RPVCCA_CC_SR_2013_03_05_04_Recycling_RebateCITY OF
MARCH 5,2013
Staff Coordinator:Lauren Ramezani,Sr.Administrative Analyst
Staff recommends approving the following:a)Issuing a flat rebate amount per residential
single-family customer or multi-family unit ratepayer (Option1),and b)implementing the
issuance of the rebate with the July 1,2013 billing.This recommendation is consistent with
the recommendation of the Solid Waste Subcommittee.
On November 20,2012,the City Council directed City staff to cease the Neighborhood
Beautification Grants (NBG)Program.Additionally,Council directed staff to rebate the
recycling revenue received from the City's two residential trash haulers,EDCO and
Universal Waste Systems,Inc.(UWS)to residential ratepayers.These haulers remit to the
City the total of $296,000 annually.EDCO remits $280,000 and UWS $16,000 to the City
as recycling rebate/revenues (rebate)for compensation for the sale of recyclable materials
collection through the residential curbside recycling program.These two flat amounts are in
accordance with the City's agreements with the two haulers.Furthermore,an increase or
decrease in the volume of recycling does not alter these amounts.'
On February 5,2013,the City Council affirmed that the rebate should be effective January
1,2013.Thus in FY 12-13,a total of $148,000 (one-half of $296,000)will be rebated to
EDCO and UWS customers.The credit amount is inclusive of six months (January to June
2013)and is one-half of EDCO's $280,000 and one-half of the UWS'$16,000 annual
amounts.Furthermore,starting FY 13-14,the annual rebate will equal the entire annual
amount of $296,000.
Recycling Rebate Credit
March 5,2013
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On December 19,2012,Public Works staff (Interim Director of Public Works and Senior
Analyst)met with EDCO senior management.The discussions centered on determining the
best methodology for issuing ratepayers a credit for recycling,and the most logical and
practical timeline for implementing it.At that meeting,staff directed EDCO to provide
options on how to redistribute the rebate credit to quarterly and annual pre-paid ratepayers.
On January 14,2013,in accordance with staff's request,EDCO deVeloped and submitted
two viable methodologies (options)for rebating ratepayers.EDCO services 95%of the City
and UWS the remaining 5%.Therefore,for simplifying discussions,this report will make
references primarily to EDCO (rather than both EDCO and UWS).For example,the rebate
figures referenced are based on EDCO's full annual amount of $280,000.However,the
Council's recommendation(s)will be applicable to both haulers and their respective
residential 'customers,resulting in different rebate amounts,one specifically tailored for
EDCO customers and the other specifically for UWS customers.
Solid Waste Subcommittee:On February 18,2013,staff met with the Solid Waste
Subcommittee comprised of MPT Duhovic and Councilman Campbell.EDCO's senior
management were also present at the meeting and provided input.Staff presented the
following rebate options:
Option 1-One flat amount per customer or unit,regardless of whether it is Single-Family
(SF)residential or Multi-Family (MF)residential.
Option 2-Two flat amounts:One for all Single-Family customers,and another for all
Multi-Family units.The SF and MF allocation is calculated based on the percentage of
EDCO's gross receipts distribution per unit.
The table below summaries the differences in EDCO's rebate amount(s)under Option 1
versus Option 2:
Rebate Options Single-Family Account Multi-Family*Unit
Option 1-One Flat Amount $1.58/mo or $4.74/Qtr Same as SF
Option 2-Two Flat Amounts $1.70/mo or $5.1 O/Qtr $1.08/mo or $3.24/Qtr
*MF accounts get billed on a monthly basis.
A Multi-Family account is comprised of three or more units.Therefore,depending on the
number of units in a condominium,town home or apartment complex,a MF account could
have as few as 3 units or more than 350 units.As a result,for increased accuracy,the MF
rebate calculations are made based on each "unit"rather than an "account".
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Recycling Rebate Credit
March 5,2013
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Option 1 -One Flat Rebate Amount for all Single-Family (SF)Customers and Multi-
Family (MF)Units
Under Option 1,EDCO's annual $280,000 amount is divided by the total number of EDCO's
Active SF Customers plus Active MF Units.This determines the annual rebate per
month/quarter per ratepayer.The attached EDCO calculations show this amount to be
approximtately $1.58 per month or $4.74 per quarter per active SF customer or MF unit.
Staff recommends this option.
Advantage:This option is simple with a uniform credit amount to every active account.
There will be no differentiation between single-family,multi-family or senior accounts.Every
EDCO account will receive the same exact rebate regardless of their billing amount or level
of service.This option is easy to administer and implement.
Disadvantage:There is no significant disadvantage.All accounts are treated equally.
However,this option might be perceived by some ratepayers as less "fair".There is no
empirical data;however,an average SF customer typically generate more trash and
recycling than a MF unit because on average more people reside in a SF household.
Subcommittee Recommendation:The Subcommittee recommends Option 1.
Option 2 -Two Flat Rate Amounts-Revenue Adjusted Rebate Amount for SF &MF
Under Option 2,EDCO's Active SF plus Active MF annual billings is calculated as a
percentage of EDCO's total gross receipts.Then those two percentages are used to
determine the annual recycling rebate allocation,divided by the number of Active SF
customers and Active MF units.In this option,there are two different rebate amounts.
All SF customers receive one uniform rebate amount.The amount is regardless of their
billing amount (Le.size of trash cart)and is calculated to be approximately $1.70 per month
or $5.10 per quarter.On the other hand,all MF units receive a different rebate amount
which will be uniform among all MF units.This will also be regardless of their level of
service and billing amount.The amount is calculated to be approximately $1.08 a month or
$3.24 a quarter.
Advantage:This option will provide a slightly higher credit to the SF customers who
typically pay a larger trash bill per household than MF customers p~y per unit.Each SF
customer will receive approximately $7.50 more per year than a MF unit.
Disadvantage:There is no significant disadvantage.However,since this option involves
two different credit amounts,there might be a slight increase in the haulers processing and
customer service handling time.
Per staffs request,EDCO also developed two timing alternatives for issuing the recycling
rebate directly to ratepayers.Under either timing alternative,the credit amount per Council
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Recycling Rebate Credit
March 5,2013
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direction is prorated to January 1,2013.EDCO's SF customers get invoiced on either a
quarterly or an annual basis.In one alternative the customer sees the credit in their April
quarterly billing;while in the other alternative the rebate will appear one billing quarter later.
However,the amount of each quarterly credit due to the customer will remain the same,and
will not be negatively impacted by the delay in the billing statement.
As for the MF accounts,neither of the timing disadvantages apply to the MF accounts
because they receive their billing on a monthly (not quarterly)basis.
a)April quarterly billing:Issue the January quarterly billing rebate amount (Jan-Feb-
March)as well as the April quarterly billing rebate amount (April-May-June).The
rebate would reflect 3 months of retroactivity,which is from January to March 2013.
Advantage:Customers will see the rebate credit in this fiscal year.The issuance of
the credit closely follows the timing of the Council's decision on the issuance of the
Disadvantage:This option has one major challenge.Annually approximately 1,830
EDCO accounts (15%of their total accounts)utilize the 5%prepayment discount and
pay for one-year in advance.Hence,these customers do not receive quarterly
billings and would not see the credit until their July billing.
The issuance of a rebate in April to quarterly customers,and not the prepaid
customers,might lead to confusion.The prepaid customers may erroneously think
they were excluded from the credit,leading to customer service inquiry calls.To
rectify this,a separate statement could be sent in April to the prepaid customers.
However,this is not cost effective.The additional mailing would cost $0.42 per piece
of mail in postage,without considering the haulers'processing,handling and material
costs.To deduct these additional related costs from the prepaid customers would
reduce their approximately $5/quarter credit.Alternatively,it would be unfair for the
City to ask the haulers to incur the additional costs without compensation.
b)July quarterly billing:Issue the January quarterly billing rebate amount,plus the
April billing rebate amount,and the July billing rebate amount (July-August-
September).The rebate would reflect 6 months of retroactivity,which is January to
June 2013.Staff recommends this option.
Advantage:This would substantially offset any potential rate adjustments (typically
rate increases)that are effective July 1 of each year.Furthermore,all ratepayers will
see the credit on their billing statements at the same,time.
Disadvantage:Quarterly customers will see the credit one billing cycle (3 months)
later.However,EDCO can provide a notification in the quarterly billing informing
these customers that their rebate will be reflected in the next quarter billing and will
be retroactive to January 1,2013.
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Recycling Rebate Credit
March 5,2013
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Subcommittee Recommendation:The Subcommittee recommends the July billing
alternative.Additionally,the Subcommittee further recommends that the haulers'invoices/
statements have a specific line item identifying the rebate,both the retroactive amount
(January to June)and the current rebate amount (July to Sept).Furthermore,a billing insert
be included to assist customers who plan to prepay,easily calculate their total rebate for the
year in addition to their annual prepayment discount.
UWS Rebate:Staff has discussed the options and timing alternatives with UWS senior
management.Furthermore,to assure uniformity between the two haulers,UWS used the
same methodology as EDCO to determine the rebate amount per UWS customer/unit.The
attached UWS calculations show the UWS rebate amount to be approximately $1.31 per
month or $3.93 per quarter per UWS active SF customer or MF unit.The minor difference
in UWS's monthly rebate amount compared to EDCO is due to the difference in the ratio of
the number of UWS customers to its contractual annual recycling revenue due to the City,
as compared to EDCO's.
Staff recommends Option 1,issuing a flat rebate to ratepayers and implementing the rebate
in the July billing,with the rebate amount being retroactive to January 1,2013.This is
consistent with the Subcommittee's recommendation.As the attached spreadsheets
indicate,EDCO and UWS's respective rebate amount(s)would be as follows:
Hauler Monthly Rebate Amount Quarterly Rebate Amount
per SF account or MF unit per SF account or MF unit
EDCO $1.58/mo.$4.74/qtr.
UWS $1.31/mo.$3.93/qtr.
Both EDCO and UWS are aware of the recommendation.Furthermore,both are agreeable
to any recommendation approved by the Council.Representatives from EDCO and UWS
will be at this meeting to provide clarification and answer questions,if needed.
The City Council can consider another alternative(s)not discussed in this report.
The total rebate amount due by EDCO and UWS to residential ratepayers for January 1 to
June 30,2013 totals $148,000.The subsequent annual rebate totals $296,000,which is
$280,000 for EDCO and $16,000 for UWS customers.The City would no longer receive
this revenue source.EDCO and UWS'rebate amounts and calculations are attached.
Attachments:EDCO and UWS calculations
W:\LAUREN\STAFFRPnREFUSE\2013\recycling rebate to full cC.doc 4-5
January 14,2013
Recyclina:Rebate Amount
EDCD has developed two methodology options for calculating the rebate amount to ratepayers:
1)Flat amount per unit,regardless of whether single family residential or multi-family residential.
2)Percentage of gross revenue distribution by single family or multifamily to determine allocation.
Option 1-One Flat Rebate $Amount for all Sinele Family Customer and Multi-Family Units
Divide $280,000 by the total number of Active Single Family Customers +Active Multi-family Units to determine
the annual rebate per year/month per unit,as follows;
.Oetion1 ~Flat ~rate /unitbased on SF &MF Unit Count
:~~~-~~~..'~~~j~.~..~.~~.~~J ~~L ~.....~~.•...
i Recycle Rebate Per Year i i $280,000.00 ir~"'~'-"-'~-"~-""--"-'-"-'-'''""'''''-''''''''"-'-'-'~---''''"".,-,_._"".u···,_··~-_·t"-,-"-,",,,,-,··_··,,",,·,,t·_W"-'""-~"--~"--"--"¥'-"¥_"~~-
1#of Active SF Customers i 11,781 i~~~i ~~~~~.MF u·~it~__~~=·_~=.~~=:-I-~io331·-:.:~·.::=~·~~=~.··=·.~_.i._~:.~·.~.·.·~~=~=~.=~·.·~.:::~~:
l~.of.~ct~v.~Units .__..__.----L~--J 14,814 !.._._._._~_..-;
iRecycle Rebate $Per Unit Per Yean 1$18.90lPerYearI·_··~··~····~·_·_~~-~_·~·_-~_·_-_·~·~---'-~·~·_·_·__··-+_.__._~~..~.._----~..)._._._-_.._~.._._~...,
IRecycle Rebate $Per Unit Per Month I $1.58 iPer Month
!.J1 ..~~Z~~i~~~Cl!r_..
"We'll Take Care of It"
224 S.Las Posas Road •San Marcos,California 92078
(760)744-2700·Fax:(760)752-8339·www.edcodisposal.com·Printed on Recycled Paper
January 14,2013
Option 2 -Revenue Adjusted Rebate Amount For SF &MF
Calculate Single Family +Multi-family annual billings as a %of total.Use %'s to determine the annual recycle
rebate allocatIon,divided by number of SF units and MF units.
I!SF Recycle Rebate I
I i IRebate Allocation to SF i 240,528.77 I 86%!.........-•..-j····-_·-···_·····-··~--···r·······-·-···-1..,·-·..-····-..-.---.-.-.----.---·,·---·-·-····1·-··----····-·-~----l·-···---··-'··-1
....._L ..,........_.1t!()f~~~!"E!~f~u:St0IJ:lE!!s....1 11,781 i '_..".~,-_.~~._~*~"'~--~·""·l-"'·~-,·*,
i i Rebate $Per SF Customer I $1.70 I per Mo !.-,--..-.+-.-4··-··--~-•.•_-.-•..•.-.•.-,.-•.---•....-....-.."'-.----•.•.-.t···•.···-.-_.0
,5.1Q JPE!!g~r
i Option 2 -Revenue-Adjusted $rate Customer for SF &MF I !iI·-~.:·~-~~:~~:::..-:~.=I ..~:~:=.=.::-::::.:::=..L=:==.:·~r~·:~~·:=-::-:=:-·::::·:·r:=::·:=::·-:~==:::·=·~~:·:·:=-::;~~:==r·::~-=-:·-=;H?IVlslon.J~IIII':IS.FJ'3.~lo~...._.j.J..~I_"Jn.S ....otal i_.I.~".nui~I~~III':1S.JAlloc%i
Single Family :Jan-Mar 13 Billing':$816,120.24!X4 i $3,264,480.96 !86%,
I··············----f 1"'"',-----------------------jry1.l:lltI~F~IJ:lI~y.:DE!c'12BIIling i$__44,642.291 X12 ___I $535,707.48:14%:r-.'--"-I .-i"--..••--lrot~1 ..._.-I $3,800,188.44 i--100%!
!I i
IMF Recycle Rebate
..__..._L~_~~ycl.E!_~E!E.~.!E!......._....JJ ..~~q!qQQ.QQ.J ......_
IRebate Allocation to MF ,39,471.23 I
!.of Active MF U~t~1 I 3,033 ir-"_.~~-')'_..~_w.,,""~~.·_·,,·~·,··,.··,,_~~~.""~~._,.,~~''"~".~N'~~~.'.__~~_._.~~.~~~__~_~''''~O'''~~..,~,.,",.~~__.__"''"'mN_...''''''.,.,")
L.._,..__..,.L,,_,_.._..__.._._.._._~~~~!..t~E!.!.~~_~~.!()me!..L.~.__!·08 i p.E!.r M0 ...J
"We"ll Take Care of It"
224 S.Las Posas Road •San Marcos,California 92078
(760)744-2700·Fax:(760)752-8339·www.edcodisposal.com·Printed on Recycled Paper
January 14,2013
Timing of Recycling Rebate -
EDCO has developed two timing alternatives for refunding the Recycling Rebate directly to rate payers:
1)April quarterly billing:Rebate the January quarterly billing (Jan-Feb-March)as well as the April
billing (April-MaY-June).
i Option 1 $1.S8/mo,April
Option 2 $1.08/mo,April
2 )July quarterly billing:Rebate the Jan quarterly billing,the April billing as well as the July billing
OptlCln 1.$1:!i~l'!10 !..~u.I't'.
Option 2 $1.70/mo,July
'SUMMARY-July'13 Billing~e~~~:m'1.......;
...~_~_J ,......9uarterlxSinsle Familx BiliinS..J
Recycle Credit By Billing Cycle·2013 I
'Jan-March April-June!July-Sept .16~t:~D~~1
•1 r
to Rate Adjllstmlent.
June !Y1.v.!.8.Yg ~Oct
$11.06 $1.58'$1.58'$
"We'll Take Care of It"
224 S.Las Posas Road •San Marcos,California 92078
(7,60)744-2700·Fax:(760)752-8339·www.edcodisposal.com·Printed on Recycled Paper
Universal Waste Systems, Inc.(UWS)
Recycle Rebate Amount
UWS has developed two methodology options for calculating the rebate amount to ratepayers:
11 Flat amount per unit,regardless of whether single-family residential or multi-family residential.
n Percentage of gross revenue distribution by single-family or multi-family to determine allocation.
Option 1-One Flat Rebate $Amount for all Single-Family (SF)Customer and Multi-family (MF)Units
Divide $16,000 by the total number ofActive Single-Family Customers +Active Multi-family Units to determine
the annual rebate per year/month per units,as follows;
Recycling Rebate Per Year $16,000
#of Active SF Customers 561
#of Active MF Units 456
#of Active Units 1017 1,017
Recycle Rebate $Per Unit Per Year $15.73
Recycle Rebate $Per Unit Per Month $1.31
Recycle Rebate $Per Unit Per Quarter $3.93
Option 2·Revenue Adjusted Rebate Amount for SF &MF
Calculate Single-Family +Multi-family annual billings as a %of total.UWS %'s to determine the annual recycle
rebate allocation,divided by number ofSF units and MF units.
Option 2-Revenue-Adjusted $rate Customer for SF &MF
Division Billing Period
Jan-Mar 13 Billing
December Billing
Billing Total
$69,780.72 X4
$1,702.72 X12
Annual Billing
SF Recycle Rebate
Recycle Rebate
Rebate Allocation to SF
#of Active SF Cus"tomers
Rebate $Per SF Customer
W:\LAUREN\STAFFRP1\REFUSE\2013\UWS Recycling Rebate Credit r.xlsx
14,880 93%
26.52 Year
2.21 Per Month
6.63 Per Quarter
Universal Waste Systems.Inc.(UWS)
MF Recycle Rebate
Recycle Rebate
Rebate Allocation to MF
#of Active MF Units
Rebate $Per MF Customer
SUMMARY -April '13 Billing Rebate
$1,120 7%
$2.46 Per Year
$0.20 Per Month
$0.61 Per Quarter
Page 2
Option 1 $1.31/mo.,April
Option 2 $2.21/mo.,April
Quarterly Single Family Billing
Recycle Credit By Billing Cycle -2013
April-June July-Sept *
$7.86 $3.93
$13.26 $6.63
Monthly Multi-Family Billing
Recycle Credit By Billing Cycle -2013
Jan Feb March 8mi!~June July *8Y&
Option 1 $1.31/mo.,April $-$$-$5.24 $1.31 $1.31 $1.31 $
Option 2 $.20/mo.,April $$$$0.80 $0.20 $0.20 $0.20 $
*July Rates subject to Rate Adjustment.
SUMMARY -July '13 Billing Rebate
Quarterly Single-Family Billing
Recycle Credit By Billing Cycle -2013
Jan-March April-June July-Sept *Oct-Dec
Option 1 $1.31/mo.,April $$-$11.79 $3.93
Option 2 $2.21/mo.,April $-$$19.89 $6.63
~Oct Nov Dec
1.31 $1.31 $1.31 $1.31 $1.31
0.20 $0.20 $0.20 $0.20 $0.20
Option 1 $1.66/mo.,July
Option 2 $.20/mo.,July
*July Rates subject to Rate Adjustment.
Monthly Multi-Family Billing
Recy~le Credit By Billing Cycle -2013
Feb March
July *8Y&
$9.17 $
$1.40 $
~Oct Nov Dec
1.31 $1.31 $1.31 $1.31 $1.31
0.20 $0.20 $0.20 $0.20 $0.20
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