RPVCCA_SR_2010_06_15_05_Contract_Addendums_For_Annenburg_Projectc MEMORANDUM OF RANCHO PALOS VERDES TO: FROM: DATE: HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL COMMUNITY DEV~NT DIRECTOR MAY 18,2010 SUBJECT:CONTRACT ADDENDUM NOS.1 AND 2 FOR THE ANNENBERG PROJECT ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT REVIEWED:CAROLYN LEHR,CITY MANAGER~ Staff Coordinator:Ara Michael Mihranian,AICP,Principal Planne~ RECOMMENDATION Approve Contract Addendum Nos.1 and 2 to the Agreement for Consulting Services between the City of Rancho Palos Verdes and Rincon Consultants for the preparation of an Environmental Impact Report for the Annenberg Project,in the amount of $10,450.00. BACKGROUND On September 2,2008,the City Council authorized the Annenberg Foundation to initiate the planning entitlement process for the proposed Annenberg Project at Lower Point Vicente with the submittal of the appropriate Planning Applications.In addition to the Conditional Use Permit,Grading Permit and Coastal Permit applications required for this project,an Environmental Impact Report was determined to also be required pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). On July 7,2009,the City Council entered into a service agreement with Rincon Consultants,Inc.to prepare an Environmental Impact Report (EIR)for the Annenberg Project.The total cost to prepare the EIR was $116,559.00.In preparing the project EIR, the scope of work was expanded resulting in the need for additional analysis in the project EIR.As such,Rincon Consultants submitted Addendum No.1 on March 5,2010 in the amount of $3,955.00 and Addendum No.2 on April 19,2010 in the amount of $6,495.00 to cover costs associated with the expanded scope of work.The Council is being asked to 5-1 approve the contract addendums for Rincon's scope of work,referred to as Contract Addendum Nos.1 and 2,in the amount of $10,450.00. DISCUSSION On February 4,2010,the City released the Notice of Preparation and Initial Study for a 30-day public comment period on the environmental analysis that will be evaluated in the project EIR.In response to public comments related to the land use designation in the General Plan and the Zoning Map,the City requested Rincon Consultants include an additional analysis in the project EIR on the topic of Land Use and Planning.This expanded scope of work that was not budgeted in the original proposal will cost an additional $3,955.00 to cover the consultant's time,estimated to be approximately 73 hours,to prepare the analysis for the Land Use and Planning Section of the project EIR (see attachment). In addition to the above,the applicant recently informed the City its interest in expanding the proposed site improvements to include portions of the adjacent Coast Guard Property. Specifically,the proposed improvements involving the Coast Guard Property include paving the existing dirt lot to accommodate a stripped parking lot with landscaping for overflow parking,installing drainage facilities,and enhancing the access driveway to improve on-site circulation.According to Rincon,the following additional work is necessary (see attachment): •Revised Archaeological Study -$1,495.00 •Revised Biological Resources Assessment -$1,800.00 •Revisions to Selected EIR Sections -$3,200 The above expanded scope of work that was not budgeted in the original proposal will cost an additional $6,495.00 to cover Staff time.It should be noted that City Staff and a representative from the Annenberg Foundation recently met with the Coast Guard Commander for this site.The Commander was in favor of the proposed improvements, but indicated that the Coast Guard's real estate and engineering divisions would need to approve the proposed improvements before authorizing the work. As described above,the additional costs associated with Addendum Nos.1 and 2 would be $10,450.00 bringing the total cost for the EIR preparation to $127,099.00.The applicant has reviewed and approved the costs associated with Addendum Nos.1 and 2 (see attachment). Based on the above discussion,Staff has reviewed Addendum Nos.1 and 2 and believes the scope of work,cost proposal,and timeline are accurate for the level of environmental analysis required for the expanded scope of work.As such,Staff recommends that the Council approve the attached Addendum Nos.1 and 2. FISCAL IMPACT The Contract Addendums will have no fiscal impact on the City due to the obligation of the applicant to cover all costs for the preparation of environmental documentation. 5-2 CONCLUSION It is Staff's position that the proposed cost increase identified in Addendum Nos.1 and 2 is a fair representation of the costs involved in the preparation of the environmental analysis for the expanded scope of work.Therefore,based on the discussion above, Staff recommends that the City Council approve Addendum Nos.1 and 2 as presented. ALTERNATIVES In addition to Staff's recommendation,the following alternatives are available for consideration by the City Council: 1)Deny the proposed Addendum Nos.1 and 2;or, 2)Adopt Addendum Nos.1 and 2 with modifications as deemed appropriate by the Council. ATTACHMENTS •Rincon Contract Addendum No.1 dated March 5,2009 •Rincon Contract Addendum No.2 dated April 19,2010 •Annenberg Foundation Approval Letter 5-3 Rincon Consultants,Inc. ,,!1 fincnn(;)nSiJ'!lJnil~com March 5.2010 Job No.09-64000 Ara Michael Mihraliial1,Principal Planner Department of Planning,Building and Code Enforcement City of Rancho Palos Verdes 30940 Hawthorne Boulevard Rancho Palos Verdes,CA 90275 SUbject:Contract Amendment Request for the Annenberg Project at Lower Point Vi.centeEIR Dear Mr.Mihranian: This letter is Rincon Consultants'request for an amendment to burcontractfor the Annenberg Project EIR The additional budget requested IS to cover the cost of including a Land Use and Planning section in the EIR,a task requested by the City subsequ.ent to the EIR scoping meeting on February 23.and not included in our existing contracted scope ofwork , We anticipate that drafting the Land Use and Planning section wit!take approximately 39 hours of staff time,which inclUdes 34 associate plannerhOUfs and five project manager/principal hours. Accordingly,we are requesting an additional $3,955.This would bring the overall budget from $116,559 to $120,514. Thank you for your consideration of this request Please contact us if you have any questions or need further information. Sincerely, RINCQNCONSULTANTS,INC. Abe Leider,AICP Project Manager /.\/' !\•./., (i/I.!~,V Michael Gialketsis,REA I Vice President Environmenfai SCientists P f {til i1 tJ r $ 5-4 ;;b 1 COO II) inlnt,i-j'l(1(()n(nH~;Uitdnts r~!ic()i1()n~uit2lnt coo.. April 19,2010 Job No.09~64000 Ara Michael Mihranial1,Principal Planner Department of Planning,Bollding and COde Enforcement City of Rancho Palos Verdes 30940 Hawthorne Boulevard Rancho Palos Verdes)CA 9027:5 SUbject:Contract Amendment RequestfortheAnnenberg Project at Lower Point Vicente EIR Dear Mr.Mlhranian: This letter Is Rincon Consultants'req!.Jest foran amendment to our contract forthe Annenberg Project EIR. The additional budget requested is to cover the cost of revising the analysis completed to date to reflect changes in the proposed project,speciflcaUythe proposed expansion'Ofthe project area and description to include a new paved parking area 00 the CoastGu.ard property south of the main project site and reconfigured site access.The following tablelsa breakdown of the additiOl1alwork necessary to make the requested revisions. $1,8:0Q $3,200 $6:49ff---' •Includes RincCln'sadrninistratlvefee --- Task Cost,----~-~_....._--_._-_._--~----.--=~---, Revised Archaeological Resources Rl'lpClrt,ihcluding revised $1,495* records search.aodsite suwe.y (~.~~~T)._._.+-----1 ReVised BiolqgJoal Resources ··Al;lsessmenl---_. ReNiSioMlos(llected EIRseclion$and analyses (if1sluding pr<>jeOldescription,cohs!ruction emissions,etc_)and graphios TOTAl. Aooordingly,we are requesting an additIonal $6,495.This would bring the overall budget from $120,514 (pending approval of our March 5,2010 amendment requestto add aLand Use and Planning section to the EIH)to $127,009.We anticipate that the additional analysis and revisions would add approximately two weeks to the overall EIR schedule. Thankyou for your consideration of this n'Kl!.Jest.Please contact us if you have any questions or need further information. Sincerely, RINCON CqNSULTANTS,INC. ,n ;/~ n.11 ..~....'.':G....~;1 ./...;••\i {j'LY"ol;{C "/\j V'"J Abe Leider,AICP Project Manager Michael Gi$lketsis,REA I Vice President Environ.me tfJi $0 enlist P i H n ~.("5 E Ii gin f {S 5-5 Page 1 of2 AraM From:howardl [howardl@mindspring.com] Sent:Wednesday,April 28,20106:20 PM To:Ara M Cc:'Joel Rojas' Subject:Re:Annenberg -Rincon Addendums ara,it's approved. On 4/27/2010 2:34 PM,Ara M wrote: Howard, The added tasks involve surveying the additional area (coast guard property)proposed for development for biological and cultural resources,as was done for the main project site.This would allow the City to assess potential impacts to these resources from adding the additional parcel to the area that would be disturbed as part of project implementation.(HEART is the cultural resources sub-consultant.) Let me know if you have further questions. Ara Ara Michael Mihranian Principal Planner City of Rancho Palos Verdes 30940 Hawthorne Blvd. Rancho Palos Verdes,CA 90275 310-544-5228 (telephone) 310-544-5293 (fax) aram@rj;!v.com www.palosverdes.com/rQY Ji Do you really need to print this e-mail? This e-mail message contains information belonging to the City of Rancho Palos Verdes,which may be privileged,confidential and/or protected from disclosure.The information is intended only for use of the individual or entity named.Unauthorized dissemination, distribution,or copying is strictly prohibited.If you received this email in error,or are not an intended recipient,please notify the sender immediately.Thank you for your assistance and cooperation. From:howardl [mailto:howardl@mindspring.com] Sent:Sunday,April 25,2010 3:22 PM To:Ara M Subject:Re:Annenberg -Rincon Addendums ara,can you please explain the first two added tasks (the "HEART"and the revised biological assessment)?i understand the revision to existing materials third item, but the other two are unfamiliar to me. On 4/23/2010 9:50 AM,Ara M wrote: Hello Howard, 6/9/2010 5-6 Page 2 of2 As you requested,attached are Rincon Addendum Nos.1 and 2 for your review and approval. As you may recall,you previously approved Addendum NO.1. However,pursuant to City's Municipal Code,the addendums are to be approved by the City Council. I plan on taking the addendums to the Council on May 4th (at the earliest)and will need a formal written authorization from the Foundation. In order to be on the May 4th agenda,I will need an authorization by Wednesday,April 28th . If not,I can push it to the May 18th agenda. Of course,I say this assuming the Foundation will approve the addendums. Let me know if you have any questions. Ara Ara Michael Mihranian Principal Planner City of Rancho Palos Verdes 30940 Hawthorne Blvd. Rancho Palos Verdes,CA 90275 310-544-5228 (telephone) 310-544-5293 (fax) ar~m@rp~,c_Qm www.paloSyer<;les ..comlrpy Ji Do you really need to print this e-mail? This e-mail message contains information belonging to the City of Rancho Palos Verdes,which may be privileged,confidential and/or protected from disclosure.The information is intended only for use of the individual or entity named.Unauthorized dissemination, distribution,or copying is strictly prohibited.If you received this email in error,or are not an intended recipient,please notify the sender immediately.Thank you for your assistance and cooperation. 6/9/2010 5-7