SEPTEMBER 17, 2013
Project Manager: Nicole Jules, Senior Engineer ~eJ"
1. Award a professional services agreement to KX2 Holdings Building Technologies Group,
LP. for preparation of a Citywide Street Lighting Audit for a not-to-exceed amount of
$78,496 and authorize an additional 10% ($7,849.60) as contingency.
2. Authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the agreement.
On May 21, 2013, the City Council approved a recommendation, made by Councilman
Knight, to direct staff to undertake a feasibility analysis of acquiring Southern California
Edison (SCE) owned street lights, retrofit City owned lights with more energy efficient LED
bulbs and explore resetting SCE's rate structure as well as programs available for rebates
and energy cost savings. In that study session memo, Councilman Knight outlined a three-
phased approach, complete with sub-tasks for each phase, to ultimately arrive at a
comprehensive feasibility analysis that will provide sufficient information for Council to take
action. A copy of Councilman Knight's study session memo is attached.
In an effort to reduce the city's street light energy costs, a comprehensive inventory of the
City's street light infrastructure must be conducted, as a first-step, to accurately account for
the city's street light system.
On August 23, 2013, staff solicited proposals through the RFP process, from qualified street
lighting professionals. Since this is the first time staff will be conducting an audit of this nature, it
was critical that we sought-out proposals from well-qualified companies in the industry. The
RFP was emailed to 7 companies that have demonstrated experience in the Southern California
area working with SCE and local municipalities regarding street lighting cost savings.
Scope of Services
The scope of work for this project includes several tasks to be completed and delivered to the
City at various milestones throughout the project duration.
TASK 1: Project Coordination Meeting I Base Data Review
This task includes a project scoping meeting with all interested parties to discuss the
expectations of the project. The consultant will gather all available streetlight data, SCE
invoice documents and SCE's electronic spread sheet listing of their existing streetlight
inventory that serves as a basis for their invoices/billing. At this time, the consultant will be
given applicable streetlight facility details, city codes and standards and GIS information.
TASK 2: Survey Manual, Data Collection and Analysis Planning
The consultant will prepare a survey manual that clearly shows how digital imaging
technologies will be used for this project. They will confirm the relevant and critical streetlight
infrastructure attribute data, such as streetlight pole number and pole type, ancillary uses,
etc. that will be tied to each facility collected and coordinated with the City's GIS system.
The data collected in this task will be delivered to the City in a format that can be
manipulated and analyzed for the City's purpose.
TASK 3: Field Analysis and Data Collection
The Consultant will potentially use Mobile GPS technology to locate and survey streetlights
along approximately 180 centerline miles of Arterial roads and approximately 110 miles of
collector/residential roadways within the City. All street light elements not visible by the
survey will be field verify and GPS noted. This task includes the post-processing of images
based on City projection and coordinate systems. All GIS and record data associated with
each element will be exported to a format that is compatible to the City.
TASK 4: Data Analysis and Comparison to SCE Invoices
This task includes an analysis of the streetlight data information obtained in Tasks 2 & 3
compared against SCE's invoice data (for a 24-month period as provided by SCE/City) to
look for discrepancies (including billing for lights that belong to adjacent cities, private
homeowner associations, missing lights, potential double billing, etc.).
All findings will be presented in a tabular and searchable form to assist the sharing of
information with SCE.
TASK 5: Research Streetlight Age
The consultant will research available plans, maps, and documents to determine the relative
age of the SCE owned street lights. This data will be entered into the GIS database for use
by the City. In the event documents are not available to demonstrate the relative age of an
SCE owned street light, consultant will provide an estimated age based on reasonable
assumptions, such as the construction date of a development tract. This task will be
TASK 6: Progress Reports, QA/QC Reviews and City Coordination
The consultant will submit monthly status/progress reports that describe the work effort
performed during that period.
TASK 7: Draft and Final Findings and Recommendation Report.
The consultant will submit a Findings and Recommendations Report in a format that
demonstrates all streetlight inventory elements found in the survey process. The report will
include a listing of all existing streetlight improvements sorted by location, street, pole type
and pole .number. The report will include:
• Current streetlight inventory shown in tabular format;
• A summary of findings related to identified discrepancies compared to SCE streetlight
location, pole number and count data;
• Detailed methodology describing all survey procedures, practices and schedules;
• GIS maps and drawing related to all inventory elements collected;
• Pricing Summary for all lights
• Cost benefit and cash flow analysis for acquiring SCE owned street lights and/or bulb
replacement for energy savings
RFP Evaluation Criteria
Four impressive proposers submitted proposals, three of which were responsive. Since the
scope of work includes a combination of lighting experience combined with engineering and GIS
expertise, many of the responders submitted proposals as a design team. The following table
summarizes the proposals received:
Design Team Proposal Amount
CLIMATEC/KX2 & Willdan EnQineerinQ $78,496
Harris & Associates $99,210
Evari GIS & Siemens $134,970
Corix Utilities & Muni-Fed Energy $*
*Deemed non-responsive because a total fee was not included in the proposal
During the proposal evaluation process, each proposal was evaluated utilizing the Quality Based
System of selecting consultants for professional services. Staff was interested in technical
competence, positive references, experience and familiarity with the City and overall cost to
conduct the audit and inventory.
Harris & Associates has a long history of working for the City on a variety of projects and has
prepared the City's Landscape and Lighting Districts Engineer's report annually. Although they
are familiar with the City's street lighting inventory and have provided acceptable service to the
city in the past, staff chose to utilize the services of another qualified team that could provide the
same services for a lower price.
Therefore, Staff is recommending awarding the contract to the CLIMATEC/KX2 team based
on their qualifications, extensive experience and institutional knowledge through working with
the Independent Cities Finance Authority (ICFA) -Municipal Street Lighting program and
other cities in the Southern California region. The contract award for CLIMATEC/KX2 will be
$78,496. The CLIMATEC/KX2 representative has stated that CLIMATEC operates in
California under the name KX2 Holdings Building Technologies Group, LP. Thus, although
the proposal was submitted under the name CLIMATEC, the contract is with KX2. KX2 has
provided a letter clarifying the relationship between KX2 and CLIMATEC. That letter is
included as an attachment to this staff report.
Conducting a street light audit is the first step towards the goal of reducing the City's cost
towards street light operations and maintenance. At the conclusion of the audit, staff will
present the findings to City Council and discuss options and alternative for the next steps.
A representative of the high bidder, Evari GIS & Siemens, contacted staff and inquired about a
bid protest procedure. Mr. Ari stated that he did not believe that CLIMATEC/KX2 could not
perform the work properly based on the amount of time that was estimated in CLIMATEC/KX2's
proposal. Staff advised Mr. Ari that this is a professional services agreement, so the procedures
for protesting a construction bid under the Public Contract Code are not applicable. However,
staff also advised Mr. Avari that this matter would be discussed by the City Council this evening,
and that if he submitted written comments by Wednesday, they could be included in the agenda
packet. Staff also advised him that he could come to the Council meeting and discuss his
concerns at that time. As of the close of business on Wednesday, Mr. Avari did not submit any
written comments.
The alternative action is to reject all proposals and re-solicited proposals from other firms for
the needed services at a later date. This alternative could delay the project and result in an
increase to the project cost.
The recommended action will authorize $86,345.60 for a citywide street lighting audit. Funding
for the project is included in the FY 2013-2014 approved budget and will be paid for from Street
Lighting -1911 Act Fund budget program. The surplus balance in this fund is approximately
Councilman Jim Knight's May 21, 2013 Street Light Acquisition/Retrofit Study Session memo
Professional Services Agreement for KX2 Holdings Building Technologies Group, LP.
KX2 Letter acknowledging the relationship with Climatec
MAY 21, 2013
Direct staff to undertake a feasibility analysis of acquiring SCE owned street
lights, retrofitting City owned lights with more energy efficient LED bulbs and explore re-
setting SCE's rate structure as well as programs available for rebates and energy cost
savings financing.
Over the past year I have attended several workshops at the South Bay Energy
Services Center (SBESC) covering current trends of cities taking control of their street
light energy costs.by a combination of acquiring SCE owned street lights, re-negotiating
unmetered rates charged by SCE and changing out light fixtures to more efficient bulbs.
I acquired a copy of our city's electric bill from staff and took note that the bill
had one line item for "various" LS-1 lights (SCE owned, unmetered, all night) with an
annual cost of over $300,000. The bill provided no way to identify where these poles
were located, what type of bulbs were being used nor any accompanying
documentation as to how SCE came up with their unmetered rate. This motivated me to
dig a little deeper into our street lighting inventory and I was able to obtain a disk from
SCE that listed our LS-1 and LS-2 (RPV owned, unmetered) street lights, but it was
organized in a very disjointed fashion with over 70 different maps. The work to
extrapolate the information and provide a full analysis was a daunting task requiring
extensive expertise. So I am proposing that Council direct staff to purse a feasibility
analysis of pole acquisition, bulb replacement and explore with SCE the possibility of a
re-negotiation of un-metered rates as well as potential rebate and/or financing
My suggested path is to divide the task into three phases:
Phase I -Analyze utility bills and identify characteristics of individual poles:
RPV Street Light Acquisition/Retrofit
May 21, 2013
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1) Establish a full inventory and location of light poles to determine which are
LS-1 and LS-2 while separating out street lights from RPV's facility use under the GS-
1(general service, non-demand rate), 'GS-2 (time of use) categories. Comments on age
or condition of the pole/bulb should be included.
2) Identify poles that have ancillary uses such as cell phone towers, other
utilities (cable, etc) or transitory wiring which may affect our ability to acquire the poles
from SCE.
3) Identify the type of light fixture on each pole and energy/maintenance cost for
each type of pole/bulb .
.it) Understand the underlying methodology for the SCE pricing structure for each
NOTE: Our current Landscaping and Lighting maintenance contractor, Harris and
Associates, has the technology to do the inventory. The inventory data should include
1-3 of the above list and delivered to us in a form that the data can be manipulated for
our analysis. GS-1,2 for fa·cmty use, PA-1, 2 (agriculture pumping, i.e., dewatering
wells) and TC-1 (traffic lights) should be separable data.
Phase II -Financial Feasibility Estimates
1) Calculate expected cost of acquisition of qualified poles and show any cost
savings of RPV ownership vs. current LS-1 arrangement.
2) Calculate cost/benefit of bulb replacement from existing High Intensity
Discharge (HID) lamps, such as High Pressure Sodium, with new LED or Induction
technology, for both LS-1 acquired poles and existing LS-2 poles.
3) Compare operation and maintenance costs of existing light fixtures against
LED replacement.
4) Look at re-negotiating un-metered rate structure.
Phase Ill -Council Directive
With the above feasibility analysis, Council gives direction as to what action (or
no action) to take.
Below is more information on the subject as well as assumptions made at the
workshops I have attended and from reports of the Southern California Regional Energy
_ __,.__ ___ .. -----------
RPV Street Light Acquisition/Retrofit
May 21, 2013
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Center (SoCalREC). I would ask staff to verify the information and analyze and refine, if
needed, the assumptions when making their recommendation to Council adding any
additional pertinent information and analysis.
Purchase and Maintenance costs
1) Loaded pole purchase cost of $600 I fixture (see discussion on cost
2) Retrofitting HPS to LED fixtures has a loaded One-Time Cost of $417 I fixture
3) Estimated operation and maintenance expenses are $3.50/pole/month for
HPS and $1.50/pole/month once retrofitted to LED technology.
Utility Owned lights
SCE's recent change in policy allows municipalities to consider purchasing utility-
owned street lights with substantial delivery rate savings by switching from LS-1 rates to
LS-2 rates. Once city-owned, streetlights can be upgraded to LED (or Induction) with
even greater savings.
As with other cities that have embarked on this transition, SCE will require a
formal Due Diligence and Appraisal Detailed inventory, with age and condition of
facilities, and other indicators of value. SCE provides the city with a comprehensive
report with a "not to exceed" estimate for asset transfer based on a sample. The City
then receives approval to move forward with possible funding of a comprehensive
study. RPV should compare the SCE report with our own inventory data.
To determine acquisition value, SCE uses current replacement cost depreciated
by the age and condition of the pole/light. But, as with real estate or most other
commodities, a more appropriate method would be to start from the original installation
cost as a basis, then depreciate the life/condition of the pole/light. This method
produces a fairer value as it more closely reflects SCE's true cost per pole. No matter
which method, the city's acquisition of the pole/light will benefit SCE by removing the
future liability of the pole replacement cost off SCE's books. These are all points of
negotiation with SCE.
Acquisition costs will be lower if RPV transfers over the poles before SCE
replaces the poles with new ones as we can take advantage of a depreciated
Tariff or SCE Rate Structure
Street lights that are unmetered pay a tariff for distribution and a tariff for the
lamp type. This rate decreases after the city acquires the pole from SCE (LS-1 converts
to LS-2). The rate decreases even more with a bulb change (a reduction not available
RPV Street Light Acquisition/Retrofit
May 21, 2013
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under LS-1 status). In order to assure the rate reduction, the City must notify SCE of
any change of bulb otherwise they will keep the old tariff rate.
A General Rate Case settlement in 2013 is lowering some of the costs of LS-1
and LS-2 tariffs, freeing up immediate cash flow which can be used to justify retrofitting
the streetlights this year. Also SCE has an Energy Leader Partners (ELP) program with
rebate tiers based upon the status of the city. RPV is currently at the Gold status.
Bulb characteristics
LED lights have a more blue/white color than HPS. This feature, along with LED
intensity, changes the visual characteristics on the ground. I would suggest before
changing out all city bulbs that a few LED bulbs be installed at test locations to observe
these characteristics and watch for spill over into resident's backyards.
Also, LED lights now come with a wide variety of choices including: light
intensity, color, reflectivity, separable drivers, interchangeable LED subpanels, and
focusing arrays to direct light without the need of a shield. Staff should consider these
choices in relation to street illumination effects when recommending bulb replacement.
LED savings
Light Emitting Diode (LED) lamps show energy savings between 35% and 70%
over HID lamps. (30-60% energy savings by switching to induction).
Other advantages of LED:
--Longer life, lower maintenance costs. LED lasts SOK hrs. and only needs to be
every 19.3 yrs vs. 24K hrs. and 5.8 yrs. replacement cycle for HPS lamps
-Higher quality light output
-Instant-on with no run-up or re-strike delays
-No mercury, lead or other known disposable hazards
-Opportunity to implement programmable controls (e.g. bi-level lighting)
SBESC assistance
I have other resources I will forward to staff including The Responsible
Purchasing Network (RPN) recommendations for street lights and a report from
Huntington Beach's street light acquisition plan, but I feel the best source of assistance
for RPV is using the services at SBESC.
SBESC has a consulting service to help with analyzing financing for the
acquisition of poles and bulb replacement by using energy cost savings without
affecting the general fund budget. I have already been in touch with SBESC's
consultant and, at no charge, he has provided a Cost-Benefit Analysis of LED Street
Lighting Upgrade report for RPV.
(Attachment A)
r -
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RPV Street Light Acquisition/Retrofit
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The report shows:
Table 1 -A breakdown of our LS-1, LS-2 inventory
Table 2-Energy consumption per account
Then several scenarios of cost savings:
1) Upgrading LS-2 fixtures
2) Analysis of purchasing LS-1 poles, then upgrading to LED technology
3) Combination of 1) and 2) together.
The report includes a financing option (avoiding General Fund expenditures) and
using el"!ergy cost savings as the driving force for the payback analysis. The low
hanging fruit is scenario 1, upgrading existing LS-2 fixtures resulting in positive cash
flow after one year.
Staff can consult with SBESC to follow up and find out more about the consulting
services for the feasibility study and rebate programs available.
South Bay Cities Council of Governments letter dated April 4, _2013 regarding Cost-
Benefit Analysis of LED Street Lighting Upgrade for Rancho Palos Verdes
April.4, W13
Jim Knii:tht
City of Rane.ho Palos Ven~as
30940 Hawtllome Blvd
Rancho Palos. Verdes, CA 90275
5038 Rockvalley Road
Ranpho Palos V~rd8$, CA 90275
(310) 377 -8987
Subject: CQlt~Ben-efit Analysis of t£D'.$treet L~htit:ig Vpgralfe ror Rancho Palos Verdes
Dear Mr. Knight: .
The South &ay Environmental Servlc»S 'Centef (SS'ES.C) 1s pieased to pto.vJde yeu with the enclosed
summary of an initial cost-benefit analysi$~of upgr~ding tin~ t'?ity!~ streetligbtsto a more effic~nt lighting
technology. Fo11owing today's W!lrk$'tiop; the Saest st~ffw~l sth'~th,1le a on~on-one .consultation with
you to further review the cost;ben.efit analysis and make netessa,Y a~Justtne.ntS to aS$1,onptions and
results basE!d on yf)ur input. The\ followlt1s b~s~llr1~ infotilt8-tlon ih Tabl~5 i an:d i w~s. ce1Uected and 1.1secf
·-bY SBESC iti our ana1ysis. · The 'elis\'.iog.~treet light lnv.eritcnyfqr the City'-s ·SCE accounts is listed below.
Table 1. Rancho'Palos Verdes StreetLamp Inventory
sow 0 (j
70W 256 ()
lOOW 1,947 fl
1SOW 24 0
200W us 8
2SOW 2,4 2.()
400W 7 '? ..
Tola I 2,376 43
1. All'flid:ures a'fe;assumed ti> beH{ghrtre&surE::Sodh.im'.fbitur~.
i. µuiltv-owne.d.pol~, 1mmetered.
3. City•owned poles,. .unme.tered.
4. City-owned \'.lclles, metered •.
0 b
0 1:,95.5:
0 .. 24
0 44
!) 14
CarsQn El Seg4nc:lq Gart11:1na ~wtl'lgfue Hen:P\:l!la B$)h ltigleM'X><l Lawndale L()ITlita
Los Angeles Manhatfen Baaen . Palqs v.l!l'des E!!lates Raneho Palos Verdes Redondti'Eieacn Rolling Hills
Rolling Hills Estates romance Los An.gales Counfy
The total annual energy consumption and cost for ail street lights is-summarized below.
Tab1e 2. Annual Energy Consumption and Costs per Account Type.
' '"~~~;;.
LS-1-ALLNITE 4 $349,844 1,i66;306
LS-2 2
LS-3 0
Total $35-S,0-18
The SSESC evaluated three potential retrofit project scenarios for the tffy of Rancho Palos Verdes. The
assumptions and results for each scenario are as fo·llows:
1. Upgradillg e)(istlng LS·2 fl><tures to UC>. ~hni)JQgy.
Loaded Cost-of SCE Pc;l~s :($/J>QleJ: .
,Pt;oJ~ctFinance Rate (%):
Ffoi!flce Period fvrs'): 15
Pole Repla<:e!l'lent:Reserve. (per pole/mq};
SCE Tariff Escal~tion Rate (%/yr);
s .. QO%
Discount Rate (%):
HPS6&M.C9st ($/pole/mo): $.l.50
Cp$t of SC,E P9ies.{$);,
LED lnS:ta,lh:.1t,h;m CQS.ts ($):
SCE I ncent]V(! AntQ.\,int ($):
Posi.tive Ca$h Flow Beilihs in '(eat:. 1
2(),-yearNPVSavings ($):.
2. Purchasing IS-1 po1es from .SOE and then upgrade to LED technology.
Loaded Cost :ofscE .P()les {$/pole}:
Project.Finance !\ate t\16): 3.9d%
Finance Periodlvrs): 15
Pole.Replacement Resetve (l>!'lr' Pl:lle/mo): .$P.60
SCE Tariff e:scal;:itton RaJe (%/Yr):
O.&M, Repairs, Repla"CementEsc. Rate(%/yr): 3.00%
biscount Rate (%):
LED Retrofit. O&iM ($/pcile/mo}: $1.50
Cost o:f SCE .Ppl;es ($l:
lED lnstl';!Uatlon Gosts ($]:
see lncentlve,Amount ($):
Positive ~sh Flow Begins in· Year:
B'l:ise case PV ($l;
Propo$ed Case PV ($}: $6,307,854
2.o-vearNPV Savings ($l:
3. B.oth Scenarios 1 and 2 together.
Loaded Cost.of SGE'Poles ($/pole):
Prole.ct Flnao.c:e Rate (JM);
Pole ReDlaterrre·nt Reserve (pet pole/moJ: $0;60
SCE Tariff Escalatio.n.Rate (%/yr): 3.00%.
HPS O&M Cost ($/i:>ole/mo)1 $3.50
LED Retrof.itO&M IS/o0le}mol:
see Incentive A,moum ($1:
Positive C<1sr1FlowBe .ins Jt:iY~r:
PropoS'eq ~se PV ($):
20:..year NPV S:avln ($:
We look forward toworkiqg together with you in pursuingthese p.otentiakos.t savings opportunities.
S<!Ulb B<!Y CHle" ~ouncH of Governments
Save Water, Energy, Mon~y & the environment
20285'. S: WESTERN JIVE., STEc. 100
if:~~~:;~;.:~~}!) 0
.CEi.L.(310) !ii 2-0894
THIS AGREEMENT ("Agreement") is made and entered into this 1 ih day of September,
2013, by and between the City of Rancho Palos Verdes (hereinafter referred to as the
"CITY") and KX2 Holdings Building Technologies Group, LP (hereafter referred to as
IN CONSIDERATION of the covenants hereinafter set forth, the parties hereto agree
as follows:
1.1 Project Description
The Project is described as the Citywide Street Light Audit.
1.2 Description of Services
CONSUL TANT shall prepare and deliver a comprehensive audit d report, as
described in the CITY's Request For Proposals, which is attached hereto as Exhibit "A" and
incorporated herein by this reference, and in CONSUL TANT's Proposal, which is attached
hereto as Exhibit "B" and incorporated herein by this reference. In the event of any conflict
between. the terms of this Agreement and incorporated documents, the terms of this
Agreement shall control. In the event of any conflict between Exhibits "A" and "B," the
terms of Exhibit "A" shall control.
1.3 Schedule of Work
Upon receipt of written Notice to Proceed from the CITY, CONSUL TANT
shall perform with due diligence the services requested by the CITY. Time is of the
essence in this Agreement. CONSUL TANT shall not be responsible for delay, nor shall
CONSUL TANT be responsible for damages or be in default or deemed to be in default by
reason of strikes, lockouts, accidents, or acts of God, or the failure of CITY to furnish timely
information or to approve or disapprove CONSUL TANT's work promptly, or delay or faulty
performance by CITY, other consultants/contractors, or governmental agencies, or any
other delays beyond CONSUL TANT's control or without CONSUL TANT's fault.
2.1 Fee
CITY agrees to compensate CONSULTANT an amount not to exceed
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R6876-0001\1625164v2.doc Agreement for Design Professional Services
seventy eight thousand four hundred ninety six dollars and no cents ($78,496.00) for
services, as described in Article 1.
2.2 Terms of Compensation
CONSUL TANT shall submit monthly invoices for the percentage of work
completed in the previous month. CITY agrees to authorize payment for all undisputed
invoice amounts within thirty (30) days of receipt of each invoice. CITY agrees to use its
best efforts to notify CONSUL TANT of any disputed invoice amounts or claimed
completion percentages within ten (10) days of the receipt of each invoice. However,
CITY's failure to timely notify CONSULT ANT of a disputed amount or claimed completion
percentage shall not be deemed a waiver of CITY's right to challenge such amount or
Additionally, in the event CITY fails to pay any undisputed amounts due
CONSULTANT within forty-five (45) days after invoices are received by CITY, then CITY
agrees that CONSUL TANT shall have the right to consider said default a total breach of
this Agreement and be terminated by CONSUL TANT without liability to CONSUL TANT
upon ten (10) working days advance written notice. ·
2.3 Additional Services
CITY may request additional specified work under this Agreement. All such
work must be authorized in writing by the CITY's Director of Public Works prior to
com men.cement. CONSUL TANT shall perform such services, and CITY shall pay for such
additional services in accordance with CONSUL TANT's Schedule of Hourly Rates, which is
within Exhibit "B." The Schedule of Hourly Rates in Exhibit "B" shall be in effect through
the end of this Agreement.
2.4 Term of Agreement
This Agreement shall commence on September 18, 2013, and shall terminate
on September 18, 2014, unless sooner terminated pursuant to Article 4 of this Agreement.
3.1 Indemnification. Hold Harmless. and Duty to Defend
(a) Indemnity for Design Professional Services. In connection with its
design professional services and to the maximum extent permitted by law, CONSUL TANT
shall hold harmless and indemnify CITY, and its officials, officers, employees, agents and
independent contractors serving in the role of CITY officials, and designated volunteers
(collectively, "lndemnitees"), with respect to any and all claims, demands, causes of action,
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R6876-0001\1625164v2.doc Agreement for Design Professional Services
damages, injuries, liabilities, losses, costs or expenses, including reimbursement of
attorneys' fees and costs of defense (collectively, "Claims" hereinafter), including but not
limited to Claims relating to death or injury to any person and injury to any property, which
arise out of, pertain to, or relate to in whole or in part to the negligence, recklessness, or
willful misconduct of CONSUL TANT or any of its officers, employees, subcontractors, or
agents in the performance of its design professional services under this Agreement.
(b) Other Indemnities. In connection with any and all cf aims, demands,
causes of action, damages, injuries, liabilities, losses, costs or expenses, including
attorneys' fees and costs of defense (collectively, "Damages" hereinafter) not covered by
Section 3.1 (a), and to the maximum extent permitted by law, CONSUL TANT shall defend,
hold harmless and indemnify the lndemnitees with respect to any and all Damages,
including but not limited to, Damages relating to death or injury to any person and injury to
any property, which arise out of, pertain to, or relate to the acts or omissions of
CONSULTANT or any of its officers, employees, subcontractors, or agents in the
performance of this Agreement, except for such loss or damage arising from the sole
negligence or willful misconduct of the CITY, as determined by final arbitration or court
decision or by the agreement of the parties. CONSUL TANT shall defend lndemnitees in
any action or actions filed in connection with any such Damages with counsel of CITY's
choice, and shall pay all costs and expenses, including all attorneys' fees and experts'
costs actually incurred in connection with such defense. Consultant's duty to defend
pursuant to this Section 3.1 (b) shall apply independent of any prior, concurrent or
subsequent misconduct, negligent acts, errors or omissions of lndemnitees.
( c) All duties of CONSULT ANT under Section 3.1 shall survive termination
of this Agreement.
3.2 General Liability
CONSUL TANT shall at all times during the term of the Agreement carry,
maintain, and keep in full force and effect, a policy or policies of Commercial General
Liability Insurance, with minimum limits of one million dollars ($1,000,000) for each
occurrence and two million dollars ($2,000,000) general aggregate for bodily injury, death,
loss or property damage for products or completed operations and any and all other
activities undertaken by CONSUL TANT in the performance of this Agreement. Said policy
or policies shall be issued by an insurer admitted to do business in the State of California
and rated in A.M. Best's Insurance Guide with a rating of A:VII or better.
3.3 Professional Liability
CONSUL TANT shall at all times during the term of this Agreement, carry,
maintain, and keep in full force and effect a policy or policies of professional liability
insurance with a minimum limit of one million dollars ($1,000,000) per claim and aggregate
for errors and/or omissions of CONSUL TANT in the performance of this Agreement. Said
policy or policies shall be issued by an insurer admitted to do business in the State of
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R6876-0001\1625164v2.doc Agreement for Design Professional Services
California and rated in Best's Insurance Guide with a rating of A:VII or better. If a "claims
made" policy is provided, such policy shall be maintained in effect from the date of
performance of work or services on the CITY's behalf until three (3) years after the date of
work or services are accepted as completed. Coverage for the post-completion period may
be provided by renewal or replacement of the policy for each of the three (3) years or by a
three-year extended reporting period endorsement, which reinstates all limits for the
extended reporting period. If any such policy and/or policies have a retroactive date, that
date shall be no later than the date of first performance of work or services on behalf of the
CITY. Renewal or replacement policies shall not allow for any advancement of such
retroactive date.
3.4 Automobile Liability
CONSULTANT shall at all times during the term of this Agreement obtain,
maintain, and keep in full force and effect, a policy or policies of Automobile Liability
Insurance, with minimum of one million dollars ($1,000,000) per claim and occurrence and
two million dollars ($2,000,000) in the aggregate for bodily injuries or death of one person
and five hundred thousand dollars ($500,000) for property damage arising from one
3.5 Worker's Compensation
CONSULT ANT agrees to maintain in force at all times during the
performance of work under this Agreement worker's compensation insurance as required
by the law. CONSULT ANT shall require any subcontractor similarly to provide such
compensation insurance for their respective employees.
3.6 Notice of Cancellation
(a) All insurance policies shall provide that the insurance coverage shall
not be cancelled or modified by the insurance carrier without thirty (30) days prior written
notice to CITY, or ten (10) days notice if cancellation is due to nonpayment of premium.
Additionally, CONSUL TANT shall provide immediate notice to the City if it receives a
cancellation or policy revision notice from the insurer.
(b) CONSUL TANT agrees that it will not cancel or reduce any required
insurance coverage. CONSUL TANT agrees that if it does not keep the aforesaid
insurance in full force and effect, CITY may either immediately terminate this Agreement
or, if insurance is available at a reasonable cost, CITY may take out the necessary
insurance and pay, at CONSULTANT's expense, the premium thereon.
3. 7 Entire Policy and Certificate of Insurance
At all times during the term of this Agreement, CONSULT ANT shall maintain
on file with the CITY Clerk both a copy of the entire policy and a certificate of insurance
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R6876-0001\1625164v2.doc Agreement for Design Professional Services
showing that the aforesaid policies are in effect in the required amounts. The commercial
general liability policy shall contain endorsements naming the CITY, its officers, agents and
employees as additional insureds.
3.8 Primary Coverage
The insurance provided by CONSULT ANT shall be primary to any coverage
available to CITY. The insurance policies (other than workers compensation and
professional liability) shall include provisions for waiver of subrogation.
4.1 Termination of Agreement
(a) This Agreement may be terminated at any time, with or without cause,
by the CITY upon thirty (30) days prior written notice or by CONSUL TANT upon ninety (90)
days prior written notice. Notice shall be deemed served if completed in compliance with
Section 6.14.
(b) In the event of termination or cancellation of this Agreement by
CONSULTANT or CITY, due to no fault or failure of performance by CONSULTANT,
CONSULTANT shall be paid compensation for all services performed by CONSULTANT,
in an amount to be determined as follows: for work satisfactorily done in accordance with
all of the terms and provisions of this Agreement as determined · by the CITY,
CONSUL TANT shall be paid an amount equal to the percentage of services performed
prior to the effective date of termination or cancellation in accordance with the work items;
provided, in no event shall the amount of money paid under the foregoing provisions of
this paragraph exceed the amount which would have been paid to CONSUL TANT for the
full performance of the services described in this Agreement.
5.1 Ownership of Documents and Work Product
All final documents, plans, specifications, reports, information, data, exhibits,
photographs, images, video files and media created or developed by CONSUL TANT
pursuant to this Agreement ("Written Products") shall be and remain the property of the
CITY without restriction or limitation upon its use, duplication or dissemination by the CITY.
All Written Products shall be considered "works made for hire," and all Written Products
and any and all intellectual property rights arising from their creation, including, but not
limited to, all copyrights and other proprietary rights, shall be and remain the property of the
CITY without restriction or limitation upon their use, duplication or dissemination by the
CITY. CONSUL TANT shall not obtain or attempt to obtain copyright protection as to any
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R6876-0001\1625164v2.doc Agreement for Design Professional Services
Written Products.
CONSUL TANT hereby assigns to the CITY all ownership and any and all
intellectual property rights to the Written Products that are not otherwise vested in the CITY
pursuant to the paragraph directly above this one.
CONSUL TANT warrants and represents that it has secured all necessary
licenses, consents or approvals to use any instrumentality, thing or component as to which
any intellectual property right exists, including computer software, used in the rendering of
the services and the production of all Written Products produced under this Agreement,
and that the CITY has full legal title to and the right to reproduce the Written Products.
CONSUL TANT shall defend, indemnify and hold the CITY, and its elected officials, officers,
employees, servants, attorneys, designated volunteers, and agents serving as independent
contracto,rs in the role of CITY officials, harmless from any loss, claim or liability in any way
related to a claim that CITY's use of any of the Written Products is violating federal, state
or local laws, or any contractual provisions, or any laws relating to trade names, licenses,
franchises, copyrights, patents or other means of protecting intellectual property rights
and/or interests in products or inventions. CONSUL TANT shall bear all costs arising from
the use of patented, copyrighted, trade secret or trademarked documents, materials,
equipment, devices or processes in connection with its provision of the services and
Written Products produced under this Agreement. In the event the use of any of the
Written Products or other deliverables hereunder by the CITY is held to constitute an
infringement and the use of any of the same is enjoined, CONSULTANT, at its expense,
shall: (a) secure for CITY the right to continue using the Written Products and other
deliverables by suspension of any injunction, or by procuring a license or licenses for CITY;
or (b) modify the Written Products and other deliverables so that they become non-
infringing while remaining in compliance with the requirements of this Agreement. This
covenant shall survive the termination of this Agreement.
Upon termination, abandonment or suspension of the Project, the
CONSUL TANT shall deliver to the CITY all Written Products and other deliverables related
to the Project without additional cost or expense to the CITY. If CONSUL TANT prepares a
document on a computer, CONSULTANT shall provide CITY with said document both in a
printed format and in an electronic format that is acceptable to the CITY.
6.1 Representation
The CITY representative shall be the Director of Public Works or his or her
designee, and CONSUL TANT shall notify CITY of CONSUL TANT's designated
representative. These individuals shall be the primary contact persons for the parties
regarding performance of this Agreement.
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R6876-0001\1625164v2.doc Agreement for Design Professional Services
6.2 Fair Employment Practices/Equal Opportunity Acts
In the performance of this Agreement, CONSUL TANT shall comply with all
applicable provisions of the California Fair Employment Practices Act (California
Government Code Sections 12940-48), the applicable equal employment provisions of the
Civil Rights Act of 1964 (42 U.S.C. 200e-217), and the Americans with Disabilities Act of
1990 (42 U.S.C. § 11200, et seq.).
6.3 Personnel
CONSUL TANT represents that it has, or shall secure at its own expense, all
personnel required to perform CONSUL TANT's services under this Agreement. Any
person who performs engineering services pursuant to this Agreement shall be licensed as
a Civil Engineer by the State of California and in good standing. CONSUL TANT shall
make reasonable efforts to maintain the continuity of CONSUL TANT's staff who are
assigned to perform the services hereunder and shall obtain the approval of the Director of
Public Works of all proposed staff members who will perform such services.
CONSUL TANT may associate with or employ associates or subcontractors in the
performance of its services under this Agreement, but at all times shall CONSUL TANT be
responsible for its associates and subcontractors' services.
6.4 CONSULTANT'S Representations
CONSUL TANT represents, covenants and agrees that: a) CONSUL TANT is
licensed, qualified, and capable of furnishing the labor, materials, and expertise necessary
to perform the services in accordance with the terms and conditions set forth in this
Agreement; b) there are no obligations, commitments, or impediments of any kind that will·
limit or prevent CONSUL TANT's full performance under this Agreement; c) to the extent
required by the standard of practice, CONSULT ANT has investigated and considered the
scope of services performed, has carefully considered how the services should be
performed, and understands the facilities, difficulties and restrictions attending
performance of the services under this Agreement.
6.5 Conflicts of Interest
CONSUL TANT agrees not to accept any employment or representation
during the term of this Agreement or within twelve ( 12) months after completion of the work
under this Agreement which is or may likely make CONSUL TANT "financially interested"
(as provided in California Government Code Sections 1090 and 87100) in any decisions
made by CITY on any matter in connection with which CONSUL TANT has been retained
pursuant to this Agreement.
6.6 Legal Action
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R6876-0001\1625164v2.doc Agreement for Design Professional Services
(a) Should either party to this Agreement bring legal action against the
other, the validity, interpretation, and performance of this Agreement shall be controlled by
and construed under the laws of the State of California, excluding California's choice of law
rules. Venue for any such action relating to this Agreement shall be in the Los Angeles
County Superior Court.
(b) If any legal action or other proceeding, including action for declaratory
relief, is brought for the enforcement of this Agreement or because of an alleged dispute,
breach, default or misrepresentation in connection with this Agreement, the prevailing party
shall be entitled to recover reasonable attorneys' fees, experts' fees, and other costs, in
addition to any other relief to which the party may be entitled.
(c) Should any legal action about a project between CITY and a party
other than CONSUL TANT require the testimony of CONSUL TANT when there is no
allegation that CONSUL TANT was negligent, CITY shall compensate CONSUL TANT for its
testimony and preparation to testify at the hourly rates in effect at the time of such
6.7 Assignment
Neither this Agreement nor any part thereof shall be assigned by
CONSUL TANT without the prior written consent of the CITY. Any such purported
assignment without written consent shall be null and void, and CONSUL TANT shall hold
harmless,-defend and indemnify the CITY and its officers, officials, employees, agents and
representatives with respect to any claim, demand or action arising from any unauthorized
Notwithstanding the above, CONSUL TANT may use the services of persons
and entities not in CONSULT ANT's direct employ, when it is appropriate and customary to
do so. Such persons and entities include, but are not necessarily limited to, surveyors,
specialized consultants, and testing laboratories. CONSUL TANT's use of subcontractors
for additional services shall not be unreasonably restricted by the CITY provided
CONSULT ANT notifies the CITY in advance.
6.8 Independent Contractor
CONSUL TANT is and shall at all times remain, as to the CITY, a wholly
independent contractor. Neither the CITY nor any of its agents shall have control over the
conduct of CONSULT ANT or any of the CONSUL TANT's employees, except as herein set
forth, and CONSUL TANT is free to dispose of all portions of its time and activities which it
is not obligated to devote to the CITY in such a manner and to such persons, firms, or
corporations as the CONSUL TANT wishes except as expressly provided in this Agreement.
CONSUL TANT shall have no power to incur any debt, obligation, or liability on behalf of the
CITY or otherwise act on behalf of the CITY as an agent. CONSUL TANT shall not, at any
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R6876-0001\1625164v2.doc Agreement for Design Professional Services
time or in any manner, represent that it or any of its agents, servants or employees, are in
any manner agents, servants or employees of CITY. CONSUL TANT agrees to pay all
required taxes on amounts paid to CONSUL TANT under this Agreement, and to indemnify
and hold the CITY harmless from any and all taxes, assessments, penalties, and interest
asserted against the CITY by reason of the independent contractor relationship created by
this Agreement. CONSUL TANT shall fully comply with the workers' compensation law
regarding CONSUL TANT and its employees. CONSULT ANT further agrees to indemnify
and hold the CITY harmless from any failure of CONSUL TANT to comply with applicable
workers' compensation laws. The CITY shall have the right to offset against the amount of
any fees due to CONSUL TANT under this Agreement any amount due to the CITY from
CONSUL TANT as a result of its failure to promptly pay to the. CITY any reimbursement or
indemnification arising under this Article.
6.9 Titles
The titles used in this Agreement are for general reference only and are not
part of the Agreement.
6.10 Entire Agreement
This Agreement, including any other documents incorporated herein by
specific reference, represents the entire and integrated agreement between CITY and
CONSUL TANT and supersedes all prior negotiations, representations or agreements,
either written or oral. This Agreement may be modified or amended, or provisions or
breach may be waived, only by subsequent written agreement signed by both parties.
6.11 Construction
In the event of any asserted ambiguity in, or dispute regarding the
interpretation of any matter herein, the interpretation of this Agreement shall not be
resolved by any rules of interpretation providing for interpretation against the party who
causes the uncertainty to exist or against the party who drafted the Agreement or who
drafted that portion of the Agreement.
6.12 Non-Waiver of Terms. Rights and Remedies
Waiver by either party of any one or more of the conditions of performance under
this Agreement shall not be a waiver of any other condition of performance under this
Agreement. In no event shall the making by the CITY of any payment to CONSULTANT
constitute or be construed as a waiver by the CITY of any breach of covenant, or any
default which may then exist on the part of CONSUL TANT, and the making of any such
payment by the CITY shall in no way impair or prejudice any right or remedy available to
the CITY with regard to such breach or default.
6.13 Severability
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R6876-0001\1625164v2.doc Agreement for Design Professional Services
If any term or portion of this Agreement is held to be invalid, illegal, or otherwise
unenforceable by a court of competent jurisdiction, the remaining provisions of this
Agreement shall continue in full force and effect.
6.14 Notice
Except as otherwise required by law, any payment, notice or other communication
authorized or required by this Agreement shall be in writing and shall be deemed received
on (a) the day of delivery if delivered by hand or overnight courier service during
CONSUL TANT's or CITY's regular business hours or (b) on the third business day
following deposit in the United States mail, postage prepaid, to the addresses listed below,
or at such other address as one party may notify the other:
Interim Director of Public Works
City of Rancho Palos Verdes
30940 Hawthorne Blvd.
Rancho Palos Verdes, CA 90275
Steve Siverson, Vice President
KX2 Holdings Building Technologies Group, LP
18022 Cowan
Irvine, CA 92614
[Signatures on next page.]
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R6876-0001\1625164v2.doc Agreement for Design Professional Services
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Agreement as of the date
and year first above written.
Dated: ------------
By: ____________ _
City Clerk
By: _______________________ _
Printed Name: ----------
Title: ------------
By: ________________ _
Printed Name: ----------
Title: ------------
By: _______________ _
By: ____________ _
City Attorney
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R6876-0001\1625164v2.doc Agreement for Design Professional Services
Exhibit "A"
City of Rancho Palos Verdes
Request for Proposal for
Citywide Street Light Audit
August 23, 2013
The City of Rancho Palos Verdes requests proposals from selected qualified firms to
provide professional services for the Citywide Street Light Audit project.
To be considered for this project, please submit your proposal to Nicole Jules, Senior
Engineer, Department of Public Works, 30940 Hawthorne Blvd., Rancho Palos Verdes,
CA 90275, Phone number (310) 544-5252, via email at nicolej@rpv.com no later than
4:00 PM, on Monday, August 26, 2013.
It is the City's desire to award a contract to begin the work at the September 3, 2013
City Council meeting. Funding for this work will be paid for from the City's landscape
and lighting assessment district fund.
The scope of work is defined below.
TASK 1: Project Coordination Meeting I Base Data Review
• Expectations of the project
• Gather all available streetlight data, SCE invoice documents and SCE's
electronic spread sheet listing of their existing streetlight inventory that serves as
a basis for their invoices/billing
• Applicable streetlight facility details, city codes and standards
• G IS software and systems
TASK 2: Survey Manual, Data Collection and Analysis Planning
Prepare a survey manual that clearly shows how digital imaging technologies will be
used for this project. Confirm the relevant and critical streetlight infrastructure attribute
data, such as streetlight pole number and pole type, that will be tied to each facility
City of Rancho Palos Verdes
Request for Proposal
Citywide Street Light Audit
Page 2 of5
Exhibit "A"
For the agreed upon streetlight elements that are identified from the images (i.e.
streetlight pole, power pole with streetlight, Pole number) a GIS location should be
created seamlessly within the software. Additionally, when the streetlight element is
located a record table is associated with each streetlight location that allows the City to
populate the streetlight attribute database on the fly. All GIS and tabular data shown be
compatible with ESRI and Microsoft products.
TASK 3: Field Analysis and Data Collection
Potential use of Mobile GPS vehicle taking to survey approximately 180 centerline
miles within the city of Rancho Palos Verdes' network and 110 miles of
collector/residential roadways
The quality of the imagery and its GIS I record collecting capabilities within the software
provided allows the technician to accurately identify the required infrastructure elements
defined by the project.
All collected image/GPS data will be post-processed based on City projection and
coordinate systems. All GIS and record data associated with each element will be
exported to the ESRI based software's that the City is currently using.
Identify of all existing streetlight elements that need to be field checked.
Street light pole numbers I locations that cannot be identified and/or measured, such as
where they are obstructed by parked cars and/or by trees, etc., should be field verified
using GPS by our staff to supplement the survey.
Items to be collected should include:
• Streetlight Pole type (wood, marbelite, etc.)
• Streetlight pole number
• GPS location of the streetlight pole
TASK 4: Data Analysis and Comparison to SCE Invoices
Cor:npare the streetlight information against SCE's invoice data (for a 24-month period
as provided by SCE/City) to look for discrepancies (including billing for lights that belong
to adjacent cities, private homeowner associations, missing lights, potential double
billing, etc.).
All findings will be presented in a tabular form to assist the sharing of information with
TASK 5: Progress Reports, QA/QC Reviews and City Coordination
Submit a monthly status/progress report that describes the work effort performed.
City of Rancho Palos Verdes
Request for Proposal
Citywide Street Light Audit
Page 3 of5
Exhibit "A"
TASK 6: Draft and Final Findings and Recommendation Report
Submit a Findings and Recommendations Report in a format that demonstrates all
streetlight inventory elements found in the survey process. The report will include a
listing of all existing streetlight improvements sorted by location, street, pole type and
pole number. The report will include:
• Current streetlight inventory shown in tabular format
• A summary of findings related to identified discrepancies compared to SCE
streetlight location, pole number and count data
• Detailed methodology describing all survey procedures, practices and schedules
• GIS maps and drawing related to all inventory elements collected
Once the City has reviewed the draft report, all associated comments/edits will be
addressed and the final report will be generated.
Deliverables: submit six copies (one original) of the Draft Report and maps, in binder
form, to be reviewed by the City. Six (6) copies of the Final Report and maps will be
delivered to the City once all comments and reviews are completed.
Submit digital copies of the final report and maps in CD/DVD or flash drive format.
Submittal of the GIS data and digital imagery will be in an electronic media format
compatible with the City's computer system.
TASK 7: Research Streetlight Age
Research available plans, maps, and documents to determine the relative age of the
SCE owned street lights. This data will be entered into the GIS database for use by the
City. In the event documents are not available to demonstrate the relative age of an
SCE owned streetlight, consultant will provide an estimated age based on reasonable
assumptions, such as the date tract was constructed.
The proposal shall include:
1. Qualifications and experience of the firm
2. Qualifications and experience of the key individual assigned to this contract.
3. Project Approach utilizing the outline of required work as listed above
4. Schedule of activities and deliverables
5. Proposed fee
City of Rancho Palos Verdes
Request for Proposal
Citywide Street Light Audit
Proposals received will be evaluated on the following criteria:
1. Experience of firm in performing this type of service.
2. Understanding of project as demonstrated by the thoroughness of the
proposal, the introduction of innovative or cost-saving ideas and the approach
to the study or design.
3. References from clients for whom similar work was performed.
4. Depth of staff available to perform services.
5. Project Schedule.
All questions are to be submitted in writing to City of Rancho Palos Verdes Department.
of Public Works, 30940 Hawthorne Blvd., Rancho Palos Verdes, CA 90275, Attention:
Nicole Jules. Questions may be submitted via fax to (310) 544-5292 or e-mail to
Please note that the responses to this request for proposal are subject to the following
The City of Rancho Palos Verdes requires the selected firm to have a minimum of
$1,000,000.00 of professional errors and omissions insurance and a minimum of
$1,000,000.00 of automobile liability insurance prior to entering into an agreement with
the City.
Acceptance of Terms
Submission of a proposal shall constitute acknowledgment and acceptance of all terms
and conditions hereinafter set forth in the RFP unless otherwise expressly stated in the
Right of Rejection by the City
Not withstanding any other provisions of this RFP, the City reserves the right to reject
any and all proposals and to waive any informality in a proposal.
City of Rancho Palos Verdes
Request for Proposal
Citywide Street Light Audit
Page 5 of5
Financial Responsibility
Exhibit "A"
The proposer understands and agrees that the City shall have no financial responsibility
for any costs incurred by the proposer in responding to this RFP.
Award of Contract
The selected firm shall be required to enter into a written contract with the City of
Rancho Palos Verdes, in a form approved by the City Attorney, to perform the
prescribed work. This RFP and the proposal, or any part thereof, may be incorporated
into and made a part of the final contract; however, the City reserves the right to further
negotiate the terms and conditions of the contract with the selected consultant. The
contract will, in any event, include a maximum "fixed cost" to the City of Rancho Palos
Conferences During the Proposal Preparation Period
As of the issuance date of this RFP and continuing until the time for submitting proposal
has expired, the City will provide relevant information and access to City facilities and
documents as necessary for all proposers to familiarize themselves with the
requirements set forth in the RFP. Access to City facilities shall be during normal
business hours and will require at least twenty-four (24) hours advance notice.
Proposals must be submitted to Nicole Jules at nicolej@rov.com by the deadline
indicated in this RFP.
August 26, 2013
Nicole Jules
Senior Engineer
Department of Public Works
30940 Hawthorne Blvd.
Rancho Palos Verdes, CA 90275
Dear Ms. Jules,
Exhibit "B"
Please find enclosed Climatec's proposal. for the Citywide Street Lighting Audit Project.
Frank Mann
Account Manager
(949) 306-9594
: 'f:BOQ;::! 'COWAN s;n:;, '2CJS i IR~ltiltll, e'Atil.FOR!SJIA s:ra~:4· i ~I!'!J f!?Jil!:fl #~4.IJ!?JSS l !1'1l f1'.i!:ltt~"4'l~'efoss ~ [WE Bl 'W\,'\Mt,l:'J!OIMATl",j(';tCOM
: ~ARIP0c1~"!:1!?12ts ~~u, ~'Ul : . . : . . .
. ·;.: ... :· .... · .· . .,.; .. : :· .. · .... :· .. ·:.·.·.=·· .· .... ·· .... · .. · .. ·.·. ·.·. : .. · .. ·:····:···=·=·-:·:.···: .. · ... :· ... :.: .·.·.··.-:· .:.· ...... · · .. ·.·:· ... · .. ··:: ...... ·.· ... : .... ·.: .. :.: ......... :·.· .... =: .. : ..................... : ... · ...... · E-29
Exhibit "B"
Citywide Street Light Audit
Attention: Nicole Jules,
Senior Engineer, Dept. of Public Works
Submitted 8/26/2013
*""-CLIMATEC 18002 COWAN I IRVINE, CA 92614 I DIRECT (949) 306-9594
t1UtLI)!~~:.;.. f[ .,·•ll'..Jr."JV>-11('i· t'.,,:.1...:ru;•
Exhibit "B"
SECTION 1: QUALIFICATIONS AND EXPERIENCE ........................................ 2
SECTION 2: PROJECT TEAM ...................................................................... 7
SECTION 3: PROJECT APPROACH ............................................................ 13
SECTION 5: PROPOSED FEE .................................................................... 16
All included contents produced by Climotec and its pro\ect learn
ore agreed to be ~roprietory and cor1fidtntial and wii! not be
shored with non-C,ty pEr$:.nN::I
City of Rancho Palos Verdes
Street Light RFP
1 I Page
Exhibit "B"
Climatec has been implementing facility capital improvements and
energy conservation measures (ECM's) for over 35 years. Climatec is
the recognized leader in all aspects of energy system installations
including, design/build, new construction, lighting, and energy retrofits.
In addition, Climatec is the authorized distributor for 53 different HVAC
manufactures including high efficiency chillers, variable frequency
drives, and packaged A/C systems.
Climatec's public agency energy savings/ facility improvement projects
'*· City of Fountain Valley
'*· City of Escondido '*· City of Laguna Beach * City of Indio
?!· Poway Unified School District
Climatec is fortunate to employ more performance contracting experts,
based in the southwest, than any other ESCO. Our performance
contracting team's experience includes over $200 Million of installed,
financed, and guaranteed installations with guaranteed energy savings
exceeding $250 million.
Climatec has made significant investments to become the leading
performance contracting company in the Southwest USA. With more
than 200 years combined experience, Climatec has assembled a team
with the credentials and experience in:
* Project Engineering
* Design Build Solutions
-*·· Energy Engineering
'*· Sustainable and Renewable energy solutions
?!~ Measurement and Verification
Our team has clearly defined roles, functions and responsibilities
ranging from project director, account manager, project manager, to
key team members. Climatec Building Technologies Group is well
positioned and confident in our ability to provide the City with a
comprehensive state-of-the-art street light system improvement project.
In addition to the Climatec team, to provide additional resources for
street lighting project development, the following key subcontractors are
included: * Clanton & Associates
'*· Willdon
AH included contents produced by Clirnotec. and its
ore ogreE·d to be proprietary and confide-ntiol
shcred with non-City ~1pr~onnel
City of Rancho Palos Verdes
Street Light RFP
Exhibit "B"
The Climatec team offers unique strengths and benefits that have been
the foundation for successful projects:
~·· Local Resources: 150 CA-based energy/lighting service
*· T earn experience with similar cities
*· Vendor Neutral * Exemplary Savings Track Record *· Responsiveness & Customer Service
*· Demonstrated flexibility in approach and methodology
Climatec along with key team members have designed, engineered,
and delivered numerous street lighting projects for cities, communities,
developments, states, universities and colleges by developing
guidelines, masterplans, full designs and control strategies. They
developed the street lighting criteria for numerous public sector entities
& utilities including: *· City of Santa Monica *· City of Newport Beach
~-City of Anaheim
*· City of West Covina (including street light GIS/GPS)
*· City of San Jose * City of South Gate
~~ City of Maywood *· City of El Monte (including street light GIS/GPS) * City of Anchorage
~-City of Seattle * Southern California Edison * San Diego Gas & Electric * Los Angeles International Airport
*· 45 other municipalities & public agencies
Our team's street lighting specific knowledge, skills and abilities
includes the design, engineering & specifications for: * Replacement Master Plan * Equipment Inventory * Equipment Selection * Controls Design * Procurement Support
-*·· Energy Efficiency Upgrades *· Commissioning Support * Series Circuit Conversion *· Long-Term Maintenance Agreements
-*· Additional Revenue Sources from the Systems
All included c.ontents produced by Climafe,c Dtid its prcject t€.:am
are ogreed to be proprieiary end confidtntial or1d wi!I not bE'
shored with nor,-C•ty perscnnel
City of Rancho Palos Verdes
Street Light RFP
Exhibit "B"
As project manager, Mr. Tenney primary responsibility is the
management of all construction on site.
Mr. Tenney has over 20 years' experience in the, Energy Services
and performance contracting business, and over 25 years'
experience in the Lighting industry. Starting at Amtech lighting
services in the 1987 were he did estimating lighting design and
project management. Mr. Tenney has extensive training in lighting
design and application and has attended the Philips lighting
Application Center in Summerset NJ and the GE's Lighting Institute
at Nela Park Ohio.
The role of Mr. Tenny is the Project Manager. In addition to having
a hand in project development, Tom will also be managing all
aspects of the project from construction to close-out. Tom will be
the primary contact for the customer throughout construction and
project delivery, and will play an integral role in the overall
management of the project. He will also manage all subcontractors
an assist in the turnover from sales to operations for a seamless
A!I ir.clude:d contents produced by Climotec or.d its teoin
ore agreed to he proprietary end confidentioi Ond not bt
~harc·d w.:th nori~City p.:r~crir.e!
City of Rancho Palos Verdes
Street Light RFP
Exhibit "B"
In his current role at Climatec, Frank is one of the leaders of the
California Energy Services team. For the last 17 years, Frank has
served as executive in charge of more than $75M in comprehensive
energy conservation projects throughout the State. This has
included energy savings performance contracts at higher education,
K-12, municipal and water/wastewater facilities. Frank's
background in capital planning, design, construction and
operations for a major school district gives him unique insight into
the client's perspective.
In California Municipal projects, he has acted as the primary liaison
with city officials including business officers and facilities and plant
personnel. Frank specializes in assuring the needs and requirements
of the campus are met by the project development and
implementation team at every stage of the project -from initial
concept through implementation and ongoing performance
For ten years Frank owned and operated a commercial/residential
construction company. He also has broad experience as an Account
Manager for Progress Energy where he was responsible for the start-
up and development of the performance contracting sales business
group within CA municipal and educational markets. He also
worked in Sales of performance contracts at Kinetics Energy Services
and recently as President, XC Energy where he developed a
successful build, own and operate biogas cogeneration program for
California waste water treatment plants.
Mr. Mann's primary role for the project is the project account
manager. Frank will be the primary contact for City of Rancho Palos
Verdes projects and will play an integral role in the project
All included contents produced by Clirnatec ond its proj£-ct tearn
off agreed to be ond cc,r1f;dtnt;o! c.iricl will noi be
with non-City pe~;;(,~1r1el
City of Rancho Palos Verdes
Street Light RFP
SI Page
As developer of the Project Development Group (PDG), Mr. Sevilla's
primary responsibility is to manage and gather vital project
information. His group assembles the energy conservation measures
with budgets, energy savings, rebates and reports of the proposal.
He is responsible for projects in the California public sector such as
school districts and municipalities.
Mr. Sevilla has over 5 years' experience in the Energy Services and
performance contracting business. Starting as a project engineer he
worked his way into the energy engineering division, he worked
primarily as a consultant for private commercial business serving as
a 3rd party energy engineer for Honeywell and sub consultant with
Mr. Sevilla will consult with members of the team to help make
decisions for the project regarding the procedure, scope, and
budgeting selection. He will also assist in operations to ensure
customer satisfaction and expectations.
All included contents rroduced Cl1motec and it~ project team
ore agreed to be ccnfidu1tiol c:nd v,.jll noi be
City of Rancho Palos Verdes
Street Light RFP
Exhibit "B"
Ms. Clanton is founder and President of Clanton & Associates, a
lighting design firm specializing in sustainable street lighting design
and recognized as an industry leader in this field. Her firm's lighting
design projects reflect her sustainable philosophy and ten of their
projects have been named to the AIA Committee on the
Environment Earth Day Top Ten List. Twenty two projects for which
Clanton & Associates designed the lighting are LEED rated.
Ms. Clanton obtained her Bachelor of Science degree (Architectural
Engineering, Illumination Emphasis) from the University of
Colorado, Boulder and is a registered Professional Engineer in the
states of Colorado and Oregon. She is member of various
committees including International Association of Lighting Designs
(IALD), Fellow of Illuminating Engineers Society (FIES), chairperson
of !ESNA Outdoor Environmental Lighting Committee and USGBC
LEED Environmental Quality Technical Advisory Group. Nancy was
lighting group leader for Greening of the White House, led the
lighting workshops for the C40 conference in Seoul, and was
awarded the !ESNA Presidential Award in 1990 and 2006.
Ms. Clanton will serve as Climatec's street lighting key consultant
and principal design engineer for the project. She will assist with
design and specifications for energy efficiency upgrades, equipment
selections, replacement masterplan and the maintenance
agreement. She will provide procurement and commissioning
support & develop the masterplan timeline.
All included content$ produced Ly Climatec ond ib team
crE agreed to bE;. and confider1fiol w:I! nc't be
w;th non-City per~onr•el
City of Rancho Palos Verdes
Street Light RFP
Exhibit "B"
Herbert L. Gluesing supervises 18 engineers and technicians
providing traffic engineering and design and construction survey
services throughout California.
Mr. Gluesing has 44 years of experience in traffic and transportation
engineering, including traffic circulation, impact and parking
studies, design and operations, municipal engineering, and
operational analyses. To date, Mr. Gluesing has supervised the
completion of more than 10,000 larger and smaller-scale projects.
He has personally designed more than 1,000 new and modified
traffic signal installations, as well as two traffic signal master
computer systems, employing various interconnect and
communication facilities. Mr. Gluesing has also supervised the
engineering design service for the cities of Santa Monica, Newport
Beach, West Hollywood, and Alhambra.
Herbert will provide high level engineering support for development
& implementation of series circuit upgrades and design the
conversions from high voltage series lighting circuits to lower
voltage multiple circuits. His role will involve assisting the transition
from high energy consumption lighting to more efficient energy
saving LED lighting and competitively procuring the field work
associated with such upgrades.
All included contents produced by Climotec and its project teain
ore agreed to bt proprietary ond co11fidE:ntiol and will ri0t bt:
~hcred with non-City rer:_crir1c'1
City of Rancho Palos Verdes
Street Light RFP
11 I Page
Exhibit "B"
Ms. Vanessa Munoz is a Deputy Director of Engineering at Willdon
with 14 years of experience in transportation planning and traffic
engineering. Ms. Munoz is an accomplished engineer for multi-
discipline and multi-agency traffic and transportation projects and
has supervised the completion of more than 1,000 projects. She
understands the importance of meeting schedules and developing
the most cost-efficient project in order to meet the City's budgetary
constraints. She is responsible for analysis, co0rdination, and design
of various projects, including preparation of plans, specifications
and estimates for traffic and street improvement projects.
Ms. Munoz brings 14 years of experience to the table as Project
Engineer and Project Manager for various municipal projects. As
Project Engineer, she provided engineering design, plans, and
specifications for street light conversion and energy conservation
projects for City of Monica, Newport Beach, and South Gate. She
was the Project Manager for the Anaheim Redevelopment Agency
Street Lighting Project. Ms. Munoz is a certified Professional Traffic
Operation Engineer, California Traffic and Civil Engineer, and
Doppler Traffic Operator.
Ms. Munoz will design the series circuit upgrades and specifications
for vendor procurement. She may also assist with the design and
specifications for the maintenance agreement.
All i11duded ccnterits produced by Climctec arid ils
ore agreed to hf and ccnfidE-r1t:a:
City of Rancho Palos Verdes
Street Light RFP
Exhibit "B"
Project Coordination Meeting I Base Data Review
Climatec will schedule project coordination meetings based upon a
weekly, biweekly, or as needed basis in agreement with the City. We
will requested all data from the City regarding the street lighting system
including copies of the last 12 months of street light utility bills and any
track maps. We will capture from Southern California Edison all
available information on the street lighting system including 36 months
of utility data.
Survey Manual, Data Collection and Analysis Planning
Climatec will prepare a survey manual for the project containing all
necessary sections including an inventory database of system assets,
photo inventory of each typically structure and luminaire, and provide
"pdf" grid maps with street light locations.
The inventory database to include: service account number, tariff rate,
map grid number, structure number, type of pole, quantity of lamps on
pole, energized date, lamp source, lamp wattage, initial lamp lumens,
structure location description, NEMA decal, control type, fixture style,
distribution feed type, circuit type.
Field Analysis and Data Collection
Climatec staff, intern, and sub-contractors will "GPS" locate and verify
all database information. Following verification, Climatec and sub-
contractors will field visit to verify any anomalies. The inventory
database will then be updated.
Data Analysis and Comparison to SCE Invoices
Climatec lighting and energy engineers will review and compare all
inventory data to benchmarked norms. They will also compare it with
SCE's data. This is an ongoing process throughout the project. SCE
staff has proven to be a helpful and willing source of information on the
existing street light systems attributes and a great partner during the field
site walks.
,A,!i indude-d c.ontent$ producE-d by C:irnotec end ii~ iH t 1eorn
ore ogrt-ed to bf' r,rop1<e1cry ond confidedio: ',\i,I ric:1 L'L
shored 'Nitf 1 non-City pcrsonr,el
City of Rancho Palos Verdes
Street Light RFP
13IPage E-40
Exhibit "B"
Progress Reports, QNQC Reviews and City Coordination
Climatec's project manager provides weekly project meeting notes and
provides weekly look-ahead emails to the City. The weekly project
reports review what was accomplished and the weekly look-ahead
appraise where and what will be accomplished in the upcoming week.
Climatec will meet regularly with City to review all data and any draft
reports. All City input is valued.
Draft and Final Findings and Recommendation Report
Climatec will produce a draft report of the street light system
improvement project to include an executive summary, system
description including existing conditions, recommended scope of work,
inventory of equipment, street light utility billing information, GIS maps
with street light locations, pricing summary, cash flow analysis, funding
and financing options, along with a project schedule. After staff review
and comment, Climatec will issue a final draft.
Research Streetlight Age
Climatec will review all data available to determine the approximate
age of the structures. Complete data is not always available but
between the tract maps the City maintains and the maintenance
information from SCE in addition to field verification, approximate age
of each structure is established.
Ali included conte'lts prcduced by CiimolfC and it~ pe;~E:::t karn
are agreed to bE.. propr;elcFy o.-,cJ c o~rficfor1tic! crid \\;:I r1C't br-
shared with rJ(1r,.(i!y per$c11nei
City of Rancho Palos Verdes
Street Light RFP
141Page E-41
Exhibit "B"
Project Coordination Meeting I Base Data
2 Survey Manual, Data Collection and Analysis
3 Field Analysis and Data Collection
4 Data Analysis and Comparison to SCE Invoices
5 Progress Reports, QA/QC Reviews and City
Draft Findings and Recommendation Report
Final Findings and Recommendation Report
7 Research Streetlight Age
All included contents produced by Climctec and it~ proiect tE·om
ore ogree-d to be prorrietary and cc1nfidentiol and will net be'
shored with non-City personnel
1 week Meeting
2 weeks Meeting
1 week Site Survey
1 week Report
1 week Meeting
1 week Draft
1 week Final
with Tasks 3
City of Rancho Palos Verdes
Street Light RFP
Exhibit "8"
Thank you for an opportunity to submit our cost proposal for the City of
Rancho Palos Verdes -Street Light System Improvement study.
Climatec's fee for Tasks 1-7 as listed in the RFP is ........................ $ 78,496
Included in this scope of work is: * Project Coordination Meeting I Base Data Review
~-Survey Manual, Data Collection and Analysis Planning * Field Analysis and Data Collection including GPS/GIS
;:, Data Analysis and Comparison to SCE Invoices * Progress Reports, QA/QC Reviews and City Coordination * Draft and Final Findings and Recommendation Report * Research Streetlight Age
Not included in this scope of work is:
1':· Street lighting Replacement Masterplan
~~ Street lighting Design and Specifications * Street lighting Controls Design
~-·Demonstration Projects * Procurement Support
~-Commissioning Support
~· Development of custom luminaires
~· Development of light art
~-Electrical engineering * LEED documentation * Life cycle costs * Renderings * Structural engineering
~· As-built documentation * Mock-ups * Commissioning * Equipment procurement
Again, thank you for consideration for the City's energy partner. We look
forward to working with you and your team.
All included contents prodvced by Climctec or~d its r:r-:>1ect tE'Onl
orE-ogretd le be propietory end c.onf~DEnlic: and v.;'.i not bt:
d~arf<i v11<th non-(,ry pe:::c:rnf:-1
City of Rancho Palos Verdes
Street Light RFP
September 10, 2013
Ms. Nicole Jules, P.E.
Senior Engineer
Department of Public Works
30904 Hawthorne Blvd.
Rancho Palos Verdes, CA 90275
Ref: T&M Rates for Study Related Labor
Dear Nicole:
Exhibit "B"
In response to your request to Frank Mann, we are providing the following information on the hourly rate
for labor should additional services be required for the development of the proposal for the City of Rancho
Palos Verdes.
These rates are labor only. Expenses will be charged at cost to the city.
Senior Energy Engineer:
Associate Energy Engineer:
Project Development Manager:
Project Development Associate:
.$ 74.80
$ 92.40
$ 74.80
Also per your request, we are attaching the labor rates for Wilden Engineering. These are cost rates from
Wildan and If required will have a management fee added by Cllmatec.
Charlie Whittenton, Business Manager
Climatec Energy Services
2851 W. Kathleen Road· Phoenix, AZ 85053 ·Ph: (602) 944-3330 Fax: (602} 944-4759
Exhibit "B"
Schedule of Hourly Rates
Effective July 1, 2013 to June 30, 2014
:rJr .. · ;% ~z,~;111!1f;ji . .. .,JlllFtlltr•I
Technical Aide .................................................................... $88.00
Drafter I ................................................................................ 98.00
Drafter II ............................................................................. 103.00
Senior Drafter ..................................................................... 113.00
GIS Analyst I ...................................................................... 118.00
GIS Analyst II ..................................................................... 134.00
GIS Analyst Ill .................................................................... 155.00
Design Engineer I ............................................................... 118.00
Design Engineer 11 .............................................................. 124.00
Designer I ........................................................................... 118.00
Designer 11 .......................................................................... 124.00
Senior Design Engineer I... ................................................. 129.00
Senior Design Engineer 11... ................................................ 134.00
Senior Designer .................................................................. 134.00
Associate Engineer ............................................................ 139.00
Design Manager ................................................................. 139.00
Senior Design Manager ...................................................... 149.00
Senior Engineer .................................................................. 149.00
Supervising Engineer ......................................................... 165.00
Program Manager .............................................................. 185.00
Project Manager ................................................................. 185.00
City Engineer ...................................................................... 185.00
Principal Project Manager .................................................. 185.00
Deputy Director .................................................................. 195.00
Director ............................................................................... 195'.00
Principal Engineer .............................................................. 215.00
~%@ff'dif)ff1ff.do/.~~~.~~~llt1"f.%'4f;m®f.M""ff&f wJfffi~~m .. ~W ... vYW'~~~~.:-.. ;~~~~~1"Xfi%.Z:ffrAff~~.%$ ..
Labor Compliance.Specialist ................................................ 98.00
Labor Compliance Manager ............................................... 124.00
Utility Coordinator ............................................................... 129.00
Assistant Construction Manager ......................................... 124.00
Construction Manager ........................................................ 149.00
Senior Construction Manager ............................................. 160.00
Project Manager ................................................................. 185.00
Deputy Director .................................................................. 195.00
Director ............................................................................... 195.00
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Assistant Public Works Observer ......................... **103.00/113.00
Public Works Observer ......................................... **103.00/113.00
Senior Public Works Observer ........................................... 113.00
Supervising Public Works Observer ................................... 124.00
IQ:l"~W'of:'Z»='·'""""''"""f::lii#;li')ftli'ifti1.fif;::j::ifirr.·•~rii.Yi'~~-=N..,..ifmi"""W}j;f;:);'$;'"'~f:'i:i:i:' ft_$ff~~~t~~t°ij£t~~A~K~~JR?~~::,J~i~@:t-!?hr#..&.W:;~~~
Survey Analyst I ................................................................. 103.00
Survey Analyst II ................................................................ 118.00
Calculator I ......................................................................... 103.00
Calculator II ........................................................................ 113.00
Senior Calculator ................................................................ 124.00
Senior Survey Analyst ........................................................ 134.00
Supervisor -Survey & Mapping .......................................... 160.00
Principal Project Manager .................................................. 185.00
~""'-W..:1i?.::::'"'":'!:''9k'·"':i~z::roitirBi~u.~;1Jt11:rft'""'"'·~··:m''"''·w"'w..ttt""""'·'·····.,., efit.-R'J'.%¥$~:>;:;{lf"$~iJJ1»A!!!e'ifSJ;0:1ilfl::;,,lt4~%%f.&t:Y.$.iiWik
Assistant Code Enforcement Officer ..................................... 72.00
Plans Examiner Aide ............................................................. 77.00
Assistant Construction Permit Specialist.. ............................. 77 .00
Construction Permit Specialist .............................................. 82.00
Code Enforcement Officer ..................................................... 82.00
Assistant Building Inspector ................................... **98.00/113.00
Senior Code Enforcement Officer ......................................... 98.00
Senior Construction Permit Specialist.. ............................... 103.00
Supervising Construction Permit Specialist... ...................... 108.00
Building Inspector ................................................. **108.00/113.00
Supervisor Code Enforcement ............................................ 118.00
Senior Building Inspector .................................................... 118.00
Plans Examiner ................................................................... 118.00
Supervising Building lnspector ............................................ 129.00
Senior Plans Examiner ........................................................ 129.00
Inspector of Record ............................................................. 144.00
Deputy Building Official ....................................................... 144.00
Plan Check Engineer .......................................................... 144.00
Building Official ................................................................... 155.00
Supervising Plan Check Engineer ....................................... 155.00
Principal Project Manager ................................................... 185.00
Deputy Director ................................................................... 195.00
Director ............................................................................... 195.00
Community Development Technician .................................... 88.00
Planning Technician .............................................................. 88.00
Assistant Planner ................................................................ 108.00
Assistant Community Development Planner ....................... 108.00
Associate Community Development Planner ...................... 118.00
Associate Planner ............................................................... 118.00
Senior Community Development Planner ........................... 134.00
Senior Planner .................................................................... 134.00
Principal Community Development Planner ........................ 155.00
Principal Planner ................................................................. 155.00
Deputy Director ................................................................... 195.00
Director ............................................................................... 195.00
Computer Data Entry ............................................................ 67.00
Clerical .................................................................................. 67.00
Word Processing ................................................................... 67.00
WNfJJtiI~JWE~J~~~WiliI~f ~t#:fillitt~~f:WJ~l~f:ii@lf i*§Yf~lff:f~~f J~1f~~~i~~~~~~~~~~~~t.fill~!l%~1~M~~@~1~~~:
Mileage reimbursement will be charged at the current Federal
guideline rate at the time of billing. Vehicles will be charged at a
monthly rate of $500.00.
**Prevailing Wage Project, Use $113.00
Additional billing classifications may be added to the above listing during the year as new positions are created. Consultation in connection with litigation and court
appearances will be quoted separately. The above schedule is for straight time. Overtime will be charged at 1.5 times, and Sundays and holidays, 2.0 times the standard
rates. Blueprinting, reproduction, messenger services, and printing will be invoiced at cost plus fifteen percent (15%). A sub consultant management fee of fifteen percent
(15%) will be added to the direct cost of all sub consultant services to provide for the cost of administration, consultation, and coordination. Valid July 1, 2013 thru June 30,
2014, thereafter, the rates may be raised once per year to the value of change of the Consumer Price Index for the Los Angeles/Orange County/Sacramento area, but not
more than five percent per year.
September 12, 2013
Ms. Nicole Jules, P.E.
Senior Engineer
Department of Public Works
30904 Hawthorne Blvd.
Rancho Palos Verdes, CA 90275
Ref: Corporate Name
Ms. Jules:
The legal name for Climatec Building Technologies Group in California is KX2 Holdings Building
Technologies Group, LP. Our contracts normally say KX2 Holdings Building Technologies Group, LP dba
Climatec Building Technologies Group or Climatec BTG.
KX2 Holdings Building Technologies Group, LP will honor contracts issued to Rancho Palos Verdes in
which the name Climatec or Climatec BTG or Climatec Building Technologies Group is used.
Regards •.
Charlie Whittenton, Business Manager
2851 W. Kathleen Road · Phoenix, Al. 85053 • Ph: (602) 944-3330 Fax: (602) 944-4759