RPVCCA_SR_2011_04_19_12_Implementation_Of_Gov._Accounting_Standards_Board_Statement_NO._54CITY OF MEMORANDUM RANCHO PALOS VERDES TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: REVIEWED: Project Manager: HONORABLE MAYOR &CITY COUNCIL MEMBiS DENNIS McLEAN,DIRECTOR OF FINANCE & INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY APRIL 19,2011 IMPLEMENTATION OF GOVERNMENTAL ACCOUNTING STANDARDS BOARD STATEMENT NUMBER 54 CAROLYN LEHR,CITY MANAGER G9-- Kathryn Downs,Deputy Director of Finance &Information Technology RECOMMENDATION 1.Adopt Resolution No.2011-,Adopting City Council Policy No.41,Reserve Policies. 2.Assign the entire amount of the Capital Improvement Projects fund balance for the design and construction of future infrastructure improvement projects. 3.Close the Utility Undergrounding,Roadway Beautification and RPV TV funds, and transfer the entire amount of each respective fund balance into the General Fund prior to June 30,2011. DISCUSSION In March 2009,the Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB)issued Statement No.54,Fund Balance Reporting and Governmental Fund Type Definitions, to address issues related to how fund balance was being reported in governmental financial statements.The intent of the Statement is to bring greater clarity and consistency to fund balance reporting in the governmental sector.The City is required to implement GASB 54 for the fiscal year ending June 30,2011. GASB 54 has replaced fund balance classifications with new definitions for purposes of financial statement reporting.GASB 54 has also redefined governmental fund types, most notably the Special Revenue fund type.Staff has developed a GASB 54 12-1 Implementation of Governmental Accounting Standards Board Statement No.54 April 19,2011 Page 2 of4 Implementation Plan described below.The City's independent auditor,Bob Callanan of Diehl,Evans &Co.,LLP,has reviewed and concurs with Staff's Implementation Plan and recommendation Overview of GASB 54 GASB 54 has set forth the following new classifications of fund balance. Nonspendable -amounts that are not in a spendable form (such as inventory)or are required to be maintained intact (such as the corpus of an endowment fund). Restricted -amounts constrained to specific purposes by their providers (such as grantors,bondholders,and higher levels of government),through constitutional provisions,or by enabling legislation. Committed -amounts constrained to specific purposes by a government itself,using its highest level of decision-making authority;to be reported as Committed,amounts cannot be used for any other purpose unless the government takes the same highest- level action to remove or change the constraint. Assigned -amounts a government intends to use for a specific purpose;intent can be expressed by the governing body or by an official or body to which the governing body delegates the authority. Unassigned -amounts that are available for any purpose;these amounts are reported only in the General Fund. In addition,GASB 54 redefines the Special Revenue fund type.GASB 54 clarifies that a Special Revenue fund may only be established when at least one revenue source is Restricted or Committed to purposes other than capital projects or debt service. Finally,GASB 54 requires disclosure in the Notes to the Financial Statements to provide additional detail regarding: ~The purposes of Restrictions,Commitments,and Assignments; ~The decision-making authority and formal action that result in Committed fund balance; ~The bodies or persons with authority to express intended uses of resources that result in Assigned fund balance; ~The order in which the government spends Restricted,Committed,Assigned and Unassigned fund balance; ~Information about minimum fund balance policies;and ~The purpose and revenue sources for each Special Revenue fund. Implementation Plan -Fund Type Classification The City currently has 3 funds reported as Special Revenue funds that do not meet the more narrow definition of a Special Revenue fund type.Staff recommends that these 12-2 Implementation of Governmental Accounting Standards Board Statement No.54 April 19,2011 Page 3 of4 funds be closed,and all balances transferred to the City's General Fund.Individual budget programs within the General Fund would be opened for each of these purposes. >-The Utility Undergrounding Fund -established in 2001 as a "Council Restricted" fund to accumulate monies for relocating utility poles and lines on City arterial roadways underground,as well as provide residents with assistance with utility undergrounding in residential areas of the City.The City has no revenue source that is Restricted or Committed to this purpose.The estimated fund balance is expected to be about $186,549 as of June 30,2011. >-The Roadway Beautification Fund -established in 2001 as a "Council Restricted"fund to accumulate monies for landscape improvements along the City's roadways.The City has no revenue source that is Restricted or Committed to this purpose.The estimated fund balance is expected to be about $102,588 as of June 30,2011. ~The RPV TV Fund -established in 2006 as a "Council Restricted"fund to account for donations and the operational cost of the City's public cable channel. The City received small donations (less than 10%of operations)for RPV TV in 2006 and 2007,but has not received any donations in the last four years.The estimated fund balance is expected to be about $730 as of June 30,2011. In addition,the City's Subregion 1 Maintenance Fund is currently classified as a Special Revenue fund.In 1999 through 2001,as part of a development agreement,the developer of Subregion 1 deposited a total of $750,000 with the City for ongoing maintenance of 71 acres of land dedicated to the City.The $750,000 earns investment interest which helps offset the City's cost of maintenance.This fund has no other source of revenue,and does not meet the new definition of a Special Revenue fund. As only the interest earnings (not the $750,000 deposit)can be spent,Staff recommends that the Subregion 1 Maintenance Fund be reclassified as a Permanent Fund. The City currently has 4 funds that are classified as Capital Project fund types,yet meet the new definition for a Special Revenue fund type.Staff recommends that these 4 funds be reclassified as Special Revenue funds for financial reporting purposes. >-Bikeways Fund -receives Transportation Development Act Article 3 money restricted for design and construction of bicycle and pedestrian facilities on roadways,including disabled access ramps. >-Environmental Excise Tax (EET)Fund -receives a City imposed tax to offset the impact of new construction on the City's quality of life.The revenue is restricted to purchasing land,constructing facilities,and purchasing equipment to develop, improve and expand parks,services,utilities,and public safety. >-Quimby Fund -receives developer fees in lieu of parkland dedication to the City. The revenue is restricted to developing or rehabilitating park and recreational facilities. >-Affordable Housing -receives developer fees in lieu of dedicated affordable housing.The revenue is restricted to implementation of goals,policies and programs outlined in the Housing Element of the City's General Plan. 12-3 Implementation of Governmental Accounting Standards Board Statement No.54 April 19,2011 Page 4 of4 Implementation Plan -Fund Balance Classification GASB 54 requires the governing body to take action on fund balance classifications prior to fiscal year end.In other words,Commitments and Assignments appearing on the June 30,2011 balance sheet must be acted on prior to June 30,2011.The action does not need to include the exact dollar amount,but should provide clear direction to determine the amount once the City's books are closed for the fiscal year. The City's independent auditor recommends that the City Council include its policy on Committing and Assigning fund balances in its City Council Policy No.41,Reserve Policies,and to adopt the policy by resolution.GASB 54 recommends that the City Council take formal action either by resolution or ordinance to Commit fund balance. GASB 54 allows the governing body to delegate a level of authority to Assign fund balance.Staff recommends,and the independent auditor concurs,that Assignments of fund balance be made by minute order of the City Council. Nonspendable -Two funds will have fund balances classified as Nonspendable:the Subregion 1 Maintenance Fund,and the Improvement Authority's Abalone Cove Maintenance Fund. Restricted -All Special Revenue fund balances will be classified as Restricted. Committed -Due to the specific nature of fund balance Commitments,such as a contractual obligation for a particular project,Staff makes no recommendations for Commitments of fund balance at this time. Assigned -Staff recommends that the City Council Assign the entire fund balance of the Capital Improvement Projects (CIP)fund for the future design and construction of infrastructure improvement projects.If the City Council adopts Staff's recommendation, any future changes to the Assignment of the CIP fund balance would need to be adopted by minute order of the City Council. Unassigned -Unassigned fund balance will only be reported in the General Fund. However,in the Notes to the Financial Statements,the Unassigned amount will be segregated into the amount of General Fund appropriations continued to the next fiscal year and the City's rainy day fund (the General Fund Reserve).If there is a deficit fund balance to be reported in any fund,it will be classified as Unassigned. FISCAL IMPACT If the City Council adopts Staff's recommendation,the transfer of the Utility Undergrounding,Roadway Beautification and RPV TV fund balances will increase the General Fund Reserve by about $289,867.There are no other fiscal impacts as a result of implementing GASB 54. 12-4 RESOLUTION NO.2011-_ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO PALOS VERDES,ADOPTING CITY COUNCIL POLICY NO.41,RESERVE POLICIES WHEREAS,the Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GAS B)issued Statement No.54,Fund Balance Reporting and Governmental Fund Type Definitions;and WHEREAS,for financial statement reporting purposes,the GASB Statement defines Nonspendable amounts as those that are not in a spendable form or are required to be maintained intact;and WHEREAS,for financial statement reporting purposes,the GASB Statement defines Restricted amounts as those that are constrained to specific purposes by their providers through constitutional provisions or enabling legislation;and, WHEREAS,for financial statement reporting purposes,the GASB Statement defines Committed amounts as those constrained to specific purposes by the government itself;and WHEREAS,for financial statement reporting purposes,the GASB Statement defines Assigned amounts as those the government intends to use for a specific purpose;and WHEREAS,the City Council's Policy No.41,Reserve Policies,has been modified to include the City Council's policy for Committing and Assigning fund balance for financial statement reporting purposes,and the City Council's policy for the order in which classified fund balance is spent when amounts in more than one classification are available for a particular purpose. NOW BE IT,THEREFORE,RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO PALOS VERDES: The City Council's Policy No.41,Reserve Policies,as modified for compliance with Governmental Accounting Standards Board Statement No.54,Fund Balance Reporting and Governmental Fund Type Definitions,is approved and adopted by the City Council. PASSED,APPROVED,AND ADOPTED THIS 19th DAY OF APRIL 2011. Mayor ATTEST: City Clerk State of California ) County of Los Angeles )ss City of Rancho Palos Verdes) I,CARLA MORREALE,City Clerk of the City of Rancho Palos Verdes,hereby certify that the above Resolution No.2011-_was duly and regularly passed and adopted by the said City Council at a regular meeting thereof held on April 19,2011. 12-5 City Clerk 12-6 CITY COUNCIL POLICY NUMBER:41 (Amended) DATE ADOPTED/AMENDED:April 19,2011 SUBJECT:Reserve Policies POLICY: nd balan e of at least 50 percent of General Fund.This is considered the .the City's credit worthiness and to General Fund The City wil annualo' minimum adequately 1.i ",~~,>; Ca Improve.,nt Fund The ,ill m ,1}~"*;;in a minimum of $3 million in the Capital Improvement Project'"d as a reserve for major improvement projects related to roadways;drains,parks,buildings,rights-of-way,and the sewer system.Subject to the annual budgeting process,the CIP reserve will be funded,to the extent possible,by allocating amounts equal to the annual Transient Occupancy Tax (TOT)revenue to the CIP fund.All interest earnings in this fund will be used for capital improvement projects. B. A. C.Equipment Replacement Fund The City will maintain retained earnings equal to the estimated replacement cost for equipment assets held by this fund. 1 12-7 City Council Policy #41 (Amended) D.Water Quality Flood Protection Fund Project spending in the Water Quality Flood Protection (WQFP)fund fluctuates year to year.The Storm Drain User Fee is a source of funding for these projects.To avoid a fluctuating Fee,the City will maintain retained earnings over the life of the WQFP fee to establish rate stabilization,thereby enabling fund availability for scheduled projects and maintenance. E.Building Replacement Fund The City will maintain retained earnings in this fundAp accumulate monies and interest earnings to finance major improve .;~(e.g.roofing),and partially provide for future replacement of City,buildings. umulate monies .underground, 'ng to utility ar's appropriations for road landslide area. $50,0 .In this fund as required by tion Plan (NCCP)for emergency use addition to maintaining any interest Utility Undergrounding Fund The City will maintain retained earnin for relocating utility poles and lines as well as provide residents assi undergrounding in residential area Street Maintenance Fun The City will maintain a maintenance on Palos Ver Habitat Restor The City will· the Natio for habit, earnings. J.ority Abalone Cove Fund h the Horan lawsuit,the Redevelopment Agency's and Settlement Agreement with property owners and the County stip ated that $1,000,000 of County loan proceeds was to be deposited in the Abalone Cove Maintenance Nonexpendable Trust Fund of the Joint Powers Improvement Authority.Interest earnings from this deposit are used to maintain landslide abatement facilities in the Abalone Cove area of the active landslide,except sewers in accordance with the reimbursement and settlement agreement H. G. F. I.enance Fund ent agreement for Subregion One,the developer .'.0 a endowment to generate interest earnings for of th open space area in Subregion One. 2 12-8 City Council Policy #41 (Amended) Reserve levels will be reviewed annually during the budget process.Any recommended adjustments to reserve levels will be presented to City Council for its consideration during the annual budget process. COMMITMENTS AND ASSIGNMENTS OF FUND BALANCE: Governmental Accounting Standards Board Statement No.54,Fund Balance Reporting and Governmental Fund Type Definitions,provides the City with a method to self-classify fund balance for financial statement reporting purposes. A. B. ified fund balance in the followin ification are available for a articular 2. reso 3.Assi intended the City Cod cil. 4.Unassigned Fund Balance -amounts available for any purpose in the General Fund. BACKGROUND: Reserves,rainy-day funds,or contingency funds are a prudent fiscal policy and an important credit factor in the analysis of financial analysis and management. Local governments have experienced much volatility in their financial stability due 3 12-9 City Council Policy #41 (Amended) to the economy,natural disasters,terrorist attacks,and actions taken by state government which includes taking revenues from local governments to resolve state budget problems.California cities are at an even greater disadvantage than the rest of the country due to the unique regulations imposed by Proposition 13,and the inability to raise property taxes if the need would arise.Sound financial management includes the practice and discipline of maintaining adequate reserve funds for known and unknown contingencies.Such contingencies include,but are not limited to:cash flow requirements,economic uncertainties including downturns in the local,state or national economy,local emergencies and natural disasters,loss of major revenue..urces,unanticipated operating or capital expenditures,uninsured losses,t unds,future capital projects,vehicle and equipment replacement,and ca .set and infrastructure repair and replacement.The establishment of pr ncial reserve policies is important to ensure the long-term financial healt . 4 12-10