RPVCCA_CC_SR_2014_05_20_04_Agricultural_Use_Pt_Vicente_ParkCl1YOF RANCHO PALOS VERDES MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: HONORABLE MAYOR & CITY COUNCIL MEMBERS CAROLYNN PETRU, AICP, ACTING CITY MANAGER@ MAY 20, 2014 UPDATE REGARDING AGRICULTURAL USE AT POINT VICENTE PARK Project Manager : Kit Fox, AICP, Senior Administrative Ana l ys ~ RECOMMENDATION 1) Receive and file an update on the status of the existing agricultural use at Point Vicente Park; 2) provide feedback regarding the preferred site (if any) for the relocation of this agricultural use; and, 3) review the concept of a non-commercial community garden at Point Vicente Park as a possible replacement for the existing commercial agricultural use, and provide direction to Staff as appropriate. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The City Council last considered this item on December 17, 2013. At that time, the City Council directed Staff to abandon the conversion process for Point Vicente Park and to research the possibility of relocating the existing farm to another City property. In the course of considering the relocation of the farm, Staff noted that allowing the former farm site to lie fallow would probably not be in the best interest of protecting sensitive native plant communities in the surrounding Palos Verdes Nature Preserve, and sought to identify an alternate use of the property until such time as the property could be re- vegetated. Therefore, Staff presents an update tonight on the identification of relocation sites for the current farm, and a conceptual discussion of the use of the current farm site for a non-commercial community garden. BACKGROUND On December 17, 2013, the City Council last received a report on the possible conversion of the existing agricultural use at Point Vicente Park under the terms of the Program of Utilization (POU), as administered by the National Park Service (NPS) and the General Services Administration (GSA). At that meeting, the City Council determined that continuing to pursue the conversion process would be financially infeasible, due primarily to the expected cost of acquiring replacement property that would be both eligible and acceptable to NPS and GSA. Therefore, the City Council directed Staff to abandon the conversion process and to focus upon relocating the existing agricultural use to another 4-1 MEMORANDUM: Agricultural Use at Point Vicente Park May 20, 2014 Page 2 City-owned property (see attached excerpt from the Minutes of the December 17, 2013, City Council meeting). Tonight, Staff presents an update on this process. Although the current farm site is located within the Palos Verdes Nature Preserve and is consistent with the City's draft Natural Communities Conservation Plan (NCCP), neither the City nor the Palos Verdes Peninsula Land Conservancy (PVPLC) has any plans to vegetate the farm site with native plant species in the foreseeable future. Since agricultural use in this location is compatible with the draft NCCP, Staff explored the possibility of establishing a non-commercial community garden or similar use on the site that might be found consistent with the land use restrictions imposed under the POU by NPS and GSA. Therefore, Staff presents some preliminary concepts of such a proposal for the City Council's review and consideration before expending additional Staff time and resources. DISCUSSION Status of Existing Lease Agreement The original 5-year lease agreement with Mr. Hatano expired on March 31, 2011. With the expiration of the original lease, Mr. Hatano's tenancy has continued, as provided for in the lease, on a month-to-month basis, paid in advance for the full year ($100.00) on or about the 1st of April each year. Staff advised Mr. Hatano's daughter of the City Council's action on December 17, 2013, including the possible relocation of the farm to another City property. In order to provide sufficient time to explore relocation options before asking Mr. Hatano to permanently vacate the City's property, the City agreed to continue Mr. Hatano's month-to-month tenancy for an additional 6-month period. Payment of fifty dollars ($50.00) was remitted to the City on April 9, 2014, which allows Mr. Hatano to continue to occupy the City's property for an additional six (6) months until September 30, 2014. Possible Relocation Sites At the December 17, 2013, City Council meeting, Mayor Pro Tern Knight suggested that Gateway Park might be an appropriate alternate location for the farm. Staff has reviewed this suggestion and the inventory of existing, City-owned properties to identify four (4) potential relocation sites. It is also important to note that Mr. Hatano and his foreman, Mr. Martinez, do not practice traditional "dry farming" at the Point Vicente Park site; the existing farm is served by its own water meter, which Mr. Hatano pays for. Staff assumes that Mr. Hatano and Mr. Martinez would desire to continue farming irrigated crops if the farm is relocated to another City property. Given these assumptions, each of the potential sites identified by Staff poses unique opportunities and constraints for agricultural use, as summarized in the table provided below. 4-2 MEMORANDUM: Agricultural Use at Point Vicente Park May 20, 2014 Page 3 Park: 4600-Block of Palos Verdes Dr. S . ....,..~~~-.-,=---:-~-::-:--:--:-:=-~=-~---:-:~----.,,,..----:-1 Acres: Zoning: OH (Open Space-Hazard) and ±17 RS-1 (Residential Single-Family, 1 DU/acre Opportunities: Much larger than existing farm lease area; access from Palos Verdes Dr. S. is possible; located outside of Palos Verdes Nature Preserve Constraints: Agriculture requires CUP in OH and RS-1 zones; land use and zoning designation are subject to change until General Plan update process is completed; irregular topography due to location in active landslide area; availability of water may be impossible and/or undesirable due to land movement; possible conflicts with other proposed uses (i.e., Nature Preserve trailhead, equestrian park, etc.); objections to agricultural use may be raised by park stakeholders Opportunities: Flat to gently-sloped areas; s imilar size to existing farm lease area; acquired from County with City General Fund monies as tax- defaulted property in 2010 Constraints: Agriculture requires CUP in RS-A-5 and OH zones; currently no legal access to an abutting public street (Island View Dr.); access from Island View Dr. would require improvement; encumbered by a landscape easement along private street along southern boundary (Ocean Crest Dr.); stated purpose of acquisition in 2010 was for "public open space and drainage control" Acres: Zoning: OR (Open Space-Recreation) & 17 _54 RS-5 (Residential Single-Family, 5 DU/acre Opportunities: Flat to gently-slo ped areas; much larger than existing farm lease area; agriculture does not require CUP in OR zone; access from Montemala a Dr. and Ironwood St. is ossible Constraints: Agriculture requires CUP in RS-5 zone; CEQA review still required for agriculture in the OR zone; acquired from PVPUSD with City General Fund monies (and possibly State grant funds) for public park purposes; access from Montemalaga Dr. and/or Ironwood St. would require improvement; site currently has no water service; removal of dedication as a public park for all or a portion of the site in order to permit commercial agriculture would require voter approval 4-3 MEMORANDUM: Agricultural Use at Point Vicente Park May 20, 2014 Page4 Acres : Zoning: RS-2 (Residential Single- 1.30 Famil , 2 DU/acre Opportunities: Flat areas; access from Tarragon Rd. and Palos Verdes Dr. S. is possible; acquired from private party with City General Fund monies for Mccarrell Canyon storm drain project in 2007; property includes a portion of the site of the former Hatano family farmhouse (demolished in 1990s) Constraints: Much sma ller than existing farm lease area, agriculture requires CUP in RS-2 zone; presence of underground storm drain infrastructure on roughly one-third of property; possible future sale of property for residential development (maximum of 2 single-family homes with a lot split) to recoup the funds spent for its acquisition could be hindered Considering all four (4) sites described above, Staff believes that each has some potential as a suitable location for the existing farm. However, possible use restrictions related to the source of funding and/or the purpose of acquisition for South Windport Canyon and Grandview Park may make commercial agricultural use more problematic than at Gateway Park or the Tarragon Lot. Furthermore, Staff has not yet consulted with Mr. Hatano's daughter or his foreman, Mr. Martinez, about whether or not they believe any of the above-mentioned City properties would be suitable for agricultural use due to soil conditions, slope, orientation or other physical factors. With input from the City Council regarding these four (4) site as tonight's meeting, Staff can continue to pursue these discussions with the farm's operator in the coming weeks, and to report back to the City Council. However, if the City Council believes that none of these sites are feasible for the relocation of the farm, Staff can advise Mr. Hatano and Mr. Martinez that they will need to vacate the property by the end of September. Community Garden Conce pt In the event that the existing farm at Point Vicente Park is relocated or terminated, the terms of the current lease with Mr. Hatano call for all personal property to be removed from the site (see Section 5 of the attached 2006 lease agreement). To the extent that it is physically possible to do so, Staff presumes that this section could also apply the removal and relocation of non-native crops from the City's property. Staff will confer with PVPLC as to whether or not the large stands of prickly pear cactus can remain on the property as wildlife forage areas. However, even if this is not the case, Staff is concerned that allowing the existing agricultural fields to lie fallow or untended may have adverse impacts upon the surrounding Alta Vicente Nature Reserve. Therefore, Staff has identified a community garden as a concept for the interim or (possibly) permanent use of this portion of the City's property. 4-4 MEMORANDUM: Agricultural Use at Point Vicente Park May 20, 2014 Page 5 As the City Council is aware, the POU that controls this portion of the site prohibits commercial leases. However, as described above, the NCCP can allow for continued agricultural use at this site. This conceptual project could potentially include elements such as: • A community garden with individual plots available for public, non-commercial use; • A demonstration farm with an open shade structure, bench seating, and interpretive information regarding the history of local farming; and/or • A native plant nursery to support habitat restoration efforts in the Palos Verdes Nature Preserve by PVPLC. Existing Farm Lease Area If a community garden is determined to be feasible under the POU, it is likely that any associated fee revenue would be limited to the recovery of direct costs, such as irrigation. The project could include a maintenance area, with a small storage structure and composting facility , similar in size and location to what currently exists on the site. Approval by the Resource Agencies and PVPLC will be required. Some grading may be necessary to improve access and usability ; and some roadway improvements may be necessary to improve site accessibility to ADA-compliant levels. This improvement will need to be compliant with the NCCP and the anticipated conservation easement to be recorded on the property. Staff anticipates that providing safe public vehicular access from Palos Verdes Drive South will be a challenge to be considered in assessing the feasibility of this proposal. 4-5 MEMORANDUM: Agricultural Use at Point Vicente Park May 20, 2014 Page 6 Staff has estimated the cost of this project to range between $325,000 and $375,000. If authorized, Staff would pursue any available grant funding to support components of the project, as well as donations of material and equipment. If a native plant nursery is included, Staff anticipates that PVPLC would bear the costs associated with it, with the City merely providing the land (for reference, PVPLC's existing native plant nursery at the Navy Fuel Depot in San Pedro occupies approximately 1.7 acres). At this time, there is no funding allocated to this proposal in the FY 2014-15 Capital Improvement Program (CIP) budget. If the City Council desires for Staff to explore this concept further, we will reach out to NPS and GSA to determine if it is consistent with the POU. Staff will also direct our grant consultant, Blais & Associates, to focus on identifying possible funding sources, and we will initiate outreach to the community and other stakeholder to gauge their interest in this proposal. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Mr. Hatano, his daughter and son, the farm's foreman, Mr. Martinez, and several other interested parties have been advised of the City Council's consideration of this report at tonight's meeting. CONCLUSION Staff is seeking input from the City Council regarding the four (4) potential sites identified for the possible relocation of the farm. Based upon the City Council's direction, Staff will continue working with Mr. Hatano and Mr. Martinez to explore the feasibility of relocating the existing farm to another location on City-owned property. If a site is accepted by the City Council, Staff will work to facilitate the relocation of the farm to that site by the end of September. In the event that a mutually-acceptable solution has not been reached by that time, the existing lease will be terminated and Staff will work with the affected parties to vacate the City's property in a timely manner. With respect to the community garden concept at Point Vicente Park, Staff seeks feedback from the City Council on its interest in pursuing this proposal further. If so authorized, Staff would engage in additional dialogue with NPS and GSA, with PVPLC, with our grant consultant and with the community, and we would expect to report back to the City Council on this proposal within the next three (3) to four (4) months. ALTERNATIVES The City Council's direction at previous meetings has been to abandon the conversion process and explore the relocation of the existing agricultural use at Point Vicente Park to another City-owned property. Staff has also suggested considering the development of a community garden at Point Vicente Park at the site of the current farm. Based upon public testimony and City Council discussion at tonight's meeting, different and/or additional alternative courses of action may be identified. 4-6 MEMORANDUM: Agricultural Use at Point Vicente Park May 20, 2014 Page 7 FISCAL IMPACT In the near term, the City has received $50.00 to allow the continued use of the farm site until September 30, 2014. If necessary and desirable, the City Council may be asked to consider extending this permission on a month-to-month basis for an additional 6-month period with the payment of an additional $50.00. With respect to the community garden concept, no funding source has been identified at this time. Staff's preliminary estimate of the project's cost would be $325,000 to $375,000. Attachments: • Minutes of December 17, 2013, City Council meeting (excerpt) • 2006 lease agreement M:\Municipal Facilities\Hatano Farm Lease Agreement\20140520_HatanoFarmStatus_StaffRpt.docx 4-7 at the November 19, 2013 Council meeting regarding City Council Goal-Setting. He recommended the Council establish strategic actions or a strategic plan. Discussion ensued among Council Members, Dr. Colman, and staff. Each Council Member provided answers to the Pre-Exercise Questions presented for Council input. At 8:57 P.M., during discussion of this item, it was noted that the Council's teleconference connection with Councilman Misetich was no longer active. At 9:01 P.M., Councilman Misetich connection to the Council meeting was restored. Councilwoman Brooks moved, seconded by Mayor Pro Tern Knight, to approve the staff recommendation to: Authorize the City Manager to sign the Professional Services Agreement (PSA) with The Closers Group, LLC, to conduct the City Council's 2014 goal-setting exercise on January 8, 2014 and January 21, 2014; and provide direction to Staff and The Closers Group, LLC, to assist in preparation for this exercise. The motion passed on the following roll call vote : AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Brooks, Campbell, Knight, Misetich, and Mayor Duhovic None None Update Regarding Conversion Process for Agricultural Use at Point Vicente Park Senior Administrative Analyst Fox provided a brief staff report and PowerPoint presentation regarding this item. Discussion ensued among Council Members, staff, and City Attorney Lynch. Mayor Pro Tern Knight moved, seconded by Councilwoman Brooks, to: Direct staff to abandon the conversion process with the National Park Service regarding the Point Vicente Park property and research the possibility of relocating the historical dry farming operation to another property, possibly Gateway Park or another suitable parcel. The motion passed on the following roll call vote : AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Brooks, Campbell, Knight, Misetich, and Mayor Duhovic None None Consider Policy for Balanced Operating Budget (Supports 2013 City Council Goal #5 -Government Efficiency, Fiscal Control & Transparency) Director of Finance/IT Mclean provided a brief staff report regarding this item . City Council Minutes December 17, 2013 Page 8 of 11 4-8 LEASE AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF RANCHO PALOS VERDES AND JAMES HATANO AUTHORIZING THE LEASE OF CITY PROPERTY AT POINT VICENTE PARK/CIVIC CENTER FOR AGRICULTURAL PURPOSES THIS LEASE AGREEMENT ("Lease"), is made and executed as of the ·1:6 -day of May , 2006, by and between the City of Rancho Palos Verdes, a municipal corporation of the State of California, hereinafter called "City" and Mr. James Hatano, hereinafter called "Lessee," who agree as follows: · 1) City shall lease approximately 5.5 acres, more or less, of City land at the Point Vicente Park/Civic Center property located at 30940 Hawthorne Boulevard, hereinafter called "Premises," as delineated and shown in the ·cross-hatched area on the plan designated as Exhibit "A" attached hereto and incorporated by reference herein. 2) The term of the lease is for 60 months, commencing on April 1, 2006, and ending on March 31, 2011. 3) The annual rental payment shall be $100.00 per year, payable in advance . Payment shall be made to the City of Rancho Palos Verdes. 4) Lessee shall neither transfer nor assign this lease or any property being leased from City without prior permission in writing from the City Manager of the City. 5) Lessee accepts the Premises in its present state and condition and waives any and all demand upon City for alteration, repair, or improvement thereof. No new structures of any kind shall be placed on the site, and no existing structures shall be altered (except normal repairs and maintenance), expanded or moved on the property without prior written consent of the City Manager of the City. All such structures and/or personal property installed or placed on the Premises by Lessee shall be removed by Lessee prior to the termination of this Agreement, and in the event of the failure to do so, title thereto shall vest in City or shall become the property of City upon the termination of this Agreement. 6) Use of Premises shall be llmlted to agricultural or horticultural purposes only, excluding the grazing of livestock. No person shall be permitted to reside on the Premises. 7) Lessee shall have the right to harvest, gather, and remove any crops he plants or grows on the Premises. 647640 -1- 4-9 Lease Agreement wit~~~es Hatano: Point Vicente/Civic c~:1~~r Property Page 2 of 4 8) Lessee shall assume the risk of loss, damage or destruction due to theft, fire and casualty of any and all fixtures and personal property belonging to Lessee that are installed or placed on the Premises. 9) Lessee shall not display advertising signs or other matter at the Premises. 10) City may inspect Premises at any time and for any purpose. 11) Lessee agrees to defend, indemnify and hold harmless City, its officers, agents and employees from any and all claims for loss, damages, injury or death to persons or damage to or loss of property, including attorney's fees and court costs, arising out of the use of the Premises by Lessee, or by his employees, guests and visitors. 12) Lessee shall obtain and keep in full force and effect during the term of this Agreement workers' compensation Insurance, in accordance with the requirements of the California Labor Code and any other applicable laws, and a policy of general liability insurance. In addition, Lessee shall obtain and keep in full force and effect insurance in an amount sufficient to cover all equipment, inventory and other personal property of Lessee that is kept on the Premises in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement. All such insurance policies shall be Issued by Insurance companies admitted to do business in the State of California. The policy of liability insurance shall: (a) name City and its officers, agents and employees as additional insureds; (b) shall insure and protect City and its officers, agents, and employees from and against any and all liability arising out of or 647640 connected with the use by the Lessee of the Premises; (c) shall provide a combined single limit for the liability covered in the amount of $500,000; and (d) be noncancellable without thirty days prior written notice thereof to City. Lessee shall file with the City Clerk either certified copies of said policies or a certificate of insurance for each of the required policies executed by the company issuing the policy certifying that the policy is in force and providing the following information with respect to said policy: a. b. c. d. e. The policy number; The date upon which the policy will become effective and the date upon which it will expire; The names of the named insured and any additional Insureds; The subject of the insurance; The type of coverage provided by the insurance; -2- 4-10 "")--'•"'·.-.. "'rY··· Lease Agreement witrrSames Hatano: Point Vicente/Civic <.:~l'Her Property Page 3 of 4 f. The amount or limit of coverage provided by the insurance; g. A description of all endorsements that form a part of the policy; and h. An endorsement stating that City and its officers, agents and employees are named as additional insureds under the liability policy. Lessee's authorized activities on the premises shall be suspended during any period that Lessee falls to maintain said policies in full force and effect. 13)Lessee agrees to comply with all applicable regulations of City and to maintain the Premises in a clean and sanitary condition. Lessee shall be responsible for insuring that the Premises will be protected against 'damage or destruction by fire or other causes. Lessee shall repair any and all damage to the Premises arising out of Lessee's activities thereon. Lessee shall provide and pay for all utilities required to conduct the activities permitted by this Agreement. Lessee shall remove all equipment and other personal property from the Premises upon the termination of this Agreement and shall leave the Premises in the manner in which it was found, ordinary wear and tear excepted, and damage or destruction not caused by the use of the property by Lessee excepted. 14) Lessee agrees to pay before delinquency all lawful taxes, assessments, fees or charges which at any time may be levied by the State, County, or any tax or assessment-levying body· upon the right of use acquired by this Agreement, as well as all taxes, assessments, fees and charges on the equipment used and merchandise sold in connection with the authorized activities ori the premises. 15) This Agreement contains the entire agreement between the parties relating to the rights herein granted and the obligations herein assumed. Any subsequent modification to this Agreement shall be in writing and executed by both of the parties hereto. 16) Any waiver by City of any breach of any one or more of the terms of this Agreement shall not be construed as a waiver of any subsequent or other breach of the same or of any other term thereof, nor shall failure on the part of City to require exact, full, and complete compliance with any of the terms of this Agreement be construed as in any manner as changing the terms thereof or estopping City from the enforcement thereof. 17) If any of the provisions in this Agreement are unenforceable, the balance shall be enforced. 647640 -3- 4-11 Lease Agreement witji~~es Hatano: Point Vicente/Civic ~t:·:·~er Property Page 4of4 18) In the event of any controversy or dispute regarding this Agreement or breach thereof, the prevailing party shall be entitled to recover from the losing party reasonable attorney's fees and court costs. 19)This Agreement shall be interpreted under the laws of the State of California. 20)Either party may terminate this Agreement by giving the other party written notice at least thirty days prior to the date when the termination is to become effective. 21 )Address for payments of rent and notices shall be sent to : City: Lessee: City of Rancho Palos Verdes 30940 Hawthorne Boulevard Rancho Palos Verdes, California 90275 Attention: City Manager Mr. James Hatano 1172 West 24th Street San Pedro, California 90731 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Lease as of the day and year first above written. Dated: -------LESSEE CJ•~ Date: !,, ... S --of, ------=---CITY OF RANCHO PALOS VERDES: AITEST: .<· .... "!... 647640 4-12 E?C\\i,t;,+ A ~ \_/ ~ r\o.T0tY\o Lc°'s~ . Llrpe.r "Potn-\= '1\c:.e\'\-Ie.. { C.\\r\<:. C:cn~~r March 0\0, °'00\ ,.. 4-13