CC SR 20200721 03 - City Council Goals CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: 07/21/2020 AGENDA REPORT AGENDA HEADING: Regular Business AGENDA TITLE: Consideration and possible action to receive a quarterly status report on Fiscal Year 2020-21 City Council goals. RECOMMENDED COUNCIL ACTION: (1) Receive and file a quarterly status report on the FY 2020-21 City Council goals. FISCAL IMPACT: There is no direct fiscal impact associated with setting FY 202 0-21 City Council goals. However, the final list of City Council goals may include items that will require future funding allocations in the FY 2020-21 budget and beyond. Amount Budgeted: N/A Additional Appropriation: N/A Account Number(s): N/A ORIGINATED BY: Karina Bañales, Deputy City Manager Cory Linder, Director of Recreation, Parks and Open Space Terry Rodrigue, Interim Director of Community Development Elias Sassoon, PE, Director of Public Works Trang Nguyen, Finance Director REVIEWED BY: Same as above APPROVED BY: Ara Mihranian, AICP, City Manager ATTACHED SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: A. Updated FY 2020-21 City Council Goals (page A-1) BACKGROUND AND DISCUSSION: On March 17, 2020, the City Council approved the Fiscal Year 2020-21 City Council Goals based on input provided at the February 12, 2020 workshop and March 4, 2020 meeting. That evening, the City Council agreed to change the annual goal-setting process from a calendar year basis (January 1 to December 31) to a fiscal year basis (July 1 to June 30). This will allow better alignment of the goal-setting process with the City’s annual budget process. The City Council also agreed to receive quarterly updates 1 rather than monthly as a “receive and file” item on the Regular Business portion of the City Council agenda (rather than the Study Session). On July 7, the City Council was scheduled to receive the first quarterly update, but the matter was continued without discussion. Tonight, the City Council will receive its first quarterly status report on the goals by each of the respective departments. The six general categories of goals are as follows:  Public Safety: Maintain a high level of public safety with public engagement.  Infrastructure: Maintain and improve all public infrastructure (including transportation systems, parking, utilities, storm drains, and sewers).  City Land and Facilities: Maintain and improve all City-owned properties.  Quality of Life: Maintain and improve the quality of life for RPV residents.  Citizen Involvement and Public Outreach: Engage residents and community partners in assisting the City Council, City Committees/Commissions and City Staff facilitate the decision-making process.  Government Efficiency and Transparency: Maximize the use of each tax dollar and optimize services delivered to RPV residents. The goal line items having the highest priority are highlighted in yellow in the attached table (Attachment A), with the understanding that the remaining items will be listed and considered at a later time, including during budget workshops. The goals highlighted in yellow exceed the threshold and are considered equal in terms of priority based on public benefit, available resources, including staff time and funds, and being realistic and achievable. The attached goals table has been updated since the July 7 meeting under the following columns: revised date of completion, completion status, and/or comments/status update. The updates to the goals table are shown in red. It should be noted that since the council’s adoption of the goals at the March 17, 2020 meeting, challenges faced by the organization, including staff vacancies and the Los Angeles County Health Officer Orders, have caused some goals to progress at a slower pace than others. As a result, revised completion dates are proposed for these goals. Notwithstanding, Staff continues to work on the City Council goals, which are initiatives above and beyond the daily operations at City Hall. ALTERNATIVES: In addition to the Staff recommendation, the following alternative action is available for the City Council’s consideration: 1. Provide direction to Staff for further modifications and clarifications of the FY 2020-21 City Council goals, and continue this matter to a future meeting for approval. 2 2020 Goals and Action Plan Number PROJECT / OBJECTIVE/OUTCOME/TASK RESPONSIBLE DEPARTMENT BUDGET ITEM TARGET DATE FOR COMPLETION REVISED DATE FOR COMPLETION ACTUAL DATE OF COMPLETION STATUS (%)COMMENTS/STATUS UPDATE Law Enforcement 1 Implement remaining elements of the revised Public Safety Strategic Plan including: installing the Western Avenue ALPR cameras (Phases I and II); expanding the implementation of the flock camera program to area HOAs; predictive policing software; obtaining a written commitments from the Sheriff for a substation at the Civic Center; creating a multi-family Neighborhood Watch program; final round of Ring incentive program; and reintroducing the Student and the Law Program in Peninsula High Schools Admin Yes 12/31/2020 75% Referred to 2019 Goals Nos. 2, 5, & 6. Western Avenue ALPR installation of phase I is completed and operational, and installation of phase II is underway. Final Subsidy Match Program for Ring Security Devices was completed in April 2020 with the issuance of 118 rebates. Flock Safety Camera pilot program at the Oceanfront Estates HOA was permitted and should be operational by end of July. The City is exploring developing an Enterprise Agreement with Flock Safety for potential cost-savings for the Peninsula that will be considered by the Regional Law Enforcement Committee at its August 2020 meeting. 2 Reduce residential burglaries from 2019 levels (i.e., fewer than 67). Admin 12/31/2020 15% Increase public awareness and enhanced law enforcement. From January 2020 to March 2020, there were 10 Residential Burglaries reported by the Lomita Sheriff’s Station. As a 1st Quarter Comparison from the previous year (2019), there were 24 Residential Burglaries in the same three month period. 3 Establish a new Public Safety Committee/Commission related to Fire and Police services Admin Not recommended or necessary; the Regional Law Enforcement Committee already provides this function. Emergency Preparedness 4 Prepare a Landslide Emergency Sanitation Plan in coordination with LA County Sanitation District on how to respond to an emergency break in the above- ground sanitation line located on Palos Verdes Drive South within the Landslide Area. PW Yes 6/30/2021 15% The Sanitation District is working with a consultant to prepare an Emergency Sanitation Plan. City Staff continues to have preliminary discussions with the Sanitation District on elements to be included in the plan. 5 Engage in a regional emergency preparedness plan and conduct an exercise with all four Peninsula cities. Admin Yes 12/31/2020 06/30/2021 10% This goals requires public participation and due to the COVID- 19 physical distancing restrictions the EPC and Staff recommend deferring the in-person exercise until 2021. However, Staff is developing a regional exercise or table-top exercises that can be conducted virtually. 6 Implement at least 2 of the EPC-recommended action items to mitigate wildfire risk in RPV, including: Enhanced Emergency Communication; Emergency Evacuation Plan/Peninsula-wide & school district emergency preparedness plan; Wildfire Hardening; Public Safety Power Shutoff response; and CalFire Risk Assessment and Insurance Rates Admin 6/30/2021 10% The Emergency Preparedness Committee presented a Wildfire Mitigation presentation to the City Council on May 5, 2020 and reviewed the Woolsey Fire After Action Report and identified actionable items relevant to emergency response planning in Rancho Palos Verdes at its monthly meeting held on May 21, 2020. A status report is scheduled to be received by the Council on August 4. PUBLIC SAFETY Goal: Maintain a high level of public safety with public engagement. Last updated: 7/14/2020 1A-1 2020 Goals and Action Plan Number PROJECT / OBJECTIVE/OUTCOME/TASK RESPONSIBLE DEPARTMENT BUDGET ITEM TARGET DATE FOR COMPLETION REVISED DATE FOR COMPLETION ACTUAL DATE OF COMPLETION STATUS (%)COMMENTS/STATUS UPDATE PUBLIC SAFETY Goal: Maintain a high level of public safety with public engagement. 7 Establish a pilot neighborhood emergency preparedness "block captain" program to serve as a conduit between the EOC and neighborhood residents (particularly residents who are most vulnerable during emergencies due to age, mobility challenges and cognitive limitations).Admin 12/31/2020 10% Staff met with the coordinator of Palos Verdes Estates community based disaster preparedness program known as Disaster District Program. Staff has started planning for the implementation of a similar program for the City of Rancho Palos Verdes. Last updated: 7/14/2020 2A-2 2020 Goals and Action Plan Number PROJECT / OBJECTIVE/OUTCOME/TASK RESPONSIBLE DEPARTMENT BUDGET ITEM TARGET DATE FOR COMPLETION REVISED DATE FOR COMPLETION ACTUAL DATE OF COMPLETION STATUS (%)COMMENTS/STATUS UPDATE PUBLIC SAFETY Goal: Maintain a high level of public safety with public engagement. Portuguese Bend Landslide 8 Complete the EIR for the Portuguese Bend Landslide Remediation Project for certification by the City Council PW Yes 12/31/2020 10% On May 19, 2020, the City Council approved a professional service agreement with the Chambers Group to prepare the environmental document. A kick-off meeting occurred shortly afterwards. The Initial Study is currently being prepared. 9 Develop a feasibility analysis with Rolling Hills for installation of an underground sanitary sewer system to replace the existing septic tanks to reduce ground water seepage within Portuguese Bend landslide.PW Yes 7/1/2020 65% Referred to Goal #9 in 2019. Comments from Rolling Hills on the draft feasibility study was received on June 18 and provided to the consultant. The final feasibility study is currently underway. 10 Prepare funding opportunities for Phases 1 & 2 of the Portuguese Bend Landslide Feasibility Plan for City Council consideration. FIN No 12/31/2020 6/30/2021 5% Referred to Goal #39 in 2019. Staff is pursuing various potential funding opportunities for this project. The South Santa Monica Bay (SSMB) Watershed Area Steering Committee (WASC) met on May 19, 2020. WASC reviews all projects for Measure W funding. A Measure W application is being prepared for the Portuguese Bend Landslide Remediation Project. The due date for submitting applications for this year is mid-October 2020. Staff is working with Blais and Associates to identify potential grants for this project, and City Staff is discussing potential funding opportunities with state and federal legislators. 11 Develop a mitigation plan to address land movement at Altamira Canyon based on the following phases: Phase One - Perform the drainage/erosion analysis for the entire canyon and its tributaries and establish a priority list based on current erosion. Phase Two - Prepare detailed engineering plans to resolve the erosion and making sure there is positive drainage along the canyon. Phase Three - Award construction contract for the proposed improvements. PW Yes 12/31/2020 (Phase One) 6/30/2021 (Phase 2) 5% Staff is working with Harris and Associates, who prepared the original feasibility study in 2016, to obtain a proposal for phase one which includes expanding the project area to include the portions of the Canyon to the north and to the south. Utilities INFRASTRUCTURE Goal: Maintain and improve all public infrastructure (including transportation systems, parking, utilities, storm drains, and sewers). Last updated: 7/14/2020 3A-3 2020 Goals and Action Plan Number PROJECT / OBJECTIVE/OUTCOME/TASK RESPONSIBLE DEPARTMENT BUDGET ITEM TARGET DATE FOR COMPLETION REVISED DATE FOR COMPLETION ACTUAL DATE OF COMPLETION STATUS (%)COMMENTS/STATUS UPDATE PUBLIC SAFETY Goal: Maintain a high level of public safety with public engagement. 12 Prepare a new financial plan for the Abalone Cove annual sewer rates that reduces City maintenance subsidy by at least 50% for City Council consideration. FIN No 10/31/2020 12/31/2020 75% Referred to Goal #8 in 2019. Staff has estimated long-range costs for maintenance, operations, and capital costs of the system. The 18-year historical costs have provided a good baseline for future costs. Additionally, staff has identified capital improvements that will be likely be needed in the next 5-10 years, due to the wear and tear on the pipes, grinder pumps, and lift stations. Staff will continue to work with the Abalone Cove residents to address the future Sewer Rates in order to reduce the City subsidy. Staff is working with the City Attorney office and residents utilizing the sewer to address the sewer rate options. Staff will be meeting with the Portuguese Bend Community Association Board and conduct virtual neighborhood meetings before bringing this item to the City Council which is tentatively scheduled to be considered on Oct. 6, 2020. 13 Design for the replacement and rehabilitation of storm sewer at PVDS at Peppertree Dr., and Hawthorne Blvd. at Hawkhurst Dr. pursuant to the City's Storm Drain Deficiency Improvements Program (SDDIP):PW Yes 9/30/2020 75% Referred to Goal #15 in 2019. The Peppertree plans have been designed and will be going out to bid in fall. The Hawkhurst plans are under design and will be completed by September. 14 Create a detailed inventory and maintenance schedule of the City's public infrastructure and assets.PW Yes 12/31/2020 65% Referred to Goal #11 in 2019. The inventory is being finalized and will be mapped on the City's GIS; a maintenance schedule is at the early stages of being developed based on existing contracts with vendors. 15 Establish a Citywide Neighborhood Streetlight Installation Program and/or ordinance for consideration by the City Council for neighborhoods who wish to install new street lights. PW 12/31/2020 10% Referred to Goal #19 in 2019. On February 18, 2020, the City Council directed Staff to proceed with an agreement with Harris and Associates to develop a Citywide street lighting policy. The draft policy is underway. 16 Develop a Citywide 5G Small Wireless Facilities (SWF) Master Plan that identifies the preferred and least intrusive locations to install small wireless facilities including co-locations. PW Yes 12/31/2020 (Phase One)10% Phase One: hire a consultant and map preferred locations Staff issued an RFP in June and received two proposals from “Magellan Advisors” and “CTC Technology & Energy”. These proposals are being evaluated prior to bringing a professional services agreement to the City Council for consideration. 17 In coordination with SCE, develop a Utility Resilient Advancement Master Plan to harden above-ground utility lines including a tentative timeline to potentially underground utilities. PW 12/31/2020 (Phase One)5% Public Works is in the process of setting a meeting in July with SCE to begin discussions on the Master Plan to safeguard the system through active maintenance and identifying needed improvements to the system. 18 Identify alternative energy resources with the capability to store energy or sell it back to the grid system, which could power the City. The first phase is to identify potential alternative energy and the cost associated with this plan.PW 6/30/2021 (Phase One)5% At this time, City Staff is exploring how solar energy can be used to power City facilities and banked as a potential alternative energy source. Last updated: 7/14/2020 4A-4 2020 Goals and Action Plan Number PROJECT / OBJECTIVE/OUTCOME/TASK RESPONSIBLE DEPARTMENT BUDGET ITEM TARGET DATE FOR COMPLETION REVISED DATE FOR COMPLETION ACTUAL DATE OF COMPLETION STATUS (%)COMMENTS/STATUS UPDATE PUBLIC SAFETY Goal: Maintain a high level of public safety with public engagement. 19 Develop a public sewer program to encourage on-site sanitary sewer systems to connect to the public sanitary sewer system based on the following phases: Phase 1: Map areas in the City that are served by a sanitary sewer system or on- site sanitary sewer system. Phase 2: Feasibility study of the areas which are not currently being served and prioritize the need for installation of the sewer system and identify costs to connect to the sewer system. Phase 3: Design the sewer system. Phase 4: Installation of the system. PW Yes 12/31/2020 (Phase One)15% Based on information available at City Hall and from LA County Environmental Health, Staff is working with the City's GIS Staff to map areas of the City served by onsite waste water sewer systems (Phase 1). Roadways 20 Develop a Citywide Speed Mitigation Plan for reducing vehicular speed within City streets (traffic calming)PW Yes 2/28/2021 5% The Traffic Safety Committee identified a goal in its FY 2020- 21 Work Plan to explore options and opportunities to reduce vehicular traffic throughout the City. 21 Develop a Construction Coordination Plan working with neighboring Peninsula cities, as well as Lomita, Los Angeles, and Torrance to identify measures to avoid concentrating street construction projects in areas that will impact traffic flows. Present plan to City Council. PW 6/30/2020 12/31/2020 5% On July 8, the Public Works Director met with a representative from Caltrans as part of their newly created Ambassador program to assist the City in improving communication on roadway projects. This will frame the Plan being developed with neighboring cities. 22 Develop an Arterial Fences and Walls Master Plan for the City Council's consideration that retains neighborhood identity and describes the type (material and height) of fence or wall, if any, to be placed along major arterial streets in the City. CDD Yes 09/30/2020 (draft plan) 3/31/2021 (final plan) 10% Referred to Goal #7 in 2019; At this time, funding for this goal has been deferred to FY21-22 as part of CIP Plan. However, Staff will continue to seek a design consultant to assist with preparing a draft plan. 23 Award the construction contract to remove the existing green asphalt and install landscaping along Hawthorne Blvd. between Crest Road and the Civic Center driveway.PW Yes 12/31/2020 65% Referred to Goal #16 in 2019. On March 17, 2020, the City Council awarded a construction contract to Marina Landscape. Construction commenced on June 22, 2020 and is well underway. 24 Create a City Entry Master Sign Plan at various points of entry to the City utilizing the following phases: Phase 1: Issue an RFP for the design. Phase 2: Design. Phase 3: Construction. PW Yes 12/31/2020 (Phase One) 6/30/2021 (Phase Two) 5% Staff is working on issuing an RFP to design firms in fall. Last updated: 7/14/2020 5A-5 2020 Goals and Action Plan Number PROJECT / OBJECTIVE/OUTCOME/TASK RESPONSIBLE DEPARTMENT BUDGET ITEM TARGET DATE FOR COMPLETION REVISED DATE FOR COMPLETION ACTUAL DATE OF COMPLETION STATUS (%)COMMENTS/STATUS UPDATE PUBLIC SAFETY Goal: Maintain a high level of public safety with public engagement. Ladera Linda Community Park 25 Complete the CUP/CEQA planning entitlement processes. CDD Yes 8/1/2020 12/31/2020 10% Progress limited due to staff changes in the Community Development Department; Staff continues to reviewing initial project plans and environmental documentation to determine whether the City's application is complete for processing. 26 Present financing options for the construction and delivery of the Ladera Linda Community Park. FIN Yes 9/30/2020 6/30/2021 10% In March, City Staff held meetings with Kosmont and Associates, that was temporarily paused due to changes in the leadership team and to reassess the financial impacts of the economic downturn. Discussions are resuming in July. 27 Complete construction-ready documents for City Council consideration. PW Yes 12/15/2020 3/31/2021 0% construction drawings have been suspended while the City processes the CUP/CEQA documents. 28 Complete bid process for construction firm and present contract to the City Council consideration.PW Yes 2/15/2021 5/31/2021 0% Work will not commence on the bid process until planning entitlements are issued and construction plans completed based on Goal Nos. 25 and 27. 29 Break ground on construction based on Council-approved plans. PW Yes 3/31/2021 6/30/2021 0%Referred to Goal #22 in 2019. construction will not commence until Goal Nos. 25, 26, 27, and 28 have been met. Civic Center Master Plan 30 Initiate discussions with DOJ and FEMA for a land-use swapping agreement as a part of the Civic Center Master Plan process.Admin 12/31/2020 5% Communication with respective agencies established. Additional dialogue to continue in FY 20-21. 31 Present Civic Center development financing options to the City Council for consideration. FIN Yes 6/30/2021 10% Referred to Goal #20a in 2019. In March, City Staff initiated discussions with Kosmont and Associates, but paused further discussions due to changes in the leadership team and to reassess the financial impacts of the economic downturn. Discussions will resume in July. 32 Present draft Civic Center Master Plan for City Council consideration which will include a new possible Peninsula-wide EOC Admin 6/30/2021 3% Referred to Goal #20a and #21 in 2019. Requires hiring a design firm to prepare a master plan and a robust public engagement process. Civic Center Advisory Committee has prepared draft Design & Architectural Services RFP. The City Council Subcommittee is reviewing the RFP before being issued. Staff is preparing a draft public outreach plan based on a virtual platform for the Committee's consideration in August. Trails Network Plan Update CITY LAND AND FACILITIES Goal: Maintain and Improve all City-owned properties. Last updated: 7/14/2020 6A-6 2020 Goals and Action Plan Number PROJECT / OBJECTIVE/OUTCOME/TASK RESPONSIBLE DEPARTMENT BUDGET ITEM TARGET DATE FOR COMPLETION REVISED DATE FOR COMPLETION ACTUAL DATE OF COMPLETION STATUS (%)COMMENTS/STATUS UPDATE PUBLIC SAFETY Goal: Maintain a high level of public safety with public engagement. 33 Complete the Consultant's review of the draft update to the Trails Network Plan that provides user-friendly trail descriptions with graphics and detailed maps illustrating trail routes and uses in a clear and concise manner based on existing legal trails, community input, and feasible trails.R&P Yes 7/31/2020 10/31/2020 30% Referred to Goal #26 in 2019. Transferred to R&P in May and Staff regrouped with consultant, Alta Planning and Design, to complete the draft Trails Network Plan. A status update was provided to the City Council at its June 16 meeting. The next status update will be presented to the City Council in September 2020. 34 Conduct a public workshop to solicit community feedback on draft plan. R&P 10/1/2020 10/31/2020 0% Based on City Council direction on June 16, there will be one additional public outreach meeting led by Staff to solicit community feedback on draft plan. Over the next several months, Staff, with the assistance of the Alta Planning and Design consultant will prepare and disseminate information to maximize public awareness and involvement. 35 Present the draft Trails Network Plan Update to the Planning Commission for its input and recommendation. R&P 11/15/2020 12/20/2020 0% Staff and the consultant will update the draft TNP based on public input, including feedback from the two community workshops. 36 Present draft Trails Network Plan Update to the City Council for approval. R&P 12/31/2020 2/28/2021 0% Staff and the consultant wll update the draft TNP to include Planning Commission input prior to presenting to City Council. Natural Communities Conservation Plan / Habitat Conservation Plan (NCCP/HCP) 37 Amend the Management Agreement with the PVPLC to reflect the City Council- adopted NCCP/HCP. R&P 8/31/2020 12/20/2020 5% Over the next several months, Staff will coordinate with the City Attorney's Office and the PVPLC to continue identifying potential amendments for the City Council's consideration in December 2020. 38 Create the NCCP/HCP-required Preserve Access Protocol to establish appropriate vehicular access to the Preserve including provisions for access during weather events (red flag days, tidal conditions, rain etc.) R&P 8/31/2020 12/20/2020 10% These protocols are required to be completed within a designated period of time after the City receives the NCCP/HCP permits from the state and federal wildlife agencies. The City has received its federal permit, and is awaiting the state's permit decision. Staff is currently working with the Wildlife Agencies to proceed with these documents 39 Record the NCCP/HCP-approved conservation easements over all Preserve properties. R&P 12/31/2020 12/20/2020 10% Staff has met with a surveyor and is working with the City Attorney to finalize the contract for City Council approval in August, 2020. The conservations easements are required to be recorded within a designated period of time after the City receives the NCCP/HCP permits from the state and federal wildlife agencies. The City has received its federal permit, and is awaiting the state's permit decision 40 Update the Public Use Master Plan for the Palos Verdes Nature Preserve to reflect the Council-adopted NCCP/HCP.R&P 6/30/2021 5% Staff is making advance preparations for updating the Public Use Master Plan, including referencing appropriate sections of the NCCP/HCP and updating trail maps. Last updated: 7/14/2020 7A-7 2020 Goals and Action Plan Number PROJECT / OBJECTIVE/OUTCOME/TASK RESPONSIBLE DEPARTMENT BUDGET ITEM TARGET DATE FOR COMPLETION REVISED DATE FOR COMPLETION ACTUAL DATE OF COMPLETION STATUS (%)COMMENTS/STATUS UPDATE PUBLIC SAFETY Goal: Maintain a high level of public safety with public engagement. 41 Prepare a Preserve Master Parking Plan identifying parking opportunities to accommodate visitors to the Preserve that minimizes impacts on neighborhoods and resources. R&P 11/15/2020 25% On March 17, 2020, the City Council received a report on parking improvements at Del Cerro trailhead. Staff continues to research options and explore alternatives to minimize impacts on neighborhood parking and residents' quality of life both short-term and long-term. A report will be provided to the City Council on August 18, 2020. Park Improvements 42 Present to the City Council concepts for the remaining 12 acres of Lower Hesse Park as the Phase II improvements R&P 4/30/2020 0% Pending inclusion in FY 20-21 CIP Not included in FY 20-21 CIP. To be deferred to a fiscal year to be determined. Staff continues to communicate regularly with Lower Hesse Park residents to discuss their concerns and to identify ways to enhance maintenance and aesthetics. 43 Explore establishing a partnership, joint use, and/or lease agreement with the U.S. Coast Guard for the Point Vicente Lighthouse property, buildings, and bunker (located at the Civic Center).R&P 12/1/2020 10% Staff has reached out to the Coast Guard to initiate dialogue about the future use of these properties. Staff will continue to foster and advance discussions. 44 Present to the City Council alternative turf options (approximately 123,000 square feet) for active recreation use at Upper Hesse Park. R&P 8/1/2020 10% Referred to Goal #23 in 2019. Council direction needed to approve recommended alternative. Project was originally going to be natural turf but Staff is currently analyzing the financial, aesthetic and functional pros and cons of different alternatives for this site. Originally included in the FY 20-21 CIP, this project was deferred by the City Council to a fiscal year to be determined Staff will contiue to investigate alternatives for future consideration. 45 ABALONE COVE PARK IMPROVEMENTS PHASE II: Develop and present a design to Council for improvements to the reminder of Abalone Cove Park, including additional landscaping, irrigation, park amenities, and trail improvements R&P 10/1/2020 0% Project was not selected for FY 20-21 CIP. It has been put on hold and will be re-evaluated next year. Last updated: 7/14/2020 8A-8 2020 Goals and Action Plan Number PROJECT / OBJECTIVE/OUTCOME/TASK RESPONSIBLE DEPARTMENT BUDGET ITEM TARGET DATE FOR COMPLETION REVISED DATE FOR COMPLETION ACTUAL DATE OF COMPLETION STATUS (%)COMMENTS/STATUS UPDATE PUBLIC SAFETY Goal: Maintain a high level of public safety with public engagement. Western Avenue Redevelopment 46 Identify economic development opportunities to enhance retail establishments. Admin Yes 6/30/2021 10% The City prepared a potential redevelopment site analysis and has met with four potential developers to explore mixed use projects. In May, the City was awarded a $160k from the SB 2 grant fund to develop a mixed use plan for Western 47 Establish a "brand" for the Western Avenue commercial corridor Admin Yes 6/30/2021 5% City Staff is in the early stages of developing a brand program for Western Avenue that will bring together the traffic flow, beautification, and economic redevelopment projects. 48 Create a Traffic Flow Improvement Plan in coordination with Lomita, Los Angeles, and Caltrans to improve traffic flows and provide connectivity between retail outlets and residents. PW Yes 12/31/2020 (Phase One)25% Referred to Goal #17 in 2019. Funding options including grants and construction will be considered as different phases. The City’s traffic engineering consultant, Willdan, is currently working on a project initiation document for Caltrans that will identify Traffic Flow improvements that will lead to a traffic flow improvement plan. This effort is being coordinated with neighboring cities. 49 Develop a streetscape beautification plan to enhance the aesthetic character of Western Avenue. PW Yes 12/31/2020 5% Referred to Goal #33 in 2019. On March 17, 2020, Staff made a presentation to the City Council regarding the enhancement of the aesthetics of Western Avenue. The City Council directed Staff to include this project in the CIP (FY2020-21) for design purposes. The CIP for FY 2020-21 inlcudes $150,000 for the design of the Western Avenue Beautification Project. At this time, a RFP is being prepared to be issued in July 2020. Housing 50 Prepare appropriate code amendments for Accessory Dwelling Units for the Planning Commission's review and the City Council's for consideration CDD 5/31/2020 09/30/2020 30% The Planning Commission is scheduled to review draft language at its July 14 meeting. 51 Conduct a housing "brainstorming" public workshop to identify creative solutions.CDD 6/30/2020 06/30/2021 5% Staff is developing a plan to host a virtual workshop/forum on housing. 52 Develop a Council approved program for identifying housing opportunities pursuant to RHNA, including affordable housing, such as creating a Mixed-Use Zoning District, accessory dwelling units, school district housing, and senior housing. CDD 12/31/2020 06/30/2021 5% City awarded $160k SB 2 Grant for preparation of mixed-use housing overlay zone; Staff to prepare RFP for project consultant selection 53 Create a promotional economic development campaign to improve RPV's jobs/housing balance by supporting home-based businesses and encouraging business with high-quality jobs to locate in RPV. Admin 12/31/2020 5% City Staff is in the early stages of developing a campaign for Western Avenue that will coincide with the branding campaign. QUALITY OF LIFE Goal: Maintain and improve the quality of life for RPV residents. Last updated: 7/14/2020 9A-9 2020 Goals and Action Plan Number PROJECT / OBJECTIVE/OUTCOME/TASK RESPONSIBLE DEPARTMENT BUDGET ITEM TARGET DATE FOR COMPLETION REVISED DATE FOR COMPLETION ACTUAL DATE OF COMPLETION STATUS (%)COMMENTS/STATUS UPDATE PUBLIC SAFETY Goal: Maintain a high level of public safety with public engagement. 54 Stay informed on new State Housing Laws, bring new laws and issues to Planning Commission and City Council's attention and amend codes and ordinances in the RPV way where appropriate to meet the new laws. File an appeal of the 6th Regional Housing Needs Assessment (RHNA) CDD 0% Not recommended as a goal for 2020 because this is part of daily operations. Staff is preparing to file an appeal of the 6th cycle RHNA in fall. Environmental Sustainability 55 Adopt new development standards related to Electronic Vehicle (EV) charging stations. CDD 9/30/2020 60% Referred to Goal #32a in 2019. Previously this goal included a second goal that was actually a PW goal, Install charging stations in City-owned lots; Staff is in the process of preparing new code language to present to the City's Planning Commission. 56 Amend the Municipal Code to develop a robust Green Building Program. CDD 12/31/2020 60% Referred to Goal #32b in 2019; Staff continues to assess existing Green Building Program to determine whether the Municipal Code needs updating 57 Amend the ERAP to include appropriate adaptation strategies and bring to City Council for consideration CDD 9/30/2020 70% Referred to Goal #32 in 2019; Staff analyzed and selected a list of potential strategies and provided them to the SBCCOG on July 10. 58 Partner with SBCCOG to Host an Energy Efficiency Fair CDD 8/31/2020 12/30/2020 5% Referred to Goal #32b in 2019; Staff is reviewing options to host virtual energy efficiency fair. 59 ERAP: Support Energy Generation and Storage in the Community o Amend the Zoning Code to integrate additional policies supporting renewable and alternative energy sources in residential, commercial and institutional zoning districts by utilizing EcoMotion consultant services, made available by the SolSmart grant application. CDD 12/31/2020 6/30/2021 40% Referred to Goal #32c in 2019; Progress is limited based on limited staffing, but a summer intern is assisting in identifying potential code amendments. Municipal Code Amendments 60 Update the City's Sign Ordinance (Section 17.76.050) CDD 12/31/2020 25% Staff is working with the City Attorney's Office on the preparation of a draft code amendment for review by the Planning Commission. 61 Update the Wireless (private property) Facilities Ordinance (Section 17.76.020) CDD 12/31/2020 10% At this times, Staff is preparing draft updates to the personal non-commercial radio antennas section of the Code based on Council direction, and will then proceed with updating the wireless facilities section of the code. 62 Assess the effectiveness of the County’s amended Barking Noise Program and bring report City Council with recommendations for consideration to either continue with the County or develop other alternatives. CDD 75% Not recommended for 2020. Referred to Goal #28 in 2019. Last updated: 7/14/2020 10A-10 2020 Goals and Action Plan Number PROJECT / OBJECTIVE/OUTCOME/TASK RESPONSIBLE DEPARTMENT BUDGET ITEM TARGET DATE FOR COMPLETION REVISED DATE FOR COMPLETION ACTUAL DATE OF COMPLETION STATUS (%)COMMENTS/STATUS UPDATE PUBLIC SAFETY Goal: Maintain a high level of public safety with public engagement. 63 Form a "Sister City" partnership with Sakura City, Japan Admin 12/31/2020 8/4/2020 75% August 4th is the signing ceremony memorializing the Sister City Relationship 64 Provide and encourage e-filing of planning applications CDD 9/30/2020 12/30/2020 10% Staff established "virtual counter hours" to assist the public that is framing the e-filing program. 65 Update the City’s Public Notice template CDD 6/30/2020 09/30/2020 5% Staff collected examples of notices from other jurisdictions 66 Conduct a Citizen Satisfaction survey. Admin 12/31/2020 5% Referred to Goal #41 in 2019. Staff is in the early stages of framing survey questions. A draft will be presented to the City Council in Fall. 67 Re-establish the Bi-Annual Leadership Academy for residents. Admin 12/31/2021 0% Referred to Goal #35 in 2019. Staff recommends deferring this until 2021 68 Create a Citizen Environmental Committee. Admin Not recommended or necessary; Quarterly Public Forums for the Palos Verdes Nature Preserve already provide this function 69 Form a joint commission with neighboring cities to address Peninsula-wide issues Admin Not recommended or necessary; the Regional Law Enforcement Committee already provides this function Citizen Involvement & Public Outreach Goal: Engage residents and community partners in assisting the City Council, City Committees/Commissions and City Staff facilitate the decision-making process. Last updated: 7/14/2020 11A-11 2020 Goals and Action Plan Number PROJECT / OBJECTIVE/OUTCOME/TASK RESPONSIBLE DEPARTMENT BUDGET ITEM TARGET DATE FOR COMPLETION REVISED DATE FOR COMPLETION ACTUAL DATE OF COMPLETION STATUS (%)COMMENTS/STATUS UPDATE PUBLIC SAFETY Goal: Maintain a high level of public safety with public engagement. Operations & Customer Service 70 Assess City Fees and Taxes, including the 2019 Cost of Services Study to identify, among other things, opportunities to lower fees and taxes for consideration by the FAC and City Council. (Merged with Goal #74) FIN No 6/30/2021 12/31/2020 65% Referred to Goal #38 in 2019. Study was finalized and staff reviewed the results with FAC; at the 3/12 FAC meeting, staff will review in greater detail selected fees and provide fee adjustment recommendations to FAC. FAC requested additional research at the March 12 meeting. Another meeting is scheduled for Sept. 17 to review the Cost Fee Study with FAC. This item is on the tentative agenda for the City Council consideration on October 20, 2020. 71 Prepare a Pension Policy that provides a financial plan to address the City's outstanding Pension Liability and CalPERS' continuous change in valuation methodology. FIN No 6/30/2020 12/31/2020 35% Referred to Goal #40 in 2019. Staff have been doing research and working with GovInvest to consider all options for the Pension Policy. However, due to the current fiscal climate, it is prudent to wait for the latest annual Actuarial Valuation Report (AVR) and investment return from CalPERS to reassess the City's pension liability. The AVR and investment return is expected to be released by CalPERS this summer. Staff plans to bring the draft Pension Policy and AVR to FAC on Sept. 17 and to the City Council on October 20, 2020. 72 Review View Restoration Ordinance and bring options to the Planning Commission and City Council to consider amending the guidelines. CDD 12/31/2020 06/30/2021 5% Staff is reviewing the existing ordinance and guidelines to determine the scope of the proposed amendments. 73 Present Transient Occupancy Tax (TOT) rate options to FAC and City Council FIN No 6/30/2021 50% Staff presented the TOT trends and analysis to FAC on Sept. 26, 2019. Due to the economic downturn and the recent impact on the travel/hospitality industry, staff plans to revisit this item with FAC later in the Fall of 2020. 74 Enhance internal and external customer service and efficiency so that all inquiries are acknowledged within the day received and that, when surveyed, internal customers indicate 95% satisfaction with responsiveness by colleagues, and external customers indicate 95% satisfaction with responsiveness by Staff. CDD 7/31/2020 06/30/2021 25% No progress due to limited staffing in the Community Development Department. Work will commence in fall 75 Establish an efficient development process between the Community Development and Public Works Departments by working together to prepare a comprehensive Uniform Development Process public handout and decrease the initial review time for applications to no more than 10 business days. Enhance the one-stop permit process. CDD 8/31/2020 10/31/2020 20% Referred to Goal #43 in 2019; No progress due to limited staffing in the Community Development Department. Work will commence in August. GOVERNMENT EFFICIENCY & TRANSPARENCY Goal: Maximize the use of each tax dollar and optimize services delivered to RPV residents. Last updated: 7/14/2020 12A-12 2020 Goals and Action Plan Number PROJECT / OBJECTIVE/OUTCOME/TASK RESPONSIBLE DEPARTMENT BUDGET ITEM TARGET DATE FOR COMPLETION REVISED DATE FOR COMPLETION ACTUAL DATE OF COMPLETION STATUS (%)COMMENTS/STATUS UPDATE PUBLIC SAFETY Goal: Maintain a high level of public safety with public engagement. 76 Implement new Internet or app-based application to enable residents to reach city services more quickly. Admin Yes 6/30/2020 08/30/2020 10% The mobile app vendor has been identified and funds budgeted for FY 20/21. The implementation project should start in July 2020. 77 Implement eTRAKiT customer relationship software that allows customers to track service requests and submit service requests and permit applications online with at least 20% of City permits being issued online. Admin Yes 6/30/2020 11/30/2020 40% eTrakit portal has now 12 permits types and all Business License types configured and ready to be tested internally. Public tests should start in August 2020. 78 Reassess the Study Session Admin 6/30/2020 12/31/2020 0% Activity on this goal is pending further review of the City's study session policy. 79 91% of RPV Employees say RPV is "a great place to work."Admin 6/30/2021 25%Referred to Goal #48 in 2019. 80 Require a project sign be installed for all City construction project describing, among other things, the project and citing contact information. PW Yes 5/31/2020 8/31/2020 35% A conceptual design was provided to Staff by Councilman Dyda and is being finalized for fabrication. Intergovernmental Relations 81 Lobby the California Public Utilities Commission to modify the requirements for Rule 20A undergrounding funds to include high fire risk areas. Admin 8/31/2020 4/10/2021 50% October 2019, the City brought a resolution to the League of California Cities Annual Conference calling on the CPUC to expand the Rule 20 program to include wildfire mitigation as an eligible project. The resolution won the support of fire- prone cities across the state and was referred to two of the League’s policy committees so language revisions could be reconciled. Ultimately, the League’s Board of Directors adopted our proposal as an official League policy. The League is now advocating for this change to the CPUC, which is in the process of revising the Rule 20 program, and wildfire prevention criteria was included among proposed changes from CPUC staff. On 07/21/2020 the City Council is also considering supporting legislation (SB 1312) that would implement this change by requiring the CPUC to amend Rule 20 to allow undergrounding in high fire threat areas for wildfire mitigation. 82 Pursue annexation of the Eastview area into PVPUSD for voting Admin Yes 6/30/2021 100% On March 4, 2020, the City Council received and filed a report form the City Attorney’s Office regarding protocols for the possible Eastview community detachment from Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD) and attachment of this community to the Palos Verdes Peninsula Unified School District (PVPUSD). The Council directed no further action to be taken on this matter. Last updated: 7/14/2020 13A-13