RPVCCA_SR_2011_03_01_04_T-Mobile_Conditional_Use_Permit_Revision_ApplicationMEMORANDUM TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: REVIEWED: HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL CAROL YNN PETRU,DEPUTY CITY MANAGE~ MARCH 1,2011 REQUEST TO FILE A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT REVISION APPLICATION FROM T·MOBILE USA CAROLYN LEHR,CITY MANAGER oY- RECOMMENDATION Authorize the City Manager to sign the Conditional Use Permit Revision application, allowing T-Mobile USA to seek approval to install a new wireless facility on the monopole at City Hall. BACKGROUND The telecommunications monopole at City Hall,30940 Hawthorne Boulevard,was constructed in 1988 and currently hosts three carriers:Verizon Wireless,AT&T Mobility and Southern California Edison.The monopole is approximately 81 feet in overall height and currently has two platforms:Verizon and Edison occupy the platform at the top of the monopole and AT&T's antennas are located on the lower platform at approximately 56 feet above existing grade.Each of the three existing tenants has a ground lease with the City for the equipment associated with their antenna arrays. Verizon and Edison's support equipment is housed inside the adjacent Administration Building,while AT&T's equipment is housed in a cargo container placed just off the rear parking lot.Although they have been extended several times over the years,the ground leases for each of the three existing tenants are all scheduled to expire on June 30,2014.T-Mobile has been advised that any new installation,if approved,would be subject to the same expiration date. PROJECT DESCRIPTION T-Mobile is requesting permission to file a Conditional Use Permit Revision application to add a fourth antenna installation on the monopole which would consist of six (6) panel antennas mounted approximately 38 feet above the existing grade (see attached plan and photo simulations).The associated equipment would be ground-mounted and screened by a fence enclosure adjacent to the parking lot in an area previously 4-1 MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: REVIEWED: HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL CAROLYNN PETRU,DEPUTY CITY MANAGE~ MARCH 1,2011 REQUEST TO FILE A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT REVISION APPLICATION FROM T·MOBILE USA CAROLYN LEHR,CITY MANAGER ofL- RECOMMENDATION Authorize the City Manager to sign the Conditional Use Permit Revision application, allowing T-Mobile USA to seek approval to install a new wireless facility on the monopole at City Hall. BACKGROUND The telecommunications monopole at City Hall,30940 Hawthorne Boulevard,was constructed in 1988 and currently hosts three carriers:Verizon Wireless,AT&T Mobility and Southern California Edison.The monopole is approximately 81 feet in overall height and currently has two platforms:Verizon and Edison occupy the platform at the top of the monopole and AT&T's antennas are located on the lower platform at approximately 56 feet above existing grade.Each of the three existing tenants has a ground lease with the City for the equipment associated with their antenna arrays. Verizon and Edison's support equipment is housed inside the adjacent Administration Building,while AT&T's equipment is housed in a cargo container placed just off the rear parking lot.Although they have been extended several times over the years,the ground leases for each of the three existing tenants are all scheduled to expire on June 30,2014.T-Mobile has been advised that any new installation,if approved,would be subject to the same expiration date. PROJECT DESCRIPTION T-Mobile is requesting permission to file a Conditional Use Permit Revision application to add a fourth antenna installation on the monopole which would consist of six (6) panel antennas mounted approximately 38 feet above the existing grade (see attached plan and photo simulations).The associated equipment would be ground-mounted and screened by a fence enclosure adjacent to the parking lot in an area previously Topic:Request to File a CUP Revision Application for T-Mobile USA Date:March 1,2011 Page 2 occupied by the City Hall emergency generator,which was recently replaced and relocated to the Public Works Maintenance Yard. DISCUSSION In order for T-Mobile to proceed through the required Conditional Use Permit Revision application process,the City must first agree to sign the application forms as the landowner.The application would then be subject to a noticed public hearing before the Planning Commission,with the possibility of appeal to the City Council.Notice of the public hearing would be mailed to all property owners within a 500-foot radius of the exterior boundary of the Upper Point Vicente property.The review process would include an assessment of the potential impacts of the project,including issues concerning view impairment and aesthetics. FISCAL IMPACT There is no fiscal impact associated with allowing the Conditional Use Permit Revision application to be filed and processed.The applicant will be required to pay all necessary applications fees associated with processing the request.If the CUP Revision is approved,the carrier would be required to enter into a lease agreement, which would be subject to review and approval by the City Council.The City currently receives approximately $37,600 and $37,300 in annual lease payments from Verizon and AT&T,respectively,which is adjusted each year based on changes in the Consumer Price Index. Attachments: Letter from Trillium (representing T-Mobile USA) Plans and photo simulations of the proposed T-Mobile facility V:ICAROL YNNIREPORTS\2011\201101 03_1 moblle_cup_aulhorizallon.doc 4-2 Topic:Request to File a CUP Revision Application for T-Mobile USA Date:March 1,2011 Page 2 occupied by the City Hall emergency generator,which was recently replaced and relocated to the Public Works Maintenance Yard. DISCUSSION In order for T-Mobile to proceed through the required Conditional Use Permit Revision application process,the City must first agree to sign the application forms as the landowner.The application would then be subject to a noticed public hearing before the Planning Commission,with the possibility of appeal to the City Council.Notice of the public hearing would be mailed to all property owners within a SOO-foot radius of the exterior boundary of the Upper Point Vicente property.The review process would include an assessment of the potential impacts of the project,including issues concerning view impairment and aesthetics. FISCAL IMPACT There is no fiscal impact associated with allowing the Conditional Use Permit Revision application to be filed and processed.The applicant will be required to pay all necessary applications fees associated with processing the request.If the CUP Revision is approved,the carrier would be required to enter into a lease agreement, which would be subject to review and approval by the City Council.The City currently receives approximately $37,600 and $37,300 in annual lease payments from Verizon and AT&T,respectively,which is adjusted each year based on changes in the Consumer Price Index. Attachments: Letter from Trillium (representing T-Mobile USA) Plans and photo simulations of the proposed T-Mobile facility V:ICAROL YNNIREPORTS\2011\201101 03_1 moblle_cup.aulhorizallon.doc Trillium Febrrcary 16,2011 Ms.Carolyllll Petru City ofRail clio Palos Verdes 30940 Hawt/wme Blvd. Rallcllo Palos Verdes,CA 90275 Re:T-Mobile Site LA33894 -City Hall Americall Tower Collocatioll Deal'Carolynll, Please accept tlris letter as a request 011 bellalfof1~Mobile USA to revise COllditiollal Use Permit No.119 for tile existillg mOllopole at City Hall,located at 30940 Hawtllome Blvd.,Rallcllo Palos Verdes,CA alld allow T- Iofobile to sllbmit all applicatioll to collocate Oil tile existillg mOllopole..Tile proposed illstallatioll will cOllsist ofsix alltellllas at a Ireight ofapproximately 40',alldfOllr eqllipmellt cabillets located ill the rear oftile property adjacellt to tile existillg equipmellt sllelter. Please advise iftile City Coullcilwill autllorize llS to proceedwitll all applicatioll to revise tlte Cllrrellt COllditiollal Use Permit. TlllJllk you for your assistallce.I may be reaclled at 714-206-1781 or via email at(mead@Jrillillmcos.com. Regards, ~~ Flo Mead Vice President Trillium COIlSlllt;llg,Illc. 5912 Balsa Ave.,Suite 202 Huntington Beach,CA 92649 Phone:714-799-2000 Fax:714-799-2020 4-3 Trillium Febmary 16,2011 Ms.Carolyllll Petru City ofRaucho Palos Verdes 30940 Hawthome Blvd. Rancho Palos Verdes,CA 90275 Be:T-Mobile Site LA 33894 -City Hall American Towel'Collocatiou Deal'Carolyull, Please accept tllis letter as a request Oil behalfofT-Mobile USA to revise Conditional Use Permit No.119 for tile existing monopole at City Hall,located at 30940 Hawthome Blvd.,Raucho Palos Verdes,CA aud allow T- Mobile to submit all application to collocate Oil the existing mOllopole..The proposed illstaUation will consist o/six antennas at a height ofapproximately 40',andfour equipment cabinets located ill the rear ofthe property adjacent to the existing equipment shelter. Please advise iftlte City Counellwill authori'le us to proceed with OJI applicatioll to revise the current Conditional Use Permit. Thq.nk you for yow'assistance.I may be reached at 714-206-1781 01'via email atfmead@triUiu1Tlcos.com. Regards, ~~ Flo Mead Vue President Trilliu1TI Consulting,Inc. 5912 Bolsa Ave.,Suite 202 Huntington Beach,CA 92649 Phone:714-799-2000 Fax:714-799-2020 ID (E)IIllDIllAS ---------.;;:------- I ~.·Mobile·- Get more from life" 200S WCCA.W AV£..,llMHE,CA 92614 PLANS PREPARED BY. pROPOS£D T-t.lOen.E PA/IEl..----~~AN1U<1IAS "OUKTEJ)TO IE) 1l0l10P0..£(6 TOTAl) (E)SHElTER eEYlll<D ----, PROPOSED T-UDBIlE EOUIPI.IENT lfASE AR£A (ot BTS AND unUIY CABINETS) ,------, I~r)iJL<JI::JLd I I,__~ I. ~~~~, I===;U=?~ if u r CONSUL.liNG GROUP: A TrilliuJIl Telecom C>D Services,LLC 5911 Btlisa ...h~.1!unti"K'on Brtlch.G-I 91649 (7IJ)799-1000 OFFICE (7Uj 799-1010 FA.¥ NO.-DATE:-DESCRIPTION:-BY:- 1 12/17/10 EXHIBIT JPC PROPOSED 6'-0·TALl OWN UNK FENCE WI SLATS IE)TRANSFeR"ER (PROPOSED .. T-UOBIE POWER P,O.C.) • ~--1--- • SOUTH ELEVATION IE)SHEllER SITE PLAN r c SITE INFORMATION; LA33894A RPV CITY HALL 30940 HAWTHORNE BLVD. RANCHO PALOS VERDES COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES ,STAMP: r SHEET TITLE: EXHIBIT I SHEET NUMBER: B-1 4-4 ,I.Ilnn----. I ~_l~I+II.1I-l1 (E)NlIDIlIAS ------<------ ~·-Mobile--. Get more from life~ 200&...CCAW AVE..1RW1E,CA 9261< r-PLANS PREPARED BY. PROPOSED T-l.lOen..E.PAlIEl----~~IANTENIlASl.lOUtnED TO (El l.lOtlllPOlE (6 TOTAl) H~I----r(E)SHELTER BEYONO ---.,r PROPOSED T-l.lOBD.E EOUIPI.lOO LEASE MfA (4 B15 AND unUlY CABl!lITS) r-------, I I ;., Im '" ~CONSULnNG GROUP: A Trillium Telecom lJ"lj Services,LLC S9118nlsa A'·...lJunt;l/glnn 8<ach.CI 916/9 (714)799-1000 OFFICE (714)799-1010 FAX NO.-DATE>---o-DESCRIPnON:-BY:- 1 12/17/10 EXHIBIT JPC PROPOSED 6'-0'TAl.!.CfWN ~ UNK FENCE WI SLATS SOUTH ELEVATION (E)TRANSFORl.lER (PROPOSED T-l.lOBIE POWER P.O.C.) 3D~40 HAWTHORNE BLVD. RANCHO PALOS VERDES COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES EXHIBIT B-1 LA33894A RPV CITY HALL r-STAMP: r-SHEET NUMBER: r-SITE INFORMATION: r-SHEET TITLE: L(E)BLDG.? (El SHELTER[ r \..°_-.::.23:-'_..:.6'__\~r 7 --l.A------'- "'7 rA l:d1LIJI 0 h H V rn e ~--r---- (E)BOl.UJlOS AlIO CONe. PAD TO BE RWll'Ifll--- .~'j 10'-'~~: PROPOSED T-l.l00l1£EO\llPt.lOO J,~-/~~ .1£AS£JIl£A (4 BTS AND lIl1UlY ~a [CABINETS)l---I I IV @J \I ld \I,I III \1 ~Il I : PROPOS£D UNDERGROUND AIlTENtlA 14 I COAX CONDUITS (APPROX 120')I I i\@ \J 1~=,-_~L~rU~ SITE PLAN ~aaMObile.LA33S94A RPV CITY HALL 30940 HAWTHORNE BOULEVARD RANCHO PALOS VERDES CA 90275 I I ~J\ PRceCOEC ANHNNAO~ AEsims.com B77.9AE.sims P~OPOOItO CQUIPMCNT CNCLOl:Iu~r:DC'I'ONP 4 - 5 ~Mobile m 'LA33S94A RPV CITY HALL :30940 HAWTHORNE BOULEVARD RANCHO PALOS VERDES CA 90275 ARTISTICengineering AEsims.com anSAE.sims PROPOO~D t:QUIPMI:NT ItNCLCDURIt DEYOND Aoaun ..a ..ur P',"U_O ....U\...."UfI """.11:1..1 I./"U"I ....u"....."g'"".UVIUCl.',,'"""D...I:Ot .......".e ...'. ~ccMobilec LA33B94A RPV CITY HALL 30940 HAWTHORNE:80ULEVARD RANCHO PALOS VERDES CA 90275 ARTISTICenglneenng AEsims.com 877.9AE.sims 4 - 6 010 0 cMobile LA33S94A RPV CITY HALL 30940 HAWTHORNE BOULEVARD RANCHO PALOS VERDES CA 90275 ARTISTICengllleenng AEsims.com B77.9AE.sims