RPVCCA_CC_SR_2012_11_07_03_Draft_EIR_Zone_2_Landslide_MoratoriumCrrYOF RANCHO PALOS VERDES MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: DATE:. SUBJECT: HONORABLE MAYOR AND TY COU ell MEMBERS JOEL ROJAS,COMMUNITY DE l PMENT DIRECTOR NOVEMBER 7,2012 1I DRAFT ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACl REPORT (DRAFT EIR)FOR THE ZONE 2 LANDSLIDE MORA TORIUM ORDINANCE REVISIONS (location:"Zone 2"of the City's landslide Moratorium Area)~ REVIEWED:CAROLYN lEHR,CITY MANAGER W-- Project Manager:Eduardo Schonborn,AICP,Senior Planne~ RECOMMENDATION Conduct a public meeting for the sole purpose of obtaining comments on the Draft Environmental Impact Report (Draft EIR)for the Zone 2 Landslide Moratorium Ordinance Revisions from the general public and from the City Council. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY In 2009,the City Council directed Staff to pursue a "two-track"environmental review of revisions to the City's Landslide Moratorium Ordinance in response to the Court of Appeals' adverse decision in the Monks case.Based upon this direction,a Mitigated Negative Declaration (MND)was certified by the City Council in conjunction with the first "track"of ,this process to revise the Landslide Moratorium Ordinance to allow the Monks plaintiffs to apply for Landslide Moratorium Exceptions (LMEs)for their sixteen (16)vacant lots in Zone 2.The second "track"ofthis process is to prepare an Environmental Impact Report (EIR) that will assess potential environmental impacts arising from the adoption of an ordinance that would allow the owners of the other thirty-one (31)vacant lots in Zone 2 to pursue development of their properties along with any cumulative impacts of allowing development of all forty-seven (47)of these properties. 3-1 MEMORANDUM:Zone 2 Landslide Moratorium Ordinance Revisions -Draft EIR November 7,2012 Page 2 On February 1,2011,the City Council conducted a public scoping meeting to provide a forum for agencies and members of the community to comment on the environmental issues that should be addressed in the forthcoming EIR for the proposed project.In accordance with CEQA,a Draft EIR has been prepared and is now circulating for a 60-day public review and comment period. The role of the City Council at this meeting is to conduct a public meeting for the public to provide verbal comments on the Draft EIR,in a public forum.No other action on the project is to be taken at this meeting.All verbal comments made at the meeting along with written comments submitted to the City during the 60-day public comment period,will be responded to in writing in the Final EIR.Therefore,comments on the merits of the proposed project should be held until the merits of the Landslid~Moratorium Ordinance Revisions are considered.It is anticipated that such consJderation will occur after the completion of the Final EIR (FEIR),sometime by Spring 2013. BACKGROUND In 2002,a group of Portuguese Bend property owners filed a Moratorium Exclusion application to exclude their undeveloped lots within the area known as "Zone 2"from the provisions of the Landslide Moratorium.Shortly after this application was deemed incomplete for processing,the applicants filed suit against the City.Eventually,the case (Monks v.Rancho Palos Verdes)was decided in the applicants'/plaintiffs'favor.In December 2008,the California Court of Appeal reversed the favorable decision of the trial court and found that the City had "taken"the plaintiffs'property by virtue of the adoption of Resolution No.2002-43,which required plaintiffs and other owners of undeveloped properties in Zone 2 to prove a zone-wide factor of safety of 1.5 before individual development applications in that area could be approved by the City.Following the decision by the Court of Appeal,the City's options were to either acquire the properties from the plaintiffs or to remove the regulatory impediments that prevented the development of the sixteen (16)Monks plaintiffs'lots.Due to the potential economic impact to the City that would arise from the purchase of these properties ($16 million to $32 million),the City Council determined that the development impediments should be removed.Accordingly, the City Council immediately rescinded Resolution No.2002-43. As a result of the adverse decision by the Court of Appeal,Staff identified several alternatives in considering a proposed code amendment.On June 2,2009,Staff presented an update on the status of the Code Amendment to the City Council,which included laying out options for the environmental analysis of the proposal.The City Council directed Staff to pursue a "two-track"parallel process,whereby a Code Amendment to allow development of the sixteen (16)Monks plaintiffs'lots would be pursued immediately, followed by a similar amendment to allow development of the other 31 undeveloped lots in Zone 2. 3-2 MEMORANDUM:Zone 2 Landslide Moratorium Ordinance Revisions -Draft EIR November 7,2012 Page 3 In October 2009,the City Council adopted an amendment to the Landslide Moratorium Ordinance,which created a new Landslide Moratorium Exception category to allow the owners of the sixteen (16)Monks plaintiffs'lots to apply for LMEs for the construction of new homes (Ordinance No.498)1.In December 2009,a further revision to the amendment to the Landslide Moratorium Ordinance (Ordinance No.501 U)was approved by the City to allow site grading for the development of each of the Monks plaintiffs'lots not to exceed 1,000 cubic yards of combined cut and fill,and with no import in excess of 50 cubic yards. A Mitigated Negative Declaration (MND)was certified by the City Council in conjunction with these actions.2 Notwithstanding all of these actions by the City,and the fact that some of the plaintiffs are currently developing their properties with single family residences,the Monks plaintiffs continue to assert that the City has taken their properties,so that the City should be required to pay additional compensation to them.To that end,they have filed another 1 As of the writing of this Staff Report,all 16 Monks plaintiff lots have been issued LMEs.Further,five (5) Monks plaintiffs have obtained building permits to commence construction of their residences,and are at various stages of construction.Of the five,one residence has been completed and the bUilding permit was finaled in August 2012. 2 A lawsuit was filed that challenged the City Council's approval of the mitigated negative declaration. Following a ruling by the Los Angeles County Superior Court upholding the City Council's certification of the mitigated negative declaration,that lawsuit was dismissed. 3-3 MEMORANDUM:Zone 2 Landslide Moratorium Ordinance Revisions -Draft EIR November 7,2012 Page 4 appeal to the California Court of Appeal from the latest ruling by the Los Angeles County Superior Court in the City's favor,which is pending. PROPOSED PROJECT Consistent with the Council's 2009 direction,a Code Amendment is now being considered that would revise the Landslide Moratorium Ordinance to create another exception that would permit the owners of the other thirty-one (31)undeveloped lots in Zone 2 to develop those lots with new single family residences.The development criteria for these lots include the following: • A fotal of forty-seven new single-story,ranch-style resideQces with attached or detached three-car garages,with a minimum living ar,eS"of 1,500 square feet and maximum living area of 4,000 square feet or 15%of gross lot area,whichever is less; •Less than 1,000 cubic yards of grading (cut and fill combined)per lot,with no more than 50 cubic yards of imported fill per lot; •Maximum 25%(RS-1)or 40%(RS-2)net lot coverage; •Maximum building height of 16 feet for residences and 12 feet for detached accessory structures; •Minimum front setbacks of 20 feet,minimum rear setbacks of 15 feet,minimum street-side setbacks of 10 feet,and minimum interior side setbacks of five feet, with setbacks along private street rights-of-way measured from the easement line rather than the property line;and, •No subdivision of existing lots within Zone 2. DISCUSSION INITIAL STUDy/NoTICE OF PREPARATION The City and its environmental consultant (Rincon Consultants)began the CEQA review process by evaluating the project's potential impacts based on an environmental checklist. As a result,an Initial Study was prepared in accordance with CEQA.The City distributed the Initial Study to ·the public,accompanied by a Notice of Preparation (NOP)for ~,preparation of the EIR,on January 3,2011,initiating a 30-day public scoping period.The purpose of the NOP was to indicate formally that the City was preparing a Draft EIR for the Zone 2 Landslide Moratorium Ordinance Revisions project and,as Lead Agency,to solicit input regarding the scope and content of the Draft EIR.The NOP was distributed to all Responsible Agencies,as well as other agencies;to property owners within Zone 2 and within a 500-foot radius of Zone 2;to those registered on the list-serve for this project;and the Notice was posted on the City's website. 3-4 MEMORANDUM:Zone 2 Landslide Moratorium Ordinance Revisions -Draft EIR November 7,2012 Page 5 The City received 25 letters in response to the Nap.Further,the City Council received 6 public comments at the scoping session regarding the Nap and Initial Study held on February 1,2011.Copies of these letters can be found in Appendix A of the Draft EIR. DRAFT EIR SCOPING PROCESS After the Nap comment period ended,the Draft EIR was prepared taking the prior comments into account.After completing the Draft EIR,the document was made available to the public on September 21,2012 for a 60-day public comment period that will conclude on November 20,2012.Copies of the DEIR were provided to the City Council on September 20,2012.The Draft EIR contains a summary table of the environmental concerns 'raised during the Nap scoping period and identifies where in the DEIR they are addressed (Table 1-1,page 1-1 of the Draft EIR).In additioJ),£opies of the Initial Study, Notice of Preparation,and letters received in response to the Nap are included in Appendix A of the Draft EIR. The role of the City Council at the scoping meeting is to provide the forum for the public to provide verbal comments on the Draft EIR.No decision or recommendation on the project applications will be made at the scoping meeting. Therefore,comments on the merits of the Code revisions should be held until the public hearing(s)on the Code revisions are conducted.Such hearings will be held after the completion of the Final EIR,most likely in Spring,2013.All interested parties will be notified of those hearings in the same manner by which this scoping meeting was advertised. Staff envisions the scoping meeting to involve a brief presentation by staff and/or the EIR consultant describing the project and EIR process,followed by the opening of the public meeting to hear comments from the public.At the conclusion of public comments,the City Council will have an opportunity to offer their own comments regarding the Draft EIR. DRAFT EIR ANAL YS/S AND CONCLUSIONS As indicated in the attached Initial Study,the project will not cause or create any significant impacts,or will have less than significant impacts upon several issue areas.However, through the scoping process and the preparation of the Initial Study,the proposed project ,will have potential significant environmental impacts on the factors discussed below,which are analyzed in detail in Section 4 (Environmental Impact Analysis)of the Draft EIR.The impacts and mitigation measures related to these environmental factors are summarized in Table ES-1,in the Executive Summary section of the Draft EIR.The Executive Summary is attached for easy reference.The conclusions of the impact analyses for these factors are summarized as follows: 3-5 MEMORANDUM:Zone 2 Landslide Moratorium Ordinance Revisions -Draft EIR November 7,2012 Page 6 •Aesthetics The Draft EIR identifies visual impacts that may arise as a result of developing the existing vacant parcels.This includes the visual impacts associated with the change from a vacant undeveloped parcel and its associated appearance,to a developed appearance.This also includes the visual impacts associated with the potential for removal or alteration of existing mature trees and vegetation.The DEIR also identifies lighting/illumination as causing a potential significant impact.However,it was determined that the aesthetic impacts would be less than significant with mitigation.Mitigation measures are being considered that would reduce these visual impacts to less than a significant level,including neighborhood compatibility analyses, tree 'replacement,if necessary,and adherence to the Municipal Code exterior lighting standards (the analysis can be found on pages 4.1-1 thr.9~h 4.1-13 in the Draft EIR). •Air Quality The Draft EIR identifies impacts relating to air quality based on short-term impacts resulting from construction,specifically with regard to fugitive dust.In terms of these short-term impacts,the Draft EIR states that mitigation measures can reduce the impacts to a level of less than significant.These mitigation measures include construction methods and activities to control fugitive dust during construction.The air quality analysis can be found on pages 4.2-1 through 4.2-16 in the Draft EIR. •Biological Resources The Draft EIR identifies potential impacts to sensitive plant communities;wetland habitat and jurisdictional drainages;wildlife movement;and,consistency with the City's NCCP.Since a number of properties in Zone 2 abut the City's NCCP Nature Preserve,the Draft EIR identifies a potential introduction of non-native plant species onto the Preserve from on-site landscaping.However,with the implementation ofthe recommended mitigation measures,impacts are expected to be less than significant. The biological resources analysis can be found on pages 4.3-1 through 4.3-24 in the Draft EIR. •Cultural Resources The Draft EIR identifies potential impacts to as-yet undetected areas of prehistoric archaeological significance.However,with the implementation of the recommended mitigation measure,which requires a qualified archeologist to monitor the site during grading and excavation,this impact will be reduced to a level that is less than significant.The cultural resources analysis can be found on pages 4.4-1 through 4.3- 9 in the Draft EIR. 3-6 MEMORANDUM:Zone 2 Landslide Moratorium Ordinance Revisions -Draft EIR November 7,2012 Page 7 •Fire Protection The Draft EIR identifies potential impacts to fire protection as a result of the area being located in a Very High Fire Hazard Severity Zone.However,with the implementation ofthe recommended mitigation measures requiring a fuel modification plan pursuant to the standards of the LA County Fire Department,this impact will be reduced to a less than significant level.The fire protection analysis can be found on pages 4.7-1 through 4.7-5 in the Draft EIR. •Geology and Soils The'Draft EIR evaluates geologic and soil conditions in Jerms of slope stability, erosion,soil contamination,faulting and seismicity..,-Uquefaction,and bedrock subsidence.A substantial amount of geotechnical reports and studies have been prepared for the area.However,based on the numerous historical reports,the Draft EIR identifies that with the implementation of recommended mitigation measures,the impacts identified could be reduced to a less than significant level.The mitigation measures include limiting the amount of grading on each lot,imposing a maximum structure size,requirements regarding construction methods and techniques,and recordation of covenants against the individual lots.The analysis discussion can be found on pages 4.5-1 through 4.5-23 in the Draft EIR. •Hydrology and Water Quality The Draft EIR evaluates potential impacts on hydrology,water quality and water supply as they relate to existing conditions and changes resulting from the project. The Draft EI R also evaluates the conditions relating to hydrology and water quality on a short-term and long-term basis.Mitigation measures to address short-term impacts include NPDES review,when appropriate,and implementing construction BMPs to deal with construction-related impacts,measures to minimize sediment discharge and storm water treatment.The long-term impacts are due to the increased impermeable surface area,which may increase the amount of storm water flows and localized flooding,and flood hazards.Mitigation measures to address long-term impacts include a requirement that each lot provide an onsite storm water detention facility and conveyance system,maintaining existing drainage patterns,and minimizing the character of runoff.Such mitigation measures are intended to reduce the impacts to a level of insignificance.The hydrology and water quality analysis and discussion can be found on pages 4.8-1 through 4.8-18 in the Draft EIR. •Noise The Draft EIR evaluates potential impacts relating to noise on a short-term (construction impacts)and long-term basis.The analysis describes existing noise 3-7 MEMORANDUM:Zone 2 Landslide Moratorium Ordinance Revisions -Draft EIR November 7,2012 PageS conditions within the project area and estimates future noise levels based on noise modeling.Based on the analysis conducted,the Draft EIR concludes that short-term noise impacts from construction would intermittently generate high noise levels on and adjacent to the site.However,mitigation measures are recommended to ensure that construction hours are within the City's allowable hours,which would reduce the impacts to a less than significant level.The noise analysis can be found on pages 4.9-1 through 4.7-11 in the Draft EIR. •Transportation and Circulation The Draft EIR evaluates the potential for the proposed project to result in significant impacts on traffic and circulation during construction,incluqiing impacts on the local and regional roadway system,intersections,and ingresstegress to the project site entrance.The analysis contained in the Draft EIR is based on a traffic impact study prepared by Linscott,Law and Greenspan Engineers (See Appendix G in the Draft EIR).The Draft EIR concludes that the potential increase in vehicles traveling on the surrounding roadway network after complete build-out would not result in significant impacts.However the increase under cumulative conditions would result in significant impacts at three study intersections,which includes the intersections of Hawthorne at Via Rivera,Seahill and Tramonto Drives at Palos Verdes Drive South,and Forrestal Drive at Palos Verdes Drive South.Mitigation requiring proportionate fair share contributions for the HawthorneNia Rivera and Seahill-Tramanto/Palos Verdes Drive South intersections for restriping and modifications would reduce the impacts to these intersections to a less than significant level.Mitigation for the Forrestal/PV Drive South intersection is via a traffic signal.Although installation of a traffic signal is technically feasible,there may be policy reasons that would lead to a determination that a traffic signal is inappropriate and infeasible.If the City Council determines that signalization is not feasible,and a traffic signal is not installed,then the impacts to this intersection would be significant and unavoidable;thus requiring a Statement of Overriding Considerations that would be presented to the City Council prior to certification of the Final EIR and adoption of the Ordinance revisions.The traffic and circulation discussion can be found on pages 4.1 0-1 through 4.10-27 in the Draft EIR. •Utilities and Service Systems The Draft EIR evaluates potential impacts to the City's wastewater conveyance infrastructure system (i.e,sewer system).The analysis indicates that the existing sewer system has the capacity to handle the additional 47 new residences.However, the conveyance systems from the vacant lots to the sewer line would have to be extended.As such,mitigation measures are recommended that would require participation in the sewer assessment district,agreements to provide easements,and restrictions on holding tank systems.As such,incorporation of the mitigation measures identified in the DEIR would reduce the impacts to a less than significant 3-8 MEMORANDUM:Zone 2 Landslide Moratorium Ordinance Revisions -Draft EIR November 7,2012 Page 9 level.The utilities and service systems discussion can be found on pages 4.11-1 through 4.11-6 in the Draft EIR. DRAFT EIR COMMENT PERIOD The Draft EIR is currently being circulated for public review and comment for 60 days, which is longer than the minimum 45-day review period required by CEQA.The Draft EIR became available on Friday September 21,2012 and the comment period will end on Tuesday,November 20,2012.A Notice of Availability of the Draft EIR has been transmitted to the State Clearinghouse,Responsible Agencies,local interested parties,and list-serve subscribers.Hard copies of the Draft EIR are available to review and/or purchase at City Hall.In addition,copies are available for viewing at Hesse Park and the local libraries.Furthermore,the document is available on th&C1ty's website to view and/or download. As indicated above,the comment period will conclude on Tuesday,November 20,2012. Until then,all interested agencies and parties have the opportunity to provide written comments on the content of the Draft EIR.In addition,the public has an opportunity this evening to provide oral comments on the Draft EIR in a public forum.All written comments received by the City will be given equal consideration as any oral comments received this evening. All written comments and oral testimony received during the comment period will be provided to the City's environmental consultant,which will provide a written response in the Final EIR.The Final EIR will contain formal responses to the comments received during the Draft EIR comment period,including any changes to the EIR text as a result of the comments.Depending on the extent and quantity of comments received from the general public and from public agencies,Staff anticipates that the Final EIR will be completed by Spring,2013. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION ESTIMA TED PROCESSING STEPS AND TIMELINE At the conclusion ofthe Draft EIR comment period,all verbal and written comments will be reviewed,assessed and responded to in the Final EIR.Provided below is a summary of the processing steps that will follow this evening's meeting.This timeline is an estimate and may be subject to changes based on the number of comments received and the scope of the issues raised. •November 7,2012 -City Council meeting to receive comments on the Draft EIR. •November 20,2012 -CommenUcirculation period officially ends. •December 2013 thru February 2013 -Response to comments drafted and 3-9 MEMORANDUM:Zone 2 Landslide Moratorium Ordinance Revisions -Draft EIR November 7,2012 Page 10 reviewed,and additional analysis conducted if necessary •Spring 2013 -Final EIR and response to comments,and Code revisions presented to the City Council for action. CITY COUNCIL MEMBER RECUSAL Councilmember Jim Knight resides and owns property within 500-feet of the Zone 2 boundary.In consultation with the City Attorney,it has been determined that Councilmember Knight has a potential conflict of interest and should recuse himself as a Council Member from participating in this comment session and future City Council meetings regarding this item.However,Council Member Knight may testify at the hearing as would any other property owner whose property is potentially qffected by the proposed Code revision.... STAFF ATTENDANCE AT PORTUGUESE BEND COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION (PBCA)MEETING On October 18,2012,Staff attended a meeting with the PBCA.The purpose of the meeting was not to obtain comments on the DEIR.Rather,Staff gave an overview of the process,the status of the DEIR,and presented the next steps involved with the proposed Code Amendments.Although there were some questions and comments from the audience,Staff encouraged audience members to submit those comments in writing or present them orally at the November i h meeting so that they can be officially addressed in the responses to comments in the Final EIR.Notwithstanding,the major points that were raised by the audience included hydrology and drainage,impacts to local roadways and traffic,and geology. ATTACHMENTS •Summary Table of Environmental Impacts •Zone 2 Landslide Moratorium Ordinance Revisions Draft EIR (under separate cover) 3-10 SUMMARY TABLE OF ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS 3-11 Zone 2 Landslide Moratorium Ordinance Revisions EIR Executive Summary •Alternative 4:Reduced Housing Units Alternative -This alternative assumes that the Landslide Moratorium Ordinance revisions would allow up to 19 new residential units within the project area.Development potential would not be increased on the other 28 vacant or underdeveloped parcels,and they would remain in their current condition. AREAS OF CONTROVERSY/ISSUES TO BE RESOLVED Based on public comments raised during the scoping period on the Notice of Preparation,areas of controversy have been identified in several issue areas,most notably in relation to potential geologic hazards;area drainage and potential water quality impacts;and traffic,including construction and emergency access. SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT IMPACTS AND MITIGATION MEASURES Table ES-l summarizes the proposed project's significant environmental impacts, recommended mitigation,and residual impacts.Please note that a number of potential impacts are addressed in the Initial Study (Appendix A to the EIR),where'tH'ey were determined to be less than significant without the need for mitigation measures or further analysis in the EIR. These include impacts related to: •Agricultural Resources •Land Use and Planning •Mineral Resources •Population and Housing •Public Services •Recreation Please refer to the Initial Study,Appendix A to this EIR,for further information related to these issues. Table ES-1 Summary of Significant Environmental Impacts, Mitigation Measures,and Residual Impacts Impact Mitigation Measures Significance After Mitigation AESTHETICS AES-1 The project area is located None required.Less than significant without within a scenic public viewshed of the mitigation. Pacific Ocean and the Palos Verdes hillsides and coastline.Individual lots and some private roads within the project area also have views of the ocean,hillsides and open space. However,because the lots where development could be facilitated by the proposed ordinance revisions are located within a private community consisting of highly variable topography and substantial tree cover,the potential develooment of uo to 47 new sinale- r City of Rancho Palos Verdes ES-4 3-12 Zone 2 Landslide Moratorium Ordinance Revisions EIR Executive Summary Table ES-1 Summary of Significant Environmental Impacts, Mitigation Measures,and Residual Impacts Impact Mitigation Measures Significance After Mitigation family residences would not have a substantial adverse effect on a scenic vista.This is a Class III less than significant impact. AES-2 Parcels within Zone 2 contain vegetation of varying types and densities,and the development of residences on up to 47 undeveloped and underdeveloped private lots within the project area would likely result in the removal of mature trees and vegetation.As tree groupings within the project area have been identified as scenic resources in the General Plan,impacts would be Class II,significant but mitigable. AES-3 The potential development of additional residences within the Zone 2 project area would introduce new structures and new landscaping and hardscape on up to 47 open and mostly undeveloped sites throughout the Portuguese 8end community.This would incrementally increase the density of development throughout the 112-acre project area.Although the general land use pattern and scale and type of development would be maintained,impacts to the existing visual character and quality ofthe project area and its surroundings would be Class II,significant but mitigable. AES-4 The proposed ordinance revisions would result in new sources of light and glare within the project area due to introduction of up to 47 new residences and associated lighting.Some of the new light and glare would be visible from public and private viewpoints.This would be a Class II,significant but mitigable. AES-2 As part of approvals for development on the individual subject lots,the City shall require that future development on the affected lots avoid removal of or substantial damage to existing trees to the extent feasible. Where tree removal or substantial damage cannot be feasibly avoided during development,tree replacement .,.. shall be required using a ratio,stock, species and monitoring requirements sufficient to ensure a minimum 1:1 replacement five or more years after removal.When selecting replacement tree species,consideration should be given to species that,as they grow to full stature,would be less likely to result in obstruction of views for adjacent properties. AES-3 Compatibility Analysis.All new residences shall be subject to neighborhood compatibility analysis under the provisions of Section (Neighborhood Compatibility)of the Rancho Palos Verdes Municipal Code. AES-4 Exterior Illumination. Exterior illumination for new residences shall be subject to the provisions of Section 17.56.030 (Outdoor Lighting for Residential Uses)of the Rancho Palos Verdes Municipal Code.Key standards that must be adhered to include the following: •No outdoor lighting shall be permitted where the light source is directed toward or results in direct illumination of a parcel ofproperty or properties other than that upon which such light source is ES-5 Implementation of Mitigation Measure AES-2 would reduce impacts to a less than significant level. Implementation of Mitigation Measure AES-3 would reduce impacts to a less than significant level. Adherence to the code requirements listed in Mitigation Measure AES-4 would reduce the impacts of lighting from new residential development to less than significant levels. City of Rancho Palos Verdes 3-13 Zone 2 Landslide Moratorium Ordinance Revisions EIR Executive Summary Table ES-1 Summary of Significant Environmental Impacts, Mitigation Measures,and Residual Impacts Impact Mitigation Measures Significance After Mitigation physically located.Individual, nonreflector,incandescent light bulbs,not exceeding one hundred fifty watts each,or an aggregate of one thousand watts for each lot or parcel shall be permitted.On lots exceeding fifteen thousand square feet,an additional one hundred watts in the aggregate shall be permitted for each one thousand five hundred square feet of area or major fraction thereof,by which the lot or parcel exceeds fifteen "thousand square feet;provided",? that in no event shall the aggregate exceed two thousand watts.As used herein,the term "watts"is irrespective of the voltage. •No outdoor lighting shall be permitted where the light source or fixture,if located on a building, above the line of the eaves,or if located on a standard or pole,more than ten feet above arade. AIR QUALITY AQ·1 Onsite construction activity AQ·1 (a)Fugitive Dust Control Implementation of mitigation would generate air pollutant emissions Measures.The following shall be measures AQ-1(a)and AQ- that would not exceed SCAQMD implemented during construction to 1(b)would reduce impacts construction thresholds for ROC,NOx,minimize fugitive dust emissions:to a less than significant CO,PM10 and PM2.5.However,level. construction-related emissions would •Soil with 5%or greater silt content exceed SCAQMD LSTs for PM10 and that is stockpiled for more than two PM2.5.With implementation of days must be covered and treated mitigation,temporary construction with soil binders to prevent dust impacts would be Class II,significant generation. but mitigable.•Trucks transporting material must be tarped from the point of origin or must maintain at least two feet of freeboard. •Soil stabilizers must be applied to unpaved roads to prevent excess amounts of dust. •All material excavated or graded must be treated with soil binders preferably in the moming,midday and after work is done for the day. •Ground cover must be replaced in disturbed areas as quickly as possible. •All clearing,grading,earth moving, or excavation activities must cease during periods of high winds (i.e., greater than 20 mph averaged over one hour)so as to prevent r City of Rancho Palos Verdes ES-6 3-14 Zone 2 Landslide Moratorium Ordinance Revisions EIR Executive Summary Table ES-1 Summary of Significant Environmental Impacts, Mitigation Measures,and Residual Impacts Impact Mitigation Measures Significance After Mitigation excessive amounts of dust. •The contractor must provide adequate loading/unloading areas that limit track-out onto adjacent roadways through the utilization of wheel washing,rumble plates,or another method achieving the same intent. •All material transported off-site must be securely covered to prevent excessive amounts of dust. •Face masks must be used by all employees involved in grading or " excavation operations during dry""ii' periods to reduce inhalation of dust which may contain the fungus which causes San Joaquin Valley Fever. •All residential units located within 500 feet of the construction site must be sent a notice regarding the construction schedule of the proposed project.A sign legible at a distance of 50 feet must also be posted in a prominent and visible location at the construction site,and must be maintained throughout the construction process.All notices and the signs must indicate the dates and duration of construction activities,as well as provide a telephone number where residents can inquire about the construction process and register complaints. •Visible dust beyond the property line emanating from the project must be prevented to the maximum extent feasible. •These control techniques must be indicated in project specifications. Compliance with the measure shall be subject to periodic site inspections by the City. AQ-1(b)Construction Vehicles. Trucks and other construction vehicles shall not park,queue and/or idle at the project sites or in the adjoining public or private rights-of-way before 7:00 am, Monday through Saturday,in accordance with the permitted hours of construction state in Section of the Rancho Palos Verdes Municipal Code. AQ-2 Operation of new residences None required.Less than significant without that could be built as a result ofthe mitiaation. City of Rancho Palos Verdes ES-7 3-15 Zone 2 Landslide Moratorium Ordinance Revisions EIR Executive Summary Table ES-1 Summary of Significant Environmental Impacts, Mitigation Measures,and Residual Impacts Impact Mitigation Measures Significance After Mitigation proposed ordinance revisions would generate air pollutant emissions. However,emissions would not exceed SCAQMD operational significance thresholds for ROG,NOX,CO,PM10 and PM2.5.Therefore,operational air quality impacts would be Class III,less than significant. AQ-3 Traffic that could be generated None required.Less than significant without by new residences constructed as a mitigation. result of adoption of the proposed ordinance.revisions,together with cumulative traffic growth in the area,"would not create carbon monoxide 'r concentrations exceeding state or federal standards.Localized air quality impacts would therefore be Class III, less than significant. AQ-4 Adoption of the proposed None required.Less than significant without ordinance revisions would have the mitigation. potential to generate population growth,but such growth would be within the population projections upon which the Air Quality Management Plan (AQMP)are based.Therefore,impacts associated with AQMP consistency for the project would be Class III,less than slanificant. BIOLOGICAL RESOURCES B10-1 Special Status Species.None required.Less than significant without Potential development that would be mitigation. facilitated by the proposed ordinance revisions would not significantly affect special status species due to the lack of suitable habitat,level and frequency of existing human disturbance onsite, and existing regulations under the Natural Overlay Control District (OC-1) that would restrict construction to areas not likely occupied by the San Diego desert wood rat.While the increased human presence is considered adverse,it would not be substantially different or increased over existing conditions,and no significant effect is anticipated.Therefore,impacts to Special Status Species would be Class III,less than significant. B10-2 Sensitive Plant Communities.B10-2 Biological Survey.For lots Implementation of Mitigation Development of some of the that are identified as containing Measure 810-2 would undeveloped lots in Zone 2 has the sensitive habitat on the City's most-reduce impacts to a less potential to significantly impact existing recent vegetation maps and/or that abut than significant level. or regrown Coastal Saoe Scrub habitat,anv portion of the current or proposed r City of Rancho Palos Verdes ES-8 3-16 Zone 2 Landslide Moratorium Ordinance Revisions EIR Executive Summary Table ES-1 Summary of Significant Environmental Impacts, Mitigation Measures,and Residual Impacts Impact Mitigation Measures Significance After Mitigation either through the direct removal of habitat during construction or as a result of Fire Department-mandated fuel modification on and/or off site (Le., in the Reserves)after construction of new residences.In that event,effects to this sensitive plant community would be considered potentially significant and impacts would be Class II, significant but mitigable. BIO-3 Wetland Habitat and Jurisdictional Drainages.Construction activities within eight lots adjacent to Altamira Canyon could potentially affect jurisdictional drainage areas.This impact is considered Class II, significant but mitigable. BIO-4 Wildlife Movement.No significant impacts are anticipated with respect to night lighting and noise aiven r future boundary of the Palos Verdes Nature Preserve,each applicant shall be required to prepare a biological survey as a part of a complete application for the development of the lot.Said survey shall identify the presence or absence of sensitive plant and animal species identified in the City's adopted NCCP on the subject property,and shall quantify the direct and indirect impacts of the construction of the residence upon such species, including off-site habitat impacts as a result of Fire Department-mandated flJet... modification.The applicant and/or any successors in interest to the subject property shall be required to mitigate such habitat loss through the payment of a mitigation fee to the City's Habitat Restoration Fund. BIO 3(a)Agency Coordination.The City shall review each application for construction and determine if proposed development is within the drainage channel within Altamira Canyon.If so, the applicant shall be required to obtain permits,agreements,and/or water quality certifications or correspondence indicating that none are necessary from applicable state and federal agencies regarding compliance with state and federal laws governing work within jurisdictional waters.Such agencies would include the California Department of Fish and Game,the United States Army Corps of Engineers,and the Los Angeles Regional Water Quality Control Board.The applicant shall provide such permits and/or agreements prior to the granting of a building or grading permit. BIO 3(b)Habitat Restoration.In the event an application for construction would result in the loss of riparian or wetland vegetation,the applicant shall restore such habitat at a minimum ratio of 1:1 for temporary loss and 3:1 for permanent loss.Such restoration can occur either on site or within disturbed areas of the Palos Verdes Nature Preserve as determined and approved bv the City. BIO-4 Nesting Bird Surveys and Avoidance.The City shall require that tree orunina and removal is conducted ES-9 Implementation of mitigation measures B10-3 (a-b)would reduce impacts to a less than significant level. Implementation of Mitigation Measure B10-4 would reduce impacts to a less City of Rancho Palos Verdes 3-17 Zone 2 Landslide Moratorium Ordinance Revisions EIR Executive Summary Table ES-1 Summary of Significant Environmental Impacts, Mitigation Measures,and Residual Impacts Impact Mitigation Measures Significance After Mitigation the existing residential use of the area.outside of the bird breeding season than significant level. Although the regionally important (generally February 1 through August habitat area (RIHA)is protected by the 31).If vegetation clearing (including tree policies of the Natural Overlay District pruning and removal)or other project (OC-1),tree removal associated with construction is to be initiated during the development facilitated by the bird breeding season,pre-construction proposed project could affect birds nesting bird surveys shall be conducted including the Califomia gnatcatcher.by a qualified biologist.To avoid the Impacts to nesting birds as a result of destruction of active nests and to tree removal would be Class II,protect the reproductive success of significant but mitigable.birds protected by MBTA and the Fish and Game Code of California,nesting bird surveys shall be performed twice I" per week during the three weeks prigr ',. to the scheduled felling of the trees on the site.The surveys shall be conducted by a qualified biologist approved by the Community Development Director.If any active· non-raptor bird nests are found,the tree(s)or vegetation shall not be cut down and a suitable buffer area (varying from 25-300 feet)depending on the particular species found is established from the nest,and that area is avoided until the nest becomes inactive (vacated).If any active raptor bird nests are found,a suitable buffer area (typically 250-500 feet from the nest)depending upon the species,the proposed work activity,and existing disturbances associated with land uses outside of the site,shall be determined and demarcated by the biologist with bright orange construction fencing, flagging,construction lathe,or other means to mark the boundary.All construction personnel shall be notified as to the existence of the buffer zone and to avoid entering the buffer zone during the nesting season.No ground disturbing activities shall occur within this buffer until the City-approved biologist has confirmed that breeding/nesting is completed and the young have fledged the nest.Nesting birds surveys are not required for construction activities occurring from September 1 to January 31. 810-5 Local Policies and Ordinances.None required.Less than significant without The proposed ordinance revisions mitigation. would not conflict with local policies or ordinances protecting biological resources.Impacts would be Class III, less than significant. City of Rancho Palos Verdes ES-10 3-18 Zone 2 Landslide Moratorium Ordinance Revisions EIR Executive Summary Table ES-1 Summary of Significant Environmental Impacts, Mitigation Measures,and Residual Impacts Impact Mitigation Measures Significance After Mitigation B10-6 Conflict with Adopted Habitat BIO 6(a)Structure Location.To avoid Less than significant. Preservation Plan or Natural the need for continued fuel Communities Conservation Plan.management within the Filiorum Potential development under the Reserve,the City shall require that all proposed ordinance revisions would structures for those lots abutting the have the potential to conflict with Filiorum Reserve property boundary are guidelines of the NCCP.Therefore,located at least 100 feet from that impacts would be Class II,significant boundary. but mitigable. BIO 6(b)Perimeter Fences.As part of approvals for development on the individual subject lots,the City shall require that lots adjoining the Filiorum Reserve are fenced sufficient to pre~!imt;. the ready egress of domestic animals into the Reserve.In addition,no gates or other means of ingress into the Reserve shall be permitted. BIO 6(c)Construction Best Management Practices.The following measures shall be required for those lots that abut Reserve lands as part of construction monitoring for the site: •Contractors shall be educated regarding the off-site Reserve and the need to keep equipment and personnel within the project site prior to the initiation of construction. •Temporary construction fencing shall be placed at the planned limits of disturbance adjacent to the Reserve. •Construction should be scheduled to avoid the bird nesting season (see Mitigation Measure 810-4 above). •Construction grading adjacent to drainages shall be scheduled for the dry season whenever feasible. BI0-6(d)Construction Staging and Stockpiling Areas.Grading and building plans submitted for City review and approval for those lots abutting Reserve lands shall identify areas for construction staging,fueling and stockpiling if needed.These areas shall be located as far as practical from Reserve lands,and not closer than 50 feet from the PVNP boundarv. CULTURAL RESOURCES City of Rancho Palos Verdes ES-11 3-19 Zone 2 Landslide Moratorium Ordinance Revisions EIR Executive Summary Table ES-1 Summary of Significant Environmental Impacts, Mitigation Measures,and Residual Impacts Impact Mitigation Measures Significance After Mitigation CR-1 Potential development that the proposed ordinance revisions could facilitate on the undeveloped lots, which could include up to 1,000 cubic yards of grading per lot,has the potential to disturb as-yet undetected areas of prehistoric archaeological significance.This is considered a Class II,significant but mitigable, impact. CR-1 Archaeological Monitoring. Prior to the commencement of grading, the applicant shall retain a qualified archeologist to monitor grading and excavation.In the event undetected buried cultural resources are encountered during grading and excavation,work shall be halted or diverted from the resource area and the archeologist shall evaluate the remains and propose appropriate mitigation measures. Implementation of Mitigation Measure CR-1 would reduce impacts to a less than significant level. CR-2 Grading for development that could be facilitated by the proposed ordinance revisions has low potential to disturb any paleontological resources.Impacts to paleontological resources would be Class III,less than sianificant. CR-3 Grading for development that could be facilitated by the proposed ordinance revisions has the potential to disturb human remains,including those interred outside of formal cemeteries.With adherence to existing regulations that address discovery of human remains during grading and construction,impacts would be Class III,less than sianificant. GEOLOGY None required. None required. ,Less than significant without 'flo'mitigation. Less than significant without mitigation. GEO-1 Seismically-induced ground shaking could result in the exposure of people and structures that could be introduced to the area as a result of the proposed ordinance revisions to adverse effects.However,mandatory compliance with applicable CBC requirements would reduce impacts to a Class III,less than sianificant,level. GEO-2 Construction on individual lots in Zone 2 facilitated by the proposed ordinance revisions could cause or accelerate erosion,such that slope failure could occur.Operation of the project,which would allow for 47 single-family homes to be developed in the project area,could potentially cause or accelerate downstream erosion.However,with implementation of Mitigation Measure HWQ-1 and Mitigation Measure HWQ-4 identified in Section 4.8, Hydrology and Water Quality,impacts would be Class II,sianificant but r None required. Mitigation Measure HWQ-1,as identified in Section 4.8,Hydrology and Water Quality,would be required to reduce erosion during construction to a less than significant level.In addition, pursuant to Mitigation Measure HWQ-4 in Section 4.8,Hydrology and Water Quality,each of the individual developers would be required to comply with each of the points listed below, pursuant to the review and approval by the City Building Official: •Illustrate that point flow on each of the properties is either normalized, ES-12 Less than significant without mitigation. Impacts would be less than significant with implementation of mitigation measures HWQ-1 and HWQ-4. City of Rancho Palos Verdes 3-20 Zone 2 Landslide Moratorium Ordinance Revisions EIR Executive Summary Table ES-1 Summary of Significant Environmental Impacts, Mitigation Measures,and Residual Impacts Impact Mitigation Measures Significance After Mitigation mitigable.attenuated adequately,or will reach an acceptable conveyance such as a storm drain,channel,or natural drainage course.All runoff shall be directed to an acceptable conveyance and shall not be allowed to drain to localized sumps or catchment areas with no outlet.·Maintain existing drainage pattems and outlet at historical outlet points·Minimize changes to the character of the runoff at property lines. Changes in character include "concentration of flow outletting ofJ,to':;. adjacent properties or increasing the frequency or duration of runoff outletting onto adjacent properties·Reduce increases in runoff by utilizing appropriate and applicable low impact development principles·Provide onsite detention facilities or conveyance to acceptable off-lot conveyance devices·Minimize "Dry Weather"runoff which could add to the total infiltration from the oroiect GEO-3 The project area is located on GEO-3(a)Geotechnical Impacts would be reduced to a geologic unit that could be unstable Recommendations.Prior to issuance below a level of significance or could potentially become unstable of any Grading Permit or Building under CEQA with as a result of development facilitated Permit,individual project applicants implementation of mitigation by the proposed ordinance revisions.shall comply with all recommendations measures GEO-3(a)and With implementation of mitigation contained within the Geotechnical Study GEO-3(b)and compliance measures GEO-3(a)and GEO-3(b),prepared by LGC Valley,Inc.,dated with applicable requirements impacts would be Class II,significant March 29,2011,including the following:of the most recent CBC. but mitigable.·Conform to the City of Rancho Palos Verdes Landslide Moratorium Ordinance (Rancho Palos Verdes Municipal Code Chapter 15.20).·Less than 1,000 cubic yards of grading (cut and fill combined)per lot,with no more than 50 cubic yards of imported fill per lot.·The property owners shall agree to participate in the Abalone Cove Landslide Abatement District and/or o~errecognaedorapproved districts whose purpose is to maintain the land in a geologically stable condition.No proposed building activity may cause lessening of stability in the zone.·Prior to issuance of a building permit,a geotechnical report shall be submitted to and aooroved by the r City of Rancho Palos Verdes ES-13 3-21 Zone 2 Landslide Moratorium Ordinance Revisions EIR Executive Summary Table ES-1 Summary of Significant Environmental Impacts, Mitigation Measures,and Residual Impacts Impact Mitigation Measures Significance After Mitigation City's geotechnical reviewers indicating what,if any,lot-local and immediately adjacent geologic hazards must be addressed and/or corrected prior to,or during construction.Said report shall specify foundation designs based on field and laboratory studies.·All houses shall connect to a public sanitary sewer system.Any necessary easements shall be provided.·Stonn drainage improvements to 000 reduce lot infiltration of run-off shall')" be designed and approved by the City prior to issuance of building pennits.·All lot drainage deficiencies,if any, identified by City staff shall be corrected.The design of pools, ponds and sumps shall be subject to City review and approval.·Runoff from all buildings and paved areas shall be collected and directed to the street or to an approved drainage course as approved by the City Engineer.·All other relevant building code requirements shall be met. GEO-3(b)Covenant.Individual project applicants shall submit for recordation a covenant agreeing to construct the project strictly in accordance with the approved plans and agreeing to prohibit further projects on the subject site without first filing an application with the Director pursuant to the terms of Chapter 15.20 of the Rancho Palos Verdes Municipal Code.Such covenant shall be submitted to the Director for recordation prior to the issuance of a build ina permit. GEO-4 The project area is in a Mitigation measures GEO-3(a)and Impacts would be reduced to Seismic Hazard Zone for earthquake-GEO-3(b)above would be required to below a level of significance induced landslides.Therefore,reduce impacts to a less than significant under CEQA with project area development would level.In particular,Mitigation Measure incorporation of mitigation inherently be subject to risks GEO-3(a)would require each applicant measures GEO-3(a)and associated with seismically-induced to submit a geotechnical report for GEO-3(b). landslides.However,with review and approval by the City's implementation of mitigation geotechnical reviewers indicating any measures GEO-3(a)and GEO-3(b)geologic hazards that need to be requiring that potential new addressed andlor corrected prior to construction on each lot be designed construction.In addition,Mitigation in compliance with site-specific Measure GEO-3(b)would reauire each City of Rancho Palos Verdes ES-14 3-22 Zone 2 Landslide Moratorium Ordinance Revisions EIR Executive Summary Table ES-1 Summary of Significant Environmental Impacts, Mitigation Measures,and Residual Impacts Impact Mitigation Measures Significance After Mitigation geotechnical recommendations,individual project applicant to record a impacts would be Class II,significant covenant agreeing to construct the but mitigable.project strictly in accordance with the approved plans.Because each individual single-family residential site would be required to prepare a geotechnical report and would be required to construct the project strictly according to approved plans,potential seismically-induced landsliding effects would be addressed on a site-specific basis. GEO-5 The project area is not None required.,Less than significant without susceptible to liquefaction,ground 'jfo mitigation.,,,,,, lurching,lateral spreading or seismic settlement.Impacts would be Class III,less than significant. GEO-6 Soils within the project area Implementation of mitigation measures With implementation of are moderately to highly expansive.GEO-3(a)and GEO-3(b)would be mitigation measures GEO- With implementation of mitigation required to reduce impacts related to 3(a)and GEO-3(b),impacts measures GEO-3(a)and GEO-3(b),expansive soils.Mitigation Measure related to expansive soils impacts related to expansive soils GEO-3(a),as described above,requires would be reduced to a less would be Class II,significant but that the project conform to the City of than significant level. mitigable.Rancho Palos Verdes Landslide Moratorium Ordinance,grade less than 1,000 cubic yards per lot,participate in ACLAD and/or other recognized or approved districts whose purpose is to maintain the land in a geologically stable condition,and submit a geotechnical report to the City's geotechnical reviewers prior to construction.Further,Mitigation Measure GEO-3(b)would ensure that these geotechnical report recommendations are actually implemented into the project by requiring individual project applicants to record a covenant agreeing to construct the project strictly in accordance with the approved plans.With implementation of the recommendations contained in the geotechnical report as required by Mitigation Measure GEO- 3(a)and by constructing the project strictly according to approved plans as required by Mitigation Measure GEO- 3(b),impacts related to expansive soils would be reduced to a less than significant level. GREENHOUSE GAS EMISSIONS r City of Rancho Palos Verdes ES-15 3-23 Zone 2 Landslide Moratorium Ordinance Revisions EIR Executive Summary Table ES-1 Summary of Significant Environmental Impacts, Mitigation Measures,and Residual Impacts Impact Mitigation Measures Significance After Mitigation GHG-1 Development that could be None required.Less than significant without facilitated by the proposed ordinance mitigation. revisions would generate additional GHG emissions beyond existing conditions.However,GHG emissions generated by full development potential within Zone 2 would not exceed relevant significance thresholds.Further,the proposed project would be generally consistent with the Climate Action Team GHG reduction .strategies,the 2008 Attorney General Greenhouse Gas "Reduction Measures and the '!I' CAPCOA GHG Model Policies Guide. Impacts would be Class III,less than significant. FIRE PROTECTION FIRE-1 The project area is located in FIRE-1 (a)Fuel-Load Vegetation Upon implementation of a Very High Fire Hazard Severity Management.Each applicant shall be mitigation measures FIRE- Zone and is adjacent to the required to prepare a fuel modification 1(a)and FIRE-1(b),impacts Portuguese Bend and Upper Filiorum plan pursuant to the requirements of related to fire hazards would subareas of the Rancho Palos Verdes LACFD.The LACFD shall review and be less than significant. Nature Preserve on the north,east approve the plan prior to issuance of a and west.New residences building or grading permit.The fuel constructed as a result of adoption of modification plan shall at a minimum the proposed ordinance revisions include the following: could expose people or structures to risks associated with wildland fires.•Vegetation clearance requirements Impacts would be Class II,significant around all new structures within a but mitigable.minimum 100 foot buffer,or greater, as determined by LACFD; • A landscaping plan using plants recommended for the Rancho Palos Verdes area and selected from the desirable plant list for setback, irrigated,or thinning zone;and • A regularly scheduled brush clearance of vegetation on and adjacent to all applicable access roads,power lines,and structures. FIRE-1(b)Fire Protection Requirements.New,single-family residences and related accessory structures shall be designed to incorporate all fire protection requirements of the City's most recently adopted Building Code,to the satisfaction of the Buildina Official. HYDROLOGY AND WATER QUALITY HWQ-1 During construction of the HWQ-1 Construction pollution,Impacts would be less than proposed project,the soil surface sediment and erosion control.Prior significant with would be subject to erosion and the to issuance of any Grading Permit or implementation of Mitigation downstream watershed,includina the Buildina Permit,each applicant shall Measure HWQ-1. r City of Rancho Palos Verdes ES-16 3-24 Zone 2 Landslide Moratorium Ordinance Revisions EIR Executive Summary Table ES-1 Summary of Significant Environmental Impacts, Mitigation Measures,and Residual Impacts Impact Mitigation Measures Significance After Mitigation Pacific Ocean,could be subject to prepare a Construction Erosion Control temporary sedimentation and and Water Quality Plan for the review discharges of various pollutants.and approval of the Building Official. However,with implementation of The applicant shall be responsible for Mitigation Measure HWQ-1,impacts continuous and effective relating to the potential for discharge implementation of the plan during of various pollutants,including construction of each residence.The sediment,would be Class II,plan shall include Best Management significant but mitigable.Practices that may include,but not be limited to,the following: •Erosion Control.Eroded sediments from areas disturbed by construction "and from stockpiles of soil shall be"',. retained on site to minimize sediment transport from the site to streets, drainage facilities or adjacent properties via runoff,vehicle tracking or wind.Utilize erosion control techniques,such as soil stabilizers, covering soil during construction,wind blocking devices,cease grading during high winds,use of soil binders (watering graded soils should be avoided),filtration devices,and stabilizing ingress/egress points. Reduce fugitive dust to the maximum extent practicable. •Erosion from slopes and channels shall be controlled by implementing an effective combination of BMPs (as approved in Regional Board Resolution No.99-03),such as the limiting of grading schedule during the wet season;inspecting graded areas during rain events;planting and maintenance of vegetation on slopes; and covering erosion susceptible slopes. •Pollutant Detainment Methods. Protect downstream drainages from escaping pollutants by capturing materials carried in runoff and preventing transport from the site. Examples of detainment methods that retard movement of water and separate sediment and other contaminants are silt fences,hay bales,sand bags,berms,silt and debris basins. •Construction Materials Control. Construction related materials, wastes,spills or residues shall be retained on site to minimize transport from the site to streets,drainage City of Rancho Palos Verdes ES-17 3-25 Zone 2 Landslide Moratorium Ordinance Revisions EIR Executive Summary Table ES-1 Summary of Significant Environmental Impacts, Mitigation Measures,and Residual Impacts Impact Mitigation Measures Significance After Mitigation facilities or adjoining properties by wind or runoff.Runoff from equipment and vehicle washing shall be contained at construction sites unless treated to remove sediment and pollutants.Non-Stormwater runoff from equipment and vehicle washing and any other activity shall be contained at the project site. •RecyclinglDisposal.Maintain a clean site.This includes proper recycling of construction related materials and equipment fluids.I" •Cleanup and dispose of small OJ.''' construction wastes (i.e.,dry concrete)aoorooriatelv. HWQ-2 Development that would be HWQ-2 NPDES Review.Any Impacts would be less than facilitated by the proposed ordinance development proposal located within,significant with revisions would incrementally adjacent to or draining into a designated implementation of Mitigation increase the amount of impermeable Environmentally Sensitive Area (ESA)Measure HWQ-2.. surfaces in the project area,and and involving the creation of two potential new development would thousand five hundred square feet or also generate various urban more (>2,500 SF)of impervious pollutants such as oil,herbicides and surface shall require the review and pesticides,which could adversely approval by the City's National Pollutant affect surface water quality.With Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) implementation of Mitigation consultant prior to building permit Measure HWQ-2,impacts related to issuance. surface water quality would be Class II,sianificant but mitiaable. HWQ-3 Potential buildout under the None required.Less than significant without proposed ordinance revisions would mitigation. incrementally increase the amount of impermeable surface within the project area,which would affect the location and amount of infiltration. Based on the hydrologic and geologic conditions in the project area,impacts related to groundwater recharge would be Class III,less than significant. HWQ-4 Potential buildout under the HWQ-4 Flooding.Prior to issuance of Impacts would be less than proposed ordinance revisions would any grading permit or building permit,significant with incrementally increase the amount of the applicant for any individual implementation of Mitigation onsite impermeable surface area,construction project shall comply with Measure HWQ-4 which may increase storm water the following,pursuant to the review flows and create localized flooding.and approval by the City Building However,with implementation of Official: Mitigation Measure GEO-3 and Mitigation Measure HWQ-4,buildout ·Illustrate that point (concentrated) under the ordinance revisions would flow on each of the properties is result in a flow rate generally similar either normalized,attenuated to existing conditions.Therefore,adequately,or will reach an impacts related to storm water runoff acceptable conveyance such as a would be Class II,sianificant but storm drain,channel,or natural r City of Rancho Palos Verdes ES-18 3-26 Zone 2 Landslide Moratorium Ordinance Revisions EIR Executive Summary Table ES-1 Summary of Significant Environmental Impacts, Mitigation Measures,and Residual Impacts Impact Mitigation Measures Significance After Mitigation mitigable.drainage course.All runoff shall be directed to an acceptable conveyance and shall not be allowed to drain to localized sumps or catchment areas with no outlet.·Maintain existing drainage patterns and outlet at historical outlet points·Minimize changes to the character of the runoff at property lines. Changes in character include concentration of flow outletting onto adjacent properties or increasing the frequency or duration of runoff ,'; outletting onto adjacent propertie~',.·Reduce increases in runoff by" utilizing appropriate and applicable low impact development principles·Provide onsite detention facilities or conveyance to acceptable off-lot conveyance devices·Minimize "Dry Weather"runoff which could add to the total infiltration from the oroiect HWQ-5 Adoption of the proposed HWQ-5 Standards of Construction in Impacts would be less than ordinance revisions would allow for a Flood Zone 0 Area.Prior to significant with the construction of up to 47 single-issuance of any grading permit or implementation of Mitigation family homes within the project area.building permit,the applicant for any Measure HWQ-5 Several of the single-family homes construction project located in an area could be constructed in an area in designated as Zone D by FEMA shall which there is a potential for flood comply with the following,pursuant to hazards to exist.However,with Section 15.42.120 of the City of Rancho implementation of Mitigation Palos Verdes Municipal Code.Plans Measure HWQ-5,flooding impacts shall be reviewed and approved would be Class II,significant but accordingly by the City Building Official: mitigable.·All new construction shall be designed to be adequately anchored to prevent flotation,collapse or lateral movement of the structure resulting from hydrodynamic and hydrostatic loads,including the effects of buoyancy·All new construction shall be constructed with materials and utility equipment resistant to flood damage·All new construction shall be constructed using methods and practices that minimize flood damage·All new construction shall be constructed with electrical,heating, ventilation,plumbing and air conditioning equipment and other service facilities that are designed and/or located so as to orevent r City of Rancho Palos Verdes ES-19 3-27 Zone 2 Landslide Moratorium Ordinance Revisions EIR Executive Summary Table ES-1 Summary of Significant Environmental Impacts, Mitigation Measures,and Residual Impacts NOISE Impact Mitigation Measures water from entering or accumulating within the components during conditions of f100dina Significance After Mitigation N-1 Short-term project construction would intermittently generate high noise levels on and adjacent to the site.This would be a Class II, significant but mitigable impact. N-2 Construction facilitated by the proposed ordinance revisions could generate intermittent levels of groundborne vibration affecting residences and other buildings near the project site.However,these impacts are temporary in nature and would not exceed existing thresholds.Therefore,impacts would be less than sianificant. N·3 Traffic generated by the potential development of up to 47 new residences in Zone 2 would incrementally increase noise levels on area roadways.However,the increase in noise would not exceed significance thresholds and would therefore be Class III,less than significant. TRAFFIC AND CIRCULA TlON N·1 Construction Schedule. Permitted hours and days of construction activity are 7:00 a.m.to 7:00 p.m.,Monday through Saturday, with no construction activity permitted on Sundays or on the legal holidays specified in Section 17.96.920 of the Rancho Palos Verdes Municipal Code without a special construction permit. None required. None required. Compliance with this mitigation measure would reduce construction noise impacts of the proposed project to a less than significant level. 'if'Less than significant without mitigation. Less than significant without mitigation. T-1 The potential increase in vehicles traveling on the surrounding roadway network from buildout under the proposed ordinance revisions would not result in significant impacts at any of the study area intersections under existing plus project conditions. However,the increase in vehicle trips under cumulative conditions would result in significant impacts at three of the study area intersections. Mitigation Measure T-1(a)would reduce impacts to a less than significant level at the intersection of Hawthorne BoulevardNia Rivera. However,mitigation measures T-1 b through c were found to be infeasible and would not reduce cumulative impacts to a less than significant level at Forrestal Drive/Palos Verdes Drive South and Seahill Drive- r T -1 (a)Hawthorne BoulevardNia Rivera.The individual project applicants shall provide a proportionate fair share contribution to the City to restripe the southbound approach of Via Rivera to provide two lanes (a 10-foot wide single left-turn lane and a 12-foot wide optional through-right combination lane)and/or a traffic signal shall be installed at the intersection of Hawthorne Boulevard and Via Rivera in order to improve overall operations and assignment of motorist right-of-way. T-1(b)Seahill Drive·Tramonto Drive/Palos Verdes Drive South.The individual project applicants shall provide a proportionate fair-share contribution towards the modification of the intersection to provide an acceleration lane to better facilitate the northbound left-turn movement (from ES-20 Mitigation Measure T-1(a) would reduce the potentially significant project-related impact to the intersection of Hawthorne BoulevardNia Rivera to a less than significant level. Mitigation Measure T-1(b» would require the applicant to provide a proportionate fair-share contribution towards the modification of the intersection to provide an acceleration lane to better facilitate the northbound left-turn movement (from Seahill Drive)onto westbound Palos Verdes Drive South. However,since the fair share contribution to this City of Rancho Palos Verdes 3-28 Zone 2 Landslide Moratorium Ordinance Revisions EIR Executive Summary Table ES-1 Summary of Significant Environmental Impacts, Mitigation Measures,and Residual Impacts Impact Mitigation Measures Significance After Mitigation Tramonto Drive/Palos Verdes Drive Seahill Drive)onto westbound Palos mitigation measure would South.Impacts at these two Verdes Drive South.(Note that the City not allow the City tb fully intersections would therefore be can only require a fair share payment;implement the measure Class I,significant and unavoidable.therefore,implementation of the absent of other funding improvements required in this Mitigation resources,the mitigation Measure cannot be guaranteed.was conservatively deemed Impacts at this intersection would be infeasible and no feasible significant and unavoidable).mitigation measures were identified that would mitigate T-1(c)Forrestal DrivelPalos Verdes project-related impacts at Drive South.A traffic signal shall be this location.Impacts would installed at this intersection in order to be significant and improve overall operations and J,mavoidable. assignment of motorist right-of-way.fJ' (Note that impacts at this intersectioH Mitigation Measure T-1(c) have been assumed to be significant would require a traffic signal and unavoidable.Please see to be installed at this discussion under Significance After intersection.Although Mitigation for furlher explanation.)installation of the signal may be technically feasible,there may be other policy reasons for finding the traffic signal inappropriate and infeasible at this time.If the City were to approve signalization of the intersection,the impact would be reduced to less than significant.If,however, the City determines that signalization is not feasible, no other feasible mitigation measures were identified that would mitigate project- related impacts at this location.Therefore, assuming that the City does not authorize signalization of the intersection,the project's impact at this intersection would be significant and unavoidable. T -2 The proposed project would None required.Less than significant without increase traffic levels along mitigation. roadways in the vicinity of the project site.However,the projected increases are below City-adopted thresholds at both studied street segments.Therefore,impacts to these two street segments would be Class III,less than sianificant. T -3 Based on Los Angeles County None required.Less than significant without Congestion Management Program mitigation. (CMP)criteria,impacts to CMP identified freeway monitoring seaments and arterial intersections r City of Rancho Palos Verdes ES-21 3-29 Zone 2 Landslide Moratorium Ordinance Revisions EIR Executive Summary Table ES-1 Summary of Significant Environmental Impacts, Mitigation Measures,and Residual Impacts Impact Mitigation Measures Significance After Mitigation as a result of buildout under the proposed project would be Class III, less than siqnificant. T -4 Access to the project site during None required.Less than significant without construction activity and during the mitigation. operational phase of the project would be provided via Narcissa Drive and Peppertree Drive. Although there would be an increase of traffic during construction activity, construction traffic would not result in any significant impacts.In addition,emergency access during c" both construction and operational ',," phases would be adequate to serve the Portuguese Bend community. Therefore,impacts relating to site access and circulation would be Class III,less than siqnificant. T -5 Development facilitated by the None required.Less than significant without proposed project would not conflict mitigation. with adopted policies,plans,or programs supporting alternative transportation.Impacts relating to alternative transportation would be less than siqnificant. UTILITIES AND SERVICE SYSTEMS U-1 Wastewater conveyance and U-1 Holding Tank System.If the Less than significant with treatment systems are adequate to director of Public Works determines that implementation of mitigation serve the potential for up to 47 new the sanitary sewer system cannot measures U-1 through U-5. residences to be built in the project accommodate a new connection at the area.However,individual new time of building permit issuance,the residences that could be constructed project shall be connected to a City under the proposed ordinance approved holding tank system until such revisions would require the time as the sanitary sewer system can extension of wastewater conveyance accommodate the project.In such facilities.This impact would be cases,once the sanitary sewer system Class II,significant but mitigable.becomes available to serve the project, as determined by the Director of Public Works,the holding tank system shaH be removed,and the project shall be connected to the sanitary sewer system. U-2 Additional Plumbing.If the project involves additional plumbing fixtures,or additions of habitable space which exceed 200 square feet,or could be used as a new bedroom,bathroom, laundry room or kitchen,and if the lot or parcel is not served by a sanitary sewer system,septic systems shall be replaced with approved holding tank systems in which to dispose of on-site waste water.The capacity of the r City of Rancho Palos Verdes ES-22 3-30 Zone 2 Landslide Moratorium Ordinance Revisions EIR Executive Summary Table ES-1 Summary of Significant Environmental Impacts, Mitigation Measures,and Residual Impacts Impact Mitigation Measures Significance After Mitigation required holding tank system shall be subject to the review and approval of the City's Building Official.For the purposes of this mitigation measure,the addition of a sink to an existing bathroom,kitchen or laundry room shall not be construed to be an additional plumbing fixture.For those projects which involve additions of less than 200 hundred square feet in total area and which are not to be used as a new bedroom,bathroom,laundry room or kitchen,the applicant shall submit for recordation a covenant specifically ij.r.. agreeing that the addition of the habitable space will not be used for those purposes.Such covenant shall be submitted to the Director for recordation prior to the issuance of a building permit.For lots or parcels which are to be served by a sanitary sewer system on or after July 6,2000,additional plumbing fixtures may be permitted and the requirement for a holding tank may be waived,provided that the lot or parcel is to be connected to the sanitary sewer system.If a sanitary sewer system is approved and/or under construction but is not yet operational at the time that a project requiring a landslide moratorium exception permit is approved,the requirement for a holding tank may be waived,provided that the lot or parcel is required to be connected to the sanitary sewer system pursuant to Section 15.20.110 of the Rancho Palos Verdes Municipal Code, or by an agreement or condition of project approval. U-3 Participation in Future Sewer and/or Storm Drain Assessment District.If the lot or parcel is not served by a sanitary sewer system,the applicant shall submit for recordation a covenant agreeing to support and participate in existing or future sewer and/or storm drain assessment districts and any other geological and geotechnical hazard abatement measures required by the City.Such covenant shall be submitted to the Director prior to the issuance of a building permit. City of Rancho Palos Verdes ES-23 3-31 Zone 2 Landslide Moratorium Ordinance Revisions EIR Executive Summary Table ES-1 Summary of Significant Environmental Impacts, Mitigation Measures,and Residual Impacts Impact Mitigation Measures Significance After Mitigation U-4 Sewer and Storm Drain Easement.If the lot or parcel is not served by a sanitary sewer system,the applicant shall submit for recordation a covenant agreeing to an irrevocable offer to dedicate to the City a sewer and storm drain easement on the subject property,as well as any other easement required by the City to mitigate landslide conditions.Such convenant shall be submitted to the Director prior to the issuance of a building permit. U-5 Inspection of Sewer Lateral.If 'j}> the lot or parcel is served by a sanitary sewer system.the sewer lateral that served the applicant's property shall be inspected to verifty that there are no cracks,breaks or leaks and,if such deficiencies are present,the sewer lateral shall be repaired or reconstructed to eliminate them,prior to the issuance of a building permit for the project that is being approved pursuant to the issuance of a moratorium exception permit. r City of Rancho Palos Verdes ES-24 3-32