RPVCCA_CC_SR_2014_07_29_03_Local_Coastal_Plan_Amendment_Initiation_RequestCITY OF RANCHO PALOS VERDES
DATE: JULY 29, 2014
Project Manager: Ara Mihranian, AICP, Deputy Community Development Directo~
Direct Staff to initiate an amendment to the City's Local Coastal Plan to allow flag poles to
exceed 16-feet in height as a visual corridor landmark on property owned or dedicated to
the City in the City's Coastal Zone.
On July 9, 2014, the California Coastal Commission conducted a meeting to consider a
number of items related to Trump National that were previously approved by the City
Council but have been awaiting Coastal Commission approval, including the existing 70-
foot high flag pole that was approved by the City Council in 2007. During its deliberations,
the Coastal Commission indicated that the flag pole could not be supported because the
City's Local Coastal Plan (LCP) does not allow for flag poles of its height in the Coastal
Zone, and that the City did not have the authority to grant a variance for the flag pole. As a
solution, the Coastal Commission suggested that the City make a specific amendment to
the City's LCP to address the height of flag poles in the Coastal Zone. In response to this
information, the Trump National organization withdrew their request regarding the flag pole
at the July gth Commission hearing until the City can address the LCP amendment issue.
The City Council is being asked tonight to initiate the process to amend the City's LCP to
specifically address the height of flag poles in the City's Coastal Zone.
According to Section 30514.b of the California Coastal Act, any proposed amendments to
a certified local coastal plan shall be submitted to, and processed by, the California Coastal
Commission. Prior to the Coastal Commission's review of the proposed LCP amendment,
the City's process involves the following steps:
1. City Council initiation of the LCP amendment (tonight's agenda item);
2. Planning Commission's review of the proposed text amendment to the LCP. If the
Council initiates the amendment to the LCP process this evening, after factoring in
currently agendized items and the time involved for the required public notice, Staff
anticipates the earliest the Planning Commission would review the LCP amendment
is at its September 9, 2014 meeting, at which time a recommendation will be
forwarded to the City Council; and,
3. City Council review of the Commission recommended text amendment to the LCP.
Staff anticipates this step to occur at the October 7, 2014 City Council meeting.
During the process described above, the specific text language will be vetted as it relates to
allowing flag poles exceeding 16-feet in height in the City's Coastal Zone. The Corridor
Element of the LCP currently identifies the Point Vicente Light House and the former
Marineland Sky Tower as landmark vocal points. At this time, Staff recommends amending
the Corridor Element of the LCP, specifically Figure 26 under Visual Corridors, by removing
the Marineland Sky Tower (since it was demolished in 1995) and adding the flag pole
abutting Founder's Park as a landmark focal point. Additionally, Staff recommends adding
text allowing flag poles to exceed 16-feet in height on property owned or dedicated to the
City in the City's Coastal Zone.
The Council adopted amendment to the LCP will be forwarded to the Coastal Commission
for its consideration. City Staff is set to meet with Coastal Staff within the coming week to
discuss the details to the proposed amendment to the LCP. In preliminary conversations
with Coastal Staff after the July 9th hearing, it was conveyed to City Staff that the
amendment to the LCP, if solely for flag poles, could be processed expeditiously by
Coastal Staff. Once the LCP has been amended, the City can process a Coastal
Development Permit for the Trump National flag pole, and if no appeal is filed to the
Coastal Commission, the City's decision would become the final decision.
Processing an amendment to the LCP will have no significant fiscal impact to the General
Fund as Staff time involved in this process is expected to be minimal.
In addition to Staff's recommendation, the following alternatives are available for the City
Council's consideration:
• Deny initiating the amendment to the City's LCP, thereby requiring the Trump
National Organization to adhere to the July gth Coastal Commission Staff
Recommendation as it relates to the height and location of the flag pole. Under this
alternative, the Trump National Organization would have to re-apply for a Coastal
Development Permit by the Coastal Commission.
• Identify issues or concerns related to the LCP amendment initiation request and
provide Staff with direction.