RPVCCA_CC_SR_2014_07_22_03_City_Mgr_Recruitment_BulletinCrrYOF MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: REVIEWED: HONORABLE MAYOR & CITY COUNCIL MEMBERS dlfll)- SEAN M. ROBINSON, HUMAN RESOURCES MANAGEF(3t/ JULY 22, 2014 DRAFT CITY MANAGER RECRUITMENT - BULLETIN REVIEW CAROLYNN PETRU, ACTING CITY MANAGE~ RECOMMENDATION 1. Discuss and provide input on the Draft City Manager Recruitment bulletin prepared by Bob Murray of Murray & Associates; and 2. Continue this item to July 29, 2014 for final review and approval. DISCUSSION At the June 3, 2014 City Council Meeting, Council approved the City Manager Recruitment Public Outreach Plan. Town Hall meetings were conducted at Miraleste Intermediate School on Tuesday, June 24, 2014, and the Pointe Vicente Interpretive Center (PVCI) on Wednesday, July 9, 2014. Approximately two dozen residents and interested parties attended the two Town Hall meetings. Press releases and listserv email were sent out to the local media and the public, and an on line survey was conducted. Additionally, Staff provided paper copies of the on line survey at all public counters so that the broadest number of people possible were aware of, and could participate in the survey process. As of July 11, 2014, 95 individual responses were received from the online survey and provided to Mr. Murray. Mr. Murray analyzed the information provided by the City Council, City Advisory Board Members, residents, and the community with regard to the attributes desired in the next Rancho Palos Verdes City Manager. Mr. Murray has incorporated key comments and characteristics into his draft bulletin (see attached), and awaits discussion and input from the City Council in order to prepare the final bulletin, which is proposed to be presented to the City Council for approval at the July 29, 2014. Upon approval of the bulletin, Mr. Murray will launch the recruitment. Attachment: • Draft City Manager Recruitment Bulletin 3-1 CITY OF RANCHO PALOS VERDES CITY MANAGER POSITION PROFILE THE COMMUNITY The City of Rancho Palos Verdes, situated atop the hills and bluffs of the Palos Verdes Peninsula in Los Artgeles County, is a contract City that has maintained its semi-rural environment and expansive views of the Pacific Ocean and Los Angeles basin. Residents enjoy 7.5 miles of Pacific c.oastline, the 1,400-acre Palos Verdes Nature Preserve, and hundreds more acres of open space. Located within the City's 13.5 square miles are a number of historic landmarks, including the Wayfarers Chapel and the Point Vicente Lighthouse; Rancho Palos Verdes is also home to Trump National Golf Club, and Terranea Resort. The City's Point Vicente Interpretive Center offers spectacular whale-watching opportunities December through April, and the City hosts a number of community events throughout the year. Residents of Rancho Palos Verdes are able to take advantage of excellent educational opportunities in the area. The City is part of the Palos Verdes Peninsula Unified School District, which includes Palos Verdes Peninsula High School-ranked 24th in the state and Marymount California University, a private liberal arts institution, a popular higher education choice located within the City. Rancho Palos Verdes' diverse and active population of 42,000 enjoys all the benefits of a bedroom community with a seaside location. THE ORGANIZATION Rancho Palos Verdes is a California General Law City and has operated under a Council-Manager form of government since its incorporation in 1973. Policy-making and legislative authority are vested in the City Council, which consists of five Members elected at-large on a nonpartisan basis, including the City Council-designated Mayor and Mayor Pro Tem. Council Members are elected to four-year staggered terms, with two or three Council Members elected every two years. The City Council is responsible for passing ordinances, adopting the budget, appointing committees, and hiring the City Manager and City Attorney. The City Manager is responsible for carrying out the policies and ordinances of the City Council and overseeing day-to-day operations. The City has an adopted FY2014-2015 budget of $36 million, with $11.1 million marked for infrastructure projects, and maintains a small staff of 62 full-time employees and approximately 50 part-time employees; most services are provided by contracted outside agencies and vendors. Departments within the City include Administration, Finance, Community Development, Public Works, and Recreation and Parks. Police and fire services are provided by Los Angeles County, and vendor contracts have been awarded for public facility and right-of-way maintenance. The City Council contracts with an outside law firm for City Attorney services, and the City issues franchise agreements to commercial providers for solid waste, electric, water, and gas services. 3-2 ISSUES, CHALLENGES, AND OPPORTUNITIES With completion of the San Ramon Canyon Stabilization project (the City's largest infrastructure project to date), the City has set its sights on planning for long-term renewal to address the City's unmet infrastructure needs. The Portuguese Bend Landslide area is an ongoing concern for residents and the City Council, and future planning will need to have the adaptability to respond to changes in this situation. There has been recent employee turnover in the City, and the City Council has funded 5 additional full-time positions for FY2014-2015. The new City Manager willneed to consider the sizeable number of new employees in order to make the best use of employee talent. Employees of the City have also recently unionized, and the new City Manager will need to demonstrate sensitivity to this change in the environment of the organization while implementing the City's first employee contract: THE IDEAL CANDIDATE The City Council seeks a strong leader and skilled administrator who has the ability to inspire Rancho Palos Verdes' staff. The new City Manager must garner credibility and respect among the City Council, City staff and committees, and citizens while demonstrating honesty and the highest personal integrity. The successful candidate will demonstrate a commitment to presenting the same full, unbiased, balanced information to all members of the City Council in an apolitical manner and the ability to assist the Council in reaching consensus on complex and sensitive issues. A transparent, articulate communicator is sought, as is an individual who can transmit the goals of the City Council to City staff. The City Manager will be an individual with excellent management and listening skills who demonstrates a collaborative, team-building style would do well in this position; the City Council seeks an individual who will both empower staff and ensure that accountability is maintained. The new City Manager must have the ability to evaluate current policies and procedures with a customer- focused goal and the aim to improving the consistency, responsiveness, and timeliness of City operations. Candidates for this position must possess a strong background in municipal management or applicable private sector experience and a Bachelor's Degree in Public Administration, Business Administration, or a related field; prior experience as a City Manager in a city of comparable size and complexity or as an Assistant City Manager in a larger city is desirable. THE COMPENSATION The salary for the City Manager is open, dependent upon qualifications. The City of Rancho Palos Verdes also offers an attractive benefits package, including: 3-3 Retirement: PERS 2%@60 for employees with continuing PERS employment and 2%@62 for new PERS employees. Final compensation is determined by the three-year average option, and employee pays employee contribution of 7%. Medical Insurance: City offers three health plans, two dental plans, one vision plan, and one mental health plan; City pays cost of employees' medical, dental, vision, and mental health benefits and up to 50% of the cost of medical, dental, vision, and mental health benefits for eligible dependents. Vacation Leave: Annual accrual ranges from 80 to 160 hours, based upon years of service. Maximum accrual is limited to 2 times annual accrual hours. Sick Leave: Accrues at the rate of 8 hours for each calendar month of service, with maximum accumulation of 720 hours. Up to 720 hours may be reported to CalPERS as "service time" only at the time of the employee's retirement from the City. Wellness Leave: Employee may earn 4.5 hours of wellness leave if an employee does not use any sick leave time for 10 consecutive week periods. Maximum accrual of 9 hours. Holidays: Paid holidays include Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, the Friday after Thanksgiving, the Winter Holiday Break (December 24 through January 1 ), and one floating holiday annually. Post-Retirement Health Care Saving Account: Employees contribute 1 % of salary into mandatory retirement healthcare savings account. City currently contributes $55.36 per pay period into this account. Other benefits provided by the City include long-and short-term disability plans, flexible reimbursement plans, a deferred compensation plan, and a tuition reimbursement program. TO APPLY If you are interested in this outstanding opportunity, please visit our website at www.bobmurrayassoc.com to apply online. Filing Deadline: September 12, 2014 Following the closing date, resumes will be screened according to the qualifications outlined above. The most qualified candidates will be invited to personal interviews with Bob Murray and Associates. A select group of candidates will be asked to provide references once it is anticipated that they may be recommended as finalists. References will be contacted only following candidate approval. Finalist interviews will be held with the City Council. Candidates will be advised of the status of the recruitment following selection of the City Manager. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call Bob Murray at (916) 784-9080. 3-4