20140402 Late CorrespondenceCrTYOF RANCHO PALOS VERDES TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: HONORABLE MAYOR & CITY COUNCIL MEMBERS CITY CLERK APRIL 2, 2014 ADDITIONS/REVISIONS AND AMENDMENTS TO AGENDA Attached are revisions/additions and/or amendments to the agenda material received through Wednesday for the April 2, 2014 City Council meeting: Item No. Description of Materials 1 Email from Sunshine; George Fotion Respectfully submitted, &~ Carla Morreale <:::::: W:\AGENDA\2014 Additions Revisions to agendas\20140402 additions revisions to agenda.doc From: Sent: To: George Fotion <george.fotion@homeispalosverdes.com> Sunday, March 30, 2014 12:46 PM SunshineRPV@aol.com; CC Cc: Carolynn Petru; Michael Throne; kathrineguzmanl@yahoo.com; wlama@cox.net; cprotem73@verizon.net; mscott@pvnews.com; momofyago@gmail.com; troy@eworld- media.com; jlOOO@cox.net; jeanlongacre@aol.com; pvpasofino@yahoo.com Subject: RE: Choosing a new City Manager Dang Sunshine, brilliantly written! From: SunshineRPV@aol.com [mailto:SunshineRPV@aol.com] Sent: Sunday, March 30, 2014 12:26 PM To: cc@rpv.com Cc: carolynn@rpv.com; michaelt@rpv.com; kathrineguzmanl@yahoo.com; wlama@cox.net; cprotem73@verizon.net; mscott@pvnews.com; momofyago@gmail.com; troy@eworld-media.com; jlOOO@cox.net; jeanlongacre@aol.com; pvpasofino@yahoo.com Subject: Choosing a new City Manager March 30, 2014 MEMO from SUNSHINE TO: RPV City Council. cc: Staff and interested parties RE: Choosing a new City Manager. 2014 City Council Goals. www.palosverdes.com/rpv/citycouncil/2014- City-Council-Goals.pdf Your Goals for 2013 included enhancing the City's trails network. It had to be amended to clarify that it was not your intent to limit the goal to trails under contract with the PVP Land Conservancy. The same correction had to be made for the FY 2013-14 Budget. There is an oops in the RPV General Plan Amendment 22. The definition of a CATEGORY I (Category one) trail from the Conceptual Trails Plan (CTP) is fine as: Existing, dedicated trails which meet trail standards. The oops is in the policies which were added by Staff and not available to the public during the review process. For CATEGORY I, it says "Nothing more needs to be done." That leaves the Public Works Department without the directive to provide ongoing maintenance. For several years. Larry Still, Maintenance Superintendent, did have a map and list of trails he was assigned to maintain. After the CTP was adopted, Carolynn Petru provided Larry Still with a list of CATEGORY I trails. In 2004, the OSPand R&P Task Force provided the City with a map showing which trails were which CATEGORY. Chris Ortiz has told me that he has not seen any of these documents. There is a decision to be made. Will the new City Manager be chosen to support local interest in off-road emergency and recreational circulation or the United Nation's Agenda for the 21st Century (UN Agenda 21) which advocates the elimination of public access to non-urban open space? UN Agenda 21 also advocates "common core" education standards and high density "mixed use" housing. /. The name of our Planning, Building and Code Enforcement Department has already been changed to Community Development Department. This is a UN Agenda 21 suggestion. Your 2014 Goal of delaying the update of the RPV Trails Network Plan for another year leaves the impression that this City Council either supports UN Agenda 21 or is falling for the tactics of the International Council on Local Environmental Issues (ICLEI). The sovereignty of the United States of America is at risk. Please choose a City Manager finder consultant who will comply with your clearly stated decision to either support or resist UN Agenda 21. We. The People, need to know where the majority of you are headed with our private property rights.