CC SR 20200616 D - Sheriff's Law EnforcementCITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: 06/16/2020 AGENDA REPORT AGENDA HEADING: Consent Calendar AGENDA TITLE: Consideration and possible action to approve the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department Service Level Authorization for Fiscal Year 2020-21. RECOMMENDED COUNCIL ACTION: (1) Authorize the City Manager to sign the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department Service Level Authorization for Fiscal Year 2020-21 at an estimated total City annual cost of $7,081,046.51. FISCAL IMPACT: $7,222,400.00 is included in the FY 2020-21 budget for the Sheriff’s general law enforcement services, including Community Resource Team deputies serving throughout the City/Peninsula. Included in this cost is $130,500.00 used for Public Safety - Special Programs in directed patrols and traffic control. Amount Budgeted: N/A Additional Appropriation: N/A Account Number(s): 101-400-6110-5101 (Prof/Technical Service) 101-400-6120-5111 (Traffic Control) 101-400-6120-5112 (Coastal Area Patrol) 101-400-6120-5113 (Western Ave Patrol) 101-400-6120-5114 (Summer Evening Patrol) 101-400-6120-5115 (Supplemental Patrol) ORIGINATED BY: Shane Lee, Administrative Analyst REVIEWED BY: Karina Bañales, Deputy City Manager APPROVED BY: Ara Mihranian, AICP, City Manager ATTACHED SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: A. LASD Contract City Law Enforcement Service Agreement (page A-1) BACKGROUND AND DISCUSSION: The City of Rancho Palos Verdes contracts with the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department (LASD) for law enforcement services and has a fixed percentage-only formula cost-sharing model with the Peninsula cities of Rolling Hills Estates and Rolling 1 Hills. In 2014, the three contract cities agreed to migrate from a variable formula to calculate annual cost-sharing of the Sheriff’s services to a fixed percentage-only formula. The Sheriff’s general law enforcement services costs are portioned along with the following formula: Rancho Palos Verdes (68%), Rolling Hills Estates (28%), and Rolling Hills (4%). The Service Level Authorization (Attachment A), also known as Form SH-AD 575 Form (Form), delineates the unit breakdown and associated costs. The City Council approved a LASD contract in FY 2019-20 for a term of five years (until FY 2024-25). The City is now entering the second year of the five-year term. At this time, the City Council is being asked to consider the rate increase for the FY 2020-21 service levels, as described below. Rate Increases Each year, the City Council approves an annual Service Level Authorization specifying service levels and types of law enforcement services provided to the City for the next fiscal year. The City’s FY 2019-20 total expected contract cost was $6,990,976.58 for general law enforcement services, including $307,847.40 for Preserve enforcement services from July 2019 to January 2020. As of May 2020, the total cost for law enforcement services was $5,574,180.17. The City’s total expected FY 2020-21 contract cost is $7,081,046.511 for general law enforcement services, including total liability costs. This contract differs from the previous fiscal year in that it has removed the two Non-Relief Preserve Deputies and includes a unit rate increase. The unit rate increase is approximately 5.5% for Deputy Sheriff Units, 6%2 for the Surveillance and Apprehension Team (SAT) detectives (Bonus Deputy Sheriff Units) and Motor Deputy, and 7.1% for the Grant Deputy Generalist. In addition, the Liability Trust Fund surcharge increase d 0.5%, from 11% to 11.5%, for a total of $730,332.153 (up from $691,877.86 in FY 19-20). The Liability Trust Fund is incorporated into the assessed Sherriff’s staff costs, but may be returned to 11% as described in the next paragraph. In April 2020, the City Manager sent a letter to the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors in coordination with the California Contract Cities Association to consider freezing contract rate increases and the Liability Trust Fund surcharge increase for FY 1 The City’s total expected contract cost for FY 2020-21 is $7,049,292.94 with the deferment of the increase to the Liability Trust Fund Surcharge. 2 The SAT detectives and Motor Deputy Units would increase by 5.5% with the deferment to the Liability Trust Fund Surcharge. 3 LASD’s Contract Law Enforcement Bureau is expected to resend a new draft of the SH-AD 575 Form that will reflect a Liability Trust Fund Surcharge of 11% instead of the given 11.5%. The increase of 11.5% reflects the available SH-AD 575 Form for the purposes of this report. The total increase at 11% will be $698,578.58. 2 2020-21. The status of the request to defer the unit rate increase has not yet been established and is pending approval by the Board of Supervisors. However, the Liability Trust Fund surcharge increase has been deferred, as indicated by the California Contract Cities Association and the Los Angeles sheriff’s Department. Staff will return to City Council with any updates and additional information on this request. As such, the table below assumes the costs of the rate increases. The general law enforcement service level remains the same as those in FY 2019-20, with the exception of the decrease in the two Deputy Sheriff Service Units (Non-Relief Only) that were used at the Preserve, which were replaced with City Staff Park Rangers in January 2020. The table below breaks down the Sheriff’s contract costs, with more detail in the section below. FY 2020-21 Los Angeles Sheriff’s Department Contract Costs General Law Enforcement Deputy Unit positions labeled as “Non-Relief” are 40-hour work week units whose positions are not filled when the deputy is off duty. Positions labeled as “56-Hour Unit” are units whose positions are always filled, and they are scheduled for seven days with complete coverage. The Peninsula contract cities’ Community Response (CORE) Team deputies are under this categorization. The “Bonus” Deputies are the SAT detectives. These detectives focus on investigating burglary cases on the Peninsula. In FY 2015-16, the City Council authorized funding to contribute to this regionally-shared detective team. Deputy Sheriff (56-Hour Unit)10.70 450,886.00$ 4,824,480.20$ 51,851.89$ 554,815.22$ 5,379,295.42$ Deputy Sheriff (Non-Relief)1.36 292,783.00$ 398,184.88$ 33,670.05$ 45,791.26$ 443,976.14$ Deputy Sheriff (Non-Relief)2.04 314,114.00$ 640,792.56$ 36,123.11$ 73,691.14$ 714,483.70$ Growth/Grant Deputy Unit Grant Deputy Generalist (Non-Relief)1.36 201,220.00$ 273,659.20$ 23,140.30$ 31,470.81$ 305,130.01$ Supplemental Position Motor Deputy (Non-Relief)0.68 314,114.00$ 213,597.52$ 36,123.11$ 24,563.71$ 238,161.23$ Total Service Units Cost 6,350,714.36$ Total Liability Cost 730,332.15$ 7,081,046.51$ Total Cost for Service Units (incl. Liability) Deputy Sheriff Service Unit (BONUS) - Surveillance and Apprehension Team Total Units Rate per Unit Total Annual Rate Liability @11.5% per Unit Total Liability @11.5% Total Annual Cost w/ Liability Deputy Sheriff Service Unit 3 Growth Deputies Generalists are deputies offered at a discounted rate as incentives to grow the Sheriff’s contracts. These deputies would be offered for 12 months at the discounted rate, and then would become regular Deputy Sheriff Units. The City does not have any growth deputies for FY 2020-21. Grant Deputies are funded by grants and are on the contract for the duration of the grant funding. The City partners with the cities of Rolling Hills Estates and Rolling Hills to fund 1.36 units of a grant deputy unit position. Each unit position works 1,789 hours, and 1.36 units translates into 2,433 hours. The Motor Deputy is part of a supplemental position that performs additional traffic enforcement requested by the City. 0.68 Units refers to the amount of time Deputy Sheriffs dedicate to this unit’s tasks, which is approximately 1,216 hours. CORE Team CORE Team costs have been divided among the cities of Rancho Palos Verdes, Rolling Hills Estates, and Rolling Hills based on a fixed regional formula. The City partially funds its share of the two-member CORE Team using state grant funds, the Supplemental Law Enforcement Services Account (SLESA) grant funding, through the Local Citizens’ Option for Public Safety (COPS) program. SLESA funding flows from the state to the County of Los Angeles, and then periodically into a specified City revenue account. The City will assume it will continue to receive $100,000, as received last fiscal year, in SLESA funding and Staff will inform the City Council of any changes. Special Programs In addition to the Sheriff’s contract, the City has the ability to fund directed patrols to address specific community issues that are outside of the regional crime and traffic - control services provided by the Sheriff’s Department. Funding for these areas are budgeted under Public Safety - Special Programs, rather than the Sheriff’s Program, which funds general law enforcement services. Staff has included $130,500 in the FY 2020-21 Budget to provide the following directed patrols:  Traffic Patrol ($16,000)  Coastal Area Patrol ($15,500)  Western Avenue Patrol ($8,000)  Summer Evening Patrol ($5,000)  Supplemental Patrol ($86,000) The Special Programs listed above may be subject to additional analysis based on need throughout the fiscal year. 4 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: The LASD Contract City Law Enforcement Service Agreement (Attachment A) is only a draft of the new contract because the LASD’s Contract Law Enforcement Bureau is waiting on a decision from the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors regarding the consideration to freeze unit rate increases for FY 2020-21. Until a decision is made, a ready-for-signature Form cannot be sent to the contract cities. The unit rate increases are assumed for the purposes of the budget and this staff report. When a decision has been made and the final Form is available, Staff will adjust the budget accordingly and report back to the City Council. Until a new Form is created and signed, FY 2019-20 service levels are expected to continue into FY 2020-21. The fiscal impact of the service level for FY 2020-21 is budgeted for an estimated $7,222,400.00. The expected total cost of the services is estimated at $7,081,046.51, which also reflects a Liability Trust Fund Surcharge rate of 11.5%. LASD’s Contract Law Enforcement Bureau will send a new Form that reflects a rate of 11%. The fiscal impact will then change to $7,049,292.94. Staff will amend the budget once the new rate is confirmed. ALTERNATIVES: In addition to the Staff recommendation, the following alternative action is available for City Council’s consideration: 1. Direct Staff to change the service levels by increasing or decreasing dedicated units and/or special programs. 5 SH-AD 575 (REV. 04/18) CITY:FISCAL YEAR: ATTACHMENT A LOS ANGELES COUNTY SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT CONTRACT CITY LAW ENFORCEMENT SERVICES SERVICE LEVEL AUTHORIZATION (SH-AD 575) DRAFT ONLY - NOT FOR SIGNATURE Minus (2) Non-relief Preserve Deputies DEPUTY SHERIFF SERVICE UNIT 7/1/2020EFFECTIVE DATE:2020-2021Rancho Palos Verdes RANK RELIEF FACTOR SERVICE CODE NEWPREV.CHANGEANNUAL RATE ESTIMATED TOTAL ANNUAL COST LIABILITY 11.5% TOTAL ANNUAL COST W/LIABILITY ANNUAL HOURS PER SERVICE UNIT ANNUAL HOURS SCHEDULED ANNUAL MINUTES SCHEDULED PERSONNEL REQUIRED Deputy Sheriff 56-Hour Unit 307 10.70 10.70 0.00 450,886.00$ 4,824,480.20$ 554,815.22$ 5,379,295.42$ 2,920 31,244 1,874,640 17.462 Deputy Sheriff Non-Relief 310 1.36 3.36 -2.00 292,783.00$ 398,184.88$ 45,791.26$ 443,976.14$ 1,789 2,433 145,982 1.360 0 0.000 DEPUTY SHERIFF SERVICE UNIT (BONUS) RANK RELIEF FACTOR SERVICE CODE NEWPREV.CHANGEANNUAL RATE ESTIMATED TOTAL ANNUAL COST LIABILITY 11.5% TOTAL ANNUAL COST W/LIABILITY ANNUAL HOURS PER SERVICE UNIT ANNUAL HOURS SCHEDULED ANNUAL MINUTES SCHEDULED PERSONNEL REQUIRED Deputy Sheriff, Bonus I Non-Relief 305 2.04 2.04 0.00 314,114.00$ 640,792.56$ 73,691.14$ 714,483.70$ 1,789 3,650 218,974 2.040 0.00 -$ 0 0 0.000 GROWTH/GRANT DEPUTY UNIT RANK RELIEF FACTOR SERVICE CODE NEWPREV.CHANGEANNUAL RATE ESTIMATED TOTAL ANNUAL COST LIABILITY 11.5% TOTAL ANNUAL COST W/LIABILITY ANNUAL HOURS PER SERVICE UNIT ANNUAL HOURS SCHEDULED ANNUAL MINUTES SCHEDULED PERSONNEL REQUIRED Grant Deputy Generalist Non-Relief 386 1.36 1.36 0.00 201,220.00$ 273,659.20$ 31,470.81$ 305,130.01$ 1,789 2,433 145,982 1.360 0.00 -$ 0 0 0.000 SUPPLEMENTAL POSITIONS RANK RELIEF FACTOR SERVICE CODE NEWPREV.CHANGEANNUAL RATE ESTIMATED TOTAL ANNUAL COST LIABILITY 11.5% TOTAL ANNUAL COST W/LIABILITY ANNUAL HOURS PER SERVICE UNIT ANNUAL HOURS SCHEDULED ANNUAL MINUTES SCHEDULED PERSONNEL REQUIRED Motor Deputy Non-Relief 305A 0.68 0.68 0.00 314,114.00$ 213,597.52$ 24,563.71$ 238,161.23$ 1,789 1,217 72,991 0.680 0.00 -$ 0 0 0.000 0.00 -$ 0 0 0.000 Estimated Cost for Service Units: 7,081,046.51$ The terms of this Service Level Authorization (SH-AD 575) will remain in effect until a subsequent SH-AD 575 is signed and received by LASD. Notwithstanding, annual rates shall be revised annually per Sections 8.2 and 11.3 of the MLESA. LASD Approval By:Report Prepared By: DATE DATE City Approval By: Processed at CLEB By: DATE DATE 7,081,046.51$ "I certify that I am authorized to make this commitment on behalf of the City." 6,350,714.36$ CITY OFFICIAL NAME SIGNATURE UNIT COMMANDER NAME SERGEANT Estimated Subtotal:Total Liability (11.5%):730,332.15$ -$ Public Safety Equipment Cost (See page 3): Estimated Total Annual Cost: SIGNATURE SERGEANT A-1