RPVCCA_CC_SR_2014_02_04_07_Matrix_Report_Status_ReportCITY OF RANCHO PALOS VERDES MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: HONORABLE MAYOR & CITY COUNCIL MEMBERS CAROLYNN PETRU, AICP, ACTING CITY MANAGER epQ_ lM ~p FEBRUARY 4, 2014 (Jv -- MA TRIX REPORT STATUS UPDATE Project Manager: Kit Fox, AICP, Senior Administrative Analys'® RECOMMENDATION Receive and file the update on the status of implementing the recommendations of the Matrix Report; and provide direction to Staff for further action as appropriate. BACKGROUND On April 16, 2013, the City Council approved the final Matrix Report, which included a number of recommendations to improve organizational efficiency, transparency and customer service (see attached Minutes excerpt). The complete, final Matrix Report is available for review on the City's website at: http://www.palosverdes.com/rpv/citycouncil/RPV-Matrix-Report-0321. pdf The Organizational Performance Assessment Ad Hoc Subcommittee of Mayor Duhovic and Councilwoman Brooks asked Staff for a status update on the implementation of the Matrix Report recommendations, which was previously presented to the City Council on December 17, 2013. At that time, the City Council received the update on the status of implementing the recommendations of the Matrix Report; and directed Staff to continue working with the Subcommittee to develop the implementation plan, and return to the City Council with a report by February 4, 2014. Individual Councilmembers were also requested to provide to the Subcommittee (with a copy to Staff) any comments on the status update by January 8, 2014, and that all comments received should be shared with the public. Councilmember comments received are attached to tonight's report. On January 22, 2014, the Subcommittee met with high-level City Staff to review the status of implementation of the Matrix Report recommendations, as reflected in the table presented to the City Council at the December 17th meeting. Based upon this meeting, a revised table listing the status of each of these recommendations is included with tonight's report. While reviewing the Matrix Report recommendations, Staff and the Subcommittee 7-1 MEMORANDUM: Matrix Report Status Update February 4, 2014 Page2 identified a few issues which require additional City Council review or input prior to full implementation. These issues are discussed in the body of tonight's report below. DISCUSSION Matrix Report Recommendation Status Update The Matrix Report identified fifty-three (53) department-specific recommendations, as well as nine (9) organization-wide recommendations to enhance overall transparency. As depicted in the revised table attached to tonight's report, twenty-one (21) of these recommendations have been completely implemented and twenty-three (23) are in progress as of the date of tonight's report. In other words, Staff has already implemented or is in the process of implementing more than seventy percent (70%) of the Matrix Report recommendations. Where recommendations are expected to be "phased in" over an extended period of time, the notation "(Multi-Year)" has been included in the "Status" column of the table. For those recommendations that are not yet "Completed" or "In Progress" (i.e., "Pending") Staff has provided a brief explanation in the table, including time estimates for implementation. Issues Requiring City Council Review or Input In reviewing the recommendations of the Matrix Report, the Subcommittee concurred with Staff that several recommendations require City Council review or input before they are implemented. These recommendations are discussed in more detail below. • Recommendation CM/HR-3 states that "[the] City should summarize the results of the currently performed exit interviews on all departing employees and provide annually in a report to the City Council." Five (5) Staff members had left the City's employ by the end of 2013. However, Staff requests direction form the City Council as to what information it wants to see summarized, given that some aspects of the City's personnel records are confidential. • Recommendation CM/HR-15 states that "[the] City should rebid the City's legal services contract [since this] contract has not been competitively bid since it was originally established." If it is the desire of the City Council to do so, Staff seeks formal authorization to re-bid the City's legal services contract. • Recommendation CM/HR-16 states that "[the] City should consider establishing a staff City Attorney position to handle routine legal matters of the City," based upon the estimation that "this could save the City approximately $34,000 annually plus improve access and responsiveness to legal advice for City staff." First, Staff believes that this recommendation conflicts with Recommendation CM/HR-15 above. Second, Staff believes that the cost savings from an in-house City Attorney are overestimated in the Matrix Report. For example, do they assume the cost of salary and benefits for both a City Attorney and support staff (, i.e., clerical, 7-2 MEMORANDUM: Matrix Report Status Update February 4, 2014 Page3 paralegal, etc.), on-site law library and/or contract for access to on-line legal references, etc.? Would a single City Attorney have the breadth of experience to deal with all of the varied legal issues facing the City (i.e., redevelopment dissolution, telecommunications, landslides, etc.)? If not, what would be the additional costs of contracting for these additional services with specialized law firms? Research conducted by Staff suggests that the $230,000 total annual cost for in-house legal services suggested in the report (p. 56) is unrealistically low. Therefore, Staff requests direction from the City Council regarding the implementation of this recommendation. • Recommendation CC-1 states that "[the] City should consider a change to implement only action minutes for City Council meetings and the meetings of other Council appointed boards and commissions." The City Council Minutes are essentially action minutes with brief summaries of speakers' comments; however, the City Clerk could further reduce the Minutes to purely action minutes, if Council so directs, by listing only the names of the speakers without providing a summary of their comments. The City Clerk agrees it would be preferable for all Board and Commission Minutes to be action minutes, but the decision previously has been left to each particular Committee or Commission with general direction from the Council regarding the need to provide enough detail so that the decision made and reasons for that decision are understood. For example, previous City Councils have preferred the current, more detailed Planning Commission minutes to understand the Commission's thought process behind quasi-judicial and appealable decisions, and the City Attorney has opined that summary minutes (as opposed to action minutes) for the Planning Commission are important in establishing the public record for land use cases. Therefore, Staff requests direction from the City Council regarding the implementation of this recommendation. • Recommendation PW-5 states that "[the] City should utilize cost of construction standards for establishing the size and specialties of City engineering staff [to] directly link staffing requirements to the number and size of projects under management by City staff to ensure sufficient resources are allocated to oversee capital projects." Another important factor that should be included as part of a staffing needs analysis is responding to public comments and inquiries. There is a recommendation further along in this study (p. 82) that references "the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) cost of construction guidelines," as recommended standards to follow in order to identify the resources needed to effectively manage and oversee capital projects. Public Works Staff, after extensive research, could not find any such guidelines and were unable to get them from the consultant. Staff respectfully requests that the consultant meet with Public Works staff and provide the referenced ASCE materials before the City Council directs this recommendation to be implemented. • Recommendation PW-6 states that "Engineering staff should have established informal "billability targets" so that work activities are charged directly to managed and designed projects." Public Works Staff requested that the consultant provide 7-3 MEMORANDUM: Matrix Report Status Update February 4, 2014 Page4 the City with some direction or suggestions on how best to establish these targets, but no response was received. Other factors that should be considered as part of "billability targets" in the public sector, which may not apply in the private sector, are responding to public comments as well as inquiries and compliance with Federal and State requirements (including grant reporting), all of which impact the engineering work on a project from inception to completion. Insufficient funding in CIP projects to cover administrative costs and lack of a payroll/accounting system to record staff time on projects are other challenges Staff would face in implementing this recommendation. • Recommendation PW-8 states that, "[following] the development of detailed capital program resource requirements and implementation of cost of construction guidelines, the number of engineering staff should be reviewed and the Assistant Engineer position filled as needed." Staff's concerns about this recommendation are related to those expressed above regarding Recommendation PW-5. However, it should be noted that the Assistant Engineer position has been filled. • Recommendation PW-9 assigns "Medium" priority to the recommendation to "consider implementation of a maintenance tracking system to address identified issues and provide real-time business intelligence regarding maintenance efforts, costs, and assessment of condition." Staff notes that plans are underway to implement this recommendation, but suggests that this item should be given a "High" priority. • Recommendation R&P-1 suggests "[conducting] a review of recreational programs, in conjunction with staff, to determine whether they wish to remain with the current approach of primarily providing recreational classes through contracted private instructors." Recreation & Parks is prepared to evaluate current recreational programming and events to ensure alignment with community values and needs, and to evaluate its current balance of privatized/contract recreation/programming and staff-run recreation/programming to best and most- efficiently meet the needs of the community. However, before doing so, Staff seeks direction from the City Council regarding its preferences regarding the continued reliance upon contracted recreation programs and instructors. CONCLUSION The Minutes of the April 16, 2013, City Council meeting note that the Subcommittee was tasked to develop an implementation plan for the Matrix Report with input from the City Manager. Some of the items requesting City Council direction above may be dispensed with at tonight's meeting, while others will require further research and review. As mentioned above, the Subcommittee met with Staff last month to review and reach consensus on the status of implementing the recommendations of the Matrix Report. Staff is prepared to continue to work with the Subcommittee of Mayor Duhovic and Councilwoman Brooks to develop the implementation plan-including responses to those items listed above requiring additional City Council review and consideration-and will report back to the full City Council on a future agenda, as needed. 7-4 MEMORANDUM: Matrix Report Status Update February 4, 2014 Pages ALTERNATIVES Tonight's report identifies issues requiring additional City Council review or input. The alternatives applicable to each of these issues are discussed in the body of tonight's report above. Additional alternative actions may be identified as a result of City Council discussion and/or public comments at tonight's meeting. FISCAL IMPACT The review of the status of the Matrix Report recommendations has no fiscal impact upon the City. Attachments: • Matrix Report Recommendation Status Update (as of February 4, 2014) • Councilmember Comments on December 17th Status Update • Matrix Report Executive Summary (dated March 21, 2013) • City Council Minutes (excerpt) of April 16, 2013 • City Council Minutes (excerpt) of December 17, 2013 M:\Policy lssues\Performance Audit\20140204_MatrixReportStatusUpdate_StaffRpt.docx 7-5 Resp. # Matrix Report Recommendations of March 21, 2013 Priority Status Update as of February 4, 2014 l~f>::; HR has added more services not only to HR but to all employees. In Nov. 2013, The Human Resources module in the ADP system should be carefully evaluated upon we updated the workforce module and all employees now enter their time through CM/HR 1 completion Of its implementation to ensure that it contains the features and functionality to provide a High (Multj..Yeatf ADP time and attendance module. Also, HR implemented the benefit module so comprehensive Human Resource Information System (HRIS) for the City. /:\: that open enrollment for 2014 is now all done online. HR is looking to expand services so employees can use the self-service module. The City should implement the updated employee manual as soon as practical following 1ii~®!e5$ The "status quo" MOU for the City Employees Association (CEA) is in process. CM/HR 5 adoption of the MOU. Upon completion, it should be provided to all employees and training provided to all High emPlovees on the manual. The City currently has a compensation policy in place as defined in the Personnel CM/HR 10 The City Council should periodically review its adopted compensation policy for the City High Pending Rules, Rule V. HR, in accordance with the MOU, is waiting for the MOU to be of Rancho Palos Verdes and update as appropriate to maintain a competitive compensation system. established to see if modifications need to be made. This is expected by the end of 2014. CM/HR 13 Staffing as currently allocated to this Department should remain and the vacant Human High . The HR Manager was filled on May 17, 2013 Resources Manaaer oosition should be filled and the duties exaanded. The current contract Administrative Analyst II position responsible for emergency preparedness should be ~ The Administrative Analyst II was reclassified to a Senior Administrative Analyst CM/HR 14 made permanent. Organizationally, it can either remain in Parks & Recreation or relocated to the City High , and has moved to the City Manager's Department with expanded duties beyond ManaQer's Office. ·'· ememencv preparedness namely chairino the newlv formed Safetv Committee. The City should rebid the City's legal services contract. This contract has not been competitively bid since it was Pending/ CM/HR 15 High Council Pending City Council action to authorize re-bidding contract. originally established. Review The City should consider establishing a staff City Attorney position to handle routine Pending/ Staff believes that this conflicts with CM/HR-15 above, and that the cost savings CM/HR 16 legal matters of the City. It is estimated this could save the City approximately $34,000 annually plus improve High Council access and resoonsiveness to leaal advice for Citv staff. Review suggested in the Matrix Report are overestimated. 3 The City should summarize the results Of the currently performed exit interviews on all ~!j~ress/ The City saw five individuals leave as of the above noted date. Council direction CM/HR Medium •CO!incil departing employees and provide annually in a report to the City Council. R~~ii!wx. needed as to what it wants to see in the recommended summary. CM/HR 4 The City should conduct an annual employee climate survey to better understand from the employee's Medium lnflrc;~; The City has started the development of an employee satisfaction survey for the =rsoective the emolovment climate. emolovees. ComPletion is scheduled for the end of 2014. •.· }/ The City retained Barry Newton from Creative Solutions to redesign the The City should provide refresher training to all supervisory staff on the performance in Pro~~ performance management tool for both the general employees as well as the evaluation process and the existing performance evaluation form to ensure consistent utilization and rankings management employees, receiving input from both groups. The new performance CM/HR 6 across departments and supervisors. Additionally, to ensure that all forms are completed in a timely manner, Medium each supervisor should be specifically evaluated by their manager on the timely, accurate and thoroughness Of -:\~/~ management tool includes an employee self evaluation that will be completed 60 their evaluations of staff. This should be a specific evaluation factor on supervisor evaluation forms. days prior to the end of the rating period. Manager/Supervisor training will be scheduled for midnate-January and full implementation expected in February 2014. . ' "'~ The City Safety Committee, with assistance from CJPIA, had their first meeting on CM/HR 9 The City should institute a safety committee covering all employees. Medium Nov 25, 2013. It is anticipated that the Committee will meet monthly until established. The most recent meetina was Januarv 15 2014. CM/HR 12 The City should implement a program for reviewing position descriptions and duties Medium Pending This will be part Of the City-wide classification/compensation study, expected by the oerformed for each oosition at least once everv f1Ve vears. end of 2014. The City should develop a workforce planning effort that identifies key positions within the organization, >// . develops cross-training programs to develop additional internal staff with competencies and abilities to fill the HR completed the recruitment for a permanent Director of Public Works, who CM/HR 2 position (at least on a short-term basis), and develops forward looking contingency plans for filling these critical Low In Progress. began work in January 2014. The promotional recruitment for Deputy Director of positions when they become vacant. The succession planning effort underway within the Public Works Public Works has been completed and the new Director can hire from the list. Denartment should be utilized as a model for other Denartments. ..... ·• The City should develop a series of performance metrics to evaluate their worker's '"··~··········;>:· The City has been working closely with CJPIA on providing workers' comp training. CM/HR 7 compensation program, with ongoing consultation with CJPIA on additional training needs for City staff to Low minimize claims. . HR has scheduled a workers' comp training for February 13, 2014 . The City should centralize the handling of all accident, risk and worker's compensation ~ ·~ ' HR has been the central point for all internal accident/workers' comp claims. The CM/HR 8 claims by transferring the responsibillty for claims review from the City Clerk's Office to the Human Resources Low City Clerk receives liabillty claims from external customers. IPOSition. ' CM/HR 11 The City should review the current approach to position classification to determine if a Low Pending This will be part of the City-wide classification/compensation study, expected by the more formalized system is needed to ensure both internal and external eauity of positions. end of 2014. F&IT 2 The five-year CIP document that is currently developed should be included within the budget document High The FY13-14 budget document includes the 2013 Five-Year Capital Improvement Plan. The City will pursue electronic payments to vendors after transitioning to a new F&IT 3 The City should continue to expand the use of electronic payments with vendors. High Pending banking services provider, followed by acquisition and implementation of a new financial software system (lar!leted in 2014-15). 7 - 6 Resp. # Matrix Report Recommendations of March 21, 2013 Priority Status Update as of February 4, 2014 Both Tyler Munis and Cityworks, the two electronic software systems under 5 The City should further automate existing financial practices and enhance online functionality during the consideration, provide a web-based solution for on-line transactions (e.g. F&IT High Pending permitting). Providing the public with a web-based processing and payment implementation of the new financial system. alternative is expected to be a high-priority during implementation of new software svstems ltaraeted in 2014-15\. F&IT 6 The City should expand the availability of online payments via credit card for public convenience, in conjunction High Pending Expansion of online payments with on-line applications will be a part of the with the imolementation of the reolacement ERP svstem. imolementation of new software svstems !targeted in 2014-15\. F&IT 7 The Citv's IT Technoloav Plan should be uodated in liaht of the recentlv comoleted IT review. Hiah ~ ~ ' The 5-Year IT olan was uodated with the FY13-14 budaet. The City should conduct an RFP process for IT services. Prior to conducting this effort, the desired service A meeting was recently conducted with NexLevel, the City's IT advisor, to establish the scope of services for the competitive process for IT services. Wrth the F&IT 8 levels in each functional area of IT, especially related to GIS program services should be developed to ensure it High Pending recruitment and hiring of an IT Manager, Staff anticipates beginning the process in is in alignment with City needs. eariv 2014 leadina to a comoetitive bid orocess as a hiah-orioritv. F&IT 10 The duties currently performed by the Finance Director related to the handling of Air, Space and Noise issues High lll:R!l:!S~· Staff will be transferring these duties to Community Development in early 2014 related to Air Traffic should be transitioned to the Plannina Division of Communitv Develooment. If see CD-7 below\. The current staffing allocations should remain as budgeted with the exception of the IT position, which should HR has developed the new job description, job bulletin and will be recruiting for F&IT 11 be reclassified as an IT Project Manager and filled as recently recommended by NexLevel during their IT High J~.P~ress this position during early 2014. review. -: :;: >>:-:-:-:::-~<·:· .: >.· During the 2013 budget process, minor improvements were made to performance 1 A review of the performance measures utilized and tracked should occur to ensure alignment with Council i~~~ttr7; measures included in the budget document. Once new software systems are F&IT Medium implemented far Finance, Community Development, Public Works and Recreation priorities. are fully implemented (targeted for 2014-15), additional opportunities to track -~ ·.· . 1 nerf,..~ance statistics will likelv become available. Wrth acquisition and implementation of new software systems for Community F&IT 4 All cost recovery goals should be reviewed at least every three years by the City Council and updated as Medium Pending Development, Public Works, and Finance, some business processes will likely necessary. change, which will subsequently necessitate a review Of cost-based fees (targeted in 2014-15). 9 Training should be provided to designated department representatives so that they can load documents directly Self management of web site documents by staff will be included in the F&IT Low Pending specifications as a part of the 2014 competitive bid process fOr IT services, to their website without IT support. includina the Citv's website. cc 3 No changes in current staffing allocations are recommended. All currently budgeted positions, including High ·-The only allocated vacancy in the City Clerk's Office was the Staff Assistant II vacancies should be filled. .:: •• , -~ which was recruited for and filled in Aoril 2013. 1 ne 1.,;ouncu 1ast considered tms issue on June 18, O!Uu~. aecided it was no longer necessary to have detailed City Council meeting minutes and directed staff to The City should consider a change to implement only action minutes for City Council meetings and the Pending/ prepare action minutes, as the online videos of the Council meetings were cc 1 Medium Council available and retained permanently. However, the City Council meeting minutes meetings of other Council appointed boards and commissions. Review currently provide more information than ·~rue" action minutes would, and the City's advisory boards take a variety of approaches to minute-taking that may or may not .. _ umhthi~ The Clerk's umce embraces this idea and has discussed the possibility of making As the City furthers the database build of its Electronic Document Management System, it should provide online the documents in our EDMS accessible to the public with the Director of Pending Finance/IT, PV on the Net staff, and ECS (our Laserfiche vendor). Once the cc 2 access to commonly requested information or documents to enhance public transparency without requiring Medium (Multi-Year) database has grown in substantial numbers and types of documents, the City public records requests. Clerk will work with the Director of Finance/IT to make those documents in the li::nu<:> """""hi,. for the no ohli.- CD 1 The City should include plan review I processing times on applications, and more-prominently display these High Processing times were included on the development applications which were all I oerformance standards on the website. · • then costed on the Citv's website. The City should pursue expansion Of additional online services for Community Development permitting The Community Development Department is currently working with the Finance functions including online submittal of applications, online permitting for aver the counter permits, online review 1riP~re~ and IT Department on a replacement for the Community Development CD 2 of plan review comments, and online view of application status. This effort should be performed in conjunction High Department's permitting software. Said replacement software will include the ability with the replacement of the existing permitting software. This should occur after the completion of the IT for online permitting services. services comoetitive bid orocess. Any decision regarding changing the City's enterprise wide software system should take into considerations the CD 3 ability of the new system to maintain or enhance functionality currently in place within Community Development High In Progress This is one of the goals being pursued in acquiring the new permitting software. with their existing system. CD 5 The City should implement online permitting for over the counter permits that do not require plan reviews ta High In Pi'Ogre~$ The Community Development Department is currently working with the Finance enhance service to the oublic. and IT Deoartment on an online oermittina solution for over-the-counter oermits. CD 7 Existing planners should be allocated the duties related to Airspace and Aircraft Noise related to air traffic High In Progress Reporting on Airspace and Aircraft Noise issues will be transferred to the issues currentlv oerformed bv the Finance & IT Deoartment staff. Community Development Department bY Februarv 2014 (see F&IT-10 above). 7 - 7 Resp. I# Matrix Report Recommendations of March 21, 2013 CD CD CD CD PW PW PW PW 4 1 The City should consider addition of some funds to assist full-time staff in completing the update of the City's General Plan in a timely manner. 6 I Staff should pursue implementation of either an interactive voice response or online inspection requests to expand service to the public and automate the inspection request process. 8 1 One permit technician position should be reclassified to a building inspector position to provide greater ability to handle varvina workloads. No other changes in staffing or organizational structure are recommended at this time. Existing vacancies that 9 I are authorized in the budget were considered as a part of the staffing complement when evaluating workload and should be filled. The Public Works Department should adopt the same processing time standards as are utilized by the Community Development Department. 4 I The City should begin the planning process to conduct a comprehensive long-term facility needs study to develop a plan for upgrading or replacing municipal facilities. The City should utilize cost of construction standards for establishing the size and specialties of City engineering 5 lstaff. This will directly link staffing requirements to the number and size of projects under management by City staff to ensure sufficient resources are allocated to oversee capital projects. 6 IEngineering staff should have established informal "billability-targets• so that work activities are charged directly to managed and designed projects. Priority Medium Medium Medium High High High High PW I 7 IThe position of Deputy Director should be held vacant until the City fills the PW Director position. I High Following the development of detailed capital program resource requirements and implementation of cost of PW I 8 lconstruction guidelines, the number of engineering staff should be reviewed an.d the Assistant Engineer position I High filled as needed. Status Update as of February 4, 2014 As part of the next budget process in Spring 2014. Staff intends to request funds In ProgreslJ. jfor a graphic consultant to support staff in completing the General Plan Update in Pending/ Council Review Pending/ Council Review 2014. The Community Development Department is currently working with the Finance and IT Department on a replacement for the Community Development Department's permitting software. Said replacement software will include the ability for interactive voice response. The permit technician was reclassified and filled as a building inspector July 1, 2013 Existing vacancies in the Department's budget have been filled. Public Works follows the same permitting processing time standards as Community Development. Public Works has added these processing times to its web page. Public Works has replaced the current forms on its web page with fillable forms for applicants. In the longer term, on-line applications will be available to the public with the new maintenance managemenVwork order software system the City is currently pursuing. Public works does not have a specific timeline for acquiring the City's new work order/maintenance management software system, as it is dependent on the establishment of PW-4 below. er imponam factor that should be ineluded as part of a staffing needs alysis is: responding to public comments and inquiries. There is a recommendation further along in this study (Page 82) that references ''he !American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) cost of construction guidelines,'' as recommended standards to follow in order to identify the resources needed to effectively manage and oversee capital projects. Public WOrks staff, after extensive research, could not find any such guidelines and were unable to get them from the consultant. Public Works staff will follow-up with the consultant by March 1, 2014 to try and obtain the information previously requested on the cost of uonc vvon<s staff requested mat me consultant prov1ae us wnn some airecu suggestions on how best to establish these targets. No response was received. Other factors that should be considered as part of "billability targets" in the public sector, which may not apply in the private sector, are: responding to public comments and City Council questions and comments, as well as inquiries and compliance with federal and State agencies and requirements (including grant reporting), and compliance with public bidding procedures, required staff reports, and other administrative tasks; all of which impact the engineering work on a project from inception to completion. Insufficient funding in CIP projects to cover administrative costs and lack of a payroll/accounting system to record staff time on projects are other challenges staff would face in implementing this recommendation. Public Works staff will follow-up with the consultant by March 1, 2014 to try and obtain the information previously requested on the cost of The new Public Works Director began work in January 2014. It is anticipated that he new Director will fill the Deputy Public Works Director vacancy by March 1, 2014. See comments on Recommendation PW-5 above. Also, please note that the Assistant Engineer position has been filled. 7 - 8 Resp. I# Matrix Report Recommendations of March 21, 2013 PW PW PW R&P R&P R&P R&P R&P TE TE TE TE TE TE TE TE The City should review and update. as necessary. the ongoing preventive maintenance guidelines for 2 I infrastructure under control. This will provide the ability to more accurately define annual expenditures necessary for maintenance of existing infrastructure for inclusion in the annual budget. 3 IThe City should rebid the fleet maintenance contract at least every five years. 9 1 The City should consider implementation of a maintenance tracking system to address identified issues and provide real-time business intelligence regarding maintenance efforts, costs, and assessment of condition. 2 1 The City should focus implementation of the selected software system on automation and on-line access to recreation programs and space rentals. 3 1 Na changes are recommended in authorized staffing levels unless the Council determines through policy decision to increase the level of recreational proarams provided by City staff resources. 4 1 The currently authorized and vacant Recreation and Parks Director position should be filled as soon as ractical. 5 I The interim contract position handling emergency preparedness should be authorized as a full-time position in the Citv (either continuina in Recreation and Parks or relocated to the Citv Manaaer's Office). IThe City Council should conduct a review of recreational programs, in conjunction with staff, to determine whether they wish to remain with the current approach of primarily providing recreational classes through contracted private instructors. Direct email addresses for top administrative officials (such as is provided for the elected officials) should be available on the website. 2 1A community calendar should be available on the website that shows all meetings of public bodies, commissions. and boards with the meetina date and time noted. 3 1A sample Public Records Act request form that is downloadable or able to be completed online should be provided for ease of the public. Historical budgets (at least covering last 5 years) should be available on the City's website, in addition to the 4 I current budget that is available. For the City, this would require adding the last three two-year budgets to the website. A listing of all contracts entered into by the City should be provided that includes basic information regarding the 5 I contract such as effective and termination dates, services covered or to be provided by the contract, and the annual and total price of the contracted services. 6 11dentification of any active lobbying contracts or services that the City has entered into with summary information reaardina the firm hired, the purpose of the service. and annual costs of the contract. The City should expand upon the current listing of fees and charges that are contained on the City's Finance 7 I Department page of the website to ensure that it includes all City fees and charges. A prominent link on the homepaae should be added to enable residents and the public to easily locate this information. The City should continue to convert all forms and applications utilized by the public to fillable pdf forms that can 8 I be completed on line and printed rather than simply providing a download link to the form. This will increase the usability of the forms for the public. Priority Medium Medium Medium High High High High Medium Medium Medium Medium Medium Medium Medium Medium Medium Status ·pending (MulticYear) Update as of February 4, 2014 Preventive maintenance standards would first need to be developed for all of the facilities and infrastructure maintained by the City. Once these standards have been established, the Department would then be able to utilize the new automated maintenance management/work order tracking software system that the City is currently pursuing to automatically notify staff when certain maintenance tasks are due to be performed. thus allowing the Department to proactively manage its preventive maintenance program. Public Works does not have a specific timeline for acquiring the City's new work order/maintenance management software system, as it is dependent on the establishment of PW-4 below. P d" I This recommendation is a good beSt business practice idea and staff will en ing implement this startina in the next budaet cvcle (FY 2014-151. :The Department supports this idea and is actively working with the Finance & IT Department to evaluate and acquire an automated maintenance management/work order tracking software system that will meet the Department's needs and improve Public Works' efficiency and effectiveness in managing the ·"'""':-.. ,, •. ,.,.,. _ • 1Department's maintenance responsibilities (see PW-4 above). The priority for this · .... _, recommendation was changed from "Medium" to "High." The City has chosen and is currently implementing automation and on-line access to programs and rentals through the software system: Active.Net. Key staff has been trained with facility staff currently training on operation of the system. Tentative ao-live date for the public will be April 2014. No staffing changes are proposed due to its connection with the analysis of the recommendation above (see R&P-1 above). HR recruited and filled the Director of Parks and Recreation in August 2013. The City re-classed and moved the position to the City Manager's Office (see CM/HR-14 above). DRP will evaluate current recreational programming and events to ensure } ~'·.·.'.•, _'..•.Jalign.me?t with community v~lues and n~ds. DRP will evaluate its current balance ~ ~'•\:''"':' of pnvatized/contract recreation/programming and staff-run ~~lif'e'f!;,, > recreation/programF?ing to best and most efficiently m~et the ne_eds of the .. community. Staff will research and implement recreational offenngs and facility n icon has been added to the sliding menu on the home page, which links to a monthly calendar listina current public meetinas. times and locations. The City Clerk's Office created a Public Records Act request form (downloadable and able to be completed online) and added it to the website. In addition, staff added information regarding the Procedure for Requesting Duplication of Building Plans, which the Community Development Department created with the assistance of the City Attorney's Office. And finally, Clerk staff added the City's Claim for Damages Form (downloadable and able to be completed online) to the City website. 5 years of historical budgets were added to the website soon after the Matrix report was delivered. The City Clerk's Department is taking the lead in consolidating this function. The City has no active lobbying contracts at this time, but will implement this recommendation in the future if needed. Recreation and Parks staff will provide information on fees charged that are not currently listed on the Finance Department webpage. Recreation and Parks staff is working with PV on the Net to convert applications and forms to the fillable pdf format, and will continue to do so. The Community Development Department has converted its main applications to fillable forms and is workina on convertina all of its applications to fillable forms. 7 - 9 Resp. TE # Matrix Report Recommendations of March 21, 2013 9 In the longer-term, the City should provide online access to check the status of applications submitted. For some forms I applications, this will not be feasible until the City changes vendors for major software systems. Responsibility Key: CM/HR = City Manager/Human Resources F&IT = Finance & Information Technology CC = City Clerk CD = Community Development PW= Public Works R&P = Recreation & Parks TE =Transparency Enhancements (organization-wide) Priority Medium Status Update as of February 4, 2014 ·. Recreation and Parks Department is working to implement this with new Active.Net software. The Community Development Department intends to provide this service In ProgreSs .• with the implementation of the replacement permitting system, expected in 2014- 15. The specifications for the competitive bidding process for IT services, including the City's website, will include improvements to access of information via their website .. Status Key: Pending =Implementation anticipated but not yet begun Council Review = lrnplernentation requires City Council input/review (Multi-Year) = Implementation expected over more than 1 year 7 - 1 0 Mayor Pro Tern Knight comments on Matrix Report based upon the Status Update staff report on the Dec. 17, 2013 agenda packet: Recommendation CM/HR-Exit reviews I need to know what is permissible and what is not permissible before articulating what I would like summarized. But as a fundamental principle, I feel the major benefit of an exit report is to determine if there is a systemic problem in our organization that needs addressing. (I am setting aside any legal employment issues such as harassment as that should be forward to our legal counsel). Did the employee leave because of personal reasons independent of our organization (moving, seeking another career, etc.)? Or were there working condition (physical, undo emotional stress) or was our compensation package non-competitive or some other organizational reason that prompted that employee to leave? An exit interview summary with the right questions could help us improve our organization. Recommendation CMIHR-15 I am not opposed to rebidding the City's legal services but I want to compare apples to apples. Richard Watkins has a great level of expertise in many areas that we constantly tap into for guidance. Also Richard Watkins has a huge institutional knowledge of our City which is extremely valuable. It would help me to know how often other cities put their legal counsel out for bid. Recommendation CM/HR-16 Although I see this recommendation in direct conflict with recommendation CM/HR-15 with no explanation in the report, I can see no advantage to an "in-house" city attorney. Quite the contrary. A staff City Attorney would require a full compensation package (salary, medical, CALP ERs, etc.) and that employee attorney could never have the depth of expertise in the various fields needed by our city that a contract firm such as Richard Watkins can provide. So in reality we would be contracting out that expertise with an "in-house" staff attorney anyway and the costs could end up close to a firm contract cost. I know Carol Lynch would not take on this job, so any hired staff attorney would not have that institutional knowledge we currently have with Richard Watkins. And, as it stands now, Carol 7-11 Lynch makes herself available almost any time day or night. So how much more could a staff attorney offer? The purported annual savings of $34, 000 in my opinion is dwarfed by the arguments above and makes me question how much thought was put into this recommendation. Recommendation CC-1 During my tenure as a Planning Commissioner, !found the more detailed minutes very helpful. More than once when reviewing an application, the PC only had only action minutes and it was impossible to ascertain why the Council made a particular decision that would affect deliberations on that application. In one case there was no video and involved a very important Council condition affecting view issues for a subdivision. Having adequate administrative records helps us with any legal challenges as well. I know that we have archived video, but I may not have the time to search the video for the salient points I need and, unless I take my own detailed notes from that video, I will not have anything as a reference when reviewing an agenda item. And if my colleagues take their own video notes, my notes may not be the same as theirs making for a more variable discussion reference point that could lead to a time consuming and disjointed deliberation process than if the same minutes were available to all Council members. If we are touting transparency, this also goes for the public's ability to consolidate information for their review. The advantage of detailed minutes works both ways as between the PC and Council. When the PC is making decisions, any previous Council directive as well as public input is articulated and, when Council hears an appealed agenda item, previous PC and/or Council minutes with public comments is very useful. It would seem as though any additional cost of full minutes verses action minutes would be minimal and may be insignificant when compared to the benefits of full minutes. I will defer to the City Clerk to help with this. Recommendation PW-5 In concept this recommendation is basically saying we need to have adequate staff to handle the scope of construction projects at any given time. The recommendation seems to be self evident, but I am not sure what is intrinsic to "cost of construction standards" that tells us just how many PW staff to hire nor does it cover all of the issues. For example, our city has an exceptionally 7-12 engaged public that can get very involved asking detailed questions on any of our various projects and can take a lot of staff time to respond. Construction cost standards does not address this challenge. The consultant needs to elaborate more on their recommendation before I can decide if it is worth implementing. Recommendation PW-6 It appears the PW had contacted the Matrix group as to how to establish these "billability targets "and got no response. The staff report seems to indicate that there were several issues with this recommendation so, until I see how those issues can be addressed and a definite advantage to establishing "billability targets", I am inclined not to take up this recommendation. Recommendation PW-8 See PW-5. Recommendation PW-9 It appears that the recommendation will be addressed when we get our integrated Infrastructure Management Plan, or report card. Recommendation TE-6 In principle, I agree that Council should know the status of any lobbying contracts. I would add to the recommendation that we periodically review the effectiveness of those lobbyists. For . example, when Councilwoman Brooks and I were discussing the San Ramon project in a subcommittee meeting with staff, it appeared to me that we were paying hansom sums for our lobbyists in Washington to search out potential TIGERfunding but they were only pounding on locked doors. TIGER funding had died a budgetary death and we were paying them for a pipe dream. But in general, lobbyists we hire do return grant monies to our City that exceed the cost of their services. We just need to keep an eye on these kinds of expenditures and periodically evaluate their effectiveness. 7-13 The Staff report indicates we have no lobbying contracts. I would ask staff to clarify what our status is with respect to Federal Advocates and Blais and Assoc. A general comment for the subcommittee to consider. Matrix was hired to make organizational recommendations to our city. They needed to fulfill that task to get paid and they needed to have a decent list of those recommendations to fill in the report. It is not clear to me as to how many of these recommendations are just boiler plate and how many were really deeply contemplated for our particular city. Apparently staff interviews were sketchy at best and some recommendations don't seem very practical for us. So it is my feeling that any action taken on recommendations should only be what works best for our unique situation and not struggle to find ways to justify recommendations that do not make sens'e for our organization. Thank you Jerry and Susan for taking the time to review the materials and I look forward to your recommendations to the City Council. Jim Knight 7-14 CITY OF RANCHO PALOS VERDES, CALIFORNIA DRAFT Final Report of the Organizational Assessment 1. INTRODUCTION AND EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The Matrix Consulting Group was retained by the Rancho Palos Verdes City c·ouncil to conduct a Citywide Needs and Efficiency Assessment Study. The report, which follows, presents the results of the study. This study was designed to provide an assessment of the efficiency and effectiveness of City operations, identifying strengths and improvement opportunities relating to organization, staffing and management. In this concluding point of the study, the project team has assembled this final report, which summarizes our findings, conclusions and recommendations. 1. STUDY SCOPE AND METHODOLOGIES The Rancho Palos Verdes City Council sought to conduct this Organizational Assessment in its continued efforts to streamline operations while maintaining appropriate service levels in an increasingly challenging economic environment. The objective of this study was to identify opportunities for improvement in operational and economic efficiency. In this Study, the Matrix Consulting Group project team utilized a wide variety of data collection and analytical techniques. The project team conducted the following data collection and analytical activities: • • Developed an understanding of the key issues impacting the City. To evaluate the City, Matrix Consulting Group conducted interviews with members of the City Council, and managers in each City department. Interviews focused on goals and objectives, management systems, the use of technology, the levels of service provided by the City, the resources available to provide those services, etc. Developed a descriptive profile of the City. The Matrix Consulting Group collected data for each department to document current organization of services, Matrix Consulting Group Page 1 7-15 CITY OF RANCHO PALOS VERDES, CALIFORNIA Final Report of the Organizational Assessment the structure and functions of the various departments, budgets, workload data, management systems, inventory of the infrastructure, etc. • Provided an opportunity for employee and committee member input. In addition to selected interviews, the Matrix Consulting Group administered an employee survey and a survey of board and commission members. These surveys asked individuals to evaluate a variety of statements regarding the overall operations of the City, the individual departments and to identify strengths and opportunities for improvement. • Identified key strengths and opportunities for improvement in each department. The 'best management practices' assessment included comparisons to industry standards developed by professional organizations, such as the American Planning Association, American Public Works Association, Government Finance Officer's Association, etc. Additionally, the project team also utilized the Matrix Consulting Group's library of best practices developed by the firm while conducting hundreds of management studies throughout the Country. • Conducted further analysis of issues identified for this final report. Based on initial findings developed, the project team evaluated additional data, analyzed issues and alternatives, resulting in recommendations regarding staffing levels and management practices that would streamline operations and maintain existing service levels. This report consists of a comprehensive review of the operations, management, and staffing of the City's departments. 2. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY OF RECOMMENDATIONS This section presents a summary of the recommendations contained within the report. The following table provides a complete summary of each recommendation within the report, and includes a relative priority of the recommendation. Recommendations Priority 1. Citv Manaaer I Human Resources The Human Resources module in the ADP system should be carefully evaluated upon completion of its implementation to ensure that it contains the features and functionality High to provide a comprehensive Human Resource Information Svstem (HRIS) for the Citv. Matrix Consulting Group Page2 7-16 CITY OF RANCHO PALOS VERDES, CALIFORNIA Final Report of the Organizational Assessment Recommendations The City should develop a workforce planning effort that identifies key positions within the organization, develops cross-training programs to develop additional internal staff with competencies and abilities to fill the position (at least on a short-term basis), and develops forward looking contingency plans for filling these critical positions when they become vacant. The succession planning effort underway within the Public Works Department should be utilized as a model for other Departments. The City should summarize the results of the currently performed exit interviews on all departing employees and provide annually in a report to the City Council. The City should conduct an annual employee climate survey to better understand from the employee's perspective the employment climate. The City should implement the updated employee manual as soon as practical following adoption of the MOU. Upon completion, it should be provided to all employees and training provided to all employees on the manual. The City should provide refresher training to all supervisory staff on the performance evaluation process and the existing performance evaluation form to ensure consistent utilization and rankings across departments and supervisors. Additionally, to ensure that all forms are completed in a timely manner, each supervisor should be specifically evaluated by their manager on the timely, accurate and thoroughness of their evaluations of staff. This should be a specific evaluation factor on supervisor evaluation forms. The City should develop a series of performance metrics to evaluate their worker's compensation program, with ongoing consultation with CJPIA on additional training needs for City staff to minimize claims. The City should centralize the handling of all accident, risk and worker's compensation claims by transferring the responsibility for claims review from the City Clerk's Office to the Human Resources position. The City should institute a safety committee covering all employees. The City Council should periodically review its adopted compensation policy for the City of Rancho Palos Verdes and update as appropriate to maintain a competitive compensation system. The City should review the current approach to position classification to determine if a more formalized system is needed to ensure both internal and external equity of positions. The City should implement a program for reviewing position descriptions and duties performed for each position at least once everv five years. Staffing as currently allocated to this Department should remain and the vacant Human Resources Manager position should be filled and the duties expanded. The current contract Administrative Analyst II position responsible for emergency preparedness should be made permanent. Organizationally, it can either remain in Parks & Recreation or relocated to the City Manager's Office. The City should rebid the City's legal services contract. This contract has not been competitively bid since it was oriqinally established. The City should consider establishing a staff City Attorney position to handle routine legal matters of the City. It is estimated this could save the City approximately $34,000 annually plus improve access and responsiveness to legal advice for City staff. Finance and Information Technoloay A review of the performance measures utilized and tracked should occur to ensure aliqnment with Council priorities. Matrix Consulting Group Priority Low Medium Medium High Medium Low Low Medium High Low Medium High High High High Medium Page3 7-17 CITY OF RANCHO PALOS VERDES, CALIFORNIA Final Report of the Organizational Assessment Recommendations The five-year CIP document that is currently developed should be included within the budget document. The City should continue to expand the use of electronic payments with vendors. All cost recovery goals should be reviewed at least every three years by the City Council and updated as necessarv. The City should further automate existing financial practices and enhance online functionality during the implementation of the new financial system. The City should expand the availability of online payments via credit card for public convenience, in conjunction with the implementation of the replacement ERP system. The City's IT Technology Plan should be updated in light of the recently completed IT review. The City should conduct an RFP process for IT services. Prior to conducting this effort, the desired service levels in each functional area of IT, especially related to GIS program services should be developed to ensure it is in alignment with City needs. Training should be provided to designated department representatives so that they can load documents directly to their website without IT support. The duties currently performed by the Finance Director related to the handling of Air, Space and Noise issues related to Air Traffic should be transitioned to the Planning Division of Community Development. The current staffing allocations should remain as budgeted with the exception of the IT position, which should be reclassified as an IT Project Manager and filled as recently recommended by Nextlevel during their IT review. City Clerk The City should consider a change to implement only action minutes for City Council meetings and the meetings of other Council appointed boards and commissions. As the City furthers the database build of its Electronic Document Management System, it should provide online access to commonly requested information or documents to enhance public transparency without requiring public records requests. No changes in current staffing allocations are recommended. All currently budgeted positions, includina vacancies, should be filled. Community Development The City should include plan review I processing times on applications, and more- prominently display these performance standards on the website. The City should pursue expansion of additional onine services for Community Development permitting functions including online submittal of applications, online permitting for over the counter permits, online review of plan review comments, and online view of application status. This effort should be performed in conjunction with the replacement of the existing permitting software. This should occur after the completion of the IT services competitive bid process. Any decision regarding changing the City's enterprise wide software system should take into considerations the ability of the new system to maintain or enhance functionality currently in place within Community Development with their existing system. The City should consider addition of some funds to assist full-time staff in completing the update of the City's General Plan in a timely manner. The City should implement online permitting for over the counter permits that do not require plan reviews to enhance service to the public. Staff should pursue implementation of either an interactive voice response or online inspection requests to expand service to the public and automate the inspection request process. Matrix Consulting Group Priority High High Medium High High High High Low High High Medium Medium High High High High Medium High Medium Page4 7-18 CITY OF RANCHO PALOS VERDES, CALIFORNIA Final Report of the Organizational Assessment Recommendations Existing planners should be allocated the duties related to Airspace and Aircraft Noise related to air traffic issues currently performed by the Finance & IT Department staff. One permit technician position should be reclassified to a Building Inspector position to provide greater ability to handle varvinQ workloads. No other changes in staffing or organizational structure are recommended at this time. Existing vacancies that are authorized in the budget were considered as a part of the staffing complement when evaluating workload and should be filled. Public Works The Public Works Department should adopt the same processing time standards as are utilized by the Community Development Department. The City should review and update, as necessary, the ongoing preventive maintenance guidelines for infrastructure under control. This will provide the ability to more accurately define annual expenditures necessary for maintenance of existing infrastruct1:1re for inclusion in the annual budget. The City should rebid the fleet maintenance contract at least everv five years. The City should begin the planning process to conduct a comprehensive long-term facility needs study to develop a plan for upgrading or replacing municipal facilities. The City should utilize cost of construction standards for establishing the size and specialities of City engineering staff. This will directly link staffing requirements to the number and size of projects under management by City staff to ensure sufficient resources are alloacted to oversee capital projects. Engineering staff should have established informal "billability targets" so that work activities are charged directly to managed and designed projects. The position of Deputy Director should be held vacant until the City fills the PW Director position. Following the development of detailed capital program resource requirements and implementation of cost of construction guidelines, the number of engineering staff should be reviewed and the Assistant Engineer position filled as needed. The City should consider implementation of a maintenance tracking system to address identified issues and provide real-time business intelligence regarding maintenance efforts, costs, and assessment of condition. Recreation and Parks The City Council should conduct a review of recreational programs, in conjunction with staff, to determine whether they wish to remain with the current approach of primarily providina recreational classes throuah contracted private instructors. The City should focus implementation of the selected software system on automation and on-line access to recreation programs and space rentals. No changes are recommended in authorized staffing levels unless the Council determines through policy decision to increase the level of recreational programs provided by City staff resources. The currently authorized and vacant Recreation & Parks Director position should be filled as soon as practical. The Interim contract position handling emergency preparedness should be authorized as a full-time position in the City (either continuing in Recreation & Parks or relocated to the City Manager's Office), Transparency Enhancements Direct email addresses for top administrative officials (such as is provided for the elected officials) should be available on the website. Matrix Consulting Group Priority High Medium Medium High Medium Medium High High High High High Medium Medium High High High High Medium Pages 7-19 CITY OF RANCHO PALOS VERDES, CALIFORNIA Final Report of the Organizational Assessment Recommendations A community calendar should be available on the website that shows all meetings of public bodies, commissions, and boards with the meeting date and time noted. A sample Public Records Act request form that is downloadable or able to be completed online should be provided for ease of the public. Historical budgets (at least covering last 5 years) should be available on the City's website, in addition to the current budget that is available. For the City, this would reauire addinq the last three two-year budgets to the website. A listing of all contracts entered into by the City should be provided that includes basic information regarding the contract such as effective and termination dates, services covered or to be provided by the contract, and the annual and total price of the contracted services. Identification of any active lobbying contracts or services that the City has entered into with summary information regarding the firm hired, the purpose of the service, and annual costs of the contract. The City should expand upon the current listing of fees and charges that are contained on the City's Finance Department page of the website to ensure that it includes all City fees and charges. A prominent link on the homepage should be added to enable residents and the public to easily locate this information. The City should continue to convert all forms and applications utilized by the public to fillable pdf forms that can be completed online and printed rather than simply providing a download link to the form. This will increase the usability of the forms for the public. In the longer-term, the City should provide online access to check the status of applications submitted. For some forms I applications, this will not be feasible until the City changes vendors for major software systems. Priority Medium Medium Medium Medium Medium Medium Medium Medium Each of these recommendations is addressed in more detail in Chapter 5. Matrix Consulting Group Page6 7-20 Marymount California University -Award of Contract for Consultant Services to Prepare an Environmental Document for the City that Assesses the Environmental Impacts of the University's Request to Reconfigure the 2010 Council Approved Athletic Field Mayor Brooks suggested continuing this item to the May 7, 2013 Council meeting so that it could be considered at the same meeting as the Marymount California University Time Extension. City Clerk Morreale reported that late correspondence was distributed prior to the meeting regarding this item. Mayor Brooks moved, seconded by Councilman Misetich, to continue this item to the May 7, 20.13 Council meeting. The motion passed on the following roll call vote: AYES: NOES: Campbell, Duhovic, Knight, Misetich, and Mayor Brooks None ABSENT: None RECESS AND RECONVENE: Mayor Brooks called a brief recess from 8:15 P.M. to 8:28 P.M. Matrix Citywide Organizational Assessment ("The Matrix Report") Mayor Brooks provided introductory remarks regarding the Matrix Citywide Organizational Assessment. Mayor Pro Tern Duhovic provided a brief report regarding the retention of the Matrix Consulting Group to provide a Citywide Organizational Assessment which was designed to provide an assessment of the efficiency and effectiveness of City operations, specifically identifying strengths and opportunities for improvement relating to the organization, staffing, and management. Richard Brady, President, Matrix Consulting Group, provided a detailed report regarding the scope of the project as defined by the Council; project methodologies used in the study, including best management practices and performance metrics utilized; positive findings and key themes identified from the study; and an overview of the suggested recommendations that the City Council and City Manager can use to meet the service needs in a sustainable way in the City at the present time and in the future. Discussion ensued among Council Members, Mr. Brady, and staff. City Council Minutes April 16, 2013 Page 8of10 7-21 Ken Dyda, Rancho Palos Verdes, provided comments regarding several recommendations and topics addressed in the Matrix Report, including the following: succession development; compensation review; City Attorney services; separation of the Finance Department from the Information Technology Department; Action Minutes vs. the current style of Minute preparation; Emergency Preparedness should be coordinated under the City Manager's Department; expansion of transparency regarding Employee Compensation beyond the required State Controller's Report; application of full costing of services for charges for individual services, but not basic services included under payments of taxes; and, outreach to the community regarding the Matrix Report. Discussion continued among Council Members, Mr. Brady, and staff. Mayor Pr~ Tern Duhovic moved, seconded by Mayor Brooks, to receive and file the report and direct the Compensation Subcommittee to consider, with input from the City Manager, the creation of an overall plan and an implementation plan, to address the proposed study recommendations over time, and return to the Council with the suggested plan at a future meeting within 90 days. The motion passed on the following roll call vote: AYES: NOES: Campbell, Duhovic, Knight, Misetich, and Mayor Brooks None ABSENT: None FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS: None. CITY COUNCIL ORAL REPORTS: Councilman Campbell stated that he would submit his City Council Oral Report in writing. Councilman Campbell left the dais at 10:13 P.M. and returned to the meeting at 10:16 P.M. during the City Council Oral Reports. Each of the remaining Council Members reported on his/her attendance at various organization and association meetings since the last City Council Oral Reports were provided on April 2, 2013. CLOSED SESSION REPORT: City Attorney Lynch reported on the following Closed Session items: 1) With respect to the existing litigation in the case of City of Agoura Hills et. al. v. County of Los Angeles City Council Minutes April 16, 2013 Page 9of10 7-22 NOES: None ABSENT: None REGULAR BUSINESS: Matrix Report Status Update Mayor Duhovic provided brief introductory remarks regarding this item. Discussion ensued among Council Members, staff, and City Attorney Lynch regarding the best process in which to proceed with the recommendations on the Matrix Report. Councilman Misetich moved, seconded by Councilwoman Brooks, to: Receive and file the update on the status of implementing the recommendations of the Matrix Report; and direct staff to continue working With the Organizational Performance Assessment Ad Hoc Subcommittee of Mayor Duhovic and Councilwoman Brooks to develop the implementation plan, and return to Council with a report by February 4, 2014. The motion passed on the following roll call vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Brooks, Campbell, Knight, Misetich, and Mayor Duhovic None None Council agreed to submit their comments regarding the Matrix Report to the Subcommittee and to copy staff so that the Subcommittee and staff can work together on the next update report. RECESS AND RECONVENE: Mayor Duhovic called a brief recess from 8:10 P.M. to 8:23 P.M. The motion for a recess passed on the following roll call vote: AYES: NOES: Brooks, Campbell, Knight, Misetich, and Mayor Duhovic None ABSENT: None Professional Services Agreement for City Council Goal-Setting Facilitator Senior Administrative Analyst Fox provided a brief introduction regarding this item. Dr. Allan Colman, Consultant, The Closers Group, LLC, provided brief comments regarding his background and addressed a few of the topics raised by Council Members City Council Minutes December 17, 2013 Page 7 of 11 7-23