CC SR 20200427 01 - CIP Budget FY2020-21.pdf CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: 04/27/2020 AGENDA REPORT AGENDA HEADING: Regular Business AGENDA DESCRIPTION: Consideration and possible action to review the proposed Capital Improvement Program. RECOMMENDED COUNCIL ACTION: (1) Receive and file a report on the status of the current FY2019 -20 Capital Improvement Program; (2) Review and provide direction on the proposed 5-year Capital Improvement Program; and (3) Eliminate a project from the Capital Improvement Program. FISCAL IMPACT: Amount Budgeted: N/A Additional Appropriation: N/A Account Number(s): N/A ORIGINATED BY: Ron Dragoo, PE, City Engineer REVIEWED BY: Elias Sassoon, PE, Director of Public Works Trang Nguyen, Finance Director APPROVED BY: Ara Mihranian, AICP, City Manager ATTACHED SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: A. Draft FY 2019-20 Capital Improvement Program Status and FY 2020-21 Proposed 5 Year Capital Improvement Program (Page A-1) B. Project Descriptions for Proposed New Projects (Page B-1) C. IMAC meeting minutes for November 18, 2019, January 22, 2020, February 26, 2020, April 6, 2020 and (draft) April 20, 2020 (Page C-1) D. April 14, 2020 Planning Commission Follow-up Agenda on the Capital Improvement Program (Page D-1) BACKGROUND: The City’s Capital Improvement Program (CIP) is prepared as a 5-year program. Each year, the CIP is updated by removing projects completed during the year, rescheduling existing projects based on priorities, and adding new projects identified throughout the 1 year. As part of the planning process, Staff updates and prepares cost estimates for existing and proposed projects, identifies funding sources, then evaluates and ranks all of the projects and develops a project priority list. A project is ranked based on the following criteria: Safety, Governmental Mandates, City Council Goals, Sustainability, Economic Development, and Quality of Life. Additionally, a project is ranked higher if it is funded by grants, generates revenue, or has regional value. Ranking is used to provide a priority baseline because capital projects compete against limited CIP funds. The project priority list is then vetted and ranked by the Infrastructure Management Advisory Committee (IMAC). The highest ranked projects become the upcoming draft fiscal year’s CIP, with the remaining projects scheduled out over for the next 5-years. As part of this process, the list of CIP projects are annually reviewed by the Planning Commission for consistency with the General Plan. Finally, recommendations for the overall CIP are presented to the City Council for consideration. In light of the COVID-19 health crisis, this year the CIP is being prepared differently. Typically, approved projects in the CIP are rolled forward in the budget. However, this year, projects are being reassessed to determine whether they could be deferred to a later year. This is in response to the sharp downturn in the economy and its impact on the City’s finances, particularly the CIP, due to the “stay-at-home order” associated with COVID-19. The “stay-at-home” order has resulted in a drop in Transient Occupancy Tax (TOT) which largely funds the City’s CIP as a transfer out from the General Fund. It should be noted that only the TOT generated by Te rranea funds the CIP. Additionally, a reduction in sales tax, among other taxes, and permit fee activity have also resulted in a reduction in revenue. Local businesses are operating at different levels, including temporarily closing down if not considered an essential business by the County’s and Governor’s orders. Terranea, a major contributor to the City’s coffers, and Trump National have temporarily closed in response to the “stay-at-home” order. City Hall is temporarily closed to the public but remains operational for essential services including permit activity. However, permit activity has also significantly dropped. Thus, the financial impact of the COVID-19 health crisis on the City, like most other cities, has resulted in a significant loss of revenue. Accordingly, staff is reassessing the budget, including the CIP, to identify cost saving opportunities to maintain a balanced budget and CIP without having to rely on reserves. DISCUSSION: To facilitate the City Council’s review of the CIP, staff prepared project slides (using the Story Map program) that will be presented at the budget workshop that consists of the following information:  Project Code Number and Title  Project Description  Funding Source  Budget Amount  Spent Amount  Project Status 2  Project Photograph  Project Location Map The project slides are typically grouped based on three status categories, however, this year, a new “Proposed Deferred Projects” category has been added, as summarized below:  Category I (Completed Projects)  Category II (On-going Projects)  Category III (Proposed Deferred Projects)  Category IV (Proposed New Projects) The presentation slides for each category can be viewed at the following link: www.rpvca.gov/rpvcippresentation04272020 A corresponding CIP budget spreadsheet is prepared that describes the capital projects’ current budget and expenditure to date and the proposed capital projects being budgeted for FY 2020-21 (Attachment A). It should be noted that the presentation slides reflect the total budget for each project, whereas the CIP spreadsheet indicates the budget for FY 2019-20 only. Funding for the CIP comes from a variety of sources including restricted funds but is largely funded by TOT. Status of the Current FY2019-20 Capital Improvement Program The following are Category 1 projects that either have been completed or are currently underway with an expected completion date of June 30, 2020:  8301 - Palos Verdes Drive South Realignment (East End) - Engineering  8302 - Annual Portuguese Bend Landslide Area Resurfacing Program  8410 - Conestoga Trail Connection  8709 - Connector Pipe Screens  8001 - Pavement Management Program Triennial Update  8804 - Hawthorne Boulevard Beautification – Engineering  8821- Citywide Street Light Acquisition and LED Conversion  8824- Transit Improvement- Bus Turnout/Stops – Engineering  8829 – ADA improvements – Area 1  8832 - ADA Improvements - Area 9  8834 - Residential Street Rehabilitation Program Areas 3 & 4 - Construction These projects were completed using the following funding sources depending on the scope of the project and fund restrictions:  Capital Improvement Fund (Fund 330)  Proposition C (Fund 215)  Proposition A (Fund 216) 3  Quimby (Fund 334)  State Grants (Fund 332)  1911 Act Street Lighting (Fund 211)  Community Development Block Grants (Fund 310) Based on the above funding sources, the table below is the estimated fund balances for the FY2019-20 CIP. At the close of FY 2019-20 the CIP Fund, largest funding source, for the program has an estimated fund balance of $24.2 million. After applying the City Council reserve policy of $3 million, the excess reserve is $21.2 million. At the beginning of 2020, staff began assessing the FY2019-20 CIP in order to begin the planning process for the draft FY2020-21 CIP. As part of this process, the IMAC was briefed at its January 22 and February 26, 2020 meetings, as memorialized in the attached minutes (Attachment C). As reported at the April 13 budget workshop, Staff was originally estimating a year-end revenue of $5,541,300 to complete CIP projects in FY2019-20. This revenue forecast was based on projections received from Terranea’s Finance Department (Terranea is responsible for over 96% of TOT revenue) and a multi-year trend analysis completed by staff. However, the CIP planning process suddenly shifted with the emergence of COVID-19 in March. In mid-March, Terranea announced the temporary closure of their resort and all amenities beginning March 19 through May 10, 2020, or until further notice. Due to this temporary closure, staff had to make reductions to TOT revenue estimates for FY 2019- 20. The table on the next page provides a breakdown of the methodology used to calculate revised revenue estimates. Capital Improvement Gas Tax Measure R Proposition A Proposition C Other Special Revenues Beginning Fund Balance - 7/1/19 27,017,191 884,734 803,149 2,379,324 577,100 3,509,116 Add: Revenues 506,200 1,461,920 545,000 849,400 702,400 3,443,180 Add: Transfers In 2,617,300 - - - - 5,365,800 Total Revenues 3,123,500 1,461,920 545,000 849,400 702,400 8,808,980 Less: Capital Project (5,896,000) (1,493,000) (363,700) (1,106,100) (600,200) (839,700) Less: Operating Expenses - (847,000) - (699,100) - (497,800) Less: Transfers Out - - - - - - Total Expenditures (5,896,000) (2,340,000) (363,700) (1,805,200) (600,200) (1,337,500) Estimated Ending Fund Balance - 6/30/20 24,244,691 6,654 984,449 1,423,524 679,300 10,980,596 Reserve Policy 3,000,000 - - - - - Excess Reserve 21,244,691 6,654 984,449 1,423,524 679,300 10,980,596 4 Methodology Used to Revised FY 2019-20 Year-end Estimates During FY 2019-20, February was the last month that Terranea was open for business for the entire month. The resort was only open for roughly 66% of the time in March and is expected to remain closed for the entire month of April. Although Terranea is scheduled to resume business on or around May 11, it is still too soon to know if the “stay-at-home” orders will be lifted in time. Thus, Staff elected for a more conservative estimate by projecting Terranea to remain closed throughout the month of May and to re-open by June 1. In summary, Staff projects that that the slowdown in TOT revenue for FY2019-20 would result in revenue of approximately $4,181.700, as summarized below. Transient Occupancy Tax Pre-COVID-19 Post COVID-19 FY 18-19 Actual Revenue: $5,645,497 FY 19-20 Year-end Estimate: $5,541,300 $4,181,700 It should be noted that in FY 2017-18, the City Council directed staff to reduce the TOT transfer out to the CIP Fund by the same amount as the increase in Public Safety. For FY 2019-20, staff estimates receiving approximately $4.2 million in TOT revenue of which approximately $4 million comes from Terranea. Based on this (reduced) estimate, the TOT transfer to the CIP will be just under $2.6 million based on the schedule below. Due to, among other things, the financial limitations on the CIP caused by the COVID- 19 health crisis, the following projects that were scheduled to occur in FY2019-20 are now proposed to be deferred to a later date (Category III – Proposed Deferred Project):  8202 – Abalone Cove Sanitary Sewer System Rehabilitation Program (Construction)  8418 – Hesse Park Parking Lot & Lighting Improvements Project (Construction) Feb Mar Apr May Jun % of FY 18-19 Revenue 100% 66% 0% 0% 30% FY 2019-20 Projected TOT Revenue from Terranea 3,971,600$ Less FY 17-18 Public Safety Increase (893,000) Less FY 18-19 Public Safety Increase (200,500) Less FY 19-20 Public Safety Increase (260,800) Proposed TOT Transfer to CIP 2,617,300$ 5  8419 – Hesse Park Athletic Field Improvement Project  8715 – Storm Drain Deficiency Improvements Program (Palos Verdes Drive South at Peppertree Drive and Hawthorne Boulevard near Hawkhurst Drive) (Construction)  8811 – Arterial Fences and Walls Standards – Citywide – Master Plan (Phase 1) and Engineering (Phase 2) Proposed 5-year Capital Improvement Program The projects proposed in the 5-year CIP, including projects for FY2020-21, may be funded based on the following sources:  1911 Act Street Lighting (Fund 211)  Proposition C (Fund 215)  Measure R (Fund 220)  Abalone Cove Sewer (Fund 225)  Capital Improvement Fund (Fund 330)  Gas Tax (Fund 202)  Proposition A (Fund 216)  Donor Restricted (Fund 228)  Community Development Block Grants (Fund 310)  State Grants (Fund 332)  Quimby (Fund 334) As previously reported, with the current temporary closure of Terranea , Staff expects that it will take time for Terranea to return to normal operations in the next fiscal year. Moreover, the lingering impacts on the travel, tourism, hospitality, and conference industries are still to be expected for some time, Staff projects TOT revenue to be generated based on the quarterly percentages listed below: Methodology Used to Revised FY 2020-21 Proposed Budget In light of the anticipated loss of TOT revenue, staff has revised the CIP to reprioritize projects to fund the most essential projects totally $4,536,200 to avoid utilizing the CIP Reserve. Of this amount, $2,721,000 comes from TOT consisting of $1,934,000 in TOT revenue the City expects to receive and transfer to the CIP, less Public Safety increases, in FY2020-21 and interest earnings. The remaining balance come from Special Revenues of $450,000 from Measure R and $1,365,200 from Proposition C. The revised CIP was presented to the IMAC at its April 6, and April 20, 2020 meetings (Attachment C). Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 % of Original FY 19-20 Estimated Revenue 30% 50% 100% 100% FY 2020-21 6 Category II – Ongoing Projects The following are Ongoing Projects (Category II) that were previously approved and appropriated by the City Council. Some of these projects have started but will not be completed by June 30, 2020 and remain in the proposed 5-year CIP.  8202 - Abalone Cove Sanitary Sewer System Rehabilitation Program- Engineering  8301 – Palos Verdes Drive South Realignment – East End – Construction  8304 – Portuguese Bend Landslide Remediation  8404 - Costal Bluff Fence Replacement Program  8418 - Hesse Park Parking Lot & Lighting Improvements Project – Engineering  8420 - Palos Verdes Nature Preserve Signe Program  8421 – Point Vicente Interpretive Center (PVIC) Park Improvements - Master Plan  8405 - Ladera Linda Community Center  8503 - Civic Center Master Plan  8504- Citywide ADA Transition Pla  8711 – Bayend Drive Catch Basin Inlets & Storm Sewer Lateral – Engineering  8714 - Crest Road to Crestridge Canyon Storm Drain Project – Engineering  8715 - Storm Drain Deficiency Improvement (PVDS at Peppertree Dr. and Hawthorne Blvd near Hawkhurst Drive)  8004 – Public Signs Replacement Program  8801 – Sidewalk Repair and Replacement Program  8804 - Hawthorne Boulevard Beautification – Construction  8808 - Crenshaw Blvd – Arterial Roads Rehab Project – Engineering  8809 - Western Avenue Traffic Congestion Improvements – Engineering  8810 - Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Projects (Caddington Drive neighborhood)  8822 - Automated License Plate Recognition (ALPR) Project  8824 - Transit Improvement – Bus Turnout/Stops – Construction  8828 - Traffic/Transportation Improvements  8830 - Safe Routes to School  8816 - Residential Street Rehabilitation Program Area 1 - Engineering  8818 - Residential Street Rehabilitation Program Area 8 - Engineering  8834 - Residential Street Rehabilitation Program Areas 3 & 4 - Engineering Category III – Proposed Deferred Projects The projects in this category were previously approved, but not appropriated, by the City Council but are now not considered essential and proposed to be deferred (Category III – Proposed Deferred Projects) to a future year due to the economic downfall of COVID- 19 (this is a complete list of deferred projects and include some deferred projects previously listed under the FY 2019-20 discussion heading). 7  8202 – Abalone Cove Sanitary Sewer System Rehabilitation Pro gram – Construction  8418 – Hesse Park Parking Lot & Lighting Improvements – Construction  8419 – Hesse Park Athletic Field Improvement Project  8421 – Point Vicente Interpretive Center (PVIC) Park Improvements  8507 – PIC Lift Station Upgrade  8711 – Bayend Drive Catch Basin Inlets and Storm Sewer Lateral – Construction  8714 – Crest Road to Crestridge Canyon Storm Drain Project – Construction  8715 – Storm Drain Deficiency Improvements Program (Palos Verdes Drive South at Peppertree Drive and Hawthorne Boulevard near Hawkhurst Drive) – Construction  8808 – Crenshaw Boulevard – Arterial Roads Rehabilitation Project – Construction  8811 – Arterial Fences and Walls Standards – Citywide – Master Plan (Phase 1), Engineering (Phase 2) and Construction (Phase 3)  8816 – Residential Street Rehabilitation Program – Area 1 – Construction  8815 – Residential Street Rehabilitation Program – Area 5- Engineering & Survey Work Category IV – Proposed New Projects This category consists of proposed new projects. Typical to past years, Staff has prepared corresponding project description sheets for the City Council review (Attachment B). The following proposed projects in this category have been reviewed and recommended by IMAC to be considered for FY 2020-21:  Nature Preserve Gate for Burma Road Trail  Nature Preserve Gate for Rattlesnake Trail  Storm Drain Improvements at 6421 Corsini Drive (engineering)  Altamira Canyon Drainage and Erosion Control Project  Western Avenue Beautification (design) The following proposed new projects are recommended to be considered between FY 2021-22 and FY2024-25:  Parking Lot Lighting Improvements at the Point Vicente Interpretive Center (PVIC)  Restroom Improvements at PVIC  Civic Center Storm Room Improvements  Storm Drain Improvements at 6421 Corsini Drive (construction) 8 The following proposed new projects are recommended to be added to the CIP and funded in a fiscal year to be determined at a future time:  Lower Hesse Park Improvements  Restoration of “Bubbles”  PVDE Widening and Path Improvements at Bronco  PVDS Rehabilitation  Indian Peak Road Rehabilitation  PVDW Pedestrian Crossing  PVDE Rehabilitation  Silver Spur Road Rehabilitation  Ganado Drive Beautification Based on the above, the table below is the estimated fund balances for the FY2020-21 CIP. For FY 2020-21, the proposed CIP is just over $4.5 million and the program will be supported by the CIP Fund, Measure R and Proposition C. At the close of FY 2020 -21 the CIP Fund, largest funding source, for the CIP has an estimated fund balance of $23.9 million. After applying the City Council reserve policy of $3 million, the excess reserve is $20.9 million. Eliminate a Project from the Capital Improvement Program. Capital Improvement Measure R Proposition C Beginning Fund Balance - 7/1/20 24,244,691 984,449 679,300 Add: Revenues 460,200 545,400 702,400 Add: Transfers In 1,934,000 - - Total Revenues 2,394,200 545,400 702,400 Less: Capital Project (2,721,000) (450,000) (1,365,200) Less: Operating Expenses - - Less: Transfers Out - - Total Expenditures (2,721,000) (450,000) (1,365,200) Estimated Ending Fund Balance - 6/30/21 23,917,891 1,079,849 16,500 Reserve Policy 3,000,000 Excess Reserve 20,917,891 1,079,849 16,500 9 Staff reassessed all of the existing projects to see if the scope for any of these projects can be modified or eliminated from the CIP. To that end, Staff has identified two storm drain improvement projects that are not considered essential. This is because the proposed improvements include upsizing the existing storm sewer pipes and providing erosion control measures which can be combined with other projects where sufficient funding exists. Thus, Staff recommends that the City Council eliminate the following two projects from the CIP:  Strom Drain Repair at 6309 Via Colinita and Sacred Cove Point.  Storm Drain Repairs along Marguerite Drive, Barkentine Road and Seacove Drive. Eliminating the above projects would save an estimated $700,000. CONCLUSION: The Capital Improvement Program (CIP) is primarily funded by revenue from the City’s Transient Occupancy Tax (TOT). COVID-19 response measures from the Governor of the State of California and the Los Angeles County Public Health Department, that went into effect on March 17 and continue, have had a direct impact on the predictions of TOT revenue for the City, and therefore the proposed CIP represents a conservative approach to ongoing and future projects. Although projects in the City’s CIP were initially ranked by staff and the IMAC, the projects were re-evaluated and adjusted to account for an expected reduction in TOT revenue. The proposed CIP will accommodate the essential needed projects. Lastly, it is worth pointing out that there may be construction cost savings as an unintended consequence with the economic downturn. ALTERNATIVES: 1. Provide direction on proposed projects and/or the proposed programming year. 2. Alternately discuss and take other action related to this item. 10 FY 2019-20 Capital Budget and 5-year Capital Improvement Program Version G Project Code Project Status/Category Fund FY 19-20 Adopted Budget FY 18-19 Cont. Approp/PO Carryovers FY 19-20 Additional Approp. FY 19-20 Revised Budget FY 19-20 Actuals @ 4/16 FY 19-20 Encum @ 4/16 Balance @ 4/16 Continuing Projects from FY 19-20 FY 20-21 Projects FY 20-21 FY 21-22 FY 22-23 FY 23-24 FY 24-25 TBD Abalone Cove Sanitary Sewer Maintenance System 8202 Abalone Cove Sanitary Sewer System Rehabilitation Program - Construction 3 - Deferral 225 - Ab Cove Sewer 450,000 450,000 450,000 - 450,000 650,000 - - 8202 Abalone Cove Sanitary Sewer System Rehabilitation Program - Engineering 2 - Ongoing 330 - CIP Fund - 53,286 - 53,286 18,458 22,832 11,996 - - - - - Total Abalone Cove Sanitary Sewer Maintenance System 450,000 53,286 - 503,286 18,458 22,832 461,996 - - - 450,000 650,000 - - - Palos Verdes Drive South (PVDS) Landslide 8301 PVDS Realignment - East End Engineering 1 - Completed 330 - CIP Fund 92,868 92,868 66,620 17,334 8,914 - 8301 PVDS Realignment - East End Construction 2 - Ongoing 330 - CIP Fund 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 200,000 1,200,000 8302 Annual Portuguese Bend Landslide Area Resurfacing Program 1 - Completed 215 - Prop C 640,000 38,100 678,100 332,432 345,668 - 650,000 650,000 650,000 700,000 700,000 750,000 8304 Portuguese Bend Landslide Remediation 2 - Ongoing 330 - CIP Fund - 340,804 340,804 304,026 158 36,620 - Total PVDS Landslide 1,640,000 433,672 38,100 2,111,772 703,078 363,160 1,045,534 1,000,000 850,000 1,850,000 650,000 700,000 700,000 750,000 - Park Sites 8404 Coastal Bluff Fence Replacement Program 2 - Ongoing 330 - CIP Fund 200,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 400,000 200,000 8418 Hesse Park Parking Lot & Lighting Improvements Project - Engineering 2 - Ongoing 330 - CIP Fund 75,000 1,309 76,309 57,876 18,433 - - 8418 Hesse Park Parking Lot & Lighting Improvements Project - Construction 3 - Deferral 330 - CIP Fund 750,000 750,000 750,000 - - 750,000 8419 Hesse Park Athletic Field Improvement Project 3 - Deferral 330 - CIP Fund 392,420 392,420 392,420 - 392,420 8420 Palos Verdes Nature Preserve Sign Program 2 - Ongoing 330 - CIP Fund 97,015 97,015 6,985 90,030 - - 8421 PVIC Park Improvements - Master Plan 2 - Ongoing 330 - CIP Fund 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 8421 PVIC Park Improvements 3 - Deferral 330 - CIP Fund - - - 700,000 Parking Lot Lighting Improvements at Point Vicente Interpretive Center (PVIC) 4 - Proposed 211 - 1911 Act - - 50,000 Lower Hesse Park Improvements 4 - Proposed 330 - CIP Fund - - 1,500,000 Restoration of "Bubbles" Statue 4 - Proposed 330 - CIP Fund - - 200,000 Total Park Sites 1,075,000 489,435 1,309 1,565,744 64,861 108,463 1,392,420 250,000 200,000 450,000 50,000 - - - 3,742,420 Trails 8410 Conestoga Trail Connection 1 - Completed 334 - Quimby 405,770 405,770 364,464 41,306 - - Nature Preserve Gate for Burma Road Trail 4 - Proposed 330 - CIP Fund - - 100,000 100,000 Nature Preserve Gate for Rattlesnake Trail 4 - Proposed 330 - CIP Fund - - 100,000 100,000 Total Trails - 405,770 - 405,770 364,464 41,306 - - 200,000 200,000 - - - - - Public Buildings 8405 Ladera Linda Community Center 2 - Ongoing 334 - Quimby 474,505 14,740 489,245 181,349 275,075 32,821 - 8507 PVIC Lift Station Upgrade 3 - Deferral 330 - CIP Fund - - - 30,000 200,000 8503 Civic Center Master Plan 2 - Ongoing 330 - CIP Fund 168,651 168,651 1,901 15,738 151,012 151,000 151,000 8504 Citywide ADA Transition Plan 2 - Ongoing 330 - CIP Fund 150,000 66,450 216,450 33,950 32,500 150,000 150,000 150,000 Restroom Improvements (indoor & outdoor) at PVIC 4 - Proposed 330 - CIP Fund - - 150,000 Civic Center (the Storm Room) Improvements 4 - Proposed 330 - CIP Fund - - 100,000 Total Public Buildings 150,000 709,606 14,740 874,346 217,200 323,313 333,833 151,000 150,000 301,000 250,000 - 30,000 200,000 - Storm Water System - Stormwater Quality 8701 Storm Drain Lining Program 3 - Deferral 330 - CIP Fund - - - 450,000 8709 Connector Pipe Screens Project (SM Bay Prop. 84 Program)1 - Completed 330 - CIP Fund 255,394 255,394 87,392 152,802 15,200 - 8709 Connector Pipe Screens Project (SM Bay Prop. 84 Program)1 - Completed 332 - State Grants 363,237 363,237 27,787 335,451 (1) - 8711 Bayend Drive Catch Basin Inlets and Storm Sewer Lateral - Engineering 2 - Ongoing 330 - CIP Fund 42,000 42,000 22,664 19,336 - 8711 Bayend Drive Catch Basin Inlets and Storm Sewer Lateral - Construction 3 - Deferral 330 - CIP Fund - - - 170,000 8712 Storm Drain Point Repair (Marguerite Drive & Via Colinita)Deleted 330 - CIP Fund 700,000 700,000 700,000 - 8713 Upper Point Vicente Stormwater Runoff Control Project (Helipad)3 - Deferral 330 - CIP Fund - - - 200,000 8714 Crest Road to Crestridge Canyon Storm Drain Project - Engineering 2 - Ongoing 330 - CIP Fund 140,000 140,000 91,970 47,907 123 - FY 19-20 Capital Budget PROPOSED 5-YR CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM W:\Finance Mgmt\Budget\Budget 2021\2020-04-27 CIP Budget Workshop\2020-04-16 CIP prelim budget & 5 year plan VERSION G.xlsx Printed: 4/23/2020 12:34 AM A-1 FY 2019-20 Capital Budget and 5-year Capital Improvement Program Version G Project Code Project Status/Category Fund FY 19-20 Adopted Budget FY 18-19 Cont. Approp/PO Carryovers FY 19-20 Additional Approp. FY 19-20 Revised Budget FY 19-20 Actuals @ 4/16 FY 19-20 Encum @ 4/16 Balance @ 4/16 Continuing Projects from FY 19-20 FY 20-21 Projects FY 20-21 FY 21-22 FY 22-23 FY 23-24 FY 24-25 TBD FY 19-20 Capital Budget PROPOSED 5-YR CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM 8714 Crest Road to Crestridge Canyon Storm Drain Project - Construction 3 - Deferral 330 - CIP Fund - - - 1,285,000 8715 Storm Drain Deficiency Improvement (PVDS at Peppertree Dr. and Hawthorne Blvd. near Hawkhurst Dr.) - Engineering 2 - Ongoing 330 - CIP Fund 195,535 195,535 168,161 27,374 - - 8715 Storm Drain Deficiency Improvement (PVDS at Peppertree Dr. and Hawthorne Blvd. near Hawkhurst) - Construction 3 - Deferral 330 - CIP Fund 2,750,000 2,750,000 2,750,000 - 2,750,000 8716 Hawthorne: Via de la Vis Shadow Wood; Amber Sky; Middlecrest; Oceanaire; Rue La Fleur; PVDS; Sasilina at Hawksmoor; Via Colinita; Vista Mesad; Via Colinita; Kingsridge - Engineering 3 - Deferral 330 - CIP Fund - - - 250,000 - 8716 Hawthorne: Via de la Vis Shadow Wood; Amber Sky; Middlecrest; Oceanaire; Rue La Fleur; PVDS; Sasilina at Hawksmoor; Via Colinita; Vista Mesad; Via Colinita; Kingsridge - Construction 3 - Deferral 330 - CIP Fund - - - 2,100,000 - 8717 Crestridge; Lightfoot; Via Colinita; Knoll View; Deluna; Schooner; Via Cambron; PVDW; Northern S. Western Ave; PVDS - Engineering 3 - Deferral 330 - CIP Fund - - - 350,000 - 8717 Crestridge; Lightfoot; Via Colinita; Knoll View; Deluna; Schooner; Via Cambron; PVDW; Northern S. Western Ave; PVDS - Construction 3 - Deferral 330 - CIP Fund - - - 3,330,300 Storm Drain Improvement at 6415 Corsini 4 - Proposed 330 - CIP Fund - - 20,000 20,000 250,000 Altamira Canyon Drainage and Erosion Control Project 4 - Proposed 330 - CIP Fund - - 350,000 350,000 Total Storm Water Quality 3,632,000 814,166 - 4,446,166 375,310 586,198 3,484,658 - 370,000 370,000 3,000,000 - 250,000 2,450,000 5,435,300 Right of Way and Traffic Control Devices 8001 Pavement Management Program Triennial Update 1 - Completed 330 - CIP Fund 35,213 35,213 35,213 - - - - 120,000 - - 120,000 8004 Public Signs Replacement Program 2 - Ongoing 330 - CIP Fund 250,000 250,000 94,958 68,694 86,348 50,000 50,000 250,000 - 8801 Sidewalk Repair and Replacement Program 2 - Ongoing 220 - Measure R 250,000 250,000 250,000 250,000 250,000 250,000 250,000 250,000 8804 Hawthorne Blvd. Beautification - Engineering 1 - Completed 330 - CIP Fund 71,510 71,510 37,991 1,439 32,080 - 8804 Hawthorne Blvd. Beautification - Construction 2 - Ongoing 202 - Gas Tax 1,300,000 722,986 2,022,986 - 2,022,986 - - 8808 Crenshaw Blvd - Arterial Roads Rehab Project - Engineering 2 - Ongoing 202 - Gas Tax 200,000 200,000 170,000 30,000 - 8808 Crenshaw Blvd - Arterial Roads Rehab Project - Construction 3 - Deferral 330 - CIP Fund - - - 2,000,000 8809 Western Ave Traffic Congestion Improvements - Engineering 2 - Ongoing 220 - Measure R 263,706 263,706 22,554 91,151 150,001 - 8809 Western Ave Traffic Congestion Improvements - Construction 2 - Ongoing 330 - CIP Fund - - - 3,200,000 8810 Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Projects (Caddington Drive Neighborhood) 2 - Ongoing 310 - CDBG 150,600 150,600 14,921 39,644 96,035 - 8811 Arterial Fences and Walls Standards - Citywide Master Plan 3 - Deferral 330 - CIP Fund 25,000 25,000 25,000 - 25,000 8811 Arterial Fences and Walls Standards - Citywide Engineering (Phase 2)3 - Deferral 330 - CIP Fund 75,000 75,000 75,000 - 75,000 8811 Arterial Fences and Walls Standards - Citywide Construction (Phase 3)3 - Deferral 330 - CIP Fund - - - 1,000,000 8821 Citywide Street Light Acquisition and LED Conversion 1 - Completed 211 - 1911 Act 592,140 592,140 489,177 27,725 75,238 - 8822 Automated License Plate Recognition (ALPR) Project 2 - Ongoing 330 - CIP Fund 359,508 12,521 372,029 102,828 243,288 25,913 - 8824 Transit Improvement - Bus Turnout/Stops - Engineering 1 - Completed 216 - Prop A 5,892 5,892 5,892 - - - 8824 Transit Improvement - Bus Turnout/Stops - Construction 2 - Ongoing 216 - Prop A 450,000 699,374 1,149,374 8,760 1,091,414 49,200 - 8828 Traffic/Transportation Improvements 2 - Ongoing 215 - Prop C 433,301 433,301 1,902 16,229 415,170 415,200 300,000 715,200 8829 ADA Improvements - Area 1 1 - Completed 310 - CDBG 44,710 44,710 9,943 - 34,767 - 8830 Safe Route to School 2 - Ongoing 330 - CIP Fund 27,573 27,573 13,822 16,408 (2,657) - . 8830 Safe Route to School 2 - Ongoing 332 - State Grants 200,428 200,428 106,684 87,757 5,987 - W:\Finance Mgmt\Budget\Budget 2021\2020-04-27 CIP Budget Workshop\2020-04-16 CIP prelim budget & 5 year plan VERSION G.xlsx Printed: 4/23/2020 12:34 AM A-2 FY 2019-20 Capital Budget and 5-year Capital Improvement Program Version G Project Code Project Status/Category Fund FY 19-20 Adopted Budget FY 18-19 Cont. Approp/PO Carryovers FY 19-20 Additional Approp. FY 19-20 Revised Budget FY 19-20 Actuals @ 4/16 FY 19-20 Encum @ 4/16 Balance @ 4/16 Continuing Projects from FY 19-20 FY 20-21 Projects FY 20-21 FY 21-22 FY 22-23 FY 23-24 FY 24-25 TBD FY 19-20 Capital Budget PROPOSED 5-YR CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM 8832 ADA Improvements - Area 9 1 - Completed 310 - CDBG 120,790 120,790 153,198 3 (32,411) - 8816 Residential Street Rehabilitation Program Areas 1 - Engineering 2 - Ongoing 220 - Measure R 450,000 450,000 249,964 200,036 200,000 200,000 8816 Residential Street Rehabilitation Program Areas 1 - Construction 3 - Deferral 330 - CIP Fund - - - 2,361,600 - 8826 Residential Street Rehabilitation Program Areas 2 - Engineering 3 - Deferral 220 - Measure R - - - 305,700 8826 Residential Street Rehabilitation Program Areas 2 Construction 3 - Deferral 330 - CIP Fund - - - 2,200,800 - 8834 Residential Street Rehabilitation Program Areas 3&4 - Engineering 2 - Ongoing 330 - CIP Fund 461,849 461,849 205,417 256,433 (1) - .318,700 8834 Residential Street Rehabilitation Program Areas 3&4 - Construction 1 - Completed 330 - CIP Fund 3,500,000 3,500,000 2,577,269 839,906 82,825 - 3,605,000 8815 Residential Street Rehabilitation Program Area 5 - Engineering 3 - Deferral 220 - Measure R - - - 200,000 8815 Residential Street Rehabilitation Program Area 5 - Survey 3 - Deferral 220 - Measure R - - - 150,000 8815 Residential Street Rehabilitation Program Area 5 - Construction 3 - Deferral 330 - CIP Fund - - - 2,198,800 8836 Residential Street Rehabilitation Program Areas 6 - Engineering 3 - Deferral 220 - Measure R - - - 305,700 8836 Residential Street Rehabilitation Program Areas 6 - Construction 3 - Deferral 330 - CIP Fund - - - - 8817 Residential Street Rehabilitation Program Area 7 - Engineering 3 - Deferral 220 - Measure R - - - - 8817 Residential Street Rehabilitation Program Area 7 - Construction 3 - Deferral 330 - CIP Fund - - - - 8818 Residential Street Rehabilitation Program Area 8 - Engineering 2 - Ongoing 330 - CIP Fund 117,254 117,254 98,461 18,793 - - Western Ave Beautification (Engineering)4 - Proposed 330 - CIP Fund - - 150,000 150,000 PVDE Widening and Path Improvements at Bronco 4 - Proposed 330 - CIP Fund - - - 1,500,000 PVDS Rehabilitation 4 - Proposed 330 - CIP Fund - - - 500,000 Indian Peak Road Rehabilitation 4 - Proposed 330 - CIP Fund - - - 500,000 PVDW Pedestrian Crossing 4 - Proposed 330 - CIP Fund - - - 1,000,000 PVDE Rehabilitation 4 - Proposed 330 - CIP Fund - - - 2,000,000 Silver Spur Road Rehabilitation 4 - Proposed 330 - CIP Fund - - - 2,000,000 Ganado Drive Beautification 4 - Proposed 330 - CIP Fund - - - 100,000 Total R/W and TCD 6,650,600 2,733,874 1,434,881 10,819,355 3,978,990 5,241,834 1,598,531 865,200 500,000 1,365,200 3,795,000 4,523,800 3,817,300 2,876,500 11,773,700 13,597,600 5,639,809 1,489,030 20,726,439 5,722,361 6,687,106 8,316,972 2,266,200 2,270,000 4,536,200 8,195,000 5,873,800 4,797,300 6,276,500 20,951,420 FY 19-20 Adopted Budget FY 18-19 Cont. Approp/PO Carryovers FY 19-20 Additional Approp. FY 19-20 Revised Budget FY 19-20 Actuals @ 4/16 FY 19-20 Encum @ 4/16 Balance @ 4/16 Continuing Projects from FY 19-20 FY 20-21 Projects FY 20-21 FY 21-22 FY 22-23 FY 23-24 FY 24-25 TBD 202 - Gas Tax 1,500,000 - 722,986 2,222,986 - 2,192,986 30,000 - - - - - - - - 211 - 1911 Act - 592,140 - 592,140 489,177 27,725 75,238 - - - 50,000 - - - - 215 - Prop C 640,000 433,301 38,100 1,111,401 334,334 361,897 415,170 415,200 950,000 1,365,200 650,000 700,000 700,000 750,000 - 216 - Prop A 450,000 5,892 699,374 1,155,266 14,652 1,091,414 49,200 - - - - - - - - 220 - Measure R 700,000 263,706 - 963,706 22,554 341,115 600,037 450,000 - 450,000 200,000 250,000 455,700 555,700 250,000 225 - Ab Cove Sewer 450,000 - - 450,000 - - 450,000 - - - 450,000 650,000 - - - 228 - Donor Restricted - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 310 - CDBG 150,600 165,500 - 316,100 178,062 39,647 98,391 - - - - - - - - 330 - CIP Fund 9,707,000 2,735,330 13,830 12,456,160 4,003,298 1,892,733 6,560,129 1,401,000 1,320,000 2,721,000 6,845,000 4,273,800 3,641,600 4,970,800 20,701,420 332 - State Grants - 563,665 - 563,665 134,471 423,208 5,986 - - - - - - - - 334 - Quimby - 880,275 14,740 895,015 545,813 316,381 32,821 - - - - - - - - 13,597,600 5,639,809 1,489,030 20,726,439 5,722,361 6,687,106 8,316,972 2,266,200 2,270,000 4,536,200 8,195,000 5,873,800 4,797,300 6,276,500 20,951,420 Total Approved Projects W:\Finance Mgmt\Budget\Budget 2021\2020-04-27 CIP Budget Workshop\2020-04-16 CIP prelim budget & 5 year plan VERSION G.xlsx Printed: 4/23/2020 12:34 AM A-3 Capital Improvement Program 8400 Series Abalone Parks, Open Space and Recreation Facilities Project Code: 84_ Parking Lot Lighting Improvements at the Point Vicente Interpretive Center (PVIC) The project consists of :  New lighting for the secondary park parking lot at the Point Vicente Interpretive Center (PVIC) Project Cost Estimates Prior FYs FY20/21 FY21/22 FY22/23 FY23/24 FY24/25 FY TBD Totals Planning $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Engineering $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Environmental $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Management $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Construction $0 $0 $50,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $50,000 Contingency $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Inspection $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $50,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $50,000 Funding 211 (1911 Act) $50,000 $50,000 $50,000 $50,000 Estimated annual operating cost $4,000 Estimated Schedule: Installation in Fiscal Year 2021-22 Project Location Map Background: Parking lot lights were added to the main parking lot in 2018, but not the secondary parking. The PVIC is a facility that is rented approximately 60 nights per year – mostly for weddings. Justification: The lack of lighting for a parking lot that is commonly used by guests after dusk, and late at night for events such as weddings, provides a safety and security risk. The addition of parking lot lights, similar to those installed at the main parking lot at the facility, will reduce that risk. B-1 Capital Improvement Program 8400 Series Abalone Parks, Open Space and Recreation Facilities Project Code: 84_ Lower Hesse Park Improvements The project includes:  Paving the existing parking lot  Installation of new erosion control features  Installation of new park benches  New landscaping  A new irrigation system  (potentially) new trails Project Cost Estimates Prior FYs FY20/21 FY21/22 FY22/23 FY23/24 FY24/25 FY TBD Totals Planning $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Engineering $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Environmental $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Management $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Construction $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $1,500,000 $1,500,000 Contingency $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Inspection $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $1,500,000 Funding 330 (CIP) $1,500,000 $1,500,000 $1,500,000 $1,500,000 Estimated annual operating cost $60,000 Estimated Schedule: To be determined Project Location Map Background: The upper portion of Hesse Park has been improved, and some improvements were made to a section of the lower portion of Hesse Park in 2017. Justification: Additional improvements have been requested by the neighboring Homeowners Association and residents B-2 Capital Improvement Program 8400 Series Abalone Parks, Open Space and Recreation Facilities Project Code: 84_ R estoration of “Bubbles” Statue The project consists of:  Restoring of the “Bubbles” statue that was originally part of the entrance sign at Marineland  Installing the restored statue at a location to be determined at the Point Vicente Interpretive Center (PVIC) Project Cost Estimates Prior FYs FY20/21 FY21/22 FY22/23 FY23/24 FY24/25 FY TBD Totals Planning $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Engineering $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Environmental $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Management $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Construction $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $200,000 $200,000 Contingency $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Inspection $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $200,000 Funding 330 (CIP) $200,000 $200,000 $200,000 $200,000 Estimated annual operating cost $5,000 Estimated Schedule: To be determined Project Location Map Background: In 2014, a resident requested that the statue be incorporated into a park plan for lower Point Vicente. Although not included at that time, in November 2016, City Council directed staff to find an appropriate location at the PVIC. Justification: There is significant affection and nostalgia for Marineland and its pioneering work with marine mammals, including Bubbles. Bubbles was a performing pilot whale at Marineland for 20 years, until it closed in 1987, and then at SeaWorld until her death in June 2016 B-3 Capital Improvement Program 8400 Series Abalone Parks, Open Space and Recreation Facilities Project Code: 84_ Nature Preserve Gate for Burma Road Trail The project consists of:  Replacement of the existing gate at the entrance to the Burma Road Trail Project Cost Estimates Prior FYs FY20/21 FY21/22 FY22/23 FY23/24 FY24/25 FY TBD Totals Planning $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Engineering $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Environmental $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Management $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Construction $0 $100,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $100,000 Contingency $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Inspection $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $100,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $100,000 Funding 330 (CIP) $100,000 $100,000 $100,000 $100,000 Estimated annual operating cost $500 Estimated Schedule: Installation in Fiscal Year 2020-21 Project Location Map Background: It is important to prevent pedestrian traffic into the Portuguese Bend Reserve at times, such as after sunset and due in after heavy rainfall, to protect the Reserve and the quality of life of neighboring residents. The existing gate, at the entrance of the Burma Road Trail, does not prevent pedestrian traffic. Justification: A new gate will enhance the security of the Portuguese Bend Reserve of the Palos Verdes Peninsula Nature Preserve and improve the aesthetic nature of a heavily trafficked entrance to the Nature Preserve B-4 Capital Improvement Program 8400 Series Abalone Parks, Open Space and Recreation Facilities Project Code: 84_ Nature Preserve Gate for Rattlesnake Trail The project consists of:  Installation of a gate at the trailhead of the Rattlesnake Trail Project Cost Estimates Prior FYs FY20/21 FY21/22 FY22/23 FY23/24 FY24/25 FY TBD Totals Planning $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Engineering $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Environmental $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Management $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Construction $0 $100,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $100,000 Contingency $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Inspection $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $100,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $100,000 Funding 330 (CIP) $100,000 $100,000 $100,000 $100,000 Estimated annual operating cost $500 Estimated Schedule: Installation in Fiscal Year 2020-21 Project Location Map Background: It is important to prevent pedestrian traffic into the Portuguese Bend Reserve at times, such as after sunset and due in after heavy rainfall, to protect the Reserve and the quality of life of neighboring residents. Access to the trailhead of the Rattlesnake Trail is currently provided only by an opening in the fence along Crenshaw Boulevard. Justification: Enhances security of the Portuguese Bend Reserve of the Palos Verdes Peninsula Nature Preserve. B-5 Capital Improvement Program 8500 Series Building Improvements Project Code: 85_ R estroom Improvements at Point Vicente Interpretive Center (PVIC) The project consists of replacing existing:  plumbing and fixtures  wall and ceiling surfaces  flooring  stall dividers  lighting fixtures  mirrors  accessory equipment (hand dryers, toilet paper dispensers, etc.) Project Cost Estimates Prior FYs FY20/21 FY21/22 FY22/23 FY23/24 FY24/25 FY TBD Totals Planning $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Engineering $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Environmental $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Management $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Construction $0 $0 $150,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $150,000 Contingency $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Inspection $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $150,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $150,000 Funding 330 (CIP) $150,000 $150,000 $150,000 $150,000 Estimated annual operating cost $8,000 Estimated Schedule: Installation in Fiscal Year 2021-22 Project Location Map Background: The plumbing in the existing restrooms (both interior and exterior) often clog, requiring the bathrooms to be placed out of service and is a source of regular complaints from the public. Even when in service, the restrooms often smell bad as a result of poor plumbing. Justification: Bathroom improvements are needed at the PVIC to better represent the City of Rancho Palos Verdes, and provide better facilities to the public and those whose rent the facility for weddings and special events. B-6 Capital Improvement Program 8500 Series Building Improvements Project Code: 85_ C ivic Center (Storm R oom) Improvements The project consists of replacing existing:  roofing material  plumbing and fixtures  electrical systems  lighting fixtures  wall and ceiling surfaces  flooring Project Cost Estimates Prior FYs FY20/21 FY21/22 FY22/23 FY23/24 FY24/25 FY TBD Totals Planning $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Engineering $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Environmental $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Management $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Construction $0 $0 $100,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $100,000 Contingency $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Inspection $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $100,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $100,000 Funding 330 (CIP) $100,000 $100,000 $100,000 $100,000 Estimated annual operating cost $500 Estimated Schedule: Installation in Fiscal Year 2021-22 Project Location Map Background: The “Storm Room” at the Civic Center needs to be rehabilitated. Justification: As additional staff has been added over recent years, the need for additional office and conference/meeting room space at the Civic Center has increased greatly. Remodeling of the Storm Room would allow Public Works maintenance staff to be relocated to this area, and provide the Human Resources department a dedicated conference room and needed additional office space. B-7 Capital Improvement Program 8700 Series Sewer & Storm Drain Improvements Project Code: 87_ Storm Drain Improvements at 6415 Corsini Place This project consists of engineering and constructing storm drain improvements at 6415 Corsini Place Project Cost Estimates Prior FYs FY20/21 FY21/22 FY22/23 FY23/24 FY24/25 FY TBD Totals Planning $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Engineering $0 $20,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $20,000 Environmental $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Management $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Construction $0 $0 $250,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $250,000 Contingency $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Inspection $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $20,000 $250,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $270,000 Funding 330 (CIP) $20,000 $250,000 $270,000 $20,000 $250,000 $270,000 Estimated annual operating cost $500 Estimated Schedule: Engineering in Fiscal Year 2020-21 Construction in Fiscal Year 2021-22 Project Location Map Background: The existing storm sewer pipe is broken and the catch basin is deteriorating Justification: This work is needed to properly convey storm water at this location. B-8 Capital Improvement Program 8700 Series Sewer & Storm Drain Improvements Project Code: 87_ Altamira Canyon This project consists of the following three phases: Phase 1  Project Study Report, consisting of reviewing the previous study of a portion of the water shed; performing an engineering analysis of the entire Altamira Canyon and its tributaries; establishing a priority for improvements Phase 2  Preparing detailed engineering plans for mitigation measures Phase 3  Construction Project Cost Estimates Prior FYs FY20/21 FY21/22 FY22/23 FY23/24 FY24/25 FY TBD Totals Planning $0 $350,00 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $350,000 Engineering $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 TBD TBD Environmental $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 TBD TBD Management $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 TBD TBD Construction $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 TBD TBD Contingency $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 TBD TBD Inspection $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 TBD TBD $0 $350,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 TBD TBD Funding 330 (CIP) $350,000 TBD $350,000 TBD Estimated annual operating cost N/A Estimated Schedule: Project Study Report (Phase 1) in Fiscal Year 2020-21 Project Location Map Background: The canyon has been eroding for the last several years Justification: This work is needed to mitigate the erosion of the Altamira Canyon. B-9 Capital Improvement Program 8800 Series Right-of-Way Improvements Project Code: 88__ Western Avenue Beautification The project consists of developing a plan for improvements to enhance the aesthetics of the public right-of-way along the Western Avenue corridor (from Peninsula Verde Drive to Summerland Street) to possibly include:  New entrance features  Lighting improvements (including up-lighting of landscaping)  Hardscape improvements  new street furniture and trash receptacles  crosswalk improvements Project Cost Estimates Prior FYs FY20/21 FY21/22 FY22/23 FY23/24 FY24/25 FY TBD Totals Planning $0 $150,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $150,000 Engineering $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Environmental $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Management $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 TBD TBD Construction $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 TBD TBD Contingency $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 TBD TBD Inspection $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 TBD TBD $0 $150,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 TBD TBD Funding 330 (CIP) $150,000 TBD $150,000 TBD Estimated annual operating cost TBD Estimated Schedule: Developing a Plan for Improvements in Fiscal Year 2021-22 Project Location Map Background: For many years, residents have expressed a desire for aesthetic improvements along Western Avenue. Justification: Improvements to the public right-of-way and adjacent areas would enhance the appeal of the surrounding area and reflect positively on the entire City. B-10 Capital Improvement Program 8800 Series Right-of-Way Improvements Project Code: 88__ Palos Verdes Drive East Widening and Path Improvements at Bronco This project consists of widening of the Palos Verdes Drive East roadway, from Bronco Drive to lower Headland Drive, by adding a 12’ center turn lane and constructing a decomposed granite (“DG”) pedestrian/equestrian path in the public right-of-way, from Bronco Drive to Sunnyside Ridge Drive Project Cost Estimates Prior FYs FY20/21 FY21/22 FY22/23 FY23/24 FY24/25 FY TBD Totals Planning $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Engineering $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $200,000 $200,00 Environmental $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Management $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Construction $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $1,300,000 $1,300,000 Contingency $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Inspection $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $1,500,000 Funding 330 (CIP) $1,500,000 $1,500,000 $1,500,000 $1,500,000 Estimated annual operating cost $20,000 Estimated Schedule: To be determined Project Location Map Background: The curb radius along Palos Verdes Drive East and Bronco is very tight and travelers drive fast through the curve. Justification: The widening of Palos Verdes Drive East and construction of center turn lane, and construction of a pedestrian/equestrian path will address traffic safety concerns and will provide for safer pedestrian and equestrian travel in this area. B-11 Capital Improvement Program 8800 Series Right-of-Way Improvements Project Code: 88__ Palos Verdes Drive South Rehabilitation As part of the Arterial Road Rehabilitation Program, this project consists of repairs and improvements to Palos Verdes Drive South, from Crestmont Lane to Seahill Drive, including:  Removing existing damaged pavement (the top 3”)  Replacing damaged curbs, gutters and sidewalks  Installing ADA compliant ramps  Minor pruning of existing roots  Installing new pavement (1” level coarse of conventional asphalt and 2” of rubber asphalt)  Upgrading traffic signs, striping and curb painting Project Cost Estimates Prior FYs FY20/21 FY21/22 FY22/23 FY23/24 FY24/25 FY TBD Totals Planning $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Engineering $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $50,000 $50,00 Environmental $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Management $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Construction $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $450,000 $450,000 Contingency $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Inspection $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $500,000 Funding 330 (CIP) $500,000 $500,000 $500,000 $500,000 Estimated annual operating cost $5,000 Estimated Schedule: To be determined Project Location Map Background: In April 2019, the City received a Final Report on the condition of the city’s roadways, which serves as an update to the City’s Pavement Management Program (PMP). In that report, roadway segments are assigned a calculated Pavement Condition Index (PCI) that is a condition rating that ranges from 0 (structurally failed) to 100 (new pavement) Justification: With PCI ranges of 0-40 (Very Poor), 41-59 (Poor), 60-74 (Fair), 75- 85 (Good) and 86-100 (Very Good): The section of Palos Verdes Drive South for this project (from Crestmont Lane to Seahill Drive) was assigned a PCI of 73 (Fair) B-12 Capital Improvement Program 8800 Series Right-of-Way Improvements Project Code: 88__ Indian Peak Road Rehabilitation As part of the Arterial Road Rehabilitation Program, this project consists of repairs and improvements to Indian Peak Road, from Crenshaw Boulevard to the City limit, including:  Removing existing damaged pavement (the top 3”)  Replacing damaged curbs, gutters and sidewalks  Installing ADA compliant ramps  Minor pruning of existing roots  Installing new pavement (1” level coarse of conventional asphalt and 2” of rubber asphalt)  Upgrading traffic signs, striping and curb painting Project Cost Estimates Prior FYs FY20/21 FY21/22 FY22/23 FY23/24 FY24/25 FY TBD Totals Planning $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Engineering $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $50,000 $50,00 Environmental $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Management $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Construction $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $450,000 $450,000 Contingency $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Inspection $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $500,000 Funding 330 (CIP) $500,000 $500,000 $500,000 $500,000 Estimated annual operating cost $5,000 Estimated Schedule: To be determined Project Location Map Background: In April 2019, the City received a Final Report on the condition of the city’s roadways, which serves as an update to the City’s Pavement Management Program (PMP). In that report, roadway segments are assigned a calculated Pavement Condition Index (PCI) that is a condition rating that ranges from 0 (structurally failed) to 100 (new pavement) Justification: With PCI ranges of 0-40 (Very Poor), 41-59 (Poor), 60-74 (Fair), 75- 85 (Good) and 86-100 (Very Good): The section of Indian Peak Road for this project (from Crenshaw Boulevard to the City limit) was assigned a PCI of 71 (Fair) B-13 Capital Improvement Program 8800 Series Right-of-Way Improvements Project Code: 88__ Palos Verdes Drive W est Pedestrian Crossing The project includes:  Installation of a traffic light at the intersection of Palos Verdes Drive West and Berry Hill Drive  Installation of a traffic light at the intersection of Palos Verdes Drive West and Calle Entradero  Construction of an ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act) compliant, pedestrian pathway and required striping from Berry Hill Drive to Calle Entradero Project Cost Estimates Prior FYs FY20/21 FY21/22 FY22/23 FY23/24 FY24/25 FY TBD Totals Planning $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Engineering $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $100,000 $100,00 Environmental $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Management $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Construction $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $900,000 $900,000 Contingency $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Inspection $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $1,000,000 $1,000,000 Funding 330 (CIP) $1,000,000 $1,000,000 $1,000,000 $1,000,000 Estimated annual operating cost $5,000 Estimated Schedule: To be determined Project Location Map Background: Currently, there is no protected pathway for pedestrians to travel from the Berry Hill Drive area to the Vicente Bluffs Reserve. Justification: This project creates a safe travel path from the Berry Hill Drive area to the Vicente Bluffs Reserve, by connecting Berry Hill Drive to the entrance to Calle Entradero. B-14 Capital Improvement Program 8800 Series Right-of-Way Improvements Project Code: 88__ Palos Verdes Drive East R ehabilitation As part of the Arterial Road Rehabilitation Program, this project consists of repairs and improvements to Palos Verdes Drive East, from 937’ north of Sunnyside Ridge Road to the City limit, including:  Removing existing damaged pavement (the top 3”)  Replacing damaged curbs, gutters and sidewalks  Installing ADA compliant ramps  Minor pruning of existing roots  Installing new pavement (1” level coarse of conventional asphalt and 2” of rubber asphalt)  Upgrading traffic signs, striping and curb painting Project Cost Estimates Prior FYs FY20/21 FY21/22 FY22/23 FY23/24 FY24/25 FY TBD Totals Planning $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Engineering $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $200,000 $200,00 Environmental $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Management $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Construction $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $1,800,000 $1,800,000 Contingency $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Inspection $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $2,000,000 $2,000,000 Funding 330 (CIP) $2,000,000 $2,000,000 $2,000,000 $2,000,000 Estimated annual operating cost $11,000 Estimated Schedule: To be determined Project Location Map Background: In April 2019, the City received a Final Report on the condition of the city’s roadways, which serves as an update to the City’s Pavement Management Program (PMP). In that report, roadway segments are assigned a calculated Pavement Condition Index (PCI) that is a condition rating that ranges from 0 (structurally failed) to 100 (new pavement) Justification: With PCI ranges of 0-40 (Very Poor), 41-59 (Poor), 60-74 (Fair), 75- 85 (Good) and 86-100 (Very Good): The section of Palos Verdes Drive East for this project (from Sunyside Ridge Road to the City limit) was assigned a PCI of 71 (Fair) B-15 Capital Improvement Program 8800 Series Right-of-Way Improvements Project Code: 88__ Silver Spur Road Rehabilitation As part of the Arterial Road Rehabilitation Program, this project consists of repairing and improving to Silver Spur Road, from Elkmont Drive to the City limit will include:  Removing existing damaged pavement (the top 3”)  Replacing damaged curbs, gutters and sidewalks  Installing ADA compliant ramps  Minor pruning of existing roots  Installing new pavement (1” level coarse of conventional asphalt and 2” of rubber asphalt)  Upgrading traffic signs, striping and curb painting Project Cost Estimates Prior FYs FY20/21 FY21/22 FY22/23 FY23/24 FY24/25 FY TBD Totals Planning $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Engineering $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $200,000 $200,00 Environmental $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Management $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Construction $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $1,800,000 $1,800,000 Contingency $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Inspection $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $2,000,000 $2,000,000 Funding 330 (CIP) $2,000,000 $2,000,000 $2,000,000 $2,000,000 Estimated annual operating cost $16,000 Estimated Schedule: To be determined Project Location Map Background: In April 2019, the City received a Final Report on the condition of the city’s roadways, which serves as an update to the City’s Pavement Management Program (PMP). In that report, roadway segments are assigned a calculated Pavement Condition Index (PCI) that is a condition rating that ranges from 0 (structurally failed) to 100 (new pavement) Justification: With PCI ranges of 0-40 (Very Poor), 41-59 (Poor), 60-74 (Fair), 75- 85 (Good) and 86-100 (Very Good): The section of Silver Spur Road for this project (from Elkmont Drive to the City limit) was assigned a range of PCIs from 49-70 (Poor to Fair) B-16 Capital Improvement Program 8800 Series Right-of-Way Improvements Project Code: 88__ G anado Drive Beautification This project consists of improving the aesthetics of the public right- of-way along a section of Ganado Drive, including new landscaping and irrigation Project Cost Estimates Prior FYs FY20/21 FY21/22 FY22/23 FY23/24 FY24/25 FY TBD Totals Planning $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Engineering $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Environmental $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Management $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Construction $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $100,000 $100,000 Contingency $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Inspection $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $100,000 $100,00 Funding 330 (CIP) $100,000 $100,000 $100,000 $100,000 Estimated annual operating cost $5,000 Estimated Schedule: To be determined Project Location Map Background: The adjacent Homeowner’s Association has requested new landscaping and irrigation in the public right-of-way area along Ganado Drive between Palos Verdes Drive East and Hawksmoor Drive. Justification: Improvements to the public right-of-way would enhance the appeal of the public right-of-way areas area and reflect positively on the City. B-17 MINUTES RANCHO PALOS VERDES INFRASTRUCTURE MANAGEMENT ADVISORY COMMITTEE (IMAC) REGULAR MEETING MONDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 2019 1.CALL TO ORDER: Chair Spain called the meeting to order at 6:02 P.M. at the Community Room at City Hall, 30940 Hawthorne Boulevard, Rancho Palos Verdes, California 90275. 2.ROLL CALL: PRESENT: Shaw, Spielman, Swanson, Taube, Wedemeyer, Chair Spain ABSENT: Vargas (excused) ALSO PRESENT: Elias Sassoon, Director of Public Works; Angie Garcia, Interim Finance Director; Lauren Ramezani, Senior Administrative Analyst and Recording Secretary 3.FLAG SALUTE: Member Swanson led the assembly in the Pledge of Allegiance. 4.APPROVAL OF AGENDA: Chair Spain suggested approving the agenda with one minor modification, to move Item 10.a to occur immediately after Item 7. Interim Finance Director Garcia would be available to answer questions regarding that item. Member Wedemeyer moved to approve the agenda with that modification, and Chair Spain seconded it. Motion Approved: Ayes 6, Nays 0, Absent 1 5.APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Chair Spain moved to approve the minutes of the October 21, 2019 meeting and Member Swanson seconded it. Motion Approved: Ayes 6, Nays 0, Absent 1 6.CHAIR’S COMMUNICATION: Chair Spain reported on the Mayor’s Breakfast meeting and the items discussed. C-1 7. PUBLIC COMMENTS ON NON-AGENDA ITEMS There was one e-mail regarding the grindings at the Archery Club. Director Sassoon provided an explanation and answered questions. 8. PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR’S REPORT: This item was rearranged and discussed after Item 10.a. Director Sassoon went over some items that were recently discussed at the Traffic Safety Committee (TSC). Discussion ensued. 9. UNFINISHED BUSINESS a) Biannual IMAC Status Report to City Council- February 2020 City Council Meeting. Action Taken: Director Sassoon explained the item. Chair Spain requested that the Communication Subcommittee (Members Vargas and Taube) prepare a draft of the talking points for the 10-minute allotted to IMAC for its presentation to Council. The draft to be presented and discussed at the January meeting. RECESS AND RECONVENE Chair Spain called for a break from 7:08 p.m. to 7:19 p.m. b) Portuguese Bend Landslide Mitigation Project- Discuss project and public outreach meeting. Action Taken: There was one request to speak. Barbara Sattler- She would like the future public outreach meetings to be taped so people who could not make it to the meeting can view it later. Director Sassoon indicated that there might not be another public outreach meeting. Member Shaw explained the charts provided and discussion ensued. Chair Spain asked for this item to be placed on the January agenda for further discussion 10. NEW BUSINESS a) Potential New CIP Projects (CIP) for FY 20/21 - Discuss preliminary list of potential new CIP projects FY 20/21 C-2 Action Taken: This item was re-arranged and was discussed after Item 7. Chair Spain requested this item to be placed on the agenda to allow for a preliminary discussion of the possible CIP projects. Director Sassoon explained that the internal CIP evaluation process has not begun and the projects mentioned tonight are preliminary and subject to change. He and Interim Finance Director Garcia answered questions. Chair Spain asked for this item to be brought back to IMAC in January. 11. SUBCOMMITTEE REPORTS: Member Wedemeyer commented that the CIP Process Subcommittee could not propose a schedule for the CIP budget review process due to current vacancies in the upper management. Director Sassoon responded that he would share the schedule as soon as it is prepared and made available. The Maintenance Subcommittee distributed one item of Late Correspondence and detailed their meeting with the Maintenance Superintendent . Discussion ensued and follow-up items were discussed. 12. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS: Member Shaw asked if Items 12.a should be removed. Chair Spain responded not yet. Item 12.b to be placed on the June agenda, after the budget preparation is over. 13. COMMITTEE MEMBER ORAL REPORTS: Chair Spain proposed not to meet in December. Members agreed to cancel the December 16th meeting. The January and February meeting dates both fall on a 3-day weekend. The exact January and February dates are to be determined and Chair Spain will discuss alternate dates with Secretary Ramezani and get back to members. 14. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned tentatively to January 20th meeting. The meeting was adjourned at 9:09 P.M. Motion Approved: Ayes 6, Nays 0, Absent 1 C-3 MINUTES RANCHO PALOS VERDES INFRASTRUCTURE MANAGEMENT ADVISORY COMMITTEE (IMAC) SPECIAL MEETING WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 22, 2020 1. CALL TO ORDER: Chair Spain called the special meeting to order at 5:59 P.M. at the Community Room at City Hall, 30940 Hawthorne Boulevard, Rancho Palos Verdes, California 90275. 2. ROLL CALL: PRESENT: Shaw, Spielman, Swanson, Taube, Vargas, Wedemeyer, Chair Spain ABSENT: None ALSO PRESENT: Elias Sassoon, Director of Public Works; Angie Garcia, Interim Finance Director; Lorna Clocke, Senior Administrative Analyst- Finance; Lauren Ramezani, Senior Administrative Analyst and Recording Secretary- Public Works 3. FLAG SALUTE: Chair Spain led the assembly in the Pledge of Allegiance. 4. APPROVAL OF AGENDA: Chair Spain commented that Item 10.a and the Subcommittee Report Item 11 overlap and proposed to keep the items separate. However, the goal stated on the Subcommittee Report to be discussed during the goals discussions of Item 10.a. Member Spielman moved to approve the agenda with that modification, and Vice Chair Vargas seconded it. Motion Approved: Ayes 7, Nays 0 5. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Member Shaw commented that on Item 12, first sentence, the words “or 12.b” should be removed from the minutes. Member Taube moved to approve the minutes of the November 18, 2019 meeting as revised, and Member Spielman seconded it. Motion Approved: Ayes 7, Nays 0 6. CHAIR’S COMMUNICATION: Chair Spain announced that Vice Chair Swanson was appointed as the new IMAC Chair, and that the two would work together on a smooth transition. C-4 7. PUBLIC COMMENTS ON NON-AGENDA ITEMS There was one request to speak. Stasys Petravicius- Board member of the West Portuguese Bend Community Association asked why the median on PVDS by Sea Cove was not landscaped . He also commented on the brush that needed to be removed by that intersection. Director Sassoon said he would look into it. 8. PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR’S REPORT: Director Sassoon went over items that were scheduled to be presented to City Council and debriefed members on the Portuguese Bend Landslide Mitigation project. Discussion ensued. Director Sassoon offered to meet with any membe r who needed more information, however he reminded members that couple of meetings were previously arranged with staff, IMAC members and consultant firm and that the professional agreement with the consulting firm had no additional funds to meet with IMAC members again, and that the City Council already had made certain decisions regarding this project. Chair Spain asked for the Portuguese Bend Landslide Mitigation project to be placed as a future agenda items and to be brought back before it is presented to the City Council again. 9. UNFINISHED BUSINESS a) Biannual IMAC Status Report to City Council- Review and approve the Biannual IMAC Status Report which needs to be included in the staff report for the February 4, 2020 City Council Meeting. Action Taken: Chair Spain commented that a draft report is included in the packet. Director Sassoon explained the process and the need for a final status report by the end of the meeting for submittal to the City Council at the February 4, 2020 meeting. Members commented and made minor corrections and enhancements. Chair Spain said he would attend the meeting representing IMAC. Vice Chair Swanson moved to approve the biannual IMAC Status Report to the City Council as amended in this meeting and approved by Chair Spain. Member Wedemeyer seconded the motion. Motion Approved: Ayes 7, Nays 0 b) Potential New CIP Projects (CIP) for FY 20/21- Update on the Status of the new CIP projects FY 20/21. Action Taken: Director Sassoon presented this item. Acting Finance Director Garcia commented that the tentative CIP workshop date was April 13, 2020, therefore C-5 IMAC’s input will be needed by March 2020. 10. NEW BUSINESS a) Review City Goals- Review and provide input for City Council consideration Action Taken: Director Sassoon presented this item. Discussion ensued. Newly appointed Chair Swanson would represent IMAC at the February 12, 2020 meeting at PVIC and provide input based on tonight’s discussions. 11. SUBCOMMITTEE REPORTS: The Landflow Subcommittee members Wedemeyer and Shaw commented that their report and concerns were covered during discussions of previous items. The Maintenance Subcommittee members Spielman and Swanson reported on meeting with Director Sassoon and their findings. Director Sassoon added that Public Works performs maintenance both preventive and as needed, but plans to acquire an add-on software module to include in its database an inventory of all assets and track maintenance efforts and notify staff when maintenance on assets would be needed. The City considers anything with a valuation of over $50,000 as an asset, but currently the City does not have a comprehensive list of assets in one location. Discussion ensued. 12. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS: Chair Spain commented that IMAC would like to get engaged at the appropriate time before the Portuguese Bend Landslide Mitigation Project’s Environmental Impact Report (EIR) professional agreement is ready and would be presented to City Council in about a year. Director Sassoon said he would update members regularly on new developments. 13. COMMITTEE MEMBER ORAL REPORTS: Newly Council appointed Chair Swanson thanked outgoing Chair Spain for his work during the past few years. 14. ADJOURNMENT Chair Spain commented that the next meeting would be on Wednesday, February 26, 2020. Member Shaw said he would be out of town. The meeting was adjourned at 8:49 P.M. Motion Approved: Ayes 7, Nays 0 C-6 MINUTES RANCHO PALOS VERDES INFRASTRUCTURE MANAGEMENT ADVISORY COMMITTEE (IMAC) SPECIAL MEETING WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 2020 1. CALL TO ORDER: Chair Swanson called the special meeting to order at 6:03 P.M. at the Community Room at City Hall, 30940 Hawthorne Boulevard, Rancho Palos Verdes, California 90275. 2. ROLL CALL: PRESENT: Spain, Spielman, Taube, Vargas, Wedemeyer, Chair Swanson ABSENT: Shaw (excused absence) ALSO PRESENT: Elias Sassoon, Director of Public Works; Angie Garcia, Interim Finance Director; Lorna Clocke, Senior Administrative Analyst- Finance; Lauren Ramezani, Senior Administrative Analyst and Recording Secretary- Public Works 3. FLAG SALUTE: Member Spain led the assembly in the Pledge of Allegiance. 4. APPROVAL OF AGENDA: Member Spain moved to approve the agenda, and Member Spielman seconded it. Motion Approved: Ayes 6, Nays 0, Absent 1 5. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Member Spain moved to approve the agenda, and Member Spielman seconded it. Motion Approved: Ayes 6, Nays 0, Absent 1 6. CHAIR’S COMMUNICATION: Chair Swanson commented on discussions at the Mayor’s breakfast meeting. He added that the vacant Vice Chair position and the reorganizations of the subcommittees would be addressed after the budget preparation period . He thanked former Chair Spain for his hard work. He said that he was honored to serve as Chair of IMAC. 7. PUBLIC COMMENTS ON NON-AGENDA ITEMS Minas Yerelian- He commented that IMAC’s future agenda item includes a cost versus benefit item, which has not been addressed for several years. He said it C-7 was critical and should be placed on the agenda and considered for each of the City’s projects. 8. PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR’S REPORT: One item of Late Correspondence, the draft RFP for Portuguese Bend Landslide Environmental studies, was distributed. Director Sassoon went over items that were scheduled to be presented to City Council and reminded members that the City Goals will be discussed on Wednesday, March 4. He added that he Draft RFP was not vetted yet and it would be presented to the City Council RFP Subcommittee, comprised of Mayor Cruikshank and Councilmember Dyda, before release. 9. UNFINISHED BUSINESS a) Discussion of Potential CIP Projects for FY 20/21- Discuss the potential CIP projects FY 20/21. Action Taken: Late Correspondence, an updated list of projects and a CIP scoring sheet, were distributed. Director Sassoon presented this item. Kelvin Vanderlip- commented on the Altamira Canyon and its erosion. He added that this project had been postposed before and asked for it to get a scope and be considered more seriously. Director Sassoon provided information on each project and member discussion ensued. Acting Finance Director Garcia commented that the tentative CIP workshop date was April 13, 2020, therefore IMAC’s input would be needed by March 2020. Later, the scoring and IMAC’s next steps were discussed. Individual member scores are due to Public Works by Monday, March 9 at 8 A.M. RECESS AND RECONVENE Chair Swanson called for a short break at 8:11 P.M. to 8:19 P.M. 10. NEW BUSINESS a) Discussion Regarding Western Avenue Beautification Project- Discuss the tentative Western Avenue Beautification Project. Action Taken: This item was discussed in conjunction with Item 9.a. Director Sassoon presented the item. Discussion ensued. C-8 11. SUBCOMMITTEE REPORTS: None. 12. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS: None. 13. COMMITTEE MEMBER ORAL REPORTS: None. 14. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 9:33 P.M. Motion Approved: Ayes 6, Nays 0, Absent 1 C-9 MINUTES RANCHO PALOS VERDES INFRASTRUCTURE MANAGEMENT ADVISORY COMMITTEE (IMAC) SPECIAL MEETING (CONDUCTED VIA TELECONFERENCE USING THE ZOOM PLATFORM) MONDAY, APRIL 6, 2020 1.CALL TO ORDER: Chair Swanson called the special meeting to order at 2:03 P.M. conducted via teleconference using the Zoom platform. 2.ROLL CALL: PRESENT: Shaw, Spielman, Taube, Vargas, Wedemeyer, Chair Swanson ABSENT: Spain (excused absence) ALSO PRESENT: Elias Sassoon, Director of Public Works; Angie Garcia, Interim Finance Director; Ara Mihranian, City Manager; Lukasz Buchwald, IT Manager; Cheri Bailiff, Permit Technician; Lauren Ramezani, Senior Administrative Analyst and Recording Secretary- Public Works 3.FLAG SALUTE: Recording Secretary Ramezani led the assembly in the Pledge of Allegiance. 4.APPROVAL OF AGENDA: Member Wedemeyer moved to approve the agenda, and Member Spielman seconded it. Motion Approved: Ayes 6, Nays 0, Absent 1 5.APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Member Wedemeyer moved to approve the minutes of the February 26, 2020 meeting, and Member Spielman seconded it. Motion Approved: Ayes 6, Nays 0, Absent 1 6.CHAIR’S COMMUNICATION: Chair Swanson commented on the recent challenging times due to COVID-19 and how it has negatively impacted Terranea, which would ultimately impact the City’s CIP funding source. He also commented on the new virtual meeting format, and the great job performed by Public W orks staff in closing park entrances. At the next meeting he hoped to select a new Vice Chair, organization plan and subcommittees. C-10 7.PUBLIC COMMENTS ON NON-AGENDA ITEMS None. 8.PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR’S REPORT: Director Sassoon went over items that were scheduled to be presented to City Council and how the reduction in the Transient Occupancy Tax (TOT) from Terranea would probably necessitate delays for the projects with low priority. He proposed concentrating on three suggested projects with the highest priority. Acting Finance Director Garcia and City Manager Mihranian commented that the CIP list needs to be prioritized, and show what projects c ould be deferred with minimal impact, and how to proceed with a reduced list of projects consi dering the CIP and other funding sources such as SB1. 9.UNFINISHED BUSINESS a)Discussion of Potential CIP Projects for FY 20/21- Discuss the potential CIP projects FY 20/21. Action Taken: Chair Swanson opened the discussion and Director Sassoon answered questions and provided information. Director Sassoon recommended four projects, the Annual Portuguese Bend Landslide Area resurfacing program (recurring project), the PVDS realignment, the storm drain deficiency improvements at PVDS and Peppertree, and the Altamira Canyon Erosion Control. The above storm drain project to be broken into two separate projects: the Hawthorne Blvd. and Hawkhurst project with a ranking of 2, and the PVDS and Peppertree project with a ranking of 1, and revisit it and reevaluate its score. After further discussion, additional projects were added as backup/secondary recommendations. They were the: Eastview Park security lighting, the nature preserve gate at Burma Road and the nature preserve gate at Raffle Snake trails (both of these trail projects are City Council driven), the Western Avenue beautification, and the indoor/outdoor PVIC restroom remodel. IMAC members wanted to add comments on two projects, that the Sea Dahlia trails are a good value, and that IMAC will support the staff decision, if staff decides to postpone the residential road rehabilitation for Area 1 or any other recurring projects from FY 20-21 to FY 21-22. Member Wedemeyer moved to accept staff ’s recommendation on those items and the two added comments, Member Spielman seconded it. Motion Approved (by a show of hands): Ayes 6, Nays 0, Absent 1 C-11 b)Discuss the Implementation Schedule for Highest Ranking Project(s) Action Taken: This was discussed in conjunction with Item 9.a. 11.SUBCOMMITTEE REPORTS: None. 12.FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS: None. 13.COMMITTEE MEMBER ORAL REPORTS: None. 14.ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 4:20 P.M. Motion Approved: Ayes 6, Nays 0, Absent 1 C-12 DRAFT MINUTES RANCHO PALOS VERDES INFRASTRUCTURE MANAGEMENT ADVISORY COMMITTEE (IMAC) MEETING (CONDUCTED VIA TELECONFERENCE USING THE ZOOM PLATFORM) MONDAY, APRIL 20, 2020 1.CALL TO ORDER: Chair Swanson called the meeting to order at approximately 4:05 P.M. conducted via teleconference using the Zoom platform. 2.ROLL CALL: PRESENT: Shaw, Spain, Spielman, Taube, Vargas, Wedemeyer, Chair Swanson ABSENT: None ALSO PRESENT: Elias Sassoon, Director of Public Works; Ara Mihranian, City Manager; John Cruikshank, Mayor; Trang Nguyen, Finance Director; Lukasz Buchwald, IT Manager; Cheri Bailiff, Permit Technician; Lauren Ramezani, Senior Administrative Analyst and Recording Secretary, Public Works 3.FLAG SALUTE: Mayor Cruikshank led the assembly in the Pledge of Allegiance. 4.APPROVAL OF AGENDA: Member Wedemeyer moved to approve the agenda, and Member Spain seconded it. Motion Approved: Ayes 7, Nays 0 5.APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Member Shaw moved to approve the minutes of the April 6, 2020 meeting with a minor typographical correction, and Member Taube seconded it. Motion Approved: Ayes 7, Nays 0 6.CHAIR’S COMMUNICATION: Chair Swanson welcomed Mayor Cruikshank and commented that this was budget season and that last year 66% of the Transient Occupancy Tax (TOT) was used towards the CIP budget. This was a very important meeting and appreciated IMAC’s attention to this meeting and agenda, and the comments that were to be made by Mayor Cruikshank and Director Sassoon. C-13 7.STAFF COMMUNICATION Mayor Cruikshank reminded members that as the IMAC liaison and he was available to them. He added that a preliminary budget workshop showed that the City is currently losing $600,000 a month in revenues from TOT and sales taxes. Therefore, IMAC’s job was very important to the City by prioritizing the projects and providing the City Council with their recommendations. He added that helping local residents and businesses during this time was important to all members of the City Council. He thanked all IMAC members for all their work. 8.PUBLIC COMMENTS ON NON-AGENDA ITEMS Jessica Vlaco, SUNSHINE, Kelvin Vanderlip and Liz Swanson, all residents, sent in requests to participate in the meeting. Chair Swanson referenced the late correspondence received from SUNSHINE, which referenced what she perceived was missing from the CIP process. He asked members to read the letter, if they had not done so, since it had some interesting points. 9.PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR’S REPORT: Director Sassoon went over items that were scheduled to be presented to City Council at the next meeting and explained some of the projects. He added that the proposed CIP projects went before the Planning Commission to be reviewed for consistency with the General Plan, and they were approved. He added that Public Works was working on the presentation for the CIP Workshop and that some projects would be deferred to the future due to budget reductions. A total of $1.93 million was available towards the CIP project budgeting. Discussion ensued and Finance Director Nguyen provided clarification. 10.UNFINISHED BUSINESS a)Discussion of Potential CIP Projects for FY 20-21- Discuss the potential CIP projects FY 20-21. Action Taken: There was a Late Correspondence from SUNSHINE, but she was experiencing difficulty participating in the meeting. Director Sassoon presented the item. Members asked questions about different projects and their priorities and discussion ensued. Members agreed to add a comment ”good value” to the Eastview Park Security Lighting Project. For the two storm drain deficiency projects, the members tadded the comment “Peppertree is a higher priority” as compared to the one proposed at Hawthorne and Hawkhurst. Members approved these comments to be included in the CIP spreadsheet. Motion Approved: Ayes 7, Nays 0 C-14 Kelvin Vanderlip, a resident, joined the meeting and provided information on Altamira Canyon. SUNSHINE had asked for her email to be read into the minutes, but she experienced difficulty commenting via Zoom. After Item 11 ended, Member Wedemeyer moved to reopen Item 10 -A and accept and support staff’s recommendation and presentation of the proposed CIP projects for FY 20-21 with the added comments that Eastview Park Security Lighting Project is a “good value”, and for the stormwater deficiency improvement projects that the “PVDS at Peppertree is a higher priority” compared to Hawthorne and Hawkhurst. Member Spain seconded the motion. Motion Approved: Ayes 7, Nays 0 11.NEW BUSINESS a)IMAC Re-Organization and Subcommittees- Discuss reorganization and a new structure, and select a Vice Chair. Action Taken: Chair Swanson nominated member Spielman to be Vice Chair of IMAC and Member Wedemeyer seconded the motion. Motion Approved: Ayes 7, Nays 0 Chair Swanson suggested a new direction for the subcommittee s and organization structure. He proposed the committees to be based on seven (7) categories and asked members to identify which areas were of more interest to them. Discussion ensued and members expressed interest in the following areas: Public Building (Swanson and Spielman); Park Sites (Vargas and Taube); Trails (Shaw and Vargas); Stormwater System (Wedemeyer and Spielman); Sewer System (Swanson and Spielman); Street Rights-of-Way (Spain and Taube); and PVDS/PB Landslide (Shaw and Wedemeyer). Members agreed to the IMAC sub-committee structure and the initial sub- committee assignments. Motion Approved: Ayes 7, Nays 0 12.SUBCOMMITTEE REPORTS: None. However, Chair Spain said it was important not to lose all the previous subcommittee reports and information that were gathered. 13.FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS: At the request of members, Items 13.c, 13.e, and 13.f were removed from the list of future agenda topics. Discussion ensued. Member Shaw volunteered to try to attempt to codify Item 13.a. It was agreed to place this item as a future agenda item and discuss it. C-15 14.COMMITTEE MEMBER ORAL REPORTS: None. 15.ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 6:26 P.M. to May 18, 2020 at 6 p.m. Motion Approved: Ayes 7, Nays 0 C-16 DRAFT FY20-21 CIP Projects DRAFT Project Code Projects & Estimated Total Cost and Category (Design, Construction Management & Construction)Funding Estimated Project Cost FY20-21 (Backup) FY20-21 (Prop C) FY20-21 (CDBG) FY20-21 (330 CIP Res.) Staff Ranking IMAC Comments Landslide Improvements 1 8302 Annual Portuguese Bend Landslide Area Resurfacing Program PROP C $ 650,000 $ 650,000 2 8301 PVDS Realignment 330 (CIP) $ 1,200,000 $ 1,200,000 1 Parks, Open Space & Recreation Facilities 3 Proposed Nature Preserve Gate (for Burma Road Trail) City Council driven 330 (CIP) $ 100,000 $ 500 $ 100,000 1 4 Proposed Nature Preserve Gate (for Rattlesnake Trail) City Council driven 330 (CIP) $ 100,000 $ 500 $ 100,000 1 5 Proposed Eastview Park, Security Lighting (for parking lot and walkway)330 (CIP) $ 30,000 $ 3,000 $ 30,000 1 Good Value 6 Proposed Necessary repairs to the Sea Dahlia Trail & the Cave Trail 330 (CIP) $ 30,000 $ 2,000 2 Good Value Building Improvements 7 Proposed PVIC indoor and outdoor restroom remodel 330 (CIP) $ 150,000 $ 8,000 $ 150,000 1 Sewer & Storm Drain Improvements 8 8715 Storm Drain Deficiency Improvements Program (PVDS at Peppertree + Hawthorne at Hawkhurst)330 (CIP) $2,750,000 $ 10,000 $ 2,750,000 1 Peppertree Higher Priority 9 Proposed Storm Drain (6415 Corsini) (Design)330 (CIP) $ 20,000 $ 500 $ 20,000 1 10 Proposed Altamira Canyon (Erosion)330 (CIP) $ 350,000 $ 350,000 1 Right-of-Way Improvements 11 8801 Sidewalk Repair and Replacement Program 330 (CIP) $ 250,000 12 XXXX Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Projects per Transition Plan CDBG $ 150,600 $ 150,600 13 8816 Residential Street Rehabilitation Program Area 1 Construction 330 (CIP) $ 2,361,600 14 8815 Residential Street Rehabilitation Program Area 5 Design 330 (CIP) $ 305,400 15 Proposed Western Avenue Beautification (Design) (from Peninsula Verde Drive to Summerland Street)330 (CIP) $ 150,000 $ 150,000 1 COLOR KEY FY20-21 (Backup)Prop C CDBG 330 (CIP Res.) Recurring 2,930,000$ 650,000$ 150,600$ 1,920,000$ Proposed CIP Projects FY20-21 - DRAFT O & M Cost per Year 4/23/2020 1:11 PMDRAFTC-17 D-1 D-2 D-3 D-4 D-5 D-6 D-7 D-8 D-9 D-10 D-11 D-12 D-13 D-14 D-15 D-16 D-17 D-18 D-19 D-20 D-21 D-22 D-23 D-24 D-25 D-26 D-27