CC SR 20190305 M - Final City Council GoalsRANCHO PALOS VERDES CITY COUNCIL AGENDA REPORT MEETING DATE: 03/05/2019 AGENDA HEADING: Consent Calendar AGENDA DESCRIPTION: Consideration and possible action to review and approve the revised draft Council Goals to update and replace the former 2014 Council Goals RECOMMENDED COUNCIL ACTION: (1) Approve the draft final Council Goals. FISCAL IMPACT: N/A Amount Budgeted: N/A Additional Appropriation: N/A Account Number(s): N/A ORIGINATED BY: Gabriella Yap, Deputy City Manager REVIEWED BY: Same as above APPROVED BY: Doug Willmore, City Manager ATTACHED SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: A. Final Draft Council Goals (page A-1) B. Staff Report and Attachment with Revised Draft Council Goals from February 19, 2019, meeting can be found here: https://rpv.granicus.com/MetaViewer.php?view_id=5&clip_id=3344&meta_ id=65783 BACKGROUND AND DISCUSSION: At the February 19, 2019, meeting, the City Council reviewed the changes that they had directed Staff to make at the December 15, 2018, meeting. The major direction that was given included: Updating dates to ensure they are more achievable Noting items that were remaining in the revised Public Safety Strategic Plan Combining Civic Center items and creating subtasks Combining Ladera Linda Community Center items and creating subtasks Adding Storm Drain Deficiency Improvement Program (SDDIP) Breaking out Emissions Reduction Action Plan into subtasks Additionally, Staff removed a few items that were part of normal day-to-day work, including the monitoring of noise to assess if additional ordinances or programs would 1 be needed in the future. Staff also added our internal goal related to employee satisfaction. ALTERNATIVES: In addition to the Staff recommendation, the following alternative action is available for the City Council’s consideration: 1. Direct Staff to make changes to the Council Goals and/or its format. 2 2019 Goals and Action Plan Number PROJECT / OBJECTIVE/OUTCOME RESPONSIBLE DEPARTMENT TARGET DATE FOR COMPLETION REVISED DATE FOR COMPLETION ACTUAL DATE OF COMPLETION STATUS (%)COMMENTS BUDGET ITEM 1 Reduce residential burglaries by 20% (below 90 annually).CM 12/31/2019 No 2 Implement revised Public Safety Strategic Plan remaining elements. CM 9/30/2019 Revised Public Safety Strategic Plan adopted in April 2016. Remaining items include: ALPR along Western (in progress), Predictive Policing software being worked on by LASD; Sheriff Substation at Civic Center; Pilot Neighborhood Watch in Multi- Family Neighborhoods; Pilot Program with Ring App (in progress)No 3 Develop a plan with CHOA, Neighborhood Watch, and other organizations to promote neighborhood safety.CM 9/30/2019 No 4 Engage in a regional emergency preparedness plan and exercise with all four Peninsula cities. CM 11/30/2019 No 5 Install and commission Phase 1 of Western Ave. ALPR camera project.CM 9/30/2019 No 6 Install and commission Phase 2 of Western Ave. ALPR camera project.CM 12/31/2019 No 7 Arterial Fence and Wall Draft Master Plan: To create a draft master plan retaining neighborhood identity that describes the type (material and height) of fence or wall, if any, placed along major arterial streets in the City.CDD 12/31/2019 Potentially include collector streets in the future.No 8 ABALONE COVE SEWER: AB Cove Sewer – Prepare new financial plan that reduces City subsidy by at least 50% for City Council consideration.FIN/PW 12/31/2019 Yes 9 LANDSLIDE - SEWER AND STORM DRAIN IN ROLLING HILLS: Develop a program with Rolling Hills to intercept sanitary sewer discharge and control storm water runoff from direct infiltration into the ground in an effort to reduce ground movement within the landslide area of the City.PW 12/31/2019 No 10 LANDSLIDE FEASIBILITY STUDY - CONSTRUCTION IMPLEMENTATION: Have construction implementation plan ready for City Council consideration, break ground on phased plan if approved.PW 12/31/2019 No 11 MAINTENANCE SCHEDULE AND PLAN FOR ALL ASSETS: Create detailed inventory of public infrastructure and assets, along with appropriate maintenance schedule, and annually provide adequate funding for Operations and Maintenance. PW 6/30/2019 Yes 12 UNDERGROUNDING UTILITIES: Create list of fires caused by facilities belonging to SCE and/or its contractors. Along with estimated damage costs to present to SCE. Establish a program for maintenance /undergrounding its utilities that can cause a serious threat to safety.PW 6/30/2019 Yes Public Safety Goal: Maintain a high level of public safety with public engagement. Infrastructure Goal: Assess, prioritize & plan for the maintenance and improvement of all public infrastructure (including transportation systems, parking, utilities, storm drains, and sewers). Page 1 of 5 A-1 2019 Goals and Action Plan Number PROJECT / OBJECTIVE/OUTCOME RESPONSIBLE DEPARTMENT TARGET DATE FOR COMPLETION REVISED DATE FOR COMPLETION ACTUAL DATE OF COMPLETION STATUS (%)COMMENTS BUDGET ITEM Public Safety Goal: Maintain a high level of public safety with public engagement. 13 Identify neighborhoods willing to relocate utilities underground, and schedule with Southern California Edison.PW 6/30/2019 No 14 Identify cities to purchase Rule 20A funds from and, with City Council approval, execute agreements for undergrounding utilities.Fin/PW 12/31/2019 Yes 15 Storm Drain Deficiency Improvements Program (SDDIP) - Design for the replacement or rehabilitation of existing underground storm sewer system (lateral pipes, main storm sewer pipes and box culverts) and drainage inlets, catch basins and manholes which were identified in the 2015 Master Plan of Drainage. PW 12/31/2019 16 HAWTHORNE - GREEN ASPHALT: Beautify Hawthorne Boulevard by removing the existing green asphalt and installing aesthetic/landscaping.PW 12/31/2019 Yes 17 TRAFFIC IMPROVEMENTS ON WESTERN AVENUE: Establish action plan that would reduce delay and enhance traffic circulation.PW 12/31/2019 No 18 STREET LIGHTS: SCE Streetlight Acquisition and Conversion. Change out the existing street lights to LED’s and install a smart light system.PW 12/31/2019 Timing will depend on when SCE street light acquisition is finalized. Yes 19 Neighborhood Streetlight Installation: Establish funding mechanism and program for consideration by the City Council for neighborhoods who wish to install street lights for safety purposes.FIN/PW 12/31/2019 Yes 20 Resolve land use issue with NPS.CM 4/30/2019 No 21 Develop and present draft Civic Center Master Plan and financing options to the City Council for consideration.FIN/CM 12/31/2019 Yes 21a Develop plans for new EOC with possible Peninsula-wide partnership.CM 12/1/2019 No 22 LADERA LINDA PARK: With Council approval, break ground on new Ladera Linda Park and Community Center.R&P 2/28/2020 No 22a LL: Refined schematic design prepared by Consultant for City Council consideration.R&P 6/30/2019 No 22b LL: Construction-ready documents prepared by Consultant for City Council consideration.R&P 11/30/2019 No 22c LL: Bid process for construction firm completed and contract ready for City Council consideration.R&P 1/15/2020 Yes 23 Upper Hesse Turf Project: Redesign and install a new natural turf area (approximately 123,000 square feet) for active recreation use at Upper Hesse.R&P 7/1/2019 Yes 24 Lower Hesse Park Improvements Phase II: Present concepts for the remaining 12 acres of Lower Hesse to the City Council.R&P 12/31/2019 Yes City Land and Facilities Goal: Assess, prioritize and plan for the maintenance and improvement of all City-owned properties. Page 2 of 5 A-2 2019 Goals and Action Plan Number PROJECT / OBJECTIVE/OUTCOME RESPONSIBLE DEPARTMENT TARGET DATE FOR COMPLETION REVISED DATE FOR COMPLETION ACTUAL DATE OF COMPLETION STATUS (%)COMMENTS BUDGET ITEM Public Safety Goal: Maintain a high level of public safety with public engagement. 25 Present comprehensive preserve parking plan that addresses positive and negative impacts to the Preserve and surrounding communities.R&P 9/30/19 Yes 26 TRAILS NETWORK PLAN UPDATE: Present a comprehensive update to the City’s Trails Network Plan that is relevant and user- friendly by providing improved trail descriptions with graphics and detailed maps that illustrate trail routes and uses in a clear and concise manner based on existing legal trails, community input, and feasible trails to the City Council for consideration CDD 12/31/19 No 27 Implement revised Special Event Permit Ordinance. (must specifically identify applicability and exemptions.)R&P 6/30/19 No 28 BARKING DOGS: Assess the effectiveness and responsiveness of the County’s amended Barking Noise Program to determine whether the City should implement its own in-house program for the City Council’s consideration.CDD 10/31/19 Yes 29 SHORT TERM RENTALS ENFORCEMENT: Provide a semi-annual status report with data on the effectiveness of the City's aggressive enforcement program upholding the City’s prohibition to advertise or operate a short-term rental in the City’s single-family and multi- family residential zoning districts.CDD 12/31/19 No 30 COYOTE MANAGEMENT PLAN: Provide a quarterly status report with data on the implementation and effectiveness of the City’s Coyote Management Plan.CDD 12/31/19 No 31 WIRELESS TELECOMMUNICATION FACILITIES: Update the City’s Wireless Telecommunication Ordinances as it relates to wireless facilities in the public right-of-way (Title 8) and on private property (Title 17) to reflect current Federal and State laws and FCC orders, and to ensure applications are processed timely and that the least intrusive location and design is utilized, followed by continuous monitoring. CDD 6/30/19 No 32 EMISSIONS REDUCTION ACTION PLAN: Encourage Citywide, region-wide, and State-wide measures to reduce emissions in accordance to the City Council-adopted Emissions Reduction Action Plan (ERAP). CDD 12/31/19 Directed Staff to break up into individual goals. No 32a Accelerate the market for EV Vehicles o Adopt new development standards related to Electronic Vehicle (EV) charging stations. o Install charging stations in City-owned lots.CDD 12/31/19 Quality of Life Goal: Maintain and improve the quality of life for RPV residents. Page 3 of 5 A-3 2019 Goals and Action Plan Number PROJECT / OBJECTIVE/OUTCOME RESPONSIBLE DEPARTMENT TARGET DATE FOR COMPLETION REVISED DATE FOR COMPLETION ACTUAL DATE OF COMPLETION STATUS (%)COMMENTS BUDGET ITEM Public Safety Goal: Maintain a high level of public safety with public engagement. 32b Increase Energy Efficiency in Residential Units o Amend the Municipal Code to develop a robust Green Building Program. o Partner with Peninsula Cities or the SBBCOG for an Energy Efficiency Fair. o Create an online resource center for the promotion of Energy Efficiency that would consolidate information found throughout the City’s website into a one-stop shop for renewable energy financing (PACE), permitting, regional efforts and public education. CDD 12/31/19 32c Support Energy Generation and Storage in the Community o Amend the Zoning Code to integrate additional policies supporting renewable and alternative energy sources in residential, commercial and institutional zoning districts by utilizing EcoMotion consultant services, made available by the SolSmart grant application. CDD 12/31/19 33 WESTERN AVENUE REDEVELOPMENT STRATEGY: Prepare a redevelopment strategy for Western Avenue that supports economic growth, aesthetic enhancements, sustainability of retail establishments, and connectivity to retail outlets and residents for the City Council’s consideration.CM/CDD 6930/2019 Yes 34 Develop and share information regarding new goals and work plans representative of the current City Council’s vision and values with residents and local media outlets.CM 4/30/19 No 35 Establish Bi-Annual Leadership Academy for residents.CM 12/31/19 No 36 Re-establish Annual Community Breakfast for HOA presidents and committee chairs to provide an update in July of each year of city future plans CM 7/31/19 No 37 FISCAL SUSTAINABILITY: Present research and conclusions on TOT trends and opportunities to FAC.FIN 12/31/19 Yes 38 Perform updated Fee study for consideration by the City Council and use in FY 19-20 budget.FIN 6/30/19 Yes 39 Prepare draft funding plan for at least 50% of elements of Portuguese Bend Landslide Feasibility Plan for City Council consideration. FIN 12/31/19 Yes 40 Prepare mitigation plan for the five year model for FY 2019-20.FIN 12/31/19 Yes Government Efficiency & Transparency Goal: Ensure the City is maximizing the use of each tax dollar and optimizing service delivery to RPV residents. Citizen Involvement & Public Outreach Goal: Engage residents and community partners in assisting the City Council, City Committee/Commissions and City Staff to understand their roles, issues and to facilitate the decision-making process. Page 4 of 5 A-4 2019 Goals and Action Plan Number PROJECT / OBJECTIVE/OUTCOME RESPONSIBLE DEPARTMENT TARGET DATE FOR COMPLETION REVISED DATE FOR COMPLETION ACTUAL DATE OF COMPLETION STATUS (%)COMMENTS BUDGET ITEM Public Safety Goal: Maintain a high level of public safety with public engagement. 41 ENHANCED INTERNAL AND EXTERNAL CUSTOMER SERVICE: Enhance internal and external customer service and efficiency so that all inquiries are acknowledged within the day received and that, when surveyed, internal customers indicate 100% satisfaction with responsiveness by colleagues, and external customers indicate 95% satisfaction with responsiveness by Staff.CDD/PW 12/31/19 No 42 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY: Implement new Geocortex application to enable residents to reach city services more quickly. CM 12/31/19 No 43 EFFICIENT DEVELOPMENT PROCESS: Establish an efficient development process between the Community Development and Public Works Departments that manages expectations and provides improved internal and external customer service by: 1) preparing a policy memorandum that commits each department to provide consistent information; 2) preparing a comprehensive Uniform Development Process public handout; and 3) decreasing the review time for applications to no more than 10 business days.CDD/PW 12/31/19 No 44 TRAKiT PERMIT SOFTWARE IMPLEMENTATION: Full implementation of TRAKiT customer relationship software that allows customers to track service requests and to submit all appropriate requests and applications online. CM 10/31/19 No 45 CHARTER CITY: Agendize consideration of charter city item for possible placement on the November 2019 ballot at a regular meeting. CM 6/30/19 No 46 NCCP/HCP ADOPTION: Obtain permits by the California Department of Fish and Wildlife and the U.S. Department Fish and Wildlife (collectively called the Wildlife Agencies) for the City Council's consideration to adopt the NCCP/HCP CDD/R&P 6/30/19 No 47 ZONE 2 OF THE LANDSLIDE MORATORIUM AREA CODE AMENDMENT: Update and recirculate the Environmental Impact Report prepared in 2014 for the City Council’s consideration to amend Section 15.20.040 of the RPVMC to expand Exception Category “P” to consider allowing the development of single-family residences on the vacant non-Monks lots in Zone 2 of the Landslide Moratorium Area.CDD 10/31/19 No 48 91% of RPV Employees say RPV is a great place to work CM 12/31/19 Page 5 of 5 A-5