CC SR 20150915 03 - Prep for 2015-16 Winter SeasonCITY OF MEMORANDUM I RANCHO PALOS VERDES TO: HONORABLE MAYOR & CITY COUNCIL MEMBERS FROM: MICHAEL THRONE, PE, DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS DATE: SEPTEMBER 15, 2015 SUBJECT: PREPARATIONS FOR 2015-16 WINTER SEASON (SUPPORTS CITY COUNCIL GOAL NO. 2, PUBLIC ,A INFRASTRUCTURE) M REVIEWED: DOUG WILLMORE, CITY MANAGER __, Project Manager: Michael Throne, Director of Public Works Sean Larvenz, Public Works Maintenance Superintendent RECOMMENDATION Receive and file a presentation from the Public Works Department on the preparations being made for the upcoming 2015-16 winter season. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY There is a greater than 90% chance that EI Nino will continue through Northern Hemisphere winter 2015-16 and around an 85% chance it will last into early spring 2016. FISCAL IMPACT Preparation and response to a "normal" winter is included in the FY 2015-16 adopted municipal budget. Additional expenses to prepare for the anticipated EI Nino winter are being tabulated and it is likely that some measure of additional funding will be needed. A budget modification will be requested of the City Council on October 6, 2015. BACKGROUND As of August 13, 2015, all computer models surveyed by the Climate Prediction Center of the National Weather Service and the International Research Institute for Climate and Society predict that EI Nino will continue into the Northern Hemisphere through the spring of 2016, and all multi -model averages predict a strong event at its peak in late fall/early winter. At this time, the forecaster consensus unanimously favors a strong EI Nino (called a Super EI Nino in the media) and overall a greater than 90% chance that EI Nino will continue through Northern Hemisphere winter 2015-16, and around an 85% chance it will last into early spring 2016. EI Nino will likely contribute to a below normal Atlantic hurricane season, and to above -normal hurricane seasons in both the central and eastern Pacific hurricane basins. DISCUSSION The Public Works Department has been tracking the progress of the expected duration and intensity of this winter's potential storm season since March and several weeks ago began in earnest to design a storm response program that addresses anticipated impacts from the real possibility of a wet winter. Among the preparations already underway include: • Increasing catch basin cleaning and intensity (an item that is included on tonight's consent calendar) based on a hot -spot list generated from many years of maintenance response service requests and professional experience • Readying to implement the PV Drive South/Portuguese Bend detour plan with the procurement of additional signs and materials including coordinating with the County of Los Angeles for mutual aid support to set-up detour signage outside of the City • Preparing and staging approximately 10,000 sandbags that will be available for city forces and the community to access from convenient locations throughout the City • Securing on-call agreements with local contractors and equipment operator union halls to provide licensed operators to use equipment the City will rent for the winter. This is being done to facilitate rapid response to reports of mud and debris flow, downed trees and other storm -related damage because during heavy rains, roads to the PV Peninsula may be impassible and delay our response to urgent situation. • Organizing a departmental operations center (a "storm desk") in the corporation yard for the purpose of tracking storms, fielding reports from the community, and organizing contractors, vendors and City personnel as we expect that most of the storms we encounter will not require the activation of the emergency operations center at City Hall. However, in the event that a situation may exceed our available resources, Public Works will request activation of the EOC. We are working with the City's emergency management coordinator to review the proper protocols for activation. It is likely that a budget modification of the three primary maintenance accounts (right-of- way; parks, trails, open space; and facilities) will be required for equipment rental and supplies to establish a storm desk. Work to establish the additional expenses is underway and Public Works will present a budget modification proposal to the City Council on October 6. PAI CONCLUSION The preparations outlined are intended to ensure to the greatest extent practicable reasonable response and protection of public facilities and transportation routes. ALTERNATIVES The City Council may direct the Department to increase or decrease the level of response and preparation for the upcoming winter. Attachments ►lR= 3