CC SR 20181107 01 - FY17-18 Year-End Unaudited Financial Report RANCHO PALOS VERDES CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: 11/07/2018 AGENDA REPORT AGENDA HEADING: Regular Business AGENDA DESCRIPTION: Consideration and possible action regarding the FY17-18 Year-end Unaudited Financial Report, Purchase Order Carry-Forward Schedule, and Continuing Appropriations. RECOMMENDED COUNCIL ACTION: (1) Receive and file the FY17-18 Year-end Unaudited Financial Report; (2) Receive and file the Purchase Order Carry-Forward Schedule from FY17-18 to FY18-19; (3) Approve decreasing FY17-18 Adopted Budget in the amount of $1,015,164 (General Fund), $15,986 (Gas Tax Fund), $728,731 (1911 Act Street Lighting Fund), $447,169 (Beautification Fund), $872 (Proposition A Fund), $450,000 (Measure R Fund), $2,306 (Abalone Cove Sewer Fund), $245,587 (Donor Restricted Contribution Fund, $96,347 (CDBG Fund), $2,843,438 (Infrastructure Improvement Fund), $452,800 (Federal Grants Fund), $600,000 State Grant Fund, $435,137 (Quimby Fund) and $81,172 (Equipment Replacement Fund) for Purchase Order Carry-Forward, Continuing appropriation and Projects in Process; and, (4) Approve amending the FY18-19 Adopted Budget in the amount of $1,015,164 (General Fund), $15,986 (Gas Tax Fund), $728,731 (1911 Act Street Lighting Fund, $447,169 (Beautification Fund), $872 (Proposition A Fund), $450,000 (Measure R Fund), $2,306 (Abalone Cove Sewer Fund), $245,587 (Donor Restricted Contribution Fund, $96,347 (CDBG Fund), $2,843,438 (Infrastructure Improvement Fund), $452,800 (Federal Grants Fund), $600,000 State Grant Fund, $435,137 (Quimby Fund) and $81,172 (Equipment Replacement Fund) for Purchase Order Carry-Forward, Continuing appropriation and Projects in Process. FISCAL IMPACT: Decrease City-wide (all funds) FY17-18 Budget in the amount of $7,414,709. Increase City-wide (all funds) FY18-19 Budget in the amount of $7,414,709 Amount Budgeted: N/A Additional Appropriation: N/A Account Number(s): N/A ORIGINATED BY: Christopher Browning, Senior Administrative Analyst REVIEWED BY: Deborah Cullen, Director of Finance APPROVED BY: Doug Willmore, City Manager ATTACHED SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: A. FY17-18 Purchase Order Carry-Forward Schedule (page A-1) 1 B. FY17-18 Project in Process (page B-1) Fiscal Year 2017-18 General Fund Year-end Results In the City’s Budget Adoption on June 19, 2018, Staff projected FY17-18 General Fund Revenues to end the year at $30.5 million and Expenditures to end at $31.9 million, including transfers, resulting in a negative variance of ($1.4) million (revenues to expenditures). In comparison to the unaudited actual year-end results, General Fund operations ended the year at almost $30.7 million of Revenues and slightly over $29.4 million of Expenditures, including transfers, resulting in a positive variance of $1.3 million (revenues to expenditures). The following table is a summary of Fiscal Year 2017-18 General Fund Operation results. Table 1 – Summary of FY17-18 General Fund Operations General Fund Operations The unaudited General Fund operations, comparing the year-end estimated revenues and expenditures to actuals resulted in a change in estimates of $2.7 million. The increase is the result of a combination of higher than estimated revenues by $200,000 and savings of $2.5 million in expenditures. Year-end estimates are prepared with input and approximations from the various City departments based on the current and expected activities. The majority of expenditure savings is due to underruns in professional and technical services and supplies. See details below. General Fund Revenues As illustrated in Table 1, the change to estimates in Revenues is an increase of approximately $175,000 or 0.58%. The following are highlights of the major changes:  Property Tax revenue came in higher than estimated by $248,500 or 1.9%. This increase is tied to a higher than expected secured property tax revenue.  Transient Occupancy Tax (TOT) includes two categories, Terranea’s TOT General Fund FY 17-18 YE Estimates FY 17-18 Actuals Change in Estimates Revenues 30.5$ 30.7$ 0.2$ Expenditures (31.9)$ (29.4)$ 2.5$ Variance (1.4)$ 1.3$ 2.7$ 2 and Miscellaneous TOT received from smaller hotels located along Western Ave. Staff projected $5.6 million of TOT collected from Terranea and $200,000 of Miscellaneous TOT. Miscellaneous TOT ended within 1.5% of year end estimates; however, Terranea’s TOT fell short by roughly $200,000, resulting in a net decrease of approximately $201,000 from year-end estimates.  Licenses & Permits decreased by $64,000 or 2.8% overall compared to year- end estimates. The decrease is primarily attributed to a shortfall in film, geology, planning/zoning, and right-of-way permits from year-end estimates.  Franchise tax revenue received was approximately $103,800 or 5.1% higher than estimates. Franchise tax is levied on the providers of utility, refuse and cable services in exchange for use of the City’s rights-of-way.  Other/Miscellaneous which consists of fines, PVIC sales, rental fees, RDA loan repayment, federal and state reimbursements, interest earnings and various other small fees came in almost $167,700 or 10.1% higher than estimated primarily due to higher than expected interest earnings of slightly over $50,000, rental fees ended $60,000 higher than estimated, fines ended the year almost $40,000 higher than estimated and the remaining variance of $18,000 are from other miscellaneous fees. The following table is a summary of the major revenues. The chart shows the revised budget, YE estimated, YE actuals, variances and percent of change. Table 2 – FY17-18 General Fund Revenues – Estimates vs. Actuals General Fund Expenditures The following table summarizes the expenditures by category, revised budget, YE estimates, variances and percent of change in the General Fund. PROPERTY TAX 12,746,100$ 12,779,760$ 13,028,259$ 248,499$ 1.94% TOT 6,040,000 5,816,000 5,615,045 (200,955) -3.46% SALES TAX 2,580,200 2,560,700 2,520,067 (40,633) -1.59% LICENSE & PERMITS 2,321,100 2,265,952 2,201,923 (64,029) -2.83% FRANCHISE TAX 2,112,800 2,024,900 2,128,727 103,827 5.13% UUT 1,871,100 1,875,244 1,837,689 (37,555) -2.00% OTHER/ MISC 1,351,200 1,663,110 1,830,885 167,775 10.09% OTHER TAXES 1,184,800 1,292,476 1,290,007 (2,469) -0.19% Subtotal 30,207,300 30,278,142 30,452,603 174,461 0.58% TRANSFER IN 230,000 230,000 230,000 - 0.00% Total Revenues 30,437,300$ 30,508,142$ 30,682,603$ 174,461$ 0.57% % FY 17-18 Revised Budget FY 17-18 YE Estimate @ 6/19/18 FY 17-18 YE Actuals @ 10/16/18 Variance from YE Estimate 3 Table 3 – FY17-18 General Fund Expenditures As illustrated in Table 3, Expenditures ended the year better than estimated by $2.5 million. The following are highlights of the changes to the YE estimates:  Salaries and Benefits combined ended the year almost $280,000 or 2.9% under year-end estimates. This is due to the vacancies that exist in several departments that were not filled during the fiscal year.  Professional and Technical Services finished the year about $979,000 or 23% under year-end estimates. The large variance is due to planned services that were not utilized during the fiscal year primarily in Public Works.  Repair & Maintenance came in under estimates by about $125,000 or 8.1%. This is comprised of an underrun in contracts in the Information Technology Division totaling $50,000 and in Building Maintenance totaling $75,000.  Supplies ended the year under the year-end estimate by slightly over $1.0 million or 60.9%, primarily due to Public Safety programs, ALPR and Homeowner Association Grants of almost $740,000 not spent or encumbered by June 30th. The remaining $260,000 is comprised of underruns in various departments. SALARIES 7,757,500 7,032,100 6,862,198 (169,902)-2.43% BENEFITS 2,599,288 2,608,000 2,498,010 (109,990)-4.37% LEGAL 925,000 1,159,000 1,157,585 (1,415)-0.11% SHERIFF 6,135,200 6,135,200 6,108,698 (26,502)-0.43% SHERIFF-PRESERVE 567,000 567,000 567,015 15 0.00% SAFETY ADDITIONAL SERV.135,000 126,000 115,020 (10,980)-8.83% PROF/ TECH 4,922,002 4,834,574 3,855,245 (979,329)-23.26% REPAIR/ MAINT 1,578,105 1,909,200 1,783,956 (125,244)-8.10% SUPPLIES 2,229,319 2,230,207 1,183,135 (1,047,072)-60.86% OTHER/ MISC 574,100 551,425 479,239 (72,186)-12.24% Operating Expenditures 27,422,513 27,152,706 24,610,101 (2,542,605)-9.91% TRANSFER OUT 4,813,500 4,813,500 4,813,500 0 0.00% Total General Fund Expenditures $32,236,013 $31,966,206 $29,423,601 ($2,542,605) -8.35% Expenditure Categories FY 17-18 Revised Budget FY 17-18 YE Estimates at budget adoption FY 17-18 YE Actuals @ 10/16/18 Variance from YE Estimates @ 8/6/18 % 4 Table 4 – FY17-18 Fund Balance Reconciliation The table above is a reconciliation of the changes to estimates and the reconciliation of the General Fund balance at the end of FY17-18. The fund balance reconciliation begins with the beginning fund balance, revenues received and transfers-in, less operating expenditures and transfers-out. The remaining calculation recognizes any designations impacting the fund balance at the end of the year, such as the 50% Policy Reserve, Purchase Orders that were in process at yearend, and continuing appropriations. The resulting amount is the excess fund balance remaining at the end of the year. Overall, the General Fund Operations ended the year with a slight increase in revenues and expenditures ending the year well below estimates. This results in a General Fund surplus of $3.6 million, after funding the 50% Reserve Policy and accounting for purchase orders carry-forward and continuing appropriations into FY18-19. General Fund (in millions) FY 17-18 Estimates FY 17-18 Actuals Change in Estimates Beginning Fund Balance 16.8$ 16.8$ -$ Add: Revenues 30.3$ 30.5$ 0.2$ Add: Transfers In 0.2$ 0.2$ -$ Subtotal 47.3$ 47.5$ 0.2$ Less: Year-end Operating Expenditures 27.1$ 24.6$ (2.5)$ Less: Transfers Out 4.8$ 4.8$ -$ Subtotal 31.9$ 29.4$ (2.5)$ Unaudited General Fund Balance 15.4$ 18.1$ 2.7$ Less: 50% Policy Reserve (13.6)$ (13.6)$ -$ Purchase Orders Carry-Forward (0.7)$ (0.7)$ Continuing Appropriations (0.3)$ (0.3)$ Unaudited General Fund Unrestricted Surplus(Deficit)1.9$ 3.6$ 1.7$ 5 Other Funds Expenditures Table 5 – Other Funds Year-end Summary Capital Improvement Projects Fund The CIP Fund ended the year with a fund balance of almost $24.4 million. Of this amount, total General Fund TOT transfers-in of $4.5 million and expenditures of $7.5 million. The change to estimates in fund balance is an increase of approximately $1.4 million primarily from the number of projects not completed by June 30, 2018. When compared to the previous year-end results, expenditures in FY17-18 increased by $400,000. In addition to the fourteen (14) completed projects, there are thirteen (13) projects that started and are expected to be completed during FY18-19. Equipment Replacement Fund The Equipment Replacement Fund ended the year at $3.0 million restricted fund balance. After applying the amount to be set aside for the restricted Council policy of $2.3 million and accounting for Purchase-orders Carry-Forward in the amount of $100K the fund is ending the year with a $600K surplus. This surplus will remain in the fund balance. The expenses for the year of were scheduled purchase plus a higher than expected depreciation expenses of over $234,000 and $56,000 is for Aerial Imagery for GIS and small furniture purchased during the year. Restricted Fund Balance Capital Improvement Equipment Replacement Water Quality Special Revenues & Permanent Funds Beginning Fund Balance 27.1$ 3.2$ 4.6$ 15.9$ Add: Revenues 0.3$ 0.3$ -$ 7.8$ Add: Transfers In 4.5$ -$ -$ 0.3$ Subtotal 31.9$ 3.5$ 4.6$ 24.0$ Less: Expenditures (7.5)$ (0.5)$ (4.8)$ (2.9)$ Less: Transfers Out -$ -$ -$ (0.2)$ Subtotal (7.5)$ (0.5)$ (4.8)$ (3.1)$ Restricted Ending Fund Balance 24.4$ 3.0$ (0.2)$ 20.9$ Restricted by Council Policy (3.0)$ (2.3)$ -$ (1.8)$ Purchase Orders Carry-Forward (1.5)$ (0.1)$ -$ (1.9)$ Projects in Process (1.3)$ -$ -$ (2.3)$ Unaudited Fund Balance Surplus(Deficit)18.6$ 0.6$ (0.2)$ 14.9$ 6 Water Quality/Flood Protection Fund The Water Quality/Flood Protection Fund (WQFPF) shows a beginning fund balance of $4.6 million. During the year, the Storm Drain Point Repair Program expended approximately $2.1 million and the Storm Drain Deficiency Program expended another $2.7 million for a total of $4.8 million. This fund is expected to be reimbursed by Caltrans for the Cooperative Agreement in the amount of $200,000. At the close of FY17-18, all Water Quality/Flood Protection Funds have been expended and the fund has a zero balance. All future/ongoing projects will no longer be funded by WQFPF and will need to compete for funding along with other capital projects. Other Governmental Funds Other Governmental Funds include Special Revenue Funds and Permanent Funds. The total restricted fund balance for these funds at June 30, 2018 is approximately $20.9 million. A total of about $1.8 million or 8.6% of the fund balance is restricted by City Council policy: $50,000 – Habitat Restoration, $750,000 – Sub-Region One, $1,000,000 – Abalone Cove Improvement Authority. In addition to the Council Policy, these funds also have Purchase Order carry-forward of $1.9 million and projects in process of $2.3 million. Resulting in an unaudited fund balance surplus of $14.9 million. Purchase Order Carry-Forward Schedule As part of the year-end process, Staff reviewed open purchase orders and compiled a list of projects and purchases that were encumbered in FY17-18, but not completed or delivered by June 30, 2018. To meet budgetary requirements, the purchase orders must be carried forward in FY18-19. The carry-forward items of $3.5 million have no net fiscal impact as it decreases the FY17-18 Budget and increases the FY18-19 Budget for the same amount. More than 70% of the carry-forward items are for capital- related projects. The following is a summary of the carry-forward amount by Fund. Fund Fund Name Amount 101 GENERAL FUND 715,164$ 202 GAS TAX 15,986$ 211 1911 ACT STREET LIGHTING 608,342$ 212 BEAUTIFICATION 447,169$ 216 PROPOSITION A 872$ 225 AB COVE SEWER 2,306$ 228 DONOR RESTRICTED CONTRIBUTION 48,587$ 310 CDBG 22,903$ 330 INFRASTRUCTURE IMPROVEMENTS 1,511,331$ 334 QUIMBY PARK DEVELOPMENT 6,568$ 681 EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT 81,172$ Grand Total 3,460,399$ 7 Additional details are included in Attachment A, FY17-18 Purchase Order Carry-Forward Schedule. Continuing Appropriations In addition to the Purchase Order Carry-Forward Schedule, the Finance Department, in partnership with other Departments and the City Manager, prepares a summary of proposed continuing appropriations to be carried over to the next fiscal year. Staff requests continuing appropriations of $300,000 in General Fund, $200,000 for Homeowner Association Grants and another $100,000 for professional technical services. Table 6 below identifies the budget that was included in the FY17-18 Budget, but were not spent or committed by June 30, 2018 for General Fund. Table 6: FY17-18 Continuing Appropriation Requests At the Capital Improvement Projects Workshop held on April 28, 2018, Council approved a list of projects that were expected to continue into FY18-19. After closing FY17-18, the balances on these projects is slightly over $3.6 million in various funds. Table 7a highlights each project name and amount left in the project at June 30, 2018. Table 7b shows the funding sources (Fund) for the various projects in process. Table 7a: FY17-18 Projects in Process Requests by Projects Fund Fund Name Amount 101 GENERAL FUND 300,000$ Grand Total 300,000$ Fund Description Amount 211 Citywide Street Light Acquisition 120,389$ 220 Sidewalk Repair 250,000$ 220 Western Ave Traffic Congestion 200,000$ 228 PVIC Exhibit Replacement 197,000$ 310 ADA Improvements 73,444$ 330 PVDS Realignment 100,000$ 330 Civic Center 227,300$ 330 Citywide ADA Transition Plan 155,137$ 330 Western Ave. ALPR 560,000$ 330 Connector Pipe Screen 251,100$ 330 PVDE at Bronco 38,570$ 331 PVDE at Bronco 452,800$ 332 Connector Pipe Screen 600,000$ 334 Ladera Linda Master Plan 316,509$ 334 Conestoga Trail Connection 112,060$ Grand Total 3,654,309$ 8 Table 7b: FY17-18 Projects in Process Requests by Fund The City is currently going through an external audit with White Nelson Diehl Evans, LLP. Once the audit is complete, Finance will prepare and submit the Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR) to the City Council, which will have the audited final revenues, expenditures, and fund balances. Fund Fund Name Amount 211 1911 ACT STREET LIGHTING 120,389$ 220 MEASURE R 450,000$ 228 DONOR RESTRICTED CONTRIBUTON 197,000$ 310 CDBG 73,444$ 330 CAPITAL INFRASTRUCTURE IMPROVEMENT 1,332,107$ 331 FEDERAL GRANTS 452,800$ 332 STATE GRANTS 600,000$ 334 QUIMBY 428,569$ Grand Total 3,654,309$ 9 Account Account Description Fund Description PO #Vendor Number Vendor Name PO Date Open Amount Item Description 101-400-1470-5101 PROFESSIONAL/TECHNICAL SERVICE GENERAL FUND 20180388 862 GO LIVE TECHNOLOGY, INC.02/23/2018 13,562.50 SUPPORT FOR VARIOUS BUSINESS SYST 101-400-1470-5201 REPAIR & MAINTENANCE SERVICES GENERAL FUND 20180127 3033 INTERWEST CONSULTING GROUP, I 07/31/2017 1,400.00 UPGRADE OF ARCGIS SERVER TO 10.5 101-400-3110-5101 PROFESSIONAL/TECHNICAL SERVICE GENERAL FUND 20180160 2663 SUNBEAM SOLAR 08/15/2017 4,928.00 RESIDENTIAL STREET SIGN LOGGING P 101-400-3110-5101 PROFESSIONAL/TECHNICAL SERVICE GENERAL FUND 20180160 2663 SUNBEAM SOLAR 08/15/2017 1,037.00 PALOS VERDES DRIVE SOUTH RESURFAC 101-400-3110-5101 PROFESSIONAL/TECHNICAL SERVICE GENERAL FUND 20180393 3033 INTERWEST CONSULTING GROUP, I 02/27/2018 19,410.00 ON CALL PROFESSIONAL SERVICES SPE 101-400-3120-5101 PROFESSIONAL/TECHNICAL SERVICE GENERAL FUND 20180281 2565 ITERIS, INC.11/07/2017 7,420.00 SIGNAL MODIFICATION WORK AT THE I 101-400-3130-5101 PROFESSIONAL/TECHNICAL SERVICE GENERAL FUND 20180492 1075 LOS ANGELES COUNTY SANITATION 06/28/2018 22,509.00 SHORELINE MONITORING SANTA MONICA 101-400-3150-5201 REPAIR & MAINTENANCE SERVICES GENERAL FUND 20180108 2142 FIRE GRAZERS, INC.07/26/2017 54,537.00 FUEL MODIFICATION BY GRAZING ANIM 101-400-4110-5118 REIMBURSABLE SERVICES GENERAL FUND 20180402 622 BASHMAKIAN, ARTASHES 03/19/2018 28,913.20 CONTRACTOR FOR PLANNING WIRELESS 101-400-5110-4310 OPERATING MATERIALS & SUPPLIES GENERAL FUND 20180471 2496 4IMPRINT, INC.06/13/2018 1,400.00 R&P GIVEAWAYS 4IMPRINT 101-400-6120-4310 OPERATING MATERIALS & SUPPLIES GENERAL FUND 9169 3187 VIGILANT SOLUTIONS, LLC.02/01/2017 84,190.20 ALPR CAMERAS 101-400-6120-4901 MISC. EXPENSES GENERAL FUND 20170164 3187 VIGILANT SOLUTIONS, LLC.07/06/2017 391,500.00 ALPR CAMERAS FOR EASTVIEW/WESTEN 101-400-6120-5112 PUBLIC SAFETY - COASTAL GENERAL FUND 20180231 143 LOS ANGELES COUNTY 09/29/2017 755.36 COASTAL AREA PATROL MONEY NOT NEE 101-400-6120-5115 PUBLIC SAFETY - SUPPLEMENTAL GENERAL FUND 20180232 143 LOS ANGELES COUNTY 09/29/2017 3,385.31 SUPPLEMENTAL PATROL AND SWITCHBAC 101-400-6120-8201 VEHICLES GENERAL FUND 20170164 3187 VIGILANT SOLUTIONS, LLC.07/06/2017 60,103.32 ALPR CAMERA SPEED TRAILERS FOR EA 101-400-3110-5101 PROFESSIONAL/TECHNICAL SERVICE GENERAL FUND 20180173 3246 PENCO ENGINEERING, INC.11/14/2017 20,113.00 SURV SERV-MIRALESTE CERST PVDW 202-400-3120-5201 REPAIR & MAINTENANCE SERVICES GAS TAX 20180284 2421 ECONOLITE SYSTEMS, INC.11/08/2017 526.37 CITYWIDE TRAFFIC SIGNAL MAINTENAN 202-400-3180-5201 REPAIR & MAINTENANCE SERVICES GAS TAX 20180157 3024 EDCO DISPOSAL CORPORATION 08/15/2017 0.00 STREETS AND FOR SPECIAL EVENTS 202-400-3220-5201 REPAIR & MAINTENANCE SERVICES GAS TAX 9054 97 HARDY & HARPER, INC.01/31/2017 15,460.00 PERFORM MAINTENANCE ON LANDSLIDE 211-400-0000-5201 REPAIR & MAINTENANCE SERVICES 1911 ACT STREET LIGHTING 20180284 2421 ECONOLITE SYSTEMS, INC.11/08/2017 5,890.63 CITYWIDE TRAFFIC SIGNAL MAINTENAN 211-400-0000-5201 REPAIR & MAINTENANCE SERVICES 1911 ACT STREET LIGHTING 20180284 2421 ECONOLITE SYSTEMS, INC.11/08/2017 77,280.88 AMENDMENT #1 FOR TRAFFIC SIGNAL M 211-400-8821-8099 MISC./OTHER EXPENSES 1911 ACT STREET LIGHTING 20180442 968 SIEMENS INDUSTRY, INC.05/07/2018 48,637.44 PHASE 1 - STREETLIGHT AUDIT AND F 211-400-8821-8099 MISC./OTHER EXPENSES 1911 ACT STREET LIGHTING 20180442 968 SIEMENS INDUSTRY, INC.05/07/2018 12,419.77 PHASE 2 - SCE ASSET ACQUISITION F 211-400-8821-8099 MISC./OTHER EXPENSES 1911 ACT STREET LIGHTING 20180442 968 SIEMENS INDUSTRY, INC.05/07/2018 438,138.34 PHASE 3 - LED CONVERSION 211-400-8821-8099 MISC./OTHER EXPENSES 1911 ACT STREET LIGHTING 20180442 968 SIEMENS INDUSTRY, INC.05/07/2018 15,975.12 PHASE 4 - STANDARD STREETLIGHT MA 211-400-8821-8099 MISC./OTHER EXPENSES 1911 ACT STREET LIGHTING 20180442 968 SIEMENS INDUSTRY, INC.05/07/2018 10,000.00 PHASE 5 - EXTRAORDINARY, EMERGENC 212-400-8820-8001 PROFESSIONAL/TECH SERVICES BEAUTIFICATION 20180495 908 CICCHETTI, JON DAVID 07/16/2018 6,000.00 FY 17-18 , CONSTRUCTION SUPPORT A 212-400-8820-8005 ENGINEERING DESIGN SERVICES BEAUTIFICATION 20180346 3246 PENCO ENGINEERING, INC.01/22/2018 14,703.75 ENGINEERING DESIGN SERVICES FOR T 212-400-8820-8006 INSPECTION SERVICES BEAUTIFICATION 20180501 1070 DCA CIVIL ENGINEERING GROUP,08/07/2018 31,920.00 PALOS VERDES DR. WEST BEAUTIFICAT 212-400-8820-8802 OTHER IMPROVEMENTS BEAUTIFICATION 20180497 1071 UNITED IRRIGATION, INC 07/18/2018 394,545.00 CONSTRUCTION FOR THE PALOS VERDES 216-400-8406-8403 LOWER HESSE - PARKS IMPROVE PROPOSITION A 20170177 520 PUB CONSTRUCTION, INC.07/27/2017 872.24 REDUCTION IN FUNDS DUE TO $766.00 225-400-0000-5101 PROFESSIONAL/TECHNICAL SERVICE AB COVE SEWER 20180288 3246 PENCO ENGINEERING, INC.11/14/2017 2,306.00 AB COVE SEWEER MAINTENANCE FEES 228-400-8501-8001 PROFESSIONAL/TECH SERVICES DONOR RESTRICTED CONTRIBUTION 20180385 829 WOODWARD, JAMES S 02/21/2018 14,836.60 SITE VISIT, TECHNICAL DISPLAY ASS 228-400-8501-8403 PARKS IMPROVEMENTS DONOR RESTRICTED CONTRIBUTION 20180293 656 DIGISCURA LLC 11/15/2017 33,750.00 PVIC EXHIBITS PHASE II - LIGHTHO 310-400-8810-8001 ADA IMPROV - PROF/TECH CDBG 20180126 157 MDG ASSOCIATES, INC.07/31/2017 22,490.00 ADMINISTRATIVE/MANAGEMENT SERVICE 310-400-8810-8802 OTHER IMPROVEMENTS CDBG 20180317 2744 ANDERSONPENNA PARTNERS, INC.12/11/2017 412.88 DESIGN SERVICES FOR PROJECT RW201 330-400-8817-8805 AREA 7 - RESIDENT ST IMPRVMNT INFRASTRUCTURE IMPROVEMENTS 20180160 2663 SUNBEAM SOLAR 08/15/2017 1,098.00 RESIDENTIAL REHABILITATION PROJEC 330-400-8807-8805 PVDE @ BRONCO - RES ST IMPROV INFRASTRUCTURE IMPROVEMENTS 20180464 2744 ANDERSONPENNA PARTNERS, INC.05/31/2018 1,320.00 ON-CALL SERVICES FOR THE PALOS VE 330-400-8304-8001 LANDSLIDE - PROF/TECH INFRASTRUCTURE IMPROVEMENTS 20180120 511 DANIEL B. STEPHENS & ASSOCIAT 07/31/2017 2,398.00 ADD'L APPROPRIATION FOR PUBLIC CO 330-400-8818-8004 AREA 8 - ARCHITECT DESIGN INFRASTRUCTURE IMPROVEMENTS 20170193 2663 SUNBEAM SOLAR 08/14/2017 11,600.00 RESIDENTIAL REHAB PROJECT AREA 8 330-400-8404-8404 COASTAL BLUFF - TRAILS IMPROVE INFRASTRUCTURE IMPROVEMENTS 20180490 2663 SUNBEAM SOLAR 06/28/2018 18,300.00 INSPECTION SERVICES OF FENCE BY S 330-400-8811-8802 ARTERIAL WALL - OTHER IMPROVE INFRASTRUCTURE IMPROVEMENTS 20180491 798 METROCELL CONSTRUCTION, INC.06/28/2018 24,159.00 CONTINGENCY FOR CONSTRUCTION OF H 330-400-8811-8006 ARTERIAL WALLS-INSPECTION SVC INFRASTRUCTURE IMPROVEMENTS 20180502 2663 SUNBEAM SOLAR 08/07/2018 24,744.00 HAWTHORNE ARTERIAL WALL INSPECTIO 330-400-8817-8004 AREA 7 - ARCHITECTURE DESIGN INFRASTRUCTURE IMPROVEMENTS 9197 2663 SUNBEAM SOLAR 02/02/2017 84,140.01 DESIGN OF RESIDENTIAL REHAB PROJE A-1 Account Account Description Fund Description PO #Vendor Number Vendor Name PO Date Open Amount Item Description 330-400-8404-8404 COASTAL BLUFF - TRAILS IMPROVE INFRASTRUCTURE IMPROVEMENTS 20180488 1068 FENCECORP, INC.06/28/2018 240,749.60 CONTRACT VALUE 330-400-8811-8802 ARTERIAL WALL - OTHER IMPROVE INFRASTRUCTURE IMPROVEMENTS 20180491 798 METROCELL CONSTRUCTION, INC.06/28/2018 241,586.00 CONSTRUCTION OF HAWTHORNE BLVD. A 330-400-8504-8802 CITY ADA TRANS - OTHER IMPROVE INFRASTRUCTURE IMPROVEMENTS 20170184 515 ABNY GENERAL ENGINEERING INC.08/02/2017 243,985.79 CITYWIDE ADA TRANSITION PLAN - BA 330-400-8818-8004 AREA 8 - ARCHITECT DESIGN INFRASTRUCTURE IMPROVEMENTS 9396 2663 SUNBEAM SOLAR 03/04/2017 328,349.60 DESIGN OF RESIDENTIAL REHAB PROJE 330-400-8817-8805 RESIDENTIAL ST REHAB C 1-AREA 7 INFRASTRUCTURE IMPROVEMENTS 20180178 517 SULLY-MILLER 06/30/2018 215,990.62 AB COVE SEWEER MAINTENANCE FEES - FINAL $75,9999 330-400-8817-8805 RESIDENTIAL ST REHAB C 1-AREA 7 INFRASTRUCTURE IMPROVEMENTS 20180276 2907 AMERICAN ASPHALT SOUTH 6/30/2018 72,910.00 RESIDENTIAL REHAB 334-400-8406-8403 LOWER HESSE - PARKS IMPROVE QUIMBY PARK DEVELOPMENT 20170177 520 PUB CONSTRUCTION, INC.07/27/2017 4,869.73 REDUCTION IN FUNDS DUE TO $766.00 334-400-8410-8404 TRAILS/OPEN SPACE IMPROVEMNT QUIMBY PARK DEVELOPMENT 20180246 3246 PENCO ENGINEERING, INC.10/11/2017 1,697.95 SURVEYING SERVICES & DESIGN TOPOG 681-400-0000-4401 COMPUTERS EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT 9358 6 RAMUNDSEN SUPERIOR HOLDINGS,02/16/2017 45,403.00 LICENSING OF TRAKIT SOFTWARE AND 681-400-0000-4401 COMPUTERS EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT 9358 6 RAMUNDSEN SUPERIOR HOLDINGS,02/16/2017 4,179.00 THIRD PARTY PRODUCTS 681-400-0000-5101 PROFESSIONAL/TECHNICAL SERVICE EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT 9358 6 RAMUNDSEN SUPERIOR HOLDINGS,02/16/2017 9,996.10 IMPLEMENTATION AND TRAINING 681-400-0000-5101 PROFESSIONAL/TECHNICAL SERVICE EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT 9358 6 RAMUNDSEN SUPERIOR HOLDINGS,02/16/2017 6,133.58 TRAVEL EXPENSES 681-400-0000-5101 PROFESSIONAL/TECHNICAL SERVICE EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT 9358 6 RAMUNDSEN SUPERIOR HOLDINGS,02/16/2017 7,500.00 CUSTOMIZATION/INTEGRATION TO TYLE 681-400-0000-5101 PROFESSIONAL/TECHNICAL SERVICE EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT 9358 6 RAMUNDSEN SUPERIOR HOLDINGS,02/16/2017 2,560.00 ONSITE ADMINISTRATOR TRAINING 681-400-0000-5101 PROFESSIONAL/TECHNICAL SERVICE EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT 9358 6 RAMUNDSEN SUPERIOR HOLDINGS,02/16/2017 5,400.00 ONSITE REPORT WRITER TRAINING A-2 Project Code Project Fund Amount Presented on April 28, 2018 Amount Available at June 30, 2018 8301 PVDS Realignment - East End 330 100,000 100,000 8501 PVIC Exhibit Replacement/Renovation 228 216,000 197,000 8503 Civic Center Master Plan 330 227,300 227,300 8504 Citywide ADA Transition Plan 330 142,420 155,137 8405 Ladera Linda Community Center Final Design & Construction Drawing 334 246,534 316,509 8801 Sidewalk Repair and Replacement Program 220 250,000 250,000 8807 PVDE at Bronco Intersection Improvements 330 49,295 38,570 8807 PVDE at Bronco Intersection Improvements 331 452,800 452,800 8809 Western Av Traffic Congestion Improvements 220 200,000 200,000 8810 ADA Improvements - removal of sidewalk curb barriers 310 67,210 73,444 8811 Arterial Fences and Walls- Hawthorne Blvd. Removal Program (Phase 1)330 285,924 - 8820 PVDW Median Improvements at Palos Verdes Estates 212 432,680 - 8821 Citywide Street Light Acquisition 211 785,280 120,389 8822 Western Avenue ALPR Project 330 560,000 560,000 8709 Connector Pipe Screens 330 251,100 251,100 8709 Connector Pipe Screens 332 600,000 600,000 8410 Conestoga Trail Connection 334 126,000 112,060 B-1