PC MINS 20190625 APPROVED 7/9/19 CITY OF RANCHO PALOS VERDES PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES REGULAR MEETING JUNE 25, 2019 CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order at 7:09 P.M. at the Fred Hesse Community Room, 29301 Hawthorne Boulevard. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Commissioner Saadatnejadi led the assembly in the Pledge of Allegiance. ATTENDANCE: Present: Commissioners Nelson, Perestam, Santarosa, Saadatnejadi, James, Vice Chairman Leon and Chairman Bradley. Absent: None Also present were Community Development Director Mihranian, Senior Planner Alvarez, Associate Planner Nemeth, Assistant Planner Yoon, and Assistant City Attorney Gerli. APPROVAL OF AGENDA: The agenda was unanimously approved. COMMUNICATIONS: City Council Items: Director Mihranian reported that at the June 18th meeting, the City Council adopted the FY 2019-20 Budget; received and filed a report on the implementation of the City's recently adopted Wireless Telecommunication Facilities Ordinance including the Commission's recommendation to reduce the appeal fee for residents; the Council upheld the Director's approval of a Landslide Moratorium Exception Permit for York properties; initiated Code Amendment proceedings related to Employee Housing and Accessory Dwelling Units; and received a report on Wildfire Prevention measures. He also reported that the July 2"d City Council meeting will be canceled due to the July 4th holiday. Staff: Director Mihranian reported that the City will hold its annual July 4th celebration at the Civic Center next Thursday beginning at 11am and reminded the Commission to Planning Commission Minutes June 25,2019 Page 1 APPROVED 7/9/19 download the agendas on their iPads in advance of the meeting in case the Wi-Fi is not working. Commission: Chairman Bradley reported that he will be attending the Mayor's Breakfast on Friday, June 28, 2019. COMMENTS FROM THE AUDIENCE (regarding non-agenda items): None CONSENT CALENDAR 1. APPROVAL OF THE JUNE 11, 2019 P.C. MINUTES APPROVED AS PRESENTED ON A VOTE OF 7-0. CONTINUED PUBLIC HEARINGS 2. HEIGHT VARIATION AND SITE PLAN REVIEW- (CASE NO. ZON2016-00358): 5325 Bayridge Road (OS) Director Mihranian reported that Staff is recommending that the public hearing be continued to the July 9, 2019 Planning Commission meeting because the revised silhouette reflecting the Applicant's design revisions was not modified in time to allow the public adequate time to review the changes and provide comments in time for tonight's meeting. COMMISSIONER NELSON MOVED, SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER LEON, TO CONTINUE THE PUBLIC HEARING TO THE JULY 9, 2019 PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING, ON A VOTE OF 7-0. 3. VIEW RESTORATION PERMIT (CASE NO. PLVRP2017-00088): 6536 and 6528 Abbottswood Drive (Applicants) /6539 Madeline Cove Drive (Foliage Owner) (RN) Commissioner Santarosa recused himself from participating on this Agenda Item because he resides in the Pacific View neighborhood where the Applicants and Foliage Owners reside. Associate Planner Nemeth presented the staff report regarding the Applicants request to restore views from the viewing areas located at 6536 and 6528 Abbottswood Drive. He informed the Planning Commission that since the last meeting, Staff spoke to the Foliage Owners advising them that they should attend tonight's Planning Commission meeting to provide their perspective on the pending application. He also reported that Staff's Planning Commission Minutes June 25,2019 Page 2 APPROVED 7/9/19 recommended condition allows for either trimming or removal of the view impairing foliage to provide the Foliage Owners with some flexibility. Chairman Bradley opened the public hearing. Bryan Hori —the Applicant, clarified his position to pay for the removal of the view impairing foliage for 90 days from the date the City issues the Notice of Action, and answered questions from the Commission. Chairman Bradley closed the public hearing. COMMISSIONER LEON MOVED, SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER JAMES, TO ADOPT P.C. RESOLUTION NO. 2019-14, CONDITIONALLY APPROVING PLVRP NO. 2017-00088, REQUIRING THE FOLIAGE OWNERS TO REDUCE 1 DATE PALM TREE, 1 JUNIPER TREE, AND 1 JACARANDA TREE TO THE HEIGHT OF THE FOLIAGE OWNERS' SECOND STORY RIDGELINE OR VOLUNTARILY REMOVE THE 1 DATE PALM TREE, 1 JUNIPER TREE, AND 1 JACARANDA TREE, WITHOUT REPLACEMENT, AT 6539 MADELINE COVE DRIVE, IN ORDER TO RESTORE THE APPLICANTS' VIEWS, ON A VOTE OF 6-0-1 WITH COMMISSIONER SANTAROSA RECUSED. CONTINUED BUSINESS None NEW PUBLIC HEARINGS 4. HEIGHT VARIATION AND SITE PLAN REVIEW- (CASE NO. PLHV2018-0008): 27886 Longhill Drive (JY) Assistant Planner Yoon presented the staff report describing the Applicant's request to demolish 81.2% of the existing two-story residence to accommodate the construction of a 3,385ft2 two-story residence measuring 25.76' in height with ancillary site improvements. She noted that Staff received concerns from two neighbors regarding neighborhood compatibility, potential view impacts, noise, property values, and a reduction to natural light. She informed the Planning Commission that the project silhouette was revised prior to the transmittal of the agenda packet. Discussion ensued between the Planning Commission and Staff regarding the outdoor fireplace, potential view impacts, mass and bulk, the design of the second story, and the existing side yard hedge. Chairman Bradley opened the public hearing. Planning Commission Minutes June 25,2019 Page 3 APPROVED 7/9/19 Miles Pritzat- the Architect, described the project's design and proposed floor plan. He answered questions asked by the Planning Commission regarding views, privacy and landscaping elements as it relates to the existing hedge. Jason Tamashiro— property owner, responded to questions regarding limiting the height of the side yard hedge to minimize potential impacts to neighboring views. Chairman Bradley closed the public hearing. COMMISSIONER NELSON MOVED, SECONDED BY VICE CHAIR LEON, TO ADOPT P.C. RESOLUTION NO. 2019-15, APPROVING, WITH CONDITIONS, A HEIGHT VARIATION AND SITE PLAN REVIEW TO ALLOW THE DEMOLITION OF 81.2% OF THE EXISTING TWO-STORY RESIDENCE TO ACCOMMODATE THE CONSTRUCTION OF A 3,385FT2 TWO-STORY RESIDENCE MEASURING 25.76' IN HEIGHT WITH ANCILLARY SITE IMPROVEMENTS, ON A VOTE OF 7-0. NEW BUSINESS: None ITEMS TO BE PLACED ON FUTURE AGENDAS: 5. PRE-AGENDA FOR THE MEETING ON JULY 9, 2019 THE COMMISSION APPROVED THE JULY 9, 2019 PRE-AGENDA. CHAIRMAN BRADLEY NOTED HE WILL BE ABSENT AT THIS MEETING. 6. PRE-AGENDA FOR THE MEETING ON JULY 23, 2019 THE COMMISSION APPROVED THE JULY 23, 2019 PRE-AGENDA. ADJOURNMENT: 8:04 P.M. For the complete video archive of this Planning Commission meeting go to: http://rpv.granicus.com/player/clip/3451?view id=5 Click on the agenda item below the video. Planning Commission Minutes June 25,2019 Page 4