CC SR 20200519 01 - PVDE Widening and Safety Improvements
Consideration and possible action to approve the Palos Verdes Drive East Street
Widening and Safety Improvement Project generally between Bronco Drive and
Sunnyside Ridge Road.
(1) Review the Traffic Safety Committee’s recommendations, and if acceptable,
approve the proposed Palos Verdes Drive East Street W idening and Safety
Improvement Project generally between Bronco Drive and Upper Headland
(2) Direct Staff to include this project in the 5-year CIP with engineering occurring in
FY 2020-21 and construction occurring in FY 2021-22; and,
(3) Direct Staff to install two permanent radar units along PVDE on both directions of
the Bronco Drive curve identifying both posted and actual operating speeds of
vehicular traffic.
FISCAL IMPACT: The purchase and installation of two permanent radar units in FY
19-20 will cost approximately $30,000, which would be funded from the operating
budget for traffic safety related activities.
Amount Budgeted: $30,000
Additional Appropriation: N/A
Account Number(s): 101-400-3120-5201
[General Fund- Traffic Safety/Repair & Maintenance]
ORIGINATED BY: Nasser Razepoor, PE, Associate Civil Engineer
REVIEWED BY: Elias Sassoon, PE, Director of Public Works
APPROVED BY: Ara Mihranian, AICP, City Manager
A. Proposed Design Layout and Cost Estimate (page A-1)
B. February 18, 2020 City Council Staff Report (page B-1)
C. Draft Traffic Safety Committee Minutes of April 28, 2020 (page C-1)
On February 18, 2020, Staff presented the City Council with the schematic design for
the proposed Palos Verdes Drive East (PVDE) street widening and safety improvement
project. The project includes the widening of PVDE generally from Bronco Drive to
Upper Headland Drive, as well as constructing an equestrian trail and a sidewalk from
Bronco Drive to Sunnyside Ridge. A detailed background and design description can be
found in the attached February 18 City Council staff report (Attachment B). In summary,
the proposed project presented to the City Council on February 18, consisted of the
• Widening PVDE from its existing width of 24 feet (two 12-feet-wide lanes in each
direction) to 38 feet (two 13-foot-wide lanes in each direction plus a 12-foot wide
center lane) between Bronco Drive and Upper Headland Drive.
• Installing “No Passing” signs in advance of the center lane in each direction.
• Constructing a 6-foot to 8-foot wide equestrian trail and a 5-foot to 6-foot wide
sidewalk between Bronco Drive and Sunnyside Ridge Road.
• Installing a pedestrian/equestrian crossing across PVDE near Upper Headland
Drive with flashing amber lights and necessary advanced warning signs.
• Installing two permanent radar speed units to inform drivers of their operating
speed as vehicles enter the curve from both directions.
• Installing curb reflectors and reflective striping along the curve.
The-then estimated cost of the project was $3.5 million which included the cost for
survey work, design, construction and construction management.
After considering public testimony, including presentations from Staff and members of
the public, the City Council directed Staff to revise the project and reduce the adverse
impacts on the adjacent private properties and lower the overall cost of the proj ect by
reducing, or altogether eliminating, the retaining walls.
Project Design Revisions
Based on City Council direction at the February 18 meeting, Staff revised the schematic
design of the project as described below:
The widening of PVDE was reduced from 38 feet (two 13-foot wide lanes in each
direction plus a 12-foot wide center lane) to 36 feet (two 12-foot-wide lanes in
each direction plus a 12-foot-wide center lane).
The roadway was shifted to the north at the Bronco Drive curve by approximately
8 feet in order to reduce impacts to the adjacent property located south of the
Bronco Drive curvature.
Removal of sidewalks. A decomposed granite (DG) path is designed to serve
both pedestrians and equestrians along this stretch of PVDE.
The design was revised to reduce the degree of grading to the maximum extent
possible, eliminating the need for retaining walls thereby significantly reducing
the cost of the project.
Neighborhood Outreach Meeting (March 10, 2020):
On March 10, 2020, Staff held a public outreach meeting with surrounding neighbors
and stakeholders to present the proposed project revisions. The revisions were widely
supported by those in attendance. However, since the design and construction of this
project would take some time, the residents requested that certain project safety
features be installed immediately as a short-term solution to alleviate some of the
challenging traffic issues. Residents requested the installation of the following
safeguards as soon as practical:
Two permanent radar units, one on either side of the Bronco Drive curve,
showing the speed limit, as well as the operating speed of the approaching
Warning signs indicating “Hidden Driveway Entry” at various locations along the
PVDE curve at Bronco Drive.
Traffic Safety Committee Meeting (April 28, 2020):
On April 28, 2020, the Traffic Safety Committee (TSC) considered the revised project
schematics presented at the March 10 neighborhood meeting, and included the
following modifications based on additional input:
Striping changes to the middle center lane to allow access to all properties from
either direction.
The proposed activated flashing light at the crossing was changed from amber to
red. The reason for this change was that Staff just learned about the result of the
ongoing speed analysis along arterials (including this stretch of PVDE), which
showed the 85th percentile of the speed of vehicular traffic along PVDE by
Bronco Drive to be 43 mph. This speed requires a red flashing light based on the
best engineering practices.
After considering public testimony, including presentations from Staff and the City’s
consulting engineer, the TSC moved to recommend the following to the City Council:
Proceed with Staff’s recommended revisions.
Install permanent radar units on either side of the Bronco Drive curve, showing
posted and actual operating speeds to drivers as soon as practical as a short-
term solution to alleviate the traffic-related issues along the PVDE curve at
Bronco Drive.
Do not install signs indicating “Hidden Driveway Entries.” This was included in
the TSC’s recommendation because this type of sign is not standard, would likely
not be effective, and would add to the cluttering of the roadway.
Proposed Final Project Design
Based on the TSC’s recommendations, in summary, the proposed project before the
City Council this evening now consists of the following:
Widening PVDE from 24 feet (two 12-foot-wide lanes in each direction) to 36 feet
(two 12-foot-wide lanes in each direction plus a 12-feet-wide center lane) from
Bronco Drive to Upper Headland Drive.
Installing pedestrian/equestrian activated flashing red light at the crossing.
Shifting the roadway to the north by approximately 8 feet to reduce impact on the
adjacent property to the south of PVDE at Bronco Drive.
Eliminating retaining walls by reducing grading.
Eliminating sidewalks since the DG path could serve both pedestrians and
Striping the middle center lane to allow access to all properties from either
The revised project is now estimated to cost $1.5 million (Attachment A), which has
been reduced to less than half of the initial estimated cost of $3.5 million.
In addition to the above, Staff recommends the immediate installation of two permanent
radar units along PVDE on either side of the Bronco Drive curve, showing both posted
and actual operating speeds of vehicular traffic. This would serve as a short -term
safeguard to alleviate some of the challenging traffic issues along this stretch of PVDE.
The estimated cost for installing these two radar units is $30,000.
Staff recommends the City Council direct Staff to proceed with this public safety
roadway project as recommended by the TSC and to include this project in the 5-year
CIP consisting of engineering to occur in FY 2020-21 and construction to occur in FY
In addition to the Staff recommendations, the following alternative action is available for
the City Council’s consideration:
1. Discuss and provide direction regarding any other design option, as
deemed appropriate by the City Council.
Consideration and possible action to construct traffic safety improvements on Palos
Verdes Drive East generally between Bronco Drive and Headland Drive
(1) Review the proposed traffic safety improvements along Palos Verdes Drive East
consisting of street widening between Bronco Drive and Upper Headland Drive
and constructing a new pedestrian and equestrian trail between Bronco Drive
and Sunnyside Ridge Road; and,
(2) If deemed acceptable, direct Staff to include the project in the City’s upcoming
Capital Improvements Program for design and construction.
FISCAL IMPACT: None at this time
Amount Budgeted: N/A
Additional Appropriation: N/A
Account Number(s): N/A
ORIGINATED BY: Nasser Razepoor, PE, Associate Civil Engineer
REVIEWED BY: Elias Sassoon, PE, Director of Public Works
APPROVED BY: Ara Mihranian, AICP, Interim City Manager
A. Project Description Summary (page A-1)
B. Staff report of January 23, 2010, regarding the Palos Verdes Drive East
Safety Improvements Preliminary Study Report (page B-1)
C. Staff report of July 6, 2010, regarding the Palos Verdes Drive East Safety
Improvements Implementation Plan (page C-1)
D. Staff report of July 31, 2018, regarding the equestrian trail along PVDE
from Bronco Drive to Lower Headland Drive (page D-1)
E. Staff report of October 16, 2018, regarding PVDE traffic safety
improvements from Bronco Drive to Lower Headland Drive (page E-1)
F. TSC Minutes of June 24, 2019 (page F-1)
G. TSC Draft Minutes of January 16, 2020 (page G-1)
H. Recommended Layout and Cost Estimate (page H-1)
Ten years ago, the City began exploring an opportunity to develop an equestrian trail on
Palos Verdes Drive East (PVDE) from Bronco Drive to Sunnyside Ridge using a
Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP) grant. The City’s Conceptual Trails Plan
(CTP) identifies this trail as Section 5, Segment C18, the “Upper Palos Verdes Drive
East Segment.”
The project was presented to the City Council in 2010 (Attachments B and C) among
nine priority projects that were identified by the Traffic Safety Commission (at that time)
and the City’s traffic engineering consultant as a result of the PVDE Safety
Improvements Preliminary Study Report. In April 2014, the City successfully secured a
$487,600 Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP) grant to fund roadway
improvements including the development of the trail.
Staff and the consultant design engineer met with residents of the project area and
representatives of the local equestrian community in 2015 to gather input regarding the
design of the project which consisted of constructing sidewalks, removing line-of-sight
obstructing vegetation, and widening PVDE to address vehicular line-of-sight issues,
particularly for the driveways located along the sharp curve of the roadway. Engineering
drawings were developed based on input from these groups. Subsequently, two public
outreach meetings were held with residents and interested parties in April and May
2018 to review the scope of the project and seek input. Attendees at both meetings
were almost evenly split between supporting and opposing the project. The residents
opposed to the project indicated that in the past year, there was only one occasion
when someone rode a horse along this stretch of PVDE, concluding that there was no
need for an equestrian trail. The residents in favor of the project indicated that if there
was an equestrian trail constructed, there would be more riders using this trail.
On July 31, 2018, Staff sought the City Council’s direction about how to proceed with
the PVDE Traffic Safety Improvement Project (Attachment D). During this meeting, Staff
also presented conceptual engineering drawings that were developed based on input
from area residents. In an attempt to reduce the adverse impact on the residents , the
City Council directed Staff to further enhance and/or explore other option s, such as
reducing the width of the proposed trail or exploring a meandering alignment for the trail
to avoid improvements within the right-of-way. The City Council further directed Staff to
work with the adjacent property owners by adding new trees and shrubs (landscaping
improvements) as part of the project to mitigate the trees and shrubs that would have to
be removed.
On October 16, 2018, Staff updated the City Council on this phase of the PVDE Traffic
Safety Improvement Project based on the revised design that reduced the width of the
proposed trail and shoulder (Attachment E). The City Council directed Staff to return the
HSIP grant funds because of, among other things, grant restrictions, and to revisit the
project with a proposal to include an engineering project in the upcoming Capital
Improvement Project (CIP) list addressing traffic safety issues, including a trail without
restrictions tied to grant funding.
Traffic Safety Committee Meeting (June 24, 2019):
On June 24, 2019, Staff presented the Traffic Safety Committee (TSC) with the latest
iteration of the PVDE widening improvements project, which consisted of the widening
of PVDE from Bronco Drive to Upper Headland Drive and adding a pedestrian and
equestrian trail from Bronco to Sunnyside Ridge Drive.
The TSC discussed the project scope, background, issues and concerns and received
comments from the public, including area residents and members of the equestrian
community (Attachment F). In response, the TSC moved to recommend that Staff
explore the following alternatives for review at a future meeting:
1. The proposal as prepared with no modification.
2. The proposal as prepared with a pedestrian/equestrian trail on the north/top side
at Bronco Drive, with a crosswalk on PVDE between Upper Headland Drive and
Lower Headland Drive, and removing the crosswalk at Bronco Drive.
3. The proposal as prepared, plus including pedestrian sidewalks and equestrian
pathways on both the north and south sides of PVDE (at the curve) and adding
two crosswalks, one south of Bronco Drive, and a second crosswalk south of
Upper Headland Drive.
The TSC further moved to recommend increasing enforcement aimed at reducing
speed-related accidents on PVDE.
Neighborhood Outreach Meeting (December 11, 2019):
On December 11, 2019, a neighborhood meeting was conducted by Staff and the
design engineer consultant to present and receive input on the updated project design
drawings, which included widening PVDE from Bronco Drive to Upper Headland Drive,
including a middle turning lane between Bronco Drive and Upper Headland Drive, and
constructing a pedestrian sidewalks and equestrian trail between Bronco Drive and
Sunnyside Ridge. These drawings also included the proposed trail crossing at Upper
Headland Drive. At this meeting, it was suggested that the following components be
included in the project scope:
Add advance warning signs prior to the trail crossing.
Install speed radar units that show the speed limit and speed of drivers.
Install reflector buttons at the edges of the roadway and the center lane.
Install signs to indicate “No Passing” along the sharp curve at Bronco Drive.
In response, Staff worked with the design engineer consultant and revised the drawings
to include the above suggestions. The public was informed that the revised design
would be presented to the TSC prior to being presented to the City Council.
Traffic Safety Committee Meeting (January 16, 2020):
On January 16, 2020, the TSC was presented with the revised project which consisted
of the following:
Proposed widening of PVDE from Bronco to Upper Headland Drive.
Proposed pedestrian sidewalks and equestrian trail improvements along PVDE
from Bronco to Sunnyside Ridge.
Proposed trail crossing at PVDE just south of Upper Headlands Drive along with
flashing beacon lights for this crossing, signs, installation of permanent radar
speed units, and installation of curb reflectors.
Based on the discussion at the meeting, the TSC moved to include the addition of trees
and shrubs to mitigate the adverse impacts of the project to the adjacent property
owners, and recommended that the proposed layout of the PVDE widening and
sidewalk/equestrian improvements from Bronco Drive to Sunnyside Ridge be presented
to the City Council (Attachment G).
Proposed Final Project Design
Based on the TSC’s recommended motion, the proposed project before the City Council
this evening consists of the following:
Widening PVDE from its existing width of 24 feet (two 12-feet-wide lanes in each
direction) to 38 feet (two 13-feet-wide lanes in each direction plus a 12-feet-wide
center lane) from Bronco Drive to Upper Headland Drive.
Installing a “No Passing” signs in advance of the center lane in each direction.
Constructing a 6- to 8-foot-wide equestrian trail and a 5- to 6-foot-wide sidewalk
from Bronco Drive to Sunnyside Ridge Road.
Installing pedestrian/equestrian crossing across PVDE near Upper Headland
Drive with flashing beacons and advanced warning signs.
Installing two permanent radar speed units for traffic entering the curve from
each direction.
Installing curb reflectors and reflective striping along the curve.
The estimated cost of this project is $3.5 million (Attachment H) which includes the cost
for survey work, design, construction and construction management.
Staff recommends including this project in the City’s upcoming CIP program so it can
compete for the funding needed to design the project. Following the design, it would
then compete with all other City CIP projects for construction funding.
In addition to the Staff recommendations, the following alternative actions are available
for the City Council’s consideration:
1. Direct Staff not to include this project in the CIP.
2. Discuss and make recommendations on other options, as deemed
appropriate by the City Council.
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Palos Verdes Drive East Traffic Safety Improvements –
Bronco Drive to Sunnyside Ridge Drive
Project Development Summary
January 28, 2020
This project development summary provides a chronological record of the activities completed to date to improve the
vehicular, pedestrian and equestrian traffic safety along Palos Verdes Drive East (PVDE) from Bronco Drive and Sunnyside
Ridge Drive.
In 2010, a comprehensive report (Palos Verdes Drive East Preliminary Study (PVDEPS) by Willdan was presented to City Council
that identified key areas along the PVDE corridor. The corridor is generally a narrow, north-south two-lane roadway that serves
as a primary traffic artery for the Palos Verdes Peninsula. Within the City of Rancho Palos Verdes, PVDE extends six miles from
the North City Limit, north of Conestoga Drive, to Palos Verde Drive South. PVDE serves not only motor vehicles, but also serves
pedestrians, bicyclists and equestrians. For most of its length, however, there are minimal separate provisions for pedestrians,
bicyclists or equestrians, and this situation sometimes creates conflicts between the motor vehicles and the other modes of
The purpose of the PVDEPS was to identify key areas for safety improvements, to serve as the basis for obtaining future outside
funding, and to provide a programming tool for the Capital Improvement Program (CIP) and City budget. Accordingly, the
PVDEPS reviewed the existing facilities and conditions of PVDE in the City of Rancho Palos Verdes then established a priority
listing of the key areas requiring safety improvements. A project, extending from Bronco Drive to Lower Headland Drive, was
established as the highest priority project due to the roadway geometry and narrow pavement width coupled with the potential
pedestrian, bicycle and equestrian conflicts. This current project extends the limits to Sunnyside Ridge Drive to connect the
fragmented designated equestrian trail along Palos Verdes Drive East in this area.
Although the existing roadway right of way is 90 feet wide, only approximately half of the available right of way width is
currently used for the roadway that includes only 2-twelve foot opposing traffic lanes and narrow shoulders of varying width.
The short radius curve at Bronco Drive also causes a sight distance deficiency as well. The sight distance concern is the primary
cause of the vehicular accidents experienced at Bronco Drive through the curve that is also hazardous to pedestrian traffic
crossing the roadway.
This current project will focus on mitigation of the sight distance problem while also including provision to safely cross the
roadway for both pedestrian and equestrian traffic. The fragmented equestrian trail from Sunnyside Ridge Drive will be
enhanced to minimum safe standards and a formal crossing of PVDE established at Upper Headland Drive outside of the Bronco
curve. The crossing will serve both pedestrian and equestrian traffic with amber LED flashing beacons activated at the crossing.
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In addition to the crossing at Upper Headland Drive, the roadway will be widened through the curve to add a 12 foot wide
center turn lane to accommodate turns into Bronco Drive and the three private drive entrances located within the curve. The
additional center lane will also provide much better sight distance around and through the curve.
As shown on the exhibits, the equestrian traffic will be directed to cross PVDE at Upper Headland from the south side where
they had been traveling since leaving Sunnyside Ridge Drive. The equestrian trail width on the south side will be a minimum
of 6 feet clear protected by a guard rail for most of that distance. After crossing, the width will increase in some areas along
the north side as shown in the above photo #4 and will always have at least 6 foot clear passage.
Between Sunnyside Ridge and Upper Headland, the parkway area will be widened to a width of 8’ so the width behind the
curb and guard rail designated as an equestrian trail will have a minimum clear width of 6 feet. In most cases, there will be a
short retaining wall constructed along the back side of the parkway to create the 6 foot clear zone.
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A community meeting was conducted on December 11, 2019 to discuss the updated project. The project was well received
by the attending residents and several constructive comments were offered during the open discussion period. The primary
comments are listed below with commentary describing how these will be incorporated into the final design of the project.
1. Install advance warning signs, prior to the crossing.
Reflective signage will be added to the project to provide adequate advance warning of the proposed cross walk at
Upper Headland Drive.
2. Install radar signs that show the speed limit and how fast the drivers are going.
Automated radar signs will be added in both directions in advance of the curve at Bronco Drive to indicate the
speed limit and to show the actual speed of the approaching vehicle.
3. Install reflector buttons at the edges of the roadway and the center lane.
The lack of street lighting can be mitigated with the installation of reflective buttons both along the curb line and
along the outside striping of the center lane through the curve. These will assist approaching vehicles.
4. Install signage to say left turn only at the center lane.
Signage and roadway markings will be incorporated in the final design to clarify the purpose of the center lane
through the curve at Bronco Drive. It will clear that it is not a passing lane.
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Existing topography and various private improvements along the north side of the roadway make the south side more
appropriate for the equestrian trail connection. The crossing at Upper Headland Drive provides the safest available location
to connect to the existing trail at Bronco Drive.
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The proposed roadway cross section will include two 13 foot travel lanes, one 12 foot center lane, two four foot shoulder lanes
and two 6 foot sidewalk or equestrian areas for a total minimum width of 58 feet. The current roadway cross section is
approximately 42 feet wide. The total roadway prism was evaluated with a shift of 6 feet to either side of the right of way
center line to determine the most cost effective and logical position of the new section. All the private properties have
encroached into the public right of way with private improvements, primarily drive approaches and landscape. The goal was
to minimize disruption of these improvements while implementing this project. The exhibit below illustrates the geometric
options evaluated.
Option 1 (purple) had the shift northerly about the RW center line that naturally impacted the properties to that side the
most. The items that would be impacted were the three block walls, all the public utility poles and boxes and the enhanced
drive approaches and landscaping between the two Headland Drives.
Option 2 (turquoise) would center the roadway prism about the RW centerline. The location did not appreciably change the
impacts noted in option 1. The block walls and utilities would still be disrupted without any real benefit to the properties on
the other side of the street.
Options 3 (green) has the roadway prism shifted to the south about the RW centerline. The unavoidable impacts on the north
with the other options no longer are at issue and the impacts to the properties to the south are minimal. The utility impacts
and the enhanced private drive improvements are avoided. Therefore, Option 3 was selected as the preferred improvement
The project was presented to the Traffic Safety Committee on December 11, 2019 where affected homeowners had the
opportunity to discuss the individual impacts on their adjacent properties. Aside from the loss of shielding trees and shrubbery
on the south side, the project was well received. A substantial allowance has been added to the budget for landscape
mitigation to address these impacts with the final design of the project.
MONDAY, JUNE 24, 2019
Chair Liu called the meeting to order at 6:36 p.m., at the City Hall Community Room,
30940 Hawthorne Boulevard, Rancho Palos Verdes, California 90275.
PRESENT: Members Colville, Guerin, Hamill, Tye and Chair Liu
ALSO PRESENT: Elias Sassoon, Director of Public Works; Natalie Chan, Senior
Engineer, Lauren Ramezani, Senior Administrative Analyst and Acting Recording
Secretary; Public Works Department, Deputy Schloegl, Lomita Sheriff’s, Bob
Merrell, Anderson Penna Engineering, Mayor Pro Tem John Cruikshank
Member Tye led the assembly in the Pledge of Allegiance.
Chair Liu mentioned making a minor change to the Agenda in order to add two items to
the Informational Items: New Item 3, the City of RPV Annual Independence Day
Celebration, and new Item 4, the Annual Work Plan Review. A new Agenda item was
added, the Sheriff’s Status Report.
Member Guerin moved to approve the two additional Information Items, and the Sheriff’s
Status Report to the Agenda. Member Tye seconded the motion.
Motion Approved: Ayes 5, Nays 0
Chair Liu mentioned that TSC Liaison, Mayor Pro Tem Cruikshank had a conflict and
may not be at the meeting, or will be late for the meeting. Mayor Duhovic is the
alternative liaison. He added that having the liaison would be beneficial to the
Member Guerin moved to approve the minutes of March 25, 2019 and Member Hamill
seconded it.
Motion Approved: Ayes 5, Nays 0
Member Guerin moved to approve the minutes of April 22, 2019 and Member Colville
seconded it.
Motion Approved: Ayes 5, Nays 0
This item was added to the agenda. Deputy Schloegl distributed a printout of primary
collision factors for January to May 20 19, and a brief summary report on the number of
traffic citations including collisions and arrests for January to May 2019. He added that
due to a staff absence some minor information might not be on the report. Member Tye
thanked him for the helpful report.
1.PVDE Road Widening Improvements from Bronco Drive to Headland Drive
Recommendations: Informational and seeking input from committee
One item of Late Correspondence, an email from Sunshine, was distributed at the
beginning of the meeting. Director Sassoon provided a PowerPoint presentation,
explained the project’s background, and issues and concerns. He added that this item
was presented to the City Council twice before. Mayor Pro Tem Cruikshank arrived
during this item.
Committee Discussion and Staff Questions
The Committee and staff discussed the project scope and Director Sassoon and
Consulting Engineer Bob Merrell provided clarifications and answered questions.
Chair Liu announced a recess break from 7:53 PM to 8:02 to allow the public time to
talk with Director Sassoon and Consulting Engineer Merrell.
After the meeting resumed, members of the public were invited to provide input.
Evie Hunter, RPV resident, liked the idea of the project. However, she had a different
concern. Her issue was with the intersection of Bronco and PVDE. Cars park after the
partially red zone, which makes entry/exit from Stallion Road difficult, causing cars to
wait on PVDE for clearance to enter Bronco. She wanted the entire curb area painted
red again to help with better traffic flow.
Chair Liu asked if staff could and get back to the Committee. Member Tye said if the
issue is simple maintenance therefore would be no need a report back.
Chair Liu moved to request staff to look at this issue, return next meeting, and provide
the Committee information on what it proposes to do. However, if it is a simple
maintenance item, perform the work and report to the committee.
Motion Approved (by hand count): Ayes 5, Nays 0
Chris Engen, RPV Resident, commented that visibility is an issue and there is a need for
brush in the City owned easement to be trimmed back. He also asked for a reduced
speed limit of 25 mph to help with entry/exit from driveways on PVDE.
Anna Chu, RPV Resident, commented that she is in support of any improvements to
PVDE. She said that there is a beautiful brick wall that could be impacted by the project.
She added that she has been in contact with Ron Dragoo about a safe place to cross the
street. A study was performed many years ago and the word was estimated at $85,000.
She was questioning how her barn had to be removed since it was in the public ROW,
but other private improvements on the public ROW could stay.
Sister Virginia Buchholz, RPV Resident, commented on the speeding cars around her
residence. She thought moving the cross walk further down was safer.
Madeline Ryan, RPV Resident, asked for clarification on where the extra traffic lane would
be located. She questioned how the width of the sidewalk was configured. She also
agreed that the cross walk be further down for safety. She also wanted two equestrian
pathways, both on the north and south side of PVDE.
Dana Ward, RPV Resident, had questions about alternative paths for the project, and if
safety issues including the Sheriff’s reports were included in the design consideration.
He added when lanes merge, or during project construction, there would be traffic
problems. He said he is not convinced that this design improves visibility or safety.
Charlene O’Neil, RPV Resident, commented that crosswalks should be at the lower
Headland where visibility is better. She said there are several in attendance who have
two or more horses, and that there are horses on the eastside of the street.
Additional discussion ensued. Including the fact that residential speed limits cannot be
below 25 mph, that vegetation and possibly trees will need to be cut back or removed for
improved visibility, and that the Community Development Department in conjunction with
the Trail Network Plan is considering alternative paths. A motion was made to hear from
Ms. Chu again.
Motion Approved (by a show of hands): Ayes 5, Nays 0
Ms. Chu commented that there are horse properties in that area and how horses from the
upper side could get to the lower side of PVDE.
Chair Chu suggested exploring recommendations for the TSC to provide the City Council
for consideration. Discussion ensued.
Member Tye moved that the Traffic Safety Committee (TSC) asks that when a
recommendation regarding the widening of PVDE from Bronco Drive to Upper Headland
is presented to City Council, to include a report from the Sheriff’s Department indicating
general locations and primary collision factors for accidents on P VDE between lower
Headland and Roan Drive for the past five years, regardless of whether they were fatal
accidents, including both vehicles and bicycles. Member Hamill seconded it.
Motion Approved: Ayes 5, Nays 0
Chair Liu moved that the TSC recommend that there be increased speed enforcement
between upper Headland and Bronco Drive aimed at reducing speed related accidents.
Member Hamill seconded it.
Motion Approved: Ayes 5, Nays 0
Member Tye moved that the TSC recommends that staff consider for pres entation to the
City Council alternative proposals for comparison sake. First option: the current proposal
prepared by staff (as is); Second option: an equestrian trail on the north/ top side of
Bronco Drive (the roadway top of curve), with a crosswalk on PVDE between upper
Headland and lower Headland, and remove the crosswalk at Bronco Drive; and the Third
option: the proposal prepared by staff (as is), plus include equestrian pathways on both
the north and south sides of PVDE (at the curve), and add two crosswalks, one south of
Bronco Drive connecting both sides of PVDE, and a second crosswalk south of upper
Headland Drive connecting both sides of PVDE, and 3) Increase enforcement aimed at
reducing speed related accidents. Chair Liu added that the TSC makes no specific
recommendation on any of these options. Member Guerin seconded it.
Motion Approved: Ayes 5, Nays 0
1.Statement Explaining TSC Decisions / Sub-Committee
2.Update Traffic Commissioner’s Workshop Reference Manual
Chair Liu commented that he had asked for Item 1 to be added and explained his
reasoning. Chair Liu moved "to create a TSC Recommendation Summary Sub-
Committee. The Recommendation Summary Sub-Committee is tasked with preparing a
template of a form to provide the City Council with an executive summary of our
recommendation and reasoning, and then once a form has been agreed upon, completing
and submitting the executive summary to the City Council following each of our
recommendations. Membership on the Sub-Committee shall run for 1 year terms starting
with the TSC's April meeting (or soonest meeting thereafter), and ending with the next
April meeting (or soonest meeting thereafter)”. Member Hamill seconded it.
Motion Approved: Ayes 5, Nays 0
Discussion ensued on members for the subcommittee. Members Hamill and Tye
Chair Liu commented that when he began on the TSC he had received a reference
manual, which showed him all the previously made rules. Chair Liu moved to create a
TSC Rules Subcommittee tasked with creating a template and tracking the internal rules
and procedures to keep the history and documentation of rules made by the TSC.
Membership on the Sub-Committee shall run for 1 year terms starting with the TSC's April
meeting (or soonest meeting thereafter), and ending with the next April meeting (or
soonest meeting thereafter).
There were no seconds. Discussion ensued and clarifications made. Member Tye asked
for the item to be tabled to a later date. All agreed.
Chair Liu mentioned the City of RPV Annual Independence Day Celebration . Member
Tye volunteered to be at the booth for part or the entire event.
Chair Liu mentioned the TSC’s annual Work Plan review, which will be presented to the
City Council on August 20th.
Member Hamill explained a new assembly bill, AB 2363, the creation of the Zero Fatalities
Task Force. She has submitted her name to be on the task force advisory group and will
keep members informed of new developments.
A. Signal Light Design at Hawthorne Blvd and Via Rivera - Alternatives to
Traffic Signal Light (04-22-2019; Staff)
Director Sassoon commented that the consulting firm has completed their study and the
item will be presented to TSC at the July meeting. Member Hamill commented that most
probably she will miss the July meeting but will submit her comments on the project.
Member Tye thanked the Sheriff’s Department for their report and hard work.
Member Tye moved to adjourn the meeting to July 22, 2019 at 6:30 p.m. and Chair Liu
seconded it. The meeting adjourned at 10:06 p.m.
Motion Approved: Ayes 5, Nays 0
Chair Liu called the special meeting to order at 6:34 p.m., at Hesse Park, McTaggart Hall,
29301 Hawthorne Boulevard, Rancho Palos Verdes, California 90275.
PRESENT: Members Guerin, Tye and Chair Liu
ABSENT: Vice Chair Colville (excused), Hamill* (arrived at 6:45 P.M.)
ALSO PRESENT: Elias Sassoon, Director of Public Works; Nasser Razepoor,
Associate Engineer; Lauren Ramezani, Senior Administrative Analyst and Acting
Recording Secretary, Public Works Department, Bob Merrill, Ardurra Group,
Consulting Engineer
Member Guerin led the assembly in the Pledge of Allegiance.
Member Guerin moved to approve the agenda, and Member Tye seconded the motion.
Motion Approved: Ayes 3, Nays 0, Absent 2
Chair Liu thanked everyone for coming to the meeting, which was at a different venue.
Member Tye moved to approve the minutes of the November 25, 2019 meeting and Chair
Liu seconded it.
Motion Approved: Ayes 3, Nays 0, Absent 2
A deputy could not attend, however the 2020 annual collision and accident report and
citations was provided which was distributed as late correspondence. Member Tye
commented on the fatal collision on PVDE switchbacks and had hoped that a deputy
would be present to provide more information.
There were two requests to speak.
Thomas Olson- He commented that he represented the Park Place HOA and was
concerned about the heavy traffic in the area and the removal of the flashing message
board trailer. Discussion ensued. It was agreed to add this item as a future agenda to
allow more time to discuss and see who else is being impacted.
Noel Park- He commented that he represented the Pacific View HOA and was concerned
about speeding on Locklenna Lane and Verde Ridge Road, and suggested for radar
speed units to be permanently installed along these residential streets. Director Sassoon
commented that radar speed units were typically not placed on residential streets.
Member Hamill arrived during this item.
1)Biannual TSC Status Report to City Council- Review and approve the
highlights/talking points which needs to be included in the staff report for the Biannual
TSC Status Report for the February 4, 2020 City Council Meeting.
Action Taken:
Chair Liu mentioned that he worked on the draf t biannual status report with Member
Colville. Discussion ensued and modifications made. TSC approved the revised status
report, and will submit it to the Director of Public Works.
Approved (by a show of hands): Ayes 4, Nays 0, Absent 1
1)Acceleration Lane along Hawthorne Boulevard and Los Verdes Drive- Review
consultant report and recommendation, and discuss.
Action Taken:
Director Sassoon commented that consulting traffic engineer Vanessa Munoz could
not attend, but was available by phone, if needed. He reported that the Willdan
Engineering report had indicated that no warrant was met for the acceleration lane at
this intersection. Therefore, the report recommended not proceeding with the design
or construction of the acceleration lane. Discussion ensued. Chair Liu moved to
recommend staff not to proceed with the design of the acceleration lane, seconded by
Member Tye.
Motion Approved: Ayes 4, Nays 0, Absent 1
2)PVDE Roadway Widening and Equestrian Trail Project- Review consultant report
and recommendation, and discuss.
Action Taken:
Two items of late correspondence were distributed. Director Sassoon presented the
item and commented on the successful public outreach meeting that was held on
December 11, 2019 regarding this project. He introduced Bob Merrill, consulting
engineer, who designed the project. Discussion ensued. There were three speakers:
Sister Tracy Sharp- They own several properties by the proposed work. She spoke in
favor of the project and improved visibility.
Jeff Feldman- He recently purchased the property adjacent to the proposed work. He
brought up a concern regarding this project as it may affect some of his improvements
which now exist within the public right-of-way and expressed concern. He was in favor
of safety improvements, but added that the foliage removal would create a privacy
concern and the project would make access to the side of his property more difficult.
Madeline Ryan- She questioned the estimated cost increase. She commented that
the narrow width of the trail was an issue. She did not support the project, but
supported the crossing.
Further discussion ensued and clarifications made. TSC members added that
originally the project had more of a safety improvement emphasis, while this new
version was focusing more on the trail than safety concerns, and hence significant
cost increases. Director Sassoon said the extensive foliage, all in the public right- of-
way along the southern portion of the tight curve along PVDE at Bronco would be
removed to construct the proposed middle lane and enhance visibility.
Member Tye moved to recommend to forward to the City Council the proposed layout
as presented by staff as shown on pages 1, 2, and 3 from the Bronco to Sunnyside
Ridge project. Member Hamill seconded the motion.
Motion Approved: Ayes 3, Nays 1 (Liu), Absent 1
Chair Liu added that he could not vote yes since traffic related issues of the proposed
layout pages 2 and 3 were not discussed in full with the TSC.
Chair Liu moved that the TSC recommends staff work with re sidents who may be
affected by the project to mitigate loss of foliage and vegetation due to the project.
Member Tye seconded the motion.
Motion Approved: Ayes 4, Nays 0, Absent 1
3)Review 2019 City Goals- Review and provide input for City Council consideration.
Action Taken:
Director Sassoon presented the item. Chair Liu commented that he would be out of
town for work and could not attend the February 12th meeting, but Vice Chair Colville
could. He asked members to convey their thoughts to her. Discussion ensued
regarding implementing additional measures to reduce speeding and congestion, and
obtaining information on speeding on arterials.
Member Tye proposed to recommend to City Council to investigate measures to
mitigate problems associated with speed and congestion. All agreed.
Motion Approved: Ayes 4, Nays 0, Absent 1
I.1. Items going before the City Council (tentative date 2/18/20):
a.Installation of Traffic Signal at Via Rivera/Hawthorne Blvd.
b.Installation of All-Way Stop Sign at Intersection of Crestridge Rd. and
Middlecrest Rd.
c.PVDW at Berryhill Dr. Pedestrian Crossing
Director Sassoon commented on their status of Items I.1.a, I.1.b. and I.1.c. He added
that those plus the PVDE widening and equestrian trial will most probably be on the
February 18, 2020 City Council meeting. Minutes of the meetings, which discussed these
items, were to be sent to the TSC so a short report could be prepared by TSC to articulate
the reasoning for their decisions.
I.2. Miraleste chevron signs and reflective markers
Director Sassoon reported that he had sent photos of the installed signs and markers to
I.3. Caltrans Guidelines for installation of new guardrails along PVDE
Director Sassoon reported that the link shows the guidelines that Caltrans uses and there
are areas on PVDE that meet those requirements.
Park Place Parking issues to be added.
Chair Liu also mentioned the extension of the left turn lane pocket on Hawthorne Blvd. by
Highridge Rd. to increase the capacity of cars waiting to make a left turn. Director Sassoon
said he would look into that and get back to the Committee.
Member Hamill moved to adjourn the meeting to March 23, 2020 at 6:30 p.m. and Member
Tye seconded it. The meeting adjourned at 9:18 p.m.
Motion Approved: Ayes 4, Nays 0, Absent 1
DRAFT Traffic Safety Committee Minutes
April 28, 2020
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Chair Liu called the special virtual meeting to order at 4:04 P.M. conducted via
teleconference using the Zoom platform.
PRESENT: Members Colville, Fox, Guerin, Tye and Chair Liu
ALSO PRESENT: Elias Sassoon, Director of Public Works; Ara Mihranian, City
Manager, Lukasz Buchwald , IT Manager; Nasser Razepoor, Associate Engineer;
Lauren Ramezani , Senior Administrative Analyst and Acting Recording Secretary,
Public Works Department; Cheri Bailiff, Permit Technician; Vanessa Nunez,
Willdan Engineering, Consulting Traffic Engineer; Bob Merrill, Ardurra Group,
Consulting Engineer; Deputy Patrick Duran, LA County Sheriffs
Member Fox led the assembly in the Pledge of Allegiance.
Member Tye moved to approve the agenda, and Chair Liu seconded the motion.
Motion Approved: Ayes 5, Nays 0
Chair Liu thanked everyone for joining the meeting through the new teleconference
platform. The list of the names of all interested parties were read aloud to see if they had
joined the meeting.
Chair Liu welcomed new member Martin Fox. Member Fox commented that he looked
forward to seeing everyone in person.
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April 28, 2020
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Member Tye moved to approve the minutes of the January 16, 2020 special meeting, and
Chair Liu seconded it. Member Fox abstained since he was not a member of TSC at that
Motion Approved: Ayes 4, Nays 0, Abstain 1 (Fox)
The sheriff deputy was not in attendance but had summited his report that was distributed
as Late Correspondence. Later during the meeting, Deputy Patrick Duran joined the
meeting and provided a briefing on the traffic accident at Hawthorne and PVDN and the
reckless driving incident on Hawthorne Boulevard and PVDW.
Marie Chura- She sent in a request to get more information on the illegal car gathering at
PVDW and Hawthorne Boulevard the prior week. Chair Liu commented that during the
Mayor’s Breakfast event this incident was discussed. City Manager Mihranian added that
he was at the office when the incident happened and contacted the Sheriff’s office
immediately. He had asked for increased deputy presence in the City at nighttime.
Member Tye added that the Sheriff’s office is taking this type of illegal vehicle activity very
1)PVDE Roadway Widening from Bronco Drive to Upper Headland Drive and
Decomposed Granite (DG) Pedestrian/Equestrian Path from Bronco Drive to
Sunnyside Ridge Road - Review consultant drawings, review input from public-
outreach meeting held on March 10, 2020, and discuss.
Action Taken:
Chair Liu mentioned that this item was brought before the TSC several times and
public input had been taken. A revised PowerPoint presentation was distributed
earlier in the day as late correspondence. Consulting Engineer Merrill presented the
revised project layout and alignment and answered questions.
Sh eri Felmann- She said that they had survey ed the property and the boundaries were
slightly different from what was presented by the City. She was strongly in favor of
“emerging driveway” signage close to their house.
Jeff Felmann- He wanted the fence to be 6 feet tall rather than 4 feet to provide more
privacy. Bob Merrill indicated that the 6 foot fence is doable.
Pam Guttish- She mentioned that there is an illegal light placed in a tree by 28527
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April 28, 2020
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PVDE that is distracting and dangerous. She asked for it to be removed. Director
Sassoon indicated he would look into it.
Evie Hunter- Agreed with Mr. and Mrs. Felmann. She is concerned that a third lane
will cause drivers to speed or pass other vehicles. She would like to see something
that would make drivers keep to a speed of 30 mph. She liked the DG equestrian trail
and pedestrian path. She also would like to know cyclists’ opi nions about the bike
Sarah and Robert Gonzalez- They expressed concern around the turn since the
crosswalk and driveway were close, which could be hazardous. They suggested
maybe a flashing light should be installed.
Chris Engen- Commented that the vegetation by the Headland roadway exit needs
regular trimming. Director Sassoon indicated he would look into it.
Discussion ensued. Director Sassoon commented that if the City Council authorizes
the project, a survey will be conducted which would be more accurate than the
Felmann’s drone conducted survey.
Consulting Traffic Engineer Nunez commented that excess signs creates sign fatigue
and does not improve safety. She said speeding is a problem everywhere and that
enforcement is the key solution.
Sister Tracy Sharp – She mentioned difficulty getting in and out of her property.
Chair Liu moved that the TSC recommends the installation of permanent radar units
on either side of the Bronco curve showing posted and actual vehicular approached
speeds to be, and that the radar be installed without delay. Motion was seconded by
Vice Chair Colville.
Motion Approved: Ayes 5, Nays 0
Chair Liu moved that the TSC recommends against the installation of individual
signage warning of “hidden driveway” along PVDE in th at section of the road, and
Member Fox seconded it.
Motion Approved: Ayes 4, Nays 1 (Colville)
Chair Liu moved that TSC approves staff recommendation for PVDE Roadway
Widening from Bronco Drive to Upper Headland Drive and Decomposed Granite (DG)
Pedestrian/Equestrian Path from Bronco Drive to Sunnyside Ridge Road.
Motion Approved: Ayes 5, Nays 0
2)Park Place Parking - Discuss agenda item from the City Council meeting held on
March 17, 2020.
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April 28, 2020
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Action Taken:
Director Sassoon commented that Dr. Olson had appeared before the TSC at the
last meeting and had made some requests. He added that this item was presented
to the City Council on 3/17/20 and a lengthy staff report was prepared and a
decision was made. Therefore, there was no need to agendize this item again.
Member Tye concurred that Dr. Olson’s requests were addressed.
1)Hawthorne Boulevard and Via Rivera Vehicle Gap - Review consultant report,
discuss, and make recommendations to City Council.
Action Taken:
Chair Liu commented that the City was going through cost savings options and
that the CIP for FY 20-21 reviewed the previous night had included that particular
traffic light and budget of $300,000. Associate Engineer Razepoor presented the
item. Discussion ensued.
Mrs. Butterfield- commented that she would support the temporary signage
regarding the Gap Study when school begins and requested increased
enforcement due to speeding around Via Rivera area.
Members discussed recommending that a no right turn on red sign at the
intersection of Hawthorne Boulevard and PVDW for northbound right turns onto
Hawthorne Boulevard, during peak hours as determined by staff be installed.
Chair Liu moved to defer this item until the next TSC meeting and th at item to be
placed on the agenda. This was agreed by all.
Motion Approved: Ayes 5, Nays 0
2)PVDW at Via Lorado Curb Painting- Review consultant exhibit, discuss, and
make recommendations to City Council.
Action Taken:
An item of late correspondence was distributed regarding this item. Associate
Engineer Razepoor presented the item and asked TSC to approve the consultant’s
recommendation to paint the curb red. He added that this item was on the March
23, 2020, TSC agenda, however, this meeting was canceled due to the Corona
Virus crisis. He further stated that the curb was painted red with exception of the
last 10 feet or so based on recommendation by Willdan Engineering due to the
liability concerns.
Ramtin Vahadi- He shared pictures of that curb and proximity to his house. He
added that if the curb was painted red, with the lack of a sidewalk, walking to his
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April 28, 2020
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house would be problematic. Additionally, there would be no place for service or
delivery people to park.
Mr. McKellen and Mrs. Butterfield- Commented that due to the speed on the
roadway, nature of the right turn and the short acceleration lane, having a car
parked at that curb was very dangerous and there were several near hits.
Discussion ensued. Director Sassoon commented that the property has a three-
car garage and a driveway so visitors could park in the driveway.
Chair Liu moved to approve staff’s recommendation for the existing red curb be
maintained and extended to the bike path. Member Tye seconded it.
Motion Approved: Ayes 4, Nays 1 (Liu)
Due to the late hour, this item was not discussed.
The installation of a no right turn on red sign at the intersection of Hawthorne Boulevard
and PVDW.
Chair Liu moved to adjourn the meeting to Tuesday May 26, 2020 at 6:00 P.M. and
Member Tye seconded it. The meeting would be a virtual meeting. The meeting
adjourned at 7:42 P.M.
Motion Approved: Ayes 5, Nays 0