RPVCCA_SR_2011_05_17_20_Ord_520_Mobile_Food_ RANCHO PALOS VERDES PUBLIC HEARING Date: May 17, 2011 Subject: PUBLIC HEARING REGARDING CODE AMENDMENT TO CURRENT RPV CODE SECTION 8.32.010 OF CHAPTER 8.32 OF TITLE 8 TO IMPLEMENT LOS ANGELES COUNTY ORDINANCE NO. 2010-0045, WHICH AMENDS DIVISION 1 OF TITLE 8 OF THE LOS ANGELES COUNTY CODE RELATING TO LETTER GRADING, ROUTE LOCATION DISCLOSURE AND ANNUAL CERTIFICATION OF MOBILE FOOD FACILITIES, AND; ORDINANCE NO. 520 – AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF RANCHO PALOS VERDES, AMENDING SECTION 8.32.010 OF CHAPTER 8.32 OF TITLE 8 OF THE RANCHO PALOS VERDES MUNICIPAL CODE AND ADOPTING BY REFERENCE THE CURRENT VERSION OF THE LOS ANGELES COUNTY PUBLIC HEALTH LICENSES REGULATIONS AS CODIFIED IN DIVISION 1 OF TITLE 8 OF THE LOS ANGELES COUNTY CODE Subject Property: Citywide 1. Declare the Hearing Open: Mayor Long 2. Report of Notice Given: City Clerk Morreale 3. Staff Report & Recommendation: City Attorney Lynch 4. Public Testimony: Appellants: N/A Applicant: N/A 5. Council Questions: 6. Rebuttal: 7. Declare Hearing Closed: Mayor Long 8. Council Deliberation: 9. Council Action: W:\AGENDA\Public Hearing Formats\public hearing format Council-Form 25 Ord 520.doc 20-1 CITY OF MEMORANDUM RANCHO PALOS VERDES TO:HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL FROM:CAROL W.LYNCH,CITY ATTORNEY DATE:MAY 17,2011 SUBJECT:PUBLIC HEARING REGARDING CODE AMENDMENT TO CURRENT RPV CODE SECTION 8.32.010 OF CHAPTER 8.32 OF TITLE 8 TO IMPLEMENT LOS ANGELES COUNTY ORDINANCE NO.2010-0045, WHICH AMENDS DIVISION 1 OF TITLE 8 OF THE LOS ANGELES COUNTY CODE RELATING TO LETTER GRADING,ROUTE LOCATION DISCLOSURE AND ANNUAL CERTIFICATION OF MOBILE FOOD FACILITIES AND ORDINANCE NO.520 -AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF RANCHO PALOS VERDES,AMENDING SECTION 8.32.010 OF CHAPTER 8.32 OF TITLE 8 OF THE RANCHO PALOS VERDES MUNICIPAL CODE AND ADOPTING BY REFERENCE THE CURRENT VERSION OF THE LOS ANGELES COUNTY PUBLIC HEALTH LICENSES REGULATIONS AS CODIFIED IN DIVISION 1 OF TITLE 8 OF THE LOS ANGELES COUNTY CODE RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council conduct the public hearing to consider the adoption of the County Code provisions and then take the following action: (1)Read Ordinance No.520,"An Ordinance of the City of Rancho Palos Verdes amending Section 8.32.010 of Chapter 8.32 of Title 8 of the Rancho Palos Verdes Municipal Code and adopting by reference the Los Angeles County mobile food facility grading program by adopting the current version of the Los Angeles County Public Health Licenses regulations as codified in Division 1 of Title 8 of the Los Angeles County Code"by title only,waive further reading and adopt the ordinance. 20-2 BACKGROUND New Los Angeles County Public Health Licenses Regulations On October 19,2010,the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors adopted County Ordinance No.2010-0045,which enhances Los Angeles County's current public health requirements for the inspection grading and posting of letter grades to include mobile food facilities.County Ordinance No.2010-0045 became effective on November 18, 2010.The County has asked the City to adopt an implementing Ordinance No.2010- 0045 in Rancho Palos Verdes. The County's development of a grading program for mobile food facilities,as with restaurants and food markets,is intended to minimize the risk of food-borne illness by identifying high risk violations and bringing these conditions to the attention of the facility owners and operators and the public.The use of letter grades or numerical percentage scores will provide the public with an easily recognizable method of making informed choices based on the food safety practices found on the mobile facility at the time of inspection.Additionally,the grading program will benefit the public by providing a means to easily differentiate between illegal and legal food vendors. DISCUSSION The City has adopted by reference Division 1 of Title 8 of the Los Angeles County Code as amended and in effect as of September 1,1998,which implements a grading program for restaurants and food markets located within the City.The City's adoption by reference of Division 1 of Title 8 of the Los Angeles County Code as amended and in effect as of November 18,2010,will permit County Health Officers to implement the County's Consumer Protection and Business Regulations within the City that relate not only to the County's grading program for restaurants and food markets,but also to the County's new letter grading,route location disclosure and annual certification requirements for mobile food facilities.Specifically,the County's new grading program for mobile food facilities requires: (1 ) (2) (3) The posting of letter grades or inspection score cards on mobile food facilities. The disclosure by owners/operators of mobile food facilities of route locations detailing where the retail food businesses are being conducted;and An annual certification inspection of mobile food facilities and the issuance of public health operating permits. Adoption Process When adopting a code by reference,State law requires that the City Council schedule a public hearing after first reading of the ordinance.The public hearing can occur in conjunction with the second reading of the ordinance. 20-3 At the April 19,2011 regular City Council meeting,the City Council introduced Ordinance No.520,as read by title,and set a public hearing on the adoption of Ordinance No.520 for the regular City Council meeting on May 17,2011.Notice of the public hearing was published in accordance with State law requirements.Additionally, all other application adoption procedures have been followed with respect to the attached ordinance. CONCLUSION Adopting Division 1 of Title 8 of the Los Angeles County Code as amended and in effect as of November 18,2010,will permit County Health Officers to implement the County's Consumer Protection and Business Regulations within the City that relate not only to the County's grading program for restaurants and food markets,but also to the County's new letter grading,route location disclosure and annual certification requirements for mobile food facilities.This change implements the County's request and protects the public health,safety and welfare. ATTACHMENTS •Ordinance No.520 •Los Angeles County Ordinance No.2010-0045 20-4 ORDINANCE NO.520 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF RANCHO PALOS VERDES AMENDING SECTION 8.32.010 OF CHAPTER 8.32 OF TITLE 8 OF THE RANCHO PALOS VERDES MUNICIPAL CODE AND ADOPTING BY REFERENCE THE CURRENT VERSION OF THE LOS ANGELES COUNTY PUBLIC HEALTH LICENSES REGULATIONS AS CODIFIED IN DIVISION 1 OF TITLE 8 OF THE LOS ANGELES COUNTY CODE THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO PALOS VERDES ORDAINS AS FOLLOWS: Section 1.Findings and Purpose. A.On October 19,2010,the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors adopted County Ordinance No.2010-0045,which enhances Los Angeles County's current public health requirements for the inspection grading and posting of letter grades to include mobile food facilities. B.The County's development of a grading program for mobile food facilities,as with restaurants and food markets,is intended to minimize the risk of foodborne illness by identifying high risk violations and bringing these conditions to the attention of the facility owners and operators and the public.The use of letter grades or numerical percentage scores will provide the public with an easily recognizable method of making informed choices based on the food safety practices found on the mobile facility at the time of inspection.Additionally,the grading program will benefit the public by providing a means to easily differentiate between illegal and legal food vendors. C.County Ordinance No.2010-0045 became effective on November 18,2010.The County has asked the City to adopt an implementing ordinance in Rancho Palos Verdes. D.The City desires to ensure County enforcement of the grading program for mobile food facilities within the City through the adoption of a conforming City ordinance. Section 2.Paragraph A of Section 8.32.010 ("Adoption of Los Angeles County public health licenses regulations.")of Chapter 8.32 ("Adoption of Los Angeles County Public Health Licenses RegUlations")of Title 8 ("Health and Safety")of the Rancho Palos Verdes Municipal Code is hereby amended to read as follows: "A.Except as hereinafter provided,Division 1,entitled "Public Health Licenses",of Title 8,of the Los Angeles County Code,as amended and in effect on November 18,2010,is adopted by reference as the public health licenses regulations of the city of Rancho Palos Verdes and may be cited as such." R6876-0001\1341911vl.doc 20-5 Section 3.Severability.The City Council declares that should any provision, section,paragraph,sentence,or word of this Ordinance be rendered or declared invalid by any final court action in a court of competent jurisdiction,or by reason of any preemptive legislation,the remaining provisions,sections,paragraphs,sentences and words of this Ordinance shall remain in full force and effect. Section 4.The City Clerk shall certify adoption of this Ordinance and shall post or publish as required by law. PASSED,APPROVED and ADOPTED this 17th day of May,2011. Mayor Attest: City Clerk State of California ) County of Los Angeles )ss City of Rancho Palos Verdes ) I,Carla Morreale,City Clerk of the City of Rancho Palos Verdes,do hereby certify that the whole numbers\of members of the City Council of said City is five;that the foregoing Ordinance No.520 passed first reading on April 19,2011,was duly and regularly adopted by the said City Council of said City at a regular meeting thereof held on May 17,2011,and that the same was passed and adopted by the following roll call vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: City Clerk -2- R6876-0001 \1341911 v l.doc 20-6 ANAL.VSIS Thisordinanoeamends TitleS -Consumer Protectlonand BusihEl$$FtegulatiohS . of the'los Angeles CO.l.'ll'ltyCO(I'6i r$ltnjhgto·thf;;·ope.r4tk>Tt off(fOdfaoi"ti~s by: -Addfng'"mopUe fOQdf$qlliVto the d$finilli:>n p1lQQd::facility; •.Estabfishinga,semiannualletter:Qrading and scoring pr(!)gram:for mobile 'foodfacitities; •R~.quirihg owners of ntdbUj9:f¢otifdities-~rl~rn()l:)UEl~,stilp~ort unifsto dls¢lo.$e ¢urrent 'route informati.Qn t()aQPatt~ntQf PQbl!b He.alth,t9 provide the.whereabouts·eftransienl rnobUe ·fQed faoilifiEu~'andr-n~pile supportunitS"'amftherebyfaciUlate .timeJyJnspeotJ~ns;and •Esta.btishittg an annua.l certification inspeotionfOrm(5bile foad iacifitiesand mobile sttpp()l'tun1t;sto ens4r~itbatfood equ~pme,nt rtleet$~pplloable InstEdlati~n:an~q~$lgl1standardsaQoo.,rc.tlng;tO St~~,.I$w. ANDREA>$'HERIDAN,QRDIN: 'do~ntYC•.sel .... B1..··.··.···.·'...•.•~JI7Z.J07 [)C)···JNEF.ME!~ Principal Oeputy CountyCoul'Is,el Health S6rvic$s OMmon D'FM:vn 3..-17-40 (req!lested) 1o-6~1'O(tevised} HOA6S6989.! 20-7 An ordmlin§amending TItle a·-'C()n$umerPl'otectionandBlJsm6$sR~€HJlati()ns ofthe Los At'tge!es County:Code,reJ.atfng to letter grading.route location disclo.sure and annual 'oortiftcationfor mobUe,(oodtaoiUties. The Soard ()f$~pervl$o.rs:of the O~Ut11.Y ()f Los Ang~Jesordains~follows: $ECTlQN 1.Se'etior'l 8"04.1.42 .i$hereby$l'1ended to F~as fOllow$.': 8.04.1:42'JF'Qod facility. "FoQ(J'facUity"mean&;$nyfo:9d;e.bli$nm~rit,f.Q,ed ware'mause.milk watehoU$e, mQbUeroqd facility,mobnesugpott uAit,vehicle",velldiag.machtne~'swap meet prepacka,ed food sta:nd,mobile,:p.repaFatI:an Nrilt/o!.any ·pttroe;us$Ei·in:·cortjondtIDl!lwlth the,operation ()ftheabGv~i including,butnot·nmitedto.storage facilities forfoOGf u~sil:S,eClJ'uipment.~nd materials. SECTION 2,SeotiorrS.·()4..2QO is Ilerebyamende,d to'read as follows: 8.04.20QFQed v&blote~retail. A."RetaIl feed,vehief~:'rl1E;taf'ls·any motorlzed or nonmotorl~.edconveyance QrpQrtable food'service unit upon wt1ldh prepackaged or apPFOVed oul1packaQ.ed food is soJdQr Qffeted for sale atrelaiJ.Oatego.l'ies -of retail food vehioles incJud~: 1.Animal food vslitiele; 2.Bakery distributor verncla ·(independent,retail); 3.Fi$h petidLet'vehfole; 4.Food vehi~le -Deparlmentof Motor VehiCles e><:emp1; 5.Food s,a1vage distributor vehicle; 20-8 6.Fruit andvEJgt;lta.t>le vehicle; 7.Groc:ery'di$triblJt()rVehiol~; 8.I'ndependent ice dislribumr'vehiQle; 9.l'ndeps.ndf;int retail meat vehicl~; '10.Ifld~pendentmllk distributor ~hio[i:),nota p'rt)cessor"'Ownedmllk delivery'vehicle; 11.lndustriat eaterinsvehicle; 12.Limit_f()Odvehiele;Lf~m?Nh.iet:l·~heeperater EtispeAsea.the"fosa ltemG.e~.~lbe'd ii:l:$&ett<m 114,8&8 eURsGaii(e$ia Healf!i':_,Sm~Qad~.,.'\vhiah' has BMR·des~SE4 ...$en~l~,ana:$(ifl:li~tef!lfQ\~~'tI1e OMF'ar%seeJduat4$bfl1$ ~RE;f'Ram&J(Ettee,f eJi'1m.,,,~,k1;I$~!i'ef$iR.,f:\).efmitti~g.rrai$o,Qtof dErs.FElQt a aemml8SaFlJeF'~r apJi)F9¥eE!Ha~Uity; 13.,Unpaokagad food vehicle'i"l $llGh'as';a'~;•.rt,tremJI'Jhi$h,;the spera-tor di~n,se&·'thetoed itGms:desoribect'in SeetieA t1~ln~'.aflm,Gallte:FRlaHealth 8in.dSafetY'Gede,.arm'iiRisl-1 mtilSt li)e:&teFeElIA$isea'sommiSEla~9r\9tk\$F:EliPr:wowd faaility; 14.Prepao~gedfood,oatt.'linanmotorit;ed vehicle,from wt)ich the operatQr dispen$$$prepaGkE;iSed,and labelE9dfoClO; 15.Anycombinati(>rl of the above; 16.Or any vehicle,ineltrding,but not limited 'to,a mpbUefood facilitY, from whtohanimal food:,bakery products,fish,sheUfish,seafooo.fruits,vegetables, meats.poultry,pres&rves.jelly,reli$h,milk or other dairy products,food orfood HOA.6&6989.1 2 20-9 products,ice or b~¥.erages,whether in bulk,canned,wr.p'ed"b:o.ed~,packi{ged,or anyotherfotm,are:stild or kepUor s~de:at'r.i1 Qrar'$distributed tottie COli$umer. a \I-ehic.les owned and operated ~yafixed';IQcatron food market,restaurant or other business havjn~la valid public bealthps,rmit under this chapter to delive:rfood products from said estabnshment tot>ther locatfons,shaU not betequired to,hav.e a separate.public health permit under this Chapter. SecTiON ;3~Se:cttbtl 8;,,04.225Is:b~reby,amertd~(\ttOread a&fc:)Il()W$~, lU)4~2&,Gradlhtlt'sc.l.metho,d,andleiter"grade card. A."Gt:ading~me~$theJattergratil~J$sjJ$Jj':by:theCQufi:ty h~alth Qffli:::er ~tthe conclusion of the routine inspection of a foad e~ta9Iiql:ul'1emfacitity.The:grade.shall be based upon,the s.Goring method set fGrth III this section rasultingfmm ·thErfood official inspactfon repGrtMdshallreflect the food eEJtabUsh"meAt's':taciUilY's degree of oo.mpliance With aIl4Ppli~bIS,fed:eral,st"ale:tltld tocal~tatutes;,ord$rs.,<m.1inanQe$, quarantines,rules,ttiigulatlor'lsl or directives re,aUng to theputJ1ie health. B.IlScor1ng method'meAns a PlOced!;lm.used by ,theeounty health.offioer. wh.ere a score is O8ilautamd by addingvalyas,predefinedptlthe toodpffioial 'inspection report for violations that at@:,obseNed duringi"inspecttop.·andsubbatin9 that total from 100.The resulting,nume!ilcal;sum-,stated.,uapemsntaae,.conslitutes the scote for tb§inspe,cDon.. ~C."Letter gtatte,card"means a oard that may be posted by th.e county health Qfficer at a food astabYsAFnOnUacility upen .oompletit>n t>f a routine inspection that·indicates the lotter grade oftheo&ta~IiGhment;faojJ!1Y as determined by the county HOA68698!);1 3 20-10 healthofficerusirig.the scorlngmethod set fOrth in this s~ien.Forthe puq,os$$ofthis proVisiQn,a food e.bH6hl\l!i,oM~$halt·inClude a food Elet$tllfshFRoJ!rtfao.ility operating in cQnjunotlon with a t()odpr()Cessltl~eStabU$hmem.Nathjngj~this Sha:plOF S.Mtlp:rofl~itthe eauFl~·heallh'.$rJl:el;R srea1ingand win.a leltef$lf'aSs 'BaFEt iA sambiAaoon witA'&A inspeetieRseem GaRb :::fheG~'I:Iedt.laif,joef;{Rbis:dlsorea.en, shall dGtermine Whe1hertEJ pe&t the letter:.'QG:sald•.et~eiAB.pestieFl mar:ee.aFEl,a1 ~ G~·1'h9 coQh"nealth'off1c$t',in hisdl$Gr~lon,~~y'lmhtedtately¢I()'S$,any food ~stab.i,SAm$AUadlity Whieb.UP¢t!i'c(ltnple.tf6fi,<lthe rQutlne:m$J)eett<m,.does in)! aChieve at]Hst a "Cjl grade as dsfinsd herE!in ..Nothing in tf!il$~visiOh$hlllill prohibit tho Co.unty health <>f.ficer frQmimmediatelyelosioij.an'Y foodeeiabliel:nf1$A'tfa.cUitYif.In his di@retlon,Immadiata elosureJs,necessary to protect the )lupllchealth. QE.The fettergraaefor a foodfapilltysball,be basecLupon the final numerical pEJrcerltag~'SO()re set forth in the food offj()ial inspeotion report,a'S..foUows: 1.A grade of "A'l shetUindiea"a final score:ol 90,'percent or 'higher as deterrnitle(t by thecouhtyHealthOfticer, 2.AStade ()f liB"$hallindicate a·final S9Qfe Ie$S than 90 percent but not le;ssth~SO percent as detQtmined bythecQ'Umyhealth officer;, 3.A grade 'of "C'"shallindio.ate a·flnalscore less:than ,80 percent but not less than 70 perc.ent as determined by the county health offtoer. SECTION4.Section8.Q4o.275 is hereby amended to read as fonows: 8.04.215 Inspection score card. HOA'(186989.1 4 20-11 A.Qltu:~peCtipnsapre cardQ1i1~I1$Ji·card that may 1;)0.pdSt«t by tho.cpunty bealth officer :at a fQPdo.$~ffijt:m:lentfa~Ui1¥.up~nt;ompl~iOn()f a.tolJtineinspeetiQn, that indioates the fQtalnumerieal pe'reEltltqesoore for'lheelHaQlrenFfiont faoility as determined by the county hea.ilhoffieer and as seUerlh in the food offiCial inspectioo rep,orl.For the pUJ!Poses at this provision;,a food ,establishFAeAt facili\¥shall'iilclude a food e.WisRmeRt~opa ..ating in'conjunction withs'food processing estabtishntent.N&thiAgf itt'ldssJ:l$ptet sBa1l:.pR)hiajH~eS\4Rty tleal$aftieer#rem GfBst4Rg S:F1d:l$iag aAklspe9t109eOCl>>'o Q.~ee~l»Aat~A I..AlR l;i;l$,tter.'gtF$do oard. The~ly'heatth,d:"'F~li!1 ;hl;_lnto.A.,sJil~1l fjotel$iAe'';'~ef ,.PCi$t tRa insp$$tieA,~o.r$aat4 i tRe ~er~$ay;QJ 81:",*. B.The'county healih officer,in his discretionjmay itTImediately¢lose SAy food estaslishmeFltJaoHIt!wbloh,.uponcornpletlGn of thefoutine in~p:eQtIQnJ·.aGnfeves !it total numerical'per¢enta~le~re less than 10.percsn!,i!sset'fGlth in.Section 8.o4~~. Nothing in'this provision shall prohibitth~c()untvheallh;Offieerfrom immediately.closing any food o.bli8A~e~fa6i1ity.if,ih hisdiscre.Uon,lmme(j14\.elosQ:te is·newessaryto prot$tthe P4blichealfh. SeCTION 5.SeetiOl'la.04~306 ish$,toby added to read as JoJ/Q.: §..04.S06MGbile 'tad fAcUlty. "Mobile food .facilitY"means any vehi¢Jeused in con'junction With a,~Gmmissary ar otl:i'erpennanent foodfaoDitylJPon which food is'sol(j or distributed at retail.."Mobile food faciliV does not include al'transpGrter"usedto transport packaged food from a fGod f6:cHily,orother:approvedsourcewtheCGl"Isumer; HOA.686989J 5 20-12 SEcnON6.SeotionS.04.S11 is hereby added to read as follows; ~Mobtle sOPPQRutlltMmeans,a,vehicle usedjrt:conil:Jnctro~with aeommissary or ,other permanent fo'OdJaeUity that travels fo-and servlces,mGbUe fooo facilitlQ"QS 'needed to replentsh supJIl1ies;includinf:Jifood an'dpolable'water.cleanthe 1nteriorof the unit,or'dispese,ofliqtilid ar,solid wastes.'The,''CeJunty blaaltl:1 0fficershall haver the discretion t~$c()~eal11()bile SUPPPI't'Ufiit 'potsuant,t()the'tnettlod,$eHorth<lh $eotien 6.04:225. SEcTlGlN 7;S$.¢tioft 8.04.$$7 'is:,her&ny ameAded,~t(l)read ·asfollows: 8~:O4.337 Notice,cd closure. "NotiC:>Et:of olosure"mElElnSa public notieettrat may b,E;l'PO$t~,by:th~oounty health offiGeratafi3~e$t'~~($I::Imem~upon su~~n$iQn ,f)r re~c:nlttioh'()f th'$ Q,staJ)lishA\eAt'$,'facltity'spoblic;health parmit ...,q:_t.re~UIt~l'jn the immediate OI~l:Ire of the e6tabU$RFAent facItity and th~dl$oontinua~c>f all ope~ions of the'food establishf'ASBt faQi1bi by order:of the county'heallnHofffoer,becaU$9'ofVi<>.latiQn$of ap.plicabJefederal,stat6:and,lbcal statutes,,orders,,ordJnancas,'quarantihesr 1111.$, regula.tion~,ordirectiV6s relating to the.pubUchealth; SECTION8•.seetion 8.04.40S is hereby added to read as:ft>llows: 8.04.403R,eute lOcation. The owner/operatorOf,amQbiJefoodfaoUlty or mobile support unit shaff oomplete a Mobile Food Fa¢,llity Route Sheet,obtaioed from the county health offioer,listing the complete address,telephone number and arrivaltd'Sparture tJI11S$of each location where HOA.686989.!6 20-13 the retafl food business is being oonducted.TheMobile'Facilify At!),ute,ShaetShallbe maintained on ffleat:th6V~1)f.cle lnape;wtion Pr~gram.Theowner/operato(of a:mQ,t;>ile food faQiUlyor rt'Iobile"support I,Jnitshall notrfy the CQunty health Qftlcer of any slgnifreant changes to the Mobile J=O(U~Facility ROUtf!)$heet.Failul'$'tQP('Ovillie:sn,f;loouraleand currant Mobile Fo<lJCf FaoilityReute Sbee1 ma:y result in ~suspens:jon or rev.ocation of;tJ::te publiq health IicenSeQT permit. 9ECTIO'N9.Seetion8i04.~~5 is hereby added to read asfaflow$z 8~04.595 P"dUiebealtb Ileen'.,IQ§sgrtUit-Annf:jbJ:cer.tilicalionin!@ectfon. The Dwner/qperator 'Of'amob.lle'fi1«J f~intYor mnbtJe,;;su:PPOi't unit$htdr ~l)tah1 'Wl' annuailc'ertffiaatio'l1 il:'l$peQti<;Jnfrornt.co.,rnlY fiealth offf9~r.tile eJ1~r;¢e:m$nt.getlcy shall Initially ~pprQve',an mQbUefQodlaoilitfes and mobiJ$.$UfJp()rt-units a.s complying with·CaltfGmia Health and $afetyOPd~Ch~pters 1'~~indusivet '10 and 1:3..The.cQunty h:ea4fhOffioershalJ..thenlssue,aaertifleatlon stioker'whiehshaU be·affixed:wthe mobile foo<ffaoiUty or mobilesuwort unit.The stiCker will be valid during the fiscal year corresponding·to the m(>bJle foed facUity's'ormQbilesuppolt mit~sourrent .pWblie,health o,peratingperrnit Failut'$tos~l1re an ,annual tiettifioatie:m stick~rshall rEJsult in a suspetlSit?nor revocafiOnoHhe p1;Jblie healthlicenss or:permit. SECTION,.1;O.Section $.Q4.75,2 is herebY~m¢n.dedto read 8$faUows; 8.04.752Postl",grequirernents -Penalty for noncompliance -Documents ava:ilable for pubUcteView. A.Upon issuance by the c0untyhealthoffioer,the health offioershall post at every fooa esta:1alishmeFlt faoility the letter gradecard;gr the Inspeationscore cardref HOA.686989.J 7 20-14 ........•..............•..........',.,,".,',..,..•............"'"..,,,/..•......,....:..:.,..,:,.:,;:'../:,),{}...•....::,". ~as determined by the countytieaJthofflcer,so as to he oleariy visjbl&tothe g~neral public and to·patronsen1ering.tRe·astabli$hlllOFl:t-ilmlDY.".Olaatly Vislbleto!fh& gene:l!al public and topati'ons"means: 1.P~sted Ihth.e:front window ofthees~Ii$l1m'emfugd me_.within five §l feet otthefrontdoar orpostsfii'Jn a;-displlay'eas&W0.untC.qm'!beDWSid@fm-nt wallot the food faclil/WIb·lnfiva.(5)fe.at of the front door; 2.Pe_a in a dlElpta,.ease Jl.l9l:lAted OFl.e;Ql;l.of$Fttv'~1l eUhe estaiblml::Jment·vAtiitiRoile klet"$f't.h.E1 fF$nt dsi)tP<mt!d:.etdilcem:tolhi MMoQt yvi@w ona.:mQbilefo$cd.f.~eilbTqr··or;rthe gilslpmerMrVics4lide ohmunenclqlec!:mobife foad facJUty;or 3.l?ostedJn;afooati0n.asdlre.cted and determinedin·:the dlsoteuOJfl'Of the county:health Gilmer to ensure:proper noticeWthegeneralpublie..and.to patrons. B.In the evant·thala food e&tabIi6hmenUaoili~yis operated in the sa-me buUding or spav~_;'~s~part:l.tEily liel,ifilsedor permitted busines$,or·ih ·'the ·eventthata food e._~shms~t.Ja.GiIity &M$S:a common patr()n:~titrancEl'witb sU~hasepara1ely lic~$r.lsed Of p~l1rl'itted business,OriA th~.•,v$t:lt Qf both,the e~Urttyh6alth offieer :Shalf ~post the letter grade carEfrm the iJ'lS~aCf:jcn ·$lore,.card,sfbeDl:.inthtl)b'iltial patroO' .contact.·area,orin a location'as detertnined in thedisoretion ofthe county health offlaer. C.The letter grade card'andthelnspe.etionscor-e card shall nat he defaced, marred,reproduQ!df.cogiedi'camuutlage:d,hidden or removed.It is unlawful to operate a food eatabUehmeFlt facility unless the letlergradeoard;Qr the iAspectionscore card;-Gf ~as determined by thecoulity health officer,is eF-af&in place as setforth HOA.686989,J B 20-15 he'r6Uhdar.Rel1tovaJof th'~,,ettf3[graQ$.cat4T:gr thEiif1S,pectioil $eore card,erl:1oth,is a vi'olationof thisohapt(1ir and may resull,in-the sl;t~pjtlsi:Of1C)r r'E)vooation of the"pLl1'iJic hearth p$rmitand shall be punishable as spe:oifiEKI inSeetiOA8.04i1;;930. D.I;veryfood'eGtalll:I$l:tm9RtfaoUiJ.!$hall:PQSt,a,lqIbly Jetteredsign Which displays the following Information so:asto be clearly vislble"tethe"general-'publicand to patrons &ntering theestaJa.JishFAeAlfaciftty; Any·,ptibliotuaaJth,0ono.ems:,r&Qa'l'dil1g·thts··e~meBtf.a:cj[jtY"$ho.uld be directed toAha ~ountyofLos AngeIEls,~rsnv.i(o"menta:t Heafthoffice located at: _________(Iboal ~ffj¢$:addressaMtBlephone ft!Jf1lber lobe prOvided by the.countY health ofiicst),. E.Thef'QQdQffiOiEllI tnspeetlQtl r~pott QPon whiQh'th$I~':gtade'oafdr ,or the inspectj(i)n score card.or Delli ar:e:is::~d andallsubltequent rapo.issued by the county health Gfficer shallbe:mafntainad·at fhe ,food.6st&&listlment·taoilitysAd shall be available to the.general pUblic and to p.atrons-for review upon request.ThefGnd eBtablishmeAt faGilttyshallk"p,t~e fo-sd diC),-1 Jh~p:eettQn J~po:rt$jrlq ;~dlsubseqq~mt r$ports 'untiisUGh tirrifiUlS thlt tolJt'\lY h&~fth offio$t ~cunpb:ttes tH~neXt routine inspe~i(jn onheestabliahFRSf'it facllityafid iS$Ussa heW foodoffiCiat ins.pe6t'ionreport. HOA611698!J.!9 20-16 .....,.''.','.''.:...•'''~''....";-.-. SECTION 11.Saetion8~04.755 IS hereby amsndedto reap as follows: 8.04.1$5 Lelter.Fade ca~darid ..n.p,.~on scoreQard ....Pe'lc>d en ~.Ifdity. A letter 9rade,oar~;m 'inspection scors,oa1'd;,QFoetA"shaflremaln valid until the ,county health offloeraQmpletes ,then:e}(froutine'jn$p.ectlonoHharoodOOlallliGRFReFlt 'faoiJih!. SECTION 12.Section8~04;94S Is hefEiJbyal1l$r1C!$dtoreadu'fOlloW$: 8.Q4~943Pu&lle health permil,euspensionorrewcalton-N<itice of ,closure. A,.Upc;m i$$JJ,@.~t.;~f'~wrijtenn~t~~Qf,$9spen¢jOl'l arrevooa1Ion of the:p~l;)ti~ hEiQlth permlt,by'tbe Q'Qtll;lty h$altb(')fftc.$f,thEil,health Qff~$er $haU'pDsia nQtl~Eiofclosute at thefoodestab'lleRment~.soasto;be'dlearlyvtsible tathe gem~ral~bliQ,;afl(iU() patrons. B.Upon Issuance of the written ,notice .tot slilsp.ensionorrevooatiQn of the. pub1i¢h~~h pettn'itbyf\eoClOuntY h~aIth'offibet,:lhe fOQdestdllsRWfSFIlfaeilttyshall immediately close to the general publio an(!,l to patrons and shall dlscontinu$all operations until thePQblicbe~Jth perrnitt:u~~be.$n reissl.,l~(1r refn$tiltt~d by.'O:r(lan>f the county health officer 'GfUl'ltilthe~tabl~_nlfalillijy noJpl'lg$tbpatatss as a food eetabU$ArnOO!facility; C.The notice ot"cdosure,shaU remain pc;>sted untUremovedbythe county health officer~Removal aftha notice·ofelosurebyany person other than the county health officer or t'herewsalof a;food·~e6k1blishm.entfacilitYtoclese uponissuanoeOfthe written notice of suspension of the public health permit is a violation of this chapter and HOA;686989.J 10 20-17 may resultih the sU$pensioo or revocatiQnofthe food e~i$AFRoot'6Jacilmts pubJic health Jl$rillit ahcLshalli;)e p'Ut'i$hable as;,sp.eolfiEld inSEf,ction 8;Q4~aO. [804069DMCCl HOA.686989.1 11 20-18 ..~.t ..................................................,........•·.n '. SECTrON 13.Thisormnanceshall be..pubiishedin The DaiJyCommer.ge a newspaper printed and published in the County of Los,Angeles. ATTEST: ~~~.. .~~ sahl A.Hamal 'Execulive'Oifficer .,. Cterkof'ihe tlc>ard of Supervisors County ofLos Ange1es I herebyGertify that sUm meeting of .October 1'S".2,(f16 ..theferegding ordinance wasackJptedby tb$'aoard Qf ..$uperv,lsQrsofsaid:OQW\ty ()f Los A~g~l~sb.y the fo.UoWing.'.Iota,to Wit:.·'.. Ayes Supervis;tJts Mark~idl~y*Th(.jN'l~$ Z.ev Y$t()slavsky Mie.haelttAI'lWonQvich .GlorIa Molina I h~Tol;;y CJ.;if~;·f;th~~p:Jrcu:.nt [0 $$o~iQn 25103 01 tna G¢'mmmc;:'itCod"" -::<itHv1i3?y'of thIsdG::J'Umont has :baGl1 1'naua. CA.CHl A.H '~:V!AI Executive Officer CIe ltile.a:a.~I~. BY.....~~:....;;,;'"-i~~_ Oeputy S:\Ordfn!1nces\CountY Counsel\2010\2010;,0045 APPR()VED AS TO FORM: ANDREA.SHERIDAN OROIN County·Counsel 20-19