RPVCCA_CC_SR_2013_06_04_G_Machado_Lake_Trash_Screen_Project_MOACfTYOF MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: REVIEWED: Project Manager: HONORABLE MAYOR & CITY COUNCIL MEMBERS LES JONES, INTERIM DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORJ~ JUNE 4, 2013 .,,-a-· - APPROVAL OF MOA FOR MACHADO LAKE TRASH SCREEN PROJECT (Supports 2013 City Council Goal 4 -Public Infrastructure) CAROLYN LEHR, CITY MANAGER a.52-- Andy Winje, Associate Engineer ~ RECOMMENDATION 1) Approve a Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) between the cities of Rancho Palos Verdes, Palos Verdes Estates, Lomita, Rolling Hills Estates, Torrance and Carson approving the City of Torrance as the lead agency for the Machado Lake Trash Screen Project and the cost sharing formula for the project. 2) Authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute a Memorandum of Agreement between the cities of Rancho Palos Verdes, Palos Verdes Estates, Lomita, Rolling Hills Estates, Torrance and Carson for the Machado Lake Trash Screen Project. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The Los Angeles Regional Water Quality Control Board (Regional Board) has required that cities with drainage areas tributary to Machado Lake install retrofit devices (screens) in all catch basins collecting that drainage. So far the City has installed about 60% of the necessary retrofits. The City of Torrance has been awarded a Proposition 84 Stormwater Grant on behalf of the six cities party to this MOA to install retrofit devices pursuant to this mandate from the Regional Board. The City can participate in this MOA and reduce the costs that would otherwise be incurred for installation of the remaining retrofits. The City's project has a budget of approximately $27 ,000 and is funded through the Storm Water User Fee as included in the FY 2012-13 City budget. Participation in the MOA will effectively reduce the project cost for these remaining retrofits by 80%. BACKGROUND The Regional Board has established a Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) waste load G-1 MOA for Machado Lake Trash Screen Project Page 2of3 June 4, 2013 allocation allowing zero trash to enter Machado Lake from the City's storm drains. Portions of Rancho Palos Verdes drain to Machado Lake and therefore the City is included in the Regional Board's order to eliminate trash that reaches the lake. As a means of compliance cities included in the Machado Lake TMDL are required to put devices in place that will minimize the amount of trash that can enter a storm drain by 2016; accordingly, 20% of the identified catch basins must be retrofitted each year with a trash minimizing screen over the five year implementation period. The City of Rancho Palos Verdes has an installation program in place as part of the Water Quality and Flood Protection Program and has included the cost to install the project in this year's budget. The project was delayed by staff pending the results of the competitive grant process and the potential for reduction in costs to the City. The City of Torrance was notified on October 11, 2012 that the Machado Lake Trash Screen Project was selected for Proposition 84 Stormwater Grant Program implementation funding. Since then the six cities on whose behalf Torrance applied for the grant have been preparing the MOA for cost sharing and construction coordination. On May 21, 2013, the City of Torrance City Council passed a resolution to accept the grant funds, approved the MOA and appropriated funds to complete the project. DISCUSSION The partner cities agreed to have the City of Torrance be the lead agency for administering the grant and construction contracts. The City of Torrance will carry the construction phase costs associated with the project. The grant provides for 80% reimbursement funding from the state with the cities making up the 20%, prorated according to the estimated construction cost of each city's portion of the project. The City of Torrance and partner cities contribute in-kind matching funds in the form of design and permitting costs. The in-kind matching fund contributions from the Cities of Carson, Palos Verdes Estates, Lomita and Rolling Hills Estates do not add up to the total required matching funds required by those cities; therefore those cities will pay the City of Torrance a combined total of $29,265.61. The in-kind matching funds provided by the City of Rancho Palos Verdes exceed the required matching fund amount so the City of Torrance would pay Rancho Palos Verdes $7,026.26. The Proposition 84 grant is a reimbursement grant and requires the City of Torrance to fund the project up front and then to be reimbursed. The amount the City of Torrance will need to fund "up front" is the $1,745,800 grant amount and City's matching funds of $233,767.04 for a total of $1,979,567.04. The total project appropriation approved by the City of Torrance for the Machado Lake Trash Screen Project is the $1,979,567.04 plus the net matching funds from the partner cities of $27, 108.34 for a total of $2,006,675.38. Upon approval of the Memorandum of Agreement, the cities will work together to prepare the contract documents for bidding. The City of Torrance will award the construction contract and administer the construction management. A public outreach meeting will be held in each partner city once the contract to install catch basin screens is awarded. The grant provides funding for the construction contract, construction W:\Andy\Catch Basin Screen Project\lnstallment 2 2013\CC\CCA_SR_20130604_Torrance MOA.docx G-2 MOA for Machado Lake Trash Screen Project Page 3of3 June 4, 2013 inspection and to hire a Public Relations firm to manage the public outreach meetings. FISCAL IMPACT The FY 2012-13 City Budget provides adequate funding in the Storm Water Quality Fund for this project. Because of the grant, the City has an opportunity to reduce its project costs by 80%, allowing remaining funds to be reprogrammed to retrofits in other watersheds or other storm drain projects. The City Attorney has reviewed and has approved as to form the language in the MOA. Attachments: Memorandum of Agreement W:\Andy\Catch Basin Screen Project\lnstallment 2 2013\CC\CCA_SR_20130604_Torrance MOA.docx G-3 MEMORANDUM OFAGREEMENT MACHADO LAKE TRASH TMDL STAKEHOLDER GROUP IMPLEMENTATION OF MACHADO LAKE TRASH SCREEN PROJECT FUNDED BY PROPOSITION 84 STORM WATER GRANT PROGRAM This Memorandum of Agreement ("MOA") is made, entered into, as of the effective date of the last Party signature set forth, by and among the City of Torrance, a municipal corporation ("Torrance"); the City of Carson ("Carson"), a municipal corporation; the City of Palos Verdes Estates, a municipal corporation ("Palos Verdes Estates"); the City of Lomita, a municipal corporation ("Lomita"); the City of Rolling Hills Estates, a municipal corporation ("Rolling Hills Estates"); and the City of Rancho Palos Verdes, . a municipal corporation ("Rancho Palos Verdes"); (individually "Party" and collectively, "Parties"), with respect to the following: RECITALS A WHEREAS, on June 7, 2007, the Regional Water Quality Control Board, Los Angeles Region adopted an amendment to the Water Quality Control Plan for the Los Angeles Region incorporating a Total Maximum Daily Load ("TMDL") for Trash in Machado Lake, with an effective date of March 6, 2008; and B. WHEREAS, on October 3, 2012 the State Water Resources Control Board approved the Machado Lake Trash TMDL Project ("Project") as part of the Proposition 84 Stormwater Grant Program for a total budget of $2,227,400 with $1,745,800 to be funded by a Proposition 84 stormwater grant ("Grant") and $481,600 (matching funds) to be funded by the Parties; and C. WHEREAS, each Party has committed to providing its share of the matching funds; and D. WHEREAS, the Project will install an estimated 2,062 catch basin screens and 2000 "no parking" signs, and also includes an outreach and education component; and E. WHEREAS, the scope of work and budget for the Project have been defined in Exhibit A, which is attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference; and F. WHEREAS, Torrance is the main agency for the administration of the construction of the Project and administration of the Grant on behalf of all of the Parties; and G. WHEREAS, the Parties desire to enter into this MOA voluntarily to, among other things: 1) complete the plans and specifications of each Party's portion of the Project, 2) set forth the Parties' intent to have the Project administered and coordinated by Torrance, 3) establish and define the roles of the Parties to administer and implement [Machado Lake TMDL MOU.DOC) -1- G-4 the Grant, and 4) establish a formula to calculate the respective financial share of the costs to be contributed by each Party herein to implement the Grant. AGREEMENT NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual benefits and representations made herein, the Parties hereby agree as follows: · 1. Incorporation of Recitals -The recitals above are incorporated by reference and hereby made a part of this MOA. 2. Information Sharing -The Parties mutually agree to share, to the extent not otherwise prohibited by law or by legal or trade secret privilege, all information required to develop, prepare and submit documents required for the Project, including monitoring data, CADD and GIS or other electronic data. Such sharing shall be subject to any applicable license agreements or other restrictions. All data shared among the Parties shall be provided "as is" and without warranties as to accuracy or as to any other characteristic, whether express or implied. The intent of this data-sharing provision is to facilitate the Project. The Parties agree not to use such data for tasks not related to the Project, unless required by law. 3. Plans and Specifications -Each Party agrees to develop the necessary plans and specifications, including a map and list of locations of catch basins where trash screens are to be installed to the Party's standards and consistent with Exhibit A, and to provide the documents to Torrance in a compatible CADD and Word format. All plans and specifications and any and all intellectual property rights arising from their creation, including, but not limited to, all copyrights and other proprietary rights, shall be and remain the property of the Party that provided them without restriction or limitation upon their use, duplication or dissemination. All other Parties shall not obtain or attempt to obtain copyright protection as to any plans and specifications not provided by them, and Torrance shall cause a similar provision to be included in the bid documents with any contractor that provides goods and services pursuant to the Project. 4. Contract Documents -Each Party agrees that Torrance shall prepare the final bid documents and bid schedule per Torrance's standards. 5. Encroachment Permits -Each Party agrees to provide a no fee encroachment permit consistent with the scope of work described in Exhibit A to the contractor(s) for the Project ("Contractor"). 6. Public Meeting Facilities - A minimum of one public meeting with the Contractor shall be held prior to the commencement of work in each of the Parties' jurisdictions. Each Party agrees to provide at no fee a public meeting facility and to provide a representative to attend the public meeting in its own jurisdiction. Torrance shall provide a representative to each such public meeting. Each Party shall publicly advertise the public meeting for its own jurisdiction. [Machado Lake TMDL MOU.DOC] G-5 7. Funding Agreements -Any funds contributed for the Project, including contributions for consultants or other services as agreed upon by the Parties, shall be per the cost-sharing formula described in Exhibit B, which is attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference. All funding shall apply to the Project, and shall not be used for any activities not included in the Project. The total matching fund contribution by all of the Parties shall not exceed $481,600 unless otherwise agreed to by the Parties by written amendment of this MOA. Parties agree to provide documentation of in-kind matching funds in a format to be approved by the Grant Administrator. Parties acknowledge a greater share of administrative costs borne by Torrance as the main agency, which is reflected in Exhibit 8. Any cost to be invoiced above this sum will require an amendment to this MOA. If for any reason certain aspects of the Project are not implemented, the cost sharing formula shall be proportionately adjusted to reduce the matching fund contribution of the Party or Parties that otherwise would have contributed an amount in connection with the work that would have been completed. This cost sharing adjustment to reduce the matching fund contribution may be done by Torrance without an amendment to this MOA upon thirty (30) days written notice to the Parties, such notice must include the new adjusted cost- share amounts. 8. Contracting -The Parties agree that Torrance shall be the Party that contracts with the Contractor and shall be considered the contracting agency. The Contractor's contracts ("Contract") shall incorporate the contracting requirements and policies of Torrance that may be attached to the Request for Proposal ("RFP") or Public Works Bid. Each and every Contract shall recite, however, that it is for the benefit of the Parties, and the Contractor shall be paid solely from the contributions from the Parties in the amounts set forth in Exhibit 8, unless approved by amendment to this MOA approved by Torrance and the effected Party or Parties. The Contract shall require the Contractor to look solely to Torrance for payment of the funds contributed by the Parties and look solely to Torrance to resolve any issues with the Contract. The Contract shall also provide that it may be terminated upon sixty (60) days written notice by Torrance, and shall otherwise be in compliance with Torrance's regulations, ordinances and policies. The Contract shall include provisions regarding insurance, indemnity and the requirement of obtaining all appropriate city business licenses. The Contract shall include indemnification language that the Contractor idemnifies all of the Parties for the work Contractor performs in each Party's respective jurisdiction. No Party shall be obligated hereunder to bring any action against the Contractor for breach of its obligations under the Contract. 9. Supervision of Contractor -Torrance shall be responsible for coordinating the activities of Contractor, in accordance with the law. Torrance shall be responsible for ensuring adherence to the scope of work in Exhibit A, unless that scope of work and cost sharing formula is amended in writing by all of the effected Parties. Time is of the essence in this MOA. Torrance shall notify the other Parties regarding all change orders, including cost and scope changes, and shall offer the other Parties reasonable time to comment. . [Machado Lake TMDL MOU.DOC) -3- G-6 10. Labor Compliance Program -To the extent required by law and the Grant, Torrance shall adopt and operate, and obtain Department of Industrial Relations approval for, a labor compliance program for this Project. 11. Payment -Upon contract execution with the State Water Resources Control Board for the Grant, Torrance shall invoice each Party for its respective share of the matching fund costs based on the "Net Payment to/from Torrance" in the cost sharing formula described in Exhibit B. Each Party shall pay that invoice within sixty (60) days of receipt. The cost sharing formula in Exhibit B indicates that Rancho Palos Verdes in- kind contributions exceed their required matching funds. Upon contract execution with the State Water Resources Control Board for the Grant, Rancho Palos Verdes shall invoice Torrance for its respective share of the matching fund· costs based on the "Net Payment 'to/from Torrance" in the cost sharing formula described in Exhibit B. Torrance shall pay that invoice within sixty (60) days of receipt. 12. Term of MOA -This MOA shall continue in effect until the Project is completed, all Contractor's payments are made, and all Grant funds are received by Torrance, unless earlier terminated or extended by written agreement of all Parties. A Party may withdraw from this MOA ("Withdrawing Party") by sending notice to each Party in accordance with the notice provision of this MOA stating that Party!'s decision to· withdraw from this MOA. However, prior to withdrawing, the Withdrawing Party must be current on all financial obligations resulting from this MOA. Once the Withdrawing Party withdraws from the MOA it will no longer be a participant in the Project. Further, the Withdrawing Party forfeits any funds contributed prior to the effective date of its withdrawal from the MOA, unless it is later determined that certain aspects of the Project were not implemented and the Withdrawing Party's matching fund contribution should have been reduced pursuant to Section 7, above, in which case the Withdrawing Party shall be entitled to a reimbursement. Withdrawal is effective sixty (60) days after the date of written notice to all the Parties. If, however, the Withdrawing Party is Torrance, withdrawal is effective sixty (60) days after executing an assignment of the Contract to another Party to the MOA to serve as the new contracting agency. 13. Entire Agreement -This MOA, including any other documents incorporated herein by specific reference, represents the entire and integrated agreement between the Parties and supersedes all prior negotiations, representations or agreements, either written or oral. 14. Amendment -This MOA may be modified or amended, or provisions or breach may be waived, only by subsequent written agreement signed by all Parties. 15. Authority -Each of the persons executing this MOA on behalf of each Party represents and warrants that he or she has the authority to execute this MOA on behalf of such Party and has the authority to bind the Party to the performance of its obligations hereunder. [Machado Lake TMDL MOU.DOC] -4- G-7 16. Counterparts -This MOA may be signed in counterparts, and each counterpart shall be deemed an original, but all of which shall constitute one and the same instrument. 17. Indemnification -Each Party shall indemnify, defend, and hold harmless each of the other Parties, including the other Parties' elected and appointed officers, agents and employees, from and against any and all liability, including but not limited to demands, claims, causes of action, damages, injuries, liabilities, losses, actions, fees, costs, and expenses (including attorneys' and expert witness fees), (collectively "Claims") to the extent arising from, pertaining to, or related to the negligent, reckless or willful acts or omissions of that Party or of its officers, agents or employees in the performance of this MOA. This provision shall survive termination of this MOA. 18. ln.surance -The Parties are self-insured public entities for purposes of Professional Liability, General Liability, and Worker's Compensation. The Parties warrant that through their programs of self-insurance, they have adequate Professional Liability, General Liability and Workers' Compensation to provide coverage for liabilities arising out of the Parties' performance of this MOA. 19. Grant of Entry -During the term of this MOA, each Party hereby grants to Torrance and its Contractor the right of access and entry to all storm drains subject to this MOA to achieve the purposes of this MOA, subject to any reasonable conditions that each Party may impose in an encroachment permit pursuant to Section 5 of this MOA. Prior to exercising said right of entry, the entering Party shall provide written notice to the Party that owns and/or retains jurisdiction over the Property and obtain an encroachment permit from that Party. 20. Access to County Facilities -Any Party intending to enter onto the Los Angeles County right of way or install trash screens on a Los Angeles County storm drain catch basin shall first apply for a permit from the Los Angeles County Flood Control District's ("LACFCD") Construction Division, Permit Section. Once such a permit is obtained, the Party must contact LACFCD's Flood Maintenance Division at least 48 hours prior to entering the Property. Permits obtained by a Party to install catch basin screens on Los Angeles County storm drain catch basins in their jurisdiction must include the Contractor as a party to the permit and be provided to Torrance and the Contractor prior to work on those catch basins. 21. Access to Caltrans Facilities -Any Party, including Contractor, intending to enter onto a Caltrans right of way shall first apply for a Caltrans encroachment permit. Where adverse impacts to traffic or the traveled way can be anticipated by Caltrans, Caltrans may require the applicant Party to submit a formal encroachment permit application, to be filed and completed together with Traffic Control Plans when necessary (which must be prepared by or under the supervision of a traffic engineer licensed in the State of California) with the District Permit Engineer. An encroachment permit may require as much as six (6) weeks to be issued depending upon the extent of coordination and development of traffic controls required for that access. [Machado Lake TMDL MOU.DOC] -5- G-8 22. Representation -The representatives of the Parties shall be: Public Works Director or City Engineer for Torrance, Carson, Palos Verdes Estates, Lomita, Rolling Hills Estates, Rancho Palos Verdes. These individuals shall be the primary contact persons for the Parties regarding the performance of this MOA unless otherwise designated by the Party's representative. 23. Notices -Any notices, bills, invoices, or reports relating to this MOA and any request, demand, statement or other communication required or permitted hereunder shall be in writing and shall be delivered to all of the representatives of the Parties (unless the MOA provides for notice to a lesser number of the Parties) at the addresses set forth on the signature pages. Notice delivered via email shall constitute written notice. A notice shall be deemed to have been received on (a) the day of delivery, if delivered. by hand during regular business hours or by confirmed facsimile or by confirmed email; or (b) on the third business day following deposit in the United States mail, postage prepaid to the addresses set forth herein. 24. Relationship of the Parties -The Parties are, and shall at all times remain as to each other, wholly independent entities. No Party to this MOA shall have power to incur any debt, obligation, or liability on behalf of any other Party or otherwise act on behalf of any other Party as an agent except as expressly provided by this MOA. No official, employee, agent, or officer of a Party shall represent that he, she or anyone else from that Party is in any manner an official, agent, employee or officer of another Party. 25. Governing Law -This MOA shall be governed, interpreted, construed and enforced in accordance with the law of the State of California, excluding California's choice of law rules. Venue for any legal action or other proceeding relating to this MOA shall be in the Los Angeles County Superior Court. 26. Severability -If any provision of this MOA shall be determined by any court to be invalid, illegal or unenforceable to any extent, the remainder of this MOA shall not be affected and this MOA shall be construed as if the invalid, illegal or unenforceable provision had never been contained in this MOA. [Machado Lake TMDL MOU.DOC] -6- G-9 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties hereto have signed this MOA on the date afterwards indicated. The City of Carson, a municipal corporation Jim Dear, Mayor Attest: Donesia L. Gause, City Clerk Mailing Address: City of Carson 701 Carson Street Carson, CA 90749 Approved as to Form: William Wynder, City Attorney [Machado Lake -7 - TMDL MOU.DOC] G-10 The City of Palos Verdes Estates, a municipal corporation Attest: James F. Goodhart, Mayor Vickie Kroneberger, Deputy City Clerk Date:--------- Approved as to Form: Christi Hogin, City Attorney Mailing Address: City of Palos Verdes Estates. 340 Palos Verdes Drive West Palos Verdes Estates, CA 9027 4 [Machado Lake -8- TMDL MOU.DOC] G-11 The City of Lomita, a municipal corporation Margaret Estrada, Mayor Attest: Approved as to Form: By: By:---------- Michael Rock, City Clerk/City Manager Christi Hagin, City Attorney Mailing Address: City of Lomita 24300 Narbonne Avenue Lomita, CA 90717 [Machado Lake -9- TMDL MOU.DOC) G-12 The City of Torrance, a municipal corporation By:~~~~~--,.~~~~~ Frank Scotto, Mayor Attest: Approved as to Form: Sue Herbers, City Clerk Mailing Address: City of Torrance Public Works Department 20500 Madrona Torrance, CA 90503 [Machado Lake -1 Q- TMDL MOU.DOq John L. Fellows Ill, City Attorney G-13 The City of Rolling Hills Estates, a municipal corporation Frank V. Zerunyan, Mayor Attest: Approved as to Form: By: By: ____________ _ Douglas R. Prichard, City Clerk Donald M. Davis, City Attorney Mailing Address: City of Rolling Hills Estates 4045 Palos Verdes Drive North Rolling Hills Estates, CA 9027 4 [Machado Lake -11- TMDL MOU.DOC] G-14 The City of Rancho Palos Verdes, a municipal corporation Susan Brooks, Mayor Attest: By: __________ _ Carla Morreale, City Clerk Approved as to Form: By:. _____________ _ Carol W. Lynch, City Attorney Mailing Address: City of Rancho Palos Verdes 30940 Hawthorne Boulevard Rancho Palos Verdes, CA 90275 [Machado Lake -12- TMDL MOU.DOC] G-15 [Machado Lake TMDL MOU.DOC] Exhibit A Copy of Budget Detail from Proposition 84 Storm Water Grant Program Round 1 Implementation G-16 1.1-Execute Contract with State Water Board 1.2-Develop and execute Memorandum of Understanding for lead agency and project partners 1,9-File Quarterlv Progress reports and reimbursement reque5ts, date collection, partner coordination 1.4-Develop Draft and Final performance reports, data collection, partner coordination 1.5-Fiie Draft and Final performance repcrts z;·;1unlni/D•slin/fn11iieerlng/ Envlr0i11;.ent..1 2.1 Catch Basin Oesion 2.2 CEQA Notice of Exemptions (6 NOE'• flied@ $75 each Matching funds! 2.3 Countv Flood Permits · mentatlon • 3.1-0evelop contract Bid Documents for •icn and catch basin installations •!Ki RFP• for Inspection and Public Outreach 3.2 -Award Public Works Contracts and Service Contncts for Inspection and Public Outreach. 3.3 Construction Mana1em<1nl (10% of Installation/materials <osts) 3.3.1 construction Manaaement 3.3.2 Construction Inspection 3.4 Phased Installations of c•tch basin $Creens 3.4.1 TorrarKe no Darkina si1ns 3.4.2 Torrance Automati< Retractable Screens 3.4.3 C111wn Automatic Retractable Screens 3.4.4 Carson Connector Pioe Svstems 3.4.5 Palos Verdes Estates Connector Pipa Svstems S.4.6 Lomite Automatic Retractable Screens 3.4.7 Lomita connector Piao Svstems 3.4.8 RolUns Hills Estates Automatic Ret. Screen 3.4.9 Rolling Hills Estates Connector Pipe Svstem 3.4.10 Rancho Palos Verdes ARS 3.4.11 Rancho Palos Verdes CPS 4.1Finallze Project Assessment and Evaluation Pl•n 4.2 Finalize Monitorins Plan & QAPP 4.3 Monitoring (baseUne and post project, to include one wet season.) S;'Educatloli/butreach , ·· · 5.1 Public Media Development and procuremen (press releases, brochure, website content) 5.2 conduct community Outreach Meetings 5.3 Local Coordination tommunity outreach in each Jurisdiction (10 hours for aach Oty), 5.4 Develop final summary report de>Criblng all outreach effort> with deliverables). Grand Total: Project Man11er $95.00 Project Milnil&cr $95.00 Project Manager $95.00 Project Manaaer $95.00 Project Mana1er $95.00 ·. Project M111a1er $95.00 Projee1 Man11er $95.00 . . . .,:..·· Project Manager $95.00 PrOjli!ct Manaser $95.00 Project Manager $95.00 Consullanl Contractor Contractor Conn actor Contrutot Contractor Contractor Contractor Contractor conuxtor Con1r1ctor Contrattor ... · Project Manaaar $95.(l(I Projet'I Manlier $95.00 Project M1n11er $95.00 Consultant Consultant Projecl Manaaer $95.(l(I Conwltant 100%" Note: CHECK YOUR NUMBERS I Do NOT ass1.1me this Excel spreadthcet lS correct. Ple1Se refer to the READ ME tab. Does the Budget Summary Total match the Budget Details Total? 20 $1,900 120 $11,400 80 $7,600 40 $3,800 20 $1,900 $0 $0 $75.00 30 $2,850 $75.00 120 $11,400 $250.00 $0 80 $7,600 60 600 $57,000 $100,000 $0 $o $90 $0 $950 $0 $950 $0 $500 $0 $500 $0 $950 $0 $500 $0 $950 $0 $500 $0 $950 $D 20 $1.900 20 $1.900 80 $1~600 so $0 $10,000 $0 $25,000 60 $5,700 so $5,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $1,900 $0 $11,400 $7,600 $0 $3,800 $0 $1,900 $0 ... h 2062 $154,650 $154,6$0 each $450 $3,300 .. ch 793 $198,250 $209 650 $0 so '· .. • . ;~· . . $1,776;100 . $0 $7,600 $0 SS,700 $57 000 each $100,000 $100 000 each 2000 $UO,OOO $180 000 $1,605,800 each 631 $599,450 $599,450 each 196 $186,200 $186,200 1116 $98,000 S98000 each 52 $26,000 $26,000 each 2n $263,150 $263,150 Heh 277 $138,$00 Sl38.500 each 50 $47,500 $47,500 Hth 95 $47,500 $47,500 $0 so ••"' 39 $19500 Sl9.500 $0 $1,900 $0 $1,900 $0 $7,600 $0 $0 each $10,000 $10.000 e.ch $25,000 $25,000 $5,700 ea.ch $5,000 $5,000 $0 $0 so so $0 so $0 $0 so $0 $0 $2;227.400 G-17 . ·-·--·-'~-~C!:l~l?QLJ!.~E!~!:l~~l._F'~QJE~~L;:~Q_!!T~!::!~~l.NG_FQ~MiJ~_j_. ______ ·-·--'--·. ......... ·-41.?Y~Q'.)~--l· .. ___ ·- ·--·-----···--· -··-··---······· ·----· ····-·f ·---····--· · -+--· ··· -·· · •··• -·· · --··-·+---···---·-·-'· · ···· ·· · ---··'··· · ----········i-· ·· Construction Cost Estimate . ! i 1 -i . ~!::!1_~1]" B . J .... __ .. _ .... ·-· ·-· . ·-· -·. -i-·-··· i CITY CBw/ARS Costper ARS CBw/CPS Cost per CPS County CB Permit per CB No. of Signs Cost Per SiQn Total Cost Torrance 631 $950 0 $500 262 $250 2000 $90 $779,450 Carson 196 $950 196 $500 194 $250 0 $90 $284,200 Palos Verdes Estates 0 $950 52 $500 0 $250 0 $90 $26,000 Lomita 277 $950 277 $500 208 $250 0 $90 $401,650 Rollina Hills Estates 50 $950 95 $500 48 $250 0 $90 $95,000 Rancho Palos Verdes 0 $950 39 $500 39 $250 0 $90 $19,500 Total 659 Total 751 Total $1,605,800 : ! 1 1 :_.: __ . ~:·~==~~~~ --~. · ___ .. :-:.·-=--· ... _:_~--=~:.~~:~~--.:_.~-::~~~~~-.F~.=----.:_= -· -~ ·-·:~~ ~~-~=~i ~-_:.--~~~I--::~·_::-· --· '.-~. · ~---_:~-~i-.~=- , l : PROP84-sf6RMWATERGRANTPROORANi-::auo6EisuMMARY .. ·' -····· ---1-------r· --· ----· . ... ---+ -· .. ·+· ----l . . . ..... . -"-----··---------id;·-· -· -·-··-. f ~na~ ~@nt "I ot_a~.?,.2-?.!!~00.()0_ t··-·-·---··--1 ·--···-.. I TASK per Grant I Grant I Local Match !Torrance Matcti Carson Match I PVE Match I Lomita Match I RHE Match RPVMatch TOTALS Task 1.1 Contract w/ State I I $1,900.00 I $1,900.00 $1,900.00 Task 1.2 Execute MOU I I $11,400.0() I $11 ,400.00 $11,400.00 Task 1.3·Grant Reporting I I $7,600.00 I $7,600.00 $7,600.00 Task 1.4 Final Performance Report I I $3,800.00 I $3,800.00 $3,800.00 ··Task 1.5 Report to RWQCB I I $1,900.00 I $1.900.00 $1,900.00 $0.00 Task 2.1 Project Design $154,650.00 $75,066.59 $27,370.49 $2,503.99 $38,681.76 $9,149.18 $1,877.99 $154,650.00 Task 2.2 CEQA Documentation $3,300.00 $1,601.81 $584.05 $53.43 $825.41 $195.23 $40.07 $3,300.00 Task 2.3 Permitting $209,650.00 $73,140.22 $54,157.26 $0.00 $58,065.51 $13,399.73 $10,887.28 $209,650.00 $0.00 Task 3.1 Construction Documents $7,600.00 $7,600.00 $7,600.00 Task 3.2 Contract Award $5,700.00 $5,700.00 $5,700.00 Task 3.3 Construction Management $100,000.00 $57,000.00 $57,000.00 $57,000.00 Task 3.4 Phased Installation $1,605,800.00 Task 4.1 Proj Assessment & Eval $1,900.00 $1,900.00 $1,900.00 Task 4.2 Monitoring Plan & OAPP $1,900.00 $1.900.00 $1,900.00 Task 4.4 Monitorina (baseline & post) $7,600.00 $7,600.00 $7,600.00 Task 5.1 Consultant Develops Materials $10,000.00 Task 5.2 Conduct Outreach each City $25,000.00 Task 5.3 Set up & Coord. Meetings $5,700.00 $2,766.75 $1Jlb8.81 $92.29 $1,425.71 $337.22 $69.22 $5,700.00 Task 5.4 Dev. Summary Report $5,000.00 $481,600.00 Total of City's In-Kind Matching Funds I $1,745,800.00L$481,600,00r $260,875.371 $83,120.61 r $2,649.7f" I $98,998.39 I $23,081.36 I $12,874.56 $481,600.00 Total City's Matching Funds Required I I I $233,767.04 I $85,235.22 I $7,797.73 I $120,459.98 I $28,491.72 I $5,848.30 Net Payment (to)/from Torrance -I ---I -----1-$27,108.33 I $2;114.61 I $5,148.02 I $21,461.59 I _$5,410.36 _I -$7,026.26 Project BudQet Per Citv I I $2,227,400.00I$1,081,172:58f $394:212.90 r $36,064.52 I $557, 127.42 I $131,774.19 I $27,048.39 1---··--·--·-·-·. -· -···-· -·-··-· ----·-·. -.J. ______ .. _ .. L ... ---···-_l_ __ _:=-~--J ------.... .L __ -_ J --· ·----.. ·j--.! Note: The "Net Payment to/from Torrance" represents the Citv's Matchina Funds required minus their In-Kind contribution to Matching Funds. i 1 G - 1 8