CC SR 20200915 03 - ADA Transition Survey
Consideration and possible action to release a public survey on updating the City’s
Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Transition Plan and Self-Evaluation.
(1) Review the draft public survey to assist the City with updating its Americans with
Disabilities Act (ADA) Transition Plan and Self-Evaluation, and if acceptable,
authorize staff to release the survey for public input.
Amount Budgeted: N/A
Additional Appropriation: N/A
Account Number(s): N/A
ORIGINATED BY: Lauren Ramezani, Senior Administrative Analyst
REVIEWED BY: Ron Dragoo, PE, Principal Engineer
APPROVED BY: Ara Mihranian, AICP, City Manager
A. Draft ADA Survey for Public Input (page A-1)
B. City Council Policy Number 2 (page B-1)
The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) was signed into law on July 26, 1990. The
ADA requires city governments to conduct a review of City facilities, public rights -of-
ways, programs, services and activities to develop an ADA Self -evaluation and
Transition plan that identifies barriers that may deny access for persons with
disabilities. The last self-evaluation and update to the City’s ADA Transition Plan (ADA
Plan) was approved by the City Council in October 2011. The City is now in the process
of updating its previous ADA Self-evaluation and Transition Plan to include federal and
state accessibility code updates, changes in City facilities and programs, and an analysis
of City public rights-of-way.
Since the last update to the ADA Plan, the City has removed multiple physical barriers by
providing or upgrading sidewalk curb ramps, making public restrooms and public
counters accessible at City facilities (i.e. City Hall and park sites), and modifying public
parking lots. City facilities were upgraded and funded either through specific ADA
compliance projects or were included as part of larger improvement projects.
In keeping with its ongoing efforts to serve all members of the public, in March 2019, the
City entered into a Memorandum of Understanding with California Joint Powers
Insurance Authority (CJPIA) to update our ADA Plan and self-evaluation. One
component of the ADA Plan requires public outreach and public input from the
community. The feedback will assist in addressing and prioritizing the City’s current and
future accessibility needs.
The City’s consultant, Disability Access Consultants, LLC (DAC), has prepared a public
survey to gather information on how various City departments’ programs, services,
activities or events are, or are not, accessible to persons with disabilities. The public
survey will not be mailed to residents. Therefore, there will be no printing or postage
costs associated with this survey. The survey will be provided to the community via the
City’s social media outlets, website, newsletter, and published in the Peninsula News.
Copies of the survey will also be available at the public counters. The public survey
includes an introduction explaining the purpose of the survey, followed by a link that will
direct readers to the survey. The survey link will be available for a period of 3 months.
City Council Policy Number 2 states (Attachment B): “It shall be the policy of the City
Council that all questionnaires and/or surveys to be sent by the city to the general public
or special groups, whether generated by Staff, City Council, or Committee/Commission(s),
be authorized by the full City Council at a public meeting.” Thus, Staff seeks the City
Council’s review of the attached draft survey (Attachment A), and if acceptable, authorize
releasing the public survey in order to assist the City with updating its ADA Plan.
In addition to Staff recommendation, the following alternative actions are available for the
City Council’s consideration:
1. Identify edits to the public survey at the September 15 meeting.
2. Direct staff to bring back a modified public survey at a future meeting.
3. Take other action as deemed appropriate.
ADA Public Input Survey
The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), which was signed into law on
July 26, 1990, requires cities to have in place program s to remove physical
barriers and ensure access by persons with disabilities to programs,
activities, services, and facilities offered and operated by the City.
The last self-evaluation and update to the City’s ADA Transition Plan (ADA Plan) was
approved by the City Council in October 2011. The City is now in the process of updating
its previous ADA Self-Evaluation and Transition Plan to include federal and state
accessibility code updates, changes in City facilities and programs, and an analysis of City
public rights-of-way.
As part of this process, the City has prepared a public survey to gather information on if the
programs, services, activities or events offered by the City’s various departments are, or are
not, accessible to persons with disabilities.
1. Optional: Please complete the following:
Name _____________________________________________________________________
Email _____________________________________________________________________
Phone ____________________________________________________________________
☐ I wish to remain anonymous
2. What role most adequately describes your association with the City and the representation
you are providing?
☐ Member of the public with a disability
☐ Member of the public without a disability
☐ Relative or caregiver of a person with a disability
☐ City volunteer
☐ Other: __________________________________________________________________
3. Do you participate in programs, services, activities or events offered by the City?
☐ No
☐ Yes - Please list: __________________________________________________________
☐ Not applicable
4. Do you know who to contact if you need assistance, have a concern or complaint, or need an
accommodation to access a facility, service, or event?
☐ No - I do not know who to contact
☐ Yes - Please list who you would contact: ________________________________________
5. Have you ever requested an accommodation for a disability from the City?
☐ No
☐ Yes - Please describe the request: ____________________________________________
6. Was your accommodation provided?
☐ No
☐ Yes
☐ Yes, but I was unsatisfied with how the accommodation was provided - Please elaborate:
7. Is the attitude of City staff towards persons with disabilities generally helpful, supp ortive,
positive, and proactive in solving accessibility issues?
☐ No – Please explain: _______________________________________________________
☐ Yes
☐ Somewhat
☐ Do not know
8. Are you aware of any specific concerns, complaints, or problems regarding access for persons
with disabilities to any of the programs, services, or activities provided by the City?
☐ No
☐ Yes - Please describe: ______________________________________________________
9. Do you know who the designated ADA Coordinator is for the City?
☐ No
☐ No, I have not had a need or reason to seek out this person.
☐ Yes - Please provide the name: _______________________________________________
10. What do you feel should be the City’s highest priority to improve accessibility for persons with
disabilities? (i.e. – improvements to accessing public facilities, providing specific hearing and
visual aids for events and public meetings, providing more accommodations for persons with
disabilities, etc.)
Please return this survey by December 15, 2020 to:
Julie DeZiel, ADA/504 Coordinator
City of Rancho Palos Verdes
30940 Hawthorne Boulevard
Rancho Palos Verdes, CA 90275
By email:
Phone: (310) 544-5331
California Relay at 7-1-1
SUBJECT: Questionnaires sent to the public by City Council, Committee/
Commission(s) and Staff
It shall be the policy of the City Council that all questionnaires and/or surveys to
be sent by the city to the general public or special groups, whether generated by
Staff, City Council or Committee/Commission(s), be authorized by the full City
Council at a public meeting.
The City Manager shall be authorized, however, to approve any que stionnaires
and/or surveys for information to be sent to other public agencies.
The City Council recognized the need to establish a policy to control
questionnaires and surveys for information that are sent or delivered to the general
public and special interest groups.