Section 5.0 Landslide Geometry 1960050-03
Division into Subslides
The active Portuguese Bend Landslide does not move as a single sheet. Rather, it is cut by a
pattern of internal fractures and grabens that form divisions between large blocks within the
landslide that move at different rates. Based on subsurface exploration and surface mapping,
Ehlig (1992) divided the landslide into four semi-independent subslides. These subslides are: the
landward, east-central, west-central, and seaward subslides (Figure 12).
The landward slide lies in the northern most section of the active Portuguese Bend Landslide. It
is a 50-acre crescent shaped piece that is bounded by the west-central subslide on the south. The
landward subslide is steeply dipping at the northern boundary, where the rupture surface dips
vary from 15 to 25 degrees seaward (cross section A-A', Figure 13). The south section of the
subslide flattens out to dips less than 5 degrees due to an anticlinal undulation in the bedrock
beneath it.
The east-central subslide has an approximate area of 60 acres, in a roughly rectangular shape.
The subslide is bounded on the north by a east-west trending graben that is continually created as
the slide mass moves southward. To the west, the east-central subslide is separated from the
west-central subslide by a north-south tear fault, resulting from differential movement between
the two adjacent subslides. This fault is nearly vertical, and trends along Portuguese Canyon. On fl).-
the east, the subslide ramps steeply upward into a bedrock monocline that defines the edge of the
Portuguese Bend Landslide. To the south, the east-central subslide is bounded by the seaward
subslide. The rupture surface of the subslide, on average, dips up to 17 degrees toward the south
(cross section B-B', C-C', Figures 14 and 15). Under the east side of the subslide, the rupture
surface dips down into a spoon-shaped trough that trends north-south. This trough crosses Palos
Verdes Drive South at the neck of the "spoon". The trough is wider to the north, and narrows
towards the shoreline. The northern section of the trough dips below sea level before rising back
up just above sea level in the southern end (Figure 17). On the western side of the subslide, the
rupture surface is flatter,with an average dip of about 7 degrees seaward(Ehlig, 1992).
The west-central subslide has the smallest surface area, approximately 40 acres. The subslide is
bounded on the east by the tear fault along Portuguese Canyon. On the north and west, it is
bounded by the landward subslide that wraps around it. The southern boundary is met by the
seaward subslide. The west-central subslide has a more uniform and gently dipping rupture
surface than the east-central subslide (cross section A-A', Figure 13). Within the subslide, the
rupture surface is folded along an east-west trending axis located just north of Palos Verdes
Drive South (Figure 17). These undulations buttress the subslide due to the 30 to 40 foot incline
in the rupture surface that the mass must climb to reach the crest of the fold.
411 ,
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The east-central subslide is underlain by the bedrock of the Monterey Formation, while the
material beneath the active west-central subslide is landslide debris from the ancient landslide.
The inactive debris forms a wedge that thickens to the west, and pinches out to the east. The
bedrock beneath the wedge dips into a synclinal trough as the debris thickens. This debris
consists of blocks and chaotic bedding that appears similar to the debris of the active Portuguese
Bend Landslide (Vonder Linden and Lindvall, 1982).
The seaward subslide, a 45 acre parcel, is mostly seaward of Palos Verdes Drive South. The
northern edge of the seaward subslide buttresses the east-central and west-central subslides'
southern sections. The southern boundary, however, is the shoreline, where constant wave
erosion is removing the toe of the active Portuguese Bend Landslide. The eastern edge of the
seaward subslide is the edge of the active Portuguese Bend Landslide itself, and is bounded by
the Klondike Canyon landslide. To the west, the seaward subslide is bounded by the western
subslide and Inspiration Point. The rupture surface of this subslide, in general, dips to the south
less than 5 degrees (cross sections- A-A',B-B', C-C',Figures 13, 14, and 15).
The seaward subslide is the fastest moving of all the subslides (Ehlig, 1992). This is due mainly
to the continual wave erosion of the toe of the active landslide. As the wave erosion removes
debris, the resisting force is removed, and the subslide propagates forward.
4111 Mechanism of Sliding
The continued movement of the Portuguese Bend Landslide can be attributed to several factors:
gravity, the unsupported material at the coastline, the weakness of the bentonite layers forming
the rupture surface, the removal of landslide debris from the toe, and high ground water levels.
The rupture surface of the landslide, in general, is undulatory, and dipping to the south.
The ancient landslide appears to have failed along or near the top of the Portuguese Tuff
(Leighton, 1990, 1996; Law/Crandall Associates, 1991). Recent field and subsurface
investigations by Bing Yen and Perry Ehlig have defined the failure surface of the active
landslide as a bentonite layer approximately 30 feet stratieraphically above the top of the
Portuguese Tuff. The .bentonitic clays associated with the active landslide are weak. The
bentonite consists of primarily sodium montmorillonite in addition to calcium montmorillonite
and illite (Kerr and Drew, 1969; Novak, 1982; Watry, 1990). These clays readily absorb free
water into their structure, making them weak. Laboratory tests have demonstrated strength
values as low as 5 degrees for the angle of internal friction,as well as 100 pounds per square foot
of cohesion. These values were achieved using very slow strain rates and high confining
pressures. The shear strength appears to decrease with increasing confining pressures (Ehlig and
Yen, 1997).
Wave erosion of the shoreline toe is also an important factor to the continued movement of the
Portuguese Bend Landslide. The continual erosion of the toe removes the resisting force of the
seaward subslide, and hence. the main landslide mass itself. Once a portion of the resisting force
is removed, the landslide continues its seaward movement, and the toe
The wave erosion continues, and so does the landslide movement. is built up once more.
The role of ground water in the continual propagation of the Portuguese Bend Landslide is of
critical importance. Vonder Linden (1972) suggested that the groundwater table and its relative
position to the rupture surface is the crucial mechanism that drives the landslide. The Abalone
Cove Landslide is often cited as an example of the importance of ground water control to
landsliding in the Portuguese Bend area. During the period from 1979 to 1981, dewatering wells
were installed throughout the Abalone Cove Landslide (Ehlig and Bean, 1982). This method of
stabilization proved to be successful for the Abalone Cove Landslide (Ehlig and Yen. 1997). It is
important to stress, however, that lowering of the ground water table alone has not stabilized the
Portuguese Bend Landslide.
Location of Toe
The shoreline at the toe of the ancient landslide complex remained essentially the same until the
re-activation of the currently active Portuguese-Bend Landslide(USAGE, 1992). Until 1956, the
shoreline was marked by a fairly wide, sandy beach that was the Portuguese Bend Clubhouse and
a wooden pier. After reactivation, the Portuguese Bend Landslide destroyed the Clubhouse and
pier, and the sandy beach was covered by the advancing landslide mass. Currently, the shoreline
of the Portuguese Bend Landslide is a steep bluff(80 - 100 feet high) that descends to a
strip of cobble beach. The bluffs continued erosion by wave action removes accumulations of
fine grained material from the shoreline.
Between 1870 and 1959, the shoreline advanced seaward a maximum of approximately 300 feet
(USACE, 1992), with most movement occurring between 1956 and 1959 (Figures 18 and 19).
The shoreline has continued to advance, but at a slower rate since 1959. By 1972, the shoreline
was a maximum of approximately 200 feet farther south than in 1959. However, this movement
took place mostly west of Portuguese Canyon; while east of Portuguese Canyon the shoreline did
not migrate. Between 1972 and 1982 the shoreline east of Portuguese Canyon moved southward
approximately 200 feet. West of Portuguese Canyon, the shoreline remained unchanged. The
only migration of the shoreline west of Portuguese Canyon took place in the area 1300 feet east
of Inspiration Point.
The location of the toe is presently near the shoreline. The location of the active toe was
confirmed by the three recent borings drilled along the shoreline (Figure 11, Borings LC-1
through LC-3) and measurements of eight GPS monuments placed at the beach (Figure 4). Data
from the GPS monuments are included in Appendix E. These data include the measurements at
each monument and the total resultant movement. The direction and magnitude of displacement
are shown on Figure 4. As noted in Appendix D, station B-7 is the only station with movement.