JUNE 19,2012
Staff Coordinator:Katie Howe,Administrative Analyst II~
1)Receive and file a report on the proposed skate parks in Rolling Hills Estates and
San Pedro;2)Suspend work on a skate park in Rancho Palos Verdes;and,3)
Discontinue the contract with Mia Lehrer &Associates.
In 2010,the City engaged in a process to create conceptual designs of Lower Hesse
Park and Grandview Park to improve public access and recreational opportunities.
Towards the end of the process,a local skate park advocacy group,Skate park PV,
Inc.,asked the City to consider placing a skate park in Lower Hesse Park.Council
expressed concern that a skate park was not properly vetted for Lower Hesse Park,but
wanted to consider the recreational opportunity and directed staff to engage a
consultant to perform a Peninsula-wide analysis to identify suitable sites for a skate
park.In September 2011,Council authorized a contract with Mia Lehrer and
Associates (ML +A)to assist the City with this effort.
On December 20,2011,staff provided Council with a project update and presented
skate park site analysis criteria for approval.At that time,Council members expressed
concern about the project's process and timing of community outreach and directed
staff to bring back additional information.
Since the time the Council initiated the Skate Park Site Analysis Project and provided
staff with initial feedback on the site criteria,two skate park projects located in adjacent
cities have been initiated and are moving forward.A brief description and the status of
each proposal is provided below.
Skate Park Project
June 19,2012
Page 2
Ernie Howlett Skate Park
Since the commencement of the Skate Park Site Analysis Project,the City of Rolling
Hills Estates Parks and Activities Commission included a conceptual plan for a 9,000
square-foot skate park as part of the Ernie Howlett Park Master Plan.On June 12,
2012,Rolling Hills Estates City Council approved the Master Plan and skate park with
the understanding that Skatepark PV,Inc.would fundraise for the skate park's design
and construction.In past years,Skate Park PV,Inc.,Rolling Hills Estates,and PCH
Skate Camps have partnered to hold popular skate boarding activities at a temporary
skate park set up on basketball courts at that park.Ernie Howlett Park is located on
Hawthorne Boulevard,approximately two miles from the northern Rancho Palos Verdes
City border.
The president of Skate Park PV,Inc.shared with staff in the attached public
correspondence that a skate park in Ernie Howlett Park best fits Skatepark PV's
mission statement and goals and that the organization is going to focus on fundraising
money for the design and construction of a skateboarding venue at that park.
Peck Park Skate Park
The City of Los Angeles is in the process of constructing an 8,000 square-foot skate
park at Peck Park in San Pedro.Peck Park is located on Western Avenue,directly
across the street from the City of Rancho Palos Verdes'eastern border.The City has
completed the conceptual park drawings,is in the process of finalizing construction
drawings,and the next step is to go out to bid for construction.The City of Los Angeles
anticipates the skate park to be finished by the end of 2012.The City has a second
skate park in San Pedro,the 15,000 square-foot Channel Street skate park,located
near the intersection of Channel Street and Gaffey Street which is scheduled for
temporary closure in late 2012 during a 110 Freeway construction project.
At this time,staff recommends Council discontinue an active search for a skate park,
and assess the progress and success of the two potential skate parks in Rolling Hills
Estates and San Pedro,and the extent to which they meet the need for skate facilities
for Peninsula residents.This would entail discontinuing the agreement ML +A for skate
park site analysis.
In addition to the staff recommendation,alternatives for Council's consideration include:
1.Continue with the Peninsula-wide skate park site analysis project.
2.Pursue the skate park site analysis project restricted to locations in the City of
Rancho Palos Verdes.
Skateboarding on Public Streets
Staff anticipates bringing an item to Council for consideration on July 3,2012 to prohibit
skateboarding on certain public streets pursuant to RPV Municipal Code Section 12.16.120.
The proposed resolution is in response to a request from the Lomita Sheriff's Department to
Skate Park Project
June 19,2012
Page 3
provide a mechanism to issue citations for skateboarding,particularly long-boarding,on eight
City streets due to safety concerns and the streets'attractiveness to skateboarders due to
their steep,circuitous character.The Traffic Safety Commission reviewed the item at its April
23,2012 meeting.
The contract with ML+A included $12,200 for the skate park site analysis.
Approximately 20%of the funds have been expended to date on the development of
the site analysis criteria presented to Council in December 2011.Should the City
discontinue its contract with Mia Lehrer &Associates,it will result in savings of
approximately $9,500.
As a skate park on the Peninsula will benefit Rancho Palos Verdes skate boarders,
once the facility is built,Council may wish to make financial contributions to the City of
Rolling Hills Estates to assist with operational costs of the potential Ernie Howlett Skate
Park.The contributions could be considered annually as part of the budget process,
and would be subject to the City entering into an agreement with the City of Rolling Hills
Estates whereby Rolling Hills Estates would indemnify and defend Rancho Palos
Verdes against claims arising from its contribution to the cost of maintaining the skate
Attachments:Public Correspondence
Attachment "A"
Public Correspondence
From:Ellen November [ellen.november@gmail.com]
Sent:Tuesday,June 12,2012 7:54 PM
To:Carolyn Lehr
Cc:Carolynn Petru;Katie Howe;cc@rpv.com;Susan Seamans
SUbject:Thank you Carolyn
This afternoon the Rolling HIlls Estates City Council unanimously approved that a skatepark be
included in the master plan of Ernie Howlett Park.The agreed to allocate the land.
Skatepark PV,Inc.has agreed that the offer from RHE fits best with our mission statement and
goals and that we are now going to focus on fundraising money for the design and construction
of a skateboarding venue at Ernie Howlett Park.
We greatly appreciate all the time,work and consideration you and your staffhave put into our
project.We know that our goals are the same,that is to provide a safe and welcoming venue for
the 3,000 skaters on the Hill,to practice their sport in a safe and welcoming venue.We are all
concerned to keep kid's out of harms way,out of the streets and in a safe area.We look forward
to sharing this space with all.The programs and opportunities at this space will enhance life for
all the Peninsula residents and we know that RPV kids will greatly benefit from the venue.We
have aligned with A.skate Foundation which provides skateboarding clinics for kids with autism.
We plan to host many events that will benefit the entire community.
I hope you and your staff will join us in the future in celebrating a new recreational opportunity
for our residents.I'm so grateful to be able to give back to the wonderful youth and family
community of our Hill.
Thank you to you and your staff for all your work.
My best,
Ellen November
President,Skatepark PV,Inc.
Ellen November
6/13/2012 H-5
Katie Howe
From:Katie Howe [katieh@rpv.com]
Sent:Thursday,June 07,201212:02 PM
To:'Ellen November'
Subject:RE:Skate Park Project Tentatively Agendized
Follow Up Flag:Follow up
Flag Status:Red
Hello Ellen,
Just to follow-up after our phone call,on June 19th staff will provide Council with updates on the potential
Peck Park and Rolling Hills Estates skate parks and options for the City's skate park project.I will
forward to you the agenda item as soon as it's ready for public release,and would be happy to attach any
public correspondence you would like included.
The proposed skateboarding ordinance is in response to a request from the Lomita Sheriff's Department
to provide a mechanism to enforce skateboarding (particularly,long-boarding)on the following streets due
to safety concerns:
Via Colinita
Palos Verdes Drive East
Silver Arrow Drive
Hawthorne Blvd
Ganado Drive
Crest Road (East and West)
Crenshaw Blvd
Browndeer Lane
Staff presented this issue to the Traffic Safety Commission at its April 23,2012 meeting.The staff report c
meeting minutes are located on the City's website at the following location:
http://www.palosverdes.com/rpv/traffic committee/agendas/2012/2012-04-12/
Staff anticipates bringing the skateboarding ordinance to the City Council at its July 17th meeting for
Please let us know if we can provide additional information.
Disclaimer to City Council:Please do not hit "reply to all"to avoid violation of the Brown Act.
Katie Howe
Recreation and Parks Department
City of Rancho Palos Verdes
From:Ellen November [mailto:ellen.november@gmail.com]
Sent:Monday,June 04,20123:23 PM
To:Katie Howe
Cc:Carolynn Petru;Jerry Duhovic;Brian Campbell
Subject:Re:Skate Park Project Tentatively Agendized
Thanks for letting me know.
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Page 2 of2
1.What do you expect to speak about on the 19th?What are the talking points?
2.I would like more information on 'Introduction of Skateboarding Ordinance'shown for July.Who initiated this and what is the wording.j'd like more info as this is very
relevant to a skate park.
Thank you,
On Mon,100 4,2012 at 9:09 AM,Katie Howe <katieh@rpv.com>wrote:
Good Morning Ellen,
I hope you are doing well.I just wanted to make sure you were aware that the Skate Park Project has been tentatively agendized for
the June 19th Rancho Palos Verdes City Council Meeting.Below is a link to the most recent Weekly City Manager Administrative
Report.The tentative agenda for June 19th listing the Skate Park Project is on page 13 of the pdf.Please feel free to contact us with
any questions.
http://www.palosverdes.com/rpv/citymanager/weekly-administrative-reports/2012/20120530 Administrative Report.pdf
Thank You,
Katie Howe
Administrative Analyst
Recreation and Parks Department
City of Rancho Palos Verdes
Ellen November
6/12/2012 H-7
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Katie Howe
From:Ellen November [ellen.november@gmail.com]
Thursday,March 22,2012 12:57 PM
Anthony Misetich;Brian Campbell;Jerry Duhovic;Jim Knight;susan.brooks@rpv.com
clehr@rpv.com;Carolynn Petru;Katie Howe;Carolyn Paddock;Cat Spydell;Chris Strong;Jackie Geiger;Jennifer Irwin;
JF Boisvert;jim@autoalert.com;Julie Turner;Kelly Parker;Lauren Perelmuter;Liz Cotton;Shannon Hartman;Susan
Seamans;Vince Onel;Leon November;Bill Gerstner;Cindy Maxwell;Dr.Greg Allen;kristinanderson15@hotmail.com;
Mitzi Cress;Noreen Strong (Noreenstrong@cox.net);Jack Tingley
Subject:Goals and Priorities
I support your number one goal and priority of:
'Public safety,traffic issues~tncluding crime prevention,traffic enforcement and
bicycle safety"
May I add that skateboardinK is just as important a safety issue as bike ridinK.
At the recent Skatepark PV,Inc.meeting,members addressed their concerns for both
the safety of skateboarders who are skating on our streets,and their fear that they as
motorists may hit skaters with their cars.
The 3,000 skateboarders in our community live in our community.Most of the
cyclists in our area come from other areas to ride the Hill.I know this fIrst hand as I
was part of the Team in Training road cycling community.
I suggest that you amend your #1 goal and priority to include skateboarding as a
safety concern.This will show your concern for the health and safety,well-being and
best-interests of our youth.
Just as our neighbor,Councilman Joe Buscaino publicly announced his concern for
skateboarders on the day he was recently sworn into office,we as a city,can show our
support for the safety of our youth.As parents and compassionate people,you as a
group and as individuals can leave a legacy of concern to keep kids out of harm's
Thank you for your consideration.
Ellen November
President,Skatepark PV,Inc.
Ellen November
6/12/2012 H-8
Katie Howe
Carolynn Petru [carolynn@rpv.com]
Monday,March 19,20128:11 AM
'Katie Howe'
FW:The location of a permanent skate park
-----Original Message-----
From:skateparkpv@cox.net [mailto:skateparkpv@cox.netl
Sent:Saturday,March 17,2012 11:16 AM
Subject:Fwd:The location of a permanent skate park
>Subject:The location of a permanent skate park
>Date:Sat,11 Feb 2012 19:35:49 -0500 (EST)
>As much as I am in support of a Skate Park,I am not in favor of having a
permanent park located in the City of Rolling Hills Estates due to the
limited space available.I believe that the City of Rancho Palos Verdes
has much more land available to them and could easily incorporate a skate
park in their City for all Cities on the hill to use.
>Thank you
>Deborah Davis
1 H-9
Katie Howe
From:Carolynn Petru [carolynn@rpv.com]
Sent:Friday,February 03,20122:11 PM
To:'Katie Howe'
Cc:'Tracy Bonano'
Subject:FW:Article re:Death of Skateboarder on San Pedro Streets
Follow Up Flag:Follow up
Flag Status:Red
From:Jlrbeck [mailto:jlrbeck@aol.com]
Sent:Friday,February 03,2012 1:45 PM
Subject:Article re:Death of Skateboarder on San Pedro Streets
Currently,Miraleste Drive in Rancho Palos Verdes is being used regularly for riding down the middle of
the street on skateboards.You should consider that a skate park will attract skateboarders from all over
So.Cal.to our neighborhoods.Will this increase this street riding?We have some very attractive venues
for this activity.Please consider this as part of the discussion for a skate park and please ask the
Sherrifs Dept.to patrol for this activity on Miraleste Drive.As a driver on this street it is frightening to
come upon groups of skateboarders using the middle of the street.
Randy Beck
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Katie Howe
From:Katie Howe [katieh@rpv.com]
Sent:Wednesday,January 25,20128:49 AM
To:'Katie Howe'
Subject:Skate Park Concerns -Pamela Evans
Ms.Pamela Evans called January 24.She is concerned that a skate park may increase crime in the
Lower Hesse Park neighborhood and increase traffic on what she communicated is an unsafe street.
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-----Original Message-----
From:EDWARD JORDAN [mailto:eddiejordaniv@gmail.com]
Sent:Sunday,January 08,2012 6:28 PM
Subject:Dog/Skate park
Good evening.Just a though about the dog and skate park issue that
keeps returning because the prior members known more for yelling at
people could not get to ANY decision on.RPV is the largest city on
The Hill and I just hope we do not become the landfill of parks for
The Hill.Dogs are great and I've had them all my life but a dog
park!Geez,it's just not why a bought in RPV.I can tell you
without a doubt that PVE,RH and RHE will find any reason available to
pass on having in those cities.They know RPV will cave at some
point so everyone in all the other cities on The Hill will make us the
Central Poop Scoop.I love youngsters skate boarding too.I did it
in the ryO's as a teen myself but I did not buy in RPV to see,hear and
pick up after kids/teens and adults who still think they are teens
doing the hang 10 in RPV.These skate boarders will drive in from
every city within 20 miles,daily to noise pollute RPV.My wife
suggested we consider moving to PVE because the timing is good right
now as far as home prices,and she/we know they will not even consider
such a thing.They may bend your minds a little bit buy keeping you
thinking they are considering locations but they are not.They want
to keep a PV quality of life.Remember this,skate boarding teens do
not pay for this quality of life,adults do.PVE,RH,RHE has a
certain panache and tranquility of refinement when one drive along
their streets.
RPV does not quite have that feeling because we keep going with the
mind set that this largest city on The Hill needs to do it all.The
problem is we've done too much to even recapture certain qualities of
PV life.We have tones of street lights that cost money other cities
don't need to pay for,sidewalks to maintain that other cities don't
need to pay for and on and on.Let's get back to RPV feeling like a
special place to live instead of being the concrete,noise,light
pollution city on The Hill.
The other cities have living standards and we do not seem to.RPV has
homes that people do not even have to maintain in any way whatsoever
right next door well kept homes.We just do not have teeth on
anything it seems.The other cities have minimum standards to keep a
nice neighborhood throughout.
I hope this is the new change RPV has been needing for at least 30
years.All of you new members have an opportunity to do something
great so please go for it.I know the economy is bad which makes it
easy to make excuses about what all you can or can not do but those
are excuses.Put on your thinking caps here.I know people who have
lived on this hill for over 30-50 years and in the good and great
times along with the bad times but one things stands out that they all
recall.RPV always has an excuses to cheap out.This is no longer a
hamburger hill stereotype of old.people like myself have paid good
money to be here and we want the city to look and feel like the other
cities on The Hill,as it relates to minimum standards to look and
feel like the Palos Verdes Peninsula.
Katie Howe
From:Carolynn Petru [carolynn@rpv.com]
Sent:Tuesday,January 03,20124:10 PM
To:'Katie Howe'
Cc:'Tracy Bonano'
Subject:FW:PV Skate Park
From:Heidi &Chris Morris [mailto:mcats4@cox.net]
Sent:Sunday,January 01,2012 4:05 PM
Cc:Heidi &Chris Morris
Subject:PV Skate Park
In order to maximize the park usage by our PV residents I suggest the park also be open to BMX
and scooter riders too:I recently started taking my son to the Wilmington skate park where
skaters,BMX and scooter riders can all be seen enjoying the park at the same time.If crowds
become a problem,other parks solve this by having separate times for each type of rider.
Thank you for helping this much needed facility.
Chris Morris
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Katie Howe
From:Carolynn Petru [carolynn@rpv.com]
Sent:Tuesday,January 03,20128:37 AM
To:'Katie Howe';'Tracy Bonano'
Subject:FW:Skate park comments
From:M Nitz [mailto:mmnitz@yahoo.com]
sent:Monday,January 02,2012 3:24 PM
To:Brian campbell;Susan Brooks;Anthony Misetech;Jim Knight;Jerry Duhovic;city manager
Subject:Skate park comments
We understand that the RPV City Council is asking for comments regarding a skatepark in RPV.
Last summer we had the opportunity to meet a person who is familiar with a skate park in her Colorado I
police are regularly callecl to the park because of various illegal activities,and graffiti removal is a conste
search the internet for cities with skate park problems.
Please look at some ofthe (18)attached websites regarding skate park problems,and the issues that 01
before considering a skate park in a residential area of RPV.
Michael and Marilyn Nitz
26129 Birchfield Ave.
http://www.dailyinterlake.comlnews/local montana/article 6a238050-246c-5c27-aeOf-2c4a719148aO.l
http://gazettextra.com/news/20 10/may/20/edgerton-council-closes-skatepark/
http://www.carrollcounMimes.com/news/local/at-skate-parks-problems-vary-by-Iocation/article f15afcc
001 cc4c002eO.html .
http://www.americancanyon.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=1 &t=67
http://www.darienparks.com/Skate Park.aspx
http://www.krtv.com/news/g reat-falls-skate-park-issues-addressed-at-forum/
http://triblocal.com/hinsdale/20 11 /03/1 O/two-sides-face-off-over-skate-park-funding/
http://www.thenorthernecho.co.uk/news/local/bishopauckland/9173363.Police take action to stop pi
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http://darrenfower.mycouncillor.org .uk/2011/05/20/graffiti-problems-new-skate-park/
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Katie Howe
From:John Freeman Urfree@cox.net]
Sent:Wednesday,December 21,2011 7:27 AM
Cc:Carolynn Petru;Katie Howe
Subject:Skate Park &Dog Park site analysis agenda item
Follow Up Flag:Follow up
Flag Status:Red
Mayor Misetich and City Council members:
Thank you for your concern and support to include the public in the site field trips.At
this time we are only vaguely aware of which sites the city staff has selected for visits.
don't want to read about the sites or field trips in the newspaper or in an after-the-fact
staff report.Our residents want to attend the same site at the same time as you,our
elected government officials.
I also don't agree that publishing a map for a residents'driving-tour-on-your-own is a
good idea.If that's such a great idea,then pass those maps out to you,the council,as
well and let city staff abdicate everything.
Just because the city staff had an unruly public council field site trip 7 years ago,
doesn't mean we should abandon joint public visits.I can remember a few city council
meetings at Hesse Park that became almost unruly.So,should we conduct closed
council meetings (perish the thought)because it's easier?Of course not.We should
learn and move forward.And try again.
See if you can recognize (and apply)these slogans/promises from the recent election
Increase Citizen Participation
Re-establish transparency
Enhance community involvement
Putting residents first
Maintain an open,friendly and transparent environment for residents ...to
express their concerns.
If you want community buy-in for these important projects,then we must have
community participation.Together!Please direct staff at the next council meeting to an
open inclusive approach for the field trip site visits.
Thank you.
John Freeman,President
Pacific View Homeowners Association
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Katie Howe
From:Carolynn Petru [carolynn@rpv.com]
Sent:Tuesday,December 20,2011 5:24 PM
To:'Katie Howe'
Subject:FW:Skate Park and Dog Park
From:Yarber,Sharon [mailto:SYarber@firstam.com]
Sent:Tuesday,December 20,2011 4:58 PM
Subject:Skate Park and Dog Park
Dear Council members:
I am a longtime supporter of a dog park (perhaps several)on the Peninsula.What I am having a hard
time with,however,is trving to understand why we are proceeding to develop criteria,identify sites and
contemplate selecting them when there is no indication that the other cities on the Peninsula are the
least bit interested in working collaboratively with RPV to find locations within their borders that will
serve the overall community.Obviously,OUR Council can visit all the sites it wants to,but it has no
authority to do anything with respect to sites located outside the city limits.Are the other cities on
board with considering THEIR parks for such uses?If not,let's be honest and admit we are only looking
at places within RPV.
I also fail to understand why the criteria are essentially being developed by Mia Lehrer,The McGowans
and Ellen November,and the community outreach is going to be done AFTER all the preliminary work
has been done.The community outreach needs to be done first,and include residents of the entire Hill.
You have scheduled a date in March for the public outreach meeting.Have the other cities agreed to
that date and agreed to give notice to all of their residents so that community wide input can be
This looks a lot to me like giving lip service to a community wide approach,while actually intending to
ultimately place the burden of accommodating these parks squarely on the shoulders of RPV alone.
I also note with some humor that the site criteria for the dog park now says that 3 acres is ideal-2 for
large dogs and 1 for small dogs.This is interesting,given that Ms.Lehrer previously indicated that a park
in the neighborhood of only ONE acre,split between large and small dogs,was the optimum size after I
stated during the last go around re:Grandview and Upper Hesse Parks that we needed THREE acres and
that one acre was woefully inadequate.I guess the McGowans have successfully persuaded the expert
that a much larger park is required.In that regard I would like to point out that if you are going to try to
have one park that serves the entire community,it does,indeed,need to be about 3 acres;HOWEVER,
the community would be far better served,in my view,if we had several smaller parks scattered
throughout the Hill (and turned parks that are now being used,unofficially,as off leash dog parks into
actual approved dog parks).
I encourage you to fully explore the interest of the other city councils before wasting any staff time
considering properties over which you have no jurisdiction.
Sharon Yarber
Vice President
Senior National Underwriting Counsel
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