CC SR 20200317 08 - Western Ave. Beautification CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: 03/17/2020 AGENDA REPORT AGENDA HEADING: Regular Business AGENDA DESCRIPTION: Consideration and possible action to receive a presentation on enhancing the aesthetics of Western Avenue RECOMMENDED COUNCIL ACTION: 1) Review potential design features to enhance the aesthetics of the City’s segment of the Western Avenue corridor; 2) Provide Staff direction on the preferred design features; and, 3) If deemed acceptable, direct Staff to place the project in the City’s upcoming Capital Improvements Program to compete with other projects for design and construction funding. FISCAL IMPACT: None at this time Amount Budgeted: N/A Additional Appropriation: N/A Account Number(s): N/A ORIGINATED BY: Nasser Razepoor, PE, Associate Civil Engineer REVIEWED BY: Elias Sassoon, PE, Director of Public Works APPROVED BY: Ara Mihranian, AICP, City Manager ATTACHED SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: A. Sample Design Feature Illustrations (page A-1) BACKGROUND AND DISCUSSION: Over the years, the City has received feedback from residents that landscaping and the general aesthetic condition along Western Avenue is in need of refurbishment. The streetscape currently consists of concrete sidewalks with paved medians containing planting pockets that are not landscaped with the exception of a few pine and palm trees. The current configuration of the landscaping presents as a hodge-podge medley of several pieces of landscaping plans developed over the past several decades. Landscaping and other key features within the corridor need to be redesigned to 1 establish a continuous and uniform character along Western Avenue that is distinct and unique to the overall character of Rancho Palos Verdes (RPV). Western Avenue is the primary street corridor for the east side of RPV. This potential project focuses on the two-mile stretch of street generally from Palos Verdes Drive North to the north, to Summerland Avenue to the south. This segment of Western Avenue, for most of its length, constitutes the municipal boundary between the cities of RPV on the west and Los Angeles on the east, and has historically provided services, amenities, connectivity, and residential opportunities to residents on the east side of RPV. The corridor within the City of RPV accommodates various zoning designations consisting of primarily commercial, single-family residential, multi-family residential; and cemetery near the north end of the corridor. Western Avenue is by no means homogeneous. It provides a multitude of amenities to a multitude of users. The corridor is, however, dated. The existing patterns of development are representative of a time and approa ch long past. The commercial cluster on the south end was designed to accommodate automobile use, with a notable poor pedestrian experience. The current residential uses in the middle segment do not necessarily contribute to the street’s vitality. The goal of this project is to create a safe and attractive roadway corridor that promotes the City’s identity and commercial establishments by creating an attractive streetscape. It should be noted that this potential project is separate from the now-shelved Western Avenue Vision Plan between RPV and the City of Los Angeles. Potential Project Design Features In order to provide a future-selected design firm with a conceptual vision on how to enhance the aesthetics of the Western Avenue corridor, Staff has compiled the following list of design features and seeks the Council’s input on its preference (Attachment A includes some sample illustrations of the proposed design for discussion purposes only):  Installing new City entry monument signs  Replacing the concrete from medians with low-level plants  Replacing some of the existing pine trees with palm trees  Installing new low voltage up-lighting in landscaped medians  Installing new sidewalk benches and trash receptacles  Installing new decorative crosswalks  Installing new landscaped planter boxes and decorative finishes on the sidewalks  Installing new street banners  Featuring public art displays that may be coordinated with the PV Art Center This potential project was presented to the Infrastructure Management Advisory Committee (IMAC) at the February 26, 2020 meeting. The IMAC members were in support of this project, and recommended this project to be presented to the City Council for consideration. 2 The proposed improvements must also be coordinated with adjacent property owners, the City of Los Angeles (if any improvements are made to facilities within th at city) and Caltrans, prior to commencing any work. The estimated cost for designing this project is $150,000, while estimated construction costs will not be known until a plan has been developed and approved by the City Council. Following the design, it would then compete with all other City CIP projects for construction funding. CONCLUSION: Staff seeks City Council’s direction in determining whether to include this project in the City’s upcoming CIP program, as well as its input on what design features to be considered in the overall project. ALTERNATIVES: In addition to Staff recommendations, the following alternative action is available for the City Council’s consideration: 1. Direct Staff not to include this project in the CIP. 2. Discuss and make recommendations on other options, as deemed appropriate by the City Council. 3 Western Avenue Beautification Presented by Nasser Razepoor, P.E., Associate Engineer City Council meeting on March 17, 2020 Department of Public Works A-1 Palm & Pierson median (City of Costa Mesa) Beach Boulevard median (City of Stanton) Examples of potential improvements A-2 Madison Avenue median (City of La Quinta) Examples of potential improvements A-3 Entry Sign Examples of potential improvements A-4 Median Landscape and Crossings Examples of potential improvements A-5 Street Pole Banners (City of El Segundo) Examples of potential improvements A-6 Example of Up-Lighting (City of Culver City) Examples of potential improvements A-7 Examples of potential improvements Benches & Trash Receptacles A-8 Summary The proposed project Improvements: Installing new entrance signage Installing new up-lighting Installing new benches and trash receptacles Removing some of the concrete from the median to replace with low-level plants Replacing some of the pine trees with palm trees Installing decorative crosswalks Installing new landscaped planter boxes and decorative finishes on the sidewalks Installing new banners A-9 Thank You! Questions? A-10