RPVCCA_SR_2010_01_19_03_Claim_Joseph_MarinoCITY OF MEMORANDUM RANCHO PALOS VERDES TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: REVIEWED: HONORABLE MAYOR &CITY COUNCIL MEMBERS GARY GYVES,SENIOR ADMINISTRATIVE ANALYST~ JANUARY 19,2010 CLAIM AGAINST THE CITY BY JOSEP}1MARINO CAROLYN LEHR,CITY MANAGER ~ RECOMMENDATION Reject the claim and direct staff to notify the claimant. BACKGROUND The claimant allegedly damaged his vehicle while driving through a construction zone on Hawthorne Boulevard.The alleged incident occurred on November 14,2009 and the claim was filed on December 8,2009. The City's Claims Administrator,Carl Warren and Company,has reviewed the claim and advised the City to reject the claim. Attachment: 1)Claim 3-1 an&.s~.CLAIM FOR DAMAGES .30940 Ba5d;horna Blvd.10 PSiSON OR PROPSITV-Ran~o ii110 s ~esl CA 90275 INSTRUCIlONS t.QaIms b'death,"'ryfO peISCIn or flo pea;ooaI pmpertyrnustbe filed not IaterlhaosJx rrtonUIsaffarthe occurrence.(Gov.Code sec.911.2.) 2.Qalaasb'damagesfO rear pOpedymuslbefiled not later ....1 )8aI'atterlheoccurrence. (Gw Code Sec.811.2.). a ~entn clalmfann betonI fling. 4.See I»Qe 2 fordfagram upon which 10 locale place 01 aCcfdent. 6.lbisclaim bin must be aJgnedonpaae2'albollDm. 6.Att8c:Ir separatesheeb.Ifnecessary.to give full deIaUs.SIGN eACH SHeer. 10:CJ1Y OF Pancho Palos Verdes RECf'Vt=.D lTV OF RANC~."I.(()':;VERDEl DEC;08 lO~g CiTY CLERK'&...'.. .------------:===--::.....:-=':......:=::••;-:..::::....,.;';;'...m:;;-;;:'n;~-;c:;:rTr-;;;_fIl;;;;Jt:;::-I1-;:rm;:;-"i'R;;;RVm;Em'R!~R'R;:-.C;:;RImDE;------ 3-2 ~~•••••••••••••••••••••••••••$------------ "1bfaJ damages Incurred 10 dale ••••••••••:•••$_ lIaI amount daimed as d date of pesenIation ofthis c:Iaim:$ The amount cIaJmed.as of1he date ofpresentatioli of this daim.is computed as folIoMr's: ~lllCUl'md to dafe (exact):. •EstImated prospiJctivedamages ..fat as known: ~to pR:Iperly •••••••••••••••••••••••••$FulUI8 erpensesfor med'rcaI and hosplIaJ ciJe ...•$'1'--__ Eiq::Jerases fctrl118dlcal8l1d ~C8I8 t FuIlJre IcJsI CII~•....................." "$1..00-__ lA:Jss tlean1IrIgs :$0d1er ~.BJ*IaI cfaRIages ~""",_ ~da,naages b $p~geraeraI cIEirIIages "$1..00-__ 1bfaJestimaIIt~damages••••••••••$,_ I$damageandbrlrjury fnvestJgatedbypoRce?IIso.whatcJty?"_ -P8I'8medics or ambulance caUed?"so,namedtyorambulancer --:"'_ nJUI8d,$laledafe.1fme.name and address of doctorof)'OUr first visft -=j:,."!~_ :".:.,::-.:'",Ul.WJl.I" ~~..._------_._~.--_.-----..-:- _~__..,...1:•:,------_._-.......-.:......._-~.-..: CIORS and HOSPrPU.S:Jpifaf,--Address,DaleHospitallzed,_ :tor Adcfress Dateof1l8almeqt _ :tcrr Address Dale of1ieatmentl-_ .; OURS ure of Claimant or person fil"mg on lalf giving relationship to Claimant: SIDEWALK PARKWAY SIDEWALK Typed Name:Dale: CLAIM~l\AIJRT BE ALED WITH CITY ClERK (Gov.Code Sec.9158).Presentation of a false daim is a felony (Pen.Code sec.72.)' 3-3