RPVCCA_CC_SR_2012_10_16_05_Partners_Community Volunteer_EventCrrvOF MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: DATE:. SUBJECT: REVIEWED: HONORABLE MAYOR &CITY COUNCIL MEMBERS JAMES HENDRICKSON,INTERIM DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS OCTOBER 16,2012 "PARTNERS",A COMMUNITY VOI::UNTEER EVENT PILOT PROGRAM CAROLYN LEHR,CITY MANAGER«£)..fo1"~l.. Project Managers:Nicole Jules,Sr.Engineer ,IJ IJ . Lauren Ramezani,Sr.Administrative Analyst ~ RECOMMENDATION Approve the pilot program,"Partners",a Community Volunteer Event,and direct staff to initiate the implementation process. BACKGROUND Many cities and agencies throughout California have community-oriented programs with the goal of beautifying or enhancing their medians,roads,parks and/or public rights-of-way areas through the involvement of their residents and community groups.Some programs solicit monetary contributions from donors to "Adopt a Median","Adopt a Road",etc.while other programs seek volunteers to help clean,replant and maintain medians and roads. The work performed by these volunteers helps offset maintenance costs and improves the aesthetic value of those areas. DISCUSSION In an earlier staff report,staff proposed an "Adopt a Median"(AAM)program whereby monetary donations are made to offset the cost of improving or maintaining a median or right-of-way area.In addition to the AAM program,staff is proposing an additional program entitled "Partners",a Community Volunteer Event (Partners)to be implemented as a pilot program. 5-1 Approve the "Partners"Program October 16,2012 Page 2 of 6 "Partners"would be a volunteer-based activity that will allow the community to donate time and service to help beautify a specific area.Coastal Cleanup Day is a similar type of volunteer program.On a pre-determined day at a pre-determined location,volunteers would help clean,de-weed and replant a median or corridor.The scope of work, depending on the location and the need,could include:clearing weeds,raking,removing trash and litter,pruning and removing overgrown plantings,planting,spreading mulch and/or performing other basic landscape management tasks.The idea is to utilize volunteer services in an effort to beautify the City while offsetting maintenance costs. Partners Program Goal "Partners"would aim to keep the City clean,green and beautiful by improving the aesthetics of a specific right-of-way area through an organized and advertised one-day community cleanup event.This program would allow volunteers the opportunity to make a difference in the City and give back to their community.Staff i~recommending the program to initiate as a pilot program so that staff could gauge the level of effort,outcome and community participation in the program.After the pilot activities,staff would report the findings to City Council and make a recommendation whether the program should continue as designed. Program Administration Staff proposes to keep the pilot program simple,being mindful of staff administration time during program implementation.Program guidelines would outline the details and provide a framework for the volunteers.Upon completion of the pilot program,staff would evaluate the results,and gather accurate cost and savings from the program prior to determining the feasibility of continuing the program.A positive outcome would be measured by community interest,number of participants,and work being performed properly and safely. A copy of the draft guidelines is included as an attachment to this report. Event Date and Frequency Staff proposes scheduling the event on a Saturday morning (possibly 9 am to noon)in Spring 2013 (April or May).Springtime is an ideal time to perform landscape maintenance. Additionally,scheduling the first volunteer activity during the springtime would give staff sufficient time to design and implement the program,schedule the Volunteer Day to reduce .other event conflicts and conduct adequate public outreach for volunteers.If the pilot program is successful,staff would recommend implementing the program with suggested enhancements or changes again approximately 6 months later for the Fall 2013. Location of Work The location of work will be predetermined by the Director of Public Works.Staff has identified the location of the first Volunteer Day event.The center median along Hawthorne Blvd as you enter the City from Rolling Hills Estates to Blackhorse Road is the ideal location.It is one of the most travelled main entries into the City.This median has overgrown ivy that is unsightly which makes irrigation infiltration difficult and costly. W:\Pam\Staff Reports\2012\1 0-16-12\Partners\RPVCCA_1 01612_Partners 1 .doc 5-2 Approve the "Partners"Program October 16,2012 Page 30f6 Scope of Work The scope of work includes median ivy removal and plant refurbishment.To accomplish this goal,some preliminary work would be completed by City crew work first. 1.One to two weeks prior to the event,City maintenance crew would dethatch the median ivy to a height of 2-inches above ground level.The built up thatch is preventing the water from penetrating the stem and leaves buildup contributing to the ivy's appearance and problems with overwatering. 2.One week prior to event,City maintenance crew would refurbish the irrigation system by removing and replacing standard irrigation valves,removing irrigation sprinklers, risers and nozzles and replacing them with precision,lower-flowing nozzles. The above activities would prepare the site for the work to be performed by volunteers. Subsequently,on the event day,volunteers would: 1.Remove the dethatched ivy clippings and place them in provided dumpster(s), 2.Clear the median noses of shrubs,pine needles and IVy from tip of nose to 1DO-feet back, 3.Plant the recommended plant palette*laid out by staff along median noses, 4.Add floor mulch,and 5.Water new plants. *The Hawthorne median noses will be a combination of a cluster of the Nandina Nana,two rows of Indian Hawthorn,two rows of dwarf variegated Pittosporum,and one row of the Emerald n Gold "winter creeper'.The median noses for planting are 12-feet wide and 100 feet in length. Staff has attached a conceptual drawing of the median nose showing how it could look after the cleanup work and replanting. Volunteer and Event Safety Safety would be priority number one.Staff would prepare an event-day traffic control plan and work closely with Lomita Sheriffs on providing on-site safety during the event.The number one lanes (lanes closest to the median)in both directions on Hawthorne would be .closed to traffic.Staff would designate volunteer parking and gathering areas.Traffic cones,caution tape and/or delineators would be used,where necessary.On event day, prior to commencement of work,mandatory volunteer safety training would be conducted and safety vests and gloves would be distributed.Staff would be on hand to answer questions,monitor and supervise the volunteers'activity.Furthermore,staff will determine the maximum number of volunteers for the event,and require a minimum age for volunteers (14 or older). Program Registration Pre-registration via mail or website (including signing a release of liability form)would be required.Volunteer Day particulars,including event time,date,job site location,scope of W:\Pam\Staff Reports\2012\1 0-16-12\Partners\RPVCCA_1 01612_Partners 1 .doc 5-3 Approve the "Partners"Program October 16,2012 Page 4 of 6 work,volunteer minimum age,recommended attire,maximum number of participants, parking,etc.would be available on the City website for review and downloading. Informational fliers will also be available at City facilities. Program Cost Savings The activities from the event would save General Fund expenditures that would have otherwise been spent by the City's contract landscape maintenance crews.This work would normally take approximately 8 days to complete with a crew of 4 landscape maintenance workers.However,with the Volunteer Day and approximately 20-30 volunteers,the level of effort for the work crews will be reduced to only 3-4 days.That reduction amounts to approximately $3,500 in monetary savings to the City by having the volunteers conduct a portion of the work.However,the administration costs of this pilot program will need to be considered in determining whether there is a net savings. However,staff believes that if this pilot program is successful,the administration costs for future Volunteer Day activities would be lower due to the reuse of supplies,website messaging and advertising material,and staff's familiarity and prior experience. Furthermore,it is important to note that the primary purpose of this program is to allow the volunteers an opportunity to work on a project,beautify a median and give back to their community. Program Costs Implementing the pilot "Partners"program would have the following hard and soft costs: •Pre-event staff time activities: o developing logistics (outlining a detailed scope of work and marking the cleanup and planting areas,estimating the number of needed volunteers), o promoting and advertising the event (breaking news emails,fliers,PSA, newsletter articles,billing inserts,press releases), o answering public inquires, o creating registration and liability release forms,and link to City website, o receiving on-line and mailed registration and liability release forms, o reviewing registration and liability release forms for completeness, o creating a volunteer data base,assigning volunteer tasks,monitoring total # of volunteers, o calculating and purchasing needed supplies (safety vests,gloves,rakes, plants), o arranging for placement and removal of dumpsters, o sending confirmation and/or reminder emails (location map,parking and walking direction)to volunteers, o preparing event day traffic control plan,and o notifying the immediate neighborhoods of event day traffic. W:\Pam\Staff Reports\2012\10-16-12\Partners\RPVCCA_101612_Partners 1 .doc 5-4 Approve the "Partners"Program October 16,2012 Page 50f6 •Event day staff time activities: o placing traffic controls such cones,delineators,and tapes, o checking in/out volunteers, o distributing supplies and retrieving supplies, o conducting mandatory safety instruction, o placing volunteers at assigned work areas,and o supervising,assistance,problem solving,and first aid. •Event day Sheriff's (public safety)time activities: o assisting traffic flow,volunteer parking and walking safety •End of event staff time activities: o final cleanup, o inventorying and storage of supplies,and o removing traffic controls such cones,delineator~and caution tapes •Post event staff time activities: o Receiving feedback,and evaluating program outcome Monetary Contributions/Donations Monetary donations from participants,although not mandatory,would be accepted and encouraged.Such donations could be in addition to,or in lieu of participating in the cleanup activities.Volunteers could donate as little as $10 which is the purchase price of one plant.Donors would receive a "Donor"ribbon on clean up day as a symbol "thanks". Donors and/or volunteers could also be recognized on the City's website,or by the Mayor at a future Council meeting. Public Outreach If approved by Council,staff would start advertising for the program in early 2013. Outreach would be via:City website,Breaking News and list server announcements,press releases,posted banners,Mayor's Announcement,City newsletter,PSA,and notices to various local adult and teen volunteer groups. Program Evaluation and Feedback Staff would solicit feedback from participants at the end of the event via City website, phone and/or mail.Staff will then analyze the program costs.Finally,staff would report the findings to Council. Program Name The proposed event name,"Partners",a Community Volunteer Event,is a placeholder. The City Council may choose an alternate name for the event.Some other name suggested include:Partners-Hands in Gloves,Median Partners,Median Makeovers, Median Mania,and Median Pizzazz. W:\Pam\Staff Reports\2012\1 0-16-12\Partners\RPVCCA_1 01612_Partners 1 .doc 5-5 Approve the "Partners"Program October 16,2012 Page 6of6 ALTERNATIVES 1.Do not approve of the proposed pilot "Partners"program. 2.Direct staff to make program changes as suggested by Council and implement the revised pilot "Partners"program. 3.Require a mandatory volunteer contribution towards purchasing plant material and/or offsetting program administration time.The Amount could to be determined by Council. FISCAL IMPACT It is estimated that the cost of administering the program would at least initially exceed the value of the labor saved.Costs associated with staff time,materials and pre-event preparati6n would be paid for from the street maintenance budget.This cost could partially be offset by the estimated labor savings in the amount of $3,500.There will also be some utility (water)savings realized as a result of this activity.If Council chooses to move forward with staff's recommendation,a more exact cost analysis would be prepared and presented at the conclusion of the first pilot program.Finally,median maintenance is budgeted under street maintenance and is funded by General Fund. Attachments:Proposed Partners Program Draft Guidelines Conceptual Drawing of Project Site after Cleanup and New Landscaping W:\Pam\Staff Reports\2012\1 0-16-12\Partners\RPVCCA_101612_Partners 1 .doc 5-6 "Partners",a Community Volunteer Event Pilot Program Guidelines The goal of the pilot "Partners"program,a Community Volunteer Event,is to keep our City beautiful by helping clean up and revitalize a median through an organized one-day community cleanup program.The City of Rancho Palos Verdes is looking for individual or group volunteers (volunteers)to make a difference and give back to this community, while helping to reduce the City's median maintenance costs. Project Information Frequency: Project Location: Project Date &Time: Work Description: Volunteer Responsibilities: Donations: City Responsibilities: Single Pilot Program Hawthorne Blvd.median-Northern City Entrance to Blackhorse Spring 2013.Saturday Morning (exact date TBD by City) Under direct supervision of City staff,volunteers will clear weeds,shrubs and ivy;rake leaves and ivy;remove trash and debris,prune plants;plant new plants and water as needed;spread mulch;and/or perform other basic landscape duties as needed. Pre-register on-line or by mail Sign liability release form Wear appropriate work clothing and shoes Arrive on time at designated location (late arrivals will not be accepted) Follow all safety instructions and rules Meet minimum age eligibility requirement (14 years +) Be prepared to help as directed and assigned Monetary donations welcome,but not mandatory Donation could be in lieu,or in addition to volunteering Event day donation -Donation Box,or adopt a plant(s) Non-event day donations-mail checks (no cash)to City Hall Set maximum number of volunteers per project Implement traffic safety (cones,delineators,Sheriffs) Designate parking areas 5-7 Partners Program Guidelines Page 2 of2 Questions and Assistance: Monitor number of volunteers Conduct same day mandatory safety instruction and training for volunteers Provide dumpster,trash bags,safety vest,shovels,rakes, gloves Volunteer check in,supply distribution Volunteer check out,supply return Supervise volunteers,provide assistance,and first aid Check the City's website at:www.palosverdes.com/publicworks Registration and Liability forms available on the City's website at:TBD Mail completed forms to:City of RanchpPalos Verdes,Public Works 5-8 5 - 9