PC RES 2019-017 P.C. RESOLUTION NO. 2019-17
WHEREAS, on January 23, 2019, the Planning Commission adopted P.C.
Resolution No. 2018-04, approving a Conditional Use Permit, Variance, Grading Permit,
Site Plan Review, and Master Sign Program to demolish the existing restaurant building
(former Coco's restaurant) and construct a new 4,131ft2 Chase Bank building with
1,563yd3 of associated grading, renovate the existing parking lot with new landscaping,
lighting, and signs, allow a legal non-conforming lot coverage of 77%, and install roof-
mounted equipment above 16' in height; and,
WHEREAS, on October 11, 2018, building permits for the development were
issued and the project was ready for final inspection in June 2019; and,
WHEREAS, on June 13, 2019, Planning Staff conducted a final inspection and
found that the light standards located on the site exceed the 10' maximum height allowed
by the Code and the Conditions of Approval of P.C. Resolution No. 2018-04. The installed
light standards consist of 10' tall poles on 2.5' tall concrete bases, resulting in an overall
height of 12.5'; and,
WHEREAS, on June 17, 2019, the Applicant submitted a Variance application,
requesting to amend the Commission-adopted Condition Nos. 23, 52, and 59 of P.C.
Resolution No. 2018-04 to allow the 12.5' tall light standards to remain in place; and,
WHEREAS, on June 17, 2019, the application was deemed complete for
processing; and,
WHEREAS, on June 20, 2019, a public notice announcing the July 9, 2019 public
hearing was published in the Palos Verdes Peninsula News and mailed to all persons
owning property within a 500' radius of the subject site; and,
WHEREAS, pursuant to the provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act,
Public Resources Code Section 21000 et. seq. ("CEQA"), the State's CEQA Guidelines,
14 C.C.R. I§ 15000 et. seq., the City's Local CEQA Guidelines, and Government Code
Section 65962.5(f) (Hazardous Waste and Substances Statement), there is no evidence
that the approval of the variance application would have a significant effect on the
environment and, therefore, the proposed project has been found to be Categorically
Exempt (Section 15303(c)); and,
WHEREAS, after notice issued pursuant to the requirements of the Rancho Palos
Verdes Municipal Code, the Planning Commission held a duly-noticed public hearing on
July 9, 2019, at which time all interested parties were given an opportunity to be heard
and present evidence.
Section 1: The Variance to allow light standards to exceed 10' in height up to 12.5'
in height on the property at 28300 S. Western Avenue is warranted because:
A. There are exceptional or extraordinary circumstances or conditions applicable to
the property involved, or to the intended use of the property, which do not apply
generally to other property in the same zoning district. The subject property is a
commercially-zoned property that was recently redeveloped with a Chase Bank
building with ancillary site improvements, including new light standards. The 12.5'
tall light standards provide additional illumination adjacent to the building near the
ATM that is minimally lit, in addition to providing the minimum recommended
illumination for parking lot safety. Due to the relatively large and open parking lot
configuration, if the poles were reduced in height, it is likely that additional light
standards would be required, which would result in the unsightly proliferation of
light standards. The Applicant raised the light standard height from 10' to 12.5' to
meet California Title 24 site lighting requirements, which limit their total allowable
wattage for site lighting. At a lower height of 10', the Applicant would be required
to install additional light standards spaced an average of 20' apart rather than the
32' average separation, which would not comply with Title 24 requirement due to
the additional light standards that would be needed. The slightly taller light
standards provide a larger spread of light, and therefore require fewer light
standards to illuminate the same area, which provides a balance between
adequate illumination of the site and the unsightly proliferation of light standards,
in addition to meeting Title 24 requirements. The proposed 12.5' tall light standards
are substantially shorter than the light standards that was existing on the subject
property prior to renovation.
B. The Variance is necessary for the preservation and enjoyment of a substantial
property right of the Applicant, which right is possessed by other property owners
under like conditions in the same zoning district. The majority of the commercial
properties along Western Avenue have light standards that are substantially taller
than the Code allowed maximum height of 10', albeit installed prior to the City's
incorporation. Westmont Plaza that immediately abuts the subject property
contains light standards that are nearly double in height with significantly larger
light sources. Same taller and brighter lights also existed on the subject site prior
to renovation. The taller light standards allow the relatively large and open parking
lot to be adequately illuminated without the need of additional light standards at a
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shorter height.
C. Granting the variance will not be materially detrimental to the public welfare or
injurious to property and improvements in the area in which the property is located.
Specifically, except for the proposed variance for the additional 2.5' in height, all
other aspects of the installed lighting for the project comply with the City's Non-
Residential Outdoor Light Ordinance, which protects the semi-rural character of
the City. The photometric plan for the project shows that the illumination level at
all property lines does not exceed 0.01 foot candles with no spillage of light over
adjacent properties or the public right-of-ways. The housing for the pole lights is a
dark bronze color that matches the wall mounted lights and blends with the earth
tones of the Chase Bank building. The light source of the light standards facing
other properties are shielded by a "house side shield"within the drop lens housing.
All lighting, other than that required for safety or per the California Financial Code,
be extinguished at 10:00 p.m. and meets City standards. Additionally, the concrete
base for the light poles installed at each parking stall adjacent to the building
mitigates the concern of the potential for vehicles to damage the light poles and/or
the building. Light poles on concrete bases are typical of existing light standards
on commercial properties in the City.
D. Granting the variance will not be contrary to the objectives of the General Plan or
the policies and requirements of the Coastal Specific Plan. The General Plan land
use designation for the subject property is Commercial Retail and the light
standards are related to the primary use of a financial institution, which is a
permitted use under that designation. The light standards have been designed to
incorporate adequate provisions into the commercial site design "...to reduce
negative impacts on adjoining residential areas" (Land Use Policy No. 13). These
provisions include regulating the brightness and color temperature of the lighting,
and requiring that the light source is shielded to prevent light trespass onto other
properties. The additional 2.5' in height for the light fixtures is difficult to discern
and is lower in height than existing light standards installed within the remaining
portion of the Westmont Plaza, and so would have a negligible impact on adjoining
residential areas.
Section 2: The following findings, as determined by P.C. Resolution No. 2018-04,
remain applicable.
Section 3: That the proposed project is a request for a Conditional Use Permit,
Variance, Major Grading Permit, Site Plan Review and Master Sign Program to allow for
the following improvements:
• Demolition of an existing 5,501ft2 vacant restaurant building (former Coco's
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• Construction of a new 4,131ft2 Chase Bank building;
• Grading consisting of 1,438yd3 of cut and 125yd3 of fill (1,563yd3 total), with a net
export of 1,310yd3;
• Construction of the following retaining walls:
o One 7.5' tall downslope combination wall (4' retaining with a 3.5' tall
guardrail) proposed at the east side of the structure;
o Retaining walls up to 4' in height along the entry path at the west side of the
• Construction of freestanding garden walls;
• Refurbish the parking lot and walkways with new striping, landscaping, directional
signs and 12.5' tall light standards, measured from the existing grade level directly
adjacent to the concrete base to the top of the light standard;
• Installation of the following signs:
o Three (3) 57.6ft2 internally illuminated channel letter wall signs located on
the north, west and south elevations of the new Chase Bank structure which
will include the text "Chase" and the Chase logo;
o One 3.86ft2 "Chase Private Client" brushed aluminum wall sign on the south
o One 8.3ft2 sign with the "Chase" text and logo above the exterior ATM;
o Blue LED backlighting for exterior ATM;
o Reface the existing monument sign with the "Chase" text and logo;
o Various directional and ADA signage;
• Construction of a 9.83' tall, 80ft2 trash enclosure with trellis roof;
• Installation of bicycle racks with three 3.8' tall and 20.3ft2 bicycle lockers;
• Installation of a 48ft2 electrical transformer pad;
• Increasing the maximum allowable lot coverage of 50% to 77% (Variance);
• Installation of one roof-mounted air conditioning condenser unit and two heat pump
units (mechanical equipment);
• Installation of landscaping per the approved landscape plan.
The height of the proposed building will be 19.86' tall, as measured from the
highest existing grade covered by the structure (elev. 197.15') to the highest roof
ridgeline (217.01'), and 24.85' tall, as measured from the lowest finished grade
adjacent to the structure (elev. 192.16')to the highest roof ridgeline (elev. 217.01').
Section 4: The Conditional Use Permit Revision allows for the demolition of the
existing 5,501ft2 vacant restaurant building (former Coco's restaurant) to accommodate
the construction of a new 4,131ft2 Chase Bank building and the refurbishment of the
existing parking lot with new landscaping and lighting.
The Planning Commission finds that the approval of a Conditional Use Permit (CUP)
Revision is warranted because:
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A. The site is adequate in size and shape to accommodate the proposed use and for
all of the yards, setbacks, walls, fences, landscaping and other features required
by this title or by conditions imposed under this section to integrate said use with
those on adjacent land and within the neighborhood. The proposed bank building
is located on a 40,000ft2 (0.92 acre) parcel that is developed with a vacant
restaurant building that will be demolished to accommodate a new, smaller
building. The proposed use is allowed "by-right" in the CG zoning district and the
proposed 4,131ft2 building complies with the development standards, except for
lot coverage for which the Applicant proposes a Variance, and can adequately be
accommodated on the lot. In terms of parking, the Development Code requires "1
[parking] space for every employee plus 1 space for every 250 square feet of gross
floor area" for a financial institution. A total of 17 parking spaces are required for
the 4,131ft2 of gross floor area, plus 9 parking spaces for the proposed 9
employees. As such, a total of 26 parking spaces is required by the Development
Code. The Applicant proposed a total of 48 parking spaces that are designed to
meet the minimum parking stall dimensions of 9' width x 20' length. There is a
blanket ingress/egress easement on the property which requires access be
maintained across the property from the common driveways, which the proposed
project will maintain.
B. The site for the proposed use relates to streets and highways sufficient to carry the
type and quantity of traffic generated by the use. More specifically, the proposed
Chase Bank building site is designed to maintain vehicular access via driveways
off Western Avenue and Westmont Drive. A traffic memo prepared by the
Applicant's traffic engineer and reviewed and accepted by the City's Public Works
Department indicates that the proposed bank will generate fewer trips (50.11 trips)
per peak PM (4:00 P.M-6:00 P.M.) hour than the previous restaurant (54.19 trips).
C. In approving the use at the specific location, there will be no significant adverse
effect on adjacent property or the permitted use thereof. The proposed project has
been reviewed by the City in terms of potential impacts to adjacent properties, and
Conditions of Approval are included in order to minimize the possibility of any
adverse impacts on adjacent property, as discussed below.
a. Traffic and Circulation
The City's Public Works Department has reviewed and accepted the trip
generation calculations from the Applicant indicating that the proposed bank
use will generate fewer vehicle trips than the previous restaurant use. The
proposed Chase Bank will be accessed via two existing driveways off
Western Avenue and Westmont Drive, thus not requiring any additional curb
cuts from these rights-of-way. In terms of on-site circulation, the parking lot
is designed per the Development Code's minimum aisle width dimensions
(12') to allow vehicles to maneuver without impeding on other vehicles, and
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way-finding signs and pavement markings will be installed to properly direct
vehicle movement.
b. Loading Space Requirement
Section 17.50 of the Development Code requires that one off-street
loading space shall be provided and maintained for all institutional and
commercial uses other than office buildings. As the bank use is similar, in
terms of deliveries, to an office building use, no loading space will be
c. Aesthetics
The proposed 4,150ft2 Chase Bank building will be 1,370ft2 smaller than the
existing 5,501ft2 vacant restaurant building and will be oriented in an east-
west direction, resulting in a shorter frontage along Western Avenue than
the existing restaurant building, which is oriented in a north-south direction.
The colors for the proposed structure will be aesthetically compatible with
the similarly-colored adjacent commercial structures and adjacent land
uses. In order to accommodate the proposed construction, several existing
eucalyptus trees will be removed and replaced with new trees, bushes and
groundcover that will seamlessly blend with the several existing trees that
will remain on site. Lastly, the roof-mounted equipment will be screened
from neighboring views by the proposed 6.75' tall roof parapets.
d. Building Height
Although the new bank building exceeds the 16' maximum allowed by the
Development Code for commercial structures, it will not significantly
adversely affect visual relationships with neighboring properties because it
will be set lower on the property, thus minimizing the impacts of the
proposed structure. The proposed structure will not significantly adversely
affect views from the viewing areas of neighboring properties because
although the residential properties located across Western Avenue are at a
higher elevation, they are either not located at a sufficiently high elevation
to enjoy a view, or the topography limits the extent of any potential view, in
that the residences may only see views of property within City limits or
foliage on properties located outside of City limits.
e. Signage
The Applicant proposes a Master Sign Program for the property as
discussed in the "Master Sign Program" section below.
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f. Lighting
All proposed lighting for the project complies with City's Non-Residential
Outdoor Light Ordinance per Section 17.56.040 of the Development Code
and Conditions of Approval have been added below to minimize the
possibility of any adverse impacts on adjacent property.
g. Geology and Soils
The project includes 1,563yd3 of grading and the Applicant's geotechnical
report has been reviewed and approved by the City's geotechnical
consultant. Additionally, the proposed project is not within any liquefaction
zones nor over any known faults per the California Geological Survey map
titled "Earthquake Zones of Required Investigation-Torrance Quadrangle",
and so will not result in an adverse impact on adjacent properties.
h. Hydrology and Water Quality
The Applicant submitted drainage and water quality plans to the City for
review by John L. Hunter &Associates, who is the City's National Pollutant
Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) consultant. The project proposes
certain water quality improvements, including but not limited to a storm drain
infiltration trench, which will be approved prior to issuance of any building
and/or grading permits.
i. Noise
The proposed structure includes some roof-mounted mechanical
equipment, including ventilation, heating and cooling units. A Condition of
Approval has been added which requires that noise generated by the roof-
mounted equipment will not exceed 65dBA at the closest property line.
Additionally, as the structure will be used Monday through Friday, from
8:00a.m. to 7:00p.m., and Saturday from 8:00a.m. to 5:00p.m., (one hour
before and after public operating hours) the mechanical equipment will not
be operating so noise will be minimized outside of these hours. The single
exterior ATM is proposed to be used on a 24-hour basis, which is similar to
the adjacent Wells Fargo Bank, with minimal noise impacts to adjacent
Additionally, in regards to short-term construction noise, several conditions
regarding hours and days of construction and proper maintenance of
construction equipment have been included in the attached Resolution to
minimize such impacts to adjacent properties.
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j. Population and Housing
The City's affordable housing requirements apply to new commercial
projects involving the creation of more than thirty (30) new full- or part-time
jobs; or more than 10,000ft2 square feet of new commercial space. The
proposed project includes only 4,151ft2 of new commercial space. Based
upon the Applicant's statement, the project is not expected to result in more
than nine (9) employees and therefore the project is exempt from the City's
non-residential inclusionary housing requirements.
D. The proposed use is not contrary to the General Plan. More specifically, the use
of the property for a financial institution is consistent with the Commercial General
land use designation for the site, as the proposed project will be designed to
"...limit the exposure of parking and exterior service areas from the view of
adjoining sites and circulation routes..." (Commercial Activity Policy No. 5) by
landscaping the perimeter of all parking areas with trees and shrubs. Furthermore,
the proposed project will incorporate adequate provisions into the commercial site
design "...to reduce negative impacts on adjoining residential areas" (Commercial
Activity Policy No. 6). These provisions include but are not limited to orienting the
building in an east-west direction to reduce the frontage length of the building
parallel with the residential area across the street, landscaping the periphery of the
reconfigured commercial structure area, and installing low-lumen light fixtures that
reduce excessive glare and help preserve the semi-rural nature of the City.
Section 5: The Commission finds approval of a Variance is warranted because:
E. There are exceptional or extraordinary circumstances or conditions applicable to
the property involved, or to the intended use of the property, which do not apply
generally to other property in the same zoning district. The subject property is an
existing commercially developed property with an associated parking lot that has
remained in continuous use since the restaurant was constructed in 1976. The
Development Code limits the maximum allowable lot coverage in the CG zoning
district to 50%. The existing lot coverage is 36,454ft2, which is 91.1% of the existing
40,000ft2 lot, and is considered to be legal, non-conforming, and cannot be further
intensified. Since the existing structure is being demolished and a CUP is being
sought to allow the proposed building, pursuant to Section 17.84 of the
Development Code, all non-conforming improvements are required to be brought
to conformity with the current Code requirements. A variance is required for relief
from the lot coverage requirement because although the overall lot coverage for
the property will decrease substantially as a result of the project, it will still be
30,871ft2, or 77% of the existing lot area.
Also, the property is subject to a "Declaration of Restrictions and Grant of
Easements," which was recorded in 1975 when the entire shopping center
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complex was originally developed at this site encompassing the adjacent two
properties. This document details the easements, covenants, restrictions, liens
and charges that apply to all properties within the overall shopping center complex.
These include non-exclusive easements for the "...ingress and egress and for the
passage and parking of motor vehicles into, out of, on, over and across all parking
areas, driveways and service areas." Although the City does not enforce CC&Rs
on private properties, these private restrictions limit the ability to provide increased
open space without creating a direct conflict to the agreement. Granting the
variance to allow lot coverage greater than 50% minimizes any potential conflicts
with the Declaration related to vehicle circulation and parking shared by the overall
shopping center complex. This Declaration also requires that the property owner
maintain the existing parking for the use of the entire shopping center complex,
further minimizing the opportunity to increase open space on the property.
F. The variance is necessary for the preservation and enjoyment of a substantial
property right of the Applicants, which right is possessed by other property owners
under like conditions in the same zoning district. The majority of the commercially-
developed properties which are located along Western Avenue do not meet the
required 50% lot coverage, as required by the CG zoning district because they
were either constructed prior to City's incorporation, or if constructed after the City
incorporated, were subject to a different definition of lot coverage, i.e., only building
footprints, similar to the subject property.
G. Granting the variance will not be materially detrimental to the public welfare or
injurious to property and improvements in the area in which the property is located.
The reduction of lot coverage of 91.1% to 77% will not be detrimental to the public
welfare or injurious to property and improvements in the immediate area because
it will not significantly affect nor depart from the appearance of other CG-zoned
properties in the neighborhood. The proposed project will improve the existing
property with a comprehensive landscape plan, and unobtrusive lighting which
meets City's Non-residential Outdoor Light Ordinance per Section 17.56.040 of the
Development Code.
H. Granting the variance will not be contrary to the objectives of the General Plan or
the policies and requirements of the Coastal Specific Plan. Specifically, the
General Plan land use designation for the subject property is Commercial Retail
and the use of the property for financial institutions is consistent with the
Commercial General land use designation for the site. Specifically, the proposed
project will be designed to "...limit the exposure of parking and exterior service
areas from the view of adjoining sites and circulation routes..." (Commercial
Activity Policy No. 5). Furthermore, the proposed project will incorporate adequate
provisions into the commercial site design "...to reduce negative impacts on
adjoining residential areas." (Commercial Activity Policy No. 6) These provisions
include, but are not limited to, orienting the building in an east-west direction to
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reduce the frontage length of the building parallel with the residential area across
the street, landscaping the periphery of the reconfigured commercial structure
area, and installing low-lumen light fixtures that reduce excessive glare and help
preserve the semi-rural nature of the City.
Section 6: The Planning Commission finds approval of a Major Grading Permit
is warranted because:
A. The grading does not exceed that which is necessary for the permitted primary use
of the lot. More specifically, proposed grading allows a taller structure to be located
on the site, while minimizing the height of the maximum ridgeline. The subject lot
is a pad lot with small slopes at the north and west side of the existing structure.
The Applicant proposes 1,348yd3 of cut, with the deepest areas of cut (5' max)
located under the proposed structure, and the shallower areas (3.9' max) under
the reconfigured parking area south of the new structure. No grading is proposed
in the existing parking area that will be restriped to comply with the current codes
regarding non-residential parking. Two smaller areas of fill are proposed consisting
of one area of 115yd3 of fill bordered by a 7.5' tall combination wall (4' retaining
with a 3.5' guardrail) that is proposed at the east side of the new structure as it will
be located over an existing planter and parking area which is currently at a lower
elevation. Another area consists of 10yd3 of fill (0.18' max) that is proposed at the
south edge of the new parking area. The proposed grading will create a lower
building pad for the new building and will integrate the new structure with the
existing streetscape.
B. The proposed grading and/or related construction do not significantly adversely
affect the visual relationships with, or the views from the viewing area of
neighboring properties. More specifically, the new bank building will measure
19.86' in height from the highest existing grade covered by the structure to the
highest roof ridgeline, and 24.85' in height from the point where the foundation
meets the lowest finished grade (elev. 192.16') to the highest roof ridgeline.
Although the structure exceeds the 16' maximum allowed by the Development
Code for commercial structures, it will not significantly adversely affect visual
relationships with neighboring properties because it will be set lower on the
property, thus minimizing the impacts of the proposed structure. Additionally, the
structure will incorporate a variety of architectural materials and colors that will
coordinate with the existing structures in the adjoining shopping center complex.
In any event, the new bank building will be set lower on the property than the
existing structure, thus helping to minimize any potential view impacts.
The proposed structure will not significantly adversely affect views from the viewing
areas of neighboring properties because although the residential properties
located across Western Avenue are at a higher elevation, they are either not
located at a sufficiently high elevation to enjoy a view, or the topography limits the
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extent of any potential view, in that the residences may only see views of property
within City limits or foliage on properties located outside of City limits.
C. The nature of the grading minimizes disturbance to the natural contours and
finished contours are reasonably natural. More specifically, there are no natural
contours on the site, as the existing slopes at the north and west sides of the
property were created as a result of the original development of the property in the
D. The grading takes into account the preservation of natural topographic features
and appearances by means of land sculpturing so as to blend any man-made or
manufactured slope into the natural topography, as the proposed cut and fill for the
new structure is located within an area which was disturbed when the property was
originally graded and the existing building constructed in the early 1970s.
Therefore, there are no natural topographic features to preserve on the property.
E. The grading would not cause excessive and unnecessary disturbance of the
natural landscape or wildlife habitat through removal of vegetation because there
is no natural landscape or wildlife habitat in the proposed grading area.
F. RPVDC §17.76.040(E)(9) contains several standards for major grading permits.
The proposed grading meets standards (a) no grading on existing slopes over
35%, (c) 5' maximum cut, and (d) no grading on existing slopes over 50%. (Finding
(f) is not applicable). Standards (b) maximum finished slopes limited to 35%, and
(e) retaining walls limited to one 8'-tall upslope wall and one 3W-tall downslope
wall, are not met. Therefore, an additional finding is required to deviate from the
grading standards.
The Planning Commission grants a grading permit in excess of standards (b) and
(e) as the first eight criteria of the grading findings have been met, and the approval
is consistent with the purposes set forth in RPVDC §17.76.040(A). The grading
allows the placement of a new bank building on the property, which results in a
structure with a lower ridgeline, as compared to the same structure being placed
on the existing building pad. The finished slopes up to 50% (2:1) are limited to
small areas west of the proposed structure and parking lot and allow for a transition
between the graded and ungraded areas. The finished slopes will be landscaped
to preserve the natural scenic character of the area. The 7.5' tall downslope
combination wall (4' retaining with a 3.5' tall guardrail) at the east side of the
structure will provide a transition between the building pad and the existing
driveway for the shopping center complex. The upslope wall measuring up to 4.2'
in height along Western Avenue will support the required ADA accessible entry
path from the street. The grading is limited to the area of the proposed structure,
a portion of the street-adjacent slopes, and the new parking lot, and so will not
affect the natural scenic character of the area and will preserve the reasonable
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economic use of the property.
Additionally, the proposed new slopes which exceed 35%, the 7.5' tall downslope
combination wall (4' retaining with a 3.5' tall guardrail), and the 4.2' tall retaining
walls adjacent to the walkway between Western Avenue and the new structure will
not constitute a grant of special privileges inconsistent with limitations upon other
properties in the vicinity because similar improvements exist on neighboring
parcels within the adjacent shopping center complex, due to the grade changes
between different areas of the existing parking lot. Furthermore, allowing the
proposed small areas of new slopes which exceed 35%, the 7.5' tall downslope
combination wall at the east side of the new structure, and the 4.2' tall retaining
walls adjacent to the walkway between Western Avenue and the new structure will
not be detrimental to public safety or to other properties because the proposed
project will obtain the proper review and approvals from the City's drainage
consultant. Additionally, the proposed retaining walls and grading will be properly
engineered, the City Geologist and Building & Safety Division review and approval
will be required prior to permit issuance, and a series of inspections will be required
throughout the construction process to ensure compliance with the City-approved
Section 7: The Planning Commission finds approval of a Site Plan Review to
allow roof-mounted mechanical equipment over 16' in height is warranted because:
A. The proposed 4.5' tall mechanical equipment, consisting of one air conditioning
condenser unit and two heat pump units, is designed to comply with all applicable
building codes and regulations pursuant to the Uniform Building Code. The City's
Building Official indicated that the proposed air conditioning and heating units are
typical for commercial establishments and that they are appropriate in size to
perform the necessary ventilation, heating, and cooling functions for the interior of
the building.
B. The proposed 4.5' tall heating and air conditioning units on the roof will not cause
significant view impairment to any adjacent properties as they will be screened
within and not exceed the height of the 6.75' tall parapet wall around the perimeter
of the roof, and views from adjacent properties will be maintained laterally over the
proposed mechanical equipment. Therefore, the proposed roof-mounted
mechanical equipment will not significantly impair views from adjacent properties
and this finding can be made.
Section 8: The Planning Commission finds approval of a Master Sign Program is
warranted because the proposed signage complies with Development Code Section
17.76.050, i.e., the proposed signs are appropriate identification devices that are
harmonious with the proposed building, the neighborhood, and other signs in the area.
Specifically, the size and shape of the Chase Bank signs are typical for each branch and
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complement the roof and wall colors of the structure. Additionally, the proposed signs are
necessary for the Applicant's enjoyment of substantial trade and do not constitute a
needless proliferation as only one main wall sign is proposed for each street frontage, as
well as for the south façade, which faces the parking lot and is the main entrance for the
structure. The other signage is proposed only as needed for directional purposes and for
legally required ADA parking spaces and so will not constitute a detriment to public health,
safety and welfare. Furthermore, the proposed signs will not obscure from viewing or
unduly detract from existing adjacent signs as they are located a minimum of 50' away
from any other structure in the adjacent shopping center. Also, although the one of the
internally-illuminated wall signs is across the street from a residential neighborhood, this
sign is similar in style and character to other existing signs within the adjacent shopping
Section 9: This Resolution and the Conditions of Approval incorporated herein
supersede and replace P.C. Resolution 2018-04 and the Conditions of Approval
incorporated therein.
Section 10: Any interested person aggrieved by this decision or by any portion of
this decision may appeal to the City Council. Pursuant to Sections 17.02.040(C)(1)(g) and
17.72.100(B) of the Rancho Palos Verdes Municipal Code, any such appeal must be filed
with the City, in writing, setting forth the grounds of the appeal and any specific actions
requested by the appellant, and accompanied by the appropriate appeal fee, no later than
fifteen (15)days following July 9, 2019, the date of the Planning Commission's final action.
Section 11: Any challenge to this Resolution and the findings set forth therein,
must be filed within the 90 day statute of limitations set forth in Code of Civil Procedure
§1094.6 and Section 17.86.100(B) of the Rancho Palos Verdes Municipal Code.
Section 12: For the foregoing reasons and based on the information and findings
included in the Staff Report, Minutes and other records of proceedings, the Planning
Commission of the City of Rancho Palos Verdes hereby adopts P.C. Resolution No. 2019-
17 , subject to the Conditions of Approval contained in Exhibit"A", which are incorporated
herein by reference.
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PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED this 9th day of July 2019, by the following vote:
A4,___, /,,, ,
Gordon Leon
drital1111111 Vice Chairman
Ara n 1 rani. , AICP
Director of Community Development; and,
Secretary of the Planning Commission
P.C. Resolution No. 2019-17
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1. Prior to the submittal of plans into Building and Safety plan check, the Applicant
and the property owner shall submit to the City a statement, in writing, that they
have read, understand, and agree to all conditions of approval contained in this
Resolution. Failure to provide said written statement within ninety (90) days
following the date of this approval shall render this approval null and void.
2. The Applicant shall indemnify, protect, defend, and hold harmless, the City, and/or
any of its officials, officers, employees, agents, departments, agencies, and
instrumentalities thereof, from any and all claims, demands, lawsuits, writs of
mandamus, and other actions and proceedings (whether legal, equitable,
declaratory, administrative or adjudicatory in nature), and alternative dispute
resolutions procedures (including, but not limited to arbitrations, mediations, and
other such procedures) (collectively "Actions"), brought against the City, and/or
any of its officials, officers, employees, agents, departments, agencies, and
instrumentalities thereof, that challenge, attack, or seek to modify, set aside, void,
or annul, the action of, or any permit or approval issued by, the City and/or any of
its officials, officers, employees, agents, departments, agencies, and
instrumentalities thereof (including actions approved by the voters of the City), for
or concerning the project.
3. The applicant shall be required to pay the estimated amount of the cost of services
to be provided on behalf of the City by outside consultants that have been retained
by the City to render services specifically in connection with this project, in the form
of a trust deposit account, prior to commencement of such services (e.g. golf safety
consultant, geotechnical consultants, biologist, and landscape architect to name a
few.). Services provided by the City Attorney and other consultants that routinely
provide services to the City shall be exempt from this condition. However, in such
cases, the applicant shall adequately fund the trust deposit accounts prior to the
commencement of services, in amounts reasonably requested by the City, based
upon an estimate of the cost of services for the period of at least 90 days to which
services are rendered. In addition, the trust deposits shall be replenished within
thirty days of receipt of notice from the City that additional funds are needed.
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4. Prior to conducting any work in the public right of way, such as for curb cuts,
dumpsters, temporary improvements and/or permanent improvements, the
Applicant shall obtain an encroachment permit from the Director of Public Works.
5. Approval of this permit shall not be construed as a waiver of applicable and
appropriate zoning regulations, or any Federal, State, County and/or City laws and
regulations. Unless otherwise expressly specified, all other requirements of the
City of Rancho Palos Verdes Municipal Code shall apply.
6. One year (annual review) after the issuance of the Certificate of Occupancy for the
bank building, the Planning Commission shall review the Conditions of Approval
contained herein at a duly noticed public hearing. As part of said review, the
Planning Commission shall assess the Applicant's compliance with the conditions
of approval and the adequacy of the conditions imposed. At that time, the Planning
Commission may add, delete or modify any conditions of approval as evidence
presented at the hearing demonstrates are necessary and appropriate to address
impacts resulting from operation of the project. Notice of said review hearing shall
be published and provided to owners of property within a 500' radius of the site, to
persons requesting notice, to all affected homeowners associations, and to the
property owner in accordance the RPVMC. As part of the annual review, the
Planning Commission shall consider, among other things, the parking conditions,
circulation patterns (pedestrian, bicycle, and vehicular), lighting, landscaping,
signage, and noise. The Planning Commission may require such subsequent
additional annual reviews, as the Planning Commission deems appropriate. This
provision shall not be construed as a limitation on the City's ability to enforce any
provision of the RPVMC regarding this project. The Applicant shall pay for all costs
associated with annual reviews.
7. Pursuant to Section 17.78.040, the Director of Community Development is
authorized to make minor modifications to the approved plans and any of the
conditions of approval if such modifications will achieve substantially the same
results as would strict compliance with the approved plans and conditions.
Substantial changes to the project shall be considered a revision and require
approval by the final body that approved the original project, which may require
new and separate environmental review and public notification.
8. The project development on the site shall conform to the specific standards
contained in these Conditions of Approval or, if not addressed herein, shall
conform to the residential development standards of the City's Municipal Code,
including but not limited to height, setback and lot coverage standards.
9. Failure to comply with and adhere to all of these conditions of approval may be
cause to revoke the approval of the project pursuant to the revocation procedures
contained in Section 17.86.060 of the City's Municipal Code or administrative
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citations as described in Section 1.16 of the City's Municipal Code.
10. If the Applicant has not submitted an application for a building permit for the
approved project or not commenced the approved project as described in Section
17.86.070 of the City's Municipal Code within one year of the final effective date of
this Resolution, approval of the project shall expire and be of no further effect
unless, prior to expiration, a written request for extension is filed with the
Community Development Department and approved by the Director.
11. In the event that any of these conditions conflict with the recommendations and/or
requirements of another permitting agency or City department, the stricter standard
shall apply.
12. Unless otherwise designated in these conditions, all construction shall be
completed in substantial conformance with the plans stamped APPROVED by the
City with the effective date of this Resolution.
13. This approval is only for the items described within these conditions and identified
on the stamped APPROVED plans and is not an approval of any existing illegal or
legal non-conforming structures on the property, unless the approval of such illegal
or legal non-conforming structure is specifically identified within these conditions
or on the stamped APPROVED plans.
14. The construction site and adjacent public and private properties and streets shall
be kept free of all loose materials resembling trash and debris in excess of that
material used for immediate construction purposes. Such excess material may
include, but not be limited to: the accumulation of debris, garbage, lumber, scrap
metal, concrete asphalt, piles of earth, salvage materials, abandoned or discarded
furniture, appliances or other household fixtures.
15. All construction sites shall be maintained in a secure, safe, neat and orderly
manner, to the satisfaction of the City's Building Official. All construction waste and
debris resulting from a construction, alteration or repair project shall be removed
on a weekly basis by the contractor or property owner. Existing or temporary
portable bathrooms shall be provided during construction. Portable bathrooms
shall be placed in a location that will minimize disturbance to the surrounding
property owners, to the satisfaction of the City's Building Official.
16. Permitted hours and days for construction activity are 7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.,
Monday through Friday, 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. on Saturday, with no construction
activity permitted on Sundays or on the legal holidays specified in Section
17.96.920 of the Rancho Palos Verdes Development Code. During demolition,
construction and/or grading operations, trucks shall not park, queue and/or idle at
the project site or in the adjoining street rights-of-way before 7:00 a.m. Monday
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through Friday and before 9:00 a.m. on Saturday, in accordance with the permitted
hours of construction stated in this condition. When feasible to do so, the
construction contractor shall provide staging areas on-site to minimize off-site
transportation of heavy construction equipment. These areas shall be located to
maximize the distance between staging activities and neighboring properties,
subject to approval by the building official.
17. If construction projects that are accessible from a street right-of-way or an abutting
property and which remain in operation or expect to remain in operation for over
30 calendar days, the Applicant shall provide temporary construction fencing, as
defined in Section 17.56.050(C) of the Development Code. Unless required to
protect against a safety hazard, temporary construction fencing shall not be
erected sooner than 15 days prior to commencement of construction.
18. For all grading, landscaping and construction activities, the Applicant shall employ
effective dust control techniques, either through screening and/or watering.
transport soil shall be approved by the Public Works Department.
any work within the public right-of-way of Western Avenue shall be obtained from
the Public Works Department of the City of Rancho Palos Verdes and Caltrans, if
any work within the public right-of-way of Westmont Drive shall be obtained from
the City of Los Angeles.
22. The silhouette frame shall be removed within seven (7) days after all appeal
periods have been exhausted.
23. This approval allows for the proposed improvements:
• Demolition of an existing 5,501ft2 vacant restaurant building (former Coco's
• Construction of a new 4,131ft2 Chase Bank building;
• Grading consisting of 1,438yd3 of cut and 125yd3 of fill (1,563yd3 total), with a net
export of 1,310yd3;
• Construction of the following retaining walls:
o One 7.5' tall downslope combination wall (4' retaining with a 3.5' tall
guardrail) proposed at the east side of the structure;
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o Retaining walls up to 4' in height along the entry path at the west side of the
• Construction of freestanding garden walls;
• Refurbish the parking lot and walkways with new striping, landscaping, directional
signs and 12.5' tall light standards, measured from the existing grade level directly
adjacent to the concrete base to the top of the light standard;
• Construction of a 9.83' tall, 80ft2 trash enclosure with trellis roof;
• Installation of bicycle racks with three 3.8' tall and 20.3ft2 bicycle lockers;
• Installation of a 48ft2 electrical transformer pad;
• Increasing the maximum allowable lot coverage of 50% to 77% (Variance);
• Installation of landscaping per the approved landscape plan.
24. The height of the proposed building shall be 19.86' tall, as measured from the
highest existing grade covered by the structure (elev. 197.15') to the highest roof
ridgeline (217.01'), and 24.85' tall, as measured from the lowest finished grade
adjacent to the structure (elev. 192.16') to the highest roof ridgeline (elev. 217.01').
25. Unless modified by the approval of future planning applications, the approved bank
building, trash enclosure and ancillary structures shall maintain the following
• Front (north) setback: 20'
• Street side (west) setback: 20'
• Sides abutting non-residential property: 10'
26. Unless modified by the approval of future planning applications, the approved
project shall be permitted up to 77% lot coverage, as defined by RPVDC Section
17.02.040(A)(5). Any future increases to the lot coverage shall require a Variance
subject to consideration by the Planning Commission.
27. All colors and materials for the structure and roof shall be as shown in the color
elevations approved by the Planning Commission on January 23, 2018. The flat
roof portion of the building shall be painted a color that matches the roof parapet
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as deemed acceptable by the Director of Community Development.
28. The 4.5' tall roof-mounted equipment shall be screened from neighboring views by
the proposed 6.75' tall roof parapets.
Parking Conditions
29. The Applicant shall provide a minimum of 26 parking spaces per RPVDC Section
17.50. A total of 48 parking spaces are approved, consisting of 41 regular spaces
with dimensions of 9' width x 20' length, and 7 compact spaces, with dimensions
of 8' width by 15' length.
30. No more than 20% of the approved parking spaces shall be designated as compact
31. All compact spaces shall be clearly marked to the satisfaction of the Director of
Community Development.
shall submit for review and approval a drainage plan that complies with the
National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permits for stormwater
33. Prior to the installation of the bicycle lockers, a color sample for the locker exterior
shall be reviewed and approved by the Director of Community Development.
Landscape Conditions
34. PRIOR TO FINAL BUILDING INSPECTION, the property shall be landscaped per
the landscape plans approved by the Planning Commission on January 23, 2018.
35. Except for the existing monument sign, no structures or site improvements in
excess of thirty-inches (30") in height shall be permitted within the intersection
visibility triangle of Western Avenue and Westmont Drive.
36. All new landscaping in the following areas identified on the plans shall be
maintained at 12" in height and any tree branches shall be maintained at least 6'
above ground:
a. The triangular area identified on the plans, formed by the point beginning at
the northeast corner of the driveway accessed from Westmont Drive,
extending 50' to the east and south,
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b. The triangular area identified on the plans, formed by the point beginning at
the northwest corner of the driveway accessed from Westmont Drive,
extending 50' to the west and south,
c. The triangular area identified on the plans, formed by the point beginning at
the northwest corner of the driveway accessed from Western Avenue,
extending 50' to the east and north,
shall be submitted relocating approximately 46' length of the 32" tall garden wall to
accommodate a 10' wide landscape buffer between the refurbished parking lot and
Westmont Drive.
38. Landscaping for the project shall be designed, implemented and maintained to
comply with the City's Water Efficient Landscape Ordinance (WELO).
39. Prior to approval of the landscape plan, the Applicant shall demonstrate to the
satisfaction of the Director of Community Development, compliance with the City's
Low Impact Development Ordinance (LID).
Construction Conditions
40. All construction vehicles onsite shall minimize idling time by requiring that
equipment be shut down after 5 minutes when not in use (as required by the State
airborne toxics control measure [Title 13, Section 2485 of the California Code of
Regulations]). Clear signage that lists this requirement shall be posted that posts
this requirement for workers at the entrances to the site and provide a plan for the
enforcement of this requirement.
41. No modifications shall be allowed to the existing storm drain system except to
connect the new drain pipes. The Applicant shall implement measures to protect
the existing storm drain lines, and fix and/or replaced them as needed if any
damage occurs during construction, to the satisfaction of the Building Official.
Sign Program Conditions
42. Signage shall be limited to the following signs:
• Three (3) 57.6ft2 internally illuminated channel letter wall signs located on the
north, west and south elevations of the new Chase Bank structure which will
include the text "Chase" and the Chase logo;
• One 3.86ft2 "Chase Private Client" brushed aluminum wall sign on the south
• One 8.3ft2 sign with the "Chase" text and logo above the exterior ATM;
• Blue LED backlighting for exterior ATM;
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• Reface the existing monument sign with the "Chase" text and logo;
• Various directional and ADA signage;
• Additional minor window signage and temporary signs shall be allowed in
accordance with the provisions of the City's Development Code.
43. All signage lighting, other than for the ATMs, shall be extinguished by 10:00 PM
44. If the existing legal, non-conforming monument sign is removed, the replacement
monument sign shall comply with current codes.
45. The installation of "Bank Parking Only" or similar signage restricting parking to
bank customers only shall be prohibited on the property.
46. PRIOR TO FINAL BUILDING INSPECTION, the Applicant shall install signs in the
parking lot that include language allowing "Westmont Plaza" parking adjacent to
the Chase Bank, as deemed acceptable by the Director of Community
47. If specific design guidelines, standards, and/or restrictions are not described in the
approved Master Sign Program, the standards described in Section 17.76.050 of
the Development Code for signs shall apply.
Noise Conditions
48. Unless safety provisions require otherwise, the construction contractor shall adjust
all audible back-up alarms to the lowest volume appropriate for safety purposes
(i.e. still maintaining adequate signal-to-noise ratio for alarm effectiveness).
49. The project shall utilize construction equipment equipped with standard noise
insulating features during construction to reduce source noise levels.
50. All project construction equipment shall be properly maintained to assure that no
additional noise, due to worn or improperly maintained parts is generated.
51. Noise generated by the roof-mounted equipment shall not exceed 65dBA at the
closest property line.
Site Lighting Conditions
52. All lighting shall comply with the specifications and details provided on the
Photometric plans approved by the Planning Commission on January 23, 2018
and with City's Non-Residential Outdoor Light Ordinance per Section 17.56.040 of
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the Development Code. The one exception to this condition being the height of the
pole-mounted light standards, which may remain at 12.5' in height measured from
the existing grade level directly adjacent to the concrete base to the top of the light
53. All onsite lighting, other than that required for safety or per the California Financial
Code (see Condition No. 54 below), shall be extinguished by 10:00 p.m. daily.
54. The exterior and interior ATMs shall minimally lit as required by the California
Financial Code, which requires that there be a minimum of 10 candlefoot power at
the face of the ATM and extending in an unobstructed direction outward 5', and a
minimum of two candlefoot power within 50' in all unobstructed directions from the
face of the ATM.
55. There shall be a trial period of thirty (30) days from the installation of all the project
exterior lighting, including building and parking lot lighting, during which the lighting
shall be assessed for potential impacts to the surrounding properties. At the end
of the thirty (30) day period, the Director of Community Development may require
additional screening or reduction in the intensity or numbers of lights which are
determined to be excessively bright or otherwise create adverse impacts.
Furthermore, said lighting shall be reviewed as part of the annual review described
in Condition No. 6.
56. No one fixture or luminaire shall exceed 1,600 lumens.
57. The color temperature for all exterior wall and pole mounted lights (excluding the
ATM backlighting) shall not exceed 4,000K.
58. The illumination level at all property lines shall not exceed 0.01 foot candles.
59. The wall-mounted lighting underneath the ATM awning, the lights above the
electrical room and employee entrances on the east façade, and the 12.5' tall light
standards, measured from the existing grade level directly adjacent to the concrete
base to the top of the light standard, shall be Lithonia Lighting "D-Series"
luminaires, each with a house side shield for the standards adjacent to the property
lines, a diffused drop lens, and dark bronze housing.
60. No blue lights shall be allowed except for the backlighting of the ATMs and an
accent light in the soffit of the interior of the building.
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61. Prior to submittal to Building and Safety Plan Check, the Applicant shall redesign
the parking lot's landscape planter along the Western Avenue driveway to create
an integrated parking lot to the satisfaction of the Director of Community
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