RPVCCA_CC_SS_2013_10_15_SS2A_City_Manager_EvaluationCITY OF MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: DATE: · SUBJECT: City Council Members Mayor Brooks October 15, 2013 City Manager Evaluation RECOMMENDATION I am requesting the City Manager's annual evaluation take place on November 19, 2013. Also, each Councilmember shall agree to submit a completed written evaluation form, as provided. (Copy of Letter provided with Late Correspondence on October 1, 2013 below.) Dear Colleagues, The Mayor Pro Tern and I have discussed the timing/date for the 2013 City Manager's Performance Evaluation, and have concluded (with her concurrence) that it should take place on Tuesday, November 19th. Ms. Lehr will present her 2013 goals and associated results to the City Council three weeks prior her evaluation. You will note that this date is after the election yet before the new Council convenes, as it is entirely appropriate that this Performance Evaluation be conducted/administered by the current Council. The Evaluation will also allow us to address the process of dealing with the end of her contract, which occurs on June 30, 2014. Ms. Lehr received three evaluations and one formal annual Performance Evaluation last year. It is imperative that each Council member be prepared with their comments and written assessment. Last year, all but Councilman Campbell submitted written assessments. The record should be complete and, as such, should include written assessments from each Council member. SS2 A-1 City Manager Evaluation Page 2 October 15, 2013 This and has already been identified as a Future Agenda Item. Please contact me with any question or concerns. Thank you for your cooperation. SS2 A-2 CONFIDENTIAL CITY ©F' RANeH© R~l£0s ~e&ees AJN·NW~~.~~·~Ftt1;~~~~.~~'. .. l~,~~~~i~"··•·.·· , ....... ···· .•.•.. ~!··i;t·!,.: •. :•. Councilmember: --------------0 ate: ------- Instructions: Considering the city manager's performance over the last 12 months, please respond to the following questions. Rate each item from 1 (low) to 3 (high) based on your opinion of his/her performance. If you do not have enough information to rate, please put N/ A. I. OPEAATlONAL ~~f;EQ'l;lYENESS . --~- ---- ---- u. ---- 1. Are on-going programs planned, organize Does the City Manager provide regular reports 2. delivery? Does the City Manager have a g 3. basic services? 4. 5. 6. Does the City Manager h providing basic govern Does the City Man productivity impr Do the comp! compliments s of new trends in Cling of how to measure in dep perations? ices, programs, or City staff, (less any ns) get addressed in a timely manner? anage the finances of the City within Council policies? realistic budget proposals? the Council informed of the City's present and anticipated ~~~mancial status? Find innovative solutions to financing City services? ____ 11. Possess a solid understanding of financial management Does the City Manager adequately support the Council in its policy- ----12. making role? Does the City Manager define goals and policies in a form in which they ____ 13. can be accomplished? 1 SS2 A-3 ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- Does the City Manager present all sides of an issue or problem to the 14. Council to enhance the Council's decision-making process 15. Is Council policy implemented consistently and effectively? 16. Sufficiently articulated to the staff, press and others? Are actions and activities carried out in accordance with Council 17. direction in a timely fashion? 18. Is there a good system for follow-up and follow-through? Does the City Manager effectively communicate an 19. Council as a whole and individual Coun ·1 Member Is the City Manager sensitive to indivi t treat 20. all Council Members fairly? Does the City Manager take actions needed to 21. Manager relationship strong? Are communications with Counci 22. timeliness? Do communications include su 23. staff recommendations ion and alternatives and n? Is the Council kept a ternal developments 24. which impact the Does the City ____ 25. appropriate t1cipate the changing needs of the community ntify potential problems in the community bring solutions and alternatives to the Council he future and avoid problems? anager use meaningful techniques to assess eds? e City Manager understand the political issues in identifying and goals to solve City problems? Is the City Manager effective in: ____ 29. Recruiting, selecting, promoting and disciplining personnel? Developing the competency and capabilities of City staff and ____ 30. supporting their professional development ____ 31. Administering wage, salary, and benefit policies? ____ 32. Labor management relations? ____ 33. Handling negotiations and contract administration? 2 SS2 A-4 ----34. Handling grievances? ----35. Getting feedback from Department heads/employees? 36. Evaluating employees' performance? ---- ----37. Fostering communications throughout the organization? V. . NJANAGEMEN.'J'(J)llVIEN$1e)N$> Is the City Manager respected as a leader: ----38. By the community? ----39. By Department Heads? ----40. By employees? ----41. By other government jurisdictions? 42. Does the City Manager: 43. ---- 44. ---- ----45. Actively take the le Does the City Manager: 46. ---- nflict exists and cope with the stress from ion from both sides of an issue that is needed to n-making? e/she anticipate problems and take positive action to resolve before they become critical? oes the City Manager manage well in a crisis under stress? ____ 52. Does the City Manager monitor programs once implemented? ----53. Does the City Manager manage time well (planning and prioritizing)? ----54. Does the City Manager set a good example for other employees? Does City Manager demonstrate good basic management skills (delegation, planning, organizing, directing, coordinating, supervising, ____ 55. negotiating, lobbying)? 3 SS2 A-5 Professional Development Does the City Manager: ----56. Actively pursue ways to increase his/her value to the City? ----57. Keep abreast of important professional trends? ----58. Borrow good ideas from other cities to use here? VI. GOAL ACfill;Vl:Ml:NJ, , Were projects agreed upon in advance between the Manager completed within the given tim frame wi 59. concern for costs? The following categories, when taken as a whole, contrib government. How would you rate the City Manage ____ 60. Responsive to natural disasters ____ 61. Quality core services at low pe ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- vu. 62. Safe neighborhoods 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. the City Manager represent the City well to the public and to er organizations and agencies? Has the City Manager gained the trust and confidence of the public? _____ 72. Does the City Manager foster cooperation among other jurisdictions? 4 SS2 A-6 VIII. NARRATIVE~$EC.TION 1. What are you most pleased with in the City Manager's performance? 2. What are the areas of improvement for the City Manager in the coming year? 3. What goals do you have for the City Manager to acco 4. What other comments do you hav NOTE: The submit· the C in ad sessi mplete this form as a self-assessment and with evidence and documentation pertinent to performance for the prior year at least two weeks cheduled date for the performance evaluation 5 SS2 A-7