-769
Page 1
The Parties hereby mutually agree that:
1. Subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement, current proprietary and
confidential information of Utility regarding customers of Utility ("Utility
Customers") may be disclosed to CCA from time to time in connection herewith as
provided by the Disclosure Provisions and solely for the purpose of CCA Service.
Such disclosure is subject to the following legal continuing representations and
warranties by CCA:
Form 14-769
Page 2
(a) CCA represents and warrants that, pursuant to PU Code Section 331.1,
(1) it is either (i) a city, county, or other entity as defined in PU Code
Section 331.1 whose governing board has elected to combine the loads of
its residents, businesses, and municipal facilities in a community wide
electricity buyers, or (ii) a city, county, or other entity as defined in PU
Code Section 331.1 that intends to actively investigate or pursue delivery
of electric service to customers located within the geographic territory of
the CCA; and (2) that to investigate, pursue or implement CCA Service, it
requires certain Confidential Information, as defined in Section 2, below;
(b) CCA represents and warrants that it has all necessary authority to
enter into this Agreement, and that it is a binding enforceable Agreement
according to its terms;
(c) CCA represents and warrants that the authorized representative(s)
executing this Agreement is authorized to execute this Agreement on
behalf of the CCA;
(d) CCA confirms its understanding that the information of Utility Customers is
of a highly sensitive confidential and proprietary nature, and that such
information will be used as contemplated under the Disclosure Provisions
solely for the purposes of investigating, pursuing, implementing, and/or
administering CCA Service, and that any other use of the information may
permit Utility to suspend providing further information hereunder; and
Form 14-769
Page 3
(e) CCA represents and warrants that it will implement and maintain
reasonable security procedures and practices appropriate to the nature of
the information, to protect the Confidential Information from unauthorized
access, destruction, use, modification, or disclosure, and prohibits the use
of the data for a secondary commercial purpose not related to CCA
Service or energy efficiency purposes without the customer's prior consent
to that use.
2. Any confidential and/or proprietary information disclosed to CCA in (T)
connection with the CCA's investigating, pursuing, implementing, and/or (C)
administering CCA Service, without limitation, the following information about I
Utility Customers: (i) unique customer identifier, customer name, service I
address with zip code, mailing address with zip code, email address, (C)
telephone number, meter number, monthly kWh usage, monthly maximum
demand where available, electrical or gas consumption data as defined in PU
Code Section 8380, copies of customer bills, other data detailing electricity or (N)
needs and patterns of usage, Baseline Zone, CARE participation, End Use
Code (Heat Source) Service Voltage, Medical Baseline, Meter Cycle, Bill
Cycle, Level Pay Plan and/or other plans, Horse Power Load and Number of
Units and monthly rate schedule for all accounts within the CCA's geographic
territory; and (ii) summary bills for service provided by SCE, other electric (N)
service providers, or other CCAs (collectively, "Confidential Information"). I
Upon request of the CCA, SCE will provide customer-specific Confidential I
Information as requested by the CCA in accordance with SCE's Schedule I
CCA-SF and Schedule CCA-INFO. Confidential Information shall also include (N)
specifically any copies, drafts, revisions, analyses, summaries, extracts,
memoranda, reports and other materials prepared by CCA or its
representatives that are derived from or based on Confidential Information
disclosed by Utility, regardless of the form of media in which it is prepared,
recorded or retained. Notwithstanding the foregoing, Confidential Information (N)
shall not include materials derived from or based on Confidential Information if I
any such Confidential Information has been aggregated sufficiently to comply I
with the 15/15 Rule, set forth in Special Condition 1 of SCE's Schedule CCA-I
INFO and CPUC Decision 97-10-031. (N)
3. Except for electric usage information and bills provided to CCA pursuant to (N)
this Agreement, Confidential Information does not include information that
CCA proves (a) was properly in the possession of CCA at the time of
disclosure; (b) is or becomes publicly known through no fault of CCA, its
employees or representatives; or (c) was independently developed by CCA,
its employees or representatives without access to any Confidential
4. From the Effective Date, no portion of the Confidential Information may be
disclosed, disseminated or appropriated by CCA, or used for any purpose
other than for CCA Service as permitted under this Agreement and the
Disclosure Provisions.
Form 14-769
Page 4
5. CCA shall, at all times and in perpetuity, keep the Confidential Information in
the strictest confidence and shall take all reasonable measures to prevent
unauthorized or improper disclosure or use of Confidential Information. CCA
shall implement and maintain reasonable security procedures and practices
appropriate to the nature of the information, to protect the Confidential
Information from unauthorized access, destruction, use, modification, or
disclosure and prohibits the use of the data for a secondary commercial
purpose not related to CCA Service. Specifically, CCA shall restrict access to
Confidential Information, and to materials prepared in connection therewith, to
those employees or representatives of CCA who have a "need to know" such
Confidential Information in the course of their duties with respect to the CCA
Service and who agree to be bound by the nondisclosure and confidentiality
obligations of this Agreement, provided, however, that, an Energy Service
Provider, agent, or any other entity, including entities that provide both direct
access (PU Code Section 365.1) and CCA Service shall limit their utilization (T)
of the information provided to the purposes for which it has been provided and
shall not utilize such information, directly or indirectly, in providing other
services, including but not limited to Direct Access services, in order to
effectuate the obligations of this Agreement. Prior to disclosing any
Confidential Information to its employees or representatives, CCA shall
require such employees or representatives to whom Confidential Information
is to be disclosed to review this Agreement and to agree in writing to be bound
by the terms of this Agreement by signing the "Non-Disclosure Agreement for
CCA Employees or Representatives" form attached as Exhibit A hereto. CCA
shall provide Utility with copies of the signed Exhibit A forms at Utility request.
CCA shall also provide Utility with a list of the names, titles, and addresses for
all persons or entities to which Confidential Information is disclosed in
connection herewith ("Disclosure List"). This Disclosure List shall be updated
by CCA on a regular basis, and will be provided to Utility once each quarter at
a minimum.
6. CCA shall be liable for the actions of, or any disclosure or use by, its
employees or representatives contrary to this Agreement; however, such
liability shall not limit or prevent any actions by Utility directly against such
employees or representatives for improper disclosure and/or use. In no event
shall CCA or its employees or representatives take any actions related to
Confidential Information that are inconsistent with holding Confidential
Information in strict confidence. CCA shall immediately notify Utility in writing
if it becomes aware of the possibility of any misuse or misappropriation of the
Confidential Information by CCA or any of its employees or representatives.
However, nothing in this Agreement shall obligate Utility to monitor or enforce
CCA's compliance with the terms of this Agreement.
Form 14-769
Page 5
7. CCA shall comply with the consumer protections and requirements concerning
subsequent disclosure and use of Confidential Information pursuant to
Attachment B of CPUC Decision No. 12-08-045, further explained in SCE's (T)
Tariff Rule 25. (T)
8. CCA acknowledges that disclosure or misappropriation of any Confidential
Information could cause irreparable harm to Utility and/or Utility Customers,
the amount of which may be difficult to assess. Accordingly, CCA hereby
confirms that Utility shall be entitled to apply to a court of competent
jurisdiction or the CPUC for an injunction, specific performance or such other
relief (without posting bond) as may be appropriate in the event of improper
disclosure or misuse of its Confidential Information by CCA or its employees
or representatives. Such right shall, however, be construed to be in addition
to any other remedies available to Utility, in law or equity.
9. In addition to all other remedies, CCA shall indemnify and hold harmless
Utility, its affiliates, subsidiaries, parent company, officers, employees, or
agents from and against and claims, actions, suits, liabilities, damages,
losses, expenses and costs (including reasonable attorneys' fees, costs and
disbursements) attributable to actions or non-actions of CCA and/or its
employees and/or its representatives in connection with the use or disclosure
of Confidential Information.
10. If, at any time, CCA ceases its investigation, pursuit, implementation, and/or (T)
administration of community choice aggregation pursuant to PU Code Section (T)
366.2 et seq., CCA shall promptly return or destroy (with written notice to
Utility itemizing the materials destroyed) all Confidential Information then in its
possession at the request of Utility. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the
nondisclosure obligations of this Agreement shall survive any termination of
this Agreement.
11. This Agreement shall be binding on and inure to the benefit of the successors
and permitted assigns of the Parties hereto. This Agreement shall not be
assigned, however, without the prior written consent of the non-assigning
Party, which consent may be withheld due to the confidential nature of the
information, data and materials covered.
12. This Agreement sets forth the entire understanding of the Parties with respect
to the subject matter hereof, and supersedes all prior discussions,
negotiations, understandings, communications, correspondence and
representations, whether oral or written. This Agreement shall not be
amended, modified or waived except by an instrument in writing, signed by
both Parties, and, specifically, shall not be modified or waived by course of
performance, course of dealing or usage of trade. Any waiver of a right under
this Agreement shall be in writing, but no such writing shall be deemed a
subsequent waiver of that right, or any other right or remedy.
13. This Agreement shall be interpreted and enforced in accordance with the laws
of the State of California, without reference to its principles on conflicts of
14. This Agreement shall, at all times, be subject to such changes or modifications
by the CPUC as it may from time to time direct in the exercise of its
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the authorized representatives of the Parties have executed this
Agreement as of the Effective Date.
PRINT NAME:--------------
DATE: ________________ __
------------------[CCA name]
SIGNATURE: _______________ __
PRINT NAME: _____________ _
DATE: _________________ ___
Form 14-769
Page 6
I, ______________ , declare under penalty of perjury that
(1) I am employed as ________ (title) at ________ _
____________ (employer and address); and
(2) I have personally reviewed the attached COMMUNITY CHOICE AGGREGATOR NON-
DISCLOSURE AGREEMENT as executed by 0 City,
D County, D Joint Powers Authority, or D CCA (check only one) relating to disclosure and (N)
use of Confidential Information (as defined therein) and I agree to be bound by its provisions.
SIGNATURE: ________________________ __
PRINT NAME: _____________ _
DATE: ________________ __
Form 14-769
Page 7
AUGUST 31, 2020
Attached are revisions/additions and/or amendments to the agenda material received through
Monday afternoon for the Tuesday, September 1, 2020 City Council meeting:
Item No.
Description of Material
Updated typographic error on Staff Report pg.3
Email exchange between Senior Administrative Analyst Lozano and
Email from: Brian Whitten
Email from: Sunshine; Jean Longacre
Email exchange between City Manager Mihranian and Tom Irish
Email exchange between Senior Administrative Analyst Lozano and
Donna Mclaughlin; Brian Whitten
Email from: Thomas & Barbara Chargaff; Sunshine; J. Timothy Fives;
Sharon Dyer; Dr. Linda L. Varner; Diane Montalto; Miguel Castaneda;
Sharon Benton; Jackie Morley; Frank Sanic; Teri Hogan; Karen E;
Marc & Carrie Fernandez; Brian Whitten; Marian Locascio; Kurt
Schellenbach; Donna Mclaughlin; Marcia Watanabe; Laurie Smith;
Julie Winter; Gerard Melling; Anita Harrison; Terry & Jim Scott; Leslie
Gold; Rick Bragg
Email from: Sunshine
Email from: Matthew Gelfand
Email from: Mickey Radich
Email from: Craig Whited
Additions/Revisions and Amendments to the Agenda
Monday,August31, 2020
Page 2
Respectfully submitted,
L\LATE CORRESPONDENCE\2020 Cover Sheets\20200901 additions revisions to agenda thru Monday.docx
L:\LATE CORRESPONDENCE\2020 Cover Sheets\20200901 additions revisions to agenda thru Monday.docx
To City Clerk's Office:
Charl es Ed er
M o nd ay, Au g ust 3 1, 2020 3:45 PM
CityC ierk
Laure n Ra m eza ni ; Ron Drag oo
Late Corres p o nd ence -Item C -Awa rd Burma Road Ga t e -Tab le Co rrected
RPV CC_0901 20 20 Award Burm a Tr ail Ga t es.pd f
Late Correspondent -Consent Calendar Item C-There are two inadvertent typographic errors in the Staff Report for
{{Award Burma Trail Gates" (attached). The corrections are on the table in page 3 of the staff report and are shown
below in red below.
The project total remains the same, but the Construction and Contingency amounts should read as follows:
8422 -Proj ect Cost Summary
Ori g in a l Budget
Proj ect Cos ts :
88 02 Co nstruction
880 2 Co nst ru ct ion Co ntin gency
Tota l P roj ect Co sts
Uncom mi tted /Unspent Ba lance
Please make note of the changes (in red).
Thank you .
Charles Eder, PE
Senior Engineer
Department of Public Works
City of Rancho Palos Verdes
30940 Hawthorne Blvd.
Rancho Palos Verdes, CA 90275
Tel : 310-544 -5282
Fax : 310-544 -5292
100 ,000 .00
4 ,927
$ 54,197
FY2 0-2 1 Budge t
Expenses Ba lance
-49 ,270 Pe ndin g a pprov a l CC
9/1/2 020
-4,927 Pe nd in g ap proval CC
9/1/2 02 0
-54 ,197 -
$ 54,197
c .
MEETING DATE: 09/01/2020
AGENDA HEADING: Consent Calendar
Consideration and possible action to award a construction contract for the Burma Road
Trai lh ead gate.
(1) Award a construction contract to Metrocell Construction, Inc ., in the not-to -
exceed amount of $49,270, for the construction of fences and gates at the Burma
Road Trailhead;
(2) Authori ze the City Manager or Director of Finance to execute change orders up
to an additional 10% of the value of Metrocell Construction , Inc. contract (not to
exceed $4,927) as contingency funds for potential unforeseen condit ion s;
(3) Authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the contracts , in forms approved
by the C ity Attorney.
FISCAL IMPACT: The recommendations will result in a tota l authorized expenditure
for construction, plus provide for a project contingency not to
exceed $54 ,197.
Amount Budgeted: $100,000
Additional Appropriation: N/A
Account Number(s): 330-400-8422-88021Vl
(CIP-Burma Road Trails /Oth er Improveme nts )
Charles Eder, PE, Sen ior Eng ineer Cf'
Ron Dragoo, PE, Principal Engir.tg'~
APPROVED BY: Ara Mihranian , AICP, C ity Manager.L\.A
A Construction Agreement with Metrocell Construction , Inc.
(page A -1)
On July 31, 2018 , the City Counci l received and filed a presentation by Staff detailing
the parking and access conditions at the Palos Verdes Nature Preserve (Nature
Preserve). This included recommendations to install a gate at the Burma Road
Trailhead to address resident concerns pertaining to , among other things, the on -go ing
after-hour use of the Nature Preserve. On January 15, 2019, the City Council authorized
the installation of a gate, similar to the approved Burma Road Trailhead gate, at the
Rattlesnake Trailhead to minimize the unauthorized after-hour use and activities in the
general area.
The design concept of these trailhead gates were developed in collaboration with the
neighboring Homeowners Associations (HOA) to ensure their concerns were
addressed. In response, staff gathered the proper information and created a bid
package for the installation of fences and gates at these two trailheads.
The project was advertised on October 1, 2019, with bids due October 29. Several
interested contractors attended the pre-bid meeting, but ultimately no bids were
received. In accordance with the Public Contract Code 20166, the City was then free to
negotiate with a contractor. Staff worked with several contractors to obtain quotes. Staff
received responsive quotes from Metrocell Construction, Inc. for both trailhead gates as
one project or as separate projects.
During this time, the Island View HOA raised potential liability and indemnification
concerns with the public's use and location of the proposed Rattlesnake Trailhead fence
and gate. The City Attorney's Office is researching a resolution to the HOA's concerns
based on the application of "trail immunity" under Government Code§ 831.4. As
reported at the August 18 City Council meeting, this matter is still under discussion with
the Island View HOA, and because construction could be separated into two projects,
staff is proposing to proceed with the construction of the Burma Road Trailhead gate at
this time. Staff believes that the concerns regarding the Rattlesnake Trailhead gate can
be mutually resolved in the next few weeks and a construction contract presented for
City Council consideration in October.
Construction Services
Staff has verified Metrocell Construction, Inc.'s references and found its past
performance on jobs to be fully satisfactory. It has completed projects of similar size in
the City in a professional manner, with sufficient workers, and in a timely fashion. Its bid
and bid bond are in order and its contractor's license is current. Accordingly, staff
recommends awarding a construction contract to Metrocell Construction, Inc., in the
amount of $49,270. If awarded this evening, construction is anticipated to commence by
mid-September 2020.
Total Project Budget and Costs
Adopting staff's recommendations will award a construction contract to Metrocell
Construction, Inc. (not to exceed $49,270), with authorization of an additional 10% of
the project construction contract amount (not to exceed $4,927) as a contingency for
unforeseen circumstances.
A summary of the project budget and cost is presented below :
8422 -Project Cost Summary
Description Budget Notes
Original Budget 100 ,000.00 FY20 -21 Budget
Project Costs: Committed Expenses Balance
8802 Construction 47,290 -47 ,290 Pending approval
cc 9/1/2020
8802 Construction 4,729 4,729 Pending approval
Contingency -cc 9/1/2020
Total Project Costs 54,197 -54,197
U ncom m itted/U ns pent
Balance $ 54,197 $ 54,197
In addition to Staff recommendation, the following alternative actions are available for
the City Council 's consideration:
1. Do not award the contract and direct staff to re -issue construction bids.
2. Take other action , as deemed appropriate.
By and Between
01203 0006/300347.1 A-1
and entered into on September I, 2020 by and between the City of Rancho Palos Verdes, a
California municipal corporation ("City") and Metrocell Construction Inc., a California
corporation ("Contractor"). City and Contractor may be referred to, individually or collectively,
as "Party" or "Parties."
A. City has sought, by issuance of a Request for Proposals or Invitation for Bids, the
performance ofthe services defined and described particularly in Article I ofthis Agreement.
B. Contractor, following submission of a proposal or bid for the performance of the
services defined and described particularly in Article I of this Agreement, was selected by the City
to perform those services.
C. Pursuant to the City of Rancho Palos Verdes Municipal Code, City has authority to
enter into and execute this Agreement.
D. The Parties desire to formalize the selection of Contractor for performance ofthose
services defined and described particularly in Article I of this Agreement and desire that the terms
of that performance be as particularly defined and described herein.
NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration ofthe mutual promises and covenants made
by the Parties and contained herein and other consideration, the value and adequacy of which are
hereby acknowledged, the parties agree as follows:
1.1 Scope of Work.
In compliance with all terms and conditions of this Agreement, the Contractor shall
provide those services specified in the "Scope of Work" attached hereto as Exhibit "A" and
incorporated herein by this reference, which may be referred to herein as the ''services'' or "work"
hereunder. As a material inducement to the City entering into this Agreement, Contractor
represents and warrants that it has the qualifications, experience, and facilities necessary to
properly perform the work required under this Agreement in a thorough, competent, and
professional manner, and is experienced in performing the work and services contemplated herein.
Contractor shall at all times faithfully, competently and to the best of its ability, experience and
talent, perform all services described herein. Contractor covenants that it shall follow the highest
-I-A-2 01203 0006/30034 71
professional standards in performing the work and services required hereunder and that all
materials will be both of good quality as well as fit for the purpose intended. For purposes of this
Agreement, the phrase "highest professional standards'' shall mean those standards of practice
recognized by one or more first-class firms performing similar work under similar circumstances.
1.2 Bid Documents.
The Scope ofWork shall include the "General Provisions" and ''Special Provisions''
in the bid documents for the project entitled Burma Road Trailhead Gate, including any
documents or exhibits referenced therein (collectively, ''bid documents"), all of which are
incorporated herein by this reference. In the event of any inconsistency between the terms of the
bid documents and this Agreement, the terms ofthis Agreement shall govern.
1.3 Compliance with Law.
Contractor shall keep itself informed concerning, and shall render all services
hereunder in accordance with, all ordinances, resolutions, statutes, rules, and regulations of the
City and any Federal, State or local governmental entity having jurisdiction in effect at the time
service is rendered.
1.4 Compliance with California Labor Law.
(a) Public Work. The Parties acknowledge that the work to be
performed under this Agreement is a ''public work" as defined in Labor Code Section 1720 and
that this Agreement is therefore subject to the requirements of Division 2, Part 7, Chapter I
(commencing with Section 1720) ofthe California Labor Code relating to public works contracts
and the rules and regulations established by the Department of Industrial Relations ("DlR")
implementing such statutes. The work performed under this Agreement is subject to compliance
monitoring and enforcement by the DIR. Contractor shall post job site notices, as prescribed by
(b) Prevailing Wages. Contractor shall pay prevailing wages to the
extent required by Labor Code Section 1771. Pursuant to Labor Code Section 1773.2, copies of
the prevailing rate of per diem wages are on file at City Hall and will be made available to any
interested party on request. By initiating any work under this Agreement, Contractor acknowledges
receipt of a copy of the Department of Industrial Relations (DIR) determination of the prevailing
rate of per diem wages, and Contractor shall post a copy of the same at each job site where work
is performed under this Agreement.
(c) Penalty for Failure to Pay Prevailing Wages. Contractor shall
comply with and be bound by the provisions of Labor Code Sections 1774 and 1775 concerning
the payment of prevailing rates of wages to workers and the penalties for failure to pay prevailing
wages. The Contractor shall, as a penalty to the City, forfeit two hundred dollars ($200) for each
calendar day, or portion thereof, for each worker paid Jess than the prevailing rates as determined
by the DIR for the work or craft in which the worker is employed for any public \Vork done
pursuant to this Agreement by Contractor or by any subcontractor.
-2-A-3 0 I 203 0006/300347 I
(d) Payroll Records. Contractor shall comply with and be bound by the
provisions of Labor Code Section 1776, which requires Contractor and each subcontractor to: keep
accurate payroll records and verify such records in writing under penalty of pe1:jury, as specified
in Section 1776; certify and make such payroll records available for inspection as provided by
Section 1776; and inform the City ofthe location of the records.
(e) Apprentices. Contractor shall comply with and be bound by the
provisions of Labor Code Sections 1777.5, 1777.6, and 1777.7 and California Code of Regulations
Title 8, Section 200 et seq. concerning the employment of apprentices on public works projects.
Contractor shall be responsible for compliance with these aforementioned Sections for all
apprenticeable occupations. Prior to commencing work under this Agreement, Contractor shall
provide City with a copy of the information submitted to any applicable apprenticeship program.
Within sixty (60) days after concluding work pursuant to this Agreement, Contractor and each of
its subcontractors shall submit to the City a verified statement of the journeyman and apprentice
hours performed under this Agreement.
(f) Eight-Hour Work Day. Contractor acknowledges that eight (8)
hours labor constitutes a legal day's work. Contractor shall comply with and be bound by Labor
Code Section 18I 0.
(g) Penalties for Excess Hours. Contractor shall comply with and be
bound by the provisions of Labor Code Section 18I3 concerning penalties for workers who work
excess hours. The Contractor shall, as a penalty to the City, forfeit twenty-five dollars ($25) for
each worker employed in the performance of this Agreement by the Contractor or by any
subcontractor for each calendar day during \vhich such worker is required or permitted to work
more than eight (8) hours in any one calendar day and forty ( 40) hours in any one calendar week
in violation of the provisions of Division 2, Part 7, Chapter I, Article 3 of the Labor Code. Pursuant
to Labor Code section I8I5, work performed by employees of Contractor in excess of eight (8)
hours per day, and forty ( 40) hours during any one week shall be permitted upon public work upon
compensation for all hours worked in excess of 8 hours per day at not less than one and one-half
(I Yz) times the basic rate of pay.
(h) Workers' Compensation. California Labor Code Sections I860 and
3700 provide that every employer will be required to secure the payment of compensation to its
employees if it has employees. In accordance with the provisions of California Labor Code Section
I86 L Contractor certifies as follows:
''I am aware of the provisions of Section 3700 of the Labor Code which require
every employer to be insured against liability for workers' compensation or to
undertake self-insurance in accordance with the provisions of that code, and I will
comply with such provisions before commencing the performance of the work of
this contract.''
Contractor's Authorized Initials ----
(i) Contractor's Responsibility for Subcontractors. For every
subcontractor who will perform work under this Agreement, Contractor shall be responsible for
-3-A-4 01203 0006/30034 7 I
such subcontractor's compliance with Division 2, Part 7. Chapter 1 (commencing with Section
1720) of the California Labor Code, and shall make such compliance a requirement in any contract
with any subcontractor for work under this Agreement. Contractor shall be required to take all
actions necessary to enforce such contractual provisions and ensure subcontractor's compliance,
including without limitation, conducting a review of the certified payroll records of the
subcontractor on a periodic basis or upon becoming aware of the failure of the subcontractor to
pay his or her workers the specified prevailing rate of wages. Contractor shall diligently take
corrective action to halt or rectify any such failure by any subcontractor.
1.5 Licenses, Permits, Fees and Assessments.
Contractor shall obtain at its sole cost and expense such licenses, permits,
registrations, and approvals as may be required by law for the performance of the services required
by this Agreement. Contractor shall have the sole obligation to pay for any fees, assessments and
taxes, plus applicable penalties and interest, which may be imposed by law and arise from or are
necessary for the Contractor's performance of the services required by this Agreement, and shall
indemnify, defend and hold harmless City, its officers, employees or agents of City, against any
such fees, assessments, taxes, penalties or interest levied, assessed or imposed against City
1.6 Familiarity with Work.
(a) By executing this Agreement, Contractor warrants that Contractor
(i) has thoroughly investigated and considered the scope ofwork to be performed, (ii) has carefully
considered how the services should be performed, and (iii) fully understands the facilities,
difficulties and restrictions attending performance of the services under this Agreement. If the
services involve work upon any site, Contractor warrants that Contractor has or will investigate
the site and is or will be fully acquainted with the conditions there existing, prior to commencement
of services hereunder.
(b) Contractor shall promptly, and before the follmving conditions are
disturbed, notify the City, in writing, of any: (i) material Contractor believes may be hazardous
waste as defined in Section 25117 of the Health & Safety Code required to be removed to a Class
I, II, or III disposal site in accordance with existing law; (ii) subsurface, unknown or latent
conditions, materially different from those indicated; or (iii) unknown physical conditions at the
site of any unusual nature, different from those ordinarily encountered and generally recognized
as inherent in work of the character provided for in this Agreement, and will materially affect the
performance ofthe services hereunder.
(c) City shall promptly investigate the conditions, and if it finds that
the conditions do materially differ, or do involve hazardous waste, and cause a decrease or increase
in Contractor's cost of, or the time required for, performance of any part of the work, shall issue a
change order per Section 1.10 of this Agreement.
(d) In the event that a dispute arises between City and Contractor
whether the conditions materially differ, or involve hazardous waste, or cause a decrease or
increase in Contractor's cost of, or time required for, performance of any part of the work,
-4-A-5 01203 0006/30034 7 1
Contractor shall not be excused from any scheduled completion date set, but shall proceed \Vith all
work to be performed under the Agreement. Contractor shall retain any and all rights provided
either by contract or by law, which pertain to the resolution of disputes and protests between the
contracting parties.
(e) City will compensate Contractor to the extent required by
Government Code Section 4215 by issuing a change order per Section 1.10 of this Agreement.
1. 7 Protection and Care of Work and Materials.
The Contractor shall adopt reasonable methods, including providing and
maintaining storage facilities, during the life of the Agreement to furnish continuous protection to
the work, and the equipment, materials, papers, documents, plans, studies and/or other components
thereof to prevent losses or damages, and shall be responsible for all such damages, to persons or
property, until acceptance ofthe work by City, except such losses or damages as caused by City's
own negligence. Stored materials shall be reasonably accessible for inspection. Contractor shall
not, without City's consent, assign, sell, mortgage, hypothecate, or remove equipment or materials
which have been installed or delivered and which may be necessary for the completion of the work.
1.8 Warranty.
Contractor warrants all work under the Agreement (which for purposes of this
Section shall be deemed to include unauthorized work which has not been removed and any
non-conforming materials incorporated into the work) to be of good quality and free from any
defective or faulty material and workmanship. Contractor agrees that for a period of one year (or
the period of time specified elsewhere in the Agreement or in any guarantee or warranty provided
by any manufacturer or supplier of equipment or materials incorporated into the work, whichever
is later) after the date of final acceptance, Contractor shall within ten ( 1 0) days after being notified
in writing by the City of any defect in the work or non-conformance of the work to the Agreement,
commence and prosecute with due diligence all work necessary to fulfill the terms of the warranty
at its sole cost and expense. Contractor shall act as soon as requested by the City in response to an
emergency. In addition, Contractor shall, at its sole cost and expense, repair, remove and replace
any portions of the work (or work of other contractors) damaged by its defective work or which
becomes damaged in the course of repairing or replacing defective work. For any work so
corrected, Contractor's obligation hereunder to correct defective work shall be reinstated for an
additional one year period, commencing with the date of acceptance of such corrected work.
Contractor shall perform such tests as the City may require to verify that any corrective actions,
including, without limitation, redesign, repairs, and replacements comply with the requirements of
the Agreement. All costs associated with such corrective actions and testing, including the
removal, replacement, and reinstitution of equipment and materials necessary to gain access, shall
be the sole responsibility of the Contractor. All warranties and guarantees of subcontractors,
suppliers and manufacturers with respect to any portion of the work, whether express or implied,
are deemed to be obtained by Contractor for the benefit of the City, regardless of whether or not
such warranties and guarantees have been transferred or assigned to the City by separate agreement
and Contractor agrees to enforce such warranties and guarantees, if necessary, on behalf of the
City. In the event that Contractor fails to perform its obligations under this Section, or under any
other warranty or guaranty under this Agreement, to the reasonable satisfaction of the City, the
-5-A-6 012030006/300347.1
City shall have the right to correct and replace any defective or non-conforming work and any
work damaged by such work or the replacement or correction thereof at Contractor's sole expense.
Contractor shall be obligated to fully reimburse the City for any expenses incurred hereunder upon
1.9 Further Responsibilities of Parties.
Both parties agree to use reasonable care and diligence to perform their respective
obligations under this Agreement. Both parties agree to act in good faith to execute all instruments,
prepare all documents and take all actions as may be reasonably necessary to carry out the purposes
of this Agreement. Unless hereafter specified, neither party shall be responsible for the service of
the other.
1.10 Additional Work and Change Orders.
(a) City shall have the right at any time during the performance of the
services, without invalidating this Agreement, to order extra work beyond that specified in the
Scope of Work or make changes by altering, adding to or deducting from said work. No such extra
work may be undertaken unless a written change order is first given by the Contract Officer to the
Contractor, incorporating therein any adjustment in (i) the Contract Sum, and/or (ii) the time to
perform this Agreement, which said adjustments are subject to the written approval of the
Contractor ("Change Order"). All Change Orders must be signed by the Contractor and Contract
Officer prior to commencing the extra work thereunder.
(b) Any increase in compensation of up to ten percent (1 0%) of the
Contract Sum or $25,000, whichever is less; or any increase in the time to perform of up to one
hundred eighty ( 180) days; and does not materially affect the Work and which are not detrimental
to the Work or to the interest of the City, may be approved by the Contract Officer. Any greater
increases, taken either separately or cumulatively, must be approved by the City Council.
(c) Any adjustment in the Contract Sum for a Change Order must be in
accordance with the rates set forth in the Schedule of Compensation in Exhibit "C". If the rates in
the Schedule of Compensation do not cover the type ofwork in the Change Order, the cost of such
work shall not exceed an amount agreed upon in writing and signed by Contractor and Contract
Officer. If the cost ofthe Change Order cannot be agreed upon, the City will pay for actual work
of the Change Order completed, to the satisfaction of the City, as follows:
(i) Labor: the cost of labor shall be the actual cost for wages of
workers and subcontractors performing the work for the Change Order at the time such work is
done. The use of labor classifications that would increase the cost of such work shall not be
(ii) Materials and Equipment: the cost of materials and
equipment shall be at cost to Contractor or lowest current price which such materials and
equipment are reasonably available at the time the work is done, whichever is lower.
(iii) If the cost of the extra work cannot be agreed upon, the
Contractor must provide a daily report that includes invoices for labor, materials and equipment
-6-A-7 01203.0006/300347.1
costs for the work under the Change Order. The daily report must include: list of names ofworkers,
classifications, and hours worked; description and list of quantities of materials used; type of
equipment, size, identification number, and hours of operation, including loading and
transportation, if applicable; description of other City authorized services and expenditures in such
detail as the City may require. Failure to submit a daily report by the close of the next working day
may, at the City's sole and absolute discretion, waive the Contractor's rights for that day.
(d) It is expressly understood by Contractor that the provisions of this
Section 1.10 shall not apply to services specifically set forth in the Scope of Work. Contractor
hereby acknowledges that it accepts the risk that the services to be provided pursuant to the Scope
of Work may be more costly or time consuming than Contractor anticipates and that Contractor
shall not be entitled to additional compensation therefor. City may in its sole and absolute
discretion have similar work done by other contractors.
(e) No claim for an increase in the Contract Sum or time for
performance shall be valid unless the procedures established in this Section are followed.
1.11 Special Requirements.
Additional terms and conditions of this Agreement, if any, which are made a part
hereof are set forth in the ''Special Requirements" attached hereto as Exhibit "B" and incorporated
herein by this reference. In the event of a conflict between the provisions of Exhibit ''B'' and any
other provisions of this Agreement, the provisions of Exhibit "B" shall govern.
2.1 Contract Sum.
Subject to any limitations set forth in this Agreement, City agrees to pay Contractor
the amounts specified in the "Schedule of Compensation" attached hereto as Exhibit "C'' and
incorporated herein by this reference. The total compensation, including reimbursement for actual
expenses, shall not exceed $49,270 (Forty-Nine Thousand Two Hundred Seventy Dollars) (the
"Contract Sum"), unless additional compensation is approved pursuant to Section 1.1 0.
2.2 Method of Compensation.
The method of compensation may include: (i) a lump sum payment upon
completion; (ii) payment in accordance with specified tasks or the percentage of completion of the
services less the contract retention; (iii) payment for time and materials based upon the
Contractor's rates as specified in the Schedule of Compensation, provided that (a) time estimates
are provided for the performance of sub tasks, (b) contract retention is maintained and (c) the
Contract Sum is not exceeded; or (iv) such other methods as may be specified in the Schedule of
-7-A-8 01203 0006/3003471
2.3 Reimbursable Expenses.
Compensation may include reimbursement for actual and necessary expenditures
for reproduction costs, telephone expenses, and travel expenses approved by the Contract Officer
in advance, or actual subcontractor expenses of an approved subcontractor pursuant to Section 4.5,
and only if specified in the Schedule of Compensation. The Contract Sum shall include the
attendance of Contractor at all project meetings reasonably deemed necessary by the City.
Coordination of the performance of the work with City is a critical component of the services. If
Contractor is required to attend additional meetings to facilitate such coordination, Contractor shall
not be entitled to any additional compensation for attending said meetings.
2.4 Invoices.
Each month Contractor shall furnish to City an original invoice for all work
performed and expenses incurred during the preceding month in a form approved by City's
Director of Finance. By submitting an invoice for payment under this Agreement, Contractor is
certifying compliance with all provisions of the Agreement. The invoice shall contain all
information specified in Exhibit "C'', and shall detail charges for all necessary and actual expenses
by the following categories: labor (by sub-category), travel, materials, equipment, supplies, and
sub-contractor contracts. Sub-contractor charges shall also be detailed by such categories.
Contractor shall not invoice City for any duplicate services performed by more than one person.
City shall, as soon as practicable, independently review each invoice submitted by
the Contractor to determine whether the work performed and expenses incurred are in compliance
with the provisions ofthis Agreement. Except as to any charges for work performed or expenses
incurred by Contractor which are disputed by City, or as provided in Section 7.3, City will cause
Contractor to be paid within thirty (30) days of receipt of Contractor's correct and undisputed
invoice; however, Contractor acknowledges and agrees that due to City warrant run procedures,
the City cannot guarantee that payment will occur within this time period. In the event that City
does not cause Contractor to be paid within thirty (30) days of receipt of an undisputed and
properly submitted invoice, Contractor shall be entitled to the payment of interest to the extent
allowed under Public Contract Code Section 20104.50. In the event any charges or expenses are
disputed by City, the original invoice shall be returned by City to Contractor, not later than seven
(7) days after receipt by the City, for correction and resubmission. Returned invoices shall be
accompanied by a document setting forth in writing the reasons why the payment request was
rejected. Review and payment by the City of any invoice provided by the Contractor shall not
constitute a waiver of any rights or remedies provided herein or any applicable law.
2.5 Waiver.
Payment to Contractor for work performed pursuant to this Agreement shall not be deemed
to waive any defects in work performed by Contractor.
3.1 Time of Essence.
Time is of the essence in the performance ofthis Agreement.
-8-A-9 01203 0006/3003471
3.2 Schedule of Performance.
Contractor shall commence the services pursuant to this Agreement upon receipt of
a vvritten notice to proceed and shall perform all services \Vithin the time period(s) established in
the "Schedule of Performance" attached hereto as Exhibit "0" and incorporated herein by this
reference. When requested by the Contractor, extensions to the time period(s) specified in the
Schedule of Performance may be approved in writing by the Contract Officer but not exceeding
one hundred eighty (180) days cumulatively.
3.3 Force Majeure.
The time period(s) specified in the Schedule of Performance for performance ofthe
services rendered pursuant to this Agreement shall be extended because of any delays due to
unforeseeable causes beyond the control and without the fault or negligence of the Contractor,
including, but not restricted to, acts of God or ofthe public enemy, unusually severe weather, fires,
earthquakes, floods, epidemics, quarantine restrictions, riots, strikes, freight embargoes, wars,
litigation, and/or acts of any governmental agency, including the City, if the Contractor shall with in
ten (1 0) days of the commencement of such delay notify the Contract Officer in writing of the
causes of the delay. The Contract Officer shall asce1iain the facts and the extent of delay, and
extend the time for performing the services for the period of the enforced delay when and if in the
judgment of the Contract Officer such delay is justified. The Contract Officer's determination shall
be final and conclusive upon the parties to this Agreement. In no event shall Contractor be entitled
to recover damages against the City for any delay in the performance of this Agreement, however
caused, Contractor's sole remedy being extension of the Agreement pursuant to this Section.
3.4 Inspection and Final Acceptance.
City may inspect and accept or reject any of Contractor's work under this
Agreement, either during performance or when completed. City shall reject or finally accept
Contractor's work within forty-five (45) days after submitted to City. City shall accept work by a
timely written acceptance, otherwise work shall be deemed to have been rejected. City's
acceptance shall be conclusive as to such work except with respect to latent defects, fraud and such
gross mistakes as to amount to fraud. Acceptance of any work by City shall not constitute a waiver
of any of the provisions of this Agreement including, but not limited to, Articles I and 5, pertaining
to warranty and indemnification and insurance, respectively.
3.5 Term.
Unless earlier terminated in accordance with Article 7 of this Agreement, this
Agreement shall continue in full force and effect until completion of the services but not exceeding
one (I) years from the date hereof, except as otherwise provided in the Schedule of Performance
(Exhibit "0").
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4.1 Representatives and Personnel of Contractor.
The following principals of Contractor ("Principals") are hereby designated as
being the principals and representatives of Contractor authorized to act in its behalf with respect
to the work specified herein and make all decisions in connection therewith:
James Culwell President
(Name) (Title)
Christine Culwell ----Secretary
(Name) (Title)
It is expressly understood that the experience, knowledge, capability and reputation
of the foregoing Principals were a substantial inducement for City to enter into this Agreement.
Therefore, the Principals shall be responsible during the term of this Agreement for directing all
activities of Contractor and devoting sufficient time to personally supervise the services hereunder.
All personnel of Contractor, and any authorized agents, shall at all times be under the exclusive
direction and control of the Principals. For purposes of this Agreement, the Principals may not be
replaced nor may their responsibilities be substantially reduced by Contractor without the express
written approval of City. Additionally, Contractor shall make every reasonable effort to maintain
the stability and continuity of Contractor's staff and subcontractors, if any, assigned to perform
the services required under this Agreement. Contractor shall notify City of any changes in
Contractor's staff and subcontractors, if any, assigned to perform the services required under this
Agreement, prior to and during any such performance.
4.2 Status of Contractor.
Contractor shall have no authority to bind City in any manner, or to incur any
obligation, debt or liability of any kind on behalf of or against City, whether by contract or
otherwise, unless such authority is expressly conferred under this Agreement or is otherwise
expressly conferred in writing by City. Contractor shall not at any time or in any manner represent
that Contractor or any of Contractor's officers, employees, or agents are in any manner officials,
officers, employees or agents of City. Neither Contractor, nor any of Contractor's officers,
employees or agents, shall obtain any rights to retirement, health care or any other benefits which
may otherwise accrue to City's employees. Contractor expressly waives any claim Contractor may
have to any such rights.
4.3 Contract Officer.
The Contract Officer shall be Ron Dragoo, City Engineer or such person as may be
designated by the City Manager. Tt shall be the Contractor's responsibility to assure that the
Contract Officer is kept informed of the progress of the performance of the services and the
Contractor shall refer any decisions which must be made by City to the Contract Officer. Unless
otherwise specified herein, any approval of City required hereunder shall mean the approval ofthe
Contract Officer. The Contract Officer shall have authority, if specified in writing by the City
-10-A-11 01203 0006/3003471
Manager, to sign all documents on behalf of the City required hereunder to carry out the terms of
this Agreement.
4.4 Independent Contractor.
Neither the City nor any of its employees shall have any control over the manner,
mode or means by which Contractor, its agents or employees, perform the services required herein,
except as otherwise set forth herein. City shall have no voice in the selection, discharge,
supervision or control of Contractor's employees, servants, representatives or agents, or in fixing
their number, compensation or hours of service. Contractor shall perform all services required
herein as an independent contractor of City and shall remain at all times as to City a wholly
independent contractor with only such obligations as are consistent with that role. Contractor shall
not at any time or in any manner represent that it or any of its agents or employees are agents or
employees of City. City shall not in any way or for any purpose become or be deemed to be a
partner of Contractor in its business or otherwise or a joint venturer or a member of any joint
enterprise with Contractor.
4.5 Prohibition Against Subcontracting or Assignment.
The experience, knowledge, capability and reputation of Contractor, its principals
and employees were a substantial inducement for the City to enter into this Agreement. Therefore,
Contractor shall not contract with any other entity to perform in whole or in part the services
required hereunder without the express written approval of the City. All subcontractors shall
obtain, at its or Contractor's expense, such licenses, permits. registrations and approvals (including
from the City) as may be required by law for the performance of any services or work under this
Agreement. In addition, neither this Agreement nor any interest herein may be transferred,
assigned, conveyed, hypothecated or encumbered voluntarily or by operation of law, whether for
the benefit of creditors or otherwise, without the prior written approval of City. Transfers restricted
hereunder shall include the transfer to any person or group of persons acting in concert of more
than twenty five percent (25%) of the present ownership and/or control of Contractor, taking all
transfers into account on a cumulative basis. In the event of any such unapproved transfer,
including any bankruptcy proceeding, this Agreement shall be void. No approved transfer shall
release the Contractor or any surety of Contractor of any liability hereunder without the express
consent of City.
5.1 Insurance Coverages.
Without limiting Contractor's indemnification of City, and prior to commencement
of any services under this Agreement, Contractor shall obtain, provide and maintain at its own
expense during the term of this Agreement, policies of insurance of the type and amounts described
below and in a form satisfactory to City.
(a) General liability insurance. Contractor shall maintain commercial general
liability insurance with coverage at least as broad as Insurance Services Office form CG 00 01, in
an amount not less than $2,000,000 per occurrence, $4,000,000 general aggregate, for bodily
injury, personal injury, and property damage. The policy must include contractual liability that has
-11-A-12 01203 0006/30034 7 I
not been amended. Any endorsement restricting standard ISO "insured contract" language \Vill not
be accepted.
(b) Automobile liability insurance. Contractor shall maintain automobile
insurance at least as broad as Insurance Services Office form CA 00 01 covering bodily injury and
property damage for all activities of the Contractor arising out of or in connection with Services
to be performed under this Agreement, including coverage for any owned, hired, non-owned or
rented vehicles, in an amount not Jess than $1,000,000 combined single limit for each accident
(c) Professional liability (errors & omissions) insurance. Contractor shall
maintain professional liability insurance that covers the Services to be performed in connection
with this Agreement, in the minimum amount of $1,000,000 per claim and in the aggregate. Any
policy inception date, continuity date, or retroactive date must be before the effective date of this
Agreement and Contractor agrees to maintain continuous coverage through a period no less than
three (3) years after completion of the services required by this Agreement.
(d) Workers' compensation insurance. Contractor shall maintain Workers'
Compensation Insurance (Statutory Limits) and Employer's Liability Insurance (with limits of at
least $1 ,000,000).
(e) Subcontractors. Contractor shall include all subcontractors as insureds
under its policies or shall furnish separate certificates and certified endorsements for each
subcontractor. All coverages for subcontractors shall include all of the requirements stated herein.
(f) Additional Insurance. Policies of such other insurance, as may be required
in the Special Requirements in Exhibit "B".
5.2 General Insurance Requirements.
(a) Proof of insurance. Contractor shall provide certificates of insurance to City
as evidence of the insurance coverage required herein, along with a waiver of subrogation
endorsement for workers' compensation. Insurance certificates and endorsements must be
approved by City's Risk Manager prior to commencement of performance. Current certification
of insurance shall be kept on file with City at all times during the term of this Agreement. City
reserves the right to require complete, certified copies of all required insurance policies, at any
(b) Duration of coverage. Contractor shall procure and maintain for the
duration of this Agreement insurance against claims for injuries to persons or damages to property,
which may arise from or in connection with the performance of the Services hereunder by
Contractor, its agents, representatives, employees or subcontractors.
(c) Primary/noncontributing. Coverage provided by Contractor shall be
primary and any insurance or self-insurance procured or maintained by City shall not be required
to contribute with it. The limits of insurance required herein may be satisfied by a combination of
primary and umbrella or excess insurance. Any umbrella or excess insurance shall contain or be
endorsed to contain a provision that such coverage shall also apply on a primary and non-
-12-A-13 012030006/3003471
contributory basis for the benefit of City before the City's own insurance or self-insurance shall
be called upon to protect it as a named insured.
(d) City's rights of enforcement. In the event any policy of insurance required
under this Agreement does not comply with these specifications or is canceled and not replaced,
City has the right but not the duty to obtain the insurance it deems necessary and any premium
paid by City will be promptly reimbursed by Contractor or City will withhold amounts sufficient
to pay premium from Contractor payments. In the alternative, City may cancel this Agreement.
(e) Acceptable insurers. All insurance policies shall be issued by an insurance
company currently authorized by the Insurance Commissioner to transact business of insurance or
that is on the List of Approved Surplus Line Insurers in the State of California, with an assigned
policyholders' Rating of A-(or higher) and Financial Size Category Class VI (or larger) in
accordance with the latest edition of Best's Key Rating Guide, unless otherwise approved by the
City's Risk Manager.
(f) Waiver of subrogation. All insurance coverage maintained or procured
pursuant to this agreement shall be endorsed to waive subrogation against City, its elected or
appointed officers, agents, officials, employees and volunteers or shall specifically allow
Contractor or others providing insurance evidence in compliance with these specifications to \Vaive
their right of recovery prior to a loss. Contractor hereby waives its own right of recovery against
City, and shall require similar written express waivers and insurance clauses from each of its
(g) Enforcement of contract provisions (non-estoppel). Contractor
acknowledges and agrees that any actual or alleged failure on the part of the City to inform
Contractor of non-compliance with any requirement imposes no additional obligations on the City
nor does it waive any rights hereunder.
(h) Requirements not limiting. Requirements of specific coverage features or
limits contained in this section are not intended as a limitation on coverage, limits or other
requirements, or a waiver of any coverage normally provided by any insurance. Specific reference
to a given coverage feature is for purposes of clarification only as it pertains to a given issue and
is not intended by any party or insured to be all inclusive, or to the exclusion of other coverage, or
a waiver of any type. If the Contractor maintains higher limits than the minimums shown above,
the City requires and shall be entitled to coverage for the higher limits maintained by the
Contractor. Any available insurance proceeds in excess of the specified minimum limits of
insurance and coverage shall be available to the City.
(i) Notice of cancellation. Contractor agrees to oblige its insurance agent or
broker and insurers to provide to City with a thirty (30) day notice of cancellation (except for
nonpayment for which a ten (10) day notice is required) or nonrenewal of coverage for each
required coverage.
(j) Additional insured status. General liability policies shall provide or be
endorsed to provide that City and its officers, officials, employees, and agents, and volunteers shall
-13-A-14 01203 0006/3003471
be additional insureds under such policies. This provision shall also apply to any excess/umbrella
liability policies.
(k) Prohibition of undisclosed coverage limitations. None of the coverages
required herein vvill be in compliance with these requirements if they include any limiting
endorsement of any kind that has not been first submitted to City and approved of in writing.
(I) Separation of insureds. A severability of interests provision must apply for
all additional insureds ensuring that Contractor's insurance shall apply separately to each insured
against whom claim is made or suit is brought, except with respect to the insurer's limits of
liability. The policy(ies) shall not contain any cross-liability exclusions.
(m) Pass through clause. Contractor agrees to ensure that its subconsultants,
subcontractors, and any other party involved with the project who is brought onto or involved in
the project by Contractor, provide the same minimum insurance coverage and endorsements
required of Contractor. Contractor agrees to monitor and review all such coverage and assumes all
responsibility for ensuring that such coverage is provided in conformity with the requirements of
this section. Contractor agrees that upon request, all agreements with consultants, subcontractors,
and others engaged in the project will be submitted to City for review.
(n) Agency's right to revise specifications. The City reserves the right at any
time during the term of the contract to change the amounts and types of insurance required by
giving the Contractor ninety (90) days advance written notice of such change. If such change
results in substantial additional cost to the Contractor, the City and Contractor may renegotiate
Contractor's compensation.
( o) Self-insured retentions. Any self-insured retentions must be declared to and
approved by City. City reserves the right to require that self-insured retentions be eliminated,
lowered, or replaced by a deductible. Self-insurance will not be considered to comply with these
specifications unless approved by City.
(p) Timely notice of claims. Contractor shall give City prompt and timely
notice of claims made or suits instituted that arise out of or result from Contractor's performance
under this Agreement, and that involve or may involve coverage under any of the required liability
( q) Additional insurance. Contractor shall also procure and maintain, at its own
cost and expense, any additional kinds of insurance, which in its own judgment may be necessary
for its proper protection and prosecution of the work.
5.3 Indemnification.
To the full extent permitted by law, Contractor agrees to indemnify, defend and
hold harmless the City, its officers, employees and agents ("Indemnified Parties") against, and will
hold and save them and each of them harmless from, any and all actions, either judicial,
administrative, arbitration or regulatory claims, damages to persons or property, losses, costs,
penalties, obligations, errors, omissions or liabilities whether actual or threatened (herein "claims
or liabilities") that may be asserted or claimed by any person, firm or entity arising out of or in
-14-A-15 01203 0006/30034 7 I
connection with the negligent performance ofthe work, operations or activities provided herein of
Contractor, its officers, employees, agents, subcontractors, or invitees, or any individual or entity
for which Contractor is legally liable ("indemnitors"), or arising from Contractor's or indemnitors'
reckless or willful misconduct, or arising from Contractor's or indemnitors' negligent performance
of or failure to perform any term, provision, covenant or condition of this Agreement, and in
connection therewith:
(a) Contractor will defend any action or actions tiled in connection with
any of said claims or liabilities and will pay all costs and expenses, including legal costs and
attorneys' fees incurred in connection therewith;
(b) Contractor will promptly pay any judgment rendered against the
City, its officers, agents or employees for any such claims or liabilities arising out of or in
connection with the negligent performance of or failure to perform such work, operations or
activities of Contractor hereunder; and Contractor agrees to save and hold the City, its officers,
agents, and employees harmless therefi·om;
(c) In the event the City, its officers, agents or employees is made a
party to any action or proceeding filed or prosecuted against Contractor for such damages or other
claims arising out of or in connection with the negligent performance of or failure to perform the
work, operation or activities of Contractor hereunder, Contractor agrees to pay to the City, its
officers, agents or employees, any and all costs and expenses incurred by the City, its officers,
agents or employees in such action or proceeding, including but not limited to, legal costs and
attorneys' fees.
In addition, Contractor agrees to indemnify, defend and hold harmless the
Indemnified Pmties from, any and all claims and liabilities for any infringement of patent rights,
copyrights or trademark on any person or persons in consequence of the use by the Indemnified
Parties of articles to be supplied by Contractor under this Agreement, and of which the Contractor
is not the patentee or assignee or has not the lawful right to sell the same.
Contractor shall incorporate similar indemnity agreements with its subcontractors
and if it fails to do so Contractor shall be fully responsible to indemnify City hereunder therefore,
and failure of City to monitor compliance with these provisions shall not be a waiver hereof. This
indemnification includes claims or liabilities arising from any negligent or wrongful act, error or
omission, or reckless or willful misconduct of Contractor in the performance of professional
services and work hereunder. The provisions of this Section do not apply to claims or liabilities
occurring as a result of City's sole negligence or willful acts or omissions, but, to the fullest extent
permitted by law, shall apply to claims and liabilities resulting in part from City's negligence,
except that design professionals' indemnity hereunder shall be limited to claims and liabilities
arising out of the negligence, recklessness or willful misconduct of the design professional. The
indemnity obligation shall be binding on successors and assigns of Contractor and shall survive
termination ofthis Agreement.
-I 5-A-16 012010006/300347 I
5.4 Notification of Third-Party Claims.
City shall timely notify Contractor of the receipt of any third-party claim relating
to the work under this Agreement. City shall be entitled to recover from Contractor its reasonable
costs incurred in providing such notification.
5.5 Performance and Labor Bonds.
Concurrently \Vith execution of this Agreement Contractor shall deliver to the City,
the following:
(a) A performance bond in the amount of the Contract Sum of this
Agreement, in the form provided by the City Clerk, which secures the faithful performance of this
(b) A labor and materials bond in the amount of the Contract Sum of
this Agreement, in the form provided by the City Clerk, which secures the payment of all persons
furnishing labor and/or materials in connection with the work under this Agreement.
Both the performance and labors bonds required under this Section 5.5 shall contain
the original notarized signature of an authorized officer of the surety and affixed thereto shall be a
certified and current copy of his power of attorney. The bond shall be unconditional and remain in
force during the entire term of the Agreement and shall be null and void only if the Contractor
promptly and faithfully performs all terms and conditions of this Agreement and pays all labor and
materials for work and services under this Agreement.
5.6 Sufficiency of Insurer or Surety.
Insurance and bonds required by this Agreement shall be satisfactory only if issued
by companies qualified to do business in California, rated "A" or better in the most recent edition
of Best's Rating Guide. The Key Rating Guide or in the Federal Register, and only if they are of a
financial category Class VII or better, unless such requirements are waived by the Risk Manager
of the City ("Risk Manager'') due to unique circumstances. If this Agreement continues for more
than 3 years duration, or in the event the Risk Manager determines that the work or services to be
performed under this Agreement creates an increased or decreased risk of loss to the City, the
Contractor agrees that the minimum limits of the insurance policies and the performance bond
required by Section 5.5 may be changed accordingly upon receipt of written notice from the Risk
5.7 Substitution of Securities.
Pursuant to Public Contract Code Section 22300, substitution of eligible equivalent
securities for any funds withheld to ensure performance under this Agreement may be permitted
at the request and sole expense of the Contractor. Alternatively, the Contractor may, pursuant to
an escrow agreement in a form prescribed by Public Contract Code Section 22300, request
payment of retentions funds earned directly to the escrow agent at the sole expense of the
-I 6-A-17 012030006/3003471
5.8 Release of Securities.
City shall release the Performance and Labor Bonds when the following have occurred:
(a) Contractor has made a written request for release and provided
evidence of satisfaction of all other requirements under Article 5 of this Agreement;
(b) the Work has been accepted; and
(c) after passage ofthe time yvithin which lien claims are required to be
made pursuant to applicable lm:vs; if lien claims have been timely filed, City shall hold the Labor
Bond until such claims have been resolved, Contractor has provided statutory bond, or otherwise
as required by applicable law.
6.1 Records.
Contractor shall keep, and require subcontractors to keep, such ledgers, books of
accounts, invoices, vouchers, canceled checks, reports, studies, certified and accurate copies of
payroll records in compliance with all applicable laws, or other documents relating to the
disbursements charged to City and services performed hereunder (the "books and records''), as
shall be necessary to perform the services required by this Agreement and enable the Contract
Officer to evaluate the performance of such services. Any and all such documents shall be
maintained in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles and shall be complete and
detailed. The Contract Officer shall have full and free access to such books and records at all times
during normal business hours of City, including the right to inspect, copy, audit and make records
and transcripts from such records. Such records shall be maintained for a period of 3 years
following completion of the services hereunder, and the City shall have access to such records in
the event any audit is reg uired. In the event of dissolution of Contractor's business, custody of the
books and records may be given to City, and access shall be provided by Contractor's successor
in interest. Notwithstanding the above, the Contractor shall fully cooperate with the City in
providing access to the books and records if a public records request is made and disclosure is
required by law including but not limited to the California Public Records Act.
6.2 Reports.
Contractor shall periodically prepare and submit to the Contract Officer such
rep01ts concerning the performance of the services required by this Agreement as the Contract
Officer shall require. Contractor hereby acknowledges that the City is greatly concerned about the
cost of work and services to be performed pursuant to this Agreement. For this reason, Contractor
agrees that if Contractor becomes aware of any facts, circumstances, techniques, or events that
may or will materially increase or decrease the cost of the work or services contemplated herein
or, if Contractor is providing design services, the cost of the project being designed, Contractor
shall promptly notify the Contract Officer of said fact, circumstance, technique or event and the
estimated increased or decreased cost related thereto and, if Contractor is providing design
services, the estimated increased or decreased cost estimate for the project being designed.
-17-A-18 01203.0006/300347.1
6.3 Ownership of Documents.
All drawings, specifications, maps, designs, photographs, studies, surveys, data,
notes, computer files, reports, records, documents and other materials (the "documents and
materials") prepared by Contractor, its employees, subcontractors and agents in the performance
of this Agreement shall be the property of City and shall be delivered to City upon request of the
Contract Officer or upon the termination of this Agreement, and Contractor shall have no claim
for further employment or additional compensation as a result of the exercise by City of its full
rights of ownership use, reuse, or assignment of the documents and materials hereunder. Any use,
reuse or assignment of such completed documents for other projects and/or use of uncompleted
documents without specific written authorization by the Contractor will be at the City's sole risk
and without liability to Contractor, and Contractor's guarantee and warranties shall not extend to
such use, reuse or assignment. Contractor may retain copies of such documents for its own use.
Contractor shall have an unrestricted right to use the concepts embodied therein. All subcontractors
shall provide for assignment to City of any documents or materials prepared by them, and in the
event Contractor fails to secure such assignment, Contractor shall indemnify City for all damages
resulting therefrom. Moreover, Contractor with respect to any documents and materials that may
qualify as "works made for hire" as defined in 17 U.S.C. § I 0 I, such documents and materials are
hereby deemed "works made for hire'' for the City.
6.4 Confidentiality and Release of Information.
(a) information gained or work product produced by Contractor in
performance ofthis Agreement shall be considered confidential, unless such information is in the
public domain or already known to Contractor. Contractor shall not release or disclose any such
information or work product to persons or entities other than City without prior written
authorization from the Contract Officer.
(b) Contractor, its officers, employees, agents or subcontractors, shall
not, without prior written authorization from the Contract Officer or unless requested by the City
Attorney, voluntarily provide documents, declarations, letters of support, testimony at depositions,
response to interrogatories or other information concerning the work performed under this
Agreement. Response to a subpoena or court order shall not be considered "voluntary" provided
Contractor gives City notice of such court order or subpoena.
(c) If Contractor, or any officer, employee, agent or subcontractor of
Contractor, provides any information or work product in violation of this Agreement, then City
shall have the right to reimbursement and indemnity from Contractor for any damages, costs and
fees, including attorneys' fees, caused by or incurred as a result of Contractor's conduct.
(d) Contractor shall promptly notify City should Contractor, its officers,
employees, agents or subcontractors be served with any summons, complaint, subpoena, notice of
deposition, request for documents, interrogatories, request for admissions or other discovery
request, court order or subpoena from any party regarding this Agreement and the work performed
there under. City retains the right, but has no obligation, to represent Contractor or be present at
any deposition, hearing or similar proceeding. Contractor agrees to cooperate fully with City and
to provide City with the opportunity to review any response to discovery requests provided by
-18-A-19 01203 0006/30034 7 I
Contractor. However, this right to revie\v any such response does not imply or mean the right by
City to control, direct, or rewrite said response.
7.1 California Law.
This Agreement shall be interpreted, construed and governed both as to validity and
to performance ofthe parties in accordance with the laws ofthe State of California. Legal actions
concerning any dispute, claim or matter arising out of or in relation to this Agreement shall be
instituted in the Superior Court of the County of Los Angeles, State of California, or any other
appropriate court in such county, and Contractor covenants and agrees to submit to the personal
jurisdiction of such court in the event of such action. In the event of litigation in a U.S. District
Court, venue shall lie exclusively in the Central District of California, in the County of Los
Angeles, State of California.
7.2 Disputes.
(a) Default; Cure. In the event that Contractor is in default under the
terms of this Agreement the City shall not have any obligation or duty to continue compensating
Contractor for any work performed after the date of default. Instead, the City may give notice to
Contractor of the default and the reasons for the default. The notice shall include the timeframe in
which Contractor may cure the default. This timeframe is presumptively thirty (30) days, but may
be extended, though not reduced, if circumstances warrant. During the period of time that
Contractor is in default, the City shall hold all invoices and shall proceed with payment on the
invoices only when the default is cured. In the alternative, the City may, in its sole discretion, elect
to pay some or all of the outstanding invoices during the period of default. If Contractor does not
cure the default, the City may take necessary steps to terminate this Agreement under this Article.
Any failure on the part of the City to give notice of the Contractor's default shall not be deemed
to result in a waiver of the City's legal rights or any rights arising out of any provision of this
(b) Dispute Resolution. This contract is subject to the provisions of
Article 1.5 (commencing at Section 201 04) of Division 2, Pmt 3 of the California Public Contract
Code regarding the resolution of public works claims of less than $375,000. Article 1.5 mandates
certain procedures for the filing of claims and supporting documentation by the Contractor, for the
response to such claims by the City, for a mandatory meet and confer conference upon the request
of the Contractor, for mandatory non-binding mediation in the event litigation is commenced, and
for mandatory judicial arbitration upon the failure to resolve the dispute through mediation. This
Agreement hereby incorporates the provisions of A1ticle 1.5 as though fully set f01th herein.
7.3 Retention of Funds.
Contractor hereby authorizes City to deduct from any amount payable to Contractor
(whether or not arising out of this Agreement) (i) any amounts the payment of which may be in
dispute hereunder or which are necessary to compensate City for any losses, costs, liabilities, or
damages suffered by City, and (ii) all amounts for which City may be liable to third parties, by
reason of Contractor's acts or omissions in performing or failing to perform Contractor's
-19-A-20 01203 0006/300347 I
obligation under this Agreement In the event that any claim is made by a third party, the amount
or validity of which is disputed by Contractor, or any indebtedness shall exist which shall appear
to be the basis for a claim of lien, City may withhold from any payment due, vvithout liability for
interest because of such \Vithholding, an amount sufficient to cover such claim. The failure of City
to exercise such right to deduct or to withhold shall not, however, affect the obligations of the
Contractor to insure, indemnify, and protect City as elsewhere provided herein.
7.4 Waiver.
Waiver by any party to this Agreement of any term, condition, or covenant of this
Agreement shall not constitute a waiver of any other term, condition, or covenant. Waiver by any
party of any breach ofthe provisions ofthis Agreement shall not constitute a waiver of any other
provision or a waiver of any subsequent breach or violation of any provision of this Agreement.
Acceptance by City of any work or services by Contractor shall not constitute a waiver of any of
the provisions of this Agreement. No delay or omission in the exercise of any right or remedy by
a non-defaulting party on any default shall impair such right or remedy or be construed as a waiver.
Any waiver by either party of any default must be in writing and shall not be a waiver of any other
default concerning the same or any other provision of this Agreement.
7.5 Rights and Remedies are Cumulative.
Except with respect to rights and remedies expressly declared to be exclusive in
this Agreement, the rights and remedies of the parties are cumulative and the exercise by either
party of one or more of such rights or remedies shall not preclude the exercise by it, at the same or
different times, of any other rights or remedies for the same default or any other default by the
other party.
7.6 Legal Action.
In addition to any other rights or remedies, either party may take legal action, in
law or in equity, to cure, correct or remedy any default, to recover damages for any default, to
compel specific performance of this Agreement, to obtain declaratory or injunctive relief. or to
obtain any other remedy consistent with the purposes of this Agreement. Notwithstanding any
contrary provision herein, Contractor shall file a claim pursuant to Government Code Sections 905
et seq. and 91 0 et seq., in order to pursue a legal action under this Agreement.
7.7 Liquidated Damages.
Since the determination of actual damages for any delay in performance of this
Agreement would be extremely difficult or impractical to determine in the event of a breach of
this Agreement, the Contractor and its sureties shall be liable for and shall pay to the City the sum
of Three Hundred Dollars ($300) as liquidated damages for each working day of delay in the
performance of any service required hereunder, as specified in the Schedule of Performance
(Exhibit "D"). The City may withhold from any monies payable on account of services performed
by the Contractor any accrued liquidated damages. Pursuant to Government Code Section 4215,
Contractor shall not be assessed liquidated damages for delay in completion of the project when
such delay was caused by the failure of the public agency or owner of the utility to provide for
removal or relocation of utility facilities.
-20-A-21 01203.0006/300347.1
7.8 Termination Prior to Expiration of Term.
This Section shall govern any termination of this Contract except as specifically
provided in the following Section for termination for cause. The City reserves the right to terminate
this Contract at any time, with or without cause, upon thirty (30) days' written notice to Contractor.
except that where termination is due to the fault of the Contractor, the period of notice may be
such shorter time as may be determined by the Contract Officer. In addition, the Contractor
reserves the right to terminate this Contract at any time, with or without cause, upon sixty (60)
days' written notice to City, except that where termination is due to the fault ofthe City, the period
of notice may be such shorter time as the Contractor may determine. Upon receipt of any notice of
termination, Contractor shall immediately cease all services hereunder except such as may be
specifically approved by the Contract Officer. Except where the Contractor has initiated
termination, the Contractor shall be entitled to compensation for all services rendered prior to the
effective date of the notice of termination and for any services authorized by the Contract Officer
thereafter in accordance with the Schedule of Compensation or such as may be approved by the
Contract Officer, except as provided in Section 7.3. In the event the Contractor has initiated
termination, the Contractor shall be entitled to compensation only for the reasonable value of the
work product actually produced hereunder. ln the event of termination without cause pursuant to
this Section, the terminating party need not provide the non-terminating party with the opportunity
to cure pursuant to Section 7.2.
7.9 Termination for Default of Contractor.
If termination is due to the failure ofthe Contractor to fulfill its obligations under
this Agreement, City may, after compliance with the provisions of Section 7.2, take over the work
and prosecute the same to completion by contract or otherwise, and the Contractor shall be liable
to the extent that the total cost for completion of the services required hereunder exceeds the
compensation herein stipulated (provided that the City shall use reasonable efforts to mitigate such
damages), and City may withhold any payments to the Contractor for the purpose of set-off or
pm1ial payment ofthe amounts owed the City as previously stated.
7.10 Attorneys' Fees.
lf either party to this Agreement is required to initiate or defend or made a party to
any action or proceeding in any way connected with this Agreement, the prevailing party in such
action or proceeding, in addition to any other relief which may be granted, whether legal or
equitable, shall be entitled to reasonable attorney's fees. Attorney's fees shall include attorney's
fees on any appeal, and in addition a party entitled to attorney's fees shall be entitled to all other
reasonable costs for investigating such action, taking depositions and discovery and all other
necessary costs the cow1 allows which are incurred in such litigation. All such fees shall be deemed
to have accrued on commencement of such action and shall be enforceable whether or not such
action is prosecuted to judgment.
7.11 Unfair Business Practices Claims.
In entering into this Agreement, Contractor offers and agrees to assign to the City
all rights, title, and interest in and to all causes of action it may have under Section 4 of the Clayton
-21-A-22 01 20 3 0006/30034 7 1
Act (15 U.S.C. § 15) or under the Cartwright Act (Chapter 2, (commencing with Section 16700)
of Part 2 of Division 7 of the Business and Professions Code), arising from purchases of goods,
services or materials related to this Agreement. This assignment shall be made and become
effective at the time the City renders final payment to the Contractor without further
acknowledgment of the Parties.
8.1 Non-liability of City Officers and Employees.
No officer or employee of the City shall be personally liable to the Contractor, or
any successor in interest, in the event of any default or breach by the City or for any amount which
may become due to the Contractor or to its successor, or for breach of any obi igation of the terms
ofthis Agreement.
8.2 Conflict of Interest.
Contractor covenants that neither it, nor any officer or principal of its firm, has or
shall acquire any interest, directly or indirectly, which would conflict in any manner with the
interests of City or which would in any way hinder Contractor's performance of services under
this Agreement. Contractor further covenants that in the performance of this Agreement, no person
having any such interest shall be employed by it as an officer, employee, agent or subcontractor
without the express written consent of the Contract Officer. Contractor agrees to at all times avoid
conilicts of interest or the appearance of any conf1icts of interest with the interests of City in the
performance ofthis Agreement.
No officer or employee of the City shall have any financial interest, direct or
indirect, in this Agreement nor shall any such officer or employee participate in any decision
relating to the Agreement which effects his financial interest or the financial interest of any
corporation, partnership or association in which he is, directly or indirectly, interested, in violation
of any State statute or regulation. The Contractor warrants that it has not paid or given and will not
pay or give any third patty any money or other consideration for obtaining this Agreement.
8.3 Covenant Against Discrimination.
Contractor covenants that, by and for itself, its heirs, executors, assigns, and all
persons claiming under or through them, there shall be no discrimination against or segregation
of, any person or group of persons on account of race, color, creed, religion, sex, gender, sexual
orientation, marital status, national origin, ancestry, or other protected class in the performance of
this Agreement. Contractor shall take affirmative action to insure that applicants are employed and
that employees are treated during employment without regard to their race, color, creed, religion,
sex, gender, sexual orientation, marital status, national origin, ancestry, or other protected class.
8.4 Unauthorized Aliens.
Contractor hereby promises and agrees to comply with all of the provisions of the
Federal Immigration and Nationality Act, 8 U.S.C. § II 01 et seq., as amended, and in connection
therewith, shall not employ unauthorized aliens as defined therein. Should Contractor so employ
-22-A-23 OJ 203 0006/300347 I
such unauthorized aliens for the performance of work and/or services covered by this Agreement,
and should any liability or sanctions be imposed against City for such use of unauthorized aliens,
Contractor hereby agrees to and shall reimburse City for the cost of all such liabilities or sanctions
imposed, together with any and all costs, including attorneys' fees, incurred by City.
9.1 Notices.
Any notice, demand, request, document, consent, approval, or communication
either party desires or is required to give to the other party or any other person shall be in writing
and either served personally or sent by prepaid, first-class mail, in the case of the City, to the City
Manager and to the attention of the Contract Officer (with her/his name and City title), City of
Rancho Palos Verdes, 30940 Hawthorne Boulevard, Rancho Palos Verdes, CA 90275 and in the
case of the Contractor, to the person at the address designated on the execution page of this
Agreement. Either party may change its address by notifying the other party of the change of
address in writing. Notice shall be deemed communicated at the time personally delivered or in
seventy-two (72) hours from the time of mailing if mailed as provided in this Section. All
correspondence relating to this Agreement shall be serialized consecutively.
9.2 Interpretation.
The terms of this Agreement shall be construed in accordance with the meaning of
the language used and shall not be construed for or against either party by reason of the authorship
ofthis Agreement or any other rule of construction which might otherwise apply.
9.3 Counterparts.
This Agreement may be executed in counterparts, each of which shall be deemed
to be an original, and such counterparts shall constitute one and the same instrument.
9.4 Integration; Amendment.
This Agreement including the attachments hereto is the entire, complete and
exclusive expression of the understanding of the parties. It is understood that there are no oral
agreements between the pa11ies hereto affecting this Agreement and this Agreement supersedes
and cancels any and all previous negotiations, arrangements, agreements and understandings, if
any, between the pm1ies, and none shall be used to interpret this Agreement. No amendment to or
modification of this Agreement shall be valid unless made in writing and approved by the
Contractor and by the City Council. The parties agree that this requirement for written
modifications cannot be waived and that any attempted waiver shall be void.
9.5 Severability.
In the event that any one or more of the phrases, sentences, clauses, paragraphs, or
sections contained in this Agreement shall be declared invalid or unenforceable by a valid
judgment or decree of a court of competent jurisdiction, such invalidity or unenforceability shall
not affect any of the remaining phrases, sentences, clauses, paragraphs, or sections of this
-23-A-24 () 12030006/300347.1
Agreement which are hereby declared as severable and shall be interpreted to carry out the intent
ofthe parties hereunder unless the invalid provision is so material that its invalidity deprives either
pa11y of the basic benefit of their bargain or renders this Agreement meaningless.
9.6 Warranty & Representation of Non-Collusion.
No official, officer, or employee of City has any financial interest, direct or indirect,
in this Agreement, nor shall any official, officer, or employee of City participate in any decision
relating to this Agreement which may affect his/her financial interest or the financial interest of
any corporation, partnership, or association in which (s)he is directly or indirectly interested, or in
violation of any corporation, pm1nership, or association in which (s)he is directly or indirectly
interested, or in violation of any State or municipal statute or regulation. The determination of
"financial interest" shall be consistent with State law and shall not include interests found to be
"remote" or "non interests" pursuant to Government Code Sections 1 091 or I 091 .5. Contractor
warrants and represents that it has not paid or given, and will not pay or give, to any third party
including, but not limited to, any City official, officer, or employee, any money, consideration, or
other thing of value as a result or consequence of obtaining or being awarded any agreement.
Contractor further warrants and represents that (s)he/it has not engaged in any act(s), omission(s),
or other conduct or collusion that would result in the payment of any money, consideration, or
other thing of value to any third party including, but not limited to, any City official, officer, or
employee, as a result of consequence of obtaining or being awarded any agreement. Contractor is
aware of and understands that any such act(s), omission(s) or other conduct resulting in such
payment of money, consideration, or other thing of value will render this Agreement void and of
no force or effect.
Contractor's Authorized Initials ---
9.7 Corporate Authority.
The persons executing this Agreement on behalf of the pa11ies hereto warrant that
(i) such party is duly organized and existing, (ii) they are duly authorized to execute and deliver
this Agreement on behalf of said party, (iii) by so executing this Agreement, such party is formally
bound to the provisions of this Agreement, and (iv) the entering into this Agreement does not
violate any provision of any other Agreement to which said party is bound. This Agreement shall
be binding upon the heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns ofthe parties.
-24-A-25 01203.0006/300347.1
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Agreement on
the date and year first-above written.
Emily Colborn, City Clerk
William W. Wynder, City Attorney
municipal corporation
John Cruikshank, Mayor
By: ________________________ ___
Name: James Culwell
Title: President
By: ____________________________ _
Name: Christine Culwell
Title: Secretary
Address: 1635 E. Cedar Street
Ontario, CA 91 7 61
Two corporate officer signatures required when Contractor is a corporation, with one signature required from
each of the following groups: 1) Chairman of the Board, President or any Vice President; and 2) Secretary, any
Assistant Secretary, Chief Financial Officer or any Assistant Treasurer. CONTRACTOR'S SIGNATURES
-25-A-26 01203.0006/300347.1
A notary public or other officer completing this certificate verifies only the identity of the individual who signed the
document to which this certificate is attached, and not the truthfulness, accuracy or validity of that document.
On ----~-, 2020 before me, , personally appeared ··----~--' proved to me on the
basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person(s) whose names(s) is/are subscribed to the within instrument and
acknowledged to me that he/she/they executed the same in his/her/their authorized capacity(ies ), and that by
his/her/their signature(s) on the instrument the person(s), or the entity upon behalf of which the person(s) acted,
executed the instrument.
I certifY under PENALTY OF PERJURY under the laws ofthe State of California that the foregoing paragraph is true
and correct.
WITNESS my hand and official seal.
Signature: ___________________ _
Though the data below is not required by law, it may prove valuable to persons relying on the document and could
prevent fraudulent reattachment of this form
OTHER _________________ _
012010006/300347. I
A notary public or other officer completing this certificate verifies only the identity of the individual who signed the
document to which this certificate is attached, and not the truthfulness, accuracy or validity of that document.
On , 2020 before me, _________ , personally appeared ____ ,proved to me on the
basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person(s) whose names(s) is/are subscribed to the within instrument and
acknowledged to me that he/she/they executed the same in his/her/their authorized capacity(ies), and that by
his/her/their signature(s) on the instrument the person(s), or the entity upon behalf of which the person(s) acted,
executed the instrument.
I certify under PENALTY OF PERJURY under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing paragraph is true
and correct.
WITNESS my hand and official seal.
Signature: _________________ _
Though the data below is not required by law, it may prove valuable to persons relying on the document and could
prevent fraudulent reattachment of this form
OTHER _____________ _
I. Contractor shall perform all of the work and comply \Vith all of the specifications and
requirements in the "General Provisions" and "Special Provisions'' included in the bid
documents for the project entitled BURMA ROAD TRAILHEAD GATK including any
documents or exhibits referenced therein.
H. Brief description of the work to be performed:
In general, the work comprises without limitation, furnishing all necessary labor. materials,
equipment and other incidental and appurtenant \Vork necessary to install fences and gates
to secure main entry points at the Portuguese Bend Nature Preserve property, as more
clearly described in the Contract Documents. This work \Vill be performed in strict
conformance with the Contract Documents, permits from regulatory agencies with
jurisdiction, and applicable regulations.
III. In addition to the requirements of Section 6.2, during performance ofthe work, Contractor
will keep the City apprised ofthe status of performance by delivering the following status
A. Daily Reports
B. Ce11ified Payroll
IV. All work is subject to review and acceptance by the City, and must be revised by the
Contractor without additional charge to the City until found satisfactory and accepted by
V. Contractor shall provide safe and continuous passage for pedestrian and vehicular traffic
in accordance with the Work Area Traffic Control Handbook (WATCH), latest edition.
012030006/300347.1 A-1
(Superseding Contract Boilerplate)
I. Contractor shall perform all work at the rates on the Bid Sheet submitted as part of
Contractor's Proposal, and listed below:
Item Description Qty. Unit Unit Extended
No. Meas Price Amount
1 Mobilization 1 LS $8,000 $8,000
2 Demolition: Remove old fence, 1 EA $8,210 $8,210 concrete footing, gate and haul away
3 8' High black wrought iron fence 40 LF $319 $12,760
4 7' x 8' double swing gate 2 EA $4,020 $8,040
5 5' x 8' swing gate with method to affix 1 EA $3,890 $3,890 open
6 8' Metal mesh 40 LF $98 $3,920
Locking Mechanism for vehicle swing
7 gate w/minimum of 7 different access 1 EA $2,460.00 $2,460.00
Install battery powered locks on
8 pedestrian gates with minimum of 7 1 EA $1 '130 $1 '130
distinct secured codes.
Install gap at bottom of both fences for
9 wildlife movement. Location of gap to 1 EA $860 $860
be determined with City staff.
TOTAL $49,270
II. A retention of five percent (5%) shall be held fi·om each payment as a contract retention to
be paid as part of the final payment upon satisfactory completion of services.
Ill. Within the budgeted amounts for each item on the Bid Sheet, and with the approval of the
Contract Officer, funds may be shifted from one item's subbudget to another so long as the
Contract Sum is not exceeded per Section 2.1, unless Additional Work is approved per
Section 1.1 0.
IV. The City will compensate Contractor for the Services performed upon submission of a
valid invoice. Each invoice is to include:
A. Line items for all personnel describing the work performed, the number of hours
worked, and the hourly rate.
B. Line items for all materials and equipment properly charged to the Services.
012030006/300347.1 C-1
C. Line items for all other approved reimbursable expenses claimed, with supporting
D. Line items for all approved subcontractor labor, supplies, equipment, materials, and
travel properly charged to the Services.
V. The total compensation for the Services shall not exceed $49,270 as provided in Section
2.1 of this Agreement.
01203.0006/300347. 1 C-2
I. Contractor shall perform all work within twenty (20) working days starting on the Notice
to Proceed date. Prior to the Notice to Proceed, the Contractor must submit a project
schedule for approval:
II. Contractor shall deliver the following tangible work products to the City by the following
A. Daily Rep01ts will be delivered to the City weekly. Daily Reports must be delivered
and accepted prior to any progress payment up until the date that work is being
invoiced for.
B. Certified payroll will be delivered to the City biweekly. Certified payroll must be
delivered and accepted prior to any progress payment up until the date that work is
being invoiced for.
III. The Contract Officer may approve extensions for performance of the services m
accordance with Section 3.2.
012030006/300347.1 D-1
WHEREAS, the CITY OF RANCHO PALOS VERDES, ("City"), has awarded to
as Contractor ("Principal"), a Contract for the
and described as
WHEREAS, the Contractor is required under the terms of said Contract to furnish a
bond for the faithful performance of the Contract;
NOW, THEREFORE, we the undersigned Contractor and Surety, are held and firmly
bound unto the City in the sum of
($ ), this amount being not less than one hundred percent (100%) of the total
Contract price, lawful money of the United States of America, for payment of which sum well
and truly be made we bind ourselves, our heirs, executors, administrators, and successors,
jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. In case suit is brought upon this bond, the Surety
will pay a reasonable attorney's fee to the City in an amount to be fixed by the court.
Contractor, or its heirs, executors, administrators, successors, or assigns, shall in all things
stand and abide by, well and truly keep and perform all undertakings, terms, covenants,
conditions, and agreements in the said Contract and any alteration thereof, made as therein
provided, all within the time and in the manner designated and in all respects according to their
true intent and meaning, then this obligation shall become null and void; otherwise it shall be
anJ remain in full force and effect.
FURTHER, the said Surety, for value received, hereby stipulates and agrees that no
change, extension of time, alteration, or modification of the Contract Documents or of the work
to be performed thereunder shall in any way affect its obligations on this bond, and it does
hereby waive notice of such change, extension of time, alteration, or modification of the
Contract Documents or of the work to be performed thereunder.
Executed on ____________________________ 20
(Seal ifCorporation) By _______________________________ ___
Title --------------------------------
(Attach Acknowledgment of Authorized Representative of Principal)
012030006/3003471 D-1
Any claims under this bond may be addressed to:
(name and address of Surety)
(name and address of Surety's agent for service
process in California, if different from above)
(telephone number of Surety's agent in
(Attach Acknowledgment)
By ______________________________ __
(Attorney for CITY)
No substitution or revision to this bond form will be accepted. Sureties must be authorized to
do business in and have an agent for service of process in California. Certified copy of Power
of Attorney must be attached.
012030006/300347. I D-2
(Labor and Material Bond)
WHEREAS, the CITY OF RANCHO PALOS VERDES, ("'City"), has awarded to
as Contractor ("Principal"), a Contract for the
and described as
WHEREAS, said Contractor is required to furnish a bond in conjunction with said
Contract, to secure the payment of claims of laborers, mechanics, material men, and other
persons as provided by law;
NOW, THEREFORE, we the undersigned Contractor and Surety, are held and firmly
bound unto the City in the sum of
($ ), this amount being not less than one hundred percent (100%) ofthe total
Contract price, lawful money of the United States of America, for payment of which sum well
and truly be made we bind ourselves, our heirs, executors, administrators, and successors,
jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. In case suit is brought upon this bond, the Surety
will pay a reasonable attorney's fee to the City in an amount to be fixed by the court.
heirs, executors, administrators, successors, assigns, or subcontractor fails to pay: (I) for any
work, materials, services, provisions, provender, or other supplies, or for the use of implements
of machinery, used in, upon, for, or about the performance of the work to be done, or for any
work or labor thereon of any kind; (2) for work performed by any of the persons named in
Civil Code Section 91 00; (3) for any amounts due under the Unemployment Insurance Code
with respect to work or labor performed under the contract; and/or ( 4) for any amounts required
to be deducted, withheld, and paid over to the Employment Development Department from the
wages of employees of the Contractor and/or its subcontractors pursuant to Section 13020 of
the Unemployment Insurance Code with respect to such work and labor, then the Surety herein
will pay for the same in an amount not exceeding the sum specified in this bond, otherwise the
above obligation shall be void.
This bond shall inure to the benefit of any of the persons named in Civil Code Section
9100 so as to give a right of action to such persons or their assigns in any suit brought upon
the bond. Moreover, if the City or any entity or person entitled to file stop payment notices is
required to engage the services of an attorney in connection with the enforcement of this bond,
each shall be liable for the reasonable attorney's fees incurred, with or without suit, in addition
to the above sum.
Said Surety, for value received, hereby stipulates and agrees that no change, extension
of time, alteration, or modification of the Contract Documents or of the work to be performed
thereunder shall in any way affect its obligations on this bond, and it does hereby waive notice
of such change, extension of time, alteration, or modification of the Contract Documents or of
the work to be performed thereunder.
01203 0006 300347.1
Executed on ___________________________ ,20 __ _
(Seal ifCorporation) By ____________________________ _
Title _____________________________ _
(Attach Acknowledgment of Authorized Representative of Principal)
Any claims under this bond may be addressed to:
(Attach Acknowledgment)
(Attorney for CITY)
(name and address of Surety)
(name and address of Surety's agent for service
of process in California, if different from above)
(telephone number of Surety's agent m
By ____ ~-=~--------------------
No substitution or revision to this bond form will be accepted. Sureties must be authorized to
do business in and have an agent for service of process in California. Certified copy of Power
of Attorney must be attached.
Description of Contract:
Type of Insurance:
City of Rancho Palos Verdes
Project: ________________________________________ __
Workers' Compensation and
Employers' Liability Insurance
THIS IS TO CERTIFY that the following policy has been issued by the below-stated company in
conformance vvith the requirements of Article 5 of the Contract and is in force at this time, and is
in a form approved by the Insurance Commissioner.
The Company will give at least 30 days' written notice to the City and Engineer/ Architect prior to
any cancellation of said policy.
Named Insured (Contractor)
Street Number
City and State
01203. 00063003.J7.1
Workers' Compensation:
Statutory Limits Under the Laws
of the State of California
Employers' Liability:
$ ____________ Each Accident
$ ____________ Disease-Policy Limit
$ ____________ Disease -Each Employee
Insurance Company
Street Number
City and State
By ____________________________ __
(Company Representative)
Insurance Company Agent for Service
of Process in California:
Street Number
City and State
Telephone Number
This certificate is issued as a matter of information only and confers no rights upon the certificate
holder. This certificate does not amend, extend, or alter the coverage afforded by the policy listed
This is to certify that the policy has been issued to the named insured for the policy period
indicated, notwithstanding any requirement, term, or condition of any contract or other document
with respect to which this certificate may be issued or may pertain, the insurance afforded by the
policy described herein is subject to all the terms, exclusions, and conditions of such policy.
No substitution or revision to the above certificate form will be accepted. If the insurance called
for is provided by more than one insurance company, a separate certificate in the exact above form
shall be provided for each insurance company.
Name and address ofnamed insured ("Named Insured'')
Name and address oflnsurance Company (''Company")
General descnjJtion of agreement(s), permit{cl), license(s), and/or activity(ie.s) insured
Notwithstanding any inconsistent statement in the policy to which this endorsement is attached (the
"Policy") or in any endorsement now or hereafter attached thereto, it is agreed as follows:
1. The ____________________________________________________________ ___
("Public Agency''), its elected officials, officers, attorneys, agents, employees, and volunteers are additional
insureds (the above named additional insureds are hereafter referred to as the "Additional Insureds") under
the Policy in relation to those activities described generally above with regard to operations performed by
or on behalf of the Named Insured. The Additional Insureds have no liability for the payment of any
premiums or assessments under the Policy.
2. The insurance coverages afforded the Additional Insureds under the Policy shall be primary
insurance, and no other insurance maintained by the Additional Insureds shall be called upon to contribute
with the insurance coverages provided by the Policy.
3. Each insurance coverage under the Policy shall apply separately to each Additional Insured
against whom claim is made or suit is brought except with respect to the limits of the Company's liability.
4. Nothing in this contract of insurance shall be construed to preclude coverage of a claim by
one insured under the policy against another insured under the policy. All such claims shall be covered as
third-party claims, i.e., in the same manner as if separate policies had been issued to each insured. Nothing
contained in this provision shall operate to increase or replicate the Company's limits ofliability as provided
under the policy.
5. The insurance afforded by the Policy for contractual liability insurance (subject to the
terms, conditions and exclusions applicable to such insurance) includes liability assumed by the Named
Insured under the indemnification and/or hold harmless provision(s) contained in or executed in conjunction
with the written agreement(s) or pennit(s) designated above, between the Named Insured and the Additional
6. The policy to which this endorsement is attached shall not be subject to cancellation,
change in coverage, reduction of limits (except as the result of the payment of claims), or non-renewal
except after written notice to Public Agency, by certified mail, return receipt requested, not less than thirty
(30) days prior to the effective date thereof. In the event of Company's failure to comply with this notice
provision, the policy as initially drafted will continue in full force and effect until compliance with this
notice requirement.
7. Company hereby waives all rights of subrogation and contribution against the Additional
Insureds, while acting within the scope of their duties, from all claims, losses and liabilities arising out of
or incident to the perils insured against in relation to those activities described generally above with regard
01203.0006 300347.1
to operations performed by or on behalf of the Named Insured regardless of any prior, concurrent, or
subsequent active or passive negligence by the Additional Insureds.
8. It is hereby agreed that the laws of the State of California shall apply to and govern the
validity, construction, interpretation, and enforcement of this contract of insurance.
9. This endorsement and all notices given hereunder shall be sent to Public Agency at:
City Manager, City of Rancho Palos Verdes, 30940 Hawthorne Boulevard, Rancho Palos Verdes, California
10. Except as stated above and not in cont1ict with this endorsement, nothing contained herein
shall be held to waive, alter or extend any of the limits, agreements, or exclusions of the policy to which
this endorsement is attached.
11. Scheduled items or locations are to be identified on an attached sheet. The following
inclusions relate to the above coverages. Includes:
o Contractual Liability
o Owners/Landlords/Tenants
o Manufacturers/Contractors
o Products/Completed Operations
o Broad Form Property Damage
o Extended Bodily Injury
o Broad Form Comprehensive
General Liability Endorsement
o Explosion Hazard
o Collapse Hazard
o Underground Property Damage
o Pollution Liability
o Liquor Liability
o __________________________________ __
o __________________________________ __
o __________________________________ __
12. A o deductible or o self-insured retention (check one) of$ __________________ __
applies to all coverage(s) except:----------------------------
(if none, so state). The deductible is applicable o per claim oro per occurrence (check one).
13. This is an o occurrence oro claims made policy (check one).
14. This endorsement is effective on ______________ at 12:0 I a.m. and forms a part of
Policy Number _________ _
(signatures on following page)
012030006 300347.1
I, (print name), hereby
declare under penalty of petj ury under the Jaws of the State of California, that I have the authority to bind
the Company to this endorsement and that by my execution hereof, I do so bind the Company.
Executed ______________________________ ,20 ________ _
Telephone No.: ( ____ __
OJ 203.0006300347. I
Signature of Authorized Representative
(Original signature only: nofacsimile signature
or initialed signature accepted)
11/ame and address of named insured (''Named Insured")
Name and address oflnsurance Company ("Cmnpany ")
General description of agreement(s), permit(s), licenseM, and/or activity(ies) insured
Notwithstanding any inconsistent statement in the pol icy to which this endorsement is attached (the
"Policy'') or in any endorsement now or hereafter attached thereto, it is agreed as follows:
1. The __________________________________________________________ __
("'Public Agency"), its elected officials, officers, attorneys, agents, employees, and volunteers are additional
insureds (the above named additional insureds are hereafter referred to as the ''Additional Insureds'') under
the Policy in relation to those activities described generally above with regard to operations performed by
or on behalf of the Named Insured. The Additional Insureds have no liability for the payment of any
premiums or assessments under the Policy.
2. The insurance coverages afforded the Additional Insureds under the Policy shall be primary
insurance, and no other insurance maintained by the Additional Insureds shall be called upon to contribute
with the insurance coverages provided by the Policy.
3. Each insurance coverage under the Policy shall apply separately to each Additional Insured
against whom claim is made or suit is brought except with respect to the limits ofthe Company's liability.
4. Nothing in this contract of insurance shall be construed to preclude coverage of a claim by
one insured under the policy against another insured under the policy. All such claims shall be covered as
third-patiy claims, i.e., in the same manner as if separate policies had been issued to each insured. Nothing
contained in this provision shall operate to increase or replicate the Company's limits ofliability as provided
,under the policy.
5. The insurance afforded by the Policy for contractual liability insurance (subject to the
terms, conditions and exclusions applicable to such insurance) includes liability assumed by the Named
Insured under the indemnification and/or hold harmless provision(s) contained or executed in conjunction
with the written agreement(s) or permit(s) designated above, between the Named Insured and the Additional
6. The policy to which this endorsement is attached shall not be subject to cancellation,
change in coverage, reduction of limits (except as the result of the payment of claims), or non-renewal
except after written notice to Public Agency, by cetiified mail, return receipt requested, not less than thirty
(30) days prior to the effective date thereto. In the event of Company's failure to comply with this notice
provision, the policy as initially drafted will continue in full force and effect until compliance with this
notice requirement.
7. Company hereby waives all rights of subrogation and contribution against the Additional
Insureds, while acting within the scope of their duties, from all claims, losses and liabilities arising out of
or incident to the perils insured against in relation to those activities described generally above with regard
OJ 203.0006 3003-!7. I
to operations performed by or on behalf of the Named Insured regardless of any prior, concurrent, or
subsequent active or passive negligence by the Additional Insureds.
8. It is hereby agreed that the laws of the State of California shall apply to and govern the
validity, construction, interpretation, and enforcement of this contract of insurance.
9. This endorsement and all notices given hereunder shall be sent to Public Agency at:
City Manager
City of Rancho Palos Verdes
30940 Hawthorne Boulevard
Rancho Palos Verdes, California 90275
10. Except as stated above and not in conflict with this endorsement, nothing contained herein
shall be held to waive, alter or extend any of the limits, agreements, or exclusions of the policy to which
this endorsement is attached.
11. Scheduled items or locations are to be identiiied on an attached sheet. The following
inclusions relate to the above coverages. Includes:
D Any Automobiles D Truckers Coverage
D All Owned Automobiles D Motor Carrier Act
D Non-owned Automobiles D Bus Regulatory Reform Act
D Hired Automobiles D Public Livery Coverage
D Scheduled Automobiles D
D Garage Coverage D
12. A o deductible oro self-insured retention (check one) of$ ________ _
applies to all coverage(s) except: (if none, so state). The deductible is applicable o
per claim or o per occurrence (check one).
13. This is an o occurrence oro claims made policy (check one).
14. This endorsement is effective on ____ at 12:01 a.m. and forms a part of Policy
(signatures on following page)
0 I 103. 0006 3003471
I, (print name), hereby
declare under penalty of pe1:jury under the laws of the State of California, that I have the authority to bind
the Company to this endorsement and that by my execution hereof, I do so bind the Company.
Executed _________________ , 20
Telephone No.:( __ _
01203.0006 3003471
Signature of Authorized Representative
(Original signature only; no facsimile signature
or initialed signature accepted)
Name and address of named insured ("Named Insured")
Name and address of1nsurance Company ("Company")
General description olagreement(s). permit(s'), license(\'), and/or activity(ies') insured
Notwithstanding any inconsistent statement in the policy to which this endorsement is attached (the
''Policy'') or in any endorsement now or hereafter attached thereto, it is agreed as follmvs:
1. The __________________________________________________________ __
("Public Agency"), its elected officials, officers, attorneys, agents, employees, and volunteers are additional
insureds (the above named additional insureds are hereafter referred to as the ''Additional Insureds") under
the Policy in relation to those activities described generally above with regard to operations performed by
or on behalf of the Named Insured. The Additional Insureds have no liability for the payment of any
premiums or assessments under the Policy.
2. The insurance coverages afforded the Additional Insureds under the Policy shall be primary
insurance, and no other insurance maintained by the Additional Insureds shall be called upon to contribute
with the insurance coverages provided by the Policy.
3. Each insurance coverage under the Policy shall apply separately to each Additional Insured
against whom claim is made or suit is brought, except with respect to the limits of the Company's liability.
4. Nothing in this contract of insurance shall be construed to preclude coverage of a claim by
one insured under the policy against another insured under the policy. All such claims shall be covered as
third-party claims, i.e., in the same manner as if separate policies had been issued to each insured. Nothing
contained in this provision shall operate to increase or replicate the Company's limits ofliability as provided
under the policy.
5. The insurance afforded by the Policy for contractual liability insurance (subject to the
terms, conditions and exclusions applicable to such insurance) includes liability assumed by the Named
Insured under the indemnification and/or hold harmless provision(s) contained in or executed in conjunction
with the written agreement(s) or permit(s) designated above, between the Named Insured and the Additional
6. The policy to which this endorsement is attached shall not be subject to cancellation,
change in coverage, reduction of limits (except as the result of the payment of claims), or non-renewal
except after written notice to Public Agency, by ce1iified mail, return receipt requested, not less than thirty
(30) days prior to the effective date thereto. In the event of Company's failure to comply with this notice
provision, the policy as initially drafted will continue in full force and effect until compliance with this
notice requirement.
7. Company hereby waives all rights of subrogation and contribution against the Additional
Insureds, while acting within the scope of their duties, from all claims, losses and liabilities arising out of
or incident to the perils insured against in relation to those activities described generally above with regard
to operations performed by or on behalf of the Named Insured regardless of any prior, concurrent, or
subsequent active or passive negligence by the Additional Insureds.
()J 203. (}(}06 300347. I
8. It is hereby agreed that the laws of the State of California shall apply to and govern the
validity, construction, interpretation, and enforcement of this contract of insurance.
9. This endorsement and all notices given hereunder shall be sent to Public Agency at:
City Manager
City of Rancho Palos Verdes
30940 Hawthorne Boulevard
Rancho Palos Verdes, California 90275
10. Except as stated above and not in conflict with this endorsement, nothing contained herein
shall be held to waive, alter or extend any of the limits, agreements, or exclusions of the policy to which
this endorsement is attached.
o Following Form
o Umbrella Liability
o __________________________________ __
11. Applicable underlying coverages:
12. The following inclusions, exclusions, extensions or specific provisions relate to the above
coverages: ____________________________________________ _
13. A o deductible oro self-insured retention (check one) of$ _________ _
applies to all coverage(s) except:---------------------------
(if none, so state). The deductible is applicable o per claim oro per occurrence (check one).
14. This is an o occurrence oro claims made policy (check one).
15. This endorsement is effective on ____ at 12:01 a.m. and forms a part of Policy
Number __ _
(signatures on following page)
I, (print name), hereby
declare under penalty of pe1jury under the laws of the State of California, that I have the authority to bind
the Company to this endorsement and that by my execution hereof, I do so bind the Company.
Executed ______________ , 20
Telephone No.: ( __ _
01203. 0006'3003-17.1
Signature of Authorized Representative
(Original signature only; nofacsimile signature
or initialed signature accepted)
Hello Kat ie,
SUNSH INE <sunshinerpv@aol.com >
Sunday, August 30, 2020 8:18PM
Katie Lozano ; Daniel Trautner
CC; CityCierk
I repeat. Re : What is the official "memorializa tion" of Dave Bradley's motion on last
Tuesdays It em 3, Del Cerro Park?
I am not a Trail Attorney so I ask the questions that I don 't have the answers to . I read what is in the
various Staff Reports . For Sept. 1, nobody seems to know... What is the official "memoriali za tion" of
Dave Bradley's motion on last Tuesdays Item 3, Del Cerro Park? ... S
In a message dated 8/2 6/2 02 0 5:2 1:15 PM Pacific Standard T im e, KatieL @rpvca.gov writes:
Hello Sunshine ,
Thank you for your email. Item C on the Sept. 1 st City Council agenda items is to award a construction
contract in the amount of $49 ,270 to Metrocell Construction, Inc. for the installation of a Preserve
access gate at the Burma Rd . access point into the Portuguese Bend Reserve . This gate has been
publically vetted and was approved by the City Council in 2018, and unfortunately has been delayed
until very recently . The gate will help control unauthorized access into the very popular Portuguese
Bend Reserve . For clarification , while the Palos Verdes Peninsula Land Conservancy did contribute
financ ially to acquisition of Preserve lands , the vast majority of funding for Preserve land acquisition
came from Federal, State, and local grant funding sources . I'd be happy to provide any info I can on
the Trails Network Plan Update or Preserve Public Use Master Plan , or I can reach out to the Parks
Master Plan project lead for questions on that document. I hope this is helpful.
Thank you,
Katie Lozano
Senior Administrative Analyst /Open Space Manager
Recreation and Parks Department
City of Rancho Palos Verdes
31 0-544-5267
katiel@rpvca .gov
c .
City Hall is open to the public during regular business hours . To help prevent the spread of
COVID -19 , visitors are required to wear face coverings and adhere to physical distancing
gu idelines . Some employees are working on rotation and may be working remotely. If you need
to visit City Hall, please schedule an appointment in advance by calling the appropriate
department and follow all posted directions during your visit. Walk-ups are limited to one person
at a time. Please note that our response to your inquiry could be delayed . For a list of
department phone numbers, visit the Staff Directory on the City website.
From: SUNSHINE <sunshinerpv@aol.com>
Sent: Wednesday , August 26 , 2020 4:42 PM
To: Daniel Trautner <DanieiT@rpvca.gov>; Katie Lozano <Katiel@rpvca .gov >
Cc: CC <CC@rpvca.gov>; CityCierk <CityCierk@rpvca .gov>
Subject: Fwd: What is the official "memorialization" of Dave Bradley's motion on last Tuesdays Item 3,
Del Cerro Park?
Hello Dan and Katie,
"Last Tuesday's Council Meeting" was August 18, 2012.
From a holistic point of view, what Charles Eder and Ron Dragoo have put on the Council's
September 1, 2020 Agenda is pretty pitiful mostly from the point of view that neither actually
discloses what the public funds will be spent on . Recommending actions just to "do
something" even if it is counter-productive, unsustainable and/or just plain not thought out in a
public forum is fraud, waste and abuse . Staff Time is public funds spent. My elected
representatives should not be put in a position to have to vote No just to send Staff "back to
the drawing board" and consume more "Staff Time".
Planning the parking and preserve access is one issue which has been on Staff's "To Do List"
ever since the City purchased the first large property and created The PV Preserve. By the
way, that is something which was clearly stated in the original General Plan as something "the
City" had no intention of investing in. PVPLC came up with most of the money but there are a
lot of "strings attached". It is never too late to start documenting the parking and other
"applies to more than just the Preserve property" restrictions which the City may or may not
have agreed to . PVPLC is a Sub -Contractor , not your Boss . You need to get your "facts"
from a more reliable source.
I keep asking and still have not found the Staff person who has been delegated the task of
knowing and revealing all of the implications of the Staff level interpretations which come with
implementing the City's Parks Master Plan, the Preserve Public Use Master Plan and the
Trails Network Plan. It all appears to have landed with the Rec.& Parks Department except
that you don't seem to know how to avail yourselves of, nor direct the skills and talents to be
found in the Public Works Department, the Community Development Department, the
Information Technology Department , the Finance Department and the Emergency
Preparedness Coordinator.
Sorry . I am "old school". Pointing out potential errors and omissions used to be considered
"helpful". I do not mean to criticize you personally . However, "We're working on it" leaves me
with the impression that you are not. And , the holistic information I have to to offer, is not
Please write something which changes my impression and actually supports conflict resolution
on the Palos Verdes Peninsula .... S 310-377-8761
From: sunshinerpv@aol.com
To: terit@rpvca.gov
Cc : David .Bradley@rpvca.gov
Sent: 8/20/2020 3:26:38 PM Pacific Standard Time
Subject: What is the official "memorialization" of Dave Bradley's motion on last
Tuesdays Item 3, Del Cerro Park?
Hi Teri,
All this is ju st background to help you produce what I am looking for . The trick
appears to be in the timing between when you produce the draft minutes and when
Dan is supposed to produce some action . TNX .... S
From: sunshinerpv@aol.com
To: DanieiT@rpvca.gov
Sent: 8/20/2020 3:00:18 PM Pacific Standard Time
Subject: Still an issue. Re : Parks as trailheads and trails as non -moto ri zed
connections between parks
Hello Dan,
How about you call me Sunshine and I won't call you Mr. Trautner. We have
met on many occasions. We have just never had any occasions to talk about
anything beyond how some PVIC Docent activities could become "living
history" activities at both upper and lower Point Vicente Park . Now that that
opportunity has been extinguished, I am back to being a "trails junkie". Come
see . Six years of land movement makes it a different place .
Since the "living history" opportunity has been. pretty much extinguished, I am
offering my trails knowledge in support of emergency preparedness. Katie is
locked in a box as defined by the City's Land Use Map OPEN SPACE-
PRESERVATION . Matt is locked in a box as defined by the City's Zoning Map
OPEN SPACE-RECREATION. Cory is silent. Ken and Jesse are new. Elias
is gone. Ara obfuscates answers to questions and Councils Action Items .
You have popped up as a potential insider player in the mix. I am just hoping
you can connect the dots. Big step at "transparency". Did Ara write your reply
for you? You avoided answering my question just like he does and you did not
accept my invitation . So, how about this one? What is the official verbiage
of the "action items" you and Katie have been tasked with? I heard Dave
Bradley's Motion. Council's request that their directions be "memorialized" has
become a rather sloppy "work in progress". We, the People, cannot point out
potential omissions nor suggest options as solutions until we know Ara's
interpretation of what the Council Moved and Approved .
If you are not a party to a solution, you are a part of the problem .... S 310-
377 -8761
In a message dated 8/20 /2020 12 :39 :15 PM Pacific Standard Time ,
Dani elT @rp vca.gov writes:
Still an issue. Re: Parks as trailheads and trails as non-motorized
connections between parks
Thanks for reaching out. We have had the chance to meet. I came out to
your property when I first started w ith the City in 2014 .
I am working with Katie Lozano on the De l Cerro parking issue and Katie is
the Department lead on the Nature Preserve. We are coming back to Council
in the near future on several action items related to parking and preserve
access .
Thanks again,
Daniel Trautner
From: SUNSHINE <sunshinerpv@aol.com >
Sent: Thursday, August 20, 2020 12:27 PM
To: Daniel Trautner <DanieiT@rpvca .gov >
Subject: Parks as trailheads and trails as non -motorized connections
between parks
Hi Dan,
Nice to see your name on an Agenda Report that relates to outside of a
park site. We have never had a chance to sit down for a how we can
work together chat. Maybe you can find the answer to this
question . Who do you expect to pull together the Council's Action
Item about proposing solutions to the imbalance of access to the
City's Parks and Nature Reserves?
If you have no such expectation, read no further . If you may and are
willing to come to my outdoor and otherwise safety compliant venue for
a more in depth discussion , email me a date and ETA or, give me a
call ... S 310 -377 -8761
The solution to the balance of nature is in the Trails Network Plan
update public outreach process . Council has given the City Manager
60 days to come up with a response. Ara has been dodging it for 15
The Open Space Planning and Rec.& Parks Task Force was given their
tasks before the RPV City Council majority became PVP Land
Conservancy "rev ised Mission" advocates. The Task Force's Work
Product died for lack of a Motion. The 50-year Contract with the
PVPLC was s igned . The Planning Department became the Community
Development Department and took control over the Public Works
Department and the Rec.& Parks Department. Subsequent City
Council Members have not been so supportive of a "pure green" future
for RPV but, enforcement of new interpretations of the Brown Act have
precluded everyone from being able to discuss the differences between
"open space" for human health, safety and welfare versus "open space"
for the health, safety and welfare of native "wildlife" and B iologists .
Matt Waters is good at "losing documents" however, he may be able to
turn up a copy of the Task Force's Work Product (2005). If not, I have
a hard copy . Two years of work and more than monthly public
meetings produced recommendations for balancing our residents'
needs and wants. This work did influence the update of the Parks
Master Plan. I st ill have not seen what Cory Linder meant by
maintaining the Parks Master Plan as a "living document".
How all this gets implemented into a balance among the various
departments' isolated responsibilities is now back in the hands of the
Rec .& Parks Department. The RPV Trails Network Plan is the glue
which holds the human side of Paradise together. What the TNP
update is missing most urgently is input from the Fire Department which
James O'Neill, Public Works, Wildfire Management and Jesse
Villalponda, City Manager's Office, Emergency Preparedness, are
tasked with in separate and more focused Council Action Items .
Without new "narratives" for the conceptual trails (on private property)
which are now, shall we say, "real trails" on City property , our
progression of Directors of the Public Works Department have been
able to claim that the PVPLC is supposed to tell him what to
"maintain". Without new narratives, the recreational and emergency
circulation needs are not being considered in the Landslide
Remediation Engineering Project, the Altamira Canyon Repair
Engineering Project and the Portuguese Bend Area Emergency
Evacuation Plan.
The rest of the City and our neighboring Cities are also suffering from
this isolation of parks. In particular, the City Planners are not effectively
negotiating Irrevocable Offers of Trail Easements because the Trails
Network Plan has not been updated with engineered "ideal routes" for
the existing/conceptual trails which cross multiple undeveloped lots .
The big direction decision which has not been presented to Council,
specifically is ... Should the Trails Network Plan aim to preserve and
enhance the most off-road circulation opportunities (General Plan) or,
should human circulation be minimized to preserve and enhance native
habitat (Natural Communities Conservation Plan , NCCP)? Ara may
have discussed this with our current TNP Update Consultant, but,
whatever level of "balance" was agreed upon has not been shared with
the public . We have paid for a year's worth of the Consultant's time
and we still don't know if the impacts of the level of balance chosen are
going to be acceptable.
In isolation, you and Katie's Del Cerro Park vs. Gateway Park
conundrum is unsolvable. I repeat: Who do you expect to pull
together the Council's Action Item about proposing solutions to
the imbalance of access to the City's Parks and Nature Reserves?
I am happy to share my knowledge of the tools you have to work
with . Without a clear statement of the balanced objective, no amount of
wordsmithing and engineering is going to get anything except habitat
enhanced and preserved. It is not just my home which cannot be
adequately hardened against a wildfire and adequately protected from
invading tourists .
Follow Up Flag:
Flag Status:
SUNSHINE <sunshinerpv@aol.com>
Friday, August 28, 2020 4:58 PM
CC; CityCierk
September 1, 2020 Council Consent Calendar Items C, D, E & H
Follow up
Dear Mr. Mayor and City Council,
I deleted the following sentence from the following email chain with Ron Dragoo.
"Since you have no respect for my elected representatives, I have no respect for you."
As long as the five persons seated at the dais continue to Move and Approve Staff's
Recommendations, be they to "receive and file" or to spend public funds, Staff will continue to
disrespect you. I commend your recent efforts to get Staff to "memorialize" your more specific
Making that happen is going to take a lot more effort on your part. Staff is still not providing an
analysis of the "downside of voting No". Staff is not providing an analysis of the "downside of voting
Yes". Mostly, Staff is not putting the big decisions onto your Agendas. Even worse, Staff is not
availing themselves of other departments' and the public's specialized knowledge.
Case in point. You asked our Open Space Manager for our parking enforcement recovery rate. Well,
she was presenting the Staff Recommendation about parking control. Nobody else on Zoom had the
answer, either, and, you all just moved forward without the pertinent data.
Here is another suggestion which will probably vanish into the black hole known as cc@rpvca.gov. If
Staff has not withdrawn them prior to opening this Agenda Item, somebody, make a motion to not
approve the Staff Recommendations on Consent Calendar Items C, D, E and H.
It is not just Ron Dragoo's fault. (Item E.) He is simply the Engineer who has been working for the
City the longest and has managed to point fingers at other people when his part of implementing the
City's General Plan turns out to be fatally incomplete. OMG. Katie didn't know to ask and Ron did
not look into the "justifications" required for painting red curbs. Guess what? No red curbs by
September 1 .
Charles Eder's Staff Report (Item C) does not include the SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS (Superseding
Contract Boilerplate). Details are To Be Determined (TBD) by "Staff'. No detailed Plans, no
opportunity for Engineering type citizens to notice errors and omissions.
Item D. Our "on call" engineering has not yet produced any designs which the "special interest"
public has been able to comment on prior to completed schematics. Cut the purse strings until Staff
gets more "transparent".
Item H. The nasty stands of acacias and view blocking eucalyptus on City property which I brought to
the Council's attention on May 5 are still there. Code Enforcement came and took a lot of pictures.
Receive and File means that Staff gets to keep on not doing whatever they are not doing other than
consuming Staff Time on generating "reports".
Either way, I'm still hoping for some sort of Community Services Director to pull it all together to
present to some sort of Infrastructure and Activities Commission. Your volunteer time is too valuable
to be wasted on asking Staff questions which they are not prepared to answer.
Have a lovely weekend .... S 310-377-8761
Subject: Something of an apology and a really big question
Date: 8/28/2020 1:36 38 PM Pacific Standard Time
From: sunshinerpv@aol.com
To: rond@rpvca.gov
Sent from the Internet (Details)
Dear Mr. Dragoo,
I am so incredibly frustrated by RPV Staff's lack of communication both with the public and among
yourselves. You have been a party to so many "debacles" that I blew my top at seeing you facilitating
another one.
The parking problem at Del Cerro Park has been created by a series of isolated actions and non-
actions in various departments despite the best efforts of Council and the public. The Public Works
Department has never been managed as a part of a "team effort". Now that the City has acquired a
lot of "open space" acreage, it is the Public Works Department's responsibility to maintain the
Category I trails and facilitate enhancing the Category Ill trails into Category I.
As a PE, you have the skill to do this. As the City's Senior Engineer, Council is expecting you to
"preserve and enhance" the City's "corporate memory". Your Staff Report on our Open Space
Manager's Recommendation to prohibit parking along Crenshaw Blvd south of Crest Rd. is an
obfuscation of the Council's direction to propose a "holistic solution" to the problems created by the
premature announcement to the world that RPV has wonderful trails which are open to the public. As
then Mayor Duhovic pointed out, Staff "got the cart in front of the horse". My frustration is in that Staff
has done nothing to mitigate the adverse impacts.
The "Notify Me" program is in place so that Staff can invite the public, with "special interests", to
participate in the early-on research and decision making which creates a project's scope of work. The
ListServ Notices of 8/26/2020 and 8/27/2020 are particularly onerous because they were sent out
after the "work" was decided, no specific Staff Member was identified as the person who has the
answers to questions and the notices were not sent to the people who have subscribed to the
potentially impacted categories.
Helping out our I MAC, our Trails Network Plan Update Contract Officer, our Emergency
Preparedness Coordinator, our City Planners, our Open Space Manager and the rest of our City
Manager's non-engineer type employees should not be such an absurd notion. Our City is
functioning on a deferred maintenance program and all that benefits is a butterfly and a bird.
"Tread lightly" benefits us all. That starts with carefully balanced engineering. You are a Professional
Engineer. The City Council is your Client. Before you pay someone to put pen to paper, it is your
responsibility to document your Client's choice of two out of the three elements in the Tension
My apology goes ... I am not sorry that I stepped on your toes. I am profoundly sorry that your toes
were there. Watching my language means that I have to use bigger words and refer to bigger
concepts. Like I said . I am frustrated. I sent you a YES or NO question and you did not answer it.
So, come September 1, 2020, will you, James O'Neill and Charles Eder have anything to add to
your Consent Calendar Items C, 0, E and H which give the Council the opportunity to Move
and Approve holistically engineered solutions to the inadequately designed trails and
trail heads on City owned properties and easements all over the City?
S in cerely,
A concerned Citizen
6 Limetree Lane
Rancho Palos Verdes , CA 90275
Subject: Maintenance Work in Portuguese Bend Reserve
Date : 8/27/2020 9:46:35 AM Pacific Standard Tim e
From: listserv@civ icplus.com
To: sunshinerp v@ao l.com
Sent from the Int ernet (Detai ls)
<The City is coordinating utility infrastructure maintenance with SoCa l Edison in the Portuguese Bend
Reserve start ing August 27th-September 91h. Temporary trail closures may take place as
needed . However, for the majority of the work, trails will remain open to the public. Please
check trailalerts.rpvca.gov for up to date information on trail c lo sures. Thank you for your patience
and cooperat ion during this work.
For more information, please contact Open Space Management at trails@rpvca.gov or 310-544-
5353. > * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
This message is been sent by the City of Rancho Palos Verdes as part of a "Not ify Me" Listserv category you are signed
up for . Please do not press "rep ly" when responding to this message , it is an unmon itored ema il address. You can make
changes to your subscription by visit ing http://www .rpvca .gov/list.aspx .
You are receiving this message because you are subscribed to Palos Verdes Nature Preserve on
www.rpvca.gov. To unsubscribe, click the following link:
Date: 8/26/2020 6:18:56 PM Pacific Standard Time
From: sunshinerpv@aol.com
To: RonD@rpvca.gov
Sent from the Internet (Details)
Hey Ron,
I got over making nice with you years ago. Apparently I still have not gotten your
attention. Hmmmmmm. What shall I try next. There must be a way to get you to put on your "Senior
Engineer hat" and contract for a quality project on behalf of the residents of Rancho Palos Verdes. "It
is not in the Budget" was never a valid excuse .... S
In a message dated 8/26/2020 6:08: 19 PM Pacific Standard Time, RonD@rpvca.gov writes:
Watch your language please!
Ron Dragoo, PE
City Engineer
From: SUNSHINE <sunshinerpv@aol.com>
Sent: Wednesday, August 26, 2020 4:58 PM
To: Ron Dragoo <RonD@rpvca.gov>
Hey Ron,
If you haven't got the balls to put your name and direct phone number on a list serve notice, the least
you should do is direct the public to a real person. Rude email to follow .... S
In a message dated 8/26/2020 4:18:10 PM Pacific Standard Time, listserv@civicplus.com writes:
View this in your browser
On August 18, 2020, the City Council in considering measures to mitigate traffic impacts
surrounding the residences in the area of Del Cerro Park and the Portuguese Bend
Reserve moved to, among other things, to temporarily prohibit parking along Crenshaw
Blvd south of Crest Rd . for an initial period of 60 days . On September 1, the City Council
will consider adopting a resolution to formalize this motion which will go into effect on
September 2, 2020.
Click here to view the September 1, 2020 City Council Staff Report
https://rpv.granicus.com/MetaViewer. php?view id =5&event id=1672&meta id =857 45
For questions or comments , please contact Public Works at 310 -544-5252 or publicworks@rpvca .gov . Thank you!
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Late corr
Teresa Takaoka
Monday, August 31, 2020 2:59PM
FW: 9-01-20 Consent Calendar Item D
From: jeanlongacre@aol.com <jeanlongacre@aol.com>
Sent: Monday, August 31, 2020 2:54PM
To: CC <CC@rpvca.gov>
Subject: 9-01-20 Consent Calendar Item D
Dear City Council,
I am opposed to renewing the contract with Ardurra for on-call engineering Services. Personally, I have found it difficult to
communicate with their project manager, Bob Merrel,
The staff report states that the PVDE Safety Project has been temporarily suspended pending approval of the contract
with Ardurra because of Mr. Merrel's knowledge of the project. Surely there are other engineering companies who could
handle the project, maybe even one with their head office in California.
Jean Longacre
6 Martingale Dr.
Rancho Palos Verdes, CA 90275
31 0-544-01 05
CC: City Clerk
City Manager
From: Cheri Bailiff
Cheri Bailiff
Thursday, August 27, 2020 5:18 PM
FW: Public Comment, City Council Meeting, Sept 1, Consent Agenda, Item C
Sent: Thursday, August 27, 2020 11:53 AM
To: 'BRIAN WHITIEN' <brianwhitten1965@msn.com>; PublicWorks <PublicWorks@rpvca.gov>
Subject: RE: Public Comment, City Council Meeting, Sept 1, Consent Agenda, Item C
Thank you for the email. This will be included as late correspondence for the September 1, 2020 City Council
From: BRIAN WHITIEN <brianwhitten1965@msn.com>
Sent: Thursday, August 27, 2020 11:48 AM
To: Cheri Bailiff <Cherib@rpvca.gov>; PublicWorks <PublicWorks@rpvca.gov>
Subject: Public Comment, City Council Meeting, Sept 1, Consent Agenda, Item C
I opposed the City's plan to spend $50K to build an 8ft black iron gate and fence at the Burma Road
Trailhead. Is after-hour use of the Preserve really a problem? I doubt it. Even it were a problem, an ugly fence
will not solve it. The fence will be an eyesore, a maintenance problem, and it wont keep people out of the
1 c.
Hello Ms. Mclaughlin,
Katie Lozano
Thursday, August 27, 2020 6:05 AM
Donna Mclaughlin
RE: parking near Del Cerro
Thank you for your email. I have shared it with the project management team for inclusion of our analysis of parking
solutions near the Portuguese Bend and Filiorum Reserve trail heads. I recommend calling the LA County Sheriff Lomita
Station non-emergency line at 310-539-1661. They are the primary agency responsible for parking enforcement in the
City. I would also recommend calling the Preserve Info and Reporting Line (310-541-5775). This line goes directly to our
Park Rangers who cite for vehicles illegally parked as they enter the Preserve for their patrol. In some cases, they may
be able to get there faster.
Thank you,
Katie Lozano
Senior Administrative Analyst/Open Space Manager Recreation and Parks Department City of Rancho Palos Verdes
City Hall is open to the public during regular business hours. To help prevent the spread of COVID-19, visitors are
required to wear face coverings and adhere to physical distancing guidelines. Some employees are working on rotation
and may be working remotely. If you need to visit City Hall, please schedule an appointment in advance by calling the
appropriate department and follow all posted directions during your visit. Walk-ups are limited to one person at a time.
Please note that our response to your inquiry could be delayed. For a list of department phone numbers, visit the Staff
Directory on the City website.
-----Original Message-----
From: Donna Mclaughlin <ddmclaughlin@cox.net>
Sent: Wednesday, August 26, 2020 9:04 PM
To: Trails <trails@rpvca.gov>
Subject: parking near Del Cerro
I am a frequent hiker at Del Cerro. I am a resident of RPV and have been hiking Portuguese Bend Preserve for over 20
years. Parking for residents has been taken away on Crenshaw and the parking on Park Place (for those of us that have
taken the time to get parking permits)
is sometimes full as people with NO permits are parking there. This small parking area
is limited and those of us with permits cannot find parking there sometimes. Is there a phone number to call to report
violators? Or, do we just call the Sheriff?
I would also like to request that some parking spots on Crenshaw be put back for residents with permits (with the black
and white striped lane). Residents that frequent the hiking trails at Portuguese Bend Preserve need more spots to park
Thank you.
Donna Mclaughlin
RPV resident
Hello Mr. Whitten,
Katie Lozano
Thursday, August 27 , 2020 10:50 AM
brianwhitten 1965@msn .com
CC; CityCi erk
FW: Public Comment, City Council Meeting, Sept 1, Consent Item E
Thank you for your email. While the 1,400-acre Palos Verdes Nature Preserve is open to all of the public, the key issue
the City is trying to address is the concentration of visitors (and resulting traffic) in one specific location: Crenshaw Blvd.,
south of Crest Rd. This location is the only parking and access area for the City's most popular of the 12 Nature Reserve
properties: the Portuguese Bend Reserve. This area is also the primary access point for the Filiorum Reserve and Del
Cerro Park. When the City created the Preserve, it never anticipated its current level of use . Use and popularity have
increased exponentially due to social media, and more recently, after LA County lifted Covid -19 -related trail closure
orders. The Portuguese Bend and Filiorum Reserve see more than 240,000 visitors annually, and as a parking and
staging area, was never designed to handle this level of use. This is creating severe impacts to the residential
neighborhoods literally surrounding the parking area .
During the 60-day parking prohibition, parking for the Portuguese Bend Reserve would continue to be available on
Crenshaw Blvd . north of Crest Rd., and staff has been directed to return to City Council at the end of the 60 -day period
with longer term solutions for this area. Parking for the Palos Verdes Nature Preserve also exists at the other eleven
reserve properties (links to trail maps below). An effort the City is engaged in, is recommending the public visit Nature
Preserve properties that have dedicated parking areas and amenities suited for larger crowds, such as the Alta Vicente
Reserve at the Ci v ic Center. Unfortunately, and largely due to social media, the public views the Portuguese Bend
Reserve as the front door to the larger 1,400-acre Preserve, and is not aware of most of the other eleven reserve
properties, including Alta Vicente with its trails, active habitat restoration areas, coastal views, and linkages to two
adjacent Reserves and parks . Please feel free to reach out to me directly if I can provide any additional information.
Thank you,
Katie Lozano
Senior Administrative Analyst/Open Space Manager
Recreation and Parks Department
City of Rancho Palos Verdes
City Hall is open to the public during regular business hours. To help prevent the spread of COVID-19, visitors
are required to wear face coverings and adhere to physical distancing guidelines . Some employees are working
on rotation and may be working remotely. If you need to visit City Hall, please schedule an appointment in
advance by calling the appropriate department and follow all posted directions during your visit . Walk-ups are
limited to one person at a time . Please note that our response to your inquiry could be delayed . For a list of
department phone numbers, visit the Staff Directory on the City website .
From: BRIAN WHITIEN <brianwhitten1965@msn.com>
Sent: Thursday, August 27, 2020 9:46AM
To: CC <CC@rpvca.gov>
Subject: Public Comment, City Council Meeting, Sept 1, Consent Item E
I disagree with the City's plan to ban all parking on Crenshaw Blvd south of Crest Road.
I live nearby and have been visiting Del Cerro Park and the trails in the Preserve for more than 20 years. I'm fotiunate
enough to be able to walk to the Preserve. Yes, more and more people are visiting the Preserve. Good for them! It's open to
the public and Crenshaw Blvd offers convenient parking that is NOT inside anybody's neighborhood.
Let's remember that the Preserve was funding mostly by State funds and that the Preserve is there for ALL the public to
enjoy. not just those of us fortunate to live nearby.
Based upon my personal observations over the years. I believe the complaints of traffic/noise/trash are exaggerated. It
seems to me that some local residents want to keep "outsiders" from visiting the Preserve via the Burma Road. This is
selfish and wrong. There is no problem with people parking on Crenshaw south of Crest. The Road is wide enough to
accommodate street parking. Pushing people to park farther away is just a way to inconvenience them in an etfoti to deter
them from coming.
The effoti to get visitors to park at City Hall is also unreasonable and misguided. People don't want to walk on the trails
around City Hall. They want to walk on the Burma Trail. They should be able to continue to park safely on Crenshaw Blvd.
This is really just an effort driven by local residents to keep non-residents away.
Brian Whitten
From: Teresa Takaoka
Wednesday, August 26, 2020 1:31 PM
Subject: FW: Parking Restriction on Crenshaw S of Crest
Late corr
From: Tom Chargaff <tombarchar@gmail.com>
Sent: Wednesday, August 26, 2020 1:25 PM
To: CC <CC@rpvca.gov>
Subject: Parking Restriction on Crenshaw S of Crest
Honorable Mayor & Council Members,
We support the adoption of temporary (or not so temporary) restriction of parking along
Crenshaw Boulevard south of Crest which you will be considering at your meeting on
September 1st.
Thank you.
Thomas & Barbara Chargaff
31267 Ganado Drive
Mr. Mihranian ,
Tom Irish <tg irish@aol.com >
Monday, August 31, 2020 2:16PM
Ara Mihranian; John Cruikshank; Eric Alegria; David Brad ley; Ken Dyda; Barbara Ferraro
RE: Extreme ly Dangerous Parking Proposal
Confirming receipt of your response. I fear you are creating a truly great hazard this Labor Day
weekend. Movies closed , indoor dining closed , sports events closed , very hot temperatures forecast --large
numbers of hikers are lik ely to be out next weekend , and this parking relocation after decades of parking south
of Crest wi ll be a mess. I would postpone this temporary action if I were the Council. Sure seems lik e a recipe
for disaster that could be easi ly averted .
--------Original message --------
From: Ara Mihranian <AraM@rpvca.gov>
Date : 8/31 /20 1:13PM (GMT-08:00)
To: "'tgirish@ aol.com"' <tgirish@ aol.com>, John Cruikshank <John.Cruikshank @ rpvca.gov>, Eric Alegria
<Eric.Alegria@ rpvca.gov>, David Bradley <david.bradley @ rpvca.gov>, Ken Dyda <Ken.Dyda@rpvca.gov>,
Barbara Ferraro <barbara.ferraro @ rpvca.gov>
Cc: CityC lerk <CityC lerk@ rpvca.gov>
Subject: RE: Extremely Dangerous Parking Proposal
Mr . Irish,
The City is in receipt of your email and thank you for taking the time to share your concerns with
parking on Crenshaw Blvd. north of Crest Road.
You raise some legitimate concerns that I have asked the City engineers to look into .
The parking prohibition on Crenshaw Blvd. south of Crest Road is temporary (60 days) while the City
explores a parking program for this stretch of the roadway.
This matter is tentatively scheduled to be considered by the City Council on October 20.
Ara Michael Mihranian
City Manager
30940 Hawthorne Blvd .
Rancho Palos Verdes, CA 90275
31 0-544-5202 (telephone)
31 0-544-5293 (fax)
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you received this email in error, or are not an intended reop1ent, please notify the sender immediately. Thank you for your assistance and cooperation.
From: tgirish@aol.com <tgirish@aol.com >
Sent: Monday, August 31, 2020 9:22AM
To: John Cruikshank <John .Cruikshank@rpvca.gov>; Eric Alegria <E ric.Aiegria@rpvca .gov>; David Bradley
<david .bradley@rpvca .gov>; Ken Dyda <Ken.Dyda@rpvca.go v >; Barbara Ferraro <barbara .ferraro@rpvca .gov >
Cc: Ara Mihranian <Ara M@rpvca .go v >
Subject: Extremely Dangerous Parking Proposal
City Council Members:
As a longtime RPV resident, I am writing to express my concern about the hazardous conditions presented by the pending
change to parking on Crenshaw Boulevard near Crest Road. I have lived in this neighborhood for over 25 years, and I
truly believe that what is being proposed will create an extremely dangerous condition --one that will put lives at danger.
The proposed change will move parking on Crenshaw north of Crest Road, rather than allowing it south of Crest Road
(which is currently permitted). That creates an extraordinarily dangerous condition for the following reasons:
-The portion of Crenshaw Boulevard to which parking is being redirected is a northbound two-lane road with a 45-MPH
speed limit, fairly steep grade, limited vision due to the S-curve configuration, and a much drive area than south of Crest.
-The initial portion of the road has a metal barrier which will make it nearly impossible for occupants of vehicles to exit the
passenger's side. Even if they can, they will then need to climb over this barrier to get to the sidewalk.
-Since getting out of the passenger's side is difficult, this will force many people (in addition to the drivers) to exit on the
driver's side--right into the two-lane, narrow, downhill, S-curved, heavily trafficked street. Many of the people parking in
this area are going to Del Cerro Park or Burma Road trails, accompanied by children and/or dogs, often with
strollers. This change puts them into direct danger from vehicles speeding down Crenshaw.
-While conditions are currently unusual due to COVID, this change becomes even more hazardous once conditions begin
to normalize. The CresUCrenshaw intersection is highly-trafficked under normal conditions. Due to its proximity to
Ridgecrest Intermediate and Peninsula High Schools, the intersection is very busy in the mornings--when many people
may be parking on Crenshaw to go to the park or trails. Again, this creates a potentially deadly combination: People
making U-turns on Crenshaw (as currently directed to do so via the parking signs), exiting their vehicles on the driver's
side, with an abundance of cars --including many driven by new, teenage drivers, rushing off to school --racing
immediately alongside them.
-Similarly, Sunday is a busy day for park and trail users. A similar condition will exist when parishioners from St. John
Fisher are exiting mass on Sunday mornings when the people are exiting their vehicles on the driver's side down this
narrow, curvy, sloped, visually-impaired street.
In summary, I don't know if a more hazardous change could be proposed for this area, and worry first about the safety of
drivers/pedestrians, but also about the City's liability for creating this potentially deadly condition. I strongly urge you to
reconsider this issue, and am happy to meet you at the location to show you my concerns. I am not an activist--just a
highly-concerned, longtime resident who wants to prevent a tragedy from occurring. I implore you to postpone this
change and keep your residents and visitors safe.
Tom Irish
6002 Ocean Terrace Drive
Rancho Palos Verdes
Cheri Bailiff on behalf of Phone-PW-Main
Monday, August 31, 2020 12:31 PM
Subject: FW: Abrupt Closure of Crenshaw Blvd. to Parking-Late Correspondence
From: jtfives@ca.rr.com <jtfives@ca.rr.com>
Sent: Monday, August 31, 2020 12:24 PM
To: PublicWorks <PublicWorks@rpvca.gov>
Cc: Trails <trails@rpvca.gov>
Subject: Abrupt Closure of Crenshaw Blvd. to Parking
Although I have been a trail watch volunteer with the Palos Verdes Peninsula Land Conservancy for the past
2 1/2 years, I am writing this as an individual. Last Wednesday, August 26, I had just completed a two-hour trail
watch hike up and down the steep trails of the Three Sisters Reserve. I decided to drive to the trailheads for
Rattlesnake Canyon and Portuguese Bend to check them out. Much to my dismay as soon as I had turned south
onto Crenshaw from Crest Dr. I encountered a traffic trailer flashing the warning that as of September 1 RPV
was painting the curb red and prohibiting parking. I must have missed that issue on the city council agenda
because this was the first I had heard of it. I had not seen any notices or requests for public input before your
taking such arbitrary and abrupt action to keep the public out of the area.
During the past 2 1/2 years I have hiked these trails frequently on behalf of the PVPLC and RVP to monitor
trail conditions, assess erosion damage, report vandalism, assist the public, and lead visitors on excursions.
During the lengthy shutdown this spring, I walked this area in the rain, fog, and now heat on the paved streets to
check the security ofthe trail closures. Each time I parked legally on Crenshaw Blvd. Now I risk my vehicle
being impounded and towed away for trying to access the nature reserves.
During this time I was operating under the naive assumption that I was doing some good for both RVP and
the PVPLC. Now I realize that I was actually wasting my time if the public, and I, are barred from accessing
the nature reserves. Am I supposed to park illegally in the Peninsula Center's parking structure and hike a mile
up Crenshaw Blvd. to the trailheads? The steepest part of Crenshaw Blvd. lacks a sidewalk and exposes a
pedestrian to speeding cars. It is not safe for an able-bodied hiker let alone for the elderly, children, or those
with disabilities. What happened to the Americans with Disabilities Act?
I am appalled that you people would act so abruptly without public input.
J. Timothy Fives
Follow Up Flag:
Flag Status:
Cheri Bailiff
Monday, August 31, 2020 7:41 AM
FW: Del Cerro Park/Portuguese Bend Reserve-Late correspondence
Follow up
From: sharondyer3 <sharondyer3@gmail.com>
Sent: Friday, August 28, 2020 4:54 PM
To: PublicWorks <PublicWorks@rpvca.gov>
Subject: Del Cerro Park/Portuguese Bend Reserve
Public Input for the 9/1/2020 RPV City Council Meeting:
I was surprised and saddened to learn the City Council is once again contemplating taking additional measures to further
restrict public access to the reserve. We are frequent visitors of the area, which we have enjoyed over the years and
always treated with respect and gratitude.
When the City previously decided to prohibit visitor parking in Del Cerro parking lot the timing was on the heels of the Super
Bloom which had brought in an unprecedented number of visitors. The area made front page news and attracted huge tour
buses. It was understandable that the local residents were upset. But sadly decisions were made based these abnormal
conditions. Once the bloom died off and the swarms of tourists evaporated we have watched the parking lot sitting virtually
empty every time we have come to enjoy the trails.
I encourage the City Council to further study the wasteful parking results of the first round ofrestrictions at Del Cerro before
contemplating further restrictive measures to prohibit the public from enjoying this beautiful area.
Sharon Dyer
Cheri Bailiff
Monday, August 31, 2020 7:42 AM
RD.Late Correspondence
Follow Up Flag:
Flag Status:
Follow up
From: varnerpv@gmail.com <varnerpv@gmail.com>
Sent: Saturday, August 29, 2020 11:07 AM
To: PublicWorks <PublicWorks@rpvca.gov>
Cc: 'Linda Varner' <varnerpv@gmail.com>
Importance: High
As a long-time resident of Rancho Palos Verdes and also as a multi-year volunteer for the Palos
Verdes Peninsula Land Conservancy, I am surprised and saddened by the very irresponsible
and rash action that you have taken to temporarily prohibit parking along Crenshaw Blvd
south of Crest Rd. for an initial period of 60 days.
The current surge of hikers and walkers is obviously due to the restrictions on people's social
actions during the current COVID-19 pandemic. Everyone's options regarding outdoor
activities are very limited. Thus, the increased foot traffic throughout the preserve and in Del
Cerro Park. The crowds will virtually disappear once COVID is no longer the threat it is today.
Meanwhile, the "KIND" thing to do-as well as the ethically and morally "RIGHT" thing to do is
allow people access to the open spaces, so they have a wholesome outlet.
I will be seeking legal advice regarding the legality of your current parking prohibitions.
Dr. Linda L. Varner
Follow Up Flag:
Flag Status:
Cheri Bailiff
Monday, August 31, 2020 7:50AM
FW: Restrictions on Parking at Del Cerro park
Follow up
From: Diane Yowell Montalto <rondiane@earthlink.net>
Sent: Sunday, August 30, 2020 12:37 PM
To: PublicWorks <PublicWorks@rpvca.gov>
Cc: rmontalto@earthlink.net
Subject: Restrictions on Parking at Del Cerro park
To: RPV Public Works
I was informed by a fellow resident that RPV is planning to temporarily restrict parking for Del Cerro Park in order to
study "traffic mitigation". I cannot find anything on the RPV website about this, but am writing to express my
opposition to any move that would further restrict the public's enjoyment of the PV Land Conservancy Preserve.
The residents near Del Cerro are understandably concerned with traffic near their homes but that concern seemed to
have been handled well by restricting visitors to parking on Crenshaw? Are more restrictions beyond this being
considered? What is the issue?
I live in Rolling Hills and am not affected by parking and traffic around Del Cerro. But I strongly believe that this preserve
should be open and easily accessible to non-PVP residents. I spend a lot of time hiking in the preserve and seeing more
people enjoy this space has been a pleasure.
These are difficult times for many people and spending time in nature is a healthy outlet for frustration.
Please let me know where I can find more information about any upcoming restrictions on parking and access to the
Diane Montalto
From: Cheri Bailiff
Monday, August 31, 2020 7:51 AM
Follow Up Flag:
Flag Status:
FW: Parking at Del Cerro
Follow up
From: miguel castaneda <mev.castaneda@gmail.com>
Sent: Sunday, August 30, 2020 3:43 PM
To: PublicWorks <PublicWorks@rpvca.gov>
Subject: Parking at Del Cerro
I disagree with no allowing parking at Del Cerro park ( crenshew). I think the public should have reasonable
means to access public parks. Not just the people who live close by. Just like any other park in California.
Miguel Castaneda.
Follow Up Flag:
Flag Status:
Cheri Bailiff
Monday, August 31, 2020 7:51 AM
FW: Parking near Del Cerro
Follow up
From: Sharon Benton <s@bentonclan.com>
Sent: Sunday, August 30, 2020 8:05 PM
To: PublicWorks <PublicWorks@rpvca.gov>
Subject: Parking near Del Cerro
I am a resident of Palos Verdes and I completely disagree with the new ordinance that does not allow people to park
along the top of Crenshaw to use the public trails. This is not going to stop people from using the trails. In my opinion,
this is going to cause people to park further down Crenshaw or onto Crest or in the Church parking. People are still going
to walk to hike the trails which are for public use. This will only move people into neighborhoods to park their cars.
Unless the trails are private property, which they are not, the neighbors don't have a right to regulate who uses them.
Especially when it is preventing the local residents from using them as well as anyone else. I have been hiking that trail
since I moved here 20 years ago. My sons have used those trails for local boy scout hikes and orienteering merit badges.
The parking lot below at the (public) park has already been restricted to residents of the area. The area down Crenshaw
Blvd that is now going to be restricted does not belong to the homes and the people that live in the surrounding
neighborhoods. How is it ok to allow a small group of RPV residents to dictate where the rest of PV is allowed to park for
a public trail?
This parking ordinance is very disappointing.
Please consider allowing the public to continue to use the trails. Especially during this time when people are desperate
to find outdoor exercise and enjoyment.
Thank you for your attention to this matter.
A Globallv1arl<eting and Sales Organization
Estates />,gent
t: +1 424 400 59431 m: 310 383 5455
CaiBRE# 02021318
Follow Up Flag:
Flag Status:
Cheri Bailiff
Monday, August 31, 2020 7:51 AM
FW: Disagree with Eliminating Parking at Del Cerro
Follow up
From: Jacqueline Morley <jackie.morleyS@gmail.com>
Sent: Sunday, August 30, 2020 8:24 PM
To: PublicWorks <PublicWorks@rpvca.gov>
Subject: Disagree with Eliminating Parking at Del Cerro
I am respectfully requesting that you review your proposed policy to eliminate parking at Del
Cerro. These are public trails and public streets. We should all be allowed to use them. I believe
all relevant laws can still be adequately enforced .... everyone should stay off of private property,
drive carefully and within the speed limits, and not play loud music. Hoiwever, I reiterate these
are public trails and public streets. I grew up in RPV, my extended family lives in RPV, and many
friends live in RPV. We all agree .... keep the parking available to the extended community. These
trails are important for the mental and physical health of your residents and you should not deter
people who do not live in this particular block/neighborhood from trying to use them.
Thanks for your consideration.
Jackie Morley
From: Cheri Bailiff
Monday, August 31, 2020 7:52 AM
Subject: FW: Die cerro parking-Late Correspondence
Follow Up Flag:
Flag Status:
Follow up
From: Frank Sanic <rusty2all@gmail.com>
Sent: Monday, August 31, 2020 5:33AM
To: PublicWorks <PublicWorks@rpvca.gov>
Subject: Die cerro parking
Hi we just like you to know that we been using this traial for years, families been using trails for a good time, we
please ask you to assign new parking ifu need to close the one on Crenshaw, we need more parking not less, so
please take this under consideration. Thank you
Follow Up Flag:
Flag Status:
Cheri Bailiff
Monday, August 31, 2020 7:53 AM
FW: Del Cerro access/parking
Follow up
From: Teri Hogan <thogan401@gmail.com>
Sent: Monday, August 31, 2020 6:47AM
To: PublicWorks <PublicWorks@rpvca.gov>
Subject: Del Cerro access/parking
I am a 15 year resident of PVE and frequent user of the trails near Del Cerro Park, I am appalled to learn about the
upcoming parking prohibition. I live in Lunada Bay where currently we are working on a beautification project to encourage
people to come and enjoy the surrounding beauty.
The residents near the Del Cerro Park do not own the park or the trails. Trying to keep people away by making the
parking harder will not work, It will only make for more congestion and more traffic.
Rather than continuing to reduce access to this beautiful PUBLIC space, you should explore ways to increase parking.
Head in parking on the wide street and more parking in the park itself are a couple of ideas.
As for the permit issue, why do residents get a FREE permit to park on public property in the first place? A free permit to
park on property that the residents don't even maintain? The people who donate to the Palos Verdes Peninsula Land
Conservancy pay to maintain this land. These are the very people you are trying to keep out. I donate to the PVPLA I am
incensed and I say shame on you.
The Palos Verdes Peninsula Land Conservancy purchased the land for the Portuguese Bend Preserve? Many residents
of the hill, not just those who live in RPV, donated money, time, and expertise to create an "open space for all".
It is our responsibility to allow access to the public space within our communitys and there is ample space for parking and
shared use.
Teri Hogan
Follow Up Flag:
Flag Status:
-----Original Message-----
Cheri Bailiff
Monday, August 31, 2020 7:57 AM
FW: That's just not right!
Follow up
From: Karen E <dnkew@yahoo.com>
Sent: Sunday, August 30, 2020 9:17PM
To: PublicWorks <PublicWorks@rpvca.gov>
Subject: That's just not right!
I am writing to you to share my deep concern at the upcoming changes in parking near Del Cerro Park. It seems so
incredibly unjust to limit access to this beautiful spot in this way. You are effectively making it so people have to park at
least a 1/2 mile away to spend time here--never mind that with the number of visitors, there could effectively be no
available parking.
I live in the beach cities. Can you imagine the beach cities limiting parking such that people could not park within a 1/2
mile of the beach ... thereby effectively limiting it to those residents wealthy enough to live there? That would be
disgusting, right? You are doing just that.
It isn't right.
-----0 rigi na I Message-----
From: Cheri Bailiff
Cheri Bailiff
Thursday, August 27, 2020 5:18 PM
FW: Restricting parking on Crenshaw
Sent: Thursday, August 27, 2020 1:27 PM
To: 'Carrie Fernandez' <carrfer@cox.net>; PublicWorks <PublicWorks@rpvca.gov>
Subject: RE: Restricting parking on Crenshaw
Thank you for the email. This will be included as late correspondence for the September 1, 2020 City Council meeting.
-----Original Message-----
From: Carrie Fernandez <carrfer@cox.net>
Sent: Thursday, August 27, 2020 1:16PM
To: PublicWorks <PublicWorks@rpvca.gov>
Subject: Restricting parking on Crenshaw
We are residents of Island View and our entrance/exit is located on Crenshaw, south of Crest. There has been a steady
increase in vehicle & foot traffic along Crenshaw. On the weekends, the car & pedestrian traffic is so severe that it is very
difficult to get in and out of our neighborhood. This makes it dangerous for residents & visitors.
Due to safety & traffic congestion, parking should be restricted along Crenshaw. Especially next to St. John Fisher Church
because it is so narrow there. On busy visitor days, people are blocking the street trying to park & to get in and out of
their cars. Visitor parking should not have a negative impact on our community. Parking should be available elsewhere &
directed away from neighborhoods. A solution would be to offer parking within the Nature Preserve such as the open lot
on PVD South (Gateway Park).
Thank you for your time.
Marc & Carrie Fernandez
Sent from my iPad
1 s=.
From: Cheri Bailiff
Cheri Bailiff
Thursday, August 27, 2020 5:17 PM
FW: Public Comment, City Council Meeting, Sept 1, Consent Item E
Sent: Thursday, August 27, 2020 9:50AM
To: 'BRIAN WHITIEN' <brianwhitten1965@msn.com>
Subject: RE: Public Comment, City Council Meeting, Sept 1, Consent Item E
Thank you for the email. This will be included as late correspondence for the September I , 2 020 City Council
From: BRIAN WHITIEN <brianwhitten1965@msn.com >
Sent: Thursday, August 27, 2020 9:48AM
To: PublicWorks <PublicWorks@rpvca.gov >
Subject: Public Comment, City Council Meeting, Sept 1, Consent Item E
Good Morning,
I disagree with the City's plan to ban all parking on Crenshaw Blvd south of Crest Road.
I live nearby and have been visiting Del Cerro Park and the trails in the Preserve for more than 20 years. I'm fortunate
enough to be able to walk to the Preserve. Yes, more and more people are visiting the Preserve. Good for them! It's open
to the public and Crenshaw Blvd offers convenient parking that is NOT inside anybody's neighborhood .
Let's remember that the Preserve was funding mostly by State funds and that the Preserve is there for ALL the public to
enjoy, not just t hose of us fortunate to live nearby.
Based upon my personal observations over the years, I believe the complaints of traffic/noise/trash are exaggerated. It
seems to me that some local residents want to keep "outsiders" from visiting the Preserve via the Burma Road. This is
selfish and wrong. There is no problem with people parking on Crenshaw south of Crest. The Road is wide enough to
accommodate street parking. Pushing people to park farther away is just a way to inconvenience them in an effort to
deter them from coming.
The effort to get visitors to park at City Hall is also unreasonable and misguided. People don't want to walk on the trails
around City Hall. They want to walk on the Burma Trail. They should be able to continue to park safely on Crenshaw Blvd.
This is really just an effort driven by local residents to keep non -residents away .
Brian Whitten
-----Origi na I Message-----
Cheri Bailiff
Thursday, August 27, 2020 5:17 PM
FW: Parking south of Crest
From: Becky Martin <BeckyM@rpvca.gov>
Sent: Wednesday, August 26, 2020 6:03 PM
To: Marian Locascio <kSkkt@aol.com>; PublicWorks <PublicWorks@rpvca.gov>
Subject: RE: Parking south of Crest
Thank you for the email. This will be included as late correspondence for the September 1, 2020 City Council meeting.
-----Original Message-----
From: Marian Locascio <kSkkt@aol.com>
Sent: Wednesday, August 26, 2020 1:25PM
To: PublicWorks <PublicWorks@rpvca.gov>
Subject: Parking south of Crest
Regarding your request for comments on restricting parking South of Crest, I don't really have any comments. The cars
parked there don't really bother me. What really does bother me is all the trash being left strewn around Del Cerro Park.
I walk there a lot and despite the available trash cans, there are always bottles, cans and other trash all over. People are
pigs. If Park users were respectful I would welcome them and their desire for outdoor activity. If we have littering laws
they need to be displayed and enforced.
Marian Locascio RPV
Sent from my iPad
1 t.
-----Original Message-----
Cheri Bailiff
Thursday, August 27, 2020 5:16PM
FW: Regarding parking on Crenshaw
From: Becky Martin <BeckyM@rpvca.gov>
Sent: Wednesday, August 26, 2020 6:04 PM
To: Kurt Schellenbach <disklxik_kurts@yahoo.com>; PublicWorks <PublicWorks@rpvca.gov>
Subject: RE: Regarding parking on Crenshaw
Thank you for the email. This will be included as late correspondence for the September 1, 2020 City Council meeting.
-----Original Message-----
From: Kurt Schellenbach <disklxik_kurts@yahoo.com>
Sent: Wednesday, August 26, 2020 12:40 PM
To: PublicWorks <PublicWorks@rpvca.gov>
Subject: Regarding parking on Crenshaw
South of Crest road ...
I've suspected for a long time now that the city would consider restricting parking on Crenshaw to ebb the flow of hikers
in the reserve areas. This is a lazy solution to the "NIMBY" mentality some residents might have towards the
"undesirables" who hike in the reserve. If you decide to restrict parking, how about offering the non-resident hikers who
often use and care for the reserves a non-resident parking permit they can register and pay for? The fees could help with
the maintenance of the area.
Who else can I bring this suggestion up to?
Kurt Schellenbach
Sent from my iPhone
From: Cheri Bailiff
Thursday, August 27, 2020 5:16PM
Subject: FW: parking near Del Cerro
-----Original Message-----
From: Becky Martin <BeckyM@rpvca.gov>
Sent: Thursday, August 27, 2020 7:22AM
To: Donna Mclaughlin <ddmclaughlin@cox.net>; PublicWorks <PublicWorks@rpvca.gov>
Subject: RE: parking near Del Cerro
Thank you for the email. This will be included as late correspondence for the September 1, 2020 City Council meeting.
-----Original Message-----
From: Donna Mclaughlin <ddmclaughlin@cox.net>
Sent: Wednesday, August 26, 2020 8:18 PM
To: PublicWorks <PublicWorks@rpvca.gov>
Subject: parking near Del Cerro
I am a frequent hiker at Del Cerro. I am a resident of RPV and have been hiking Portuguese Bend Preserve for over 20
years. I feel the residents of RPV should have at least some parking spaces put back on Crenshaw as they used to have
with the black and white striped curbing.
The other residents of RPV who have gone to the trouble of get parking permits have given up a lot to the Del Cerro area
neighbors, especially the three homes on Park Place.
We pay our city taxes also and have had our rights to park there taken away by a few families that live in that area. I
agree that it is a huge problem at Del Cerro recently, but other residents who hike there often should not be punished
because of the outside crowds coming to the trails. I would like to request that at least 20 spaces be painted on
Crenshaw close to Del Cerro for residents with parking permits.
Please consider taking in consideration the residents who have been hiking there for years and gone to to the trouble to
get parking permits.
The other real problem is people parking on Park Place without permits and taking up places that are designated for
permits only. There is NO ENFORCEMENT there and the people know it and park there anyway. There needs to be
monitoring and ticketing of the non-permitted vehicles parking there. This especially need to be done now since all the
parking on Crenshaw south of Crest will be taken away.
Thank you.
Donna Mclaughlin
RPV resident
(Will also send this email to trails@rpvca.gov)
From: Cheri Bailiff
Thursday, August 27, 2020 5:15 PM
Subject: FW: Restricted Parking
From: Marcia Watanabe <marcialwatanabe@gmail.com>
Sent: Thursday, August 27, 2020 10:59 AM
To: Becky Martin <Beck yM@rpvca .gov>
Cc: PublicWorks <P ublicWorks@rpvca.gov>
Subject: Re: Restricted Parking
Thank you for the information.
On Wed , Aug 26, 2020 at 5:58PM Becky Martin <B eckyM @rpvca.gov> wrote :
Thank you for your email, please click on the date below. This will be the link to the City Council Age nda Item from the
August 18, 2020 .
From: Marcia Watanabe <marcialwatanabe@gmail.com>
Sent: Wednesday, August 26, 2020 5:19PM
To: PublicWorks <PublicWorks@rpvca .gov>
Subject: Restricted Parking
I am a resident of RPV and have a parking pass for Del Cerro Park.
My question is , what is the plan for parking for those who don't have a parking pass. Are the city and it's
nearby residents hopin g to restrict access to the hiking trails? Seems like that's something that's not being well
thought out at this point. Restricting parking for 60 days doesn't seem reasonable. Please come up with a
so lution that allows visitors to walk/explore/hike the trails.
What is the plan?
Thank you,
Marcia Watanabe
-----Original Message-----
Cheri Bailiff on behalf of Phone-PW-Main
Friday, August 28, 2020 8:40 AM
FW: Parking at Del Cerro -Late Correspondence
From: Laurie Smith <vnlsmith@icloud.com>
Sent: Friday, August 28, 2020 8:36AM
To: PublicWorks <PublicWorks@rpvca.gov>
Subject: Parking at Del Cerro
Dear Rancho Palos Verdes City Council,
I am writing in response to the temporary parking prohibition near Del Cerro Park.
As a 40-year resident of PVE and frequent user of the trails near Del Cerro Park, I am appalled to learn about the
upcoming parking prohibition. The parking on Crenshaw, south of Crest Road, is currently the only non-permit parking
available proximate to the park and trails. Rather than continuing to reduce access to public space, we should explore
ways to INCREASE parking, such as replacing inefficient parallel parking with "head in" spots on the wide shoulder and
adding spaces in the park by reducing some of the thirsty lawn area. Also, in my experience, the spaces reserved for
residents in the park are majority unused on weekdays and not full even on busy weekends.
It is our responsibility to allow access to the public space within our community and there is ample space for parking and
shared use. When choosing to live in an area near public lands, some traffic and congestion are a given. Caveat Emptor.
I live on PVDN so should I try to curb parking on "my" street because it's inconvenient for me at times? Particularly in
these times, we should be looking for solutions that welcome rather than discourage visitors to our outdoor spaces.
Laurie Smith
From: Cheri Bailiff
Friday, August 28, 2020 7:41 AM
Subject: FW: Del Cerro access/parking -Late Correspondence
From: Julie Winter <monkeyswag@yahoo.com>
Sent: Thursday, August 27, 2020 9:10 PM
To: PublicWorks <PublicWorks@rpvca.gov>
Subject: Del Cerro access/parking
As a 21-year resident ofPVE, and frequent user of the trails near Del Cerro Park, I am appalled to learn about
the upcoming parking prohibition. The parking on Crenshaw, south of Crest Road, is currently the only non-
permit parking available proximate to the park and trails. Rather than continuing to reduce access to public
space, we should explore ways to INCREASE parking, such as replacing inefficient parallel parking with "head
in" spots on the wide shoulder and adding spaces in the park by reducing some of the thirsty lawn area. Also, in
my experience, the spaces reserved for "residents" in the park are unused on weekdays and not full even on
busy weekends.
I put "residents" in quotes, because as a resident of the Palos Verdes Peninsula, I logged many volunteer hours
with the Palos Verdes Peninsula Land Conservancy in the enormous effort to purchase the land for the
Portuguese Bend Preserve. Many residents ofthe hill, not just those who live in RPV, donated money, time, and
expertise to create an "open space for all". In fact, that is very mission statement of the PVPLC. "For all". Not
merely the residents who find themselves the beneficiary of a beautiful open space near their home, where,
without all that effort, time, and money, would have endured the traffic and density of a large housing tract,
planned where the preserve now exists. Eliminating access by eliminating parking is a slap in the face to those
who are not RPV residents, yet without whom, there would be no preserve.
When I attended a prior meeting on this issue, the ridiculous option of taking an Uber to the preserve was
suggested. Taking a $20 R T Uber with a dog at the break of day for a weekly hike? And calling another Uber
after my hike with a muddy dog? Really??
I have a framed award from the PVPLC for my "outstanding support". To think that after that support, I could
not access this space because the neighbors lucky enough to live nearby, somehow believe that now they have
ownership is outrageous. To quote the PVPLC website: "We came together to successfully resist the ever-increasing
pressures to develop privately held open space in the Portuguese Bend for all to enjoy: ourselves, our children, and many
generations to come."
It does not say, "we came together to create an open space for the few neighbors who live adjacent to the
It is our responsibility to allow access to the public space within our community and there is ample space for
parking and shared use.
Julie Winter
From: Cheri Bailiff
Friday, August 28, 2020 7:40AM
Subject: FW: Del Cerro parking -Late Correspondence
-----Origi na I Message-----
From: gerard melling <gpmelling@yahoo.com>
Sent: Thursday, August 27, 2020 8:26 PM
To: PublicWorks <PublicWorks@rpvca.gov>
Cc: Daniel Melling <dmelling@gmail.com>
Subject: Del Cerro parking
As a 20 year resident of RPV, frequent user of the trails near Del Cerro Park, and payer of a big property tax bill, with my
friends, I am appalled to learn about the upcoming parking prohibition. The parking on Crenshaw, south of Crest Road,
is currently the only non-permit parking available proximate to the park and trails. Rather than continuing to reduce
access to public space, we should explore ways to INCREASE parking, such as replacing inefficient parallel parking with
"head in" spots on the wide shoulder and adding spaces in the park by reducing some of the thirsty lawn area. Also, in
my experience, the spaces reserved for residents in the park are majority unused on weekdays and not full even on busy
It is our responsibility to allow access to the public space within our community and there is ample space for parking and
shared use. When choosing to live in an area near public lands, some traffic and congestion must be expected. It's not a
private fiefdom. Particularly in these times, we should be looking for solutions that welcome rather than discourage
visitors to our outdoor spaces.
Could we please have some action to redress this situation?
Gerard Melling
26600 Menominee place
Sent from my iPhone
Cheri Bailiff on behalf of Phone-PW-Main
Friday, August 28, 2020 12:13 PM
FW: Comments re proposal to prohibit Crenshaw parking south of Crest Rd. -Late
From: Anita & Bob Caplan <arcaplan2@gmail.com>
Sent: Friday, August 28, 2020 11:50 AM
To: PublicWorks <PublicWorks@rpvca.gov>
Subject: Comments re proposal to prohibit Crenshaw parking south of Crest Rd.
Three comments:
1. During the time of the pandemic is not a good time to restrict access to the PVPLC. Walking in the
conservancy is a safe outlet which can help alleviate depression and anxiety --and possibly suicide.
2. I am a 78-year-old resident of Redondo Beach and I walk in the Conservancy every week. I send yearly
contributions to the PVPLC. If I cannot access the Conservancy, why should I support it?
3. The interests of a few neighbors pale in comparison to the educational, health, psychological, and
environmental benefits of welcoming diverse visitors to the Conservancy. This is not a good time to restrict
Thank you for your consideration.
Anita Harrison Caplan
Redondo Beach
Cheri Bailiff
Friday, August 28, 2020 1 :44 PM
FW: Parking on Crenshaw south of Crest (Del Cerro Park and Reserve area) -Late
From: Terry Scott <jtscottl@verizon.net>
Sent: Friday, August 28, 2020 1:40PM
To: PublicWorks <PublicWorks@rpvca.gov>
Subject: Parking on Crenshaw south of Crest (Del Cerro Park and Reserve area)
Public Input for the 9/1/2020 RPV City Council Meeting:
Hi-My name is Terry Scott. My husband Jim and I have been hiking every week (usually on Tuesday mornings) for the
last 5 years in the Portuguese Bend Reserve. I would urge the Council to NOT formalize the motion to temporarily
prohibit parking on Crenshaw south of Crest Road. These are public lands and they should be easily accessible to the
I personally have not seen problems related to traffic, especially during the weekdays. (I can't speak to the weekends,
because I do not hike there then.) It may be that there are more people coming to enjoy the Reserve due to COVID
restrictions which have shut down many other outlets (gyms, playgrounds, etc.), but this is an unusual year and being
out in nature is one of the few safe things that people can do during this pandemic.
And, if there are improvements that need to be made to the parking situation (I'm still not convinced that there is a real
problem), why is it necessary to do a 60 day prohibition now in the main area where hikers park? How does having this
temporary prohibition help you solve the problem long term? It appears to those of us who come from out ofthe area
that the City Council is just trying to assuage a small vocal group of RPV residents who don't like the extra people coming
into their neighborhood. I live at the beach and hear the same on Next Door from some of my neighbors too. But, these
are public spaces; just because we are fortunate enough to live right next door to them does not mean that we are
somehow entitled to keep other members of the public out.
If the Council feels it is important to keep people from parking on Crenshaw, why not work on coming up with an
alternate accessible place for hikers to park FIRST, and then tell people, {/You can park here, and now that this new
parking area is available to you, we are going to prohibit parking on Crenshaw south of Crest." To formalize this motion
now (with no adequate alternative available), is just going to have the effect of keeping the public out of these public
Thank you,
Terry Scott
Cell: 310-612-9684
Home: 310-318-0066
2026 Ardmore Ave.
Hermosa Beach, CA 90254 USA
Cheri Bailiff on behalf of Phone-PW-Main
Friday, August 28, 2020 2:47 PM
FW: Public Access to Del Cerro park and trails-Late Correspondence
From: Leslie Gold <lesliesgold@gmail.com>
Sent: Friday, August 28, 2020 2:45 PM
To: PublicWorks <PublicWorks@rpvca.gov>
Subject: Public Access to Del Cerro park and trails
As a 20+ year resident of RPV, I am writing to express my concern about the proposal to further limit parking
on Crenshaw Boulevard near Del Cerro Park. It will achieve the opposite of what is presumably desired (less
traffic, fewer people standing around). Furthermore, it would be unfair to the public.
Limiting parking to one side already created more traffic in the area because people now have to drive slowly
up and down Crenshaw looking for one of the few if any available spaces. If we remove parking on both sides
ofthe street, people will drive to the end of Crenshaw, drop offpassengers, make aU-turn, and then drive back
down past Crest Road to find parking. Eliminating parking on Crenshaw will INCREASE traffic, especially at
the end of the road. Furthermore, it will INCREASE crowd sizes, as it will lead to more people congregating at
Del Cerro as they wait for the driver of the vehicle they arrived in to find parking. If people were able to easily
find parking and then begin their hike, because there are spaces on both sides of Crenshaw Boulevard, we
Additionally, we as a city need to do what's right. The Del Cerro trails are public spaces. It is not a private
park. Furthermore, that land was purchased with money from donors who reside both in RPV and beyond.
They didn't give for the sole benefit ofRPV residents with permits. We do NOT have the right to restrict public
access to a public park. We should be a community that welcomes all who come to enjoy the beauty of our
city. Restricting access is ethically wrong. It is morally wrong.
Let's be good citizens, while reducing traffic and minimizing the group gatherings. We can best do this by
ADDING parking spaces, not taking them away.
Thank you for your consideration.
Leslie Gold
Cheri Bailiff
Friday, August 28, 2020 3:26 PM
FW: Parking on Crenshaw elimination-Late Correspondence
From: Rick Bragg <rbragglS@gmail.com>
Sent: Friday, August 28, 2020 3:23PM
To: PublicWorks <PublicWorks@rpvca.gov>
Subject: Parking on Crenshaw elimination
Dear Ladies, Gentlemen and undecided,
Today I noticed the sign announcing a closure of all parking on the approach to Del Cerro Park. I called the
posted number and was told that it would be temporary for 60 days while the city council discussed better long
term parking solutions. Please excuse me for introducing common sense and logic here but this makes no sense
on any level! We can't park in the neighborhood due to posted signs even though the folks living here have
wide and nearly empty streets. Ok, same everywhere in wealthy neighborhoods. Del Cerro Park has been
nearly empty every single day I've come here to hike, reserved for permits only. Who gets a permit, someone
who lives in the neighborhood and could walk? I don't know and don't care, just wondering. So, the last half
mile of Crenshaw seems to work well. The street is wide, cars move slowly, there's minimal traffic-it's safe
and easy.
A temporary closure while discussing and planning? Give me one reason you'd need to close the parking,
outside of a big construction project. Surveys can be done w/o closing it. I figure one or more field trips for
y'all to walk around and point and scribble but you can park your bus or cars in the DC parking lot.
Parking will now begin about 1/2 mile further back where Crenshaw is narrower and where the downhill traffic
moves at a much greater speed and where it's much more heavily trafficked.
I'm a 69 year old resident of Gardena. Covid wiped out my previous career so instead of being retired, I finally
re-entered the work force one month ago and am starting over. From early Feb til early July I took up hiking,
mostly here, as my new sport & recreation. I visited the Portuguese Bend area 3-5 times a week but now I can
only do it once a week. 50 plus enjoyable but brutal hill hkes. I implore you to use logic and common
sense. There is no better parking solution unless we're allowed to use the neighborhoods and park.
Using that logic again, I figure that one or more prominent members of the city council live in the neighborhood
and think the rifraf should not be allowed to park and pollute near you. Problem is, we'll still all drive up to the
dead end and turn around but a lot more people will decide to find another area to congest, and all of us will be
frustrated and angry. By coincidence, I encountered 2 different PVPLC employees doing their jobs on the trails
today and both were as baffled as I was about the closure.
Thanks much; please consider my words seriously!
From: Teresa Takaoka
Wednesday, August 26 , 2020 1:31 PM
Atta chments:
FW : Late Correspondence for ADU item
8-26 -20 Gelfand email.pdf
Late carr
From: Amy Seeraty <AmyS@rpvca .gov>
Sent: Wednesday, August 26, 2020 11:37 AM
To: CityCierk <CityCierk@rpvca .gov>
Cc: Ken Rukavina <krukavina@rpvca.gov>; Octavia Silva <OctavioS@rpvca .gov>
Subject: Late Correspondence for ADU item
Please see the attached , thank you.
Amy Seeraty
Senior Planner
City of Rancho Palos Verdes
Community Development Department
30940 Hawthorne Blvd .
Rancho Palos Verdes , CA 90275
www .rpvca.gov
amys@rpvca.gov -(310) 544 -5231
City Hall is open to the public during regular business hours . To help prevent the spread of COVID -19 , visitors
are required to wear face coverings and adhere to physical distancing guidelines . Some employees are working
on rotation and may be working remotely. If you need to visit City Hall , please schedule an appointment in
advance by calling the appropriate department and follow all posted directions during your visit. Walk -ups are
limited to one person at a time . Please note that our response to your inquiry could be delayed . For a list of
department phone numbers , visit the Staff Directory on the City website .
Amy Seeraty
Matthew Gelfand <admin@caforhomes.org> on behalf of matt@caforhomes.org
Wednesday, August 26, 2020 10:20 AM
Ken Rukavina; Amy Seeraty; wwynder@awattorneys.com; egerli@awattorneys.com
'Nickless, Greg@HCD'
RE: Correspondence from Californians for Homeownership
We have given the City countless opportunities to explain how enclosed parking improves fire safety. Time and time
again, you have been unable to do so. The Planning Commission recognized the lack of justification and recommended
removing the enclosed parking requirement.
Remarkably, staff are now seeking to override that recommendation. But for the fourth staff report in a row, there isn't
even the faintest effort to provide a fire or life safety justification for the requirement, beyond a vague reference to
prohibiting tandem parking, which is a completely different issue.
The enclosed parking requirement is a red line for us. It is an aesthetic requirement with no safety justification. It
directly contravenes state law, and it will significantly impact both ADU production numbers and the cost of building
ADUs in the City. If the City moves forward with this ordinance with an enclosed parking requirement, we will almost
certainly be forced to sue the City. When we do so, we will highlight the fact that even the Planning Commission could
not identify a valid justification for this provision. You may want to address that with the City Council in closed session.
All the best,
Matt Gelfand
From: Matthew Gelfand <admin@caforhomes.org>
Sent: Tuesday, August 11, 2020 11:34 AM
To: pc@rpvca.gov; planning@rpvca.gov
Cc: 'Ken Rukavina' <krukavina@rpvca.gov>; 'Amy Seeraty' <AmyS@rpvca.gov>; wwynder@awattorneys.com;
egerli@awattorneys.com; 'Nickless, Greg@HCD' <Greg.Nickless@hcd.ca.gov>
Subject: Correspondence from Californians for Homeownership
To the Planning Commission:
Please see the attached correspondence regarding Agenda Item 4 being considered at your upcoming meeting.
TO STAFF: In light of the length of the letter, we are not asking that the letter be read into the record. Instead, we ask
that you read this abridged version: "Californians for Homeownership is a 501{c)(3) non-profit organization devoted to
using legal tools to address California's housing crisis. You have been provided with a letter we submitted as part of our
work monitoring local compliance with California's laws regarding accessory dwelling units. Our letter follows up on our
recent correspondence regarding the City's policies on ADUs. Our detailed concerns about the City's draft ordinance are
explained in our prior letters. Those concerns persist. But today, we wish instead to highlight the City's continuing
refusal to answer one simple question about its draft ordinance: How does requiring enclosed parking rather than
unenclosed parking reduce fire risk? There is no legitimate explanation for this policy, which reflects the City's aesthetic
preferences, not concerns about fire safety. Enclosed parking is, if anything, more dangerous, because it can impede
evacuation during a power fai l ure as compared with unenclosed parking. Once again, we implore the City to consult
with the state Department of Housing and Community Deve lopment as it develops its ADU ordinance."
Sincere ly,
Matthew Ge lfand
Matthew Gelfand
Counsel , Californians for Homeownership
525 S . Virgil Avenue
Los Angeles, CA 90020
matt@ caforhomes.org
Tel : (213) 739-8206
Californians for Homeownership is a 50 I (c)(3) non-profit organization that works to address California 's housing crisis through
impact litigation and other legal tools.
From: Teresa Takaoka
Sent: Friday, August 28, 2020 9:28AM
CityCierk To:
Subject: Fw: City Council Meeting -9/1/20; Item# 2 -Clean Power Alliance
Follow Up Flag:
Flag Status:
Follow up
From: Mickey Radich <mickeyrodich@gmail.com>
Sent: Thursday, August 27, 2020 5:34:54 PM
Subject: City Council Meeting-9/1/20; Item# 2-Clean Power Alliance
Tonight you will be once again reviewing if our City should partner with CPA to deliver green electric power
to RPV. Staff was asked to provide a feasibility study, independent of that from CPA. There is a City Council
approved budget for $15,000 to obtain this independent study. I feel that this money is a wasteful expenditure
that our residents should not have to pay. There are already so many negative aspects of the CPA program. I
urge the City Council to vote NO on CPA and recommend the SCE program, which does not obligate RPV to
any potential financial burden. This allows those residents who wish to pay more for their green power through
SCE to do so, while not automatically enrolling every resident into the CPA program. I Some of the issues are:
1. The CPA program adds another layer of bureaucracy to our power distribution system along with
potential financial issues and costs.
2. RPV has nothing to gain and a lot to lose if it joins this program. During the last meeting CPA did not
disclose the liabilities that RPV would incur. Once RPV joins, estimates to leave the program are around
$12,500,000 based on current figures and of course CPA will not release any information from other
cities contracts due to privacy issues.
3. CPA can increase our electrical costs and charge whatever they want at any time without any approval
from the PUC. SCE, on the other hand, is legally required to sell energy at cost and get approvals from
the PUC before they can impose a rate increase.
4. The SCE program is "Energy Certified" by the PUC, which only allows certain qualified and approved
forms of green energy while CPA does not.
5. The contract with CPA includes an "Eminent Domain" agreement which gives CPA control of all of our
residential property in RPV to CPA.
6. The contract also has a non-disclosure agreement (NDA) that RPV must sign. I believe our City
Attorney is reviewing the NDA that SCE requires RPV to sign to release personal information on all
residents to CPA. This is unnecessary since SCE provides energy reports already. However, RPV should
not release any personal data to CPA without resident approval.
7. Once RPV joins the CPA, every user in RPV is automatically enrolled in CPA. They can opt out, but
many RPV senior residents won't even be aware of these changes, because SCE will still provide the
monthly bill.
I urge the City Council to vote NO on CPA and recommend the SCE program, which does not obligate RPV
to any potential financial burden. This allows those residents who wish to pay more for their green power
through SCE to do so, while not automatically enrolling every resident into the CPA program.
Late carr item 4
Teresa Takaok a
Monday, August 31, 2020 2:19PM
FW : Continuation of FLOCK Camera Program
From: Craig Whited <craigwhited@cox.net>
Sent: Monday, August 31, 2020 1:48PM
To: John Cruikshank <John.Cruikshank@rpvca .go v>; Eric Alegria <Eric.Aiegria@rpvca.gov>; David Bradley
<david.brad ley@rpvca.gov>; Ken Dyda <Ken .Dyda@rpvca.gov>; Barbara Ferraro <barbara.ferraro@rpvca .gov>
Cc: Ara Mihranian <AraM@rpvca .go v >; CC <CC@rp vca .go v >
Subject: Continuation of FLOCK Camera Program
Members of the RPV City Council,
On behalf of the Mediterrania HOA, I am reaching out to you to authorize the extension of the City's
matching funds program for the rental and/ or purchase of security cameras like the FLOCK
Sparrow. Our HOA is considering two cameras to provide better safety and security for our
neighborhood. We recently received detailed information from Ara Mihranian at a CHOA meeting
regarding the mechanics of how such a camera system would work. As we have only two entry/ exit
points, serving as many as 400 homes, we can cover our neighborhood with only two cameras and
would welcome the City's matching funds to assist us.
Thank you in advance for your consideration.
Yours very truly,
Craig Whited
President -MHOA