Staff Coordinator:
AUGUST 5, 2014
Tracy Bonan~U,Senior Administrator Analyst/Emergency Services
Coordinator# 1_..
Approve the proposed FY 2014-15 Emergency Preparedness Committee (EPC) Annual
Work Plan.
As directed by Resolution No. 2008-61, Section 5. Annual Work Plan, the EPC and City
Staff liaison shall prepare an annual work plan to be presented to the City Council for
At the July 17, 2014 EPC meeting, the FY 2014-15 EPC Annual Work Plan (Plan) was
discussed by EPC members and City Staff. Specifically, EPC members and City Staff
agreed to:
1. Produce two Public Service Announcements (PSA's). EPC members will submit
on screen talent recommendations and scripts to staff. PSA's will be promoted
through the City's EPC website, the City Manager's weekly report, PV Patch,
YouTube and televised on RPVTV Channel 33/38, Government Access Channel
35, and featured on RPVTV's "Peninsula Beat."
2. Continue the "Beauty and the Beast" emergency preparedness public outreach
presentations to City Homeowners Associations (or other similar community
groups) and hold one special EPC meeting focused on the "Beauty and the
Topic: Emergency Preparedness Committee FY 2014-15 Work Plan
Date: August 5, 2014
Page 2
Beast" presentation at Hesse Park.
3. Continue participation in the 4th of July community outreach event.
4. Continue the two Personal Preparedness Kits (Kits) drawings at the first City
Council meeting of each month and selling the Kits at the Point Vicente
Interpretive Center (PVIC).
5. Invite the City's utilities and Cable TV Company to attend designated EPC
monthly meetings and provide their individual Peninsula Emergency Response
6. One presentation by Dr. Lucy Jones of USGS to be held at one in one of the
Peninsula's larger venues (possibly utilize a library or school).
7. Best practices outreach to other Area G cities in regards to how their emergency
preparedness committees and/or disaster councils operate.
The mission of the EPC is to advise and make recommendations to City Council on
matters pertaining to emergency preparedness to help ensure that the City of Rancho
Palos Verdes develops and maintains a high state of readiness to respond to a wide
variety of emergencies and disasters. The aforementioned list of recommendations
supports the EPC's Mission Statement and Scope of Responsibility. The EPC approved
the Plan at its July 17, 2014 meeting and is submitting the Plan to City Council for
consideration at its FY 2014-15 Budget Workshop on August 5, 2014 -Fred Hesse
Community Park at 7:00 PM.
The cost of the Plan is approximately $2,700 which have been included in the adopted
FY14-15 Budget through the Public Safety Emergency Preparedness program budget.
FY 2014-15 Emergency Preparedness Committee Annual Work Plan
FY 2014-15
On July 15, 2008, the City Council adopted Resolution No. 2008-61 formalizing The Emergency
Preparedness Committee's (EPC) Mission Statement and Scope of Responsibility, as detailed in
City Council Resolution No. 2008-61, the EPC's Scope of Responsibility includes:
• Communicating with and educating residents about the importance of preparedness in case
of disasters and emergencies.
• Encouraging residents to participate in local volunteer disaster response organizations.
• Review and make recommendations to the City Council regarding the City's Emergency
Disaster Preparedness Plan to address existing, new and emerging threats.
In order to fulfill these responsibilities, the EPC will implement the following activities during FY
_ 1. Produce two Public Service Announcements (PSA's). EPC members will submit on
screen talent recommendations and scripts to staff. PSA's will be promoted through the
City's EPC website, the City Manager's weekly report, YouTube and televised on RPV
Channel 33, Government Access Channel 35 and featured on Channel 33's "Peninsula
2. Continue the "Beauty and the Beast" emergency preparedness public outreach
presentations to City Homeowners Associations (or other community group) and hold one
special EPC meeting focused on the "Beauty and the Beast" at Hesse Park.
3. Continue participation in the 4th of July community outreach event.
4. Continue the two Personal Preparedness Kits (Kits) drawings at the first City Council
meeting of each month and selling the Kits at the Point Vicente Interpretive Center
5. Invite the City's utilities and Cable TV Company to attend designated EPC monthly
meetings and provide their individual Peninsula Emergency Response Plans.
6. One presentation by Dr. Lucy Jones of USGS to be held at one in one of the
Peninsula's larger venues (possibly utilize a library or school).
7. Best practices outreach to other Area G cities in regards to how their emergency
preparedness committees and/or disaster councils operate.
Committee Responsibilities
The EPC will assist staff with: 1) work on producing two PSA's, 2) coordination and volunteering
their time to speak at homeowner association meetings or other community groups providing the
"Beauty and the Beast" presentation, 3) working at the emergency preparedness booth at the
City's 4th of July Annual Celebration, 4) continue to support the two Personal Preparedness Kit
drawings at the City Council meeting each month, 5) coordinate utility companies and Cable TV
technical representatives to provide their individual Peninsula Emergency Response Plans, 6)
schedule Dr. Lucy Jones for an emergency preparedness presentation on the Peninsula, and 7)
coordinate meeting with other Area G cities emergency preparedness committees and/or disaster
council's to discuss best practices.
Staff Responsibilities
Staff will assist EPC members with: 1) coordinating two PSA's by supplying each community
presentation and I or event with staff and equipment resources (i.e. connecting EPC Members
with Channel 33 & 35 staff to set location and filming schedules), 2) assisting with updating and
oversight of the Beauty and the Beast presentation, 3) setting up, working, and breaking down the
4th of July booth, 4) overseeing the Personal Preparedness Kits drawing and sales program, 5)
inviting the City's utilities and Cable TV Company to present individual Peninsula Emergency
Response Plans, 6) scheduling Dr. Lucy Jones for and emergency preparedness presentation on
the Peninsula, and 7) coordinating meetings with other Area G disaster committees and/or
disaster council's to discuss best practices.
For the FY 2014-15 budget cycle, the EPC requests a budget allocation of $2,700 to purchase
100 Personal .Preparedness Kits, 4th of July Celebration takeaways and to continue their
community emergency preparedness and response program.
Estimated Staff Resources
(2) Public Service Announcements:
Staff Time
RPV TV Staff Time
(5) Beauty and the Beast Presentations to City Homeowner Associations
or Other Community Groups:
Staff Time
IT Tech Time
(1) Community Outreach City 4th of July Annual Celebration:
Staff Time
(11) Personal Preparedness Kit Drawing at Council Meetings:
Staff Time
(3) Invite the City's utilities and Cable TV Company to attend designated
EPC monthly meetings and provide their individual Peninsula
Emergency Response Plans
Staff Time
IT Staff Time
(1) One presentation by Dr. Lucy Jones of USGS to be held at one in one
of the Peninsula's larger venues (possibly utilize a library or school):
Staff Time
IT Staff Time
Venue Time
6 hours
30 hours
5 hours
5 hours
18 hours
4 hours
6 hours
5 hours
2 hours
2 hours
(1) Best practices outreach to other Area G cities in regards to how their
emergency preparedness committees and/or disaster councils operate.
Staff Time
Total Estimated Staff, Consultant and Venue Time Required
5 hours
88 hours