RPVCCA_SR_2010_02_16_06_Claim_Amalia_FrakerCITY OF MEMORANDUM RANCHO PALOS VERDES TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: REVIEWED: HONORABLE MAYOR &CITY COUNCIL MEMBERS GARY GYVES,SENIOR ADMINISTRATIVE ANALYSTJ\t< FEBRUARY 16,2010 CLAIM AGAINST THE CITY BY AMALIA FRAKER CAROLYN LEHR,CITY MANAGER QL RECOMMENDATION Reject the claim and direct staff to notify the claimant. BACKGROUND The claimant allegedly damaged her vehicle after hitting a fallen tree branch while driving on Montemalaga Drive.The alleged incident occurred in December 13,2009 and the claim was filed on December 15,2009. The City's Claims Administrator,Carl Warren and Company,has reviewed the claim and advised the City to reject the claim. Attachment: 1)Claim 6-1 arv=OffICE CLAIM FOR DAMAGES ~94Q Jlawf;bprnfL Blvd.TO PCRSON OR PROPERTYRnobo»alo8'V~des CA 90275 .•I INSTRucnONS 1.CIalms b"death,injury 10 petSOI1 or 1D personal property must be filed not IaIsr than sbc IlJOnthsaltertfIG ClCCUaence.(Gov.Code Sec.911.2.) 2.CIalQ1S b'datnages to real rxOP«tY must be filed not tater It.lan 1 year after the occurrence.(~Code Sec.911.2.) a.~entfnJ CfaIm fann bet'ore 61"" 4.see page!fordlagnam upon wMch to locate place of aCcident So Thisclafm bm must be slgned on page 2attloUam. a Altacft separate.sheets,If necessary,to give full detall$.SIGN eACH SHEET. 10;CITY OF •Rf!'Q9ho falal Verd@s of Jcrlbe In detaU each INJURY or DAMAGE RECEIVED' Oly of Rancbo Palos Verdes DEC 15 2009 .,----..., 6-2 ~end~•••••••••••••••••••••••••••~$____ XaJ 1btaI damages Incurred to dale :•••,..$_ amountdelmed as of date of presenlatbn of this craim:$ 1bo_~~oIt1l1sc:llllm,lsClllllPlJllldas rau-: Ilapaages fncul18d to date (exact):• •Estimated p~damages _fat as ~ .~to prcperay •••••••••••••••••••••••••$AItunt expenses Ibrn18dfcal and hosplfaf care ••••$_ ExJ:Jenses for lD8dIcaIarad IJost)Itaf C8I1J ••"••,•••e F&dI.a8Io11 c1...-n1ngs $,_ lJ:»ss ()f earrdrIgs til :4'••••••••••$0If1er proIII)ICIfN Ip8CfII cIIlrI'1aQeS Of •••••$,_ 8J3edaIdan1agesb',III'""$P~QeI18I8Ic::IEIrJI8ges $_ 1l:IIaI estln'raII pasrpecClve dame,ges ••••••••••$,_ . asdamegeandbr~lnvestJga1edbypoUce?Ifso.whatclftl,_ treP8l'lmedfcsorambulancecaUed?.fso.namac1tYorambulance'-----_ IjUred,state_time,name andecfcfressof dodorofyour ffniltvfsJtr-._., TNESSes 10 DAMA(3E or INJURY:Ust aU per1lOl1l and addresseaot pen;ons known 10 have 1nbmatIon:me Address Phone _ me AdcIrea 'PhoI'Ie._ me Address Phone _ CIORS and HOSPITALS:..'--AcIchs8 --"DaIa~--_ :tor AddteaI .f Daleof1hJatment~_ ltdr AddfeA Date of 1i'eaIment,_ 'f ,. SlDEW4Lt< ,~ ,~ PARKWAY \IJSIDEWALK~~en •Code Sec.9158).Presentalion of a fafse daim Is a felony (Pen.Code Sec.72.)6-3