CC SR 20200317 E - Helen Putnam Award for Excellence Application NCCP CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: 03/17/2020 AGENDA REPORT AGENDA HEADING: Consent Calendar AGENDA DESCRIPTION: Consideration and possible action to submit an application nominating the NCCP/HCP project for the Helen Putnam Award for Excellence RECOMMENDED COUNCIL ACTION: (1) Direct Staff to prepare and submit an application nominating the NCCP/HCP project for the League of California Cities’ Helen Putnam Award for Excellence FISCAL IMPACT: None Amount Budgeted: N/A Additional Appropriation: N/A Account Number(s): N/A ORIGINATED BY: Matt Waters, Senior Administrative Analyst, Recreation and Parks REVIEWED BY: Cory Linder, Director of Recreation and Parks APPROVED BY: Ara Mihranian, AICP, City Manager ATTACHED SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: A. Helen Putnam Award for Excellence Application Packet (page A-1) BACKGROUND AND DISCUSSION: The League of California Cities’ highest honor for cities is the Helen Putnam Award for Excellence, which has been awarded to California cities since 1982. While there are many different award categories for which cities can apply, Staff considers the Natural Communities Conservation Plan/Habitat Conservation Plan (NCCP/HCP ) to be a viable and deserving candidate for the Planning and Environmental Quality Award. While the NCCP/HCP’s final approval by the City Council was in November 2019, less than a ye ar ago, the draft NCCP/HCP was approved by the City Council in 2004 and has been implemented since. Its positive effects and impacts on the community and natural habitat have been evident for many years. NCCP/HCP Background 1 On November 19, 2019, the City Council adopted the NCCP/HCP, which sets aside the 1,400- acre Palos Verdes Nature Preserve in perpetuity for species and habitat preservation. The plan is a component of the City’s NCCP/HCP permit from the United States Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) and the California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW) to set aside the Preserve for regional species and habitat protection while streamlining environmental permitting for public and private infrastructure and development projects citywide. Under the permit, the Palos Verdes Peninsula Land Conservancy (PVPLC) is established as the Preserve Habitat Manager and conservation easement holder, responsible for habitat restoration, invasive plant removal, and protecting the conservation value of the land. The City is the owner of most of the land and responsible for managing public use, maintenance, and public safety. The NCCP/HCP has been a collaborative and public process since its onset in the mid-1990s, involving residents, land owners, Preserve users, the USFWS, the CDFW, PVPLC, and the City to name a few key players. Application Criteria and Process Applications will be judged on the following basic scoring criteria:  The impact of the problem/challenges and how well it is outlined  The innovativeness of the solution  The quality of the results achieved Additional criteria that will be used in the evaluation and scoring process include the following categories, all of which are good fits for an NCCP/HCP application:  Community Engagement: To what extent is the public informed and involved and has input that is fully considered?  Savings and Efficiencies/Improved Services: To what extent does the program or service result in greater public benefits and/or less cost?  Partnerships: To what extent are other agencies, schools, businesses, community-based organizations, etc… involved formally and informally?  Strategic Priorities: To what extent does the program, policy, or activity advance the League’s strategic priorities for cities? Applications must be submitted by April 9, 2020. Cites are limited to one submission and only one category can be selected. The application narrative needs to address the project’s essential challenge, solution, and result in 1,500 words or less. Submission of project photographs is also allowed. With Council approval, Staff will prepare and submit an application. ALTERNATIVES In addition to the Staff recommendation, the following alternative action is available for the City Council’s consideration: 2 1. Do not submit an application nominating the NCCP/HCP project for the Helen Putnam Award for Excellence. 3 A-1 HELEN PUTNAM HEL UTNAM AWARD joY EXCELLENCE APPLICATION <lEAGUE PARTNER Entries Deadline: Thu ·sday. April 9th 2020 Established in 1982, this program recognizes ou tstanding cities that deliver the highest quality and level of service in the most effective manner possible. Particular atte ntion and cred it is given to appl ications specifically advanc ing the League's strategic priorities, www.cacities.org/priorities , which are determined each year by the League leadersh ip and board of directors. A-2 I' • -. 1! ·-• . .... • AWARD CATEGORIES CC S PA RT NE RSHIP INTERGOV ERNMENTA L COLLABORAT I ON AWARD I Prog rams that demonstrate innovative but rep licable examples of collaboration among cities, counties, schools and/or specia l distr icts in service to chi ldren and families. COMMU N in' SERVICE S AND ECONOMI C DEVELOPMENT I Progt·ams that may involve libraries, recreation, schoo ls, etc ., which advance the economic vitality of the commun ity. ECON OMI C DEV ELOPMENT THROUGH THE ARTS I Successful programs that illustrate how investment in the arts has stimu lated the local economy through tourism, festivals, and cu ltural attractions in cludin g performing arts. May include programs establis hed through a collaborative partnership and adopting city policies that integrate the arts . EN HAN C ING PU BLIC TRU ST. rTHICS , AND COMMUNill' INVOLVEMENT I Promotion of ethical practices at city hall and in the comm uni ty, and institution of procedures and policies that demonstrate effective and respectful deliberation and handling of public issues. H EA LTH AN D W EL LN ESS PRO G RAMS I Innovative planning efforts to promote city design that encourages healthy lifesty les. H O US I NG PROGRAM S AN D I N N OVATION S I Innovative housing designs that are conducive to good land use planning and jobs balance, while preserving natural resources, and promoting safe, community-oriented neighborhoods. I NTERNAL ADM I N I ST RATI O N I Innovative and efficient interna l programs that promote effective communication and management. -"* LEAGUE PARTN ER AWARD FOR EXCELLENCE IN Clli'-BUSINESS RELATIONS Collaborative efforts in engaging the leadership of the private, nonprofit, and labor sectors to address community problems . PLANN l NG A ND EN VIRON MEN TA L Q1JALITY I Innovative planning and land use programs , environmental quality preservation and enhancement. PU BLI C SA FETY 1 Effective services that address physical and mental health support and emergency medical services, disaster preparedness and homeland security. PUB LI C WORKS , I NF RA STRU CTURE, TRA NS PORTAT I ON I Proven programs that provide for the economical development and maintenance of public works facilities and infrastructure. RUT H VREELA N D AWARD FO R ENGAG IN G YO UTH I N C l ll' GOVERN M ENT I Collaborative efforts between cities and other agencies (schools, public agenc ies, non-profits, churches, and private) to inform and engage youth about city issues and their commun ity. For expanded category descriptions, please visit www.helenputnam.org. A-3 . .· . . ~ -~ . " •. ELIGIBILITY & INSTRUCTIONS Any League member city, or group of California citi es, including League Divisions, that provide a program or serv ic e t hat has proven tangib le and measurable resu lts wit h a minimum of one year of actual implementation is el igible to apply. Instructions must be followed ca refully as t hi s will facilitate the fair eva lua tion of all appl ications and ensure fa irn ess among entries. SCORING CRITERIA The se lection juries will judge eac h entry on: .,.. the impact of the prob l em/challenges and how well it is outl ined .,.. the innovative n ess of the so lution .,.. th e quality of the results achieved In addition, the following criteria will be u se d i n the evaluation a n d sco ring process . Be sure to address these criter ia in your app li catio n. (Some cri teria may not app l y to a particu lar category; no penalty w ill app l y.) Community Engagement To what exte nt is the public inform ed and involved an d has input that is fu ll y cons id ered? Savings and Efficiencies/ Improved Services To w hat extent does the program or serv ice resu lt in greater public benefits and/or less cost? Positive Citizen Feedback To what extent is the public reaction to t he program or serv ice su pportive and positive? Measurable and Transferable Results To wha t extent are t he results an d benefits of the program or service verifiable and me asu rable , and usef ul to other cities? CONTACT INFORMATION Partnerships To what exten t are other agencies, schools, busine sses , commun ity-based organizations , etc . in vo lv ed forma ll y and informally? Applications of Technology To what extent are tec hnologies invo lv ed in innovative ways in the program or se rv ice? Youth Development To what extent does the program or se rvi ce better prepare youth to be informed, engaged and effective citizens? Strategic Priorities To what extent does the program, pol icy, or activity advance the League's strategic priorities for cities? For more information or to subm it an app lication please vi sit www.helenputnam.org or for qu es tion s contact Melissa Tual la at 916-658-8216 or mtualla@cacities.org. A-4THE LEAGUE PARTNER PROGRAM connects leading businesses, associations and non-profits with city leaders in numerous way, including supporting the Helen Putnam Award for Excellence, the League's highest honor for cities, and by supporting special activities at the League's Annual Conference and other meetings. The League and all California cities extend great thanks to our League Partners -leading businesses, associations and non-profits supporting local government and their communities. We are now accepting applications for 2020 and welcome other businesses, associations and non-profits to join the program. Please call Mike Egan at 916-658-8271 or visit www.cacities.org/leaguepartners. 2019 WINNERS: CCS Partnership Intergovernmental Collaboration Award I Costa Mesa Community Services and Economic Development I Richmond Economic Development through the Arts I Napa Enhancing Public Trust, Ethics, & Community Involvement I Rancho Cordova Health & Wellness Programs I Fontana Housing Programs and Innovations I Encinitas Internal Administration I San Rafael League Partners Award for Excellence in City-Business Relations I Dublin Planning & Environmental Quality I Daly City Public Safety I King City Public Works, Infrastructure and Transportation I West Sacramento Ruth Vreeland Award for Engaging Youth in City Government I South Pasadena Visit www.helenputnam.org to submit an application ~ l ~ kF~~~~~~ ~CITIES 1400 K Street, 4th Floor Sacramento, CA 95814 -* ~EAGUE PARTNER