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RPVCCA _CC_2012_03_14_05_Questionnaire_Assessing_City_Council_Effectiveness
ASSESSING CITY COUNCIL EFFECTIVENESS @LEN WOOD &ASSOCIATES 4228 Palos Verdes Drive East,Rancho Palos Verdes,CA 90275 31()"832-5652 5-1 1ASSESSING CrrY CoIJNCIL EFFECTIVENESS Your Name --------------Date ------- This survey was developed to help assess the effectiveness ofthe governing body and its relationship with staff.Please address each statement by allocating points on the answer grid as follows: •If you feel the statement is very true - 0 points. •Ifyou feel the statement is somewhat true - 1 point. •Ifyou feel the statement is somewhat untrue - 2 points. •If you feel the statement is very untrue - 3 points. Do not spend too much time on any statement Your first reaction is usually best. Answer the way things are,not the way you would like them to be. ©1991,LENWOOl)&:AssoCIATSS 5-2 i AssEsSING CITY COUNCIL EFFECTIVENESS 1.City Council meetings start on time. 2.All City Council members feel :free to express their opinions. 3.All members are contributing members of the City Council team. 4.The elected body does not micro-manage. 5.While they may not like some ofthe decisions,people perceive the City Council as fair. 6.The ChiefAdministrator makes sure the intent ofthe elected body is implemented after an important decision. 7.The City Council has an overall vision for the community. 8.The chair keeps audience members informed of City Council issues and actions. 9.Our City Council gets things done. 10.We provide an adequate orientation for new advisory board members. 11.There is agreement on who is ultimately responsible for putting items on andlor removing them from the agenda. 12.Members feel :free to critique each other's positions on issues. 13.The City Council works well as a team. 14.The ChiefAdministrator holds staff accountable for results. 15.City Council members avoid berating members ofthe audience --even if provoked. 16.The City Council conducts timely and meaningful evaluations ofthe chief administrator's performance. 17.The City Council has developed its own mission or goal statement. 18.The chair prevents dominate City Council members from having a disproportionate influence at meetings. 19.The City Council does not get stalemated over the process or procedures. 2 ©1997,LENWOOI>&AssOClATES 5-3 1AssESSING CITY COUNCIL EFFECTIVENESS 20.Advisory boards are in tune with the elected board's overall philosophy. 21.The City Council does not spend too much time modifYing or correcting the minutes at meetings. 22.Civilized disagreement is a City Council strength. 23.Team members actively listen to each other. 24.Staff does not get overly involved in making policy decisions. 25.Meaningful public participation is encouraged. 26.Staff does not filter the information it passes on to the City Council. 27.Members know what the City Council's top five goals are. 28.The chair protects City Council members from audience or colleague attacks. 29.The City Council made significant progress on its top goals last year. 30.We accept most ofthe advisory board recommendations made to us. 31.Operating rules and procedures are known by all members. 32.Baggage from one argument is not carried to the next. 33.While members may have positions,minds are not made up before meetings. 34.City Council members do not meddle in hiring,firing,promoting or disciplinary actions. 35.City Council members keep the audience informed of each item,the issue,the background andthe possible decisions. 36.Staff follows through as promised. 37.Day-to-day decisions are consistent with the overall City Council goals. 38.The chair prevents premature rejection ofnew thoughts without a fair evaluation. 39.City Council members do their homework before meetings. 3 ©1997,LBNWool>&AssoClATllS 5-4 1AssEssING CITY COUNCIL EFFECTIVENESS 40.We make timely advisory board appointments when vacancies occur. 41.The agenda packet is user friendly. 42.Decisions are usually made only after each member has had hislher say. 43.Members are open with each other. 44.The City Council clearly communicates its goals and priorities to staff. 45.Members ofthe audience do not feel intimidated when appearing before the City Council. 46.'Openness and trust exists between the City Council and staff. 47.The City Council develops an annual work program with clear objectives. 48.The chair does not unfairly use the powers ofthe chair to win a point or argument. 49.The City Council is not reluctant to make an important,yet controversial decision. 50.Sufficent communication exists between the elected body and advisory boards. 51.Staff provides all the significant alternatives in their staff reports. 52.Members know how to keep conflict from becoming destructive. 53.The City Council does not operate as an exclusive country club. 54.The City Council provides effective oversight over city operations. 55.City Council members take care to observe the appearance as well as the principle of impartiality. 56.The City Council and Staff do not surprise each other at meetings. 57.City Council priorities do not change too often. 58.In our meetings,the discussion rarely drifts offthe subject. 59.The City Council is adept at identifying and exploiting opportunities. 60.The City Council adequately recognizes commissions for their work and accomplishments. 4 ©1997.LENWOOD&AssoctAms 5-5 1AssESSING CITY COUNCIL EFncTIvEN:Ess POINTS A.A Supportive Framework B.Contlict Management Processes C.Teamwork D.Roles E.Community Rapport F.Staff Relationships G.Clear Sense of Purpose H.Chairperson Leadership 1.Productivity J.Advisory Board Relationships *Rank from highest to lowest points.with highest being 1. RANK* @1997,LIlNWooo&AsSOClIlrES 5-6 i AssESSING C'rrY COUNCIL EFFECTIVENESS ASSESSING CITY COUNCIL EFFECTIVENESS Record Your Answers Here. Answer Sheet A B C D E F G H I J 1_2_3_4_5_6_7_8_9 10 11_"12 13_ 14_15_16_17 21_22_23_24_25_26_27_28_29_30_ 31_32_33_34_35 36_37_38_39_40_ 41_42_43_44 45_ 46_47 48_49_50_ "51_52_53_54 55_56_ 57_ 58_59_60_ TOTALS D_E_F G_H_I_J_ Total Points _ 6 ©1997,LEN WOOD &As&ocrAn;s 5-7