CC SR 20190416 D - NV5 Abalone Cove Sewer Rehab Agreement RANCHO PALOS VERDES CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: 04/16/2019 AGENDA REPORT AGENDA HEADING: Consent Calendar AGENDA DESCRIPTION: Consideration and possible action to award a Professional Services Agreement to NV5, Inc. for design services associated with the Abalone Cove Sanitary Sewer System Rehabilitation Program RECOMMENDED COUNCIL ACTION: 1) Award a professional services agreement to NV5, Inc. (“NV5”) for engineering design services for rehabilitation of the Abalone Cove Sanitary Sewer Collection System, for an amount not to exceed $48,005; and, 2) Authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the Professional Services Agreement FISCAL IMPACT: The recommended action will result in a total authorized expenditure of up to $48,005. The funding necessary to complete this work is budgeted in the approved budget within the Capital Improvement Program Fund balance. Amount Budgeted: $250,000 Additional Appropriation: $0 Account Number(s): 330-400-8202-8005 ORIGINATED BY: Nasser Razepoor, PE, Associate Civil Engineer REVIEWED BY: Elias Sassoon, PE, Director of Public Works APPROVED BY: Doug Willmore, City Manager ATTACHED SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: A. Professional Services Agreement with NV5 (page A-1) B. NV5 Proposal (page B-1) BACKGROUND AND DISCUSSION: The City Council previously approved this project as part of the CIP, and authorized the expenditure of $250,000 for the Abalone Cove Sanitary Sewer System Rehabilitation Program. The Abalone Cove Sewer Maintenance District is a unique system serving 113 developed parcels in an active area, and is maintained by the City. Sewer user fees are collected from property owners that are being served by the system. Currently, the Abalone Cove Sanitary Sewer System is in need of improvements to the lift stations and the pipelines systems. There are four lift stations that need structural, mechanical and 1 electrical upgrades. The galvanized pipes are showing noticeable exterior corrosion and wall diameter reduction, and need to be replaced with a flexible material. There are also 14 sections of braided stainless steel flexible lines that require replacement. The polyethylene plastic pipes which serve as the grinder pump laterals are routed both above ground and underground. Some of these pipes need to be extended in length to prevent damage due to ground movement. A zero tolerance for sanitary sewer overflows has been adopted by the State of California, and rehabilitating the system will minimize the risk of sewer system overflows. Staff solicited Statements of Qualifications (SOQ) from qualified consultant firms for the Fiscal Year 2018-19 Capital Improvement Program projects. A total of 21 consultant firms, including NV5, participated in the process and submitted SOQs. NV5 was selected for this project based on its expertise, performance and experience, and provided a proposal for this project. Staff reviewed NV5’s proposal for design of these improvements and determined that NV5 is suitable to deliver this project. Staff recommends selecting NV5 to provide complete professional services required for the design of this project. The scope of NV5 work will include the following tasks:  Inspect each lift station, and review existing records and field inventory  Develop a lift stations and low pressure pipeline improvements Design Development Technical Memorandum  Prepare 50% and 100% plans and specifications/recommendations, including Lift Station mechanical, structural, and electrical upgrades and details, a selection of Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) alarm notification equipment, pipeline replacement, construction schedule, and engineer’s cost estimate  Develop and submit the final plans, specifications and estimate , addressing all comments received from the 100% submittal, in the City’s bid document format  Provide project management during each task  Attend meetings, including project kickoff meeting, committee and progress meetings (design review, facilities inspections, etc.) The deliverable will be a thorough engineer’s estimate and a well -vetted set of plans and specifications for the design of the improvements to Abalone Cove Sewer System. ALTERNATIVES: In addition to the Staff recommendations, the following alternative action is available for the City Council’s consideration: 1. Take other action as deemed appropriate by the City Council. 2 A-1 A-2 A-3 A-4 A-5 A-6 A-7 A-8 A-9 A-10 A-11 A-12 A-13 A-14 A-15 A-16 A-17 A-18 A-19 A-20 A-21 A-22 A-23 A-24 A-25 A-26 A-27 A-28 A-29 A-30 A-31 A-32 A-33 9890 Irvine Center Drive | Irvine, CA 92618 | www.NV5.com | Office 949.585.0477 CONSTRUCTION QUALITY ASSURANCE - INFRASTRUCTURE - ENERGY - PROGRAM MANAGEMENT - ENVIRONMENTAL March 20, 2019 City of Rancho Palos Verdes Abalone Cove Sewer System Improvements Design SCOPE OF SERVICES I. Project Description The Abalone Cove sewer system is comprised of three types of subsystems: Gravity Subsystem: the gravity collection system consists of approximately 19,000 LF of PVC pipe with 71 manholes. High Pressure Force Main Subsystem: the four Abalone Cove pump stations are located at Thyme Place, Sweetby East, Sweetby at Altimira Canyon, and Abalone Cove. There is approximately 2,505 LF of high pressure force main associated with the pump stations. Low Pressure Subsystem: the low pressure systems include grinder pumps at each property discharging to a small diameter low pressure force main. There is approximately 20,000 LF of various material low pressure force main pipe. The entire Abalone Cove sewer system flows into the Palos Verdes Drive Pump Station, which discharges through a 6-inch force main to the gravity system connecting to the Los Angeles County Sanitation District outfall. II. Brief Description of the work to be performed A. The Abalone Cove Sewer System includes four lift stations. The two larger lift stations (Lower Sweetbay and Abalone Cove) have been converted to allow use of 3-phase electrical power for the duplex 10-HP pumps. The two smaller lift stations (Thyme and Upper Sweetbay) operate using the originally installed electrical system, which provides single-phase power to the duplex 7½-HP pumps. B. In order to address condition and capacity needs at the lift stations, the City has identified the following recommendations:  Evaluate provision of additional storage capacity to provide at least 6-hours capacity to allow time for responders to fix or replace pumps, or in the case of a power failure.  Establish a basic standard for the lift pump models and phase the standard pumps into service. A basic requirement is that the pumps should be interchangeable. This would allow for a single spare pump of each size to be stored to serve as a replacement for the 4-pumps needed to operate each of the same size lift stations.  Replace rail systems and other appurtenances that are in poor condition. Repair wetwell concrete surfaces, and coat with a CIPP or epoxy coating to ensure that they are waterproof. Upgrade the wetwell level alarms.  Install an SCADA (supervisory control and data acquisition) based alarm system at each of the four lift stations that will enable real time notification of system problems and failures. B-1 Page 2 Abalone Cove Sewer System Improvements Design March 20, 2019 CONSTRUCTION QUALITY ASSURANCE - INFRASTRUCTURE - ENERGY - PROGRAM MANAGEMENT - ENVIRONMENTAL  Post a clear notification system at each pump-station, detailing who to call when an audible or visual alarm is activated  Place electrical wiring schematics and instructions on how to replace the lift station pumps in a folder inside each lift station.  Convert the two 7½-HP lift stations at Thyme and Upper Sweetbay to accommodate three phase pumps.  Replace (2) 10-HP and (2) 7½-HP pumps, and provide a 10-HP and 7½-HP spare pump. C. The low pressure grinder pump system conveys wastewater from individual properties to the low pressure force main system. The low pressure force main (LPFM) pipelines consist of the following: LOCATION MATERIAL LENGTH (FT) Grinder Pump to Main LPFM PE (1.25 “ – 4”) 6,800 Grinder Pump to Main - Connectors Stainless Steel (35x10’) 350 Main LPFM (Some above ground) Galvanized (2” – 3”) 12,815 TOTAL 19,965 The PE pipe is generally in good shape; however, the City has identified 45 grinder pump LPFM’s that require addition of pipe to accommodate ground movement. Many of the braided SS connectors have also stretched to their limit due to ground movement, and the City has identified 14 SS connectors with less than 1-ft of remaining stretch that need to be replaced, ideally with a less costly flexible material or fittings. Much of the galvanized pipe has external corrosion due to aggressive soils, as well as internal buildup of deposits. The City proposes to map and replace all of the existing galvanized pipe with an alternate flexible material such as PE. CONSTRUCTION SCHEDULE The City proposes to construct the lift station improvements during FY 2020, and the low pressure pipeline improvements during FY 2021. NV5 will prepare two separate sets of contract documents to allow for independent construction phases. III. NV5 will perform the following tasks: 1. Project Management and Meetings A. Meetings: We anticipate attending a kickoff meeting and site visit with Public Works Department, and additional meetings as needed to inspect the facilities and review design submittals. B. Project management efforts are included in each task. 2. Data Review and Compilation A. Available information regarding the lift stations will be obtained and compiled. B. NV5 will inspect each station and obtain facility photos as well as dimension measurements. C. NV5 will inspect the existing low pressure force main. B-2 Page 3 Abalone Cove Sewer System Improvements Design March 20, 2019 CONSTRUCTION QUALITY ASSURANCE - INFRASTRUCTURE - ENERGY - PROGRAM MANAGEMENT - ENVIRONMENTAL 3. Design Development Technical Memorandum (TM) A. Prepare Draft TM, to include: 1. Lift Station Evaluation A. Summary of existing facilities, age, capacity. B. Abalone Cove existing and projected sewer flows (ADWF and PWWF). C. Identify existing facilities that are recommended to be replaced or upgraded, due to poor condition or deficient capacity. 2. Low Pressure Pipeline Evaluation A. Summary of existing facilities, pipe type, lengths. B. Alignment evaluation and proposed new alignments. C. Pipe material and typical details. B. Prepare conceptual plans of proposed improvements, identifying recommended materials and equipment, C. Prepare an engineer’s opinion of probable cost for the recommended capital improvements. D. Final TM: address all City comments on the draft TM, and submit a Final TM. 4. Plans, Specifications and Estimate (PS&E) A. Prepare 50%, and 100% Plans & Specifications including the following: 1. Lift Station mechanical and structural upgrades and details. 2. Review electrical equipment submittals from vendors. 3. SCADA alarm notification equipment selection. 4. Low pressure pipeline alignment and details. 5. Construction schedule. 6. Engineers estimate of probable cost. 7. Plan review meetings at City with engineering and operations staff after each submittal, and address comments in subsequent submittal. B. Prepare and submit the Final plans, specifications and estimate, addressing all comments received from the 100% submittal, in City’s bid document format. A separate set of Contract Documents will be prepared for each project. C. We anticipate the following plan sheets for the two bid packages: BID PACKAGE 1: LIFT STATION IMPROVEMENTS SHEET TITLE T-1 Title Sheet G-1 General Notes, Legend, Abbreviations C-1 Lower Sweetbay LS Site Plan and Details C-2 Abalone Cove LS Site Plan and Details C-3 Thyme LS Site Plan and Details C-4 Upper Sweetbay LS Site Plan and Details I-1 LS P&ID B-3 Page 4 Abalone Cove Sewer System Improvements Design March 20, 2019 CONSTRUCTION QUALITY ASSURANCE - INFRASTRUCTURE - ENERGY - PROGRAM MANAGEMENT - ENVIRONMENTAL BID PACKAGE 2: LOW PRESSURE PIPELINE IMPROVEMENTS IV. NV5 will utilize the following personnel to accomplish the Services: A. Jeffrey Cooper, PE, Project Director B. Charlie McKinley, PE, Project Manager C. David Maher, PE, Project Engineer D. Erson Bolos, EE, Electrical Engineer (BSE Engineering) V. Data and services provided by the City: 1. Available as-built plans, flow records, and maintenance records 2. Access to facilities VI. Schedule The proposed project schedule to accomplish the scope of services is attached. The Project final contract documents are anticipated to be complete by mid July, 2019. VII. Fee Our proposed time and materials, not to exceed fee for the Abalone Cove Lift Station Improvements Design is $48,005. We have enclosed our work/hour break down, and fee schedule for your reference. SHEET TITLE T-1 Title Sheet G-1 General Notes, Legend, Abbreviations C-1 to C-6 Low pressure Pipeline Alignment (50-scale) C-7 Low Pressure Pipeline Details B-4 HOURS $ HOURS $ HOURS $ HOURS $ HOURS $HOURS FEE FEE FEE1 Project Management & MeetingsA. Kick-off & Site Meeting 2$450 2 $360 2 $260 0 $0 1 $757 $1,145 $0 $1,145B. Progress Meetings 2 $450 4 $720 4 $520 0 $0 2 $15012 $1,840 $0 $1,840Task 1 Subtotal4 $900 6 $1,080 6 $780 0 $0 3 $22519 $2,985 $0 $2,9852 Data Review and CompilationA. Data Review and Compilation 0 $0 4 $720 8 $1,040 16 $1,840 0 $028 $3,600 $0 $3,600Task 2 Subtotal0 $0 4 $720 8 $1,040 16 $1,840 0 $028 $3,600 $0 $3,6003A. Draft TM 1$225 8 $1,440 16 $2,080 24 $2,760 4 $30053 $6,805$600 $7,405B. Final TM 1 $225 2 $360 4 $520 8 $920 2 $15017 $2,175 $0 $2,175Task 3 Subtotal2 $450 10 $1,800 20 $2,600 32 $3,680 6 $45070 $8,980$600 $9,5804A. 50 % PS&E 1 $225 8 $1,440 32 $4,160 32 $3,680 4 $30077 $9,805$800 $10,605B. 100% (Final) PS&E 1 $225 4 $720 8 $1,040 16 $1,840 2 $15031 $3,975$600 $4,575C. 50 % PS&E 1 $225 8 $1,44032 $4,160 40 $4,600 4 $30085 $10,725 $10,725D. 100% (Final) PS&E 1 $225 4 $720 16 $2,080 24 $2,760 2 $15047 $5,935 $5,935Task 4 Subtotal4 $900 24 $4,320 88 $11,440 112 $12,880 12 $900240 $30,440 $1,400 $31,84010 2,250$ 44 7,920$ 122 15,860$ 160 18,400$ 21 1,575$ 357 46,005$ 2,000$ 48,005$ BSE ELECTRICALTOTALTOTAL PROJECT ASSOCIATE ENGINEER$115 ADMIN$75 PROJECT ENGINEERDesign Development TMPS&ELIFT STATION IMPROVEMENTSLOW PRESSURE PIPELINE IMPROVEMENTSRANCHO PALOS VERDES PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENTFEE PROPOSALABALONE COVE SEWER SYSTEM IMPROVEMENTSTASKNO.PRINCIPAL ENGINEER$180 $130 TOTALNV5 LaborWORK DESCRIPTIONPROJECT MANAGER$225 B-5 ID Task NameDuration StartFinish1Abalone Cove Lift Station Improvements65daysTue 4/16/19Mon 7/15/192Kickoff Meeting/Site Visit0 daysTue 4/16/19Tue 4/16/193Data Compilation1 wkTue 4/16/19Mon 4/22/194Draft TM2 wksTue 4/23/19Mon 5/6/195    City review1 wkTue 5/7/19Mon 5/13/196TM Workshop0 daysMon 5/13/19Mon 5/13/197Final TM1 wkTue 5/14/19Mon 5/20/19850% PS&E3 wksTue 5/14/19Mon 6/3/199    City review2 wksTue 6/4/19Mon 6/17/191050% Workshop0 daysMon 6/17/19Mon 6/17/1911Final PS&E2 wksTue 6/18/19Mon 7/1/1912    City Review1 wkTue 7/2/19Mon 7/8/1913Final PS&E Workshop0 daysMon 7/8/19Mon 7/8/1914PS&E Contract Documents1 wkTue 7/9/19Mon 7/15/194/16 Kickoff Meeting/Site Visit4/22 Data CompilationDraft TM5/65/13 City reviewTM Workshop 5/13Final TM 5/2050% PS&E6/3 City review6/1750% Workshop 6/17Final PS&E7/1 City Review 7/8Final PS&E Workshop 7/8PS&E Contract Documents 7/153/243/314/74/144/214/285/55/125/195/266/26/96/166/236/307/77/147/217/28April 2019May 2019June 2019July 2019AuCITY OF RANCHO PALOS VERDESABALONE COVE SEWER SYSTEM IMPROVEMENTSDESIGN SCHEDULEB-6 Opinion of Probable Costs Abalone Cove Sewer System Budget Level 20-Mar-19 Bid Package 1: Lift Station Improvements Description Unit Cost Quantity Amount General Items Mobilization/Demobilization 1.64% 1 LS $2,500 Contractor OH & Profit 12.00% 1 LS $18,240 Subtotal $20,740 Lift Station Upgrades Replace 7 1/2 HP Pumps & Motors $8,000 4 EA $32,000 Purchase Spare Pumps $6,000 2 EA $12,000 Repair Rails, Epoxy Coat LS Wetwells $12,000 4 EA $48,000 Subtotal $92,000 Electrical & Controls 3-Phase Electrical at Two LS $10,000 2 EA $20,000 SCADA Alarm Systems at Four LS $10,000 4 EA $40,000 Subtotal $60,000 PROJECT SUBTOTAL $172,740 Contingency 15%$25,911 BID PACKAGE 1 PROJECT TOTAL 198,651$ Bid Package 2: Low Pressure Pipeline Improvements Description Unit Cost Quantity Amount General Items Mobilization/Demobilization 0.60% 1 LS $2,500 Contractor OH & Profit 12.00% 1 LS $50,094 Subtotal $52,594 LPFM Replacement Replace 1.25"-4" PE Pipe at 45 Grinder Pumps $50 450 LF $22,500 Replace Braided SS Connectors $750 14 EA $10,500 Replace 2"-3" Galvanized Pipe $30 12,815 LF $384,450 Subtotal $417,450 PROJECT SUBTOTAL $470,044 Contingency 15% $70,507 BID PACKAGE 2 PROJECT TOTAL 540,551$ B-7